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Star Trek Streaming Guide: Where to Watch All the TV Shows and Movies

Find out where you can stream all the voyages of sci-fi’s longest-running franchise.

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Star Trek Movies and Shows

Launched on September 8, 1966 — nearly 54 years ago — the NBC-TV series Star Trek was the beginning of a new age of science fiction on television and, eventually, the big screen. The first show to echo the sophistication and vision of sci-fi literature , Star Trek was only a cult hit at the time of its initial run but refused to die even after its cancellation, with the original 79 episodes running for years in syndication.

More than five decades later, Star Trek encompasses eight TV series (a total of 764 episodes and counting) and 13 films, plus countless books, comics, games and more. It’s had its ups and downs, its high points and its misfires, but it remains one of the most beloved and durable franchises in all of pop culture.

Now, thanks to streaming, all those episodes and movies are available to watch any time (we know you diehard Trekkers have the Blu-rays and DVDs, but you don’t have to break those out anymore). Below is a handy guide to where you can stream every iteration of Trek , from The Original Series to the movies to the new Star Trek: Picard . Grab your remote and boldly go…

Star Trek TV

Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969)

The one that started it all, the original Star Trek came along at a time when most screen sci-fi (movies and TV) was still just monster movies or kiddie fare ( Lost in Space , anyone?). Gene Roddenberry ’s vision of an intelligent, allegorical sci-fi series, which used actual genre writers for much of its first two seasons, was groundbreaking in ways that reverberate to this day. And its cast, led by William Shatner as Captain Kirk, Leonard Nimoy as Spock and DeForest Kelley as Dr. McCoy, became iconic.

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Available in the US on Amazon , Hulu , Netflix , CBS All Access

Available in the UK on Netflix UK , Amazon UK * (*purchase only)

Star Trek: The Animated Series

Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973-1974)

Using the voices of many of the original cast members and even employing writers from the original series, TAS had a genuine chance to extend the original show with the visual freedom animation offered. But the format turned out to be its enemy, as clunky, cheap animation and frequent reuse of shots gave the show a shoddy, amateurish reputation. Some of the stories are quite good, however.

Available in the US on Amazon , CBS All Access

Available in the UK on Netflix UK

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)

Set nearly a century after the original series, with Gene Roddenberry mandating that conflict between the crew members be diminished by that point, ST: TNG proved to be enormously popular even with a brand new, unfamiliar crew. It took most of three seasons for the show to find its footing, but Captain Picard (a magnificent Patrick Stewart ) and company went on many captivating and genuinely outstanding adventures of their own.

Available in the US on Amazon , Netflix , CBS All Access , Hulu

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)

Many fans consider DS9 the best Trek series ever , and they certainly can make a good argument for it: the first Trek show not set on a starship, but instead on a remote space station, DS9 addressed cultural divides, character conflict, religion and war in a bolder fashion that any Trek entry before it — while also utilizing the kind of serialized storytelling that is now the standard across the medium.

Available in the UK on Netflix UK , Amazon UK* (*purchase only)

Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)

Voyager found members of a Federation starship and the rebel Maquis stranded together 70,000 years from Earth in the Delta Quadrant, facing a 75-year journey home. Headed by Trek ’s first female captain , Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), Voyager encountered all kinds of interesting new races as well as old enemies the Borg during the long and often compelling journey home.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005)

The first series to act as a prequel, set a decade before the creation of what would become the United Federation of Planets, Enterprise followed the crew of the first ship to bear that name. Uneven in quality and struggling to find resonant stories, Enterprise was canceled after four seasons and ended an 18-year run for Trek on TV. 

Available in the US on Amazon , Netflix , Hulu , CBS All Access

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery (2017- )

Set 10 years prior to TOS , Discovery ’s troubled birth (it went through numerous delays and several showrunners) led to the most polarizing show in the franchise to date. Focusing for once on a central character other than the captain — mutinous anthropologist Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), who turns out to be the adopted sister of one Mr. Spock — it has often ignored or played fast and loose with Trek continuity while painting Starfleet in a more conspiratorial light. Season 3 will debut in 2020.

Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek: Picard (2020- )

Like Discovery before it, Picard has divided Star Trek fans with its depiction of a Federation in decline, marked by bigotry, deception and treachery. But there is no questioning the powerful presence of Patrick Stewart, playing an older, flawed Picard for the first time in 18 years, and the thrill of seeing old friends like Seven of Nine, Will Riker and Deanna Troi. The show has certainly had its moments ; we’ll see if more are to come in the already-announced season 2 .

Available in the UK on Amazon UK

Star Trek: 50 Best Episodes

The 15 best worst episodes of star trek: the original series, star trek movies.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

After an aborted attempt at a second TV series ( Star Trek: Phase II ), Paramount Pictures brought Trek to the big screen in a lavish, $40 million epic (the most expensive movie of its time) that reunited the original crew in a 2001 -like encounter with a massive, mysterious space probe. Slow-moving, alternately impressive and shaky visually, ST: TMP nevertheless proved that the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise could hold their own on the big screen — and strangely, the film has actually aged better than most.

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Available in the US on Amazon , Hulu

Available in the UK on NOW TV , YouTube *, Amazon UK *, Sky Store * (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Still considered the finest Trek movie of all , and rightfully so, The Wrath of Khan focused — like the original show — on character and story instead of visual effects and esoteric concepts. Bringing back a deadly enemy from the first season, the generic superman Khan (Ricardo Montalban), the movie was thrilling, dramatic and, with the death of Spock at the finale, incredibly moving.

Available in the UK on NOW TV , *YouTube , *Amazon UK , * Sky Store (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)

Even though the end of Star Trek II strongly hinted at Spock’s return, it wasn’t a given. But Leonard Nimoy did come back for Star Trek III — as director (and yes, as Spock too in the film’s closing minutes) of this somber and often underrated entry . Captain Kirk loses almost everything — his beloved ship, his commission and his newly reconciled son — to save his friend’s life in a poignant story about friendship and loyalty. And there’s a bad-ass villain too, a Klingon captain played to the hilt by Christopher Lloyd.

Available in the UK on NOW TV , * YouTube , * Amazon UK , * Sky Store (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

Leonard Nimoy’s second outing as director is both a comedy and an environmentally themed adventure — and it turned out to be one of the biggest hits of the franchise. This light-hearted romp sent Kirk and the gang back to 20 th century San Francisco to rescue a pair of humpback whales, and the fish-out-of-water (pun intended) antics of the crew provide plenty of laughs and a ton of heart.

Available in the US on Amazon

Available in the UK on NOW TV , * Amazon UK , * YouTube , * Sky Store (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

Shatner got behind the camera for this turgid, unfunny mess , which regularly rates near the bottom of any Trekker’s list. The old “alien pretending to be God” trope, a long-lost brother we never knew Spock had and the other cast members acting by and large like buffoons make this perhaps the most embarrassing of the Enterprise ’s big screen voyages. There are a few nice moments — there always are — but this nowhere near first on our revisit list.

Available in the UK on NOW TV , * Amazon UK , *YouTube , * Sky Store (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country

Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

The classic Trek cast bounced back from Star Trek V with a final adventure that was also one of their best . A suspenseful, urgent meditation on aging, grievance and the end of the Cold War, Star Trek IV was a remarkable example of how Trek could show us at our finest even while facing down our lingering demons. Plus it ends with both a great space battle and one of the greatest cast send-offs ever (which was emulated by none other than Avengers Endgame ).

Star Trek: Generations

Star Trek: Generations (1994)

What could have been a magnificent passing of the torch from the classic Trek cast to the TNG crew ends up looking and feeling more like a tepid extended TNG episode with weak cameos from Kirk, Scotty (James Doohan) and Chekov (Walter Koenig). Patrick Stewart and his team are all solid, as is villain Malcolm McDowell, and the crashing of the Enterprise is a genuinely gripping setpiece. But the story and motivations are undercooked — as is most of the movie.

Available in the UK on NOW TV , * Amazon UK , * Sky Store , * YouTube (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

Easily the best of the TNG quartet, First Contact travels back in time to the very start of Earth’s push into space, where the Borg intends to cripple humanity once and for all. The crew of the Enterprise follow them to make sure history isn’t changed, even as Picard confronts his fear and hatred of the Borg . Jonathan Frakes does a nice first-time directing job, balancing the action and character work ably, while Alice Krige steals the show as the sensual Borg Queen.

Star Trek: Insurrection

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

Like Generations , the third TNG theatrical outing feels like a mediocre TV segment stretched to feature length; even Frakes’ direction seems uninspired. One difference: with Picard fighting a secret plan (engineered by F. Murray Abraham, above) to uproot the natives of a “fountain of youth” planet, the seeds were planted for later Trek entries that portrayed an increasingly corrupt Federation. Otherwise, this is a forgettable, often cheesy film.

