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The impact of YouTube travel vlogs on destination image and viewer's travel intention : the difference between high and low trip involvement groups


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Elements of travel vlogs that impact LAB University of Applied Sciences student’s travel destinations choice

Tran, khue; tran, ngan (2022).

thesis about travel vlogs

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thesis about travel vlogs

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The Influence of Travel Vlogs on Millennials' Decisions to Visit Local Travel Destinations

  • Kurt Wilson S. Arias 1
  • Paul Anthony A. Angob 1
  • Wiro Glenn R. Ereje 1
  • 1. De La Salle University – Dasmariñas


Abstract: Before the digital era, tourists relied on magazines, brochures, and television for travel information. In contrast to travel blogs and vlogs, travelers can get more definitive information from vloggers who share first-hand experiences. The research generally aimed to determine the effect of travel vlogs on millennials' decision-making when it comes to traveling around the Philippines. The research was descriptive and aimed to describe a population, occurrence, or event accurately and scrutinizingly. The research used structured questionnaires and exploratory data analysis to gather and analyze data and identify possible connections between variables. Travel vlogs boost a destination's credibility and reputation, according to the researchers' findings. After visiting a destination, thinking about it, and evaluating it, people are more likely to want to return. 

Keywords: Travel vlogs, Travel destination, Millennials, Travel vloggers, Travel motivators.

Title: The Influence of Travel Vlogs on Millennials’ Decisions to Visit Local Travel Destinations

Author: Kurt Wilson S. Arias, Paul Anthony A. Angob, Wiro Glenn R. Ereje

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Vol. 10, Issue 3, July 2022 - September 2022

Page No: 83-100

Research Publish Journals

Website: www.researchpublish.com

Published Date: 16-July-2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6844376

Paper Download Link (Source)


The Influence of Travel Vlogs-16072022-1.pdf

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  • [8] Briciu, A., & Briciu, V.-A. (2020). Participatory culture and tourist experience: Promoting destinations through YouTube. Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism, 425–433. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36126-6_47
  • [9] Cheng, Y., Wei, W., & Zhang, L. (2020). Seeing destinations through vlogs: Implications for leveraging customer engagement behavior to increase travel intention. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(10), 3227–3248. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijchm-04-2020-0319
  • [10] Choi, Y., Hickerson, B., & Kerstetter, D. (2017). Understanding the sources of online travel information. Journal of Travel Research, 57(1), 116–128. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287516683833
  • [11] Daniel, E. S., Crawford Jackson, E. C., & Westerman, D. K. (2018). The influence of social media influencers: Understanding online vaping communities and parasocial interaction through the lens of Taylor's six-segment Strategy Wheel. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 18(2), 96–109. https://doi.org/10.1080/15252019.2018.1488637
  • [12] Exploratory Data Analysis. JMP. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2022, from https://www.jmp.com/en_hk/statistics-knowledge-portal/exploratory-data-analysis.html
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  • [14] Giorgi, S. (2017). The mind and heart of resonance: The role of cognition and emotions in frame effectiveness. Journal of Management Studies, 54(5), 711–738. https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12278
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Influence of travel vlog: Inputs for destination marketing model

Profile image of Noelah Mae Borbon

2021, International Journal of Research Studies in Management

Travel vlogs are thought to have shaped destination credibility and effectively strengthened a perceived destination image. Opinions, reviews, and a live journey create a lifelike experience that encourages the desire to visit a location. The purpose of this research is to look into the possibilities of travel vlog inputs for destination marketing. The research was carried out among the residents of Sta. Cruz, Laguna in a descriptive-correlational method; the descriptive design provided an overview of actual cognition, feelings, and actions within the group while the correlational approach was used to assess the relationship between the factors affecting travel decision-making process and tourists' destination choice. A researcher-made questionnaire was utilized to determine the degree of influence for each variable. Results indicated that with regards to travel-related decisions, people tend to be impacted by travel vloggers more especially in terms of the perceived credible information. Further, the findings revealed that vloggers had a significant impact on people's decision to travel in terms of cognitive, emotional, and epistemic values. Furthermore, there is a strong link that suggests that the better the travel-related decisions, the better the destination choice. Finally, the research developed a destination model that recommends an effective strategy for Laguna Tourism in preserving and improving destination attributes.

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  3. PDF Elements of Travel Vlogs that Impact LAB University of ...

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    contrast to travel blogs and vlogs, travelers can get more definitive information from vloggers who share first-hand experiences. The research generally aimed to determine the effect of travel vlogs on millennials' decision-making when it comes to traveling around the Philippines. The research was descriptive and aimed to describe a population,

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    mode as to self-travel, group t ravel, self-driving travel (3.3 9) and the least statement is tha t travel vlogs influence how long I travel and stay in a specific destinatio n (3.30).

  21. The Influence of Travel Vlogs on Millennials' Decisions to ...

    Abstract: Before the digital era, tourists relied on magazines, brochures, and television for travel information. In contrast to travel blogs and vlogs, travelers can get more definitive information from vloggers who share first-hand experiences. The research generally aimed to determine the effect of travel vlogs on millennials' decision-making when it comes to traveling around the Philippines.

  22. Influence of travel vlog: Inputs for destination marketing model

    This paper critically examines the potential and use of video blogs or vlogs shared on Facebook for creating a destination image. In particular, it makes an in-depth analysis of the travel vlogs about the Philippines created by popular non-Filipino travel vloggers-Lost LeBlanc, BecomingFilipino, Nas Daily, and Drew Binsky.

  23. (PDF) Travel Vloggers As A Source Of Information About Tourist

    1.2 Objectives of the Study. The purposes of the study are: To examine the relevance of travel vloggers as a source of information particularly. about Bangladesh as a tourist destination. To ...