
Hong Kong star Jacky Cheung to perform 6 shows in Singapore in July


Singapore will be the second stop of Jacky Cheung's new world tour, with shows at the Singapore Indoor Stadium from Jul 14 to 16 and Jul 21 to 23.

Jacky Cheung will now perform 11 shows in Singapore. (Photo: Yanqi Ding's Street Photography)

jacky cheung world tour 2023

Hazeeq Sukri

Hong Kong singer-actor Jacky Cheung will be performing six shows in Singapore in July. The Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour will see the Heavenly King entertaining fans at the Singapore Indoor Stadium from Jul 14 to 16 and Jul 21 to 23.

Tickets for the shows will go on sale at 10am on Apr 26 on Ticketmaster  and at all SingPost outlets.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Unusual Entertainment Pte Ltd (@unusual_ent)

Tickets for Jacky Cheung's 60+ Concert Tour will be priced between S$168 and S$388, excluding booking fees. In 2012, Cheung set the Guinness World record for the largest combined audience for a live act in 12 months with his Jacky Cheung 1/2 Century World Tour which saw 2,048,553 audience members.

When asked about his achievements, Cheung said: "I try my best at every performance, and with each performance, I gain a little more. I am grateful and heartened by the immense support everyone has shown me.”

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[Entertainment] "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert" made its premiere in Macau (Dual Language Post)

  [Entertainment] "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert" made its premiere in Macau (Dual Language Post)

The highly anticipated "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert" made its premiere in Macau. Following through on his original goal, Jacky Cheung realised his greatest self during the "60+ World Tour Concert." The programme produced a visual and audio feast for the audience by combining modern ballet, orchestral music, and pop music.

Jacky Cheung and Shu Qi reunited after a 10-year hiatus at the "60+ World Tour Concert."

jacky cheung world tour 2023

Macau, 2023 - The "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert," which debuted on 9 th June 2023 at the Venetian Macao's Cotai Arena , piqued the interest of the global Chinese community. Each of Jacky Cheung's concerts explores new performance techniques, demonstrating his resilience in the face of adversity and his pursuit of perfection, making "Jacky Cheung" a one-of-a-kind quality benchmark in the Chinese music industry. Jacky Cheung's "60+ World Tour Concert" is his tenth solo performance, and he always brings new and remarkable originality to each performance. The concert seeks to offer a flawless display and let Jacky Cheung uncover his best self after nearly nine months of hard preparation by the production crew. The programme combines ballet, orchestral music, and pop music to precisely depict Jacky Cheung's quest of elegance and taste at the age of 60+, offering the audience with a refreshing cinematic feast.

Unlike "Jackie Cheung’s classics 《学友 经典》 ” which has a four-sided stage, the "60+ World Tour Concert" has a three-sided stage with a four-story high musician stage, creating a big and breathtaking environment. Jacky Cheung's deep and steady vocals, the seamless integration of symphonic and pop music, the graceful and mesmerising modern ballet performances, and the magnificent lighting effects all add to the exquisite and creative presentation of the "60+ World Tour Concert." After over forty years in the profession, this is Jacky Cheung's tenth solo concert, and he intends to present the audience with a unique audiovisual experience and impact. The inaugural Macau concert charmed and engrossed the audience in the unique ambiance of each song. The concert was immediately energised by songs like 《Ooh La La》and《马路英雄》. When Jacky Cheung performed the melancholy classic 《等你等到我心痛》, a surprise came on the big screen—a music video featuring Shu Qi and Jacky Cheung that had been particularly created for the concert. This cooperation came 10 years after Shu Qi's appearance in Jacky Cheung's "1/2 Century Concert" in 2012, cementing their relationship. The four-minute short showcases Shu Qi's remarkable acting abilities, effectively depicting the heart-wrenching sorrow of waiting day after day for the person you love after losing them. The two lead performers' outstanding performances deeply moved the audience and left them wanting more. "Let's shoot a music video every ten years," Jacky Cheung joked to Shu Qi on the set. I'll be with you as we get older." "Will you accompany me as I grow old, too?" he asked the crowd. This speech elicited a passionate response from the audience, who pledged to accompany Jacky Cheung with his music till his death. 

jacky cheung world tour 2023

Jacky Cheung's powerful and penetrating vocals perfectly showcased his ability to handle various musical styles. Professional male and female ballet dancers on stage executed clean and exquisite spins and magnificent jumps while the music ebbed and flowed, exhibiting the ballet's unique beauty of being both delicate and powerful. Every action caught the audience's emotions. "Do you know why I chose ballet?" Jacky Cheung joked. It's because I wanted to do less dancing. I'd like to dance, but I doubt you'd want to witness it!" Later, he performed classic hits like 《分手总要在雨天》and《只想一生跟你走》 in a clever combination with various string, wind, and percussion instruments, creating a beautiful and romantic atmosphere at times and a grand and extraordinary ambiance at others. The audience was transported to a Baroque theatre while listening to the lovely music.