Star Trek: Nemesis

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

The final big-screen outing for the TNG cast is better than its reputation suggests , as Picard squares off against a renegade Romulan who happens to be his clone. Tom Hardy chews the scenery fabulously as the latter, and the climactic battle between his massive ship and the Enterprise is well handled by director Stuart Baird. There’s also a surprising emotional payoff for Data (Brent Spiner) that ends up being the hook for Star Trek: Picard 18 years later.

Star Trek (2009)

Star Trek (2009)

J.J. Abrams does what many thought couldn’t be done — he reboots Star Trek with a fresh, young cast inhabiting the original roles made iconic by Shatner, Nimoy and their crew. The new cast, led by Chris Pine as Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock, is the best thing about the film, which also uses a clever plot device to position this timeline just slightly to the side of the original one. The reliance on action over ideas is a bit of a letdown, and unfortunately would carry over to the next two movies.

Available in the UK on Netflix , NOW TV , * Amazon UK , * Sky Store , * YouTube (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

One of the worst Trek films ever , right down there with The Final Frontier . STID insults both fans and casual viewers with a brain-dead script, frantic action and massive contrivances (such as the sudden ability for someone to beam across the galaxy or the screenwriters’ well-worn “magic blood” gimmick). But its most egregious offense is turning into a half-assed remake of The Wrath of Khan that’s as dumb as it is pointless. This is what happens when people tackle Trek with no understanding of it.

Available in the UK on * Amazon UK , * Sky Store , * YouTube (*purchase/rent only)

Star Trek Beyond

Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Still too reliant on action over depth, and featuring the third revenge-driven storyline in a row, Star Trek Beyond is nevertheless better than its predecessor . It mostly works as a standalone adventure, and once again the Pine/Quinto cast delivers with heart. But even though Beyond does occasionally capture the vibe of classic Trek , there’s a vague sense of desperation at work — like the franchise knows it’s run out of gas (and crashing the Enterprise for the third time in 13 films doesn’t help).

Available in the UK on * Sky Store , * Amazon UK , * YouTube (*purchase/rent only)

Don Kaye

Don Kaye | @donkaye

Don Kaye is an entertainment journalist by trade and geek by natural design. Born in New York City, currently ensconced in Los Angeles, his earliest childhood memory is…

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Inside Star Trek Discovery's mission to bring hope back to TV

On May 13, 2005, the final episode of Star Trek Enterprise was broadcast in America. The show's cancellation after four seasons marked the first time since Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered in 1987 that a Star Trek series wasn't either airing or in development. Its passing would mark the disappearance of the beloved sci-fi saga from television for over a decade.

In its place came JJ Abrams' reinvention for the big screen. Although it returned focus to Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, it created a divergent timeline, distinct from the events of original creator Gene Roddenberry's classic 1966 TV series. It also abandoned much of the nuance the series had become known for over the years. There would be no delicate examination of interplanetary politics or mind-bending parables that challenged viewers' understandings of human nature, only two-to-three-hour slices of bombastic action. The decision to title the 2009 movie that kicked off the Abramsverse simply Star Trek was a pointed one – as far as anyone was concerned, this was what Trek fundamentally was , now.

Yet to many fans, Trek's true home is on the small screen. The format, they say, allows for a deeper exploration of the core premise that lays at the heart of Roddenberry's vision: to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no one has gone before – and to do so with more nuance and regularity than a blockbuster movie every three years allows.

Which is where Star Trek: Discovery comes in. A slightly belated 50th anniversary project, Discovery isn't just bringing Trek back to TV, it's aiming to update how it functions in the medium.

The world of television is far different now than it was in 2005. Episodic genre shows are a rarity; the season-long arc is king. Discovery breaks from Trek tradition by presenting a 15-episode season telling one connected story, that of a cold war between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets, set ten years before Star Trek: The Original Series (or TOS ).

It will also be the first Trek series centred not on a Starfleet captain but instead on a First Officer. The focus falls on Michael Burnham, played by The Walking Dead's Sonequa Martin-Green, the first human raised on Vulcan.

Martin-Green describes Burnham as "the only human to have not just attended the Vulcan Science Academy but excelled as well, [which] speaks to Burnham's intellect and just sheer level of intelligence". As much as Burnham walks between two worlds, her human nature conflicting with her emotionally placid Vulcan upbringing, she also walks between two starships – the eponymous Discovery, captained by Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs), and the Shenzhou, captained by Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh).

"[She's] highly disciplined, highly principled, and the Vulcan-Human dichotomy that lives within her is emblematic of her personality. It is the two realities living within me at all times," Martin-Green tells me.

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Discovery itself is walking a narrow line between evolution and fan service. There are plenty of nods to classic Trek – Rainn Wilson will appear as a recast Harry Mudd , The Next Generation's Jonathan Frakes is directing episodes, and Martin-Green's character was raised by Vulcan elder Sarek, making her Spock's adopted sister, after a fashion – even as the show introduces unseen planets, new alien races, and re-interprets elements of the older series for newer audiences.

Discovery , developed in conjunction between CBS and Netflix, has a budget to match its ambitions, with the studios reportedly spending roughly $8 million (£5.9m) per episode. Production takes place primarily on the Pinewood lot in Toronto, Canada – the largest soundstage in North America – but has also involved location shoots as far afield as Jordan.

On-set in Toronto, entire studio buildings were taken over by some of the largest sets ever created for a Star Trek series, with massive bridges for both the Discovery and the Shenzhou, labyrinthine networks of starship corridors with working doors, and even social spaces for the ship's crews.

The level of detail on display is astonishing, much of it subtly building the show's characters. A laboratory set to be staffed by Science Officer Stamets (Anthony Rapp) – incidentally the first openly gay character in Trek history – has an entire bay of exotic fungi, reflecting Stamets' specialisation in astromycology; while the private quarters of Captain Lorca features an array of melee weaponry that hint at his hawkish, militaristic personality.

Even more impressive though is the full-size bridge for the main Klingon vessel appearing in the show. A towering multi-leveled structure that appears more cathedral than starship, it's commanded by the zealous T'Kuvma, whose ambition of uniting the 24 great houses of the Klingon Empire is central to the Cold War premise of the season.

With ornate detail that extends down to Klingon script etched into the flooring and walls, T'Kuvma's ship is a vast departure from Klingon designs seen previously. Think the architecture of Antoni Gaudi blended with the xeno-organic horror of H.R. Giger, with an added dash of alien religious fundamentalism for an idea of what to expect.

"The Klingons are part of Star Trek lore that go all the way back to season one of TOS , but what we're doing is showing a side of the Klingons I don't think we've ever seen before," producer Ted Sullivan tells me. "We're exploring the four different houses that are in the Klingon Empire, so we'll be seeing different clothing, different rituals, to what we've seen before."

"What the ship represents is an entirely different style [for Klingon] ships, architecture, even the clothing that they're wearing," he explains. "What we're seeing is a group of Klingons who have basically gone back to a Puritan way of life."

The design reflects a different purpose too – it will be a sarcophagus ship, carrying the honoured dead of T'Kuvma's house. That's a particularly interesting point, as dedicated Star Trek fans will know that the Klingons typically care little for their dead, with even their medical sciences poorly developed. The monoculture we've previously seen has been focused on strength – those who are injured or ill are left to fend for themselves, and those who die considered too weak to have cared for anyway. T'kuvma's divergent view not only adds richness to Klingon society, but it's a key part of the new direction Discovery is taking, exploring areas of the universe and the cultures that inhabit it in ways that viewers won't have seen before.

One aspect of the Klingons that has rankled some fans is their updated appearance. While in TOS they were merely swarthy humans, adopting the now-familiar forehead ridges and fanged teeth as of 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture , when viewers meet them in Discovery , they'll have another makeover, one glimpsed in early trailers .

The new look – sleeker, vaguely reptilian, with leathered skin and an almost armoured skeletal structure – has invited accusations that the new series is ignoring continuity. The C word is one that Sullivan is keen to respect, but not be slave to though.

"If you look at the classic series, Klingons were guys with moustaches taped to their faces and grease-paint on," he says. "When Gene Roddenberry had money for The Motion Picture , Mark Lenard played a very different type of Klingon, and when there was even more money for Star Trek III , they looked even more different. The thing about Star Trek is that it grows and it evolves, and as long as it pays respect to what has come before – which is what we've tried to do – people will embrace it. But at the same point, we have to use all the tools that are available that weren't available before."

Other than the divergent appearances being reflected by different houses, don't expect Discovery to spend much time on the genetic expression of the Federation's arch-enemies. Sullivan is keen to avoid falling into one of Star Trek's oldest traps – over-explaining.

