Gambela National Park

Western Ethiopia

Gambela National Park is Ethiopia's greatest wildlife show-in-waiting, and being difficult to get to doesn't change that. It has vast herds of migrating antelope species and what are thought to be sizeable populations of predators, so if current predictions are borne out in ongoing surveys, this park – along with Boma National Park across the border in South Sudan – could have wildlife numbers to rival the famous reserves of Kenya and Tanzania. It's also rather beautiful, with savannah, flood plains and riverine forests.

But, for the moment at least, such a bounty remains almost impossible to access. This is a very remote and swampy park with absolutely nothing in the way of infrastructure. Further, the animals are thought to be concentrated in the southwestern parts of the park – the swampiest and hardest-to-reach area. Add to this continued ethnic tensions and a general suspicion from authorities towards anyone curious about a sensitive border area, and the conditions are clearly not ideal for wildlife tourism.

It's an adventure of the highest order, so if you do decide to head out here, you'll need to have a reliable 4WD (preferably rented from Addis) and be entirely self-sufficient in food, water and camping equipment. You will need a local guide, and we strongly recommend that you inform the local authorities of your plans. The Gambela National Park Headquarters in Gambela organises the compulsory guides (Birr250 per day); you also pay your entrance fees here and staff can offer sound advice.

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Gambella National Park

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Gambella is a place reserved for true explorers. In a remote corner of southwestern Ethiopia, Gambella is only accessible via charter aircraft. Those that come exploring here will not be disappointed. Wildlife populations in Gambella are among the highest in all of Ethiopia, and exclusive tented camps and private aircraft make for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure at the frontier of what's possible in East Africa. 

What makes Gambella special?

Gambella is unrivalled in Ethiopia for wildlife experiences. With population numbers challenging that of the large game reserves in Tanzania and Kenya, Gambella offers a unique safari opportunity in East Africa - the chance to journey into a remote and difficult to access wilderness, retreating to exclusive tented camps after a day's adventuring. 

Huge migrating herds of antelope and buffalo can be found here, along with elephants, giraffes, warthogs, lions, warthog, hippo, cheetah, leopard, hyena, and more. 

This is proper adventure travel.

Buffalo Herd in Gambella National Park.

Aerial Shot of Gambella Camp.

Tented camps in the furthest corners of Ethiopia.

Tented Camp at Gambella National Park.

Shoebill in Gambella National Park.

Touchdown in Gambela National Park.

A typical safari at Gambella

Day 1: The adventure begins

Fly into Bole International Airport, Addis Ababa. Upon landing, clear Immigration, collect your luggage and exit the airport to meet your driver guide for a city tour and introduction to Ethiopia. The city tour will take in a few highlights like the National and Ethnological museums, Trinity Cathedral and St Georges Church and gallery. 

Overnight : Sheraton Hotel

Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Transfer to the airport for a charter flight west to Gambella National Park, arguably the most remote wilderness in Ethiopia. Met by the camp team upon landing, you will be transferred to the tented camp. Evening walk in the vicinity of the tented camp. The camp is situated in a grove of trees close to the pan handle of the park which joins the Baro river. It is an ideal location from which to explore the northern boundary of the park, which tends to get most of the Kob Migration.

Overnight: Gambella tented camp

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Wake up to fresh coffee in a total wilderness environment. Take a charter flight across the swamp lands of Gambella, looking for Shoebills, Nile lechwe as well as big herds of buffalo and lion. Depending on time of year, you'll see incredible numbers of Kob on the edge of the park. Evening walk in the vicinity of the camp.

Drive down (2 hours) to the plains in the northwest corner of the park to see big herds of Kob and visit Nuer cattle camps. Overnight in a fly camp on the river of flooded oxbow, you'll find a multitude of birds in this region. 

Overnight: Fly camp

Drive back to the tented camp (2 hours). Board the Cessna and fly across to the drier southwest of the park in search for elephant and giraffe. The lakes and pans down here have the most incredible bird life. Evening walk/drive in the vicinity of camp. 

Transfer to Gambella town for the commercial, Ethiopian Airlines, flight back to Addis. Collect your luggage and exit the airport to meet your driver for transfer to the hotel where a room is included for day use. Last evening spent out at a good restaurant in town, before being transferred back to the airport to fly home.

Overnight: Hyatt Regency  (day use)

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Brilliant says

Visiting Gambella is an experience of a lifetime. A frontier adventure, exploring this incredible region of the country requires charter flights and a specialised support team. 

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Gambela Travel Guide

Top attractions in gambela for tourists to explore.

When visiting Gambela, a hidden gem in Ethiopia, tourists are in for a treat with its unique blend of cultural diversity and breathtaking natural attractions. One of the must-visit places is the Gambela National Park, home to diverse wildlife such as elephants, buffaloes, and countless bird species. The park offers safari experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of the African wilderness.

For those interested in cultural experiences, Gambela Town provides a vibrant showcase of the region’s diverse ethnic groups, including the Nuer, Anuak, and Majangir. Tourists can witness traditional dances, music performances, and explore local markets to purchase authentic handicrafts and souvenirs.

The Baro River, flowing through Gambela, offers a picturesque setting for boat cruises and fishing excursions. Visitors can enjoy relaxing boat trips along the river while taking in the scenic views of the surrounding forests and wildlife.

Another notable attraction is the Gambela Gambella Grand Palace, a historical landmark that reflects the region’s rich history and architectural heritage. The palace provides insight into Gambela’s royal past and offers visitors a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of the local communities.

Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the beauty of Gambela’s lush landscapes, including dense forests, verdant plains, and serene water bodies. The region is a paradise for birdwatchers, with numerous avian species to spot and admire in their natural habitats.

Gambela offers a perfect blend of cultural immersion, wildlife exploration, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit destination for tourists looking to experience an authentic Ethiopian adventure. Whether exploring the national park, interacting with local communities, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the river, Gambela has something to offer for every type of traveler seeking a unique and enriching experience.

Best Accommodation Options for a Stay in Gambela

When planning a trip to Gambela, finding the best accommodation is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Gambela offers a variety of lodging options that cater to different preferences and budgets, ranging from luxurious hotels to cozy guesthouses.

For travelers seeking a luxurious experience, the Gambela Nile Hotel is a popular choice. Situated along the banks of the Baro River, this hotel offers stunning views and top-notch amenities. Guests can relax in spacious rooms, enjoy delicious dining options, and unwind at the on-site spa.

For those looking for a more budget-friendly option, the Gambela Eco Lodge provides a unique stay in the heart of nature. Surrounded by lush greenery, this eco-friendly lodge offers comfortable accommodation in traditional huts. Guests can immerse themselves in the local culture while enjoying the serene surroundings.

If you prefer a more intimate setting, Gambela Guest House is a charming option. This cozy guesthouse provides a homey atmosphere and personalized service. Travelers can enjoy well-appointed rooms, delicious homemade meals, and insider tips from the friendly staff.

For a truly immersive experience, consider staying at a local guesthouse or homestay in Gambela. This allows travelers to connect with the community, learn about the local way of life, and create unforgettable memories.

When booking accommodation in Gambela, it is advisable to make reservations in advance, especially during the peak travel seasons. Additionally, travelers should check the amenities provided, such as Wi-Fi, parking, and breakfast options, to ensure a comfortable stay.

