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The 50 Most (& Least) Deadly Travel Destinations

Published on December 1, 2022 by Matthew H. Nash

One crucial factor when planning an international trip is safety. From homicide rates to natural disaster risk, some countries pose a greater threat to safety than others. Our research team crunched numbers on seven safety risk factors for 50 of the most-visited countries to create our “Travel Safety Index” .

tourist safety index

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Ranking Factors

The 50 countries included in our study were selected based on how popular they are among tourists. To determine the deadliest places in the world for tourists, we looked at the following ranking factors:

Please note: Due to ongoing conflicts in the region, Russia and Ukraine were omitted from the study.

1. Homicide Rate (0-100 points) – The number of intentional homicides per 100,000 people.

Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

2. Road Traffic Death Rate (0-100 points) – The estimated road traffic death rate per 100,000 people.

Source: World Health Organization

3. Poisoning Death Rate (0-100 points) –  The mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisonings per 100,000 people.

4. Unsanitary Conditions Mortality Rate (0-100 points) – The mortality rate that is attributed to unsafe sanitation, unsafe water, and a lack of proper hygiene per 100,000 people.

Source: World Bank

5. Life Years Lost Due to Communicable Diseases (0-100 points) – The number of life years lost due to infectious diseases (adjusted for disabilities) per 100,000 people.

Source: Our World in Data

6. Life Years Lost Due to Injury (0-100 points) – Age-standardized and disability-adjusted life years lost due to injuries (including conflict, violence, and self-harm) per 100,000 people.

7. Natural Disaster Risk (0-50 points) – An index created by the German non-profit Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft in partnership with the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security, the World Risk Report scores countries based on the risk of a natural disaster such as earthquakes, floods, or cyclones as well as the ability of the country to handle a disaster should it occur.

Source: WorldRiskReport

Study Limitations

An individual’s exposure to risk while traveling largely depends on the type of travel they choose and which areas of a country they visit. For example, going to a destination and staying in an all-inclusive luxury resort will often carry significantly less risk of bodily harm than staying in an area known for high crime, injury, or natural disasters. It’s impossible to account for every variable that a traveler may experience when analyzing countries as a whole. This study attempts to aggregate data taking into account a variety of factors to determine a nations overall risk profile.

Where Are the Most Dangerous Places to Travel?

tourist safety index

Below are the 20 deadliest travel destinations:

  • South Africa
  • Dominican Republic
  • Philippines
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United States

#1 Most Deadly Country: South Africa

Deadliest Travel Destinations

South Africa is a beautiful and exceptionally biodiverse country that attract millions of international tourist each year. However, it also tops the list of the most deadly countries for tourists. Out of the 50 countries studied, South Africa has the highest homicide rate (36.40 per 100,000 people) and the highest number of life years lost due to communicable diseases (23,778 years per 100,000 people). The country also has the sixth-highest road traffic death rate (22.22 per 100,000 people).

South Africa scored an F in six of the seven factors used in our research study. The U.S. Department of State indicates:

“Violent crime, such as armed robbery, rape, carjacking, mugging, and ‘smash-and-grab’ attacks on vehicles, is common. There is a higher risk of violent crime in the central business districts of major cities after dark.

Demonstrations, protests, and strikes occur frequently. These can develop quickly without prior notification, often interrupting traffic, transportation, and other services; such events have the potential to turn violent.”

Why is South Africa so unsafe?

Approximately 68 people are murdered in South Africa every day. Why this occurs is a complicated question to answer, but many believe it boils down to the following reasons:

  • Poverty and income inequality
  • High amounts of gang violence and organized crime
  • Weak, slow judicial system

Other factors like the prevalence of easy access to firearms, alcohol abuse, unemployment, and corruption have also been cited as causes for the extremely dangerous crime and hazardous living conditions within South Africa.

#2 Most Deadly Country: India

Deadliest Travel Destinations

India is second on the list of most deadly countries for tourists. While the country has a relatively low homicide rate and poisoning death rate, they are the top country for deaths from poor hygiene conditions, at 18.6 per 100,000 people.

Not only is India extremely populated, but it is also has extreme income inequality, with a massive gap between the country’s richest and poorest citizens. This wealth gap means that many of India’s over 1.3 billion people live in poverty and dangerous living conditions, with an estimated 60% of its citizens surviving on little over $3 a day.

Shoddy infrastructure, substandard health, and sanitation conditions are just some of the issues that Indians face on a daily basis, with the lowest classes being forced to navigate the worst of it.

Most and least deadly by category

tourist safety index

South Africa has the most documented incidents of homicide by a relatively large margin, with 36.4 homicides per 100,000. Mexico, the country with the second highest homicide rate, has 29.1 homicides per 100,000, and Brazil has 27.4 homicides per 100,000. The homicide rate drops significantly from there, with the remaining countries reporting 10.00 or fewer per 100,000. Notably, the US has the 7th highest rate of homicide when compared to these 50 countries.

The countries with the highest homicide death rates are:

Road Deaths

tourist safety index

Vehicle transportation is unavoidable for most travelers, and unsafe road conditions can provide a considerable safety hazard in many countries. According to the CDC , 1.35 million people globally are killed in motor vehicle accidents every year, making this a real danger and a serious consideration when traveling to countries with more lax driving laws and poorly maintained infrastructure.