Although Enterprise dedicated an entire story-arc to explaining the smooth-headed Klingons of TOS – it confusingly had to do with a genetically altered virus which in turn tied back in to the augmented humans typified by iconic villain Khan – to Sullivan, the Deep Space Nine episode Trials and Tribble-ations dealt with the appearance problem best. There, with the DS9 crew thrown back to Kirk's era (and cleverly merged into a TOS episode) and face-to-face with old-school Klingons, ridge-headed Worf comments simply that "we do not discuss it with outsiders".

"You can't, in story, explain differences in appearance by saying, 'We have more money for effects now', even though that's the real-world reason," Sullivan says. "So that line perfectly dodges the issue. It doesn't need explaining."

That's not to say Discovery will be absent of canon or ignorant of what's gone before (or given its nature as a prequel, what's yet to come). I was pleased to notice a bottle of wine in Captain Georgiou's quarters labelled as from the Picard Vineyard – just one of several nods to observant fans.

Discovery isn't just bringing Trek itself back to television though – it's aiming to bring back a sense of hope and optimism, at a time when our media choices tend to favour anti-heroes and grimdark cynicism.

Roddenberry's vision of the future was classically utopian. He foresaw a time where humanity had united under a single, progressive government, put its divisions of nationality, race, and creed aside, and ventured out into the universe in a spirit of openness. The Federation was a community of not just countries but entire worlds, and where starships were a means of exploration and wonder, not tools of war. At a time where the real world feels increasingly insular, where issues such as Brexit or Donald Trump's protectionist stances threaten to make the world smaller and meaner, Discovery wants to get back to that promise of a brighter path.

"We're trying to do a Star Trek that represents modern day society, which is we have to find a way to interact and learn and be and coexist," Sullivan says. "The more that everyone, whether it's the Federation or the Klingons, dig in and say, 'Not in my backyard', that's a problem, because in the end, it's everyone's backyard. Our hope is that this story represents where we are, and where we can go, in a hopeful way because Star Trek at it's core is a very hopeful series."

The cast agrees. Michelle Yeoh describes Captain Georgiou as "a veteran, she's seen the horror and brutality of war, but she has great hope for humanity." The need for hope, she says, filters right down to the core of their characters. "I think Star Trek gives you hope, it's very inspiring," Yeoh tells me.

"The essence has always been to reflect on things that are happening in the present, and talking about humanity and how we overcome and try to be better." Sonequa Martin-Green also recalls how important Trek's fundamental optimism has already been in impacting the real world. "I understand what it means to the world. I understand how reaching the legacy is," she says. "Nichelle [Nichols, Lt Uhura on TOS ], she was an activist, and everyone knows about her legendary conversation with Dr Martin Luther-King Jr," Martin-Green says. "How he persuaded her, 'no, you have to get involved, you're going to further our image in this country and in the world by doing this, this is your purpose, you need to do it!' I think that reverberates in me as well, and always has. I've always been aware of that and what she did on TOS , and the leaps and bounds that TOS took – having the first interracial kiss on television."

Martin-Green is optimistic herself, thinking that Discovery will continue that trend and that audiences are hungry again for some hope in their entertainment. "Things are at a fever pitch right now, I believe we can all agree. The devastation, the oppression, the genocide, the division around the world, I think it has reached a fever pitch, and I absolutely think that it's causing people to lose hope in a lot of ways," she says. "So yes, I think people are looking for something to hold onto, they're reaching and grasping for glimmers wherever they may find them. It's why I feel so honoured and blessed to be a storyteller, number one, and to be telling this story, because I believe it speaks to that. I believe seeing this utopian future, even with its challenges, is incredibly, incredibly hopeful and inspiring."

For Sullivan, Star Trek has always been about addressing fundamental issues in the real world. "If we don't take into account where we've been as a culture and as a planet for the past 15 years, then we're not being true to Star Trek ."

Star Trek Discovery premieres on Netflix UK on September 25, with new episodes added weekly.

This article was originally published by WIRED UK

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Star Trek streaming guide: Where to watch the Star Trek movies and TV shows online

Our Star Trek streaming guide will allow you to go boldly where you've never gone before, without getting off your couch.

Star Trek image showing all captains

How to stream the Star Trek Movies in the US

How to stream the star trek tv shows in the us, how to stream the star trek movies in the uk, how to stream the star trek tv shows in the uk.

Here's our Star Trek streaming guide, so you know where to go boldly where you've never gone before... Without leaving your sofa. We've come up with this Star Trek streaming guide because since the first ever episode aired back in 1966, there's been  a huge number of additions into the franchise. 

Star Trek is currently in a bit of a purple patch for content as Paramount Plus , which is the home of all things Star Trek, is responsible for several new shows in recent years. But, it's not just new content, you'll also find where to stream the classics both movies and TV series below. 

Before, Star Trek content was scattered all around different streaming services and searching for what you wanted to watch could feel like hunting for a cloaked Bird of Prey. However, these days you're able to stream all Star Trek content out there on Paramount Plus. However, we do have round-ups of the best sci-fi movies and TV shows on Netflix , Disney Plus and Amazon if you want to check them out. 

You can also check out our take on the Star Trek movies, ranked so you know which movies to beam up onto your device. While Paramount Plus has everything Star Trek out there, you can find the odd bit of content on other platforms. So, below you'll find where you can watch what, regardless of where you're based, in our Star Trek streaming guide.  

Walter Koenig, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, and Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek IV The Voyage Home (1986)_Paramount Pictures

The Star Trek movies can be divided into three tidy groups: the original cast, the Next Generation cast, and the reboot cast. All of them can be found on Paramount+. However, Paramount+ isn't the only place you can stream the movies and in some cases you can rent or buy from places such as Amazon .

Here’s how to stream the Star Trek movies in the U.S., in order of release:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture — Paramount+ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan — Paramount+ Star Trek III: The Search for Spock — Paramount+ Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home — Paramount+ Star Trek V: The Final Frontier — Paramount+ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country — Paramount+ Star Trek: Generations — Paramount+ Star Trek: First Contact — Paramount+ Star Trek: Insurrection — Paramount+ , Spectrum Star Trek: Nemesis — Paramount+   Star Trek (2009) — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek Into Darkness — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek Beyond — Paramount+ , DIRECTV , Freevee

A scene from

When it comes to Star Trek on the small screen, you can find them all in one place. Paramount+ not only has every episode of every legacy Trek show, it’s also the home of all the new Star Trek programming, such as Picard and Strange New Worlds. If you’re a Trekkie, you absolutely want to have Paramount+ to keep up with the object of your affection. A word of warning though, other streaming platforms may only have select episodes or series to stream.

Star Trek: The Original Series — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek: The Next Generation — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek: Deep Space Nine  — Paramount+ , Sling , Spectrum Star Trek: Voyager — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek: Enterprise — Paramount+ Star Trek: Discovery — Paramount+ , DIRECTV Star Trek: Picard — Paramount+ Star Trek: Short Treks — Paramount+ Star Trek: Lower Decks — Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy — Paramount+ ,   DIRECTV , FuboTV , Spectrum Star Trek: The Animated Series — Paramount+ Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — Paramount+

Walter Koenig, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, and George Takei in Star Trek III The Search for Spock (1984)_Paramount Pictures

Now that Paramount+ has arrived in the U.K, streaming Star Trek is a lot easier. You can view most of the movies on the streaming platform. Star Trek Beyond is the exception but that can be found on Amazon Prime. If you're not prepared to subscribe to Paramount+, the movies are available to rent or buy from a number of different platforms. 

Star Trek: The Motion Picture — Paramount+ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan — Paramount+ Star Trek III: The Search for Spock — Paramount+ Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home — Paramount+ Star Trek V: The Final Frontier — Paramount+ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country — Paramount+ Star Trek: Generations — Paramount+ Star Trek: First Contact — Paramount+ Star Trek: Insurrection — Paramount+ Star Trek: Nemesis — Paramount+ Star Trek (2009) — Paramount+ , Amazon Prime Star Trek Into Darkness — Paramount+ , Amazon Prime Star Trek Beyond — Amazon Prime

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Picard, Ryker, and Troi

Now that Paramount+ has reached those across the pond, the U.K. can enjoy streaming Star Trek shows as well. Netflix is also another great option to fulfil your Trekkie viewing needs, especially if you're interested in checking out Star Trek: The Animated Series, which is exclusive to Netflix. 

However, for the likes of Picard and Lower Decks, you’ll have to hop on over to Amazon Prime. It's worth noting that platforms such as SkyGo may only have a select number of episodes or series to stream.

