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Pendakian Gunung Kerinci 101: Jalur, Poin Penting, dan Mitos
Menjelajah Atap Sumatera mungkin sudah masuk di itinerary Eigerian sejak lama. Untuk membantu mewujudkannya, sekilas tentang pendakian Gunung Kerinci tersebut dapat Eigerian cermati di artikel singkat ini.
Gunung Kerinci sendiri adalah gunung tertinggi di Pulau Sumatera, dengan ketinggian 3,805 meter di atas permukaan laut. Letaknya berada di perbatasan Provinsi Sumatera Barat dan Provinsi Jambu, namun secara administratif berada dalam kawasan wewenang Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat.
Baca Juga: 2 Opsi Jalur Pendakian Gunung Semeru, Ini Penjelasannya!
Sekilas Gunung Kerinci
Memiliki ketinggian lebih dari 3,800 meter di atas permukaan laut, ternyata gunung ini juga menyandang predikat sebagai gunung berapi tertinggi di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dengan jenis stratovolcano , gunung ini masih aktif dan sempat meningkat aktivitasnya beberapa waktu belakangan.
Secara lebih detail, letaknya adalah di Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi. Untuk bisa mencapai titik ini, kamu bisa menggunakan pesawat dan terbang ke Bandara Sultan Thaha Jambi, dan melanjutkan perjalanan dengan travel atau bus ke Kerinci.
2 Jalur Pendakian yang Dapat Menjadi Opsi
Hingga saat ini sebenarnya tersedia dua jalur pendakian yang dapat kamu pilih untuk mendaki Gunung Kerinci. Pertama adalah jalur Kersik Tuo, dan yang kedua adalah jalur Solok Selatan.
1. Jalur Pendakian Gunung Kerinci Via Kersik Tuo
Jalur ini menjadi jalur yang paling direkomendasikan sekaligus paling populer di antara dua jalur yang ada. Pendakian Gunung Kerinci via Kersik Tuo menawarkan trek yang lebih landai dan lebih ‘ringan’ jika dibandingkan dengan jalur Solok Selatan.
Basecamp awal jika kamu memilih jalur ini akan dimulai pada titik di Kecamatan Kayu Aro, Kabupaten Kerinci. Dari titik awal hingga puncak, kamu akan menghabiskan waktu sekitar 11 hingga 13 jam perjalanan dengan melewati enam titik sebelum mencapai Puncak Kerinci.
Pembagian pos atau titik yang ada adalah:
- Pos 1, pada ketinggian 1,890 meter di atas permukaan laut
- Pos 2, pada ketinggian 2,010 meter di atas permukaan laut
- Pos 3, pada ketinggian 2,225 meter di atas permukaan laut
- Shelter 1, pada ketinggian 2,505 meter di atas permukaan laut
- Shelter 2, pada ketinggian 3,056 meter di atas permukaan laut
- Puncak Kerinci, pada ketinggian 3,805 meter di atas permukaan laut
Dengan pembagian pos dan titik checkpoint yang cukup banyak, jalur yang tersedia cenderung cukup ringan. Memang, perjalanan yang harus ditempuh cenderung lama, tapi hal ini juga justru jadi daya tarik karena bisa membuatmu lebih menikmati bentang alam yang ada di Gunung Kerinci.
2. Jalur Pendakian Gunung Kerinci Via Solok Selatan
Jika ingin melakukan pendakian Gunung Kerinci via jalur Solok Selatan, kamu akan memulainya dari daerah Sumatera Barat. Jalur ini dikenal sebagai jalur yang terjal dan berbahaya, sebab memiliki medan yang terjal dan berisiko tinggi.
Jalur ini kurang direkomendasikan untuk pendakian masyarakat umum. Selain karena medannya terjal dan berbahaya, waktu tempuh yang diperlukan juga lebih lama sebab kamu akan melewati jalan memutar untuk menuju Tugu Yuda sebelum mencapai Puncak Kerinci.
Faktor lain yang menyebabkan jalur ini tidak direkomendasikan adalah bahwa jalan yang dilalui juga melewati kawasan habitat kura-kura. Dikhawatirkan jika terlalu ramai pendaki yang melewati jalur ini kelangsungan ekosistem alam di sana akan terganggu, dan merusak kehidupan kura-kura yang ada di area tersebut.
Poin Penting yang Harus Diperhatikan Sebelum Pendakian Gunung Kerinci
Ada beberapa poin penting yang harus diperhatikan ketika kamu ingin melakukan pendakian Gunung Kerinci. Informasi ini terus diperbarui mengacu pada peraturan yang berlaku. Berdasarkan regulasi yang ada, berikut poin penting yang harus kamu perhatikan.
- Terdapat batas waktu pendakian yang berlaku, baik melalui Kersik Tuo atau melalui Solok Selatan
- Kamu wajib memberitahukan rencana tanggal dan lokasi turun atau kembali serta melapor pada petugas di pintu masuk
- Jika terjadi pelanggaran jadwal pendakian maka akan diberikan sanksi, kecuali dalam keadaan darurat
- Wajib menggunakan jasa pemandu atau porter yang ditetapkan oleh pihak pengelola
- Maksimal satu pemandu untuk lima orang pendaki, dan maksimal satu porter untuk 25 kilogram beban
- Pendaki wajib menyerahkan fotokopi kartu identitas yang masih berlaku serta Surat Keterangan Sehat dari dokter yang asli
- Untuk pendaki berusia kurang dari 17 tahun wajib menyerahkan surat izin orang tua atau wali yang ditandatangani di atas materai, serta melampirkan fotokopi orang tua atau wali
- Dalam kondisi sehat dan didukung dengan surat keterangan dokter
- Masuk jalur pendakian antara pukul 06.00 WIB – 17.00 WIB, dan mendaki pada jalur yang sudah tersedia
- Memakai dan membawa perlengkapan standar pendakian gunung dan perbekalan yang cukup
- Mengisi form identitas diri dan isian barang bawaan yang menghasilkan sampah
- Membawa kantong sampah dan membawa sampah bawaan keluar dari kawasan Gunung Kerinci
- Bertanggungjawab atas keselamatan pribadi
Disamping semua poin penting di atas, kamu juga sebaiknya tahu tentang mitos yang ada di Gunung Kerinci. Tentu saja informasi ini tidak diberikan untuk menakut-nakuti, tapi agar kamu lebih bijak dan menghargai kepercayaan masyarakat lokal yang ada di gunung ini.
- Mitos manusia harimau, masyarakat percaya jika Cindaku atau manusia harimau memiliki kekuatan magis dan dapat berubah menjadi harimau saat sedang marah
- Larangan 12 jam, mitos tentang perbatasan antara ladang penduduk dan hutan yang berada di ketinggian 1,800 meter di atas permukaan laut ini menyatakan sering terlihat sosok perempuan berpakaian putih namun tidak memperlihatkan wajahnya
- Uhang Pandak, ditemukan pada catatan perjalanan Marco Polo tahun 1292, Uhang Pandak dikatakan memiliki perawakan seperti anak berusia 3 hingga 4 tahun namun memiliki wajah manusia dewasa dan tubuh dipenuhi bulu
- Pohon bolong, yakni pohon dengan lubang yang ada di jalur pendakian antara Pos 3 dan Shelter 1. di titik-titik ini, kamu sebaiknya menghindari keigatan berhenti makan, buang air, atau berfoto
Baca Juga: 13+ Gunung di Indonesia dengan Sunrise Terbaik
Dukung Aktivitas Pendakian dengan Gear Solid dari EIGER Adventure
EIGER Adventure senantiasa menghadirkan beragam produk solid yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan pendakianmu. Setidaknya ada tiga rekomendasi produk, yang nantinya bisa kamu jelajahi lebih lanjut di situs resmi EIGER Adventure.
Aether 55 S21
Dapat digunakan untuk perjalanan panjang dengan kapasitas yang besar, tas ini dapat dikustomisasi sehingga pas digunakan saat mendaki. Fitur lengkap yang disediakan juga dilengkapi tahan air tanpa bahan kimia. Harganya adalah Rp3,899,000.
Scrambling Pants Hardshell
Celana panjang tahan air, tahan angin, namun tetap ringan saat dipakai, cocok untuk kegiatan summit attack sebagai outer layer . Harganya ada di kisaran Rp500,000 hingga Rp1,250,000.
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Tersedia dari ukuran 40 hingga 46, sepatu ini benar-benar menawarkan pijakan solid untuk setiap langkah yang kamu ambil. Lembut di dalam namun tangguh di luar, harganya adalah Rp2,750,000.
Itu tadi sekilas tentang informasi pendakian Gunung Kerinci yang bisa dibagikan di artikel ini. Tentu saja, kamu bisa langsung mengunjungi EIGER Adventure Store (EAS) terdekat di kotamu untuk mendapatkan produk original EIGER Adventure. Agar lebih praktis dan mudah, kamu juga bisa belanja lewat mobile apps EIGER Adventure yang sudah bisa kamu unduh di Play Store untuk pengguna Android dan App Store untuk pengguna iOS. Produknya lebih lengkap dan dijamin ori. Dapatkan juga promo dan gratis ongkir ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia!
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Best Vacation Ever
Unforgettable travel experiences with green kerinci trekking.
Kerinci Seblat National Park
Mount Kerinci is an active stratovolcano and the highest mountain in Sumatra, Indonesia.
“mount kerinci is the highest volcano in indonesia.”.
Founder of Green Kerinci Trekking
At 12,484 ft (3,805 m) above sea level, it provides Sumatra with the fifth-highest maximum elevation of any island in the world.
It is surrounded by the lush forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park, home to several endangered species including the Sumatran tiger. Mount Kerinci is ranked 32nd by topographic isolation.
Why hike with us
Green Kerinci Trekking offers a multitude of compelling reasons to climb Mount Kerinci. Let’s explore with us
Many ways to stay
Beautiful Scenery
Excellent Facilities
Friendly Staff
Mount kerinci.
Mount Kerinci (3805m) the highest active volcano in West Sumatra. An extraordinary trekking experiece.
Gunung Tujuh
Gunung Tujuh Lake (2732m) the highest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. One of the best location for trekking.
The largest national park in Sumatra. A great place for wildlife lover, jungle trekking, birdwatching and tiger spotting.
Travel in Style
Quality time with family and friends, relaxation & enjoyment of nature..