The Dominican Republic has a road death every two hours, which accounts for a significant portion of Dominican Republic deaths per year. Reasons for the dangerous road conditions are attributed to “a lethal mix of alcohol, speed and blatant disregard for traffic laws,” according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The countries with the highest road traffic death rates are:

Poisoning Deaths

tourist safety index

Romania, China, and South Africa are all outliers when it comes to poisoning deaths. According one study by the NIH , China had 16,179 unintentional poisoning deaths in 2016 which made up 31% of the world’s total of 52,077 poisoning deaths that year. The details and causes of poisoning incidents in China is scattered which suggests these numbers may be underreported.

The countries with the highest poisoning death rates are:

Mortality Rate from Unsanitary Conditions

tourist safety index

Anyone who has had traveler’s diarrhea or another food-borne illness will know how vital sanitation is when it comes to a vacation. There are ways to prevent illness from unsanitary conditions, but it’s not entirely possible to eradicate the threat of sickness in all regions.

While India is a developing country and is modernizing quickly, there’s still much progress to be made in terms of general hygiene. An estimated one in ten deaths in India is attributed to poor hygiene conditions. Similarly, South Africa is having significant issues with clean water access and available sanitation services for its citizens, though this does appear to be improving.

The countries with the highest death rates from poor hygiene:

  • South Korea

Communicable Disease Deaths

tourist safety index

Covid-19 has shown us that infectious diseases are extremely serious, but many other diseases around the world also have devastating impacts and cause countless deaths every year. These include diseases like dengue fever, malaria, measles, cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, and more. It’s always a good idea to check with your medical provider before traveling to a new region because they will have data available to ensure you are immunized against local diseases as much as possible and can take other preventative measures such as wearing insect repellant.

South Africa has over double the number of life years lost due to communicable diseases as India. Some of the diseases affecting South Africans include HIV, tuberculosis, respiratory infections, and more, according to the CDC.

The countries with the highest number of years lost from communicable diseases:

Life Years Lost to Injury

tourist safety index

Injury in life is inevitable. You can’t prevent a broken arm or a sprained ankle anywhere in the world, but some regions are more prone to accidents or injury. This can be for various reasons, including infrastructure problems, inaccessible walkways, poorly maintained hiking paths, and much more.

South Africa has the highest years of life lost due to injuries, with many of those injuries coming from interpersonal violence and road traffic incidents. Saudi Arabia likewise reports many injuries, with most reported injuries affecting young males. These injuries were largely traffic-related.

The countries with the highest number of life years lost to injury are:

  • United Arab Emirates

World Risk Index

tourist safety index

Natural disasters are increasingly becoming a regular part of our modern life due to the impacts of climate change , and it would be unwise to fail to consider the likelihood of natural disasters when picking a travel destination. Not only should the location be factored in, but also the season. For example, many counties have significant and deadly monsoon and hurricane seasons, which can threaten tourists and locals alike.

The most dangerous country when it comes to natural disaster risk and readiness response is the Philippines, according to the annual World Risk Index. The Philippines garnered a score of 46.8. The second and third most dangerous countries are India and Indonesia, followed by Mexico and China. Notably the US and Australia ranked 7th and 8th respectively.

The countries with the highest natural disaster risk:

What Are the Safest Countries for Tourists to Visit?

Based on data for 50 of the most-visited countries in the world, these are the fifteen safest countries for tourists and their Travel Safety Index scores:

  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • Czech Republic

#1 Safest Country: Singapore

tourist safety index

According to our index, Singapore is the least deadly country for tourists. With a very low homicide rate, road death rate, and natural disaster risk, Singapore is an excellent choice for travelers in terms of safety.

What makes Singapore so safe? Well, crime does not pay in Singapore. The consequences for committing crimes in Singapore are incredibly high, even for “smaller” crimes. This, combined with high surveillance and police presence, makes Singapore the world’s safest country for travel.

This, of course, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still take universal safety precautions, even in Singapore. For some top travel safety tips, see the end of the article.

#2 Safest Country: Denmark

tourist safety index

Denmark’s high safety ranking likely won’t come as a surprise to those familiar with Denmark’s reputation. The low crime rate is often attributed to strong social safety nets that keep its citizens out of poverty, which decreases petty crimes like theft and pickpocketing. Denmark also has a robust police presence, a (relatively) transparent government, and high-quality technological surveillance, which makes Denmark an uncommonly safe place to live and travel.

This level of safety and community trust made Denmark go viral recently when people on social media discovered footage of Danish mothers and fathers leaving their newborns outside to sleep in their strollers while the parents go into shops and cafés. This is a common practice and is often believed to help babies and infants sleep comfortably and develop better immune systems. The idea of trusting the general public with an infant seems like madness in many other parts of the world. This goes to show the level of safety and transparency within Denmark.

Tips for staying safe while traveling, no matter the destination

tourist safety index

  • Never travel without doing your research – Each destination, from the most to the least deadly, will have its share of challenges and hurdles. Looking up common scams in your destination city or country will help you stay sharp and mindful of dangerous tactics.
  • Check the natural disaster risk for your region – Many places around the world, from Louisiana to Mumbai, are more prone to natural disasters at certain times of the year. Knowing if your destination is experiencing monsoon season, hurricane season, extreme heat or cold, and other potentially dangerous natural disasters will keep you and your family stay safe and help you avoid potentially high-risk areas.
  • Practice universal safety precautions – Just because you might be in a “safe” country, don’t let your guard down. Crime, unsanitary conditions, and injuries can happen anywhere, and tourists are often targeted everywhere in the world.
  • Invest in high-quality safety travel gear – Things like RFID neck wallets, money belts, and sturdy luggage locks will help keep you and your family’s items safe around pickpockets.
  • Register your trip with your local embassy – Your government having a way to find you and help remove you from a dangerous situation is incredibly important. If you plan to travel internationally, see if your country has a way to report your trip before embarking on your adventure. The United States has STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program), Canada has Registration of Canadians Abroad, and other countries have equivalent programs for their citizens.
  • Save your embassy’s information – Speaking of embassies, know your country’s embassy information before traveling internationally. Whether you write down the embassy phone number and address on a piece of paper or add it to your phone’s cloud service, having a way to access your country’s representative embassy while traveling abroad could be lifesaving in the event of an emergency.
  • Travel with a friend or family member – Solo travel can be a fun, freeing activity. But it can also open you up to more potential risks. Traveling with friends and family is often a safer alternative to solo travel.
  • Don’t keep all of your cash in one place – Having all your funds in a central location could be disastrous should an emergency arise. If you get robbed, your wallet goes missing, or you get separated from the rest of your group, it’s essential to have emergency money to fall back on. Keeping extra cash in your phone case, in your shoe, or somewhere else inconspicuous may seem silly, but it could bail you out in a pinch.
  • Be careful where you eat – Not all countries enforce strict sanitation standards regarding food and beverages. Check reviews, go to restaurants suggested by friends and family, and practice precautions when eating out (particularly when it comes to street food).
  • Know the risks of your destination and travel accordingly – If, for example, you do some research and find that your destination may not have the safest water, you can bring a Grayl or filter bottle. Knowing what to expect by planning ahead can save money (and discomfort) during the trip.
  • Have your medical information (securely) available – Nobody wants to think about the possibility of hospitalization or injury while on vacation, but it can and does happen. Memorizing your blood type, having a list of your medications and dosages, as well as any allergies and other pertinent medical info available for medical professionals to review is critical should an emergency arise.
  • Hire a guide – While guides can’t reasonably protect you from all danger, they can use their local knowledge of the country to keep you safe. Many guides will provide translation services, ensure you eat in safe restaurants, and can help you avoid dangerous neighborhoods.
  • Keep a family member or friend aware of your travel plans – Having a friend or family member back home know your travel itinerary could be incredibly helpful if something goes wrong.
  • Listen to your intuition – If something doesn’t feel safe, seems too good to be true, or otherwise sets off “alarm bells” while traveling, trust your instincts and remove yourself if it is safe to do so.
  • Always travel with insurance – You never know what can happen while traveling. Whether you’re traveling domestically or across the world, it’s always better to err on the side of caution. Travel insurance is often fairly inexpensive ( often costing less than $100 for a two-week trip ) and can save thousands in emergency expenses. See some of our guides here: Antartica , Belize , Costa Rica , Cruise , Dubai , and Europe .
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  • World Health Organization
  • Our World in Data
  • WorldRiskReport
  • CNN: Seeing the new India through the eyes of an invisible woman
  • Business Tech: New data shows shocking rise in violent crime in South Africa
  • CNET: India spent $30 billion to fix its broken sanitation. It ended up with more problems
  • The Economist: Why it is so hard to fix India’s sanitation
  • Borgen Project: 10 Facts about Sanitation in South Africa
  • National Library of Medicine: The high burden of injuries in South Africa
  • National Library of Medicine: Burden of traumatic injuries in Saudi Arabia

Safety Index by Country 2023

  • Quality of Life Index by Country 2024
  • Cost of Living Index by Country 2024
  • Health Care Index by Country 2024
  • Pollution Index by Country 2024
  • Property Prices Index by Country 2024
  • Traffic Index by Country 2024

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List of the 40 safest travel countries

The safest vacation countries 2024, the criteria, protection from crime, emerging countries with poor score, used data sources.

Comparison: quality of life

These Are the Safest Countries in the World in 2023

By Sarah James

Safest Countries in the World Slovenia

It may seem hard to determine which are the safest countries in the world, but for many travelers, the question is top of mind. A sense of security in a destination can be vital when selecting a place to visit—whether that's because you're a solo traveler, moving around with small children, or worried about discrimination. To help quantify the topic of safety, the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP) has released its annual Global Peace Index (GPI), a data-driven measurement of global peacefulness.

The 2023 results are broadly similar to the 2022 rankings (more details on that below) but there have been some movements in the list—with a couple of new additions, too. The most peaceful country in the world, however, remains the same for the 16th year running.

The report notes that while some factors (such as the death toll from terrorism) have improved over time, the amount of COVID-19-related violent incidents—riots in response to lockdown, targeted physical assaults, etc.—from 2020 to 2021 were off the charts. In fact, there were at least 158 countries that recorded one or more violent incidents directly related to the pandemic during this time.

To assemble the list, the IEP ranks 163 nations using three domains of peacefulness: the level of societal safety and security, the extent of ongoing domestic and international conflict, and the degree of militarization. Within those domains, the organization looks at 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators , including incarceration rates, homicide rates, deaths from internal conflict, perceptions of criminality, and more. The scores are then averaged for an overall composite—the lower the score, the safer the space.

Below, you’ll find the 10 safest countries in the world, along with each country’s score (one being the most peaceful, five being the least).

10. Switzerland

Score: 1.339

Switzerland rounds out the list of the top 10 peaceful countries in the world—despite the fact that it ranks among the highest weapons exporters per capita. It's clearly safe enough in other areas to land in such a high ranking, though.

Score: 1.336

Japan is the ninth most peaceful country. It comes second (after Finland ) in safety and security rankings, which positions it strongly to rank on this list. Japan reopened its borders fully after the pandemic just this year—plan a trip with our article on the all the best new things to do in the country. 

8. Slovenia

Score: 1.334

Slovenia broke into the top 10 for the first time in 2020 and managed to stay there since, thanks to extremely low crime rates and terrorism risk. The country dropped from its 2022 ranking of five to spot eight, but whether you’re just generally into beautiful places or want to explore some of Europe’s best castles and lakes, Slovenia has plenty to offer—including the guarantee that you'll sleep well at night.

Lake Bled Slovenia

Slovenia has a distinct lack of violent crime and internal conflict.

7. Portugal

Score: 1.333

Portugal has made significant strides in peacefulness in recent years. In 2014, the country was transitioning out of financial crisis and was ranked 18th on the GPI. Today, it is a beacon of economic resurgence and low crime rates. Add to that a Mediterranean climate and affordable healthcare, and it’s little wonder so many people decide to retire in Portugal in their golden years. It has dropped three places since last year's rankings, but still makes the top 10.

6. Singapore

Score: 1.332

Singapore is a new entry on the list, ranking in the top five in categories such as safety and security (number four) and ongoing conflict (number three). It's the second-placing country in the Asia Pacific region.

Score: 1.316

Another stalwart in this list, Austria ranks at number five this year—dropping one place since 2022. For inspiration for your next (or first) trip, see our guides to the Austrian capital—including a local's take on the country.

4. New Zealand

Score: 1.313

New Zealand is down two places from the 2022 listing—it's now number 4 on the list, but was number 2 in the 2022 ranking. It's the safest country in the Asia-Pacific region, though, and there were improvements in this year's data—especially in terms of violent demonstrations, the incarceration rate. and terrorism impact indicators. But there were big drops in militarization, especially the importing and exporting of weapons.

Score: 1.312

Ireland has jumped five places since last year, leaping from number eight to round out the top three. In 2022, the country was a new addition to the top 10. This means that all of the top three safest countries of the world this year are in Europe.

Score: 1.31

Up one spot since 2022 when it ranked third, Denmark is in second place in the 2023 Global Peace Index. The nation stands out for its well-functioning government, low levels of corruption, and equitable distribution of resources. Interestingly, Denmark also ranks second in the list of the happiest countries in the world .

Copenhagen Denmark

Violence and international conflict are practically nonexistent in Denmark.

Score: 1.124

Iceland is the most peaceful country in the world for the 16th year in a row—it's held the position since the inception of the index in 2008. The Nordic nation has some of the lowest military spending and international conflict rates in the world (not having any shared borders helps). There has been a four percent deterioration in the country's score since 2008 though, which the report attributes to increased homicide and terrorism risks.

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Safest Cities in the World 2024

Whether traveling abroad or starting a new life in a new country, finding a safe and secure destination helps relieve any stress or uncertainty. The level of safety and security, of course, varies from country to country and city to city.

To measure a country’s safety, the Global Peace Index is used. To measure a city’s safety, the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Safe Cities Index (SCI) is used. The SCI ranked 60 destinations around the world across 57 indicators covering their digital security, health security, infrastructure, and personal safety. Based on this, cities are given a score between 0 and 100.

This report is important because 56% of humans live in cities. By 2050, it is estimated that 68% of people will live in cities. Growth of cities will be inevitable over the years, and urban management will be essential in defining the quality of life for the increasing population of humanity living in cities. An important factor in successful urban management is the city’s ability to provide a safe and secure environment for its residents, businesses, and visitors.

The ten safest cities in the world are:

  • Tokyo , Japan (92.0)
  • Singapore (91.5)
  • Osaka , Japan (90.9)
  • Amsterdam , The Netherlands (88.0)
  • Sydney , Australia (87.9)
  • Toronto, Canada (87.8)
  • Washington D.C., United States (87.6)
  • Copenhagen , Denmark (87.4)
  • Seoul , South Korea (87.4)
  • Melbourne , Australia (87.3)

According to the SCI, Tokyo, Japan is the safest city in the world with a score of 92. Following closely is Singapore with a score of 91.5 and Osaka with a score of 90.9. Singapore ranked first in infrastructure security and personal security, while Tokyo ranked first for digital security and Osaka ranked first for health security.

Asia -Pacific cities make up six of the top ten safest countries on the list; however, a city’s geographic region does not have a statistical link with its safety and security. Tokyo, Singapore, and Osaka lead in safety not because they are in Asia, but because of their individual strengths in each of the categories.

There is, however, a correlation between high income and a safer city. Those cities with higher average incomes reflected that wealth through investment in better healthcare systems and quality infrastructure. Cities at the bottom of the list tend to be located in developing nations. Additionally, there is a correlation between fair, accountable governments

The SCI results are not evenly distributed, with a large number of cities clustered at the top score, meaning that the top cities are more similar to one another than to those ranked lower. The top 24 safest cities are separated by only 10 points.

At the bottom of the list are Lagos in Nigeria , Caracas in Venezuela , Yangon in Myanmar , Karachi in Pakistan , and Dhaka in Bangladesh .

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LGBTQ+ Travel Safety Index: 150 Countries Ranked Worst to Best

  • Ranking the World's Most Dangerous Travel Destinations for LGBTQ+ People

Asher & Lyric (Asher Fergusson who hails from Sydney, Australia and Lyric Fergusson from Los Angeles) have made it their cause to help other travelers prepare for and  safely tour the world. The straight couple's site offers packing lists for destinations around the globe, a report on the hidden dangers of Airbnb s, an index of the most dangerous destinations for women travelers, and an exhaustively researched index of the Worst (and Best) Countries for LGBTQ Travel  (see below).

For the latter, the couple "looked at the top 150 most-visited countries in the world ( by number of incoming tourists ) and then carefully examined LGBTQ+ rights for each country. We created our LGBTQ+ travel safety index based on a total of nine ranking factors. We worked with academic researcher,  Eliot Assoudeh PhD. , to design the methodology and cross-reference all data. We utilized a mixed methods research design to create the index. In this year’s update we also added transgender legal identity laws which weren’t included in our original 2019 study."

The results are below the following legend, starting with the worst (most dangerous) country for LGBTQ+ travelers and building to the best (least dangerous country).

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Evaluation of the tourist safety and security in the Nordic countries 2021

Rating of the safety and security for tourists in the nordic countries in 2021, based on the travel and tourism development index.

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Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden

on a scale from 1 (worst) to 7 (best)

*The calculation was based on the business costs of crime and violence, the reliability of police services, the safety when walking alone at night, homicides cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the Global Terrorism Index, and number of deaths through organized violence pero 100,000 inhabitants. Further information about the methodology can be found here . Norway was not included in the study that year.

Other statistics on the topic


  • International visitor arrivals in Finland 2022, by country of origin

Leisure Travel

  • Visitor arrivals in Helsinki 2022, by country of origin
  • Number of outbound trips from Finland 2022, by country of destination
  • Number of arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2012-2022

Ana M. López

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Statistics on " Travel and tourism in Finland "

  • Share of the GDP of the tourism sector in Finland 2013-2028
  • Absolute economic contribution of tourism in Finland 2014-2029
  • Expenditure on international tourism in Finland 2014-2029
  • Monthly arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2021-2023
  • Travel product online bookings in Finland 2024
  • Number of international arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2012-2022
  • Number of overnight stays in Finland 2023, by country of origin
  • Number of airport passengers in Finland from 2016-2022, by airport
  • Passenger traffic in ports of Helsinki, Finland 2017-2022, by route
  • Number of domestic arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2012-2022
  • Number of domestic leisure trips in paid accommodations in Finland 2012-2022
  • Number of outbound trips from Finland 2013-2023
  • Number of outbound trips from Finland 2013-2023, by type
  • Number of outbound leisure trips from Finland 2022, by destination
  • Number of outbound business trips from Finland 2022, by destination
  • Number of accommodation establishments in Finland 2022, by type
  • Number of hotels and similar accommodation in Finland 2012-2022
  • Number of hotel rooms in Finland 2012-2022
  • Hotel overnight stays in Finland 2023, by country of origin
  • Hotel room prices in Finland 2023, by region
  • Hotel bedroom occupancy rate in Finland 2012-2022
  • Bed-place occupancy rate in hotels in Finland 2012-2022

Other statistics that may interest you Travel and tourism in Finland

  • Premium Statistic Share of the GDP of the tourism sector in Finland 2013-2028
  • Premium Statistic Absolute economic contribution of tourism in Finland 2014-2029
  • Premium Statistic Expenditure on international tourism in Finland 2014-2029
  • Basic Statistic Number of arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2012-2022
  • Basic Statistic Monthly arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2021-2023
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in Finland 2024

International tourism

  • Basic Statistic Number of international arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2012-2022
  • Basic Statistic International visitor arrivals in Finland 2022, by country of origin
  • Basic Statistic Number of overnight stays in Finland 2023, by country of origin
  • Basic Statistic Visitor arrivals in Helsinki 2022, by country of origin
  • Premium Statistic Number of airport passengers in Finland from 2016-2022, by airport
  • Premium Statistic Passenger traffic in ports of Helsinki, Finland 2017-2022, by route

Domestic tourism

  • Basic Statistic Number of domestic arrivals in tourist accommodation in Finland 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic leisure trips in paid accommodations in Finland 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound trips from Finland 2013-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound trips from Finland 2013-2023, by type
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound trips from Finland 2022, by country of destination
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound leisure trips from Finland 2022, by destination
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound business trips from Finland 2022, by destination
  • Premium Statistic Number of accommodation establishments in Finland 2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels and similar accommodation in Finland 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel rooms in Finland 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Hotel overnight stays in Finland 2023, by country of origin
  • Premium Statistic Hotel room prices in Finland 2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Hotel bedroom occupancy rate in Finland 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Bed-place occupancy rate in hotels in Finland 2012-2022

Further related statistics

  • Basic Statistic Contribution of China's travel and tourism industry to GDP 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Middle Eastern countries with the largest international tourism receipts 2018
  • Basic Statistic Importance of BRICS countries to UK tourism businesses 2011
  • Premium Statistic Music tourist spending at concerts and festivals in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2016
  • Basic Statistic Growth of inbound spending in the U.S. using foreign visa credit cards
  • Premium Statistic Operating income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the U.S. from Russia 2011-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals APAC 2019, by country or region
  • Premium Statistic Passenger traffic at Dubai Airports from 2010 to 2020*

Further Content: You might find this interesting as well

  • Contribution of China's travel and tourism industry to GDP 2014-2023
  • Middle Eastern countries with the largest international tourism receipts 2018
  • Importance of BRICS countries to UK tourism businesses 2011
  • Music tourist spending at concerts and festivals in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2016
  • Growth of inbound spending in the U.S. using foreign visa credit cards
  • Operating income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Net income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Number of visitors to the U.S. from Russia 2011-2022
  • Number of international tourist arrivals APAC 2019, by country or region
  • Passenger traffic at Dubai Airports from 2010 to 2020*

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Kenya safe, welcoming for all – Tourism Board to visitors

“we assure our visitors of convenient access to any of our tourism circuits countrywide.”.

Amid protests that greeted the passage of the contentious Finance Bill 2024, KTB Chairman Francis Gichaba affirmed that all is well despite the recent developments in the country.

He said the board is working in close collaboration with local authorities to monitor any concerns and ensure seamless experiences for visitors.

Scolar Muthamia from Nairobi Street Kitchen, KTB CEO June Chepkemei and KTB Chairman Francis Gichaba during an engagement meeting for affiliates of the Magical Kenya Signatures Program.

The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) has moved to reassure international travellers that Kenya is safe to visit.

Gichaba said the board understands the concerns the recent events may have raised regarding travel to Kenya but was quick to point out that, all tourism destinations and attractions remain unaffected and open to visitors.

Besides, he pointed out that the country’s main airports have stringent security protocols in place and are functioning at optimal capacity.

“All airports and airstrips across Kenya remain fully operational, with scheduled flights arriving and departing as normal,” he said

“We assure our visitors of convenient access to any of our tourism circuits countrywide."

“Kenya’s renowned warm hospitality and high service standards remain unwavering. Visitors can continue to expect the welcoming experience that Kenya is famous for," he said.

"We invite you to come and experience the magic of Kenya where adventure, culture and natural beauty await."

Kenya Tourism Board also assure visitors that the tourism sector remains resilient and committed to providing unforgettable experiences for all visitors.

"Our commitment to ensuring the safety and satisfaction of our visitors remains unwavering. Kenya continues to be a prime location for tourists, and we look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful country,"

EAC renews joint tourism marketing as Kenya taps influencers

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Is York Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

York, United Kingdom

United Kingdom : Safety by City

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Nestled in the heart of North Yorkshire, England, York fuses history and modernity.

York sports a rich tapestry of medieval architecture at the Rivers Ouse and Foss confluence, including the iconic York Minster and well-preserved city walls.

As one of England’s oldest and most charming cities, York’s cobblestone streets take visitors to past eras, like unraveling layers of history, from the Romans to the Vikings.

Beyond its historic import and Instagram-friendly allure, York offers fun markets, cool cafes, and a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

  • Warnings & Dangers in York


York is known as one of the safest cities in the UK. The busy City Centre is filled with tourists and locals, bringing a lively vibe and imparting a sense of security whether you’re a woman going out solo, a group of friends meeting up for a night on the town, or a business person eager to mix pleasure with productivity.


Walking and biking are typical ways to get around York and are part of what makes the city unique. Yes, buses do run regularly in the town. However, it’s generally a 20-minute walk from one end of York to the other. You can use the iTravelYork app to aid you in navigating around York. York has a safe public transit system for getting to and from the city. The train station provides direct service to Manchester, London, and Edinburgh. Many of the large towns are about a two-hour train ride away.


While York is generally considered safe, it’s wise to be cautious about pickpocketing, especially in crowded tourist areas. Keep an eye on your belongings, use anti-theft bags, and avoid displaying valuables publicly. Be watchful in busy places, like markets, public transit, and popular attractions, where pickpockets tend to operate. While pickpockets can target a victim in any city area, they’re incredibly active around attractions like York Minster or the city walls. Keep your cash and cards where pickpockets can’t quickly grab them. And consider using a money belt for added security.


The issue with the most likely probability of occurring in York is flooding. Factors include: • Deforestation in the North York Moors has led to less interception and more significant surface runoff. • York’s is located at the River Ouse and the River Foss confluence. Flat and low in York means flood water quickly spreads. • The concrete and tarmac in York’s urban areas lead to increased surface runoff. To stay safe and simply for ease of mind if flooding is anticipated, you can sign up to get flood warnings via phone, message, text, or email.


York has a reputation as one of the safest cities in the UK. According to Crime Rate, in 2021, the last year available for statistics. The UK has a Global Peace Index of 34, making it a secure place for visitors and locals.


Counter-terrorism police data shows the hotline had 1,350 reports for two weeks in October compared to 620 the previous year; the number of reports containing information classified as significant rose from 50 to 200. UK police say the Israel-Gaza conflict could have an “energizing effect” on those regarding attacks. While there’s no specific threat, keeping up with local news is a good idea.


It’s always wise not to accept things from strangers you meet on the street, including pamphlets or papers. Remember when your parents warned you against taking candy from strangers? Make the home team proud.


It’s generally a safe area for folks who travel solo to York, and solo female travelers are pretty safe when visiting this city. The Bounce Women Travel Safety Index has rated the United Kingdom a high level of safety for women. And so, yes, York is an excellent choice for solo women to travel to and feel safe. Set an itinerary; if you change your plans, text so someone knows your plans have changed. And maybe tell the staff at your accommodation where you’re headed and get their opinion on the street, tips to stay safe, and an idea of areas to avoid. Local inside info is invaluable when you’re traveling alone.


According to the numbers supplied by Numbeo, a crowd-sourced global database, Numbeo gave the water quality high marks in their drinkability and accessibility index, earning a score of 78 / 100 (100 best).

  • Safest Places to Visit in York

Finding safe York neighborhoods is easy because the city is generally secure.

However, to give you a destination to point to, consider these three neighborhoods.

City Centre: The charm and history of the City Centre are a huge draw.

The City Centre is one of the most popular neighborhoods, with congested streets and crowded attractions.

For those wishing to cut down on the most intense crowds, consider visiting in the early morning or at dinner.

Holgate: A residential area close to York’s most exciting landmarks, museums, and eateries.

It’s close to the City Centre, but far enough away from the crowds; you can walk to most attractions.

Bootham: Enjoy a budget-friendly residential area that’s a short walk to the City Centre.

In Bootham, you can enjoy a quiet neighborhood with tucked-away pubs and cafés.

  • Places to Avoid in York

While York is generally a safe and welcoming city, exercising caution in crowded tourist areas is advisable to prevent petty theft.

Avoid poorly lit alleys and isolated places, especially at night.

Though rare, being vigilant against pickpocketing is recommended, particularly in bustling areas and public transport.

Respect local guidelines and be aware of your surroundings to ensure a secure and enjoyable visit to this historic gem.

Following basic safety precautions will contribute to a positive experience in York.

  • Safety Tips for Traveling to York

Traveling to York, UK is a fantastic experience; however, staying safe is always important. Remember, enjoying your trip is essential, but make safety a priority.

  • Research and Plan: Familiarize yourself with the local customs, emergency services, and vital contact numbers. Plan your itinerary and have a general idea of the places you’ll be visiting.
  • Secure Your Goodies:  Secure your belongings, especially in crowded tourist areas. Use anti-theft bags, money belts, or pouches to protect your valuables.
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated on local news and any travel advisories for the area. Check with your embassy or consulate for relevant information.
  • Health Precautions: Ensure travel insurance covers medical emergencies. Carry any necessary medication in your carry-on.
  • Transit Safety: Use reliable transit options, and be mindful when using public transport. Keep an eye on your belongings while on buses or trains.
  • Emergency Contacts: Save essential contacts in your phone, including local emergency services and your embassy. Consider sharing your itinerary with someone, whether a friend or family member or someone at the place you’re staying at. If your itinerary changes, that’s beautiful, and serendipity is a fun part of the travel experience, but you still might want to let someone know when your plans change.
  • Weather Preparedness: Check the weather forecast and pack accordingly. Be prepared for rain, as the weather in the UK can be unpredictable–except for the rain. The rain will come, except if you carry a large umbrella.
  • Be Sensitive. Culturally Sensitive, That Is: Respect local customs and traditions. Read the room and see how the other folks around you are acting. Use common sense and consideration. Respect the room: dress modestly when visiting religious sites, and be conscious of your behavior in public spaces.
  • Hydrated, Fed, and Happy: Carry a reusable water bottle and stay hydrated, especially if you plan on doing a lot of walking. Consider slipping a simple, nutritious snack into a pack, purse, or pocket.  Hint:  they call it Trail Mix for a reason . That way, you can wait until you find an eatery that looks good rather than being whipped by hunger to make questionable decisions.
  • Be Aware of Scams: Be cautious of common tourist scams, such as fake petitions, distraction techniques, and overcharging. Trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation if something feels off.
  • So... How Safe Is York Really?

Is York safe?

The city is exciting enough for a great night out and a busy weekend shopping experience.

But York also has a sleepy, laidback town feel that doesn’t fit its city status.

As they say, York is as safe as it gets in Yorkshire.

The city, which has excellent shopping and dining yet maintains a serene town feel, has earned the lowest crime level in the county.

For example, in 2020, the police report noted only 61 crimes per 1,000 residents.

As visitors, most people tour the York City Centre, which is safer than some of the outskirts neighborhoods.

The lawlessness in York City Centre is mainly limited to shoplifting and bike thievery.

Sadly, there are rare cases of sexual assault and alcohol-fuelled mayhem and mischief, so stay alert, especially at night.

  • How Does York Compare?
  • Useful Information

York welcomes visitors with a rich cultural heritage and historical charm. To prepare for a smooth journey, review your visa requirements. Obtaining the correct visa is crucial for tourism, business, or study. Plan, consult the official UK government website, and make your visit to York a memorable experience. For anyone wanting to apply for a UK visa in the USA: • Apply online • Pay your fee • Book and attend your biometric appointment • Attend an Application Support Center (ASC) • Mail your application

Plan a hassle-free visit by getting up close and personal with the local currency. And if you guessed that the money accepted, honored, and cherished in the UK is the British Pound Sterling (£), well done! ATMs can be found throughout the city, and credit/debit cards are readily accepted in most places where you might find yourself. For those other places, you’ll want cash. From exploring historical sites to enjoying local cuisine, having the correct currency helps you in many ways.

York experiences a temperate maritime climate with mild summers and cool winters. Summer temps range from 59 °F to 77°F, while winters average between 32 °F to 46 °F. Rain is possible/probable/inevitable year-round, so packing a capsule wardrobe and a waterproof jacket is an easy answer to travel dressing. Start with light wardrobe basics such as shorts, dresses, T-shirts, and clothing with buttons, zippers, sleeves, and comfortable shoes in summer. Add a coat, gloves, and a hat for winter. Regardless of the season, an umbrella, light layers of natural fabrics, and adaptable/multi-function pieces allow you to enjoy the city, whatever the weather.

Alas, York has no airport, but the nearest major airports are Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) and Manchester Airport (MAN). LBA is approximately 32 miles away, offering domestic and international flights. MAN, around 80 miles from York, is a larger international airport with extensive connections. Both airports provide transportation options to reach York, making air travel convenient for visitors.

Travel Insurance

Securing travel insurance is essential when visiting York, UK. It provides financial protection in the event of, well...the unexpected. Yes, there is a way to plan for unforeseen events, including -- but not limited to--trip cancelations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage. Keep your peace of mind by purchasing comprehensive travel insurance before your journey. This safeguard covers unforeseen circumstances and allows you to explore York confidently, knowing you’re protected against potential travel-related challenges.

York Weather Averages (Temperatures)

  • Average High/Low Temperature

United Kingdom - Safety by City

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  • Transport & Taxis Risk
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    Explore comprehensive travel safety information and country risk assessments on our travel safety index website. Discover safety ratings, travel advisories, and expert insights to plan your journeys confidently. Stay informed about secure destinations and travel risk management for a worry-free travel experience.

  22. Nordic countries: tourist safety & security 2021

    Rating of the safety and security for tourists in the Nordic countries in 2021, based on the Travel and Tourism Development Index [Graph], World Economic Forum, May 24, 2022. [Online].

  23. Kenya safe, welcoming for all

    The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) has moved to reassure international travellers that Kenya is safe to visit. Amid protests that greeted the passage of the contentious Finance Bill 2024, KTB Chairman ...

  24. Is Portugal Safe for Travel RIGHT NOW? (2024 Safety Rating)

    Written by Travel Safe Team. Share. 389. Review. 26. Safety Index: 57 * Based on Research & Crime Data. User Sentiment: 89 * Rated 89 / 100 based on 26 user reviews. Portugal : Safety by City. Lisbon; ... Spain has a Safety Index of 83 and has 2 Topics considered being of "High Risk", Portugal only has 1 and gets an Index of 57?? ...

  25. Egypt cracks down on tourism companies after haj deaths

    The tourism companies which facilitated the travel of those who died did not provide them with services of any kind, including medical, the statement said without naming the companies involved.

  26. Taylor Casey: Cell phone found amid search for Chicago woman who is

    The family of a Chicago woman missing in the Bahamas says they are "deeply concerned" for the safety of the 41-year-old, who traveled to the islands for a yoga retreat. Taylor Casey was last ...

  27. Is it safe to fly Boeing? How the company is working to improve

    Boeing still has not fully rolled out its safety management system, but Lund said the company is committed to finalizing that work, echoing promises the airframer made in the wake of the 737 Max ...

  28. Is York Safe for Travel RIGHT NOW? (2024 Safety Rating)

    WOMEN TRAVELERS RISK: LOW. It's generally a safe area for folks who travel solo to York, and solo female travelers are pretty safe when visiting this city. The Bounce Women Travel Safety Index has rated the United Kingdom a high level of safety for women. And so, yes, York is an excellent choice for solo women to travel to and feel safe.