Star Trek: The Original Series —   Netflix , Paramount+ Star Trek: The Next Generation — Netflix , Paramount+ , SkyGo Star Trek: Deep Space Nine  — Netflix , Paramount+ Star Trek: Voyager — Netflix , Paramount+ Star Trek: Enterprise — Netflix , Paramount+ Star Trek: Discovery — Paramount+ Star Trek: Picard — Amazon Prime Video , Paramount+ Star Trek: Short Treks — N/A Star Trek: Lower Decks — Amazon Prime Video Star Trek: Prodigy — Paramount+ , SkyGo Star Trek: The Animated Series — Netflix Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — Paramount+

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Susan Arendt is a freelance writer, editor, and consultant living in Burleson, TX. She's a huge sci-fi TV and movie buff, and will talk your Vulcan ears off about Star Trek. You can find more of her work at Wired, IGN, Polygon, or look for her on Twitter: @SusanArendt. Be prepared to see too many pictures of her dogs.

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The date is set: Netflix and Star Trek are done

The end of an era...

Deep Space Nine

Ever since the launch of its own streaming service, Paramount Plus, Paramount has slowly been reclaiming its shows and pulling them off rival streaming platforms. 

One of the longest goodbyes has been to the plethora of the company's Star Trek shows and movies, which have existed on other streaming platforms for almost a decade. 

Netflix has, at one time or another, had access to six Star Treks series, but Paramount has slowly drawn them back, one by one. This started all the way back at the end of 2019, with the departure of Star Trek : The Animated Series, which was followed in October 2021 by the exit of the original series, Star Trek: Enterprise, and Star Trek: Voyage. Then, in April of this year, Netflix subscribers said goodbye to Star Trek: The Next Generation , and now, the last of the shows has an end date.  

That one remaining show is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which is finally leaving Netflix on July 2, a full decade after it first appeared on the platform. 

Deep Space Nine ran between 1993 and 1999 with 176 episodes across seven seasons. The show starred Avery Brooks, René Auberjonois, Terry Farrell, Cirroc Lofton, Colm Meaney, Armin Shimerman, Alexander Siddig and Nana Visitor. 

It followed the adventures of the crew onboard Deep Space Nine, a spaceship stationed near an outpost right next to a stable wormhole on the far reaches of explored space.

Set in the 24th century, the crew are under the command of Captain Benjamin Sisko, who has been given a mandate to protect a planet named Bajor and the station from any unwelcome visitors. But, after they discover the wormhole (which is, naturally, a shortcut through space that leads directly to uncharted territory), Sisko and his crew have their work cut out trying to keep on top of all the hostile nasties that keep turning up. 

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One of the best reviewed Star Trek franchises, with 91% on Rotten Tomatoes , Deep Space Nine's departure truly is the end of an era for Netflix, which will soon find itself without Star Trek for the first time in 10 years. 

What about internationally?

For now, all of the shows, with the exception of Star Trek: The Animated Series, remain on Netflix internationally. 

However, with the imminent launch of Paramount Plus in the UK and mainland Europe this summer , we strongly suspect that this isn't going to be the case for much longer. 

That said, Paramount Plus launched in the US in March of 2021, and it has taken over 18 months for the network to slowly reclaim the rights to the various different Star Trek shows, so their departure from Netflix internationally is unlikely to be imminent. 

Still, if you're a Netflix subscriber internationally and you want to work your way through the Star Trek seasons, we'd recommend getting a shift on (or waiting for Paramount Plus, of course...).

  • Everything leaving Netflix US in the coming weeks

Tom Goodwyn was formerly TechRadar's Senior Entertainment Editor. He's now a freelancer writing about TV shows, documentaries and movies across streaming services, theaters and beyond. Based in East London, he loves nothing more than spending all day in a movie theater, well, he did before he had two small children… 

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Star Trek - Strange New Worlds: Release date rumours, trailer and cast

Ethan Peck and Rebecca Romijn will also return as Spock and Number One in the new spin-off.

Star Trek - Pike (Anson Mount)

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The voyages of the starship Enterprise are one step closer to being beamed onto our screens – with filming now complete and Star Trek Day revealing all sorts of juicy details.

Spin-off Strange New Worlds will focus on classic characters Captain Pike, Spock and Number One in the years between the events of Discovery and The Original Series, bringing Star Trek back to the episodic formula it originated with.

First announced back in May 2020, production finally got underway in March 2021 after a lengthy delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of strange new safety protocols on set.

“In a career, there is never enough work that is pure joy. I feel that my friend Alex Kurtzman along with David Stapf at CBS Studios and Julie McNamara at Paramount+ have given me just that by letting me haunt the stock rooms of my favorite candy store and I am grateful,” said Akiva Goldsman, co-showrunner and executive producer. “With a hell of a cast and undying love for The Original Series, we boldly go.”

Henry Alonso Myers, co-showrunner and executive producer, added: “I’m incredibly grateful to be working alongside Akiva and our brilliant, multi-faceted cast to help bring the adventures of the Starship Enterprise to new life. For someone who’s been dreaming of spaceships and alien worlds since I was little, this show is a dream come true.”

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Anson Mount (Pike), Ethan Peck (Spock) and Rebecca Romijn (Number One) made their debuts as the characters in season two of Star Trek: Discovery , taking on the roles originally played by Jeffrey Hunter, Leonard Nimoy and Majel Barrett in the 1960s – and proving an immediate hits with fans.

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"When we said we heard the fans’ outpouring of love for Pike, Number One and Spock when they boarded Star Trek: Discovery last season, we meant it,” said executive producer Alex Kurtzman. "These iconic characters have a deep history in Star Trek’s canon, yet so much of their stories have yet to be told."

However, the popular trio won't be the only familiar faces, with the iconic Nyota Uhura among the many original characters who will be reappearing – along with the mysterious La'an Noonien-Singh, who will somehow be connected to infamous Star Trek villain Khan.

Executive Producer Alex Kurtzman has hinted that Strange New Worlds will be a departure from the types of Trek stories we've seen of late, with an optimistic tone and more episodic storytelling style helping to differentiate it from both Discovery and Picard.

Here's all the essential info on the new spin-off:

Star Trek Strange New Worlds series

The synopsis for the new spin-off reads: "Strange New Worlds will follow the crew in the decade before Captain Kirk boarded the USS. Enterprise, as they explore new worlds around the galaxy."

So while details are scant, it appears Strange New Worlds will bridge the gap between Pike, Spock and Number One's encounter with the Discovery crew and the events of the Star Trek: The Original Series story 'The Menagerie' which revealed Pike's ultimate (grisly) fate.

Alex Kurtzman has also revealed that the series will feature more "standalone episodes" and be less arc-based than other modern Star Trek shows, harkening back to the format of The Original Series.

"I think Strange New Worlds, under the guidance of Henry Myers and Akiva Goldsman, it’s going to be a return in a way to TOS," he told Deadline .

"We are going to do standalone episodes. There will be emotional serialization. There will be two-parters. There will be larger plot arcs. But it really is back to the model of alien-of-the-week, planet-of-the-week, challenge-on-the-ship-of-the-week. With these characters pre-Kirk’s Enterprise."

He added: "I think what people responded so much to in all three characters is this kind of relentless optimism that they have. And that they are at the young phase of their careers."

Anson Mount as Pike in Star Trek

Co-showrunner Akiva Goldsman has also hinted that an episodic approach will allow the show to experiment with genre in a way the more serialised Star Trek shows could not.

"If you think back to The Original Series, it was a tonally more liberal — I don’t mean in terms of politics, but it could sort of be more fluid," Goldsman told THR . "Like sometimes Robert Bloch would write a horror episode. Or Harlan Ellison would have City on the Edge of Forever, which is hard sci-fi. Then there would be comedic episodes like Shore Leave or The Trouble With Tribbles.

"So [co-showrunner] Henry Alonso Myers and myself are trying to serve that."

Star Rebecca Romijn has teased that the show will not just reference The Original Series in terms of story structure, but also in the more direct form of Easter Eggs.

“I can’t say anything else because there are so many Easter eggs on this show, but we are very, very, very excited to introduce this show,” Romijn told Looper .

This may include the costumes and Enterprise set, which have been adjusted slightly since their appearance in Discovery to better emulate the look and feel of The Original Series.

"When you close your eyes and think of the key sets and situations that you think of The Original Series, that’s what we’re looking to do," Goldsman added.

Star Trek Strange New Worlds cast

Star Trek – Number One and Spock

Anson Mount will reprise his role of Captain Christopher Pike, first played by Jeffrey Hunter in the unaired Star Trek pilot 'The Cage' in 1965 and later by Sean Kenney in 'The Menagerie', with Bruce Greenwood also playing a version of the character in the films Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013).

Mount was delighted to return as Pike, after telling he thought the role was a “one-season gig” .