Gambela offers a diverse range of accommodation options to suit every traveler’s needs. Whether you prefer luxury hotels, eco-friendly lodges, cozy guesthouses, or immersive homestays, you are sure to find the perfect place to stay during your visit to this charming Ethiopian city.

Local Cuisine and Dining Experiences in Gambela

When exploring Gambela, it is essential to delve into the local cuisine to truly experience the culture and flavors of the region. The dining scene in Gambela offers a unique blend of traditional Ethiopian dishes with a local twist. One of the must-try dishes is "Dulet," a spicy and flavorful mix of minced raw meat and intestines that is often served with injera, a sourdough flatbread. For those with a less adventurous palate, "Fitfit" is a popular choice, consisting of shredded injera mixed with berbere sauce and various vegetables.

In Gambela, dining is not just about the food but also about the experience. You will find numerous restaurants and cafes that offer outdoor seating, providing a relaxed atmosphere to enjoy your meal while soaking in the local ambiance. Whether you prefer a cozy indoor setting or an open-air environment, there are plenty of options to suit every preference.

For those seeking a taste of authentic Ethiopian coffee culture, a visit to one of the local coffee houses is a must. Sit back, relax, and savor the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee while engaging in lively conversations with locals. Coffee holds a special place in Ethiopian culture, and you will find that each cup is brewed with care and precision, ensuring a truly delightful experience.

Additionally, exploring the local markets in Gambela is a fantastic way to discover fresh produce and unique ingredients used in traditional dishes. Engage with the friendly vendors, sample exotic fruits, and immerse yourself in the vibrant colors and aromas of the market. You may even have the opportunity to participate in cooking classes or food tours to learn more about the culinary heritage of the region.

Dining in Gambela is a delightful journey for the senses, offering a perfect blend of flavors, aromas, and experiences that will leave a lasting impression on your travel memories. Whether you are a food enthusiast or simply looking to explore a new culinary landscape, Gambela has something to offer for everyone.

Outdoor Activities and Excursions in Gambela

When visiting Gambela, there are numerous outdoor activities and excursions for travelers to enjoy. From exploring the lush natural landscapes to engaging in cultural experiences, Gambela offers a diverse range of opportunities for adventure-seekers.

One of the most popular outdoor activities in Gambela is visiting Gambela National Park. This park is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, giraffes, and buffalo. Travelers can embark on guided safaris to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The park also offers bird watching opportunities, with numerous species of birds to be spotted.

For those interested in cultural experiences, a visit to the Anuak Market is a must. This bustling market provides insight into the local way of life, with vendors selling traditional crafts, clothing, and food items. Travelers can interact with locals, sample authentic cuisine, and purchase unique souvenirs to commemorate their trip.

Outdoor enthusiasts will also appreciate the opportunity to engage in water activities on the Baro River. From fishing excursions to canoe rides, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the scenic beauty of Gambela from the water. The river is teeming with diverse wildlife, offering a memorable experience for nature lovers.

In addition to these activities, travelers can explore the surrounding forests and wetlands on guided nature walks. These excursions provide a closer look at the indigenous flora and fauna of the region, allowing visitors to appreciate the natural beauty of Gambela up close.

Gambela offers a wealth of outdoor activities and excursions for travelers to enjoy. Whether exploring national parks, immersing in local culture, or embarking on river adventures, there is something for everyone in this vibrant destination. Travelers are sure to create unforgettable memories and have a truly enriching experience during their time in Gambela.

Practical Tips for Traveling Safely in Gambela

When visiting Gambela, a region known for its diverse culture and natural beauty, it’s essential to prioritize safety to ensure a pleasant and memorable experience. Here are some practical tips to help travelers navigate Gambela safely:

1. Research and Prepare

Before embarking on your journey to Gambela, take the time to research the region’s current situation, including any travel advisories or safety concerns. Familiarize yourself with the local customs, traditions, and laws to show respect for the community and avoid unintentional offenses.

2. Stay Informed

Stay updated on local news and events during your stay in Gambela. Follow reliable sources of information to remain aware of any potential risks or developments that may affect your travel plans. Be prepared to adapt your itinerary if needed to ensure your safety.

3. Secure Your Belongings

While exploring Gambela’s attractions, keep your belongings secure to prevent theft or loss. Use a money belt or hidden pouch to store your valuables, and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry. Stay vigilant in crowded areas and be mindful of your surroundings at all times.

4. Respect Local Customs

Gambela is home to diverse ethnic groups, each with its own customs and traditions. Show respect for the local culture by dressing modestly, asking permission before taking photographs, and refraining from behavior that may be considered disrespectful. Engage with locals in a courteous manner to foster positive interactions.

5. Stay Health-Conscious

Prioritize your health during your visit to Gambela by staying hydrated, using sunscreen, and following appropriate safety measures. Be cautious of street food vendors to avoid potential foodborne illnesses and carry necessary medications in case of emergencies. Consult a healthcare professional before traveling to ensure you have the required vaccinations.

6. Transportation Safety

When moving around Gambela, choose registered transportation services and verify the credentials of drivers before accepting rides. Wear your seatbelt in vehicles that provide them, and exercise caution when using public transportation or walking in busy areas. Avoid traveling alone at night and inform someone trustworthy of your whereabouts.

By following these practical tips for traveling safely in Gambela, you can make the most of your experience while prioritizing your well-being. Embrace the beauty of the region while being mindful of your surroundings and respecting the local community to ensure a fulfilling and secure journey.

As travelers seek unique and off-the-beaten-path destinations, Gambela emerges as a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. From its lush national parks to vibrant local culture, this Ethiopian region offers a diverse range of experiences for tourists. Exploring the top attractions in Gambela unveils a stunning natural landscape filled with wildlife, waterfalls, and spectacular views. Visitors can immerse themselves in the beauty of Gambela National Park, where encounters with hippos, antelopes, and various bird species await around every corner. For a cultural experience, a visit to Gambela town provides insight into the local way of life and a chance to interact with the friendly Gambelan people.

When it comes to accommodation, Gambela offers various options to suit different preferences and budgets. Travelers can choose from cozy guesthouses, comfortable hotels, or eco-lodges nestled in the heart of nature. These accommodations not only provide a restful place to stay but also offer opportunities to connect with the surroundings and unwind after a day of exploration.

No travel experience is complete without sampling the local cuisine, and Gambela does not disappoint in this aspect. With a fusion of Ethiopian and South Sudanese influences, Gambelan dishes are a delightful mix of flavors and spices. From injera served with spicy stews to freshly caught fish from the Baro River, dining in Gambela is a culinary adventure that will tantalize the taste buds of food enthusiasts.

For outdoor enthusiasts, Gambela presents a playground of activities and excursions to partake in. Whether it’s trekking through the lush forests, birdwatching along the riverside, or embarking on a safari to spot elephants and crocodiles, there is no shortage of outdoor adventures to pursue in Gambela. The region’s unspoiled natural beauty and diverse ecosystem make it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

While exploring Gambela, it is essential to prioritize safety and well-being. Travelers are advised to adhere to local customs, respect the environment, and stay informed about any potential risks. By being mindful of their surroundings and taking necessary precautions, visitors can ensure a secure and enjoyable journey through Gambela.

Gambela is a destination that offers a harmonious blend of nature, culture, and adventure for travelers seeking an authentic experience off the beaten path. With its captivating attractions, diverse accommodation options, flavorful cuisine, outdoor pursuits, and safety measures in place, Gambela beckons to be explored and promises memories that will last a lifetime. Venture into the heart of Gambela, where every moment is an opportunity for discovery and connection with this enchanting Ethiopian region.

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Location of Gambella National Park

Gambella National Park located 07030’-08015’N/33045’-34015’E which is approximately 850 km west of Addis Ababa , is a protected area established in 1973 with the purpose of safeguarding a diverse range of wildlife and unique habitats. Spanning a total area of around 50,600 hectares, it stands as the largest protected area in the country.

The park is located between the Baro and Gilo Rivers, within the Gambella Regional State, and is home to the Nuer and Anuak people. The Nuer people, both males and females, have a distinctive tradition called cicatrisation, which involves creating raised patterns on their bodies.

The park’s original intent was to conserve the expansive swamp habitat and its remarkable wildlife. Situated along the Akobo River system, Gambella National Park provides a sanctuary for numerous species not found elsewhere in Ethiopia. Among these notable species are the Nile lechwe and white-eared kob. Moreover, the banks of the Baro River are brimming with a diverse array of birdlife, offering visitors an additional advantage.

The landscape of Gambella is characterized by low-lying, flat terrain, with altitudes ranging from 400 to 768 meters above sea level (masl). The average altitude hovers around 500 masl. Climatically classified as Kolla, the region experiences hot and humid weather. High temperatures occur just before the onset of the rainy season in May. The annual mean temperature ranges between 20.4°C and 34.8°C. Rainfall estimates indicate approximately 1400 mm in the plains. The wet season extends from May to October, while the dry season persists from November to April.

Gambella showcases a vast assortment of ecosystems, including savannahs, floodplains, riverside forests, meandering rivers, and grasslands. Although the general landscape is flat, there are elevated areas that support deciduous woodlands and grasslands. Extensive grassland areas become inundated with water during the rainy season, transforming into valuable seasonal wetlands. Additionally, there are substantial areas of permanently flooded wetlands, particularly near rivers. The grasses in Gambella exhibit lush growth, some reaching heights of 2 to 3 meters. The river edges and their associated cut-off lakes are also crucial habitats within the park.

Wildlife of Gambella National Park

Gambella is teeming with a diverse range of wildlife, boasting a recorded count of 41 larger mammal species. Buffalo, giraffe, taing (topi), waterbuck, roan antelope, white-eared kob, Nile lechwe, Burchell’s zebra, bushbuck, reedbuck, warthog, and elephant are among the most commonly sighted animals. The rivers are inhabited by healthy populations of hippopotamuses and Nile crocodiles. Bird enthusiasts will find delight in the park’s impressive avian population, which comprises at least 300 species, including 11 Sudan-Guinea Biome species. The Baro River is renowned for its Nile perch, with specimens weighing up to 100 kg having been caught. Additionally, Gambella holds the potential for undiscovered fish, amphibians, and reptile species.

Unique Features of Gambella National Park

Gambella National Park presents a diverse collection of wildlife, some of which are shared with neighbouring countries. The vast expanse of plains offers exceptional opportunities for observing Wildlife and positions the park as one of the country’s finest wildlife areas. Key wildlife species conserved within the park include the white-eared kob, Nile lechwe, roan antelope, topi, and elephant.

The near-threatened shoebill and Basra reed warbler were recorded in Gambella back in the 1960s, adding to the park’s unique appeal. Moreover, Gambella is home to 11 Sudan-Guinea Biome species, encompassing 69% of Ethiopia’s total assemblage for this category, making it an important conservation site.

Best Time to Visit Gambella National Park: To make the most of your visit to Gambella National Park, timing is key. The ideal time to experience the park’s diverse ecosystems and observe its remarkable wildlife is during the dry season, which runs from November to April. During this period, the floodwaters recede, revealing lush grasslands and allowing for easier wildlife spotting. The temperatures are pleasantly warm, creating a comfortable environment for exploration. However, for bird enthusiasts, the wet season from May to October offers a unique opportunity to witness the park’s avian inhabitants in their full glory as they thrive amidst the seasonal wetlands.

Accommodations for Gambella National Park

In order to fully immerse yourself in the tranquillity of Gambella National Park, it is recommended to stay in one of the park’s comfortable lodges or campsites. These accommodations offer a unique blend of comfort and closeness to nature, allowing you to unwind amidst the sights and sounds of the wilderness.

Riverfront Lodges: Imagine waking up to the gentle sounds of the Baro River flowing by your doorstep. Several lodges situated along the riverbanks offer breathtaking views and provide a perfect base for exploring the park. These lodges offer a range of amenities, from cozy rooms to delicious dining options, ensuring a relaxing and memorable stay.

Serene Campsites: For those seeking a more adventurous experience, the park also offers serene campsites where you can immerse yourself in the pristine natural surroundings. Fall asleep under the starlit sky, lulled by the symphony of nocturnal wildlife. These campsites provide basic facilities, allowing you to reconnect with nature in its purest form.

What to Pack for a Trip to Gambella National Park:

When packing for your trip to Gambella National Park, it is essential to come prepared for the unique experiences and diverse environments you’ll encounter. Here are some items to include in your travel essentials:

Safari Clothing: Opt for lightweight, breathable clothing in neutral colors to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Long-sleeved shirts and pants provide protection against the sun, insects, and thorny vegetation. Don’t forget to pack a wide-brimmed hat and a sturdy pair of walking shoes for comfort during your explorations.

Binoculars and Camera: Gambella National Park is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise. Ensure you capture those unforgettable moments by packing a high-quality camera and a pair of binoculars. Witness the elegant movements of the white-eared kob or the intricate patterns of a passing bird in astonishing detail.

Insect Repellent and Sunscreen: Protect yourself from the elements by packing insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes and other pesky insects. Additionally, apply sunscreen with a high SPF rating to shield your skin from the African sun’s rays.

Medications and First Aid Kit: It’s always wise to carry a small first aid kit containing essential medications, bandages, and any prescription medications you may require. Consult with your healthcare provider prior to your trip for any necessary vaccinations or medical advice.

Safety Tips for Visiting Gambella National Park:

While Gambella National Park offers a captivating and immersive experience, it’s important to prioritize safety during your visit. Here are some safety tips

Engage the Services of a Knowledgeable Guide: To ensure a safe and enriching experience, it is highly recommended to hire a knowledgeable local guide who is familiar with the park’s terrain, wildlife behavior, and potential hazards. They will provide valuable insights, enhance your understanding of the ecosystem, and prioritize your safety throughout your journey.

Respect Wildlife and Maintain a Safe Distance: Gambella National Park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including some large mammals. While encountering these magnificent creatures is undoubtedly thrilling, it is crucial to remember that they are wild animals. Always maintain a respectful distance and avoid approaching or attempting to touch them. Observing from a safe distance not only protects your safety but also ensures the well-being of the animals.

Be Aware of Potential Hazards: Gambella National Park, like any natural environment, presents potential hazards. Stay alert and mindful of your surroundings. Be cautious of uneven terrain, fallen branches, or slippery surfaces, especially during rainy periods. It is also advisable to check weather conditions before setting out and to avoid exploring the park during severe weather events.

Follow Park Rules and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the park’s rules and regulations, as they are in place to protect both visitors and the ecosystem. Respect any designated restricted areas, follow the designated trails, and adhere to any instructions provided by park staff. These measures ensure your safety and contribute to the preservation of this pristine wilderness.