With the "60+ World Tour Concert," Jacky Cheung hopes to communicate the notion that everything begins in the heart. "I just love performing," he stated. Despite my age, I feel that at all phases of life, we can still display various types of beauty and provide wonderful performances appropriate for our age." "Although I'm already 60+, my physical strength isn't much different from the last time," he joked. I'm just worried that the audience will think I'm having trouble dancing." Jacky Cheung didn't make things any easy for himself in the encore part. Instead, he chose to sing "Blue Rain," the most challenging song he had addressed in interviews, demonstrating his unwavering attitude and passion once more. The concert ended with a stunning performance by the great orchestra and ballet dancers, flawlessly integrating modern and classic components and concluding with the rock rendition of 《吻别》 . It was the perfect culmination to the concert. The "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert" is unquestionably a must-see event. After all, "many more decades are yet to come."

jacky cheung world tour 2023

The "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert" offers fans painstakingly crafted and high-quality products. The gear, which includes commemorative T-shirts, tote bags, and baseball caps in a classic black, white, and grey colour scheme, combines practicality with memorable value. The pre-sale has already begun, and more different and plentiful things will be available soon. Stay tuned for additional information.


《张学友60+巡回演唱会》 全新个人演唱会于 6月9日 在 澳门威尼斯人金光综艺 馆开幕,受到全球华人的翘首期盼。每一次演唱会,张学友都尝试不同的表现形式,展现出他不畏困难的毅力和追求完美的精神,使得他成为华语乐坛独特的质量标杆 。《张学友60+巡回演唱会》 是他的第10个个人演唱会,每次演唱会都充满新颖的创意。经过与制作团队近9个月的密集筹备,力求完美的呈现,张学友希望发现自己最好的一面。演唱会将现代芭蕾、管弦乐和流行音乐元素融为一体,完美展现了张学友对于60+年龄段的优雅与品味的追求,给观众带来了耳目一新的视听感官盛宴。

jacky cheung world tour 2023

与 《学友 经典》 不同, 《张学友60+巡回演唱会》 采用了三面舞台的形式,其中乐手舞台高达四层楼,气势恢宏令人震撼。张学友以更加纯厚稳练的歌声与管弦乐和流行音乐高度融合,舞者展现出优美而曼妙的现代芭蕾舞姿,配以绚丽夺目的灯光效果......在 《张学友60+巡回演唱会》 中呈现出精妙且极具艺术性的表演。已经出道近四十年,这是张学友个人的第十场演唱会,他仍希望能给观众带来与众不同的视听体验和冲击。 《60+巡回演唱会》 在澳门的首场演出让观众陶醉其中,深深沉浸在每首歌曲独特的氛围中。从节奏强劲的 《Ooh La La》 和 《马路英雄》, 现场气氛瞬间达到高潮。当演唱到抒情经典《等你等到我心痛》时,大屏幕上出现了由女神舒淇与张学友特别为演唱会拍摄的音乐电影,延续了他们十年前合作的 《1/2世纪演唱会》, 再次续写前缘。这部时长四分钟的影片由导演翁子光倾力拍摄,展现了舒淇实力派的演技,深刻传达了相爱的人在痛失另一半后每日痴心等待的心痛。两位主角的精湛演技让现场观众为之动容,意犹未尽。张学友开玩笑地说他在拍摄现场跟舒淇小姐建议:“我们每十年拍一个音乐视频,我陪着你变老。”然后他反问观众:“你们也会陪着我变老吗?”接着他笑着说:“哎呀!我忘了,我已经老了,坐公交车只要两块钱,谢谢你们陪伴着我变老。”这引发了现场观众热情的回应,约定与张学友的歌声共同陪伴彼此到老。