Mount Kerinci, also known as Gunung Kerinci, is a remarkable destination for adventurers seeking both natural beauty and a sense of accomplishment. Let’s delve into the fascinating details of this majestic volcano:
- Elevation : Standing tall at 3,805 meters (12,484 feet) above sea level, Mount Kerinci is the highest active volcano in Southeast Asia.
- It surpasses iconic peaks like Japan’s Mount Fuji and Lombok’s Mount Rinjani.
- The ascent is demanding, with no switchbacks—just a straight climb along a ridge trail.
- Views : The effort pays off at the summit with unbeatable panoramic views.
- Wildlife : Along the way, keep an eye out for Yellow-handed Mitered Langurs, lizards, and birds. You might even spot a family of Siamang gibbons.
- Camp : After about 8 hours of hiking, make camp and prepare for a chilly night and early morning.
- Night Safari : Spot wildlife in the lush surroundings.
- Village Tours : Immerse yourself in local culture.
- Jungle Treks : Venture deep into the Sumatran rainforest.
- Location : Kerinci straddles the border of Jambi province and West Sumatra province, about 130 km (81 mi) south of Padang.
- Terrain : Pine-forested slopes rise above the surrounding basin, and the elongated cone spans 13 km (8 mi) wide and 25 km (16 mi) long.
- Volcanic Activity : Kerinci is more active than most Indonesian volcanoes, with nearly annual phreatic eruptions.
- Climbing : First climbed in December 1877, it can be accessed from the village of Kersik Tuo.
Climbing the highest point of Kerinci
So, if you’re up for an adventure, consider climbing Mount Kerinci and experiencing the breathtaking landscapes of Sumatra!
Program & Package
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Get a glimpse of what you can experience on Kerinci
Let’s explore the enchanting region of Kerinci in Indonesia. Known as the “Land from Heaven,” Kerinci offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and adventure. Here are some highlights:
- Mount Kerinci : As the highest volcano in Sumatra, Mount Kerinci beckons trekkers and nature enthusiasts. Its rugged slopes, lush forests, and breathtaking vistas make it a must-visit for hikers. The summit rewards you with panoramic views that stretch across the island.
- Kerinci Seblat National Park : Covering nearly 14,000 square kilometers, this national park is one of Asia’s largest protected areas. It boasts diverse ecosystems, including rainforests, lakes, and alpine meadows. Keep an eye out for Sumatran tigers, rhinoceroses, and other rare wildlife.
Get ready for the best adventure ever!
Don’t worry, we didn’t forget the details for your adventure.
Mount Kerinci Trekking
Organized by abd rapani, , , wa/ call: +6281271117133.
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Wondering what to do on your next holiday?
Let's go to explore the sights and attractions of Sumatra Indonesia with our licensed
Mount Kerinci Guide
Mount Kerinci Gunung Tujuh Kerinci Seblat National Park Lake Kaco Rawa Bento
Mount Kerinci
Mount Kerinci (3805m) the highest active volcano in West Sumatra. An extraordinary trekking experiece.
Gunung Tujuh
Gunung Tujuh Lake (2732m) the highest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. One of the best location for trekking.
Kerinci Seblat National Park
The largest national park in Sumatra. A great place for wildlife lover, jungle trekking, birdwatching and tiger spotting.
A great masterpiece of nature having blue water color with contrasts with the green foliage of trees around.
Boating along the Swan Forest. Discover the wild animals and floral villas. Overlooking the view of Mount Kerinci.
Kerinci View
Carefree accommodation, located at Pelompek Pasar. Easy to access to Mount Kerinci, Gunung Tujuh and Rawa Bento.
Our Gallery
Mount Kerinci Trekking founded in 2004, we have served over a thousand of travelers, groups and organizations.
Each day we put a lot of effort in bringing our guests a happy and memorable trip.
We offer the one-stop service for our mountain trekking program, city tour, transportation and homestay service, providing safe and quality service for you.
Founder of Mount Kerinci Trekking
Licenced & Experienced Mount Kerinci Guide Porter Team
Safe & Comfortable Transportation
Quality Camping Equipment
Homestay Service
What people say about mount kerinci trekking, rated best mount kerinci guide.
Mount Kerinci's charm lies in its serenity and natural beauty
The trail was pretty steep from shelter 2 onwards and the summit climb was especially challenging due to the rain and strong winds. However, the views of Gunung Tujuh and Gunung Tujuh Lake were absolutely worth it.I highly recommend to engage a guide who can arrange your 2-way transport from Padang airport (7hrs away) as well as your accommodation for the nights before and after the climb.
The convenience and comfort was greatly appreciated
This is really adventurous. One should really do this mountain. The vegetation is thick from the beginning till shelter 2. From shelter 3, the shrubs start and it goes on decreasing. There are hardly any plants as you go further up. The view from top was mind-boggling. I would definitely recommend this trek to those who are looking for adventure.
This is really adventurous. One should really do this mountain.
The first step from starting point to pos1 is not so hard to hiking, but from pos2 to pos3 I can say is very hard to walk and hiking. So, we stayed at pos3 because in the early morning, we no need to wake up early. So, I wake up 3.30 am, we leaved tent on 04.30 and finally I done on 5.50. I can say is not too hard from pos3 to summit for me. I absolutely sure I will be back to hiking here again..."
- Our Stories
Hiking Mount Kerinci, the highest volcano in Sumatra
Surrounded by the lush forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park, Mount Kerinci 3,805m is the highest volcano in Indonesia, and the highest peak on the island of Sumatra.
Short escape to the rooftop of Sumatra – Mount Kerinci
Climbing the highest peak of mount kerinci.
Our last trip to Mt. Kerinci was coincident with the Dahlia tropical cyclone, which made the journey more challenging. We arrived at the basecamp on Friday morning. For some reasons, we decided to start the hike in that morning. So after the homey breakfast provided at the base camp, off we went!
From the basecamp we were dropped off at about 500 meters from the beginning of the forest, called Pintu Rimba, which saved us some one-hour (and from walking on the harsh asphalt). The beautiful view and wonderful smell of the tea plantation on the way to the forest nicely sent us off. There are six official resting points before reaching the summit, namely Posts 1, 2, and 3 then Shelters 1, 2, and 3. It typically takes 10 – 11 hours to reach Shelter 3, and another 1 – 2 hours to the summit. From the beginning of the forest to the Shelter 3, the trekking path consists of a green-lush woodland then followed by a combination of loose pebbles and a firm rocky path until the summit.
It was raining even from the very first second of our journey. From the starting point at 1.696 m, we passed through a comfortable sloping footpath for about 30 minutes to Post 1 at 1.890 m. The lush trees certainly will provide shade from the hot equatorial sun if we hike during a dry season. Post 1 was basically an open area with a long bench for hiker to take a rest.
As we went deeper into the jungle the trek was gradually ascending with a slippery path, even more slippery since it was raining. Mount Kerinci famously known among hikers for having a wet-ground all the year around, regardless of the season. The distance from Post 1 to Post 2 was just 750 m, according to the sign, and it took us about 20 minutes. Post 2 at 2.010 m was an open area without any shelter, but suitable for taking a rest while enjoying a light snack.
From Post 2 to Post 3, the the path was dominated by exposed tree roots while continued asscending. It took us approximately one hour from Post 2 to Post 3, with distance of 1.600 m. Elevated at 2.225 m, the post was a narrow open area suitable for only one medium-size tent, but water supply was available in this post. However, it was not recommended to camp between Post 1 to Post 3.
After Post 3, hikers consider that this is where the real Mt. Kerinci trekking path begins. The trek was still dominated by a firm soil covered by exposed tree roots, but it was much steeper than before. We spent some 1.5 to 2 hours to reach Shelter 3. Located at an elevation of 2.505 m, Shelter 1 is a wide and flat open area capable to accommodate up to 15 medium-size tents. From here we can see the towering mountain slope. Although it is the safest and most suitable place to camp, we decided to continue our journey of the day.
The trek from Shelter 1 to Shelter 2 is the longest one and required lots of energy. It took us about 2.5 hours and many cubic centimeters of sweat. Between Shelter 1 and Shelter 2, there is another open space, namely “Pos Bayangan, suitable for taking a break before continuing the hike on an even steeper path, which sometimes required us to use the availabe webbing rope. Shelter 2 is located at 3.056 m consists of several small open areas for camping. Although the area is not as wide and comfortable as Shelter 1, fresh water spring is available nearby Shelter 2, therefore some hikers decided to camp here, including us. What a nice rest we had after an exhausting journey.
On the next day we left the camp at about 3:15 AM and brought only a small back pack with us to carry water and a little snack. This was the most challenging trek, a combination between a very steep and slippery tree roots-covered soil and the muddy-narrow pits. We had to very carefully choose where to step on. As the evelation rised, the wind caused by the tropical cyclone was even stronger. At times, the trees almost collapsed, which made us terrified. We finally reached Shelter 3 at about 5 AM. Elevated at 3.291 m, the shelter can accommodate several tents, however, camping there would be a terrible idea as the area is totally open without any protection from the strong wind. The shelter is the vegetation boundary after which the trek changes totally into a firm rocky path and loose pebbles at some places.
After taking the dawn prayer at Shelter 3, we continued the journey. The strong wind was really a big challenge as it was an open path without any trees. After trekking for about an hour, somehow we managed to continue up until 100 m before “Tugu Yuda” at 3.700 m, the last milestone prior to the summit. After that point, we had a hard time continuing the journey as the wind was even stronger while there was nothing to grab unless we moved while crawling. We sheltered inside the last pit and waited for the storm to subside a little bit. There were a handful of hikers with us inside the pit, while most of other hikers could not even reach that point. After waiting for over an hour, we reluctantly decided to discontinue the climb and start ascending back to the camp. As safety is the most important thing, quitting is sometimes the most reasonable choice. We definitely will come again to give our best greeting to the summit of Mt. Kerinci.
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05 Days Mt Kerinci & Gunung Tujuh Lake
Indonesia , Mountain Climbing , Short Getaway , Trekking
Mt Kerinci (3805m)
Mount Kerinci (3805m) & Seven Lakes (1996m)
Tour Code: AINDO-KT05 Duration: 5 Days / 4 Nights Destinations: Padang Airport – Kersik Tuo Village – Camp III – Mt Kerinci Summit– Kersik Tuo Village – Seven Lakes – Padang – Padang Airport
Mt. Kerinci, dominates the rugged landscape between the border of Jambi and Padang. At 3,805m It is situated within Kerinci-Seblat National Park that is spread over West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Jambi and Bengkulu Provinces – home to Sumatran rhinos, tigers and elephants. As the highest volcano in Indonesia, it is surrounded by magnificent views of rain forests, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls that will satisfy your craving of a wild nature adventure.