“I was telling our costume designer earlier today, I was at home for a year,” Mount said. “The last time I was home for a year was my junior year in high school. Everyone’s glad to be back at work.”

Ethan Peck will once again play Mr Spock, following in the footsteps of Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto, with Rebecca Romijn taking up the role of Number One as originated by Majel Barrett.

With Number One only appearing in the pilot of The Original Series, Romijn said on a Star Trek Day panel discussion that the show's writers have a “unique opportunity” to fill out the character's backstory for the first time.

"I had a delightful meeting with the writers’ room a couple of months ago, and they floated an idea for Number One’s backstory that I’m not going to share right now because it blew my mind when they said it," Romijn continued. "But that’s all I can say."

A second teaser video was released on Star Trek Day 2021 revealing the roles of the new cast members, which includes a few classic characters – as well as some surprising new faces...

The new roll call revealed that Celia Rose Gooding (Jagged Little Pill) would be taking on the iconic role of Cadet Nyota Uhura, who was memorably first played by Nichelle Nichols in The Original Series and later Zoe Saldana in the reboot films.

Uhura won't be the only original character returning however – Nurse Christine Chapel is also set for a reappearance, now played by Jess Bush (Skinford, Les Norton), having previously been portrayed by Majel Barrett.

Babs Olusanmokun (Black Mirror, Dune ) will be taking over the role of Dr M'Benga from Booker Bradshaw, while Bruce Horak will be playing a brand new alien character called Hemmer.

However it is Christina Chong 's (Tom and Jerry, Black Mirror ) character that has gotten everybody talking, as she'll playing a new character called La'an Noonien-Singh. That's right – Noonien-Singh as in Khan Noonien Singh, suggesting that she will somehow be related to one of Star Trek's most notorious villains.

Melissa Navia (Dietland, Billions ) rounds out the cast as Lieutenant Erica Ortega.

Before that, a teaser video featuring the series’ cast was released in March 2021 to mark the beginning of production.

Star Trek Strange New Worlds release date

There's no premiere date yet set for Strange New Worlds – the series was first announced in 2020, only for TV and film production to face an almost total shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Production on the series finally got underway in Toronto, Canada, March 2021, with star Anson Mount telling that despite COVID-19 protocols “it’s been one of the smoothest starts I think I’ve ever had in television.”

Deadline reported that a guest star had tested positive for COVID-19 in April 2021, but the actor had not yet made it to set before self-isolating and production on the show was not expected to be impacted.

Mount took to social media to announce that principal production on season one had wrapped on 24th July 2021, with only reshoots left to film later in 2021.

It seems many of the remaining pickup shots involve crowd scenes, which were not possible during initial filming as Toronto was in lockdown during much of the show's production.

At this rate, Star Trek Strange New Worlds is on course to meet its expected early 2022 launch.

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Star Trek Strange New Worlds UK: Will it be on Netflix?

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds will be available to Paramount Plus (formerly CBS All-Access) subscribers in the US, as with all Trek series since the launch of Discovery in 2017.

There's no word yet on a UK broadcaster – though Discovery debuted on Netflix in the UK and was later broadcast on E4, the recent Star Trek: Picard landed on Amazon Prime Video, so it's possible that Strange New Worlds will also go to the highest bidder, which could be Netflix, or Amazon, or some other platform.

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  • July 6, 2024 | ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season 2 Hits Netflix Top 10 Internationally, ‘Discovery’ Season 5 On Nielsen Top 10

‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season 2 Hits Netflix Top 10 Internationally, ‘Discovery’ Season 5 On Nielsen Top 10

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| July 6, 2024 | By: Staff 20 comments so far

The launch of the second season of Prodigy made some waves around the world. Also the Nielsen numbers are in for the week of the series finale of Star Trek: Discovery .

Prodigy hits Netflix top 10 around the world

In the days after the July 1 launch of the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy , the animated series hit Netflix’s top 10 Kids show chart in the UK and several other countries around the world. You can see it at number 10 from the Netflix app from the UK below.

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In total, Prodigy showed up on the top 10 in eight countries around the world, primarily in Europe but also in India and New Zealand, according to the tracking site Flix Patrol. It performed best in Germany, on that chart for four days reaching a high of #3. Surprisingly, Prodigy also popped into the chart for France, even though the entire season has been available on France TV since March.

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Unlike when the first season launched last Christmas , Prodigy didn’t make it into the Netflix Top 10 in the USA. The show that has dominated the Netflix Top 10 Kids shows chart in the US chart for the past week is Unicorn Academy , which also just launched a second season on the streaming service. However, it appears Prodigy is getting more “buzz” as it is outpacing Unicorn Academy when it comes to web searches over the last week, according to Google Trends.

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In their recent interview with TrekMovie, series creators Dan and Kevin Hageman said they believed the show needed to do “ more than well ” to warrant a season 3 pickup, but they were hoping it might do well enough for Netflix to back a streaming movie.

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From episode 20 of Prodigy season 2 (CBS Studios)

Discovery ends in Nielsen Top 10

Nielsen has released the top 10 USA streaming charts for the last week of May, which includes the season 5 finale of Star Trek: Discovery (“Life, Itself”). Discovery popped in at the tenth spot, with 269 million minutes viewed. This is the fourth time Discovery showed up on the charts for the season, after appearing for three weeks in a row covering the first five episodes (the first two episodes were released in the same week).

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Paramount+ shows tend to be a rarity on the Nielsen originals chart, which is in part due to the streaming service not having the reach of the giants like Netflix and Prime Video. 2023 was the first year Nielsen tracked Paramount+ shows and both Picard and Strange New Worlds also appeared on the top 10 charts, with Strange New Worlds season 2 doing significantly better in terms of ranks and minutes watched. Season 5 of Discovery also somewhat trailed behind season 3 of Picard in terms of the minutes watched metric.

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L-R Sonequa Martin Green as Burnham, Tara Rosling as President T’Rina and Doug Jones as Saru in “Life, Itself” (Paramount+)

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I’m so glad it’s doing well internationally. And while it’s unfortunate that it’s not top 10 in the US, I’ve heard it’s 13 which isn’t bad IMO. I really hope that it continues to do well, and that it matches (or even succeeds) Netflix’s expectations to earn a season 3 renewal. This season, and series as a whole, is just so good and this level of talent deserves to be rewarded.

I’ve watched the two-part season opener, and so far am honestly mystified at what the all the shouting is about. I’ll continue watching, of course.

Both of these shows are (were) great and I’m glad that are getting viewers. Disco was wonderful and I will miss Michael Burnham. I really valued the flash-forward that showed her older. Prodigy was a perfect distillation of what Star Trek is and the love for the Trek universe and its values and lore was apparent throughout the show. The orange sweater-wearing time traveler was a delight (not being specific for spoilers) and an unexpected gift.

To be honest, I love season two of Prodigy more than the final season of Discovery. Though I love a few good moments from the latter. What an adventure!

Great to see! Not surprised about either of them actually. I assumed the Discovery finale would bring in more views. I don’t remember how big were the Picard and SNW actual view numbers were in their finales but I do think higher but that’s to be expected as well. All that matters is that Discovery got high enough numbers to.end with a splash at least.

But very very happy to see Prodigy enter the top 10 kids list again. And while I know not everyone was happy the entire season dropped at once it probably helped with the numbers. I’m just super happy it’s really being watched because it really deserves it seeing the reviews everywhere. Hopefully we’ll get another season but it’s probably way to early to say either way. But I absolutely love this show.

The “Picard” finale came in at 400 million minutes viewed, steadily climbing each week to the finale. “Discovery” fell out of the top 10 in the weeks leading up to its finale. Based on the season average, ending with 269 million was a bit of a bump, not a huge leap.

Always missing from Nielsen’s info is the number of unique viewers and demographics. Streamers have all of that information but will never share with the masses.

Thanks for the info Denny C. I was too lazy to look it up myself lol.

Again not very surprised because it was always stated both Picard and SNW did better than Discovery on views in general, now we finally have direct evidence of that. And of course it doesn’t give us a full picture but I’ll take what I can get.

And we have no idea if that’s what Discovery has always averaged or was it a bigger bump due to it being its final season…or is it actually lower than the previous seasons? Well it’s canceled now so it doesn’t really matter anymore but us nerds get off on this stuff lol.

But yeah I wish they share more information in general. It’s sad it took this long just to see some basic numbers to these shows.

I don’t understand. Is it just Netflix the Netherlands that doesn’t have it?

International licensing agreements can be complex.


Star Trek: Prodigy will stream on Netflix globally (excluding Canada, Nordics, CEE, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Mainland China) and Season 1 is currently available on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe with Season 2 coming soon.