Stay Hydrated and Carry Sufficient Supplies: The African sun can be intense, particularly during the dry season. Stay hydrated by carrying an adequate supply of water and replenish it regularly. Additionally, pack snacks or meals to sustain you throughout your explorations. Avoid littering and keep the park clean by disposing of waste responsibly.

Inform Others of Your Plans: Before venturing into Gambella National Park, inform someone trustworthy about your itinerary and expected return time. This precautionary measure ensures that someone is aware of your whereabouts and can raise the alarm if necessary.

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Gambela: A Hidden Gem in Ethiopia

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Nestled in the southwestern part of Ethiopia, Gambela is a region that beckons adventurous travelers with its rich cultural diversity, pristine natural landscapes, and unique wildlife experiences. Here’s a guide to help you plan your visit:

Places to Visit in Gambela:

Gambela National Park:

The crown jewel of Gambela is undoubtedly the Gambela National Park. This vast wilderness sanctuary boasts a diverse array of wildlife, including elephants, buffalos, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous bird species. Explore the park through guided safaris to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

Akobo River:

The Akobo River is not just a waterway; it’s a cultural and scenic treasure. Take a boat trip along its meandering waters to discover traditional villages and engage with the indigenous Anuak people. This immersive experience offers insights into the region’s rich cultural heritage.

Itang Hot Springs:

Located approximately 40 kilometers from Gambela town, the Itang Hot Springs are renowned for their therapeutic properties. Soak in the rejuvenating, mineral-rich waters surrounded by lush greenery. It’s a perfect way to relax after a day of exploration.

Best Time to Visit Gambela:

The ideal time to visit Gambela is during the dry season, which typically runs from December to February. During this period, the weather is pleasant, and wildlife sightings are more common as animals congregate around water sources. However, if you’re passionate about birdwatching, consider visiting during the wet season from June to September when migratory birds flock to the region.

Things to Do in Gambela:

Wildlife Safaris: Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Gambela by embarking on wildlife safaris in Gambela National Park. Witness elephants, hippos, crocodiles, and more in their natural habitat.

Birdwatching: Bring your binoculars and explore the region’s abundant birdlife. Gambela is a haven for birdwatchers, with numerous species to spot in the park and surrounding wetlands.

Cultural Encounters: Interact with local communities, such as the Anuak people, to gain a deeper understanding of their traditions, music, and dance. Try to plan your visit around local festivals for an authentic cultural experience.

Boat Trips: Navigate the Akobo River on a boat trip to witness rural life along its banks. These trips often include stops at traditional villages, providing a unique glimpse into local life.

Hiking and Nature Walks: Explore the diverse flora and fauna of Gambela by taking guided hikes and nature walks. The area around the Itang Hot Springs is a great place to explore on foot.

How to Get Around in Gambela:

Getting around Gambela can be a bit challenging due to limited transportation options. Here’s what you can do:

Hire Local Guides: Consider hiring a local guide with a vehicle to facilitate your transportation needs and provide insights into the region’s attractions.

Walking and Cycling: Within Gambela town, you can explore on foot or rent a bicycle for shorter trips.

Boat Tours: For excursions on the Akobo River, local operators offer boat tours.

Domestic Flights: You can also opt for domestic flights to Gambela from Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

Where to Eat in Gambela:

While dining options in Gambela are limited compared to larger cities, you can still savor local and international flavors:

Local Restaurants: Sample traditional Ethiopian dishes like injera served with various stews at local restaurants in Gambela town.

Hotel Restaurants: Most hotels in Gambela have on-site restaurants that offer a mix of local and international cuisine.

Street Food: Explore the local street food scene for snacks such as samosas, roasted maize, and fresh fruit from market vendors.

Famous Street Stalls in Gambela:

Gambela may not be famous for its street food, but you can find local snacks from street vendors in the bustling market areas of Gambela town. Look out for vendors selling roasted maize and fresh fruit.

Where to Stay in Gambela:

Accommodation options in Gambela range from budget to mid-range hotels. Here are a few suggestions:

Gambela Lodge: A comfortable mid-range option with a restaurant and bar, conveniently located in Gambela town.

Jewel Hotel: Another mid-range choice offering well-appointed rooms and a restaurant serving local and international dishes.

Budget Guesthouses: If you’re traveling on a tight budget, there are guesthouses and hostels in Gambela town that offer affordable accommodation.

Travel Tips for Gambela:

Permits and Permissions: Check if you need any special permits or permissions, especially for visits to remote areas or interactions with indigenous communities.

Vaccinations: Ensure you have the necessary vaccinations before traveling to Ethiopia. Consult a travel clinic or healthcare provider for advice.

Packing: Pack suitable clothing for the season you plan to visit. Don’t forget comfortable walking shoes, a hat, and sunscreen.

Respect Local Customs: When engaging with local communities, be respectful of their customs and traditions. Always ask for permission before taking photographs.

Health Precautions: Drink bottled water and exercise caution with street food to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and trip cancellations.

Language: While Amharic is the official language, English is spoken to some extent in urban areas. Learning a few basic Amharic phrases can enhance your experience.

Cash: Bring enough cash with you, as ATM availability may be limited in Gambela.

Gambela, with its unspoiled natural beauty and diverse cultural experiences, promises an unforgettable adventure for intrepid travelers. By following these tips and immersing yourself in the local culture, you can make the most of your journey to this hidden gem in Ethiopia.

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10 Things to Do in Gambela National Park Ethiopia

  •  Abijata-Shalla Lakes National Park
  •  Awash National Park
  •  Bale Mountains National Park
  •  Gambela National Park
  •  Konso Cultural Landscape
  •  Mago National Park
  •  Nechisar National Park
  •  Omo National Park
  •  Simien Mountains National Park
  •  Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary
  •  Adama
  •  Addis Ababa
  •  Awasa
  •  Bahir Dar
  •  Bishoftu
  •  Debre Birhan
  •  Debre Markos
  •  Debre Zeyit
  •  Dire Dawa
  •  Gonder
  •  Harar
  •  Harer
  •  Inda Selassie
  •  Jijiga
  •  Kombolcha
  •  Mekele
  •  Nazret
  •  Shashemene
  •  Abune Yosef
  •  Blue Nile Falls
  •  Dallol
  •  Debre Damo Monastery
  •  Erta Ale
  •  Gondar
  •  Konso
  •  Lake Tana
  •  Lalibela
  •  Omo Valley
  •  Rock-Hewn Churches of Tigray
  •  Sof Omar Caves
  •  Yeha Temple
  •  Yemrehanna Kristos Church

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Gambella National Park

Of all the parks in Ethiopia, Gambella National park has the richest megafauna.  T he park is located in the flood plains of the Akobo, Baro and Gilo Rivers, and has extensive grasslands, marshes, river forests and savannah landscapes.

  • About Gambella National Park

The climate of Gambella is hot and humid with maximum temperatures of around 35°C just before the rainy season in May. Annual mean temperature is around 20°C, and annual rainfall about 1400mm.  The wet season is from May to October when large parts of the park are totally inaccessible.