Optional extension: sightseeing tour in Padang, climb Mt Marapi, Bukittinggi
- Not recommended for people who has certain health issues, such as heart attack, epilepsy, high-blood pressure, vertigo, and other complications.
- Training before trip recommended.
- Quick Itinerary
- Itinerary in details
Day 1 : Padang Airport – Kersik Tuo Village (7~9hrs by car, 1519m) Overnight guesthouse (LD)
Day 2 : Kersik Tuo Village (1519m) – Camp III Mt Kerinci (4-6 hrs trek, 3306m). Overnight tent (BLD)
Day 3 : Camp III Mt Kerinci (3306m) – Summit Attack (3-4hrs trek, 3805m)– Kersik Tuo Village (4-6 hrs trek, 1519m). Overnight Guesthouse (BLD)
Day 4 : Kersik Tuo Village (1519m) – Gunung Tujuh Lakes (2-3hrs trek, 1996m) – Padang. Overnight Hotel (BLD)
Day 5 : Depart airport (B)
5-Days Mt Kerinci & Seven Mountain Lakes (Gunung Tujuh Lakes) Tour Code: AINDO-KT_05 Itinerary subject to changes
Day 1 : Padang Airport – Kersik Tuo Village (7~9hrs drive, 1518m). (-/L/D) 0915 Airport pick up at meeting point (Minangkabau Airport) 0930 Drive to Kerinci with stop for lunch at local restaurant. (7 – 8 hours drive) 1700 Arrive at Guesthouse – Kayu Aro Kerinci or similar 1900 Dinner 2000 Briefing for climbing. 2100 Rest
Day 2 : Kersik Tuo Village (1518m) – Camp III Kerinci (4~6hrs, 3306m) (B/L/D) 0600 Preparing for climbing trips. 0700 Breakfast. 0730 Transfer to climbing gate. 0830 Start trekking through forest to campsite 1100 Arrived at Shelter 1 Mount Kerinci for rest and lunch. 1230 Continue the trek to Shelter 2 & 3 Mount Kerinci. 1530 Arrive at Shelter 2 (3100 m) 1700 Arrive at Shelter 3 (3306 m) 1800 Enjoyed the sunset and warm coffee, snack, dinner before reside to tent
Day 3 : Camp III Kerinci (3306m)– Summit (2-3 hrs, 3805m) – Kersik Tuo Village (1518m) (B/L/D) 0300 Get up early, adjust to the weather and breakfast (bread, cereal, coffee or warm tea) 0400 Start summit trek 0600 Arrived at the summit for sunrise if sky is clear. 0700 Descend to campsite. 0830 Arrive campsite for short break and enjoy your hot tea or coffee 0900 Enjoy some snacks and fruit before prepare to descend 1000 Start descend to base 1300 Stop for break at Shelter 1 for tea, coffee and snacks. 1530 Arrived at gate and transfer to guesthouse. 1600 Arrive at guesthouse for rest. 1830 Dinner at guesthouse
Day 4 : Kersik Tuo Village (1518m) – Gunung Tujuh Lakes (2-3hrs, 1996m) – Padang (B/L/D) 0700 Breakfast at guesthouse 0730 Drive to the jungle gate of Mountain Lake Tujuh 0800 Trek to the Mountain Lake Tujuh 1030 Arrive at Mountain Lake Tujuh. You can swim if you want and have early lunch by the lake 1200 Descend and return to the guesthouse 1430 Arrive at guesthouse. Pack and depart for the journey to Padang with stop for dinner along way. 2300 Arrive at hotel for rest. Hotel Havilla Maranatha hotel or similar
Day 5 : Depart Padang (B) 0600 Wake up and prepare to check out 0630 Breakfast in hotel 0700 Check out and drive to the airport. 0800 Arrive airport for check in and fly to Singapore
Some parts of the trail are steep and slippery and unstable in extreme weather because the path is not very well maintained conpared to other more developed countries. Hence although the hike does not require special technical skills there are many spots where accidents can happen.
Best moment: Reaching the peak because the that was when the weather and views were at theur best.
Least Enjoyed: Wading through deep patches of mud and slippery slopes.
18-21 Apr 19
Crews are friendly and hospitality. Especially when the moment we hiking, greater chance to get to know other peoples. Better guidance to us and we enjoyed it.
Best moment: Kerinci Base Camp and Danau Gunung Tujuh. There’s greatest breathtaking ever and able to take drone photos for my memories.
Least enjoyed: Kerinci Summit, due to cloudly which less visions and unable to take an aerial photos.
10-14 Feb 18
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Indonesia , Muslim Friendly , Short Getaway , Trekking
Hike through the tropical rainforests of Mt. Gede-Pangrango National Park adjacent to historical Cibodas Botanical Garden. Lying between Cianjur and Sukabumi regencies of West Java Province, the Park is rich with flora and fauna and is covered by sub-montane, montane and sub-alpine forest. The active Mt. Gede volcano (2,958 m) and triangular shaped Mt. Pangrango (3,019 m) are favored weekend hiking destinations for many Jakartans. Waterfalls, hot springs, dense jungle, fresh air, and cool weather, will served as a refreshing weekend getaway from the bustling city life.
Standing majestically on its own with its perfect cone shaped in the middle of Garut, Mt. Cikuray at 2,821 masl is the highest peak in Parahyangan highland of West Java. From the summit, you will be treated to Garut city lights view, a breathtaking sunrise, and followed by the forming of the ocean of clouds. For those who seek a more challenging weekend climb with great panoramic reward in West Java, this is a perfect destination.
- Tour Program
Climb Mount Kerinci Volcano Trekking and Mount Marapi Trekking
Review : The Summit of Mount Kerinci 3805M asl. The highest active volcano in South East Asia, 12 hours trek up the mountain from Kersi Tuo Village, About Mount Kerinci (also spelled Kerintji, among several other ways, and referred to as Gunung Kerinci, Gadang, Berapi Kurinci, Kerinchi, Korinci, or Peak of Indrapura as well) is the highest volcano in Indonesia, and the highest peak on the island of Sumatra Kerinci last erupted in 2004, and continues to spew clouds of sulphurous smoke, with plumes reaching as high as 1,000 m (3,281 ft) above the summit
About Mount Marapi is the most active Volcano in West Sumatera, location in Tanah Datar near of Bukit Tinggi City, with elevation 2890M asl, Mount Merapi is Possible in day Trekking to reaching the Peak. Mount Merapi the Last Eruption in November 2011
Mount Kerinci and Mount Marapi Volcano Trekking Trip Duration: 7 Days.
Itinerary Program
DAY 01: PADANG – KERSIK TUO VILLAGE Upon arrival at Padang airport, drive to Kersik Tuo village using Private Car usually will be Departure from Padang Noon and will arrival in Kersik Tuo very early in the morning. If we arrival in midnight will be overnight at Homestay
DAY 03: CAMP IV – SUMMIT – KERSIK TUO VILLAGE Very Early morning usually at 04:00 am we starting climbing to the summit of Mount Kerinci 3,805 M, then going back to Camp IV packing the Equipment and after lunch go back to Kersik Tuo we will arrival at Village around 7-8 pm, we will overnight at Homestay (B,L)
DAY : KERSIK TUO VILLAGE – GUNUNG TUJUH LAKES (B,L,D) Start Early morning by Public or Carter drive to Plompek Village and walk to Gunung Tujuh Lakes at 1996 above sea level, take 2-3 hours trekking, in the lakes we can swimming and relaks afternoon return to Kersik Tuo. Overnight at Home Stay
Day 05 : KERSIK TUO – BUKIT TINGGI In the Morning drive to Bukit Tinggi, overnight in Novotel Hotel***
DAY 07 : BUKIT TINGGI – PADANG – AIRPORT Transfer to the airport for flight to your next destination
Price: Contact Us
Prices Include: – Transportation with Private Car from Padang to Kersik Tuo Return – Accommodation and meals as program with BLD Conditions – English Speaking guides in One Guide for this Trip – Entrance fee to Kerinci Seblat National Park and Mount Marapi – Camping and cooking gears – Porters Team and Local Guides – Tent – Sleeping Bag by Request – Nature, culture and traditional preservation financial contribution
Price Excludes of: – Personal health / medication and baggage insurance – Tipping and any personal allowance / articles – Accommodation before and after the program – Travel Insurance – Personal expenses – extended Accommodation – Personal Expenses (phone, Snack, Soft drink, etc)
WHAT TO WEAR / BRING – Comfortable trekking shoes – Windbreaker / jacket, sweater, gloves, ear cover – Flesh light – Sun block lotion – Insect repellent – Cameras / video camera, binocular – Personal toiletries – Personal medicines – Rain coat – Sun Block. – Personal medicine. – Sun glasses. – Camera / video (keep it safe from sea water)
Also posible combine with Volcano in Sumatera eg. Mount Talang, Mount Singgalang, Mount Dempo and Bukit Kaba Volcano, Mount Sibayak, Mount Sinabung in North sumatera or to Krakatau Volcano.
or Combine with Sumatera Jungle Trekking to Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Tangkahan, Leuser National Park, Bukit Lawang, or Mentawai Jungle Trekking
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English , Indonesian Volcano
Mount kerinci trekking package & tour information.
Gunung Kerinci (also known as Indrapura) is the highest peak on Sumatra and the highest volcano in Indonesia.
It’s also one of the major fire mountains in the Pacific Ring of Fire. It is located in the Barisan Mountain Range at the northwest end of Kerinci Valley and towers around 2600 m above the Kayu Aro plateau, where the tea plantations make you feel like you are in Darjeeling.
The base of the massive structure measures 13 x 25 km in width. The main crater on top, which covers an older cone that stayed in the southwest direction of the actual one, is open, around 600 m deep, and sulfured water steam comes out.
Often, it shows a small lake at the northwest end of the main crater floor. Kerinci is a stratovolcano, and its birth dates back to historical times, estimated around 23 million years ago. The lava type is Andesite.