不论是快歌《 交叉算了 》、《 天气这么热 》,还是醉心情歌《 深海 》、《 三天两夜 》,或是以简洁乐器伴奏呈现的《楼上来的声音》等曲目,在音乐总监吴庆隆全新编曲的呈现下,凭借张学友透彻有力的嗓音演绎,完美驾驭各种曲风。随着音乐的起伏,舞台上专业的男女芭蕾舞者展现了干净利落的旋转和腾空跳跃,展示了芭蕾舞独有的柔美轻盈和极富力量的舞蹈魅力,每一个动作都紧紧抓住了现场观众的心。张学友说:“你们知道为什么选择芭蕾舞吗?就是为了少跳一点,我想跳,你们也不想看吧!”随后,张学友巧妙地将多首经典金曲《 分手总要在雨天 》、《只想一生跟你走》与管弦乐中不同的弦乐器、管乐器和打击乐器的音乐元素和器乐特质相结合,时而唯美浪漫,时而气派非凡。聆听这美妙的音乐盛宴,让人感觉仿佛置身于巴洛克剧院中,华丽而令人惊艳。

jacky cheung world tour 2023

张学友说:“我就是喜欢演出,尽管我年纪大了,但我相信在生命的不同阶段仍然可以展现出不同的美,做出适合自己年龄的精彩表演。”他自嘲地笑着说:“虽然我已经六十多岁了,但其实我的体力与上一次相差不大,只是怕观众看到我跳得辛苦而已。”在安可部分,学友没有让自己轻松一些,而是选择了他曾经在采访中说过的最难唱的一首歌曲《蓝雨》,再次展现了他绝不欺场的态度和精神。演唱会的最后部分以气势磅礴的管弦乐团和芭蕾舞者的精彩演绎,融合了现代与经典,在激情四溢的摇滚版《吻别》中展现了张学友的力量和美感,为演唱会画上了完美的句号。 《张学友60+巡回演唱会》 绝对是一场不能错过的演唱会,因为“还能有多少个十年”。

《张学友60+巡回演唱会》 特别设计了精美且高质量的周边商品,以经典的黑白灰为主要色调,包括纪念T恤、纪念手提袋和棒球帽等,既实用又具有纪念意义。预售即日开始,更多丰富多样的商品即将推出,敬请期待。

Keywords: #JackyCheung60PlusWorldTourConcert #JackyCheung #60PlusWorldTourConcert #MacauConcert #张学友60+巡回演唱会 #张学友 #60+巡回演唱会

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HK singer Jacky Cheung to perform 6 shows in Malaysia in August

  • Entertainment

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Photo: Handout

Hong Kong's God Of Songs Jacky Cheung (pic) is coming back to Malaysia to perform for his die-hard fans.

The 61-year-old is set to bring his Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour to Kuala Lumpur over two weekends – Aug 11, 12, 13 and Aug 18, 19 and 20. Yes, that's right – six nights! (Hear that, Coldplay?)

His shows in KL, organised by Unusual Entertainment, will be held at the Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil.

Tickets are priced at RM1,188, RM988, RM688 and RM388 (excludes booking fee and transaction fee) and will be available for general sale from May 26, 10am. To book, call +603-9212 4202 or go to my.bookmyshow.com/.

Cheung is known for his large-scale concert tours – in 1995, he performed 100 shows; in 2007, he held 105 concerts; while in 2010, it was 147.

In his last world tour called A Classic Tour – where he performed six sold-out shows in Malaysia in January as well as October 2018 – Cheung put on a total of 233 shows in 97 cities over a period of 27 months.

60+ marks Cheung’s 10th tour in a career that has spanned close to four decades. He is set to kickstart the tour in Macau on June 9, performing 12 shows.

In July, he will stage nine shows in Singapore, the most number of concerts staged by any singer at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in a single leg, according to The Straits Times.

It is reported that Singapore fans have snapped up a total of 72,000 tickets for the nine shows, with tickets ranging from S$168 to S$388 (RM570 to RM1,316).

Jacky Cheung says he is nervous embarking on a new tour but promises fans a fresh concert experience. Photo: Handout

In an exclusive interview with The Star in March, Cheung said he is nervous about going on tour again as this will be his first concert in four years.

“The first show is always the most worrying one because there are many uncertainties – if I’m physically fit enough, for example,” he said in the interview in Macau.

“For choreography, we will not be reducing the number of dances. It’s just that I will be dancing less... I’ll only dance when it is required,” the father of two added.

The singer said that some of his protective fans have voiced out concerns that he shouldn’t push himself too hard by dancing so much on stage.

“To be honest, I don’t find it troublesome. In fact, I’m quite happy to do it. Even though I will be dancing less this time, I will improvise a few things on my end to give audience a fresh concert experience,” he promised.

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jacky cheung world tour 2023

Jacky Cheung thrills fans with two additional shows, sets new record with 11-night concert in Singapore

Yee Loon

Singapore is in for a treat as the legendary Hong Kong Heavenly King, Jacky Cheung, extends his highly acclaimed 60+ Concert Tour with two additional nights of pure musical magic.

Taking place on August 3 and 4, 2023, at the prestigious Singapore Indoor Stadium, these final shows will bring the total number of performances by Cheung to an astounding 11 in Singapore alone.

This achievement sets a new record for the most shows ever performed by a single artiste in the country.

Known for his captivating stage presence and soul-stirring vocals, Jacky Cheung has amassed an army of devoted fans around the world.

Jacky Cheung’s concert tickets for earlier dates sold out in mere hours

His previous performances from July 14 to 16, 21 to 23, and 28 to 30 were met with unprecedented demand, with tickets selling out within hours of their release.

Anticipation for his 60+ Concert Tour has reached fever pitch, and these newly added shows are expected to sell out in record time.

Ticket prices for the two additional concerts range from $168 to $388, offering fans various options to experience the unforgettable magic of Jacky Cheung live on stage.

Mark your date for coming Friday

Starting from coming Friday (30 June), at 10:00 AM (GMT+8), tickets will be available for purchase.

Fans can secure their seats through Ticketmaster’s official website at ticketmaster.sg/activity/detail/23_jc60 or by calling 3158 8588.

Additionally, tickets can be obtained at Singpost outlets conveniently located across the island.

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Jacky Cheung preparing for new concerts, including a stop in Singapore, within the next six months

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SINGAPORE – Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung has announced that he is preparing for new concerts, expected to be held within six months.

The Heavenly King revealed these plans in a press release for his latest Mandarin single, Another Ten Years, which dropped on Feb 23.

His last concert tour, A Classic Tour, consisted of 233 shows from 2016 to 2019, and was seen by more than 4.5 million fans. It had two stops in Singapore – three shows in February 2017 and another three in February 2018 – all at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

In an e-mail interview with The Straits Times, the 61-year-old star said that his upcoming tour will include a stop in Singapore. “Every time I go to Singapore, I always think to myself, ‘Wow, I still exist.’ I still feel so welcome by fans and the feeling is great. So, I am definitely coming back to Singapore.”

Another Ten Years is Cheung’s first Mandarin single in about eight years, after 2014’s The Rest Of Time, Tears Of Time and You Said It.

Delivered in Cheung’s resonant baritone, the new number reflects on the rapid passage of time. The track was initially titled Golden Ten Years, but Cheung insisted it should be called Another Ten Years instead as he felt the latter emphasised the swift passage of time.

jacky cheung world tour 2023

The track’s touching lyrics are penned by Malaysian lyricist Al Guan and its melody is composed by Malaysian musicians Jack Loo and Chet Ng.

Cheung shared that when he first heard the song’s demo, he felt deeply moved.

He said: “The lyrics reminded me of the past, such as drinking and meeting friends. There are fewer of such occasions now. Problems which I could not solve or let go of then have also become no big deal now.”

He found these lines especially moving: “That vigour and nostalgia have nothing to do with me.”

Cheung said: “When I think about how the past is something that I can never get back again, it makes me feel a little helpless and sad.”

He recalled that he once drove at night to see the home where he lived as a child, and found everything changed. “The whole place was different and it made me reflect on how cruel time is.”

This was why he teared when singing the number.

The singer, who is married to former actress May Lo and has two daughters, said: “When I was young, I always felt time passed very slowly. I just wanted to grow up quickly. It was only when I got older that I understood the meaning of time.”

In any case, he considered himself lucky to have discovered his love of singing so early in life and be able to support himself doing it.

He recalled that when his first album, Smile (1985), was released, he was still working as a reservation officer for Hong Kong airline Cathay Pacific. He said: “When I started singing, I was not sure if I could make ends meet.

“It was only when my first record came out, and there were so many people who liked to hear me sing, that I dared to resign.”

Almost 40 years later, he has grasped that time is something everybody must come to terms with. “The faster it passes, the less you have.”

He just wants to cherish the present, work hard to do what he wants to do and learn to live life with peace of mind.