41 species of larger mammals are known to live within Gambella National Park, including Buffalo, Elephant, White-eared Kob, Hippopotamus, Nile Lechwe, Giraffe, Warthog, Topi, Waterbuck, Roan Antelope,  Burchell’s Zebra, Bushbuck and Reedbuck. The rivers also host healthy populations of Nile Crocodiles. The park is also home to more than 300 bird species, including water birds like the Shoebilled Heron, Basra Reed Warbler and Demoiselle Crane, while Nile perch weighing more than 100 kg have been caught from the BaroRiver.

Gambella National Park is also home to the Nuer and the Anuak people. Both males and females of the Nuer favour cicatrisation, an adornment causing bumps in various patterns on their bodies.

  • The UK Foreign Office currently advises against all but essential travel to Gambella National Park.  Ongoing conflicts in neighboring South Sudan mean there has been an influx of refugees into the Gambella region.  Please check the Foreign Office website or contact us for up-to-date information.

Map of Gambella National Park

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  • 1 Understand
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 3 Get around
  • 9 Stay safe

Gambela is a city in the very west of Ethiopia , capital of the eponymous region and close to the eponymous national park.

The main ethnic groups in Gambela are the Nuer and Anuak.

The region is a lowland with savanna vegetation, akin to neighbouring South Sudan.

There are in excess of 300,000 Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees in the region, giving rise to a significant UNHCR presence and many church-based charities. Protestantism is the predominant form of religious belief.

As at January 2020, Ethiopian Airlines has twice daily flights from Addis Ababa, one of which is via Assosa.

The airport is a 30 minute drive from town. The Baro Gambella Hotel provides free airport pickup if you are staying there and takes other passengers for a small fee. Ethiopian Airlines has a mobile app that enables flights to be booked and paid for by credit card. There is no Ethiopian Airlines ticket office in Gambela but the Abemeker Travel Agency is on the main road just south of the roundabout with the Nyala statue (it is this travel agency that Google maps incorrectly identifies as the airline ticket office). If the mobile app gives problems, the travel agency can arrange a ticket on the spot, but payment needs to be in Birr by cash.


Gambela is small enough to explore on foot, but there are numerous bajaj if you prefer.

  • It is very pleasant to walk down the road running west from the main bridge along the north bank of the Baro in the late afternoon. There are many coffee places where you can sit in the shade and watch the river go by.
  • In a side street, lying to the west of the Tadessech Hotel, there are local markets with an interesting array of produce.
  • Gambela's Tourism Bureau can arrange visits to traditional hamlets around Itang and further west around Lare. Itang is more picturesque than Lare but the countryside on the journey from Itang to Lare reminds visitors that although they remain in the political entity of Ethiopia in other respects they could well be in South Sudan. The cost is 100 Birr per person and 500 Birr for the guide. Local buses run regularly. These visits could be a highlight of a trip to Gambela but are somewhat problematic - although the Bureau is punctilious in providing a stamped document showing that the 100 Birr per person has been paid, this money does not appear to reach the villagers; in addition, guides seem to be under instruction not to permit any money to be paid to villagers. The inevitable result is that the villagers regard visitors as intruders best ignored. A better approach might be to make it clear to the Bureau that you intend to pay a representative of the village a further 50 Birr and that you want the villagers to be given notice of your visit.

The Baro Gambella Hotel has good meals.

There are many hotels and other accommodation. Not all of these find their way onto the internet booking sites or the internet at all.

The Baro Gambella Hotel is a popular and good place to stay with a great outside eating area where you can watch the monkeys scampering around in the evening. It is easy to make a telephone booking with the Hotel. 700Birr per double per night.

There are no particular safety concerns within the township of Gambela, but there have been instances of robbery and murder in the region, presumably the work of bandits from South Sudan. It is wise to check the current situation before travelling to Gambela, and check again with the Gambela Tourism Bureau before travelling any further west.

  • Gambella National Park

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Gambella National Park Ethiopia

Home » African Safari Destinations » Ethiopia Safari Tours & Holidays » Ethiopia National Parks » Gambella National Park Ethiopia

The landscape of Gambella is low and flat with altitudes ranging from 400 to 768 meters above sea level. The average altitude is around 500 meters above sea level.

The people of this area are the Anuak and the Nuer. Mainly fisher folk – but also cattle herders – the Anuak and Nuer are extremely handsome, with dark, satiny complexions. Both men and women favor a style of decorative scarification on the chest, stomach, and face; and often boast heavy bone bangles, bright bead necklaces, and spikes of ivory or brass thrust through a whole pierced in the lower lip and protruding down over the chin.

Unaffected by the ways of the modern world, these interesting people remain as remote, unchanged, and beautiful as the land in which they live.

Size of Gambella National Park Ethiopia

Gambella National Park, or Gambella National Park, is a  4,575 -square-kilometre (1,766 sq mi) national park in Ethiopia, near the South Sudanese border.

Location of Gambella National Park Ethiopia

Gambella National Park, or Gambella National Park, is a 4,575-square-kilometre (1,766 sq mi) national park in Ethiopia, near the South Sudanese border. It is the nation’s largest national park. Gambella is located several hundred kilometers from Addis Ababa

How to get to Gambella National Park Ethiopia

Gambella is a place reserved for true explorers. In a remote corner of south-western Ethiopia, Gambella is only accessible via charter aircraft. Those that come exploring here will not be disappointed. Wildlife populations in Gambella are among the highest of Ethiopia, and exclusive tented camps and private aircraft make for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure at the frontier of what’s possible in East Africa.

the park is situated in Gambella Region, some 800km West of Addis Ababa at the coordinate between N8000’ and E34015 flights can arrange from Addis Ababa to Gambella where the parks are 64 km from the town of Gambella

Things to do in Gambella National Park Ethiopia

Wildlife encounters

Many mammal species in the park have faced sharp declines over the years due to civil unrest and the occasional influx of refugees to the area. Accurate numbers are not available; however Lions, Cheetah, Elephant, Giraffe, and Buffalo are still present in Gambela. Trips such as this one will bring in much-needed tourism revenue, which can hopefully assist in the on-going protection of the park and enforcement of anti-poaching measures. Daily surveys will assist us in collecting vital data on the status of large mammal species as well as avian diversity.

Birding tours

Almost 350 bird species have been recorded in Gambela National Park, with many more species no doubt waiting to be recorded! Birds of interest include Shoebill, Egyptian Plover, Black Crowned Crane, Black-faced Firefinch, Red-throated Bee-eater, and Beaudouin’s Snake-eagle.

When to visit Gambella National Park Ethiopia

Much of Ethiopia sits over 1,500m high; days can be mild and nights cold – especially in the fog-shrouded highlands, which soar well over 3,000m. The best time to visit Ethiopia is Sep-April, but particularly at either end of the rains – in April, when the land is dry and barren, or as it flourishes again in Sep-Oct. This green season is also best for highland wildlife. Rains replenish the Omo Valley even sooner – so travel Nov-Mar or Jun-Sep. Generally, though, the rains cause little disruption; you’ll just find lusher landscapes and fewer tourists.

Where to stay in Gambella National Park Ethiopia

Wilderness mobile camps are available in the park and our peak is the  Gambella tented camp  situated right at the heart of the wilderness.


How to get there, areas of interest, popular safaris, best time to visit, where to stay, recommended african safaris.

Great Wildebeest

Boundless Ethiopia

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On the bank of the Baro River at the low altitude of 530 meter above sea level, Gambella is a hot and steamy place. In its heydays, it was a vibrant port where steamships docked to bring valuable resources from the Ethiopian highlands to Khartoum. The town itself has little to offer for the visitor but not the vicinity.

Nuer and Anuak people

The Nuer and Anuak people live in an area on the border of Ethiopia and South Sudan, the Nuer were originally more on the Sudan side. They are of the same descent and speak an eastern Nilotic language. Being tall and very dark-skinned they look quite different from other Ethiopian people. Although the Anuak are farmers and fishermen and the Nuer pastoralist they share a long history of tension and both suffered from unrest in the region.

Gambella National Park

Gambella National Park used to be a place teaming with wildlife, some of it not found anywhere else in Ethiopia. Its vicinity to Sudan and a high influx of refugees in the vicinity over the years had a big impact. Still, it is well worth a visit for the adventurous traveler. You might come across the white-eared kob and Nile lechwe, two animals restricted to a small area. Other species found are lion, elephant, buffalo, tiang, Lelwel hartebeest, and roan antelope. The park is rewarding for birders too, with species not found elsewhere in Ethiopia.

Extraordinary Ethiopia Tours

For the Real Ethiopian Experience!

The Gambella region is located in the western part of Ethiopia the region Is rich in wild life. The gambella national park hosts populations of elephants, buffalo, lion, olive babbon, gurezza monkeys as well as several rare antelopes and many bird species.

The region is less frequented by tourist due to its remoteness.

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Gambella National park is located 850 km west of Addis Ababa. It was established as a protected area in 1973 to conserve a diverse assemblage of wildlife and unique habitats. Although not technically in the Rift Valley, Gambella National Park lies along another of the country's important rivers: the Baro. Near the town of Gambella, Gambella National Park, is one of Ethiopia's least developed parks and has no facilities. Nevertheless, the large conservation area contains many species not found elsewhere in the country, such as the Nile lechwe and the white-eared kob. Roan antelope, topi, elephant, buffalo, giraffe, and the unusual whale-headed stork are also to be found here.

Gambella National Park

Originally the park was created for protection of extensive swamp habitat and ts wildlife. Located on the Akobo river system, it hosts several wildlife not found elsewhere in Ethiopia. The banks of the baro are rich in birdlife and thus give visitors an extra advantage. With its total area of approximately 50,600 hectars, it is the largest protected area in the country. Its northern boundary is formed by the Baro River. To the south of the park isthe Gilo River flows from Gog to Tor in a northwesterly direction.

Gambella National Park

The landscape of Gambella is low and flat with altitude ranging from 400 to 768 masl. The average altitude is around 500 meters above sea level.

The people of this area are the Anuak and the Nuer. Mainly fisherfolk - but also cattle herders - the Anuak and Nuer are extremely handsome, with dark, satiny complexions. Both men and women favour a style of decorative scarification on the chest, stomach, and face; and often boast heavy bone bangles, bright bead necklaces, and spikes of ivory or brass thrust through a hole pierced in the lower lip and protruding down over the chin.

Gambella National Park

Unaffected by the ways of the modern world, these interesting people remain as remote, unchanged, and beautiful as the land in which they live.

Gambella National Park - Video Documentary

Gambella National Park documentary

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Plan Your Trip to Gambela: Best of Gambela Tourism


Explore Gambela

  • Baro Gambela Hotel
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  • Tadessech Hotel
  • Metadel Hotel

Aemero Media

Gambella in Ethiopia: Exploring the Rich Culture of the Southwest

  • Hanan Akmel
  • April 11, 2024
  • 10 mins read

Gambella in Ethiopia is a region known for its unique cultural heritage and diverse natural landscapes. Steeped in history and rich in tradition, Gambella is home to a melting pot of ethnic groups, including the Anuak, Nuer, and Mezhenger. The region is also known for its lush forests, fertile farmlands, and the vast Baro River, which serves as a lifeline for the local communities. With its captivating beauty and vibrant culture, Gambella is a must-visit destination for those looking to explore the hidden gems of Ethiopia. 

Key Takeaways

  • Gambella is a hidden gem in Ethiopia’s southwest, with a rich cultural heritage.
  • The diverse ethnic groups in Gambella have unique traditions that are an important part of the region’s identity.
  • Music and dance play a significant role in Gambella’s cultural heritage, with different styles and rhythms for different occasions.
  • Gambella’s traditional clothing and adornment are colorful and intricate, reflecting the region’s cultural diversity.
  • Oral history is a crucial part of Gambella’s cultural identity, preserving stories and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

Gambella’s Local History

A gambella in ethiopia man kneeling in a field, holding a stick.

Gambella’s history is as rich and diverse as its culture. This region, characterized by its lush landscapes and the Baro River , has been a crossroads of various ethnic groups, each contributing to the tapestry that makes the area unique. Historically, Gambella has been a center of trade, especially during the times when the Baro River was a main transport route, connecting the interior of Ethiopia to the White Nile. The region has seen its share of challenges, from colonial ambitions to internal conflicts, yet it has maintained a resilient and distinct identity. The local history of Gambella is not just a story of survival; it’s a testament to the strength and perseverance of its people, reflecting a deep connection to the land and a commitment to preserving their heritage.

Gambella Diverse Ethnic Groups

Gambella is home to a remarkable diversity of ethnic groups, each with its own unique culture, language, and traditions. This diversity is a source of pride and strength for the region, offering a kaleidoscope of cultural experiences for both residents and visitors.

Anuak woman in traditional attire standing in Gambella, Ethiopia

The Anuak , also known as Anywaa, are a Nilotic ethnic group native to the Gambella region. Traditionally, the Anuak are known for their rich cultural traditions, including vibrant music, dance, and storytelling. Their society is closely tied to the land and the rivers, with agriculture and fishing being central to their way of life. The Anuak have a deep connection to their history and ancestors, which is reflected in their ceremonies and social practices.

A black Nuer woman with braids and a dark complexion, representing the Gambella region in Ethiopia.

Adjacent to the Anuak, the Nuer are another prominent Nilotic ethnic group in Gambella. They are pastoralists, with cattle playing a significant role in their culture, economy, and social organization. The Nuer have a unique system of governance and social organization that revolves around kinship, age sets, and cattle camps. Their cultural practices, such as scarification and cattle raiding, are well-documented and form an essential part of their identity.

Young Majangir woman with dreadlocks in Gambella, Ethiopia.

The Majangir are known for their profound knowledge of the forest and sustainable living practices. They inhabit the more remote and forested areas of Gambella, relying on hunting, gathering, and slash-and-burn agriculture. The Majangir have a rich oral history that speaks to their relationship with the natural world and their resilience in the face of external pressures.

A diverse group of people in traditional clothing, including an Opo woman from Gambella in Ethiopia, sitting around a table.

The Opo people, though lesser-known, contribute significantly to the cultural diversity of Gambella. They share linguistic similarities with the Nuer and Anuak but maintain distinct cultural practices. The Opo are primarily agriculturalists, with a culture that emphasizes community cohesion and cooperation.

Woman in traditional Komo attire from Gambella, Ethiopia.

The Komo are a smaller ethnic group in Gambella, primarily engaged in agriculture and hunting. Despite their size, the Komo have a rich cultural heritage, with unique traditions and beliefs that enrich the region’s cultural fabric.

