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Visiting Vienna

Vienna Ring Tram

At the time of writing, the service has been unavailable for a long time now. Check locally to see if it’s running again and consider a bus alternative .

Previous review:

Vienna's Ring Tram side view

All Vienna’s trams carry the red and white city colours. Well, almost all. A bright yellow tram circling the giant Ring boulevard offers a protest vote against the tyranