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Trek Madone 9 2016

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First Look and Ride: 2016 Trek Madone 9-Series

Trek shoots for the moon with its new aero road bike

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It was a Friday afternoon in late May and I was sitting in the atrium of Trek’s Waterloo, Wisconsin headquarters. I was there to get my first look at Trek’s new 2016 Madone and, during a small break in the action, catching up on some email. A meeting-room door opened to my left, and I watched over 100 men and women stream out. “Company meeting?” I asked my handler, Royce Breckon, Trek’s service brand manager. “Nope,” he said, “Engineering department meeting.”

As I would later learn, Trek has about 80 engineers worldwide; when support staff is counted, Trek’s engineering department employs about 200 individuals. While not all of them were involved in the creation of the new 2016 Madone 9-Series, this gives you an idea of the resources and horsepower that the company was able to put into its new aero road bike—and most ambitious model to date.

Trek has very high aspirations for the new Madone, calling its release, "the biggest launch in Trek’s history." Its tagline is “the ultimate race bike,” and to try and reach that benchmark, Trek considered aerodynamics, handling and rider comfort.

     Related:  Pro Cyclists Debut 2016 Trek Madone 9-Series

The frame is carbon composite, naturally, and the design is highly integrated in the pursuit of (claimed) class-leading aerodynamics. The new Madone also gets Trek’s IsoSpeed Decoupler—a seat tube decoupled from the top tube and seatstays so it may flex further and more easily, increasing vertical compliance—which was originally found on the Domane.

The 2016 Madone will be offered in two variations. One uses Trek’s highest grade 700 series carbon and the company’s H1 long-and-low fit, and is made in Waterloo, Wisconsin. The second is made of 600 series carbon and uses Trek’s H2 fit–taller stack and shorter reach compared to the same size in H1–and is made overseas.

The difference, besides fit: The H1 bike is a 100 grams lighter, and in Trek’s testing appears a bit stiffer and a bit more vertically compliant; however, on the open road, the two ride very similarly, says Michael Mayer, Trek’s global road brand manager. Both are considered the company’s top of the line 9-Series frames, but Trek says the customer who wants the H1 fit is more race-oriented and desires every bit of weight savings. A women’s version will be offered; however, it uses the same geometry as the standard H2 with some spec adjustment.

Trek claims a 56cm H1 Madone frame weighs 950 grams, and that a complete 56cm H1 bike with Dura-Ace Di2 and Bontrager Aeolus 3 wheels weighs just over 15 pounds.

Aerodynamics and Integration Using an iterative process, Trek took a computer model of the first aerodynamic Madone, launched in 2013, and modified, then tested; then modified some more and tested again. Hundreds of virtual models were created, each one trying to make the Madone a bit more slippery, but always with an eye on the bike’s other performance goals. Bottle placement alone was subject to 140 iterations before arriving at the most aerodynamic position, and Trek claims the Madone is more aerodynamic with bottles than without.

Shadows of the old Madone exist. Geometry is slightly tweaked, and the new Madone’s primary tube shapes are evolutions of the KVF (Kamm Virtual Foil) truncated airfoils introduced in the previous generation. But the new Madone has a much deeper downtube, and aerodynamically shaped seat tube and seatstays where the old used round tubes.

Trek tested the new Madone against the Cervelo S5, Giant Propel, and a Felt AR in the San Diego Wind Tunnel, which Trek considers to be the best and most accurate. Ben Coates, Trek’s road product manager, stressed that the company was pursuing real-world aerodynamics, so all the bikes in the wind tunnel comparison were equipped with two water bottles.

Though the Madone was not fastest at all yaw angles (the S5 and AR eclipsed it at some), Trek’s white paper on the new Madone claims the 2016 Madone is the “overall fastest bike across all yaw angles.” Trek also tested a first-generation Specialized Venge , but didn’t include it in their comparison, “based on data collected from previous test that showed it was not a leader in aerodynamics.” How the new Madone compares to the new Venge is unknown.

Trek’s evaluation then stepped outside the virtual world and the controlled environment of the wind tunnel, and into a velodrome and out on open roads. The claimed results: At 40kph, the new Madone provides a 19-watt savings over a non-aero race bike (Trek used their Emonda as a representative) in a solo time trial situation, and a 14-watt savings when drafting.

To realize these aerodynamic gains, Trek considered more than just the frame, designing dedicated brakes and an integrated bar and stem. The integrated bar and stem saves 34 grams of drag compared to a Bontrager XXX Aero bar, says Trek. The tops are intended to be ridden naked; wrapping them with tape wrecks the bar’s aerodynamics.

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More drag savings, up to 37 grams, were realized by hiding the cables. They are run internally through the bar, exiting the stem just in front of the steerer clamp and immediately entering the frame. Except for the rear derailleur loop (or wire) and a tiny bit of rear brake cable, the new Madone has no exposed cables, housing, or wires.

Though the fork’s steerer tube where the stem attaches is effectively 1-1/8” diameter, it is relieved so the cables can enter the frame directly from the integrated bar. While it is possible to clamp other stems to the steerer, it is presently not possible to route the cables properly with anything else, nor use any headset spacers other than those that come with the frame. Speed and integration has its compromises.

For safety, Trek typically recommends that a fork steerer be cut so a few millimeters are exposed above the stem clamp. Doing so requires an extra headset spacer above the stem. The Madone’s stem, however, is designed with the extra spacer built in so the preload cap sits flat for less drag. Trek’s Blendr system accommodates the mounting of computers and lights to the bar.

Trek will offer 13 different versions of the integrated bar; all use the same Bontrager VR-CF variable radius drop, however, you will see some Trek Factory Racing riders with a team-only ergo-bend version. Bar widths are 40,42, and 44, all in 90-120mm lengths, as well as a 42x130.

The center pull brakes are unique to the Madone; no other brake is currently compatible with the frame. The brakes are “designed to seamlessly match the fork and seat stay surfaces, integrating with the recessed areas and allowing air to flow smoothly over the entire surface,” according to the Madone’s white paper. Though the mounting format looks similar to the Shimano direct mount standard—used by the previous Madone and Emonda—it is different enough that only Trek’s brake will work properly.

The dual-pivot brake matches the power of Shimano's excellent 9000-series brake caliper, says Trek, and leverage is adjustable for proper feel and performance with all the major component-maker’s brake levers. Wide rims are no problem, says Coates. Independently adjustable arm position allows the brake to, “work with every rim on the market today.”

After taking a trip down under the bottom bracket on the previous generation, the rear brake returns to the seatstays on the new Madone. Trek says this placement is a bit less aerodynamic, but easier to access and adjust, and, because of the way a wheel flexes, reduces brake rub. Almost all the hardware on both brakes is uncovered and easily accessible, and there is a lever to open the arms for wheel changes. You can’t compensate for brake pad wear by adjusting on the fly with a knob at the housing stop like you can on a typical side pull caliper. Instead, the arms must be moved closer to the rim with a hex wrench.

One of the more curious details of the new Madone are the “vector wings”. Government regulations state that a bike’s front wheel must be able to turn up to 65 degrees from center, even though a rider would almost never turn the bars that far when riding. However, the shape that Trek desired for the head tube, with internal cable routing for the front brake, did not allow this much rotation. The solution was a cover with sprung wings that accommodate this amount of steering. When the bar is turned far enough, the wing is pushed open by the brake; when the bar is turned back, the wing snaps closed.

“Ma-domane” Historically, one of the biggest complaints about aero bikes is an unrefined ride feel. Trek’s solution: Borrow the IsoSpeed Decoupler from the Domane. But Trek ran into a problem in applying it to the new bike: The aerodynamically shaped seat tube (the Domane’s seat tube is round) could not flex enough to provide worthwhile vertical compliance. The solution was to give the Madone a second, internal seat tube.

While the exterior “seat” tube is a structural part of the frame, the seat post is attached to second tube hidden inside the exterior tube. That way, the exposed part of this system is aero shaped, but it transitions to a round, bowed tube inside the frame. Anchored at the bottom bracket shell on one end and with the IsoSpeed decoupler at the top, the interior seat tube can then bend under load, providing about 20mm of vertical compliance; double that of its nearest competitor, claims Trek. Overall, Trek says the 2016 Madone has the same amount of vertical compliance as the Emonda, however, the Domane is about 50 percent more complaint than both.

Trek will offer two seat mast lengths, and two offsets, 5- and 25mm. The saddle clamp is all new, and provides independent adjustment of tilt and fore/aft position.

More Than Just Numbers Echoing a theme we’re hearing more often from more companies, Trek looked beyond just the on-paper numbers when refining the Madone’s feel and handling. The Madone’s white paper, available at Trek’s website, goes into detail on the topic, but here’s a summary based on my conversations with the people involved in the Madone’s development.

To collect real world data about the loads on a bike in typical riding situations, Trek builds aluminum test models and equips them with strain gauges to measure deflection, power meters, and speed and cadence sensors. Test riders subject the bikes to routine events: climbing, sprinting, and cornering, etc., while data recorders collected information from the sensors about the bike’s behavior in response to the events. Trek used this real world data to evaluate computer models, and to be sure the simulations they run on the frames provides an accurate picture of the way a bike would behave in the real world.

Using this method, Trek’s engineers could build several versions of a frame, each having different characteristics. Test riders then provided feedback about each frame’s desirable and undesirable traits. Essentially, the models gave Trek the tools to identify and tune the nuances that add up to what riders call “feel.”

In designing the new Madone, Trek took feedback from its pro factory racing team riders who said they really liked the way the Emonda rode. Thanks to its testing process, engineers had a good idea of what contributed to these positive characteristics, and they built much of that into the new Madone, even though the latter’s tube shapes are much different.

Then, in January 2014, Trek had its factory team riders evaluate three prototypes of the new Madone, each with a different carbon layup. That feedback was taken and used to further develop the new bike. A year later Trek had “full production” versions, again in three different layups, tested by the team again and used the feedback to lock in the final layup of the production 2016 Madone.

At the bike launches I attend, there is almost invariably some slide or discussion about drivetrain, head tube and torsional stiffness and how much awesome-r it is than the previous generation frame and/or competitor’s frames. But Trek’s people didn’t talk much about the Madone’s stiffness at the launch. My impression: They weren’t specifically gunning to achieve a benchmark in a certain test, or notable gains over the previous Madone, or exceed that of competitor’s frames. Their primary concern, I felt, was achieving the ride and handling goals that fulfilled the bike’s purpose, and they seemed quite confident that those goals were met. The resulting stiffness, measured in the traditional ways, is what it is—or so it would seem. They did let on that the Madone is, “a bit stiffer than an Emonda, and less stiff than a Domane.”

The Rest Aerodynamics, IsoSpeed and feel are the three points Trek is emphasizing with the new Madone, but there are other notable details as well.

The frame can accept up to 28mm wide tires. Yes. An aero frame with rim brakes that takes 28mm tires.

The Control Center is flat-out nifty. Found high up the down tube where it is accessible on the fly, it houses an electronic shifting system’s junction box (with Shimano, the junction box button for adjusting trim and to fine-tune shifting is accessible) or, for mechanical, contains a front derailleur cable-tension adjuster. When it’s time to charge the Di2, the charging port is accessed by releasing a catch, popping open the Control Center. Note: The frame is compatible with Campagnolo EPS drivetrains, but the battery must be mounted on the outside of the frame.

Carried over from Trek’s other models is its chain retention device (though the Madone’s is “more aerodynamic,” of course), DuoTrap speed and cadence sensor pocket, and BB92 bottom bracket.

Trek also incorporated a few Easter Eggs into the Madone’s paint. I don’t want to spoil the surprise so I’ll leave them to you to find.

Four complete bikes are offered, three with H2 geometry. All use the same brake calipers and integrated bar. Sizing now mirrors the Emonda. Seven sizes, 50-62cm, are offered in H1; and nine from 47 to 64cm in H2. - Madone 9.2, $6300, built with Shimano Ultegra 11 mechanical and Bontrager Paradigm aluminum wheels; - Madone 9.5 $8400, built with Shimano Dura-Ace 11 mechanical and Bontrager Aura 5 carbon wheels (aluminum brake track); - Madone 9.9 $12,600 built with Shimano Dura Ace Di2 11 and Bontrager Aeolus 5 carbon wheels. Also offered in a women’s version.

Also offered is the Madone Race Shop Limited $13,650, a replica of the bike the Trek Factory Racing team rides, with H1 geometry, Shimano Dura Ace Di2 and Bontrager Aeolus 5 carbon wheels.

The Madone in H1 and H2 fits are also offered through Trek’s Project One paint and parts customization program starting in August. The amazing, hot-pink abomination you see in the photos (note that Trek painted it in the colors I requested) was a H2 Project One dreamed up by yours truly.

Also offered is a frame module–brakes, one-piece bar and stem, and seat mast included–for $5,780 for the H1 and $4,730 for the H2.

How it Rides The new Madone H2 Project One came to the office for a couple of our most experienced testers to spend about a week each on the bike. Off the bat, we were impressed by the bike’s ride quality. One tester compared the bike to the Domane Classic, calling the ride “silky and smooth”; another said there was “good, aggressive-type, road and surface feedback with surprising smoothness—there were no instances of rough chatter over the odd bump.” They also noted that the bike felt very connected to the road, and that even when road conditions deteriorated, the tires tracked and stuck to the ground. The IsoSpeed decoupler gave the feeling of occasionally bottoming out—letting us know that it was indeed working. There was also no brake rub under sprinting, climbing, or pedal mashing.

The new Madone is also surprisingly comfortable: “I could be happy riding it all day, or for an hour crit,” was the comment. The bike handled precisely, and was easy to control over the road.

And of course, it felt fast. On one race-like weekly group ride, a tester observed that he seemed to be able to pedal less than others in the group, all else being equal, and that on a shallow downhill where he normally coasted at a steady speed, he felt like he was actually accelerating.

Overall, the impression came back that the Madone didn’t feel like an aero bike in the ways we typically expect: The ride wasn’t harsh and chattery, the bike was stiff, and while it didn’t feel feathery, it wasn’t heavy, either. As one tester put, “This just felt like a really nice road/racing bike.” And as another said, “It’s just an easy bike to like.”

The Ultimate? Is the 2016 Madone “the ultimate race bike”? Time may tell, but frankly, statements like these are usually unverifiable. Here’s what I know so far: It’s awesome to see Trek finding a bit of swagger and flexing its muscles. I can’t imagine the Trek of just a few years ago going for it they way the company did with the new Madone. This is an impressive bike. And, based on testers’ feedback, it is a great-riding bike. The Bicycling staff races, and loves racing, but we all ride more than we race. And when we ride, we love to go fast on great equipment. The 2016 Madone lets us do both. And it didn’t come cheap or easy—it took a lot of engineering manpower.

Headshot of Matt Phillips

A gear editor for his entire career, Matt’s journey to becoming a leading cycling tech journalist started in 1995, and he’s been at it ever since; likely riding more cycling equipment than anyone on the planet along the way. Previous to his time with Bicycling , Matt worked in bike shops as a service manager, mechanic, and sales person. Based in Durango, Colorado, he enjoys riding and testing any and all kinds of bikes, so you’re just as likely to see him on a road bike dressed in Lycra at a Tuesday night worlds ride as you are to find him dressed in a full face helmet and pads riding a bike park on an enduro bike. He doesn’t race often, but he’s game for anything; having entered road races, criteriums, trials competitions, dual slalom, downhill races, enduros, stage races, short track, time trials, and gran fondos. Next up on his to-do list: a multi day bikepacking trip, and an e-bike race. 

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Trek Madone 9 Series first ride review

Aero speed without the usual compromises.

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This article originally appeared on BikeRadar 

2016 Trek Madone - What we know, what we expect

Gallery: Bauke Mollema's Critérium du Dauphiné Trek - a closer look

New Trek Madone 9 Series gets radically aero for 2016

Video: New Trek Madone 9 Series

Aero road bikes might slice through the air with relative ease but as a category, they're not exactly known to be comfortable or light. The new Trek Madone 9 Series should go a long way toward dispelling that reputation with a super sleek and comparatively feathery chassis that's not only fast but freakishly cushy on rough roads, too. We've only logged a few hundred miles on our long-termer so far but initial impressions are extremely favorable.

Click here for further detail on the Trek Madone 9 series

  • Highs: Cuts faster through the wind but without beating you up along the way, fantastic handling, still impressively light
  • Lows: At least interest rates on second mortgages are still low
  • Buy if: You want to get there in less time but still want to be able to ride the next day, too

Fast and smooth

The first two rides on this bike were on the 'dairy roads' surrounding Trek's global headquarters in Waterloo, Wisconsin. It's a seemingly endless expanse of sinuous tarmac that's gloriously free of traffic but also relatively coarsely paved with plenty of frost heave and other imperfections that often seemed perfectly sized to swallow a road tire – not exactly an ideal proving ground for a bike that's anything less than smooth.

trek madone 2016 geometry

Such deep-profile tubes wouldn't normally suggest a smooth ride but the new Madone is remarkably comfy

But alas, the new Madone isn't just comfortable “for an aero road bike” but comfortable, period – no caveats required. Despite appearances to the contrary, the deep-section carbon frame ably damps road buzz but it also rounds off bigger and harsher bumps in a way usually only expected of more traditionally shaped bikes.

It doesn't take long before you how you're seeing all of those bumps but not really feeling them through the rear end – and in fact, I even found myself consciously aiming for stuff I would normally avoid if only just for the novelty. Credit goes entirely to Trek's awesome IsoSpeed 'decoupler' – a mechanical pivot at the seat tube-top tube intersection – and the Madone's clever dual, nested seat tube design that, in combination, allows for much more flex at the saddle than you'd otherwise get out of a more traditional frame.

trek madone 2016 geometry

Trek's excellent IsoSpeed 'decoupler' strikes again, and to great effect

Unlike on Trek's similarly IsoSpeed-equipped Domane endurance platform, which incorporates an even cushier rear end but can sometimes feel somewhat harsh up front, the new Madone delivers up a more balanced and cohesive feel front to rear. It might not be as comfortable out back as a Domane but then again, as a full-blown race bike, it should be firmer and more communicative.

That all said, riders interested in an aero road bike aren't going to be considering ride quality as their primary metric – we're talking about free speed, after all, and this new Madone seems to have that in spades, too. We haven't had a chance to verify Trek's drag claims – specifically ones comparing it to its major competition – but repeated runs on my regular fast-and-flat test loops surrounding BikeRadar's US offices in Boulder, Colorado have certainly returned consistently lower times relative to non-aero machines. As expected for this segment, the chassis is plenty stiff, too.

trek madone 2016 geometry

The front end is fantastically sleek

Helping matters further is the Madone's impeccable handling. A slight variation from Madones of yesteryear – and identical to the current Emonda – this new Madone 9 Series is nevertheless equally adept at carving up sinuous mountain descents or gobbling up long stretches of straight road, feeling utterly composed and competent throughout.

Reigning it in

Boulder isn't exactly known for being flat, however, and the countless canyon roads to the west also demand plenty of braking. Thankfully, the new Madone's proprietary center-pull rim brakes are not only cleanly integrated into the frame and fork for aero purposes but they also work well – a good thing since there are no other options.

trek madone 2016 geometry

The dedicated centerpull brakes work well with generous power and control, plus fantastic lever feel

Caliper flex is practically nonexistent thanks to short and compact aluminum arms and a fully boxed-in layout that bridges the ends of the direct-mount pivots. Meanwhile, the cable wedge moves on rollers while both pivots are fitted with cartridge bearings to return a silky smooth and light lever feel that's noticeably devoid of excess friction.

Total braking power leaves a little to be desired with the Bontrager carbon-specific cork pads included here and they're also prone to squealing but modulation is very good. We'll likely switch to a set of SwissStops as the long-term testing progresses.

trek madone 2016 geometry

A look at the inner workings

Clearance is great, too. Trek officially says the new Madone will swallow tires up to 28mm wide and rims up to 30mm wide (external measurement), depending on the exact combination.

Sweating the details

Another usual pitfall of proprietary componentry is lack of compatibility. In that sense, there's no grand departure here as the Madone's dedicated aero-profile one-piece carbon fiber bar and stem won't work with aftermarket computer or camera mounts, and the similarly aero-profile no-cut extended seatmast won't take anything other than the dedicated Bontrager head.

trek madone 2016 geometry

The aero cockpit is actually quite comfy to hold

But on the upside, Bontrager has at least given the cockpit an agreeable shape with versatile semi-anatomic drops and flattened tops that you can still comfortably wrap your hands around. And while Trek says it's faster to leave the tops untaped, the subtle 'Madone' graphics are sized such that you can still wrap them up as usual without looking funny.

Likewise, there may not be much in the way of seatpost options but at least the one included is easy to live with. Bontrager's updated head design now features truly independent tilt and fore-aft adjustments, and so far, it's held rock solid.

trek madone 2016 geometry

Custom mounts are included for lights, computers, and cameras

And as for accessories, Trek even includes custom mounts for computers, cameras, and lights for the cockpit and seatmast – meaning you can still attach your favorite gadgets but won't have to look at any unsightly clamps or rubber straps.

Such an obsessively hidden internal cable routing setup – it's all fully concealed save for a short section of wire for the rear derailleur – is certainly going to be more challenging to service when the time comes but Trek has at least made bar height adjustments less easy. As compared to other similar setups that require a full recabling, Trek has cleverly fitted the new Madone with custom split headset spacers.

trek madone 2016 geometry

Split headset spacers should make for relatively painful height adjustments

Unflappable build kit

Trek will initially offer the Madone 9 Series in several standard builds but BikeRadar got an early sneak preview at the upcoming Project One custom version – which, in this case, doesn't stray far off the beaten path in terms of components or wheels but definitely goes off-center visually with a very non-standard green-on-green paint scheme.

There's not much that needs to be repeated on the Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 group: it's functionally without fault with perfect shifts each and every time. It'd still be nice to have some more tactile feedback from the shift buttons but that's still a matter of personal preference.

trek madone 2016 geometry

As usual, the Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 transmission is superb

Bontrager's latest Aeolus 5 D3 TLR tubeless-compatible carbon clinchers are proving to be great all-rounders, too, with a newly widened tire bed that mates well with the 25mm-wide Bontrager R4 tires used here. As we've noted before, the blunt, 50mm-deep rim shape is fast yet manageable in strong crosswinds. Their weight is also quite good although as with all tubeless-compatible Bontrager hoops, the chunky molded plastic rim strips add nearly 100g per set.

All told, this 52cm H1 test sample came in at just 6.79kg (14.97lb) without pedals or bottle cages.

Raising the bar

Overall, Trek's new Madone 9 Series is off to a fantastic start to its long-term test: it's fast, remarkably comfortable, and easy to live with. Unfortunately, the prices have climbed in lockstep with the technology but at least Trek will offer several somewhat more reasonable options with identical shaping but lesser build kits.

Not all riders will feel any burning need to go aero but when that extra speed comes with so few compromises, the arguments against it certainly become less compelling. Ever-increasing retail costs? That gets a big 'boo' from this end but the idea that aero road bikes can also just be really good road bikes in general is a trend I can get behind.

trek madone 2016 geometry

Faster, comfier, easier to live with.

Complete bike specifications

Frame: 2016 Trek Madone 9 Series, H1 geometry, 700-Series OCLV carbon fiber Fork: 2016 Trek Madone KVF Headset: Integrated Cockpit: Trek Madone integrated Bar tape: Bontrager gel cork Front brake: Trek Madone integrated w/ Bontrager carbon-specific pads Rear brake: Trek Madone integrated w/ Bontrager carbon-specific pads Brake levers: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 STI Dual Control ST-9070 Front derailleur: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 FD-9070 Rear derailleur: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 RD-9070 Shift levers: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 STI Dual Control ST-9070 Cassette: Shimano Dura-Ace CS-9000, 11-28T Chain: Shimano Dura-Ace CN-9000 Crankset: Shimano Dura-Ace FC-9000, 50/34T Bottom bracket: Enduro Wheelset: Bontrager Aeolus 5 D3 TLR clincher Front tire: Bontrager R4 clincher, 700x25c Rear tire: Bontrager R4 clincher, 700x25c Saddle: Bontrager Montrose Pro Seatpost: Trek Madone 9 Series Weight: 6.79kg (14.97lb, without pedals or accessories)

trek madone 2016 geometry

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trek madone 2016 geometry

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First Look: 2016 Trek Madone Aero-Road Bike

trek madone 2016 geometry

Just ahead of the Tour de France,  Trek has pulled back the curtain on a highly updated Madone aero-road bike. What used to be the do-it-all race bike in Trek’s line has now been sent down the path of maximizing aerodynamic efficiency after the super-light Emonda opened the door for the Madone to go in a highly specific direction.

There are a number of new features that allow the Madone to make some notable gains in aerodynamics according to Trek, things such as the Kammtail Virtual Foil (KVF) tubes that are far deeper than what was found on the previous Madone, a one-piece handlebar and stem, an aero seatmast, integrated brakes, and fully internal cable routing. But, Trek gave the Madone more than just aerodynamics, they tried to give it something to make it a more real-world performer, and that’s the IsoSpeed de-coupler compliance system that was first introduced on the Domane a couple of years back.

The Madone is available in H1, Trek’s lowest, most aggressive, and aerodynamic race fit; H2, which is the optimal fit for most riders as it’s more upright; as well as a Women’s Specific Design geometry. Available Madone models include 9.2 ($6,300), 9.5 ($8,400), the flagship 9.9 ($12,600), 9.9 WSD ($12,600), and Race Shop Limited ($13,650). Madone Race Shop Limited will be available as a frameset in both H1 and H2 fits, as well as a complete bike.

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Engineered for Victory

As the most aerodynamic bike in Trek's lineup, the Madone is built for speed. Utilizing KVF (Kammtail Virtual Foil) tube shapes to cheat the wind, a stealthy brake system hidden away in the front by "Vector Wings", and a geometry that puts you into "go-time" mode, the Madone is your ticket to the top of the podium.

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  • Moderate scratches on the integrated seatmast & integrated seatpost
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GRAN FONDO Cycling Magazine

Trek Madone 9.9 Review

trek madone 2016 geometry

In a country where “awesome” and “amazing” are standard vocabulary, how are you supposed to pick the right superlative to describe an extraordinary bike? That’s when it’s time to rely on the cold, hard facts. But are they enough to leave us entranced with the Trek Madone 9.9?


Trek aren’t known for their tunnel-vision so they’ve expanded their horizons (and ours) by not exclusively offering the Madone as a race-ready bike, but also offering it in the more upright and comfy H2 geometry. In fact, we can testify to the comfort of the H2 variant.

Trek Madone 9.9 | 7.05 kg | € 12,999 €

Over in the land of opportunity, the bike developers at Trek’s HQ in Waterloo, Wisconsin, have created a veritable piece of art that goes by the name of the Trek Madone 9.9. By its own claims, it unites the elements of power, aerodynamics, performance and integration to the max, so we were curious to discover the truth in these assertions.


True to its word, no other bike in this group has achieved such a holistically perfect system integration. The list of its technical finesses is a long one. It has an IsoSpeed decoupler that creates vertical compliance by decoupling the seatpost from the top tube and seatstays for added comfort. The components are well chosen, and include an integrated bar and stem, shaped for aerodynamic performance. The front brake is integrated with the fork and headtube. Despite this integration, so-called “vector wings”, hidden beneath a cover at the bottom of the headtube, allow 65 degrees of turn to comply with government regulation. With a spec that’s unlikely to give room for complaint, the Madone appears to be onto a winner.


Even away from the stand, the Madone doesn’t disappoint, knowing the exact definition of a great ride. Thanks to its high levels of rigidity, the Madone is ultra efficient. Road chatter leaves the bike unfazed, and comfort showed no deterioration over the course of a long day (thanks IsoSpeed!). Super precise, it’s a bike that can take any amount of lean on a corner, any strength side winds as well as any pace and still come out shining. The Madone is a surprisingly good climber, although the wide bars aren’t the comfiest to grip.


It’s definite: Trek have achieved full integration, but integration can come at the cost of fine-tuning and fixing. However, if you’ve got the budget for this bike, who wouldn’t trust its care to a reputable service centre?


Details dof the Trek Madone 9.9

Comfortable: The IsoSpeed decoupler allows the seat tube to move independently of the top tube, improving vertical compliance for better comfort without sacrificing efficiency.

Specifications of the Trek Madone 9.9

  • Drivetrain: Shimano Dura Ace Di2 2×11 SP
  • Gears: Chainrings: 50/34 | Cassette: 11-28
  • Brakes: Madone Aero
  • Tyres: Bontrager R4 Hard-Case Lite
  • Wheelset: Bontrager Aeolus 5 D3
  • Weight: 7.05 kg
  • Price: € 12,999

The Geometry of the Trek Madone 9.9

The spec list reads equally as well, and the compact cranks offer enough range to play in the high mountains. It might sound paradoxical for an aero race bike, but it’s the truth: in Trek’s mind the Madone was designed as the ultimate bike for amateurs with high standards, and they have succeeded. Of course, to the delight of many (and the anguish of many others), the Madone can also be customized in their pretty pricey Project One configurator.

Who is the Trek Madone 9.9 made for? Depending on spec and geometry choice, the answer is much like a pendulum: from the pro peloton to those further back, from design-savvy riders to technological-feature hunters and those who’re after the best of the best. In short: everyone, and that’s exactly why it comes as no surprise that the Trek Madone won the GOLD Award at the internationally renowned Design & Innovation Award 2016.

  • Exclusive design with flawless integration and great spec
  • Masses of room for customization thanks to Project One
  • Superb handling
  • Complex by nature so potentially not the cheapest for repairs

For more information check the Trek website .

About the test

With 10 test riders descending on Barcelona from across the globe, we dedicated 9 days to pushing this season’s most exclusive and exciting and exciting bikes to their limits in a one-of-a-kind group test. Each rider brought his or her own specific experience to the process, with a test team comprised of four women and six men, including former Tour de France riders, biomechanics, bike shop owners, tour guides and amateur riders. In short: a gathering of highly experienced and well-versed road riding enthusiasts. Our goal was a simple one, to give you all the information needed to make you a winner: Why? Becuase life’s too short to ride the wrong bikes.

For an overview of the test fleet head to the main article: The 10 most exclusive and exciting bikes in Test

 All bikes in test: Storck Aernario Platinum G1 | Specialized S-Works Venge | Ritte Ace | Focus Izalco Max Disc“ | Festka One LT Dazzle | Crema Doma | Cervelo C5 | Canyon Aeroad CF SLX 9.0 | Bianchi Specialissima

Words: Markus Ybanez, Robin Schmitt, Emmie Collinge Photos: Constantin Gerlach, Klaus Kneist, Christoph Bayer

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Canadian Cycling Magazine

Jul 2016 · Andre Cheuk

Canadian Cycling Magazine takes a look at the custom Trek Madone of Fabian Cancellara, at the 2016 Tour de France.

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May 2016 ·

The new Madone is cycling’s Bugatti Veyron — an exotic beast that looks like it’s moving fast even when it’s standing still. This bike begs for high-speed

Gran Fondo Magazine

Apr 2016 · Robin Schmitt

In a country where awesome is standard vocabulary, how could you describe an extraordinary bike? It’s time to look at the hard facts of the Trek Madone 9.9


Apr 2016 · William Tracy

The new Madone is cycling’s Bugatti Veyron — an exotic beast that looks like it’s moving fast even when it’s standing still.

Aug 2015 · Mat Brett

Stunningly good bike that offers a fabulous mix of speed and comfort, although, as usual, the top-end tech comes at a price

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99 Spokes on YouTube

Last updated June 29 Not listed for 2,531 days

TriTech for the Masses

trek madone 2016 geometry

2016 Trek Madone – First Look

You can have an aero bike or you can have a comfortable bike – you can’t have both. This has long been one of the accepted realities of the aero road bike category. Sure they’re fast, but staying in the saddle for 5+ may not be the most comfortable experience. Trek has heard this one too many times and decided that this would be the challenge the new Madone was built to meet. Trek set out to build a bike with unparalleled aerodynamics and unmatched ride quality, and the 2016 Madone is the result of that effort.


The 2016 Trek Madone

The first thing you notice when you see the 2016 Madone is the cable-free front end of the bike. Starting at the top, you’ll find the integrated aero bar and stem. This is the result of Trek’s goal to leave “no stone unturned, no cable in the wind.” The integrated bar uses Kamm Virtual Foil (KVF) tube shaping, which was first introduced on the Speed Concept to improve the aerodynamics over a separate system. Keeping the housing fully internal through the head tube required the design of an integrated top cap cover and spacers. The headset spacers use a two-piece clamshell design for easy adjustability, allowing addition or removal without rerouting any housing or cables.


The fork uses aerodynamic KVF legs, cheating the wind at all yaw angles while maintaining stiffness. The fork crown is pocketed out for smooth integration with the front brake, and the fork uses a proprietary steerer tube shape to allow internal routing of the housing through the top headset bearing.


The brakes have been designed to seamlessly match the fork and seatstay surfaces, integrating with the recessed areas and allowing air to flow smoothly over the entire surface. The housing of the front center-pull brake is routed down the front of the steerer tube through the head tube and to the brake, all fully internal. The brake arms use independent spring tension adjustment screws to center the brake pads and adjust lever pull force to the desired feel. Additionally, two spacing screws allow for precise pad adjustments as brake pads wear. The spacing screws’ range allows swapping between rims with up to 6mm difference in width without adjusting the center wedge.


Madone’s Vector Wings protect the front brake from the elements to ensure consistent braking function. To accommodate the function of the center-pull brakes, the Vector Wings articulate during turning in order to allow free rotation.


On the downtube is the Madone’s “Control Center.” On mechanical set-ups, the Control Center houses the front derailleur trim dial. For electronic set-ups, the Control Center houses the Di2 battery port and junction box in one location, providing access to the trim button through the window in the top of the Control Center.


Below the control center are the water bottle bosses. The locations have been optimized so that the front bottle offsets drag for the rear bottle.


The Madone features an integrated chain keeper that has also been aero optimized (talk about “sparing no expense”).


All of the above features aid in the goal to achieve unparalleled aerodynamics. While the Madone doesn’t beat its competition at every yaw angle, it does come close.


But what about the goal of unmatched ride quality? That job falls to the Madone IsoSpeed Decoupler. First shown on the Trek Domane, the IsoSpeed Decoupler separates the seat mast from the toptube and allows the seat tube to rotate independently from the top-tube-to-seatstay junction, increasing vertical compliance without compromising pedaling efficiency.


Using the IsoSpeed system freed up the seatpost to use KVF technology, matching the seat tube profile. The seatpost head uses an independent pinch bolt and rail clamp system to allow for infinite tilt and setback adjustment.

Trek Madone Builds

At launch, the Madone will be available in three builds – 9.2, 9.5, and 9.9, plus a special Madone Race Shop Limited build. The 9.2, 9.5, and 9.9 all use Trek’s 600 Series OCLV carbon.

The 9.2 features a Shimano Ultegra mechanical groupset and Bontrager Paradigm Elite tubeless-ready wheels. It will be available for $6,299.


The 9.5 features a Shimano Dura-Ace mechanical groupset and Bontrager Aura tubeless-ready wheels. Upgrading to Dura-Ace sets you back $8,399.


The 9.9 is available in both a men’s and women’s design. Both feature Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 and Bontrager Aeolus 5D3 tubeless-ready wheels. The 9.9 will go for $12,599 at your local bike shop.


Finally, there is the Madone Race Shop Limited build. This is the same bike used by Trek Factory Racing and is built with 700 Series OCLV carbon. Like the 9.9, it features Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 and Bontrager Aeolus 5D3 tubeless-ready wheels. This top-of-the-line build will go for $16,999.


Our Thoughts

We are big fans of Trek as evidenced by the recent addition of a Speed Concept to our test fleet . So it should come as no surprise that we really want to spend some quality time with the new Madone. Our only reservation is that the integrated bars will most likely not be able to accommodate any type of aero bars. However, for most looking to purchase this bike, that probably won’t be a major issue. The price is also obviously a big consideration of ours, but we expect that price to come down next year (something we are routinely seeing with other new bikes). Really our biggest question is whether we work with Trek to do a review now or wait until they can do a Project One build to match our Speed Concept. These are the tough decisions we love to make!

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Trek Madone 9.0 review

A magic carpet ride — if you can fit within the parameters

Ben Delaney / Immediate Media

Ben Delaney

Tangibly fast and blatantly comfortable, very good braking for aero calipers, well-thought-out integration

Steep price, tight fit parameters, toe overlap

trek madone 2016 geometry

The Trek Madone is the most comfortable aero bike I've ridden by a long shot, and its ultra-clean front end and massive, sculpted tubing deliver not only a fast but a luxuriously quiet ride. There are no sloppy cables whistling in the wind here.

The catch? This magic carpet comes with a tight fit window: the front end is a touch high for a race bike, the seatmast's vertical adjustment is limited, and the front wheel has toe overlap and a limited turn radius. But if you fit, you will fly.

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Trek Madone 9.0 highlights

  • Same frame and fork as $12,000 / £12,000 / AU$13,499 Madone 9.9
  • Normal stem and adjustable aero handlebar
  • Shimano Ultegra group with Madone Aero brakes
  • Bontrager Aeolus Comp Tubeless Ready 50mm wheels
  • 50-62cm sizes, four color options
  • $3,999 / £3,500 / AU$5,499

One Madone that breaks (a little) free of certain fit constraints

In late 2015 Trek overhauled the Madone as an ultra-aero race machine, with not only cables but the brakes themselves hidden from the wind. The bike received plaudits from several cycling outlets includin g BikeRadar for its aero performance and its comfort, thanks largely to Trek's IsoSpeed flex design, which allows the seat tube and seatmast to flex as one.

But while the bike managed to avoid the typical pitfall of early aero bikes — they're fast, but they ain't comfy — it did proceed with a typical aero compromise of ergonomic adjustability in favor of an ultra-clean integrated bar/stem that is demonstrably faster.

For context, most major companies with a high-end aero bike sell it with some form of integrated bar/stem, for the same reason: it's aerodynamically faster than a round bar and normal stem by a significant margin. Most companies claim at least a 4-watt improvement. (A good aero bike has a total drag number in the 70-watt range.)

And while integrated bar/stem cockpits work well for many riders, some people would prefer particular bar shapes, or bar angles, or at least the ability to make changes. With an integrated design, you get what you get.

The Madone 9.0 is the first Madone to come with separate bar and stem components. Yes, it's marginally slower in a wind tunnel, but you can easily adjust the bar angle or, like I did, replace the stock stem as needed.

Front and rear fit constraints — versus the competition

Like most of the other Madone bikes, the 9.0 comes in Trek's H2 fit. The lower H1 fit is only available in Project One, which adds $1,500 to the price.

As such, the Madone 9.0 has a slightly taller stack height than other aero bikes. Stack is the vertical difference between the top of the head tube and the center of the bottom bracket. Front-end height comparisons are often done with head-tube measurements, but this doesn't account for differences in various bikes' bottom bracket heights.

For comparison in size 56cm bikes, Canyon's Aeroad has a stack of 55cm, Specialized's Venge ViAS a 56.4cm and Cervélo's S5 a 56.5cm to the Madone's 58.2cm.

All the Madone sizes have a relatively tight saddle adjustment window. The 56cm bike has a saddle height range of 67-76cm.

For me, at 6ft with short legs, I had the saddle all the way up to 76cm and a 120cm stem all the way down, and would have appreciated another centimeter or two of handlebar drop. Fit, of course, is highly personal — just be sure the bike always fits you, whatever it is!

Aero brakes: decent power and, gasp, a delight to work on

Trek isn't the first company to experiment with hiding the brake calipers from the wind, but I believe they have done the best job thus far. By extending the frame's front section to house the front brake cable, Trek reduced drag substantially compared with bolting a standard caliper on the front of the fork.

The little cuckoo-clock panels flip open when you turn the bars, allowing the brake and housing room to move. (No cuckoo bird pops out, though, unfortunately.)

I hate rim calipers positioned underneath a frame's bottom bracket. At best, they are a chore to work on, and quickly gather grime. At worst, they are a literal drag, causing brake-pad rub when out of the saddle. Trek keeps the Madone's rear brake where it should be — up on the seatstays.

The power is decent for a rim brake. A Dura-Ace caliper it ain't, but modulation is predictable. The spectrum of aero brakes runs from horrible/dangerous to pretty good. These are pretty good. I tested the bike quite a bit with carbon wheels as well, where the power is adequate when used with SwissStop pads.

Perhaps most surprising to me was how easy it is to work on the brakes. Swapping and then adjusting the pads is easier than on most standard calipers. Seriously. In the absence of a barrel adjuster, Trek has a screw to adjust width on each side, and another to adjust toe angle.

Ride quality: a magic carpet

By now, you have probably seen enough aero-drag graphs and charts to understand that aero shapes are faster than round shapes, especially at higher speeds. I did not take the Madone into a wind tunnel, but my friend Dan Cavallari at VeloNews did. You can get his data and conclusions versus the Specialized Venge ViAS here . I did take the bike out for a few hundred miles, often on fast group rides and solo jaunts, and the thing is tangibly faster than a round-tubed bike with box-section wheels. During the year I switch between a number of test bikes, and the back-to-back rides really highlight differences.

Two things stand out with the Madone. It's fast! (Of course, your body position is the major factor here. But with that normalized, the Madone is perceptibly quick.) And two, it is more comfortable than many standard road bikes, never mind aero bikes, thanks to the full-flexing seatmast and seat tube.

I have an older Scott Foil that I love racing crits on, and while I ride it on dirt roads, it's not my first choice for mixed-surface riding. The Madone, on the other hand, I'd take on any ride.

With Trek's stout BB90 chassis, you still get plenty of firm pedaling efficiency when in and out of the saddle.

The wheel depth of the Bontrager Aerolus Comp 5's is manageable in crosswinds. I rode the bike on many gusty days and did a few days with Mavic's new 65mm Comete Pro Carbon SL tubeless wheels . On one fast group ride, I managed to plow straight into a pothole deep enough to crack the Mavic rear rim . After checking everything out — and opening the rim brake caliper — I rode back home without incident. Would I have crashed on a stiffer aero bike? Who knows. But I can say it is nice to have a forgiving frame underneath you when unexpected bumps and holes appear.

Wheels and components

The Bontrager Aeolus Comp 5 wheels can be set up tubeless but come with 25mm standard clinchers and tubes. Although not as light as all-carbon hoops, the aerodynamics of the metal-rim-with-carbon-fairing design are very similar. And you get the more consistent braking of an alloy track. A downside is that they can take in water at the spoke holes. (There is a hole on the side to release the water.)

Current-edition Shimano Ultegra continues the Japanese company's fine tradition of an excellent second-tier group that for all intents and purpose functions very much like Dura-Ace but with a few more grams. My one gripe with the mechanical Ultegra is how the inner shift lever on the lefthand control can pop slightly outside the primary brake lever on rattling roads. It doesn't affect performance at all, but it's annoying. Dura-Ace levers don't do this.

One curious spec choice is the compact 50/34t crank. When paired with the 11-28t cassette this is a great everyday setup, but it seems like amateur racers, in particular, would be drawn to such an aero bike. They might want, if not necessarily need, a 52/36t crankset. If this is a concern, it is likely that your local Trek dealer could swap it out for you. I suspect that, like the H2 geometry, Trek studies customer fit data carefully, and makes decisions based on the bulk of rider numbers.

Bottom line: Certainly the most comfortable and among the fastest aero bikes on the market

The Trek Madone fuses two seemingly incompatible traits: it is a very fast and very comfortable bike. The 9.0 build is the most inexpensive — but still not cheap — model, and the only one with separate and therefore adjustable stem and handlebar.

If you want to look at third-party aero numbers, check out Dan Cavallari's VeloNews piece where he put the top-end Madone against the top-end Specialized Venge ViAS in the A2 Wind Tunnel and found the Venge to be faster . For context, A2 found both to be faster than Cervélo's S5.

The fit, as discussed, is Trek's H2 geometry, which is slightly higher at the front end than other aero bikes. As with Trek's Emonda, a lot of riders will get toe overlap on the Madone, because of its short and sharp front end. So investigate carefully before you buy — but if everything fits, I doubt you will be able to find a bike as fast and comfortable as this one.

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Trek Madone 2.1

Madones have changed lots over the years and there are loads of different variants in the current line up. This is the first model year that Trek have offered the Madone with an aluminium frame; it has been wall-to-wall carbon fibre up until now (they've introduced aluminium Domanes for the first time too). The 2 Series models are made from Trek's 200 Series Alpha Aluminium, and some of the top-end features have had to be sacrificed.

Frame: Carbon Madone's kissing cousin from Bauxite County

For example, Trek make a big noise about their KVF tube shaping, KVF standing for Kammtail Virtual Foil. Essentially, they've designed a deep, aerodynamically efficient tube profile and chopped off the trailing edge to reduce weight and improve handling while retaining the aero performance.

Trek make extensive use of KVF tubing on the 6 Series Madone that we reviewed a few months back , whereas the KVF on the 2 Series is limited to the down tube and the fork legs.

trek madone 2016 geometry

That isn't really surprising given that the bike is five grand cheaper and the frame is made of aluminium. The point is, though, that Trek use the Madone name to cover a range of bikes that are significantly different from one another. They're all sporty to some degree or another and they share some design cues, but they're sometimes distant cousins rather than siblings.

That's not to say that the 2.1 is deficient when it comes to high-quality features. The head tube, for instance, is tapered with a standard 1 1/8in bearing at the top and a 1 1/2in bearing at the bottom, that extra material in the frame and fork helping to provide a good level of front-end stiffness.

trek madone 2016 geometry

The bottom bracket is a BB86.5 design with the bearings pressed into the shell, removing the need for cups and threads and reducing weight, and also allowing the down tube to be made wider for increased stiffness, while the gear cables run internally. Well, mostly. The rear mech cable exits the frame underneath the bottom bracket and does the last leg out in the open.

Both the frame and carbon-legged fork feature mudguard mounts. They're going to be very useful for UK conditions and we can imagine lots of people using the 2.1 for commuting, among other things. The mounts sit just behind the dropouts and run forwards rather than sideways, so they're hardly noticeable when not in use. In fact, after several weeks of riding this bike, I had to head back to the garage to double check they were even there. They were, and there's another mudguard-fixing hole on the back of the seat tube.

trek madone 2016 geometry

The carbon legged fork has that KVF shaping that I mentioned above and it's SpeedTrap compatible. That means you can fit a Trek computer sensor into a pocket in one of the legs. Okay, a lot of people use GPS systems these days, but it's a neat option if you don't want to rely on those pesky satellites.

In terms of geometry, the 2 Series Madones are built to Trek's H2 fit. What does that mean? Funny you should ask. It means that the head tube is slightly extended over Trek's low and aero H1 fit. It's still a sporty road bike arrangement, but not quite as aggressive.

trek madone 2016 geometry

So, our 58cm review bike has a 19cm head tube and an effective top tube of 57.4cm. For comparison, the 6 Series Madone that we reviewed a few months ago came in an H1 fit (it's available in H2 as well). That had a 16cm head tube and a 57.9cm effective top tube. The 2.1 has a 59.8cm stack and a 39.1cm reach, while the 6 Series has a 56.9cm stack and a 40.5cm reach.

If you don't want to decode those figures for yourself, the top and bottom of it is that you can get a ride position on the 2.1 that's a little more relaxed without the need to add a bunch of headset spacers. Go for a short head tube with a load of spacers and you'll compromise front-end stiffness. If you want a higher front end, you're better off having the height supplied by the head tube.

trek madone 2016 geometry

Some flexible folk might prefer a lower front end, especially for racing or just for riding as fast, while others are going to be happy with a higher front end for more comfort. It's up to you; Trek offer a whole load of bikes in each fit. And bear in mind that although the H2 is relaxed, it's not that  relaxed. A 58cm Specialized Roubaix, for example, has a 22.5cm head tube.

Components: Dependable Shimano 105

Moving on to the build, the shifters and mechs are from Shimano's mid-level 105 groupset, which is the most common group that you'll find on £1,000 bikes. It's solid, reliable kit – durable and functional.

trek madone 2016 geometry

You can adjust the reach to the levers by adding shims, the hoods are very comfortable to rest your hands on, and the mechs will probably carry on working for ages with relatively little maintenance.

trek madone 2016 geometry

The chainset isn't 105, though, it's a Shimano R565 compact option, so you get 50-tooth and 34-tooth chainrings rather than a standard 53/39T or 52/39T. That means you get a lower set of ratios to get you up the hills at the expense of big gears for pinning it down the other side.

trek madone 2016 geometry

It makes a lot of sense for most people who will gladly take the rest if they run out of big gears and enjoy the view instead. The Shimano Tiagra cassette it's matched up to runs sprockets from 12-tooth right up to 30-tooth.

The ride: No alarms and no surprises

I'd love to tell you that the Madone behaved really unexpectedly out on the road. It makes for a better story if a bike does something you don't anticipate, either good or bad. But the truth is that this bike behaves exactly as it should without any real surprises.

trek madone 2016 geometry

At 9.1kg (20.06lb), the 2.1 is never going to be the fastest bike out of the blocks, and acceleration is probably its weakest feature. The wheels from in-house brand Bontrager are solid enough but they're not especially keen to start zipping along – you don't get that exciting feeling of super-fast acceleration – but that's all forgotten once you get up to speed.

In terms of comfort, that ride position I mentioned is all-important. I'm used to quite a sporty setup and I didn't feel this was a vast distance away from that. You don't sit so upright that you feel as if the wind is blowing you backwards – it's a long way off that. Put it this way: if a full-on race set up is described as aggressive, maybe this is a passive aggressive ride position. Just putting it out there.

trek madone 2016 geometry

I can't say that I'm not a big fan of Bontrager's Affinity 1 saddle. It's a bit too spongy and mushy for my taste. Brands often do this with bikes up to about this price, probably on the basis that people walking into bike shops often equate soft with comfortable. They're wrong. It's not a disaster but I'd be ditching it early on if I bought this bike.

The gel bar tape softens the alloy front end so your hands and wrists feel fine throughout long rides and, as I said earlier, the hoods on the 105 levers provide another comfy hold. If you're like most people, you'll spend most of your time with your hands up here and when you do want to move to the drops, it's a comparatively short distance down there – just 125mm – which makes things easier on your back and neck. Passive aggressive, as I said before.

trek madone 2016 geometry

Whack the chain into the small chainring and the biggest sprocket and you have a really low gear (29.8in, if you're interested in such things) that'll get you up pretty much anything that doesn't need rope ladders and overhanging rocks. You won't get up the hills especially fast in a gear this small, but you'll be able to keep chugging along even when you have a day's riding behind you and your muscles have waved a little white flag.

Coming down the hills, the 2.1 feels planted rather than skittish, even over dodgy surfaces, and the front end doesn't waver when you chuck it hard into a bend. The no-name dual-pivot brakes might not have the cred of branded up options but in practice, they perform well enough and will do even better if you upgrade the pads when the first set wear out.

Conclusion: Gets the job done

Overall, the 2.1 is a well-designed, well-executed bike that gets on with the job with very little fuss. It's not carbon, it's not mega-light, and if you were being harsh you might say that it's not the most exciting choice out there at this price, but it is solid, reliable and dependable and good value for money – and there's a lot to be said for that.

Solid, good value road bike that'll see you right for everything from commuting to all-day sportives. test report

Make and model: Trek Madone 2.1

Size tested: 58cm

About the bike

State the frame and fork material and method of construction. List the components used to build up the bike.

Frame 200 Series Alpha Aluminium, E2, KVF (Kammtail Virtual Foil) tube shape, press-fit BB

Fork Madone KVF carbon, E2, SpeedTrap compatible

Wheels Aluminium hubs w/Bontrager Approved aluminium rims

Tyres Bontrager R1, 700x23c

Shifters Shimano 105 STI, 10 speed

Front derailleur Shimano 105, 34.9mm clamp

Rear derailleur Shimano 105

Crank Shimano R565, 50/34 (compact)

Cassette Shimano Tiagra 12-30, 10 speed

Saddle Bontrager Affinity 1, steel rails

Seatpost Bontrager Race, infinite tilt adjustment, 20mm offset

Handlebar Bontrager Race VR-C, 31.8mm

Stem Bontrager Race Lite, 31.8mm, 7 degree

Headset Integrated, cartridge bearings, sealed, aluminium, 1-1/8in top, 1.5in bottom

Brakeset Aluminium dual-pivot brakes w/Shimano 105 STI levers

Tape Bontrager Gel Cork

Tell us what the bike is for, and who it's aimed at. What do the manufacturers say about it? How does that compare to your own feelings about the bike?

Trek say, "Finally, an aluminium road bike worthy of the Madone name, with a super-aero shape and next-level race technology. Incredible ride, incredible value."

The Madone 2.1 doesn't have much in common with the top-end Madones – so little that you can't really see that having the name cover them all is much more than a marketing exercise to extend some of that top-end cred. Whatever they call it, this is a very good do-it-all road bike for the money.

Frame and fork

Tell us about the materials used in the frame and fork?

The frame is 200 Series Alpha Aluminium. The fork is carbon legs/alloy steerer.

Tell us about the geometry of the frame and fork?

It's built to Trek's H2 fit. See the main text for all the details.

Riding the bike

Was there any toe-clip overlap with the front wheel? If so, was it a problem?

A tiny amount on the 58cm frame. Not a worry.

The drivetrain

Wheels and tyres, your summary.

Did you enjoy riding the bike? Yes.

Would you consider buying the bike? Perhaps bit of a 'safe' choice, but solid reliability has a lot going for it.

Would you recommend the bike to a friend? Yes.

Overall rating: 8 /10

About the tester

Age: 41   Height: 190cm   Weight: 75kg

I usually ride:    My best bike is:

I've been riding for: Over 20 years   I ride: Most days   I would class myself as: Expert

I regularly do the following types of riding: time trialling, commuting, club rides, sportives, general fitness riding,

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trek madone 2016 geometry

Mat has been in cycling media since 1996, on titles including BikeRadar, Total Bike, Total Mountain Bike, What Mountain Bike and Mountain Biking UK, and he has been editor of 220 Triathlon and Cycling Plus. Mat has been technical editor for over a decade, testing bikes, fettling the latest kit, and trying out the most up-to-the-minute clothing. He has won his category in Ironman UK 70.3 and finished on the podium in both marathons he has run. Mat is a Cambridge graduate who did a post-grad in magazine journalism, and he is a winner of the Cycling Media Award for Specialist Online Writer. Now over 50, he's riding road and gravel bikes most days for fun and fitness rather than training for competitions.

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The road bike that got me back into road bikes after riding mtb for 30 yrs, great bike

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Are you kidding. BB30 is the worst possible standard in Bottom Brackets.

Shimano's standard still seems to be the best, very much so.

It's a shame that your twitting @ sign thing looks like it says "Trek bikes suk" at first glance.

I wish Trek would adopt a BB30 so Shimano would start making BB30 cranksets

Been in a muddle about a cycle scheme bike recently. Looked at this, the same(near) priced, giant, scott & specialized. The scott s20 had full 105, the rest was a tiagra/tekro(?) or summat mishmash.

-planet x and ribble offered best value for money - mainly carbon with a full groupset.

It depends what you want.


Don't understand why this gets 4 stars, when last year's Bike of the Year only got 4.5? Are you saying this is nearly Bike of the Year material? Really?

Rough welding round the bottom bracket too.

Floor Filler.

Just for clarification, the Domane is a high-performance bike, as well as the Madone. Yes, the emphasis of the Domane is that of comfort over a longer distance, but it's just as much a bike for people who want to go fast.

The difference between the two will ultimately come down to what type of ride someone wants to experience. If you want to feel that you are well-connected to the road, then you want a Madone. If you want to reduce the 'white noise' that comes with riding a typical UK road surface, then opt for a Domane.

Both performance bikes. Both with oodles of technology. Both with unique ride qualities.

A comfort bike should have at least 25c tires. I hate it when companies cheap out on things like cassettes by down speccing them hoping buyers won't notice.

Is it the 2.1 or the 2.3? Just curious.

Can't help but think that for a 'comfort road' bike you might as well buy the Domane though.

Latest Comments

Boring even down to the paint job. Boring, boring, boring.

This is what I do. Solves the problem.

TVP used to be quite good. I often received updates from them on action taken after submissions and even the occasional phone call. In the last few...

I've just come to the conclusion that unless I want to ride very slowly then I should stay off shared paths. They're mostly pretty awful anyway.

To be fair, in this case I think it was probably a joke at their own expense.

Rosie Holt (Tory MP) has tweeted "It was today I learned that immigrants are CLOGGING UP THE ROADS #bbcdebate" Finally, it's not cyclists!

Apparently Ribble have sourced & sent a bunch of replacement bikes to them shall have an extra like for that!

That Dekker is a bit of a character though. Thijs Zonneveld had some interesting things to say about him a while back.

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All-new Trek Emonda ALR takes lightweight frame tech to alloy models

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2016 Trek Emonda ALR 6 lightweight alloy race road bike with Ultegra

When Trek announced their Emonda carbon road bike line , they backed up their “world’s lightest” claims with an impressive frame and fork and an even more impressive 10.25lb (4.6kg) complete bike. Now, they’re adding an alloy Emonda ALR option that’s also lightweight yet far more affordable.

To earn the Emonda badge, the frame uses their top-level 300-series Alpha Aluminum that’s been hydroformed into size specific tubes, then welded together using a no-see technique that produces smooth joints that use less material to save weight.

The process is called Invisible Weld Technology, which they say produces stronger, stiffer welds despite using less material. Video, pics and more details below…

2016 Trek Emonda ALR 6 lightweight alloy race road bike with Ultegra

Trek told us the unpainted frame is 1050g (56), and a painted fork is 358g w/240mm steerer.

Like the ultralight Emonda carbon models, the ALR uses their H2 race geometry, E2 tapered headtube (standard 1-1/8″ to 1-1/2″) and wide Pressfit BB 86.5, meaning this bike is made to go fast. Other frame details include a braze-on front derailleur mount (no need to add a clamp if you’re getting the frameset) and external cable routing.

2016 Trek Emonda ALR 6 lightweight alloy race road bike with Ultegra

We’ve requested a more technical description of the welding process (update as we get it), but the frame is only part of the story. The complete bikes come equipped with built-in extras like the a Blendr stem with integrated light/computer mount, and it has Duotrap S compatibility (their ANT+/Bluetooth 4.0 speed/cadence sensor, sold separately for about $60).

You also get a complete group, so the Emonda ALR 6 with Ultregra gets a full Ultegra group from chain to brakes to cassette and everything else. There are no mis-matched parts or down spec’d bits to cut costs. A full carbon fiber tapered fork completes the package.

2016 Trek Emonda ALR 6 lightweight alloy race road bike with Ultegra

The Emonda ALR will initially come in two builds, the “6” with full Ultegra, Bontrager Race tubeless ready wheels with R2 tires, and a Bontrager cockpit with alloy short reach/drop bar and carbon seatpost for $2,249.99. Our local Trek Bike Store says complete bike weight is claimed at 17.25lb (7.82kg).


The Emonda ALR 5 drops down to a full Shimano 105 group with non-series Bontrager tubeless ready alloy wheels, R1 tires and a full alloy Bontrager cockpit for $1,759.99. Claimed weight is 18.77lb (8.51kg), colors will be the gloss black/hi-viz yellow and blue shown here, plus a racing red coming soon.

2016 Trek Emonda ALR lightweight alloy race road bike frameset with carbon fiber fork

The frameset shares the same paint scheme as the “6” and comes with an FSA sealed cartridge bearing headset for $989.99. The frames have a lifetime warranty carrying a 275lb rider weight limit.

Just for fun, here’s the companion lifestyle video.

All three models shown here are available now and should hit stores soon. Our sources tell us there’ll also be an Emonda ALR 5 with Tiagra, an ALR 8 with Dura-Ace mechanical and ALR 9 with Dura-Ace Di2 coming soon. That last model suggests they’ll have an electronic-only frame, too, since these first models only have external cable routing. At the very top, in terms of light weight anyway, will be the ALR 10 with a full SRAM Red group.

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Tyler Benedict is the Founder of , where he’s been writing about the latest bikes, components, and cycling technology for almost two decades. Prior to that, Tyler launched and built multiple sports nutrition brands and consumer goods companies, mostly as an excuse to travel and ride in new places.

Based in North Carolina, Tyler also loves the Vanlife & family adventure travel and is always on the lookout for the next shiny new part and off-grid adventure.


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looks like a rebadged Allez


The invisible welding looks a lot like what pretty much every other company calls smooth welding. And has been using for years. You weld the tube normally then go back over it without filler material and “reweld” it. The process smooths out the weld and helps it wet out. REVOLUTIONARY TREK!!!

Robert W

Interesting that they are using hydroformed tubes but didn’t choose the aero tube shapes of the Madone design.


@Robert W – my sources say the Madone is on the way out. & if the story is about weight vs. areo it would make sense to mimick the emonda shapes. Also, the 2 series aluminum frames are already Madone-esqe.


I always find it funny that companies state how they’ve extensively optimized tube shapes for their flagship carbon fiber bikes, but then seemingly can successfully apply those shapes to materials with very different properties. There is a little marketing lie in their somewhere.

Anyway. Glad to see these Al bikes. CF has been getting too pricey fort me.


I like how they quote an unpainted frame weight, then only offer it in a painted variety. But lets also make sure we pair that unpainted weight with a painted fork weight.


Looks legit. Seeing they are coming out of the Giant factory why not put on the overdrive 2 fork and stem and really take it next level?


Aluminum, how quaint.


Why not sell them unpainted if they weight them unpainted? JBikes if I read you right what your saying is the shapes have far mo9re to do with design than engineering.all thes tube shapes are probaly coming from kitchen appliance design firm and they bs riders who rarely go over 20mph that aero is worth buying a new bike for

Colin M

That Bontrager cycling kit is pretty damn nice. “Understated” as the hipsters like to say.


How about US made aluminum, with giant tubes, some internal routing, and some really funky paint jobs. Oh wait…


Hasn”t specialized already been doing this for like 3 years now? And better welded joints? Revolutionary-nothing is more like it, just another slightly modified copy frame.

Roy – no I was just commenting on the fact it’s stated how non aero tube shapes are optimized for carbon fiber for whatever properties (stiffness, weight, ride) but then a vastly different material can achieve the same with the same tube shapes? I’m sure they vary material thickness and such, but given the vast difference in CF and Al, I’d think tube shapes would vary more between the two materials, unless the CF and Al frames ride completely different.


Jesus, tough crowd. Lightweight aluminum, full component groups and small price tags… Sounds good to me.


Full Ultegra! Well… except the wheels. Of which, the Bontrager Race spec is a few notches below Ultegra…


y’all are haters. you can pick on the marketing and on random bits and pieces but in the end this is the bike you’re going to start seeing at all the local crits and races. So they have weird marketing, worry about the bike and what it can do for you.


Aluminum is the new carbon.


Yeah a bunch of haters here, Go buy a Specialized because they are not owned by the big man, Oh wait, Specialized is own by a conglomerate, and Trek is family owned. Seems like most people don’t understand the definition of “the man” Don’t hate on them just because you don’t like it that more people ride Trek than any other brand in the US.


@Durianrider, you’re killing me! Lol


When you think about it, it’s a bike people actually look for: Workhorse, and the no-nonsense but clean aesthetic.

Considering the Propel SLR might not come stateside, as well as the update TCR SLR before it, it’s nice to have another potential alloy option on the market that isn’t an Allez or CAAD.


I really like where Trek is going with their new paint schemes. Very minimal branding and no stupid racing stripes and decals. Keep it premium!


Jbikes: I understand why you’re asking about why two frames with different materials have the same tube shapes, but in fact they probably should have the same shapes.

In the bike industry (and many others), it’s common practice to design using isotropic material properties (e.g., with aluminum) for a first pass. The resulting stiffness (quantified through FEA) ensures you’re getting the most sectional modulus you can out of a given tube shape. Only then do you go back and design a laminate schedule with anisotropic materials (e.g., carbon fiber).

This allows the designer to clearly separate the modulus (stiffness) due to tube shape and the modulus due to the laminate schedule. That way, each can be optimized as a discrete step.

Except for a few corner cases, optimal frame tube shape is material-independent. Surprising but true!


Looks like a great bike at a good price. I love nice aluminum race bikes. But why no H1 geometry option? It irks me that companies (not just Trek) spec the really race oriented stuff at the high-end of the price scale. I know a short head tube doesn’t work for everyone but why not give us the option? What does the size of your wallet have to do with your flexibility?


I’m wondering if some of the frames are anodized, so unpainted weight would be pretty relevant.

JasonK – thanks! Great info. Never really thought of it that way but it makes sense.


I like the emonda and the CrossRip frame for my commuter. I would seriously consider if I was in the market and carbon was not an option.


Man that’s a light frame. Nice to see they are using full groupset specs.

I wonder if the welding is a form of aluminium brazing using a lower melting temperature brazing rod. I think this is what Shimano do with the external reinforcing tabs on the aluminium rims. This is supposed to be lower strength than welding but coming up with some newer technology is not beyond Trek’s resources. Or maybe they have come up with a way to modify the pulse action of a TIG welder with a certain filler wire application. Either way, the old double pass method for aluminium is old hat now.

Most companies claim unpainted frame weights. Use this general guide: If a company says “…painted frame weight is…” then it’s including paint. If they don’t specifically say painted then you can guarantee it’s an unpainted frame weight.

The only reason I wouldn’t buy one of these is the head tube is too tall…


I applaud Trek for coming out with a ‘light’ and ‘inexpensive’ aluminum frameset but I’m still not sold on the H2 geometry.

Sincerely, Worlds longest head tube.


I like the option of a high end aluminum frame as well….but this one misses the mark for me because trek refuses to make any bike with its “racer” H1 geometry that doesn’t cost at least 4,500 for a frameset. If they only would make H1 options of their emonda sl frame or this new all I’d buy one in a second. Trek already makes a million bike models….why not better fit options? Ever since they did away with the 6 series madone the options for the budget conscious racer have gone to zero. Bleh. And more seatmast length options trek!


Nearly the same weight as a Cannondale frame that was first manufactured out of the same material about 6 years ago


I think this will make a GREAT race frame.

Certainly beats trying to replace a carbon frame someone broke for you in that ‘last corner of the criterium’ crash.

If I see one more I’m-so-flexible-I-can-stick-my-head-up-my-ass comment about the lack of H1 geometry, I might give up trolling comments on bike rumor all together. Seriously, 5 years at a Trek dealer and we sold maybe 3 H1 bikes (all as special order). We ordered dozens more project 1 bikes in the ‘normal’ H2. Working now at a Cervelo dealer I have very few people balk at the head tube height, and MOST are running a positive angle on the stem anyways. At 6’3″ I run 14cm of bar drop. I have had zero issue getting a proper fit on stock bikes, including Trek. Currently on the newly updated (i.e. market norm) stack of the 2015 Cervelo S5 I still have 15mm of spacers under my stem. If H2 geo just doesn’t do it for you, grab a Cannonade with a low profile headset cap and go ride. They are making a bike for the largest market, obviously the budget racers this bike is designed for are too busy riding their bikes to complain on Bike Rumor…..


Looks like a great bike for the money and your avg rider. Nothing wrong with that. Kudos too for specing a complete group build, awesome!


Waiting for my ALR 5 to arrive!! Last bike I bought was in 1986, a Myata One Ten. Hopefully this one will last another 29 years.


uhhh… the allez actually looks good

the only thing actually missing from these frames are some colorway options like the tarmacs

internet stoke

i had a domane and the headtube was too tall.

i might get one of these. its pretty affordable all things considered.

Psi Squared

There doesn’t seem too much, if anything at all, to complain about here. The Emonda ALR frame MSRP is right in line with a CAAD10 frame MSRP ($10 cheaper actually). It looks good, and it’s certainly not a heavyweight bike. If it rides as good as it looks, it will be a great deal.


@MikeC – Are you kidding? I haven’t seen anyone refer to a full groupset as including the wheel since like 1999. Some people are just desperate to find something to bitch about. The Bontrager Race wheels are great. They only weigh 200g more than the Ultegras, and unlike every Shimano wheel, they are specced completely with off-the-shelf parts that are easily purchasable in any bike shop.

@Adam – Yes, because Cannondale were the first company with an aluminum racing bike. You forget the Trek, via Klein, were making awesome lightweight aluminum race bikes when Cannondale was still welding together soda cans.

@H1 Lovers – You’re all on crack. A quarter of the Trek pros don’t even ride the H1, and I promise you that you are not that fast. I can also tick off a list of local heroes, Cat 1 and PRO dudes, who get by just fine on the H2, usually preferring it to the H1.

@Psi – And the Trek is clearly much better specced than the Cannondale, with an Ultegra crank and Bontrager Race wheels, not to mention a cockpit that won’t require immediate replacement.


Wait to you see the next gen cannondale frame before you jump on this..


I am happy this exists. Buyers beware if you crash this thing it’s probably going to dent up like tinfoil.

@badbikemechanic – What makes you say that? There is a generation of high end aluminum out there that holds up just fine to the rigors of daily life. I personally have an aluminum Allez that I regularly leave locked up outside of bars, the grocery store, as well as race, and it hasn’t even scratched the anodized finish yet.

As always, opinions abound….and everyone is “right.” The H1 vs. H2 debate is clearly a hotter topic than I thought. What it boils down to though is “choice.”

Trek offers the option, meaning there are people that prefer it. I rode a 60 cm H1 Madone 6 series last year, and absolutely loved it. Sadly it was a team bike and I had to give it back at the end of the year. In looking for a replacement I want a bike with similar geometry, but don’t want to spend 4,500 to have the OPTION to get the geometry I like. The head tube on the H1 is 18 cm…compared with 21 cm on the H2. That is a LARGE difference. I don’t think anyone is right or wrong to ride whatever geometry they like. All I’m saying is that for me…the H1 geometry is perfect, and I don’t need to run a -17 stem to get my preferred position of the bike. Being a pro, being fast or slow, is irrelevant. I would just like to see the option available at a reasonable price point.


These bikes are epic. And yes, they blow the competition out of the water.


About time Trek offers something for the Joe-Racers out there. Yes, carbon is super nice but you guess what: so is aluminum. I have a locally-made Aluminum bike and it rides *amazing*. So did my old Caad7 and I bet Specialized’s aluminum bike is also fantastic. We need more people in the sport, and to do that we need a much lower entry-level bar. if for $2,200 you get a nice Al Trek with good geometry, good wheels (i own the bontis tlr and they’re indestructible and readily serviceable), good parts and cockpit that are either race-ready or hammer-ready, then god bless Trek. For the record i own a cannondale six and it’s a phenomenal bike. but my aluminum rig is my favorite. way to go, Trek – kudos indeed.


Arguing that “some pros ride H2, therefore nobody needs H1” is well, just a poor excuse for an argument. An H1 aluminum Emonda would be a hit, and I would purchase one as soon as it were available. I’ve owned and ridden both H1/H2 models, and greatly prefer the H1. As an aside, direct mount breaks on this beast would be the icing on the cake. Think about it Trek.


This bike compared with the new caad 12 is nothing …

Eric Hansen

I’ve got a current model year Allez smartweld frame built up with full 105 and tubeless Shimano wheels. I certainly didn’t do it for $1760 retail, but then some parts on my bike (bars, saddle, tires) are from a very much higher trim level. I’ve also got all the accessories (cages, tools, &c) in my price, and I was unable to use the economy of scale a manufacturer can.

ANYWAY. The ride quality of my Allez is nothing short of amazing considering. It is *as smooth* as my steel 3-speed with 38mm tires over brick roads. I have no problems riding the Allez a hundred miles, though I run out of water. The Allez smartweld is making me completely re-think aluminum as a frame material, especially for amateur racer types.

These Treks seem to DIRECTLY compete with the Allez smartweld introduced last year, which is great, since it engenders competitive designs. When you get an Allez Comp (with 105), you pay less, but you miss out on the excellent 5800 brakes and crankset, and get bog standard training wheels. Moving up to an Allez Expert (with Ultegra), gets you a full groupset with carbon SL-K crank and ‘Fulcrum’ wheels at a competitive price.

I’d love to ride these Treks back to back with my Allez.


I am happy to see Trek jump into the “high end” aluminum market. I have owned & loved several iterations of CAAD’s. I have also read good things about Specialized redesigned Allez frames. I am now hearing of a redesigned CAAD12(?) to be released later this Summer…(anyone else hearing any details?) I would have liked to have seen a disc version from Trek… (Spec as well.) I believe that road disc offerings from every manufacturer will increase exponentially once the pro’s are riding them. I wanted my next road bike purchase to have discs so that I can look for second set of wheels that will be future proof…(thru-axles coming next?) I had my eye this year’s CAAD10 Rival disc, hoping the boys at Cannondale offer an Ultegra disc spec on the CAAD12 later this year. 🙂


Just ordered my alr 6 today! I work at a trek dealer, and I have to say H2 is usually great for 99% of our customers, and they usually have the stem flipped up. For the 1% of people that actually want that huge bar drop, you can always size down and make it look super pro with a longer stem! Nothing wrong with that!

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