The Mezhenger , or Majang, inhabit the forests of Gambella and are known for their hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Their knowledge of the forest and its resources is unparalleled, making them crucial guardians of the region’s biodiversity. The Mezhenger culture is a testament to the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, showcasing a deep understanding of ecological balance and sustainability.

The Role of Music and Dance in Gambella’s Cultural Heritage

Music and dance are not just forms of entertainment in Gambella; they are vital components of the region’s cultural heritage, serving as mediums for storytelling, communal bonding, and the expression of social values. Each ethnic group in Gambella, from the Anuak to the Nuer and beyond, brings its unique rhythms, dances, and songs that reflect their way of life, beliefs, and history.

The Anuak, for instance, are known for their vibrant music and dance scenes, which are integral to their celebrations and ceremonies. Their music often features the thom, a traditional drum, accompanied by spirited dances that tell stories of heroism, love, and community. Similarly, the Nuer use music and dance to commemorate significant life events and transitions, such as marriage ceremonies and initiation rites. These performances are not merely for spectacle; they are deeply ingrained in the fabric of Nuer society, symbolizing unity and continuity.

In Gambella, music and dance also play a crucial role in fostering social cohesion and identity among its diverse ethnic groups. These artistic expressions offer a window into the soul of Gambella, showcasing the rich tapestry of traditions that make the region uniquely captivating. Through music and dance, the people of Gambella communicate their values, histories, and aspirations, creating a living heritage that resonates with both young and old.

Gambella’s Traditional Clothing and Adornment

Traditional clothing and adornment in Gambella are more than just attire; they are symbols of cultural identity, status, and community belonging. Each ethnic group in the region has its distinctive dress code that reflects its cultural norms and environmental adaptations.

For example, the Anuak people are renowned for their colorful beads and elaborate body adornments, which play a significant role in their social and ritual life. Women often wear vibrant skirts and adorn themselves with intricate beadwork, while men may wear traditional cloths and carry ornamental spears, signifying their status within the community.

The Nuer, on the other hand, emphasize simplicity and functionality in their traditional attire, often related to their pastoral lifestyle. However, during special occasions, Nuer men and women adorn themselves with distinctive scarifications and ochre, which are considered marks of beauty and bravery.

In Gambella, traditional clothing and adornment are not merely about aesthetics; they are deeply embedded with meaning, serving as markers of ethnic identity and social standing. These traditional attires and adornments are crafted with care, embodying the skills and artistic sensibilities passed down through generations. They tell a story of a people deeply connected to their land and traditions, proud of their heritage and eager to share it with the world.

The Importance of Agriculture and Livestock in Gambella’s Culture

Agriculture and livestock are not merely economic activities in Gambella; they are the lifelines of its culture and tradition. The fertile lands of the region, nourished by the Baro River, support a rich tapestry of crops, while the vast grasslands provide ample space for cattle, goats, and sheep. For the people of Gambella, farming and herding are more than livelihoods; they are practices imbued with cultural significance and ancestral wisdom.

The cycle of the seasons dictates the rhythm of life here, with festivals and social gatherings often centered around planting and harvest times. Livestock, especially cattle, hold a place of honor in many Gambella communities, being integral to social transactions such as marriage dowries and ceremonial gifts. These practices are not just about economic necessity; they are deeply connected to the values of community, family, and respect for the land.

Gambella’s Art and Craftsmanship: From Wood Carvings to Pottery

Gambella’s rich cultural landscape is also expressed through its art and craftsmanship. The region’s artisans, drawing inspiration from their natural surroundings and cultural heritage, create objects that are both functional and beautiful. Wood carvings, pottery, and textiles are some of the most prominent forms of traditional artistry found in Gambella, each telling a story of the region’s history, beliefs, and aesthetic values.

Wood carving is a particularly notable craft, with artisans creating intricate designs that are used in everyday objects, religious artifacts, and ceremonial items. Pottery, too, holds a special place in Gambella’s artistic traditions, with the skillful hands of potters shaping clay into vessels that carry both water and cultural significance. Textile weaving, though less common, is a vibrant expression of Gambella’s artistic talent, with traditional garments showcasing the region’s distinctive patterns and colors.

Things to Do in Gambella

Gambella, with its vast landscapes and rich cultural tapestry, offers a plethora of activities that cater to the adventurous spirit, the cultural enthusiast, and the nature lover. Here are some curated experiences that we believe should not be missed:

Explore the Gambella National Park

For those who revel in the beauty of the natural world, the Gambella National Park is a treasure trove of biodiversity. Spanning a vast area, this park is home to an array of wildlife, including rare species such as the Nile lechwe and the white-eared kob. The park’s landscapes, ranging from savannahs to riverine forests, provide a stunning backdrop for wildlife viewing and nature photography. Embark on a safari to witness the majestic beauty of Ethiopia’s wildlife in their natural habitat.

Visit the Anuak and Nuer Villages

Gambella is not just about its natural beauty; it’s about its people. A visit to the Anuak and Nuer villages allows you to experience the region’s rich cultural heritage firsthand. Engage with the local communities, learn about their traditions, and witness their daily lives. From the vibrant dance performances to the intricate craftwork, these encounters offer a glimpse into the soul of Gambella’s ethnic groups.

Participate in Traditional Festivals

Gambella’s calendar is dotted with festivals and ceremonies that showcase the region’s cultural diversity and heritage. Participating in these festivals is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in local traditions, from the music and dance to the traditional attire. Each festival tells a story, celebrating the community’s history, values, and aspirations.

Enjoy River Activities on the Baro River

The Baro River, a lifeline for many of Gambella’s communities, offers a range of activities for those looking to enjoy the region’s scenic waterways. Canoe trips along the river provide a peaceful way to explore the lush landscapes, observe local wildlife, and experience the tranquility of Gambella’s natural environment. Fishing enthusiasts can also indulge in their hobby, engaging with the local fishermen to learn about traditional fishing techniques.

Discover Local Cuisine

No visit to Gambella is complete without experiencing its culinary delights. The region’s cuisine is a reflection of its cultural diversity, offering a variety of dishes that cater to all tastes. From traditional Ethiopian dishes to local specialties made with fresh, indigenous ingredients, dining in Gambella is an adventure for the palate.

In our journey through Gambella, Ethiopia, we’ve traversed the rich tapestry of cultural heritage, delving into the diverse ethnic groups, their unique traditions, religious practices, and the pivotal role of agriculture and livestock in their lives. We’ve celebrated the artistry and craftsmanship that breathe life into every artifact, from wood carvings to pottery, each telling a story of Gambella’s vibrant culture and enduring spirit. As we conclude, it’s clear that Gambella is not just a region; it’s a living, breathing testament to Ethiopia’s cultural diversity and resilience. Our exploration reveals the essence of Gambella—a place where traditions flourish, communities thrive in harmony, and cultural heritage is preserved for generations to come. For those of us seeking to understand the soul of Ethiopia, Gambella offers a window into the heart of its people, their lands, and their stories. We invite you to join us in embracing the beauty of Gambella, to learn from its history, celebrate its present, and contribute to its future.

A cheerful Hanan Akmel, a woman with curly hair, smiling brightly at the camera.