The first recorded activity dates back to 1838, while the most recent one occurred in 2009 and was not associated with persistent activities like dome building or degradation. The explosive activity data pulled out some nice volcanic bombs, which you can find in the upper part of the cone.
Mount Rinjani Trekking Tour Package Prices
Mount Agung Trekking & Sunrise Tour Package Information
Mount Tambora Trekking
The itinerary for the 4 Days, 3 Nights Trekking Mount Kerinci Tour Package is available.
Day 1: Padang-Kersik Tuo Village
When you arrive in Padang early in the morning, meet and greet the guide. Depart Padang (8-hour drive on the Trans-Sumatran).
Lunch at the local restaurant
The highway passes through Bung Hatta National Forest and small cinnamon and fruit plantations.
Stop for a short stroll around the twin highland lakes.
The road heads east along the flanks of Mt. Kerinci, a dormant volcano and the highest mountain in Western Indonesia, rising to an elevation of 12,502′.
At Kersik Tuo Village, evening arrives.
Check-in at Kerinci View Homestay and stay overnight.
Dinner at Kerinci View Homestay
Meals: lunch, dinner
Accommodation: Kerinci View Homestay
Day 2: Kersik Tuo Village Base Camp Mount Kerinci
After breakfast, get ready to trek Mount Kerinci.
Transfer to the starting point at an altitude of 1.600 m, where the Mount Kerinci Trekking begins.
Lunch at Shelter 1 (Altitude: 2500 m)
6 hours of trekking from Shelter 1 to Shelter 2 (Altitude 3005 M)
Stay overnight at Camping Shelter 3 for the summit hike the following morning.
The porter team sets up tents, sleeping bags, and sleeping mats.
Serve both hot drinks and dinner.
Meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Accommodation: Tent/Camping
Day 3: Base Camp, Summit, and Homestay
Wake-up call in the early morning and light breakfast, then start the ascent to the summit of Mount Kerinci (3,805 m).
Enjoy the sunrise and take pictures on top.
On the way to the summit, look for Gunung Tujuh Lake.
8 a.m.: Back to the campsite and enjoy breakfast.
Descending to the starting point for 6 hours
Return to the homestay for a rest.
Day 4: Kersik Tuo Village, Padang
Get up early in the morning, prepare to check out of the homestay, and then directly drive back to the Padang airport or hotel. This journey should take approximately 8 hours, following the same route from Padang to Kersik Tuo Village.
For details on the Mount Kerinci trekking tour package and price, please contact us.
Other Tour Information
- Southeast Asia
- West Sumatra Province
- Kerinci Valley
- Kerinci Seblat National Park
Gunung Kerinci
Gunung Kerinci (Mount Kerinci) is Sumatra’s , and Indonesia’s , highest peak. It sits within the massive Kerinci Seblat National Park in southwest West Sumatra and comes with fascinating hiking.
Gunung Kerinci lies around 130kms from Padang , the main gateway to Kerinci Seblat National Park. The main entrance to Kerinci Seblat National Park is the town of Sungaipenuh in Kerinci Valley , 30kms to the south. Gunung Kerinci reaches over 3,800m above sea level and is a stratovolcano with a 600-meter wide crater atop it and a base that stretches 25kms north-south.
The mountain is best climbed from the nearby village of Kersik Tua , which is north of Sungaipenuh and a six-hour drive from Padang. To do a full trek of the summit of Gunung Kerinci takes at least two days and one night from Kersik Tua, while camps 2 and 3 offer shorter climbs.
If you intend to climb Gunung Kerinci, visiting in the dry season is a must as the slopes get pretty slippery and the surrounding jungle is dense. Obtaining a permit to visit Kerinci Seblat National Park and having a guide to climb Gunung Kerinci are also necessary.
Getting There & Away
As with the rest of Kerinci Seblat National Park , Gunung Kerinci is accessible via Minangkabau International Airport in Padang . The airport is about 130kms northwest of the mountain, with the village of Kersik Tua being the best starting point for a trek. Kersik is a 7-hour bus ride from Padang, which is a 1-hour, 30-minute flight from Jakarta .
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Gunung Kerinci di Pulau Sumatera: Tinggi, Jalur Pendakian, dan Waktu Tempuh
Kompas.com regional, dini daniswari.
Kompas.com - Gunung Kerinci merupakan gunung tertinggi di Pulau Sumatera dengan ketinggian 3.805 mdpl.
Gunung Kerinci terletak di Provinsi Jambi, bersebelahan dengan Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Tepatnya, gunung berada di perbatasan Provinsi Sumatera Barat dan Provinsi Jambi.
Gunung yang secara administratif berada di kawasan Taman Nasional Seblat merupakan gunung berapi yang masih akif dikenal juga dengan nama Puncak Indrapura, Gunung Gadang, Berapi Kerinci, dan Korinci.
Salah satu World Heritage Site, untuk Tropical Rainforest Haritage of Sumatra ini merupakan gunung berapi tertinggi di kawasan Asia Tenggara.
Tidak salah, jika Gunung Kerinci menjadi incaran para pendaki. Selain tinggi gunung yang menantang, dari puncak gunung pendaki dapat melihat pemandangan menakjubkan Kota Jambi, Padang, dan Bengkulu hingga Samudera Hindia yang terlihat jelas.
Gunung Kerinci juga memiliki kawah seluas 400 x 120 meter yang terisi dengan air berwarna hijau.
Baca juga: Gunung Kerinci Tutup Selama Lebaran, Ini 5 Wisata Alternatif Sekitar
Pemandangan alam lainnya di Gunung Kerinci berupa Danau Bento, rawa tertinggi dengan air jernih di Sumatera yang terletak di bagian timur gunung.
Kemudian di bagian belakang gunung, ada Gunung Tujuh yang memiliki kawah indah hampir belum pernah tersentuh.
Jalur Pendakian Gunung Kerinci
Pendakian Gunung Kerinci berawal dari Desa Kersik. Kondisi jalan tampak jelas dan mudah diikuti. Gunung yang menjadi favorit para pendaki ini memiliki tahap pendakian dengan berbagai kondisi jalan.
1. Tahap Desa Kersik Tuo - Pintu Rimba
Tahap ini merupakan pendakian dari Desa Kersik Tuo masuk menuju kaki Gunung Kerinci. Pada tahap pendakian ini melewati Tugu Macan Sumatera lalu kebun teh milik PTPN VIII dan perladangan penduduk.
Baca juga: Pendakian Gunung Kerinci Buka Lagi, Waktu Camping Terbatas Satu Hari
Selain itu, pendaki dapat menggunakan mobil pikap untuk menghemat tenaga.
Pintu rimba yang berupa perbatasan penduduk dengan hutan berada pada ketinggian 1.800 mdpl.
2. Tahap Pintu Rimba - Bangku Panjang
Tahap ini sudah berjalan menuju hujan jalan setapak tidak begitu menanjak. Perjalanan menempuh waktu kurang lebih 30 menit mencapai Bangku Panjang yang berada pada ketinggian 1.909 mdpl.
3. Tahap Bangku Panjang - Batu Lumut
Selanjutnya perjalanan menuju Batu Lumut, kondisi jalan masih landai dengan hutan lebat. Jarak menuju Batu Lumut yang memiliki ketinggian 2.000 mdpl kurang lebih 2 km dengan waktu tempuh 30 menit.
4. Tahap Batu Lumut - Shelter I
Menuju shelter I, jalan mulai menanjak tajam, hutan mulai rapat dengan pohon besar-besar. Jarak tempuh kurang lebih 3 km dengan waktu tempuh 2 sampai 2,5 jam.
Shelter I memiliki ketinggian 2.225 mdpl. Tidak jauh dari shelter ini terdapat jalur setapak menuju sumber air endapan.
Baca juga: Jalur Pendakian Baru Gunung Kerinci Dicek
5. Tahap Shelter I - Tahap Shelter II
Menuju shelter II, jalan setapak semakin menanjak dan terjal. Pohon semakin jarang, terkadang pendaki harus berpegangan pada akar pohon.
Waktu tempuh dari shelter I menuju shelter II sekitar 2,5 jam. Shelter II berada di ketinggian 3.057 mdpl.
6. Tahap Shelter II - Shelter III
Jalan dari shelter II ke shelter III sangat terjal dan berbentuk seperti saluran air yang ditumbuhi tumbuhan sup alpine, seperti gorong-gorong.
Saat melalui jalan ini, pendaki harus membungkuk kalau membawa ransel besar. Selain itu, kondisi jalan berdinding tanah.
Pendaki harus menempuh waktu sekitar 1 jam untuk berjuang melewati jalan ini. Setelahnya, pendaki akan berada pada tanah yang datar dan luas.
Baca juga: Jokowi Nostalgia Saat Naik Gunung Kerinci
Shelter III berada pada ketinggian 3.319 mdpl.
7. Tahap Shelter III - Puncak Kerinci
Perjalanan dari shelter III menuju Puncak Kerinci membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 1,5 jam. Kondisi jalan berupa batu cadas, terbuka, dan terjal.
Jika terjadi badai di wilayah ini akan terasa kencang sekali, bahkan kabarnya batu kerikil bisa beterbangan.
Sebelum mencapai puncak akan menemui medan datar dan berbatu-batu. Di tempat tersebut menjadi tugu peringatan para pendaki yang meninggal di gunung ini.
Sumber: https://www.the7summitsindonesia.com/ dan https://www.swiss-belhotel.com/
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Kerinci Seblat National Park: Last Refuge of the Sumatran Tiger
Once upon a time, Indonesia was home to thousands of tigers across three subspecies. In addition to the Sumatran tiger, there were Balinese and Javanese varieties, both of which were sadly hunted to extinction in the mid-20 th century. Today, only the Sumatran tiger remains. The population is estimated at around 500, and declining.
Even at the best of times, tigers would have been difficult to spot – they are famously shy, and largely nocturnal. However, it is still possible, although unlikely, to spot Sumatran tigers in the wild. The best place to do it is Sumatra’s largest national park, Kerinci Seblat.
Kerinci Seblat National Park
Kerinci Seblat is thousands of square miles of thick rainforest on the western edge of Sumatra . As well as the Sumatran tiger, it is home to lots of other rare and beautiful animals and unusual plants. These include the rafflesia, a bizarre plant with huge flowers measuring several metres across.