He said: “As the song’s last sentence goes, ‘how many more decades will there be?’”

  • Another Ten Years by Jacky Cheung is available on major streaming platforms.

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Jacky Cheung set to launch new concert tour

jacky cheung world tour 2023

Turning 62 years old this July, Hong Kong singer-actor Jacky Cheung shows no sign of slowing down.

On March 30, he announced his upcoming tour in Macao, which will kick off on June 9.

Titled 60+ , the concert tour will visit Chinese cities, which have not been unveiled yet.

Since 1987, Cheung has launched nine large-scale concert tours. In 1995, he performed 100 concerts. In 2007, he performed 105 concerts. The number of his concerts increased to 147 in 2010. From 2016 to 2019, he gave 233 concerts worldwide, breaking a record in his four-decade-long career.

"Singing is my favorite thing and I won't stop," he said during a news conference held in Macao. "I am older and I am still making progress as a singer."

"I enjoy performing and I want to bring new ideas for each of my concert tours," he adds.

It has been about three years since the singer performed publicly due to the coronavirus pandemic. He said that he has been practicing and he misses singing and performing in front of an audience.

Cheung, acclaimed as the "king of pop" because of his long-lasting career in showbiz, was born in Hong Kong. He launched his music career in 1984 by winning a local singing competition and has sold more than 25 million records so far.

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    Hong Kong's God Of Songs Jacky Cheung announced Thursday (March 30) that he will be embarking on a world tour. Titled Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour, the show will kickstart in Macau on June 9, 2023.

  3. EXCLUSIVE: HK singer Jacky Cheung on embarking another world tour in

    At the press conference in Macau, Cheung unveiled the official visual for the Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour, which shows the 176m-tall singer in a white double-breasted jacket with a bow tie ...

  4. Hong Kong star Jacky Cheung to perform 6 shows in Singapore in July

    In 2012, Cheung set the Guinness World record for the largest combined audience for a live act in 12 months with his Jacky Cheung 1/2 Century World Tour which saw 2,048,553 audience members. When asked about his achievements, Cheung said: "I try my best at every performance, and with each performance, I gain a little more.


    Jacky Cheung has announced his brand-new world tour "Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour" which will kick off in Macao this June. Singapore is the second stop on the tour and he is set to perform six nights at the Singapore Indoor Stadium over two weekends in July! Since "Jacky Cheung 87 Concert", Jacky has continuously broken his own records.

  6. Jacky Cheung Official Website

    Jacky Cheung is a legendary singer and actor from Hong Kong, known for his powerful vocals and charismatic performances. Visit his official website to learn more about his music, movies, concerts, and awards.

  7. [Upcoming Event] Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Malaysia《张学友 60+巡回演唱会》马来西亚

    In the year 2023, Jacky Cheung finally announces the start of his brand-new world tour! The "Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour" Malaysia will take place over two weekends at the Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil Kuala Lumpur on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of August, as well as the 18th, 19th, and 20th of August, 2023. Tickets are priced at RM1188, RM988 ...

  8. [Entertainment] "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert" made its premiere

    Macau, 2023 - The "Jacky Cheung 60+ World Tour Concert," which debuted on 9 th June 2023 at the Venetian Macao's Cotai Arena, piqued the interest of the global Chinese community.Each of Jacky Cheung's concerts explores new performance techniques, demonstrating his resilience in the face of adversity and his pursuit of perfection, making "Jacky Cheung" a one-of-a-kind quality benchmark in the ...

  9. Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour 2023

    Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour 2023 (张学友《60+》世界巡回演唱会2023新加坡站) is stopping by Singapore Indoor Stadium for 11 nights over 4 weeks between 14 July - 4 August 2023. One of Cantopop's 4 Heavenly Kings, the 'God of Songs 歌神' and renowned actor is expected to perform top-charting Cantonese and Mandarin hits from his 4-decade music career such as '情书 ...

  10. HK singer Jacky Cheung to perform 6 shows in Malaysia in August

    Tuesday, 23 May 2023. 5:33 PM MYT. Photo: Handout. Hong Kong's God Of Songs Jacky Cheung (pic) is coming back to Malaysia to perform for his die-hard fans. The 61-year-old is set to bring his ...

  11. Jacky Cheung To Hold 6 Shows In Kuala Lumpur; Concert Details & Seating

    Details of Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Malaysia are as follows: Date: 11th,12th,13th, 18th, 19th, and 20th August 2023. Time: 8pm. Venue: Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil. Ticketing: RM388 (CAT3), RM688 (CAT2), RM988 (CAT1), RM1188 (VIP) Check out the seating plan below: Tickets to the public will go on sale on 26th May (Friday) from 10am onwards ...

  12. Jacky Cheung World Tour Tickets

    Jacky Cheung - simply the best. Amazing concert with the no. 1 Asian artist. Will never forget this concert and can not wait till the next one :D. Buy Jacky Cheung World Tour tickets from the official Ticketmaster.com site. Find Jacky Cheung World Tour tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos.

  13. Jacky Cheung Concert 2023 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

    Jacky Cheung Concert 2023 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) August 11, 2023 - August 20, 2023. RM388. Jacky Cheung Concert 2023 (张学友60+巡回演唱会2023马来西亚站) will be held for 6 nights over 2 weekends from 11 - 20 August 2023 at Axiata Arena KL. The 'God of Songs 歌神' is expected to perform songs from his 40-year music career ...

  14. Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour 2023 Hong Kong Coliseum

    Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour 2023 in Hong Kong | 8 ADDITIONAL SHOW ADDED! Additional Show: 10, 11, 28, 29, 31 Dec 2023 (20:00), 1, 3, 4 Jan 2024 (20:15) Tickets will be available at Urbtix from 8 Nov 2023; Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour 2023 in Hong Kong Introduction. Finally! Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour 2023 - Hong Kong station were announced!

  15. 張學友 Jacky Cheung Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Cheung was named spokesperson for Hong Kong Disneyland in 2004. As the theme park's spokesperson, Cheung took part in a number of large-scale marketing events organized by The Walt Disney Company and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, beginning by hosting a TV program, Magical World of Disneyland. [1]

  16. "FWD Insurance 10th Anniversary Presents : Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert

    The superstar of Cantopop and Mandopop is coming back to Macao! Jacky Cheung, dubbed the 'God of Songs', will return to The Venetian® Macao's Cotai Arena on June 9-10, 16-17 and 23-24, 2023. Organised by Chessman Entertainment, the first shows of Jacky Cheung's 10th world tour 'FWD Insurance 10th Anniversary Presents: Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Macao' is going to bring his fans the most ...

  17. Jacky Cheung announces new concert tour, S'pore stop to happen 'very

    Jacky Cheung has confirmed that Singapore will be part of his "60+" world tour. ... Cheung confirmed the news during an interview in Macau on Mar. 30, 2023, where over 100 media from around the ...

  18. Jacky Cheung's 60+ Concert Tour to be glitzy and gorgeous: 10 songs to

    Jacky Cheung's 60+ Concert Tour to be glitzy and gorgeous: 10 songs to watch out for Evergreen favourite Goodbye Kiss (1993) is likely to be the final number of Cheung's 60+ World Tour ...

  19. Jacky Cheung thrills fans with two additional shows, sets new record

    Singapore is in for a treat as the legendary Hong Kong Heavenly King, Jacky Cheung, extends his highly acclaimed 60+ Concert Tour with two additional nights of pure musical magic. Taking place on August 3 and 4, 2023, at the prestigious Singapore Indoor Stadium, these final shows will bring the total number of performances by Cheung to an ...

  20. Jacky Cheung preparing for new concerts, including a stop in Singapore

    Songs from Jacky Cheung's A Classic Tour concerts now on Blu-ray, CD He recalled that when his first album, Smile (1985), was released, he was still working as a reservation officer for Hong Kong ...

  21. Jacky Cheung set to launch new concert tour

    Turning 62 years old this July, Hong Kong singer-actor Jacky Cheung shows no sign of slowing down. On March 30, he announced his upcoming tour in Macao, which will kick off on June 9. Titled 60 ...

  22. Jacky Cheung holding 6 concerts in S'pore on July 14-16 & 21-23

    Jacky Cheung will be performing in Singapore on six days in July as part of the "Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour". ... 1998 S'pore National Day song, at free concert on Aug. 5, 2023. Nostalgia.

  23. Jacky Cheung presents a surprise world tour at the end of the year

    Jacky Cheung's "Classic" tour started in October 2016 and ended in 2019. It lasted 2 years and 3 months. It held 233 shows around the world, with a cumulative audience of more than 4.5 million people. It is also the best record of Jacky Cheung's personal tour. Jacky Cheung personally acted as the art director of the tour, creating an LED 360 ...