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    gambella ethiopia tourism

  5. Experience the Thrilling Wonders of Gambella National Park: A Journey

    gambella ethiopia tourism

  6. Gambella National Park

    gambella ethiopia tourism


  1. ስለ ጋምቤላ ምን ያህል ያውቃሉ …. ? (Documentary about Gambela…)

  2. Nile cross gambella Ethiopia

  3. Ethiopian national park in gambela part 2

  4. (አክሱም ሆቴል) Walking Downtown Megenagna to Axum Hotel Addis Ababa 2023 Ethiopia

  5. Mery Christmas in Gambella Ethiopia 🙏🏿🙏🏿


  1. Gambela National Park

    Gambela National Park. Gambela National Park is Ethiopia's greatest wildlife show-in-waiting, and being difficult to get to doesn't change that. It has vast herds of migrating antelope species and what are thought to be sizeable populations of predators, so if current predictions are borne out in ongoing surveys, this park - along with Boma ...

  2. Gambella National Park

    Gambella is unrivalled in Ethiopia for wildlife experiences. With population numbers challenging that of the large game reserves in Tanzania and Kenya, Gambella offers a unique safari opportunity in East Africa - the chance to journey into a remote and difficult to access wilderness, retreating to exclusive tented camps after a day's adventuring.

  3. Gambella National Park

    Conserving the fragile ecosystem through responsible tourism for the generations to come in the Gambella Region. The Overview We are a social tourism venture entity, which was established in the year 2017. We were driven by the two reasons; 1. Tourism is a fast growing industry in Ethiopia and is one of its greatest foreign exchange earners. 2.

  4. Gambela Travel Guide

    Top Attractions in Gambela for Tourists to Explore. When visiting Gambela, a hidden gem in Ethiopia, tourists are in for a treat with its unique blend of cultural diversity and breathtaking natural attractions. One of the must-visit places is the Gambela National Park, home to diverse wildlife such as elephants, buffaloes, and countless bird ...

  5. Experience the Thrilling Wonders of Gambella National Park: A Journey

    The near-threatened shoebill and Basra reed warbler were recorded in Gambella back in the 1960s, adding to the park's unique appeal. Moreover, Gambella is home to 11 Sudan-Guinea Biome species, encompassing 69% of Ethiopia's total assemblage for this category, making it an important conservation site.

  6. Gambela: A Hidden Gem in Ethiopia

    Travel Tips for Gambela: Permits and Permissions: Check if you need any special permits or permissions, especially for visits to remote areas or interactions with indigenous communities. Vaccinations: Ensure you have the necessary vaccinations before traveling to Ethiopia. Consult a travel clinic or healthcare provider for advice.

  7. 10 Things to Do in Gambela National Park Ethiopia

    It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a haven for nature lovers and adventurers alike. Here are 10 things to do in Gambela National Park Ethiopia. 1. Wildlife Watching: Gambela National Park is home to some of the most diverse wildlife in Africa. It is a haven for birdwatchers, with over 550 species of birds recorded in the park.

  8. Gambella National Park

    Gambella National Park, also spelled Gambela National Park, is a 5,016 km 2 (1,937 sq mi) large national park in Ethiopia. It is the nation's largest national park and is located several hundred kilometers from Addis Ababa. It was established in 1974, but is not fully protected and has not been effectively managed for much of its history.

  9. Gambella National Park

    The Gambella (or Gambela) National Park is located about 850 km due west of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. It is one of the largest parks on the country. History [edit] It was established in 1974 to protect two antelope species which at the time were at the risk of extinction in the region. Landscape [edit] It is 4,575 km² (1,766 sq mi) in size.

  10. Gambella National Park » Venture Ethiopia

    Of all the parks in Ethiopia, Gambella National park has the richest megafauna. T he park is located in the flood plains of the Akobo, Baro and Gilo Rivers, ... The UK Foreign Office currently advises against all but essential travel to Gambella National Park. Ongoing conflicts in neighboring South Sudan mean there has been an influx of ...

  11. Things to Do in Gambela Region, Ethiopia

    1. Gambella National Park. 4. National Parks. By africanman_840. I could never even imagine such pure wilderness before. I have to thank Sangeeta Prasad of the travel agency Chalo... Things to Do in Gambela Region, Ethiopia: See Tripadvisor's 38 traveler reviews and photos of Gambela Region tourist attractions.

  12. Gambela

    1 Gambela Airport (GMB IATA) (10 km south of the city). (updated Jan 2023) As at January 2020, Ethiopian Airlines has twice daily flights from Addis Ababa, one of which is via Assosa. The airport is a 30 minute drive from town. The Baro Gambella Hotel provides free airport pickup if you are staying there and takes other passengers for a small fee.

  13. Gambella National Park Ethiopia

    Location of Gambella National Park Ethiopia. Gambella National Park, or Gambella National Park, is a 4,575-square-kilometre (1,766 sq mi) national park in Ethiopia, near the South Sudanese border. ... Trips such as this one will bring in much-needed tourism revenue, which can hopefully assist in the on-going protection of the park and ...

  14. THE BEST Things to Do in Gambela (2024)

    Things to Do in Gambela. 1. Gambella National Park. I could never even imagine such pure wilderness before. I have to thank Sangeeta Prasad of the travel agency Chalo... Things to Do in Gambela, Ethiopia: See Tripadvisor's 38 traveler reviews and photos of Gambela tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in June.

  15. Gambella

    Gambella. On the bank of the Baro River at the low altitude of 530 meter above sea level, Gambella is a hot and steamy place. In its heydays, it was a vibrant port where steamships docked to bring valuable resources from the Ethiopian highlands to Khartoum. The town itself has little to offer for the visitor but not the vicinity.


    The Gambella region is located in the western part of Ethiopia the region Is rich in wild life. The gambella national park hosts populations of elephants, buffalo, lion, olive babbon, gurezza monkeys as well as several rare antelopes and many bird species. The region is less frequented by tourist due to its remoteness.

  17. Gambela Region

    The Gambela Region (also spelled Gambella; Amharic: ጋምቤላ), officially the Gambela Peoples' Region, is a regional state in western Ethiopia, bordering South Sudan.Previously known as Region 12, its capital is Gambela.The Region is situated between the Baro and Akobo Rivers, with its western part including the Openo River.

  18. Gambella National Park

    Gambella National park is located 850 km west of Addis Ababa. It was established as a protected area in 1973 to conserve a diverse assemblage of wildlife and unique habitats. Although not technically in the Rift Valley, Gambella National Park lies along another of the country's important rivers: the Baro. Near the town of Gambella, Gambella ...

  19. Gambela, Ethiopia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    Plan Your Trip to Gambela: Best of Gambela Tourism. Where should I stay in Gambela? Gambela Tourism: Tripadvisor has 38 reviews of Gambela Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Gambela resource.

  20. Gambella in Ethiopia: Exploring the Rich Culture of the Southwest

    Gambella is a hidden gem in Ethiopia's southwest, with a rich cultural heritage. The diverse ethnic groups in Gambella have unique traditions that are an important part of the region's identity. Music and dance play a significant role in Gambella's cultural heritage, with different styles and rhythms for different occasions.

  21. Unexplored Natural Tourism Potentials: Gambella People's National

    Gambella Region is located at south west of Ethiopia and endowed with remarkable natural tourism destinations. Nonetheless, limited study has conducted in exploring natural tourism potentials.

  22. (PDF) Opportunities to Enhance Tourism Industry Development: Gambella

    Gambella Region is located at south west of Ethiopia and endowed with remarkable natural tourism destinations. Nonetheless, limited study has conducted in exploring natural tourism potentials.