Canada and China seem to be in the trickiest spot for this right now. At least the other countries will have an option, hopefully soon.

Ah thank you. I must’ve missed that.

I would really love to see the Prodigy series go on to spawn more interest in Star Trek Toys. I’m just not sure I want to see Playmates have another go at it. Maybe Spin Master or Jazwares might be a better fit for the license. Hiya Toys looks really promising too, but I think those are going to be more in line with adult collectors. I’m not sure Hiya Toys would even be interested in a line that’s also for kids. Playmates just seems to incapable of thinking outside the shell!

Agree. Speaking of Playmates, I’m glad it will handle toy licensing rights for Hasbro’s Power Rangers.

the animated series hit Netflix’s top 10 Kids show chart

The lede was somewhat buried, but it’s not the ten top Netflix shows in Europe, but was the top ten *kids’ shows*. That’s a considerably lower bar.

According to FlixPatrol, Prodigy has been hovering around the top 20 of all streaming shows of all networks. Which is still impressive.

Don’t count on a season 3. Be glad we have what we have.

Wise Words.

I’m nit a big DISCO fan, but I am still happy it is doing so well in viewership. ANY Trek show that does well is a win for all Trek fans.

That’s fine, despite Prodigy being my #1 current Star Trek show.

the prod numbers are interesting… trek was soaring when it was on netflix internationally… so many people got cut out or stopped following when paramount pulled the plug on disco right before season 4 premiered. i think this shows the influence netflix had on trek overseas…

And we STILL don´t have it on SkyShowTime. I wish they would have some of the newer Trek shows in Netflix here as well.

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Star Trek: Discovery release date: Netflix and CBS reveal when show's coming to UK and US

The show will come in two halves, article bookmarked.

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Finally, months after the first trailer for Star Trek: Discovery — the first new Star Trek TV show in 16 years — debuted, the show’s release date has been announced.

For UK viewers, the show will launch on Netflix 25 September, with new episodes uploaded every Monday.

The highly-anticipated show will begin airing in the United States on the 2 September on CBS, starting 8:30 p.m. ET/PT. The first two episodes will then be made available on CBS All Access for US viewers, with subsequent episodes being uploaded on the streaming service weekly.

Star Trek: Discovery — which stars The Walking Dead 's Sonequa Martin-Green as first officer Burnham — will be released in two halves.

The first eight episodes will run until November in the UK, the second half, consisting of seven episode, starting in January 2018.

Earlier this year, during a celebratory 50th-anniversary panel at Comic Con, a teaser trailer was released, debuting the show’s title and the USS Discovery.

"It’s not going to be episodic," showrunner Bryan Fuller — best known for Hannibal and currently working on American Gods — revealed at the panel. "We’re going to be telling stories like a novel.”

At the same event, Fuller confirmed the show will take place in the same timeline as the other TV shows — 10 years prior to the original adventures of Kirk and Spock — rather than the JJ Abrams-led films.

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Published Jul 1, 2024

All Episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 Now Available

Old friends, new worlds, even time travel.

A bearded Chakotay sits in the driver's seat of a Runaway vehicle with Gwyn strapped in beside him in 'Last Flight of the Protostar, Part I'

Ready for a brand-new classified mission? All episodes of Season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy are now streaming!

In Season 2, these six young outcasts who make up the Prodigy crew are assigned a new mission aboard the U.S.S. Voyager -A to rescue Captain Chakotay and bring peace to Gwyn's home world. However, when their plan goes astray, it creates a time paradox that jeopardizes both their future and past.

Season 2 Episode Titles and Synopses:

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 - Episode Titles

201 – "Into the Breach, Part I" 

The Prodigy crew is reunited and assigned a new mission aboard the U.S.S. Voyager -A, only to discover Admiral Janeway has other plans.

202 – "Into the Breach, Part II"

After Gwyn's plan to save Solum is sabotaged, she must turn to an unlikely ally. On Voyager , Janeway's secret mission is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious entity — and the Prodigy crew is accidentally sent through a rift.

203 – "Who Saves the Saviors"

The Prodigy crew crash lands in future Solum where they try to rescue Captain Chakotay, but when their plan goes astray, it creates a time paradox putting Gwyn in danger.

204 – "Temporal Mechanics 101"

In a race to save Gwyn, the Prodigy crew use their scientific know how to escape the dark future they are stranded in and travel back to the present, with some mysterious help from an unknown entity.

205 – "Observer's Paradox"

After saving Gwyn during a botched rescue mission, the Prodigy crew faces new scrutiny aboard Voyager . But hope is not lost if they can find the Protostar and repair the time paradox — and decode a cryptic message from Murf.

206 – "Imposter Syndrome"

Ready to embark on their quest to find the Protostar , the Prodigy crew creates holograms of themselves to leave Voyager undetected — but their holo-doubles jeopardize everything in a case of mistaken identity.

207 – "The Fast and the Curious"

As our crew travels to the spiral nebula in search of the lost Protostar , they take a shortcut through an old transwarp conduit— but are detoured by a Kazon warlord who enters them into a literal race for their lives. 

208 – "Is There in Beauty No Truth?"

With Zero's suit damaged beyond repair, the Prodigy crew visits a colony of non-corporeal beings who may be able to help Zero — by granting the Medusan a physical body.

209 – "The Devourer of All Things, Part I"

Upon arriving at the coordinates given to Gwyn by the mysterious entity, the Prodigy crew find themselves on a strange hidden planet where someone is waiting for them… and it's someone unexpected.

210 – "The Devourer of All Things, Part II"

After meeting the entity who's been helping our crew find the Protostar and fix the timeline, their plans are interrupted by an attack from the Loom and the arrival of Voyager .

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 - Episode Titles

211 – "Last Flight of the Protostar , Part I"

After a brush with the Loom, the Prodigy crew find the lost Protostar on a deserted ocean planet, but their only hope to fix the timeline is in jeopardy when its captain refuses to leave.

212 – "Last Flight of the Protostar , Part II"

After convincing Chakotay to help repair the Protostar , the Prodigy crew now need fuel for it to fly — which means converting it into a literal ship and sailing across the planet's gaseous ocean in an epic tale of survival.

213 – "A Tribble Called Quest"

The Protostar crew lands on a strange new world in search of the exotic matter they need to proto-warp back to Voyager … only to discover the planet is infested with an unusually large species of Tribbles. 

214 – "Cracked Mirror"

When a proto-warp gone wrong fractures Voyager into different realities, the Prodigy crew must venture through dangerous alternate dimensions to reunite with Admiral Janeway.

215 – "Ascension, Part I"

The Prodigy crew and Chakotay reunite with Voyager , bringing the timelost Protostar with them. But the past catches up to them when Ilthuran delivers a dire warning — Asencia is coming.

216 – "Ascension, Part II"

When Asencia's mysterious time weapon strikes Voyager and threatens all aboard, it's up to the crews of the Protostar , Voyager , and Nova Squadron to survive the attack.

217 – "Brink"

To prevent a war with Solum, Gwyn leads the Protostar crew on a mission to rescue Ilthuran. But surprising discoveries force Gwyn to make hard choices which have dire consequences for everyone.

218 – "Touch of Grey"

Admiral Janeway and her senior officers feel their age as they find themselves thrown back in danger on an old school away mission to rescue the Protostar crew. 

219 – "Ouroboros, Part I"

Determined to save both Starfleet and Solum, the Prodigy crew must stop an invasion and open the wormhole that will send the Protostar back to Tars Lamora.

220 – "Ouroboros, Part II"

To save the present and fix the past, our crew must face the Loom and pilot the Protostar through the temporal wormhole back to Tars Lamora. Even if they succeed, what will the future hold?

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Star Trek: Prodigy will stream on Netflix globally (excluding Canada, Nordics, CEE, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Mainland China) and Season 1 is currently available on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe with Season 2 coming soon. Season two has launched in France on France Televisions channels and Okoo.

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Star Trek Is About to Boldly Go Where It’s Never Gone Before: Netflix

For Trekkies old and new, the highly anticipated Prodigy Season 2 will be worth the wait.

Ma'jel and Dal in 'Star Trek: Prodigy' Season 2.

Dan and Kevin Hageman seem relieved.

It makes sense. The brother duo behind the first Lego Movie and Trollhunters scored a big win back in 2021 when their Star Trek series Prodigy got picked up by Paramount+ and Nickelodeon. But despite signing a two-season deal, Star Trek: Prodigy was quietly canceled after Season 1 — until Netflix swooped in. Now, we’re just days away from the Season 2 premiere , so it’s no surprise that the look on the Hageman Brothers’ faces reads as a mix of glee and exhaustion.

“We’re very excited to be able to tell this story,” Kevin Hageman tells Inverse .

Over Zoom, the Hageman Brothers seem less like siblings and more like two friends who’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons with each other for decades. Kevin clearly wants to be the DM, while Dan is the guy who wants the quest to get bonkers. When it comes to crafting epic, animated projects, this geeky dynamic clearly gets he job done. But now, it’s up to the algorithmic streaming gods to decide Prodigy’s fate.

“I think it really all rests on the success of the Netflix platform,” Kevin says.

Star Trek: Prodigy began as a newcomer’s introduction to the massive canon of Star Trek, but Season 2 hits the ground at proto-warp speed with most of the main cast — Dal (Brett Gray), Jankom (Jason Mantzoukas), Rok (Rylee Alazraqui), Murf (Dee Bradley Baker), Zero (Angus Imrie), and Gwyn (Ella Purnell) — all, more or less, assigned to Starfleet duties. However, any cozy status quo is quickly up-ended by even more time-travel shenanigans than in the first season. It’s a big, surprising season-long arc, but the Hagemans were determined to sneak in some classic Star Trek standalone stories, too.

Dan Hageman hopes that’s enough to win over not just Netflix’s massive audience but the hardcore Trekkies. He says he’ll know Season 2 was a success “if it really sticks in the grill of the Star Trek fandom.”

So ahead of this historic drop — the first time that 20 new Star Trek episodes will be available all at once — Inverse caught up with the Hageman Brothers to talk about the flavor of Prodigy Season 2, balancing episodic adventures with an epic serialized arc, how the show fits into Star Trek canon, and their hopes for the future.

Star Trek’s Greatest Hits

Admiral Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) in 'Star Trek: Prodigy' Season 2.

Admiral Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) is back in Prodigy Season 2. But it’s not only Voyager references this season.

“Going into Season 2, we wanted to continue with that idea of what are the greatest hits [of Star Trek]?” Kevin says. “What are concepts and episode ideas that we can introduce to new fans that make up that Star Trek DNA? But we also we found ourselves it is a little more serialized, so the challenge was how to do that and also wrap up a lot of these bigger stories.”

In addition to introducing a new regular Vulcan character named Ma’jel (Michaela Dietz) — who is clearly inspired by Majel Barrett Roddenberry, the late “ First Lady of Star Trek” — Prodigy Season 2 has a slew of Trekkie greatest-hits moments. Without getting into any big-time spoilers, these include parallel universes, some classic aliens for The Original Series , a big shout-out to the 1986 film The Voyage Home , at least one doppelgänger dilemma, and a lot of time travel.

But in addition to creating a diversity of very different stories and completing a bigger arc, Prodigy Season 2 is also a kind of Rosetta Stone for a certain point in the Star Trek timeline. Because Season 2 takes place mostly in 2384, aspects of Lower Decks and Picard canon are fully addressed and integrated. ( Lower Decks occurs between 2380 and 2383, while the earliest Picard Season 1 flashbacks happen in 2385. But the way Starfleet feels in the early days of Picard’s 2380s has seemed a bit incongruous with Lower Decks and Prodigy. In Prodigy Season 2, there’s a very deliberate fix for that.)

“We always wanted Prodigy to embrace the whole canon of Star Trek.”

It’s also worth noting that while Admiral Janeway didn’t appear in Picard Season 3, Prodigy Season 2 elucidates her post- Voyager role a little more clearly. In fact, because Prodigy Season 2 includes recurring roles from Voyager regulars The Doctor (Robert Picardo) and Chakotay (Robert Beltran), it’s tempting to think of the series as a follow-up to that version of Trek, rather than a midquel between Lower Decks and Picard . But for the showrunners, Prodigy’s canonical scope is bigger than either of those options.

“Everyone would say, oh, it’s like a Voyager spinoff, and we were like, no, we’re not a Voyager spinoff,” Dan says. “We are Voyager- adjacent just because Janeway is one of our leads. But we always wanted Prodigy to embrace the whole canon of Star Trek. The things that pop up are things that happen in that timeline.”

Major Trek Twists

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 19: Angus Imrie, Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman, Kate Mulgrew, Ella Purnell and ...

Kevin Hageman and Dan Hageman (center), with some of the Prodigy cast including Angus Imrie, Kate Mulgrew, Ella Purnell, and director Ben Hibon in 2022.

The specifics of these events from elsewhere in the Star Trek pantheon range from minor Easter eggs to major events. And some twists and details have been planned since 2021, well before Picard Season 2 or Season 3 aired. The Hagemans reveal that, three years ago, with multiple Trek projects in production, they were in contact with other Star Trek showrunners to make sure Prodigy not only lined up with the rest of canon but also expanded upon a few specific plot points.

“We were all talking and sharing what we were planning and making sure we were all in sync,” Kevin says. “So there was some collaboration.”

By the final episode of Prodigy Season 2, several aspects of Star Trek are fully connected, but there’s also an open-ended notion that the series could continue in some way, shape, or form. But will there be a Prodigy Season 3? The Hageman brothers offer a surprising response.

“Just a lot of dreaming on Season 3,” Kevin says. “Maybe it’s something that happens down the line. I could see something happening in 10 years. Maybe sooner.”

“Maybe there’s a live-action version of it,” Dan adds. “We’re hoping.”

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 hits Netflix on July 1.

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Star Trek: Prodigy is being heavily advertised by Netflix, a strong sign of things to come

Star Trek: Prodigy has gone through a lot. Debuting in 2021, the show has not seen any new episodes released since 2022. That's for a few reasons. The strikes in 2023 didn't help things, admittedly but Prodigy's long turnaround on episodes is partly because Star Trek's parent company Paramount is struggling financially. They had to cut a lot of content in recent years to try and fix their bottom line.

A bottom line that really can't be fixed, at least not when talking about Paramount+. They've drastically scaled back on series and film productions in recent years, significantly impacting Star Trek as much as anyone. The financial issues were so bad, they ended up canceling production on Prodigy's second season halfway through production of the season.

It seemed like the best move to make financially, especially since the show was directly tied to Playmates and their most recent line of action figures with Star Trek. A line that was ended due in part to Prodigy's cancelation. That wouldn't be the end of the animated series, however. Prodigy would live on again on Netflix, landing on the service at the end of 2023.

While some are concerned about the show's future on the service, and their outdated release schedule of releasing every episode at once, it appears as though Netflix knows Star Trek is a get and is acting accordingly.

In a new tweet from the streaming giant, Prodigy is listed as one of the eight series and films that are being hyped the most this July.

Prodigy's second season is being listed alongside the likes of the newest Beverly Hills Cop film, Axel F, and the first part of Cobra Kai's final season, Lost joining Netflix, Vikings: Valhalla, Elite, Sweet Home, and Receiver.

Considering how important a lot of those films and shows are to Netflix this summer, seeing Prodigy's name right alongside them gives us a strong feeling that Netflix will do what it can to ensure the series' success on the service. If Prodigy does well on Netflix, Paramount may end up opting to move more shows to the platform as concerns over Paramount+'s viability continue to grow.

This article was originally published on as Star Trek: Prodigy is being heavily advertised by Netflix, a strong sign of things to come .

Star Trek: Prodigy is being heavily advertised by Netflix, a strong sign of things to come


Star Trek viewers shocked as ‘most despised character’ ever returns

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A picture of Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Star Trek viewers seem to have finally embraced a character who was once dubbed the franchise’s ‘most despised’.

First introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation , Wesley Crusher has always been played by actor Wil Wheaton , first appearing on screen when he was just 15-years-old .

During that spin-off, he appeared over 85 episodes between 1987 and 1994.

He then returned to Star Trek in 2002 and 2022, reprising his role in cameo appearances in Star Trek: Nemesis, and in the season 2 finale of Star Trek: Picard.

The son Beverly Crusher and Jack Crusher, Wesley was not well received by fans of the franchise, which clearly affected the actor.

Will, now 51, once shared that when he was younger, people gave him ‘such a hard time about Wesley Crusher’ that there was a time in his late teens and early twenties when he ‘resented Star Trek’.

Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: Prodigy.

‘It felt so unfair that people who had never met me were so cruel and hateful toward me as a person because they didn’t like a character I played on a TV show, I wanted to put Star Trek behind me and forget that it was ever part of my life.’

However he’s now made a return again but this time around fans have been far more welcoming.

After a cameo during Star Trek: Picard season 2’s finale last year, he recently featured in the animated series Star Trek: Prodigy.

In the episode titled The Devourer of All Things, Part 1 he surprised viewers when popping up, and they were pretty excited.

Star Trek viewers shocked as 'most despised character' ever returns

‘I never thought I would say this, but we need more Wesley Crusher!’ one fan posted on X.

‘When I was young, I thought Wesley Crusher was annoying…now that I am old and wise, I realise he was cool,’ someone else shared.