These plants are parasitic, feeding off other plants, and stink of rotting flesh – earning them the nickname ‘corpse flower’. Kerinci Seblat is also home to the incredibly rare Sumatran rhinoceros, who are believed to be fewer than 100 in number. These are the world’s smallest rhinos and are unusual in having a coat of red-brown fur all over their bodies.
Getting to the Park
The majority of visitors to Kerinci Seblat will arrive via Padang, the nearest large city. While it’s not exactly close – around 3-4 hours drive away from the park – Minangkabau International Airport is well connected. Destinations include Jakarta and Solo on Java, as well as Batam in the Riau Islands.
Internationally, you can travel to and from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Be aware that taxi drivers at Padang airport are notorious for charging exorbitant fares to the national park. You may be better off heading into Padang itself, maybe spending the night there, and then organising transport to the park the next day.
What to do in Kerinci Seblat National Park
Spotting tigers at kerinci seblat.
Many, perhaps most, visitors to Kerinci Seblat, come mainly for the chance to see the Sumatran tiger in the wild. It should be pointed out that they are very elusive creatures, and you should certainly not count on the fact that you are going to get to see one. For one thing, they are largely nocturnal, live solitary lives, and are incredibly shy. That being said, this is the best place to see Sumatran tigers in the wild, and sightings do happen occasionally.
While you might not see the tigers, it is much more likely is that you’ll see signs of the tigers rather than the cats themselves – particularly droppings, prints and scratch marks in trees. Tigers live throughout the park, and guided walks through various stretches of rainforest are available and offer chances to spot them.
Scale the mighty Gunung Kerinci
Indonesia is known for good reason as the Land of Fire, and the national park is home to no fewer than five active volcanoes. The biggest, and most volatile, is Gunung Kerinci. It erupted in 2013, and is Indonesia’s tallest volcano. Needless to say, it’s not an easy trek, but it’s a very scenic and rewarding one.
Treks begin at the entrance to the park and are split into two stages. First, you’ll hike up to a campsite at 3,400 metres, which takes around half a day. You’ll then spend the night there before getting up early the next morning to make the hour-long trek to the summit.
It’s a demanding trek, but the views of the sunrise from the top will make it all worthwhile. On the way, you’ll pass some of the beautiful and unusual flora and fauna which make Kerinci Seblat such a great destination. If you’re lucky, you’ll spot langurs, lizards, edelweiss and corpse flowers, among many others.
The trek up Gunung Kerinci is a popular one. Many visitors are happy for this to be their main or only activity in the park. The cost of a trek, including a guide, meals, park fees and transport starts at around Rp 900,000 per person. It’s a bit expensive, but worth it for the experience.
Spot rhinos amid the Sulphur Pools of Ladeh Panjang
Nowhere is Kerinci Seblat more otherworldly than the rainforest of Ladeh Panjang. This is an area of sulphur lakes and hot springs in the west of the park, and is off the beaten hiking track. As it is quieter than the rest of the park, you may have a higher chance of spotting tigers here. It’s also a good place to catch a glimpse of the Sumatran rhino, one of the most endangered rhino species in the world.
Another unusual creature that lives here is the tapir, a large pig-like mammal with a bulbous nose. Adventurous trekkers can embark on a five-day journey through this section of the park – a real rainforest adventure, but not for the faint of heart.
Final thoughts
Kerinci Seblat National Park is one of Indonesia’s largest and most beautiful national parks. It is home to diverse ecosystems, from thick rainforests to simmering volcanoes. These habitats are home to a wide range of animals, some of which are critically endangered. The most famous of these, and the main reason why many visit the park, is the Sumatran tiger.
The last of the Indonesian tiger subspecies, after the Balinese and Javan were wiped out, it is a rare and elusive creature, but this place offers the best chance to spot it. If you love nature make sure to add Kerinci Seblat to your Indonesia bucket list. You won’t regret it!
Have you been to Kerinci Seblat National Park? Do you have any suggestions about what to do there other than those mentioned here? Please let us know in the comments below.
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The Sumatran rhinoceros is extinct in the Kerinci-Seblat National Park, regrettably. Its survival is becoming increasingly improbable I am sorry to say.
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Mount (Gunung) Kerinci is the highest volcano in Indonesia. The climb is pretty straight forward once you find the trail head at the base of the mountain, just keep going up. I had some help from some Indonesian students, but you could also hire someone to drop you off at the trail head. The peak is generally climbed in two days, camping just above the tree line, and then ascending the rest of the way in the early morning darkness to arrive on the summit by sunrise. If you reach the crater rim while its still dare you may be able to see some lava in the vents at the bottom of the crater.
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Regular Trip : Mount Kerinci
- Trip Duration 4 Days 3 Night
- Climbing Duration 2 Days 1 Night
- Start/End of Trip Minang Kabau International Airport (PDG)
- Destination Mount Kerinci Via Kersik Tuo Route
- Grade Moderate (Physically Required)
- Peak/Elevations Indrapura Peak 3805 MASL
- Elevation Different Mount Kerinci 2005 Meters
- Daily Activity Approx 8 - 12 hours
- Climbing Season All Year Around
What to Expect
Have a more flexible and private Mount Kerinci trekking experience with the Regular Trip Mount Kerinci. Created for novice to professional hikers, this trip let’s you set your schedule without having to worry about the number of participants. Even if you’re a solo trekker, we’ll still be here to give our best and make sure feel comfortable and safe along the trip.
In 4 days and 3 nights, you will be taken to explore the scenery of Mount Kerinci, with a 2-day 1-night summit hike that offers amazing panoramas at an altitude of 3,805 meters. All your needs from pick-up and drop-off to Minangkabau International Airport before and after the hike are covered, so you can focus on fully experiencing this valuable moment.
With Kerinci Paradise standard services covering all aspects of trekking, from transportation, accommodation, equipment to professional mountain guide(s), Regular Trip Mount Kerinci provides a hassle-free free trekking experience. This is your moment to scale new heights an unforgettable achievement at the highest volcano in Indonesia.
Whatever your reason for trekking- be it to challenge yourself, to find peace, or simply to enjoy the beautiful nature Trip Mount Kerinci will take you to more than the summit. It’s a trip to new achievements every step brings closer to the sky.
Trip Benefit
- Private pick-up transportation and drop-off airport to hotel or guesthouse, full AC
- Local vehicle hotel/guesthouse to Trail Head and return
- 2-night accommodation, before and after climbing Mount Kerinci - Besed on double room - Amenities - Hot water shower - Free Wi-Fi
- Food and beverage + Fruite while climbing Mount Kerinci
- Bottled Water - 1 Bottle 1500L - 2 Bottles 600ML
- Certified and experience Mountain Guide
- Porter to carry equipment and campsite management
- Kerinci Seblat National Park Entrance Fee Mount Kerinci 2 Days 1 Night
- Camping Equipment : - Tent: 3 persons in a tent - Light for tent - Mattress - Sleeping pad - Sleeping bag (Carry by yourself) - Tableware - Cooking Set
- First Aid Kit
- Climbing Certificate
Outside of Those Provided
- Additional service (all items not mentioned in the trip included)
- Personal Expenses (Laundry, Phone, etc)
- Personal porter Extra Charge IDR 350k/day/porter
- Photographer & Videographer - Photographer (Soft Copy files) IDR 1.500k - Videographer (Editing Video) IDR 2.500k
- Tips Guide/Porter
Trip Investment
Essential Notice
- Trip cost based on selected accommodation
- Once again, Click here as your reference to choose the ideal accommodation.
- 2 persons a room
- Cost applied per person
- * (Only for 1 person) Based overland public transport fix departure 9Am and 7Pm. Want to upgrade to private transport extra charge IDR 800k one way
Day 1 Arrival in Padang
Upon your arrival at Minang Kabau International Airport, you will be picked up and transferred to your hotel in Kerinci within about 7-8 hours of driving. Usually, before starting the long way to Kerinci, our driver will ask you to enjoy Minang cuisine in the city of Padang.
After dinner, you will meet with our leader and crew to explain the details of trip and all the important things.
We recommend taking a morning arrival at 10.00 Am so that you arrive at the hotel in the afternoon at about 06.00 Pm.
Day 2 (B,L,D) Hiking to Campsite
After breakfast, we’ll head to TrailHead using a local vehicle for 30 minutes.
arrive at the Trailhead (1800m) the climb to campsite shelter 3 begins. along the way you will pass through the tropical rainforest with 3 stopping points post 1 to post 3 there many beautiful birds if you are lucky you will see several types of mammals such as Siamang Gibbon and Surili Sumatra then Shelter 1 (2550m) where lunch.
After enjoying lunch heading to Shelter 2 (3100m) through the sub-montane forest and then campsite Shelter 3 (3349m).
Upon arrival at the campsite, you will be welcomed with hot tea, beautiful scenery, and a sunset. Before the rest our crew will present a fully cooked warm dinner at the campsite will keep your energy high.
Day 3 (B,L) Summit Attempt - Descend to Trailhead then Transfer to Hotel
After a hot tea or coffee, we start well before sunrise to start the final but climb up the very steep. As it gets light, a spectacular view of Kerinci gets slowly into sight. Finally, we will stand on the highest volcano in Southeast Asia “Mount Kerinci (3805 masl) with an incredible view over West Sumatra and Jambi, with many other volcanic peaks, mountain ranges, and lakes around and below us not only that, the active crater of Mount Kerinci, 300 meters deep, is also in front of us.
After some time spent on or around the summit, we head to the campsite, take brunch, and then descend to the trailhead and hotel.
Day 4 (B) Drop off to Airport
After breakfast at the hotel drop off at Padang or Airport in the morning and arrive at Minang Kabau International Airport at 05.00 Pm. The trip ends at the airport.
- If you are interested in other beautiful destinations around Kerinci such as Lake Gunung Tujuh or Lake Kaco , we recommend extending at least 1 day.
Equipment Suggestion
Climbing equipment.
- Comfortable backpack + rain cover (20 - 40 liters)
- A hat, or something else that can protect your head from the sun
- Windbreaker What you will need for the summit attempt
- Head torch or other lighting + Battery enough for 4-5 hours
- Hiking shoes/Mountain shoes If you don't have one, you can bring comfortable sports shoes for muddy or sandy terrain
- Mask / scarf
- Water Bladder
- Trekking poles (Optional)
- Raincoat (Important)
- 3 drift T-shirts
- 1 Long Sleeve Shirt
- 2-3 pairs of trousers (which are not made of jeans)
- 2-3 pairs of socks for walking and sleeping
- Sweatshirts, polar Jackets, sweaters or the like
- The main jacket A special parachute jacket for outdoor activities is highly recommended
- National Identity Card - Visa/Passport/KITAS/KTP/SIM
- Medical Fitness Certificate (Important)
- We will provide a first aid kit, but please bring your personal medicine if you have special illnesses. And let us know if you have a history of illness
- And don't forget to bring your good mood
FAQ "Frequently Asked Questions"
What is the best arrival time at the airport.
The best arrival time at Minang Kabau International Airport is at 8 am, remember that heading to Kerinci is at least 7-8 hours of overland driving so you will arrive in Kerinci in the afternoon. however, if it is not possible, you can take the afternoon because we have provided private transportation, making it more flexible.
What transport are included?
We will cover all transport costs detailed within a trip program as mentioned on our provided itinerary. This will exclude international flights to and from the destination countries. It is your responsibility to ensure these align with the start and finish of the trip.
The transportation we used can be seen on How to Explore Kerinci page.
What equipment is provided?
All essential equipment is included, e.g. quality tents with a capacity of 4 adults but for your comfort, we maximize 3 people a tent, mattress, inflatable mattress/Sleeping Pad, etc. You are responsible for your gear and clothing. A full list of requirements and advice (if required) will be provided at the time of booking.
How many nights of accommodation are provided?
We provide 2 nights accommodation 1 night before the hike and 1 night after the hike. Of course, we choose the best accommodation with specifications that have a hot shower, clean, good breakfast, close to Mount Kerinci of course has a beautiful view, etc.
How many Kerinci Paradise crew will be on this trip?
This trip includes a professional and licensed mountain guide with a ratio of 1 Guide 5 participants and also porters as assistant guides with a ratio of 1 porter 3 participants to carry group equipment, Set up the tent, cooking, etc.
Will Jetz be my/our guide?
Jetz will overall lead many of our trips, but to have him as your guide you will need to enquire with our team about his availability.
Related Tours
Hike and Fly Paragliding Tandem : Mount Kerinci
Premium Trip : Mount Kerinci + Gunung Tujuh Lake
Muhamad Fazirul Bin Hanafe
We had a wonderful trip planned for us, and everything went smoothly.
In the town, Jetz and team were very hospitable. All our needs were met, questions answered and they also brought us around the town to indulge in local delicacies.
On the volcano, Izal and Juhardi masterfully guided us through the jungle terrain, keeping us well fed and well sheltered.
Absolutely zero complaints, the team had such a good vibe and great energy. I’m missing my time in Kerinci already.
Sean Ang Ci-an
Jet and his team are friendly and knowledgeable, they ensure that we the guests are well taken care of. although the hike was difficult, the presence of the team gives plenty assurance that everything was in control.
Benoit Vallet
Amazing experience! Attentive, available, kind and supportive. Jetz and Riska were amazing climbers buddies who followed my urge of challenges with the pace and took care of everything.
Paul Cornelis van Vreumingen
We wanted to climb Gunung Kerinci and arrived in Padang having nothing planned. I found Kerinci Paradise featured on YouTube and made contact with Jet on the night of 24 June 2023. We were difficult customers wanting a customised itinerary. Jet was professional informative and able to cater to our needs. His communication and response to our endless questions was fantastic. The necessary forms were completed and the 2days 1 night adventure was booked for the 28 and 29 June. It was a wonderful experience thanks to the professional leadership of Jet at Kerinci Paradise. Highly recommended.
Harun Teguh Kurniawan
Very good. Excellent is for God
Climbing the Mountains of Indonesia & Malaysia
- Elevation: 3,805 m (12,484 ft)
- Prominence: 3,805 m
- Ribu category: Sangat Tinggi
- Province: Jambi
- Google Earth: kml
- Other names: none
- Eruptions: 1838, 1842, 1878, 1908-09, 1921, 1923, 1936-38, 1952, 1960, 1963-64, 1966-70, 1990, 1996, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2004, 2007-09, 2013, 2019, 2022-23
Bagging It!
Mount Kerinci is the highest volcano in Indonesia and the highest Indonesian peak outside Papua (Irian Jaya). Much of the Kerinci Seblat National Park is located in the province of Jambi but the mountain itself is on the border with West Sumatra. We are listing it as being in Jambi because local people regard Kerinci as a region of Jambi and because it is most commonly climbed from the Jambi side. Considering its height, Kerinci is not as difficult a climb as you might think and the views from the top are amazing. The closest airport is Padang from where it is a 6-8 hour road journey to the nearest accommodation to the Kerinci trail, at Kersik Tuo (also spelt Tua, 1,519m). Transport can be arranged at Padang airport or by contacting one of the homestays in advance. However, given the length of the journey it doesn’t come cheap so it isn’t recommended unless you have a group of 4 hikers minimum.
Although it is possible to get to the top and back in a very, very long day (minimum 12 hours hiking there and back), it is recommended that you spend a night on the mountain at Shelter 2 (3,045m) or even the more exposed Shelter 3 (3,306m). The summit is usually cloudy after mid-morning so if you want to admire the views it is best to plan on reaching the top for dawn the second day before making the descent back to Kersik Tuo. The water sources are not totally reliable so make sure you take ample supplies.
You need to obtain a National Park permit, available from one of the homestays in Kersik Tuo or the local Park Office, which currently costs a reasonable Rp 20,000. It is also a good idea to take a photocopy of your passport with you. The best known homestay in the area is the one owned by Pak Subandi, one of many ethnically Javanese who live in the area. He is an expert on flora and fauna and many people stay here to explore the amazing animal and plant life including incredibly rare birds, pitcher plants, Armorphophallus titanium (the tallest flower in the world) and perhaps even elephants and tigers or even the mysterious Orang Pendek, a bipedal ape of Yeti-like reputation. There are plenty of guides available and Pak Subandi will provide you with some excellent meals of local produce both on and off the mountain. Make sure you discuss the cost in advance to avoid being surprised when the bill arrives.
The trail itself starts about 5km west of Kersik Tuo, through the tea plantations past the very visible statue of a tiger. At the end of the road at 1,755m there is a dilapidated signpost beside fields of chillis and potatoes. The trail leads past a ranger post and up into the forest (‘pintu rimba’). After 30 minutes, Pos 1 Bangku Panjang (1,915m) is reached and after another 30 minutes you should have reached Pos 2 Batu Lumut (2,020m).
Pos 3 Pondok Panorama is next (2,211m) and there is a shelter and unreliable water source. Shelter 1 (2,520m) follows and sections of the trail here are steep muddy gullies which can be problematic when it rains but generally there are no technical difficulties.
Soon after reaching the 3,000 metres elevation mark, there is a small path leading down to Shelter 2 (3,045m) on the left. This is the best camping area on the trail as it offers some protection from the wind and there is often a source of water down in the gully beside the camping area. There are metal frames here so extra tarpaulin would be excellent to keep you extra protected from getting soaked in the usual afternoon rains.
It takes 3 hours to the summit from here which means a starting time of 3am if you want to see the sunrise from the top. Alternatively you can camp higher up beyond the treeline at Shelter 3 (3,306m) which will save you an hour in the morning. It is much more exposed but you will have great views of neighbouring Gunung Tujuh and the Gunung Tujuh Lake from your tent.
From the edge of the treeline, the trail is steep and there is plenty of shallow scree to negotiate. It is a good idea to wear gloves and make sure you have a torch you can attach to your head so you have both hands free. There is a monument (Tugu Yudha, 3,690m) to a lost hiker before the tiny summit area appears quite suddenly.
The peak is marked with a cairn and flag which lies between two rocky outcrops. Down below steeply to the right is the smouldering crater and to the left is the Indian Ocean. Views are extensive – you should be able to see Gunung Tujuh on your right, Gunung Raya and Gunung Masurai to the south, and Gunung Talang , Gunung Marapi and Gunung Singgalang to the north.
After celebrating having reached the top of Indonesia’s highest volcano, it is a long walk back down to Kersik Tuo and Pak Subandi’s delicious potatoes.
UPDATE: As of 2017, there is now a second official route from South Solok in West Sumatra, which is closer to Padang airport. Do leave a comment below if you have already tried the new route.
Bagging information by Daniel Quinn
Local Accommodation
- Getting there: There are regular flights to Padang’s International airport from Indonesia and neighbouring countries. It is then a long 6-8 hours drive to the starting point. There is public transport and ‘travel cars’ for which you share a car with others but it will take you most of a day. The alternative is to fly via Jambi to Kerinci Airport at Sungai Penuh – much closer but just one turboprop flight per day with 10kg checked baggage weight restriction.
- Guides and GPS Tracks: Want a PDF version for your phone? Looking for a guide? Need GPS tracks and waypoints? Gunung Kerinci information pack can be downloaded here .
- Trip planning assistance: Would you like Gunung Bagging to personally help you in arranging your whole trip? Please contact us here .
- Permits: Available from the homestays in Kersik Tuo for Rp20,000 per person (2013) – take a photocopy of your passport photo page.
- Water sources: Sometimes available at Shelter 2 (3,045m).
- Accommodation: Try the Booking.com map above or use this link to search for suitable hotels, homestays, resorts and apartments for your trip.
- We recommend Safety Wing as travel insurance for overseas travellers and tourists hiking up to elevations not exceeding 4500 metres.
Local Average Monthly Rainfall (mm):
Origins and Meaning
The name Kerinci is derived from the word “Kurinci” in Tamil language. A long time ago, the Tamil land was divided into four districts and each one was named after a local flower to characterize the district. The specific flower related to the highlands is the Kurinci flower (Strobilanthes). Therefore, Kurinci also means “highland”. It is the name of the region, the people (tribe), the volcano, and a lake in the region. Over time, the spelling of Kurinci has shifted. Kurinci was changed into Kerinci for formal Bahasa Indonesia. Related words and spellings include Kincai, Kincei, and Kinci. (Dewi Fovilia, 2011)
Links and References
Wikipedia English Wikipedia Indonesia
20 thoughts on “Kerinci”
Hi, I’m doing Kerinci September 11th & 12th 2018. Guide arranged, write me to tm at qoss.net if you want to join 🙂
10th Padang to Kersic Tua and homestay. 11th trek and stay at shelter. 12th summit, back to Kersic Tua and straight to Padang in the evening.
Summited Mt Kerinci on 16/03. I did the round trip from Kersik Tuo straight (no camping). Took me 13h10min from and back to the tiger statue. There is a 50min approach walk from this statue to the trail start (Pintu Rimba) that you can avoid by using ojek. So this time can be easily pushed down to 11h by doing so.
Started climbing solo at 00h50 from the statue. Took 50min to reach the entrance (Pintu Rimba), then 1h to reach Pos I at 2225m, then 45min to reach Pos II at 2500m. Until there it is a fairly easy hike. It gets steeper from here. Use of hand is mandatory to clear some passage.
I rested more than necessary at Pos II because wind was blowing strong and I didn’t want to reach the treeline before the sun rise. Hopefully wind decreased when the sun came.
Left Pos II at 4h06, reached Pos III (the camping ground above treeline) after 2h20 hiking. Then it’s another not that hard 1h30 hike to the summit. View is stunning up there, the crater is impressive. Unfortunately the view to the North (towards West Sumatra) was clouded. All other directions were clear. Total ascend time from Kersik Tuo : 7h10.
After 40min on top I started my descend. Be careful until Pos III because scree make it slippery. Gloves could be useful but using the sleeves of your jacket works too. Total descend to Kersik Tuo : 5h.
Guides are definetly not mandatory, trail start is easy to find with Gunung Bagging’s GPS track and Maps.me shows you where to turn from the main road. From there is very straightforward to Pos III. From Pos III to summit it’s very simple with a clear weather because the trail is marked with poles. Be cautious if it’s foggy but it’s very unlikely that you end up alone in this section given Kerinci is climbed almost everyday (about 20 people attempting summit on a Thursday in my case, and met at least 50 people climbing on Friday morning).
Camping on top allow you to enjoy the forest by day during ascent and descent. If weather and fitness permit, it’s possible to make the round trip starting at sunrise.
Regarding entry fees, it’s now 15k for locals and 150k for foreigners but I didn’t see anyone to collect it. Your guesthouse can do it for you.
Thanks a lot for your accurate information about the straight round trip from Kersik Tuo. We did the same itinerary begin of June 2019 and I just can confirm your instructions/considerations. Started at 2am from the tiger statue and been back there at 2pm, no longer rests at all as it started raining like hell just shortly before reaching the summit. Guides are definitifely not necessary, just follow the track and the detailed instructions of Chromakey (maps.me is very helpful!). Due to the weather conditions it was a very tough trip as track was muddy as hell and stones slippery. The section between Pos 2 and Pos 3 is steep and you can only move on slowly in both ways; but section is not dangerous.
Note: We were stopped by some kind of guides / rangers at 3am at the entrance. They did not want let us pass. I couldnt figure out what the reason was (they were talking about dangers, but could not specify. I speak perfectly bahasa btw). Finally i could convince them to let us through. They wanted us to pay the entrance fee for the NP to them, i showed the receipt i got the day before at lake gunung tujuh and they accepted.
I am traveling from Padang Airport to the homestay near the base of Mount Kerinci on 10 Feb 2018 in the morning. The tentative timing is 9:30am and the estimated cost is IDR 700,000. Anyone whom would like to tag along and share the cost of the private car are welcome, so we can distribute the cost evenly. Ping me if you are interested! My email is [email protected] Thank you 🙂
A new route up from Solok Selatan, West Sumatra is about to be officially open. Well done to the local hiking clubs and authorities. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2017/09/16/opening-of-new-mount-kerinci-trekking-path-in-south-solok-approved.html
Hi Dan, according to a Sungai Penuh local met on summit this new road is very seldom used because it’s longer than the classic one. Typically 2 nights of camping seem to be required, it would join the classic road on the slopes of the volcano, at the place where people write their names using stones.
I climbed Kerinci from Saturday 18th to Sunday 19th August. This was a case of ‘third time lucky’ as two previous attempts were foiled by an eruption (2009) and by a cancelled Susi Air flight to Kerinci (2017). (News flash: Wings Air is now advertising newly-begun daily flights between Jambi and Kerinci.)
Getting there. From Padang Airport I took the Tranex minibus (Rp24,000, 1 hour) to Simpang Lubeg, where there is a cluster of travel offices, then a travel car (actually a Toyota hatchback, Rp120,000, 7 hours) to Kersik Tua. Returning from Kersik Tua to Padang, I took the Cahaya Kerinci minibus booked for me by Pak Subandi (Rp100,000, 8 hours), which dropped me directly at my hotel; the Colt minibus was preferable as the driver was more reassuring and the high ground clearance is better suited to the potholed and flooded highland road.
Logistics. Pak Subandi, at Subandi Homestay, seems more used to arranging all-in group tours with equipment rental than to just finding guides for hikers like me with their own camping gear and food. Eventually, we agreed a price of Rp2,000,000 for the 2-day hike, including a guide, porter, transport to the trail head, 3 meals, and a plastic sheet to act as an extra tent cover that could have been very useful in heavy rain.
Day 1. We started walking at 09.15 and reached our campsite at 15.30. We camped just below Shelter 2 in a clearing beside the trail at 3005m altitude, with good views back toward Kersik Tua. The hike up was more taxing than expected because much of the trail had dissolved into churning, squelching mud. This resulted from several weeks of rainy weather and from the large number of hikers- over 1,000 according to a warung owner at the trailhead- who had just climbed the mountain for Indonesia’s Independence Day; fortunately for us, enough people were coming down as we went up to free up some camping space.
Day 2. After a 03.15 start, we passed Shelter 3 at 04.30, and reached the summit at 06.30. Although we had clear skies at Shelter 3, making it easy to follow the line of flashlights snaking up the mountain, clouds rolled over us about 05.00, making it hard to see even the guide just in front of me. Sulphurous volcanic gases stung our throats and eyes after Shelter 3, but they did not get any worse, and even cleared up somewhat, as we approached the summit. The narrow summit ridge seemed rather crowded with about 50 people on it; on Independence Day, with hundreds of people on it, it must be a little dangerous.
We took 3 hours to descend to the campsite, and then a further 5 hours to return to the trailhead, as the muddy, slippery conditions made hurrying treacherous. As we returned to Subandi Homestay at about 17.00, we experienced the best conditions of the whole trip, with the mountain finally free of cloud cover!
Most of the foreign tourists I met around Kerinci were devoted birdwatchers rather than hikers and it’s easy to see why. Even without binoculars I spotted many beautiful species, including what may have been the coveted Schneider’s pitta (Hyrdrornis schneideri), as well as lizards, frogs, squirrels and macaques, all seemingly undeterred by the thousands of humans tramping past.
I climbed Kerinci on April 11/12 th 2017.
The roof of Sumatra ! And it really is ! The view up there is breathtaking. The ascent is quite long but intense. I parked my motorbike at the beginning of the trail. There is still a small warung there. I began at midnight and and I climbed it by night without a break.
Make sure you calculate well you ascent time because close to the top, it’s freezing.
For the accomodation, I recommend Homestay Paiman and Shelter Coffee for a tea/coffee break.
I did this trek in November 2012 with a group of hikers from Jakarta and a few other countries. It was a pretty special hike. Memorable for views and for cold conditions on the mountain. You can read my report here: http://www.hellomister.net/trek-to-gunung-kerinci-and-danau-gunung-tujuh/
Spent a windy 2 days/1 night on Kerinci. Well worth the effort!
Angkots can be found from the traditional market down valley in Sungai Penuh (roughly Rp. 20.000 for the 1.5 hour ride to Kersik Tua). You can be dropped off right on Pak Subandri’s doorstep. Pak Subandri is still the undisputed face of Gunung Kerinci and is a marvelous gentleman. Rooms run roughly Rp. 150.000/night.
From Pak Subandri’s front door he can arrange one of his sons to drove you the 5km to the trailhead. Alternatively it’s a pleasant hike on foot through the tea plantation (and gives you more satisfaction afterwards).
We managed to make the summit in 6 hours with 4 to descend. The trail is as described. Water can be found as Pos 3 but we took 4.5 L/person which was just enough. Worth noting that we experienced winds in excess of 80 km/hour at night (camped at the exposed Pos 3) and into our hike to the summit – enough to blow a quality tent out of its stakes and bend the tent poles. The climb to the summit required dropping to all fours from time to time. Nothing undoable, just be prepared. From Pos 3 to the summit, poles mark the best trail up. It’s advised to follow them.
Excellent view over South Sumatra then back to Pak Subandri’s.
Great place to hike. Not an easy terrain, especially the toughest part from Shelter 2 to Shelter 3, where use of hands (glove would be very useful) is absolutely necessary. This section is where you will monkey up or down, which makes it quite special (but highly dangerous in the rain).
Beautiful changing landscape at sunrise at the summit, but view was quickly obstructed by sulphuric smoke blowing in our direction. Wind was awfully strong starting from camp at Shelter 3 all the way to the summit. Always be prepared to be covered with more layers to avoid discomfort.
Based on my experience, it seems that the hike from shelter 3 to the summit of Kerinci is a little less difficult compared with the the night trek from the camp to the summit at Rinjani, Lombok. This is probably due to larger section of scree to negotiate at Rinjani.
We are a group of 8 (5 of whom were totally inexperienced) and we used Pak Subandi to organise the porter, camp, food, etc. Overnight at Subandi’s Homestay is nice as the food is great. Not to mention the unmatched hospitality of the highly experienced naturalist. Highly recommended to bag this mountain. The landscape is extraordinary right from the village of Kersik Tuo all the way to the top.
Some pictures here:
Hiked Kerinci on 2016-01-05 with Pak Rapani +62 812-7111-7133. paid Safa Marwa 175,000 IDR /person for transportation to kersik tuo from padang airport. We paid Pak Rapani 1 million IDR/per person for the full package minus porters: 1 night at rapani’s homestay, transportation to the mountain base, hiking up with guide, all food (dinner + bfast + lunch + dinner + bfast + lunch + dinner) and tent, sleeping bag. We carried our own stuff up.
The path up to base camp (shelter 3, at the top of the vegetation line) is extremely clear. My impression is that groups of indonesian students do it all the time without guides. I’ve posted GPS coordinates here: https://www.strava.com/activities/466979589
From shelter 3 to the summit is a little bit more difficult. As long as there is good visibility its easy to find your way around, but I can see how people could die if fog rolls in and you walk off the route into a ravine.
The hike is moderately difficult. No need for technical climbing equipment, but the trail is quite steep at points. One person in our group did not feel comfortable and stayed at shelter 3, the remaining 6 of us had no problem going up to the summit
All in all, a good experience.
Hi, just wondering. Is this volcano a tougher climb than Rinjani? What is your experience? Anyone? Thank You very much
Hi Vinchel.
I haven’t hiked Rinjani, but will type up my experience briefly.
Probably you have already know. I just hiked Kerinchi yesterday. First section to Basecamp (shelter 3) was harder than Rinjani Basecamp (plawangan)
However summiting was much easier with Kerinchi. Hope it helps
Just a quick question – do you recommend a guide and porters for this trip? Is the trail obvious or is a guide highly recommended?
For any hikes on an island with tigers on it, a guide is 100% recommended.
Fantastic website and info source for Indonesian mountains!
As a solo-traveller it’s not necessary to go with old/unsafe public buses to Kerinci, to keep a low budget. It’s very easy to get one of the hotels/homestays in Padang to book a seat in a travel-taxi (new and modern Toyota Avanza or similar vehicle which takes up to 7 passengers) to Kersik Tua. They will pick you up at the hotel in the morning at no additional cost. The journey to Kersik Tua in travel-taxi takes only 6 hours, is safe and comfortable, and the price I paid was 140.000 rupies. This price was at the end of Ramadan, so maybe it’s cheaper other times of year.
I recommend Pak Subandi’s homestay in Kersik Tua. The food and services there are great! He will also assist you in flagging down a travel-taxi back to Padang. I paid same price back to Padang (140.000 rupies), even I was the only passenger in the car. The driver took me straight to my hotel in Padang at no additional cost. So easy and comfortable 🙂
Some serious eruptions happening at Kerinci this past couple of days. Seemingly rather unexpected. A handful of hikers apparently still unaccounted for. Let’s hope they make it back ok. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/06/02/mt-kerinci-erupts.html
stunning views at the top.its a tough climb but worth it. the owner of subandi homestay is very friendly and speaks good english and will organise a guide for you as well as supplies.peering into the crater at the top is not for the faint hearted and if it rains which it did with me you might get a few leeches on you.the day i was at the top you could see the ocean and many more mountains around .you could even see marapi up in bukitinngi.also very scenic tea plantations around the base. i rate this 10 out of 10
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Climb Mt. Kerinci - Trek the Highest Volcano in Southeast Asia Luke Mackin 2024-08-15T16:02:35+07:00. T owering over the Sumatran landscape, Mt. Kerinci demands respect. At 3805 meters tall, Gunung Kerinci is the highest active volcano in Southeast Asia, and even rises above the iconic Mt. Fuji in Japan, and Lombok's Mt. Rinjani. ...
Pendakian Gunung Kerinci via Kersik Tuo menawarkan trek yang lebih landai dan lebih 'ringan' jika dibandingkan dengan jalur Solok Selatan. Basecamp awal jika kamu memilih jalur ini akan dimulai pada titik di Kecamatan Kayu Aro, Kabupaten Kerinci. Dari titik awal hingga puncak, kamu akan menghabiskan waktu sekitar 11 hingga 13 jam perjalanan ...
Towering over the Sumatran landscape, Mt. Kerinci demands respect. At 3805 meters tall, Gunung Kerinci is the highest active volcano in Southeast Asia, and even rises a. Sumatran Tiger Trek - A Multi-day Sumatra Jungle Trek. Our longest and most wild trek, the Sumatran Tiger Trek takes you deep into primary rainforest and through Sumatran ...
Green Kerinci Trekking. At 12,484 ft (3,805 m) above sea level, it provides Sumatra with the fifth-highest maximum elevation of any island in the world. It is surrounded by the lush forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park, home to several endangered species including the Sumatran tiger. Mount Kerinci is ranked 32nd by topographic isolation.
Mount Kerinci Trekking founded in 2004, we have served over a thousand of travelers, groups and organizations. Each day we put a lot of effort in bringing our guests a happy and memorable trip. We offer the one-stop service for our mountain trekking program, city tour, transportation and homestay service, providing safe and quality service for you.
After Post 3, hikers consider that this is where the real Mt. Kerinci trekking path begins. The trek was still dominated by a firm soil covered by exposed tree roots, but it was much steeper than before. We spent some 1.5 to 2 hours to reach Shelter 3. Located at an elevation of 2.505 m, Shelter 1 is a wide and flat open area capable to ...
Overnight Guesthouse (BLD) Day 4 : Kersik Tuo Village (1519m) - Gunung Tujuh Lakes (2-3hrs trek, 1996m) - Padang. Overnight Hotel (BLD) Day 5 : Depart airport (B) 5-Days Mt Kerinci & Seven Mountain Lakes (Gunung Tujuh Lakes) Tour Code: AINDO-KT_05Itinerary subject to changes. Day 1 : Padang Airport - Kersik Tuo Village (7~9hrs drive, 1518m).
Our mission is to incite your epic adventure, while supporting conservation and communities in the wilds of Sumatra. Since 2010, Wild Sumatra has been helping responsible travelers discover the most remote wild places left on the mysterious, mountainous, rainforest-shrouded island of Sumatra. We work with rural communities to support local ...
We climbed Gunung Kerinci on 26 July. As we climbed, Een pointed out monkey calls and many birds in the park - an unexpected bonus. The climb itself is long (2000m elevation gain) but it's varied terrain with a lot of scrambling and tree-climbing in the upper parts (super fun) and look-out points at regular intervals.
Mount Kerinci is the tallest volcano in Southeast Asia, with an elevation of 3,805 MASL (Meters Above Sea Level). Mount Kerinci is located in two provinces, Jambi and West Sumatra under the authority of Kerinci Seblat National Park, and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Hiking Mount Kerinci is not easy, but the experience and ...
Kerinci Seblat National Park is the largest national park in Sumatra, Indonesia. This park is a combination of rainforest, swamps, sub-alpine, and lakes. This park features Mount Kerinci, the largest and tallest active volcano. Visitors can challenge the trek towards the peak, note that you will occasionally have to rock climb. Another attraction of this park is being able to observe the ...
Kerinci Volcano: A Few Basic Fact. Kerinci Volcano is the highest volcano in Indonesia. The volcano is 3,805 meters high and is located in the province of Jambi (oh well based on the map, the summit is located in West Sumatra. It is basically on the border of Jambi and West Sumatra province). It is situated in the middle of Kerinci Seblat ...
Review : The Summit of Mount Kerinci 3805M asl. The highest active volcano in South East Asia, 12 hours trek up the mountain from Kersi Tuo Village, About Mount Kerinci (also spelled Kerintji, among several other ways, and referred to as Gunung Kerinci, Gadang, Berapi Kurinci, Kerinchi, Korinci, or Peak of Indrapura as well) is the highest volcano in Indonesia, and the highest peak on the ...
Gunung Kerinci (also known as Indrapura) is the highest peak on Sumatra and the highest volcano in Indonesia. ... Day 2: Kersik Tuo Village Base Camp Mount Kerinci. After breakfast, get ready to trek Mount Kerinci. Transfer to the starting point at an altitude of 1.600 m, where the Mount Kerinci Trekking begins. Lunch at Shelter 1 (Altitude ...
To do a full trek of the summit of Gunung Kerinci takes at least two days and one night from Kersik Tua, while camps 2 and 3 offer shorter climbs. If you intend to climb Gunung Kerinci, visiting in the dry season is a must as the slopes get pretty slippery and the surrounding jungle is dense. Obtaining a permit to visit Kerinci Seblat National ...
By far the most famous landmark in Sumatra's Kerinci region is the massive active volcano - Gunung Kerinci. On clear days it can be seen towering over the surrounding mountains and valleys from over a hundred kilometers away. Standing at 3805 meters above sea level, it's not only both Indonesia's highest volcano and overall tallest ...
Gunung Kerinci juga memiliki kawah seluas 400 x 120 meter yang terisi dengan air berwarna hijau. Baca juga: Gunung Kerinci Tutup Selama Lebaran, Ini 5 Wisata Alternatif Sekitar Pemandangan alam lainnya di Gunung Kerinci berupa Danau Bento, rawa tertinggi dengan air jernih di Sumatera yang terletak di bagian timur gunung.
The trek up Gunung Kerinci is a popular one. Many visitors are happy for this to be their main or only activity in the park. The cost of a trek, including a guide, meals, park fees and transport starts at around Rp 900,000 per person. It's a bit expensive, but worth it for the experience.
Mount (Gunung) Kerinci is the highest volcano in Indonesia. The climb is pretty straight forward once you find the trail head at the base of the mountain, just keep going up. I had some help from some Indonesian students, but you could also hire someone to drop you off at the trail head. The peak is generally climbed in two days, camping just above the tree line, and then
Climbing Duration 2 Days 1 Night. Start/End of Trip Minang Kabau International Airport (PDG) Destination Mount Kerinci Via Kersik Tuo Route. Grade Moderate (Physically Required) Peak/Elevations Indrapura Peak 3805 MASL. Elevation Different Mount Kerinci 2005 Meters. Daily Activity Approx 8 - 12 hours. Climbing Season All Year Around.
Spent a windy 2 days/1 night on Kerinci. Well worth the effort! Angkots can be found from the traditional market down valley in Sungai Penuh (roughly Rp. 20.000 for the 1.5 hour ride to Kersik Tua). You can be dropped off right on Pak Subandri's doorstep. Pak Subandri is still the undisputed face of Gunung Kerinci and is a marvelous gentleman.
At 3,805m, Gunung (Mt.) Kerinci is Indonesia's highest non-Papuan peak, and the highest volcano in SE Asia (actually the highest volcano in all of Asia outside of Iran and the Kamchatka peninsula of Russia). ... Danau Nyalo, Danau Kecik. Each one has a slightly different color, ranging from green to black. A great circular trek over three or ...
From Jambi to Kerinci it takes about ten and twelve hours of driving, with the lower end being drop-off in Lempur village (the starting point for the Sumatran Tiger Trek, Lake Kaco, and Mt. Kunyit) and the upper end being drop-off in Kersik Tuo (launch point for Mt. Kerinci, Mt. Tujuh, and Ladeh Panjang treks).