‘We were all disappointed that Wesley Crusher wasn’t in #StarTrekPicard season 3 after he cameoed in season 2’s finale. Thank the Travelers #StarTrekProdigy had something way better in the works!’ another added.

The tenth Star Trek series, Star Trek: Prodigy was created by Kevin and Dan Hageman and premiered in 2021.

A picture of Wil Wheaton

It is the first to specifically target a younger audience, and the franchise’s first solely 3D animated series.

It follows a group of young aliens in the 24th century who find the abandoned starship Protostar and learn about Starfleet and also features the voices of Brett Gray, Ella Purnell and Jameela Jamil.

Kevin recently told Screen Rant that others seemed ‘afraid to touch’ Wesley and ‘bring the character back’, but they weren’t deterred.

‘I’m like, “Let’s do something great with him. Let’s make him a wonderful mentor, but a little scatterbrained and a little untrustworthy”.’

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Star Trek: Prodigy is streaming on Netflix.

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What’s Coming to Netflix in August 2024

The new Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry movie The Union is among the month's highlights.

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Illustration by What’s on Netflix

It’s time to take a very early look at all the new movies, series, and games planned for release on Netflix in August 2024. 

As always, while Netflix is bringing lots of new movies and series to the service throughout August, they’ll also be removing lots of titles. You can find the full list of departures planned for August here .

Coming to Netflix in August TBD

  • Kengan Ashura (Season 2 – Part 2) Netflix Original – Martial arts anime series.
  • Kimi ni Todoke (Season 3) Netflix Original – Continuation of the anime series.
  • Mermaid Magic (Season 1) Netflix Original – Kids animation series.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 1st

  • A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (Season 1) Netflix Original – Wednesday star Emma Myers stars in this new teen-drama series about a girl who is investigating a murder that is considered a closed case. 
  • Borderless Fog (2024) Netflix Original – Indonesian thriller. 

Fire Country Netflix August 2024 Release Date

Fire Country – Picture: CBS

  • Fire Country (Season 1) – The CBS drama starring Max Thieriot about a young convict who joins a voluntary group that assists in fighting wildfires in California.
  • Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) – Action thriller directed by Edward Zwick starring Tom Cruise.
  • Love is Blind: Mexico (Season 2) Netflix Original – Reality dating series.
  • Love, Charlie: The Rise and Fall of Chef Charlie Trotter (2021) – True-crime documentary. 
  • Mon Laferte, te amo (2024) Netflix Original – Music documentary from Chile.
  • Red (2010) – An all-star cast for this action thriller comes together.
  • Red 2 (2013) – Bruce Willis and John Malkovich return for this sequel to the action movie. 
  • Star Trek: Beyond (2016) – Chris Pine headlines this live-action Star Trek movie in which Captain Kirk is trying to prevent an alien attack.
  • Unstable (Season 2) Netflix Original – Rob Lowe and son John return for the second season of this comedy series. 

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 2nd

  • Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli (2024) Netflix Original – Indian documentary on S.S. Rajamouli.
  • Rebel Moon – Part One: Director’s Cut (2024)
  • Rebel Moon – Part Two: Director’s Cut (2024)

Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie

SAVING BIKINI BOTTOM: THE SANDY CHEEKS MOVIE – (L-R) Squidward (voiced by Rodger Bumpass), Patrick (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Mr. Krabs (voiced by Clancy Brown). Cr: Netflix © 2024

  • Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie (2024) Netflix Original – Exclusively coming to Netflix , this movie based on the famous Nickelodeon cartoon is getting a feature film which sees Sandy Cheeks and SpongeBob SquarePants journey to Texas to save the town from a villainous plot. 

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 5th

  • Gabby’s Dollhouse (Season 10) Netflix Original – Animated kids series from DreamWorks. 

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 6th

Reminiscence 2021 Netflix August 2024

Picture: Warner Bros. Pictures

  • Reminiscence (2021) – Hugh Jackman stars in this sci-fi thriller about a private investigator stumbling into a conspiracy. 
  • Rising Impact (Season 2) Netflix Original – Sports anime series.
  • The Influencer (Season 1) Netflix Original – Korean game show.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 7th

  • Love Is Blind: UK (Season 1) Netflix Original – Reality dating series.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 8th

  • The Umbrella Academy (Season 4) Netflix Original – The fourth and final season of the comic book adaptation series with the Hargreeves going up against a mysterious association called The Keepers.
  • Shahmaran (Season 2) Netflix Original – Turkish drama series.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 14th

  • Daughters (2024) Netflix Original – Documentary on Aubrey, Santana, Raziah, and Ja’Ana who are preparing for the big Daddy Daughter Dance with their incarcerated fathers.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 15th

  • Emily in Paris (Season 4 – Part 1) Netflix Original – First five episodes of the new season of the hit drama.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 16th

The Union

The Union. (L to R) Mark Wahlberg as Mike McKenna and Halle Berry as Roxanne Hall in The Union. Cr. Laura Radford/Netflix © 2024.

  • The Union (2024) Netflix Original – Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry star in this action comedy where a construction worker is swept up in a secret spy mission. 

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 19th

  • Cocomelon Lane (Season 2) Netflix Original – Kids animation series.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 20th

  • Terror Tuesday: Extreme (Season 1) Netflix Original – Thai horror series.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 21st

Nice Girl

Picture: Netflix/Marie Genin

  • Nice Girls (2024) Netflix Original – French action comedy.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 22nd

  • Baby Fever (Season 2) Netflix Original – Return of the Danish medical comedy about a fertility doctor who accidentally inseminates herself.
  • Secret Lives of Orangutans (2024) Netflix Original – Nature documentary.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 23rd

Incoming Netflix Movie

Picture: Netflix

  • Incoming (2024) Netflix Original – An R-rated comedy about four freshmen heading to their first-ever high school party.

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 29th

  • Chastity High (Season 1) Netflix Original – Japanese romantic drama series. 


  • Kaos (Season 1) Netflix Original – An all-star cast comes together, headlined by Jeff Goldblum, set in the modern-day fantasy comedy with a Greek god twist.
  • Terminator Zero (Season 1) Netflix Original –  Animated series based on the classic franchise. 

What’s Coming to Netflix on August 30th

  • Breathless (Season 1) Netflix Original – Spanish medical drama series from the co-creator of Elite. 

The Deliverance

Cr. Aaron Ricketts/Netflix © 2024

  • The Deliverance (2024) Netflix Original – Lee Daniels directs this new horror for Netflix that stars Andra Day, Glenn Close, Mo’Nique, and Caleb McLaughlin.

What are you looking forward to watching on Netflix this August? Let us know in the comments. 

Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of covering breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next.

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    Star Trek: Prodigy will stream on Netflix globally (excluding Canada, Nordics, CEE, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Mainland China) and Season 1 is currently available on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe with Season 2 coming soon. Season two has launched in ...

  24. Star Trek Removed Netflix UK : r/startrek

    Star Trek Removed Netflix UK. I was watching Deep Space Nine yesterday. Was halfway through an episode. Just went to finish it. Gone. Added a screenshot for all of those saying they still have it. I assume it will be gone for all of us soon enough... u/Opening-Tutor161 is an absolute LAD. I logged out, logged in, and Star Trek has returned.

  25. Netflix Internationally Clings On To Classic Star Trek As They Leave

    Star Trek titles remaining on Netflix internationally. Now, we can confirm, that the Star Trek titles leaving Netflix only applied to Netflix in the US where the series has now moved over to Paramount+. Many of the titles also remain on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video as of October 1st, 2021 too. As it now stands, Netflix outside of the United ...

  26. Netflix's First Star Trek Show Is About to Solve a Timeline ...

    Kevin and Dan Hageman open-up to Inverse about the new 'Star Trek: Prodigy' Season 2 arc, creating Trekkie greatest hits, the future of the show, plus, collaborating with other Trek showrunners.

  27. Star Trek: Prodigy is being heavily advertised by Netflix, a ...

    Star Trek: Prodigy has gone through a lot. Debuting in 2021, the show has not seen any new episodes released since 2022. That's for a few reasons. The strikes in 2023 didn't help things ...

  28. Star Trek viewers shocked as 'most despised character' ever returns

    Wesley Crusher appeared on the latest episode of Netflix animated series Star Trek: Prodigy (Picture: Netflix) 'It felt so unfair that people who had never met me were so cruel and hateful ...

  29. First Look at What's Coming to Netflix in August 2024

    Star Trek: Beyond (2016) - Chris Pine headlines this live-action Star Trek movie in which Captain Kirk is trying to prevent an alien attack. Unstable (Season 2) Netflix Original - Rob Lowe and son John return for the second season of this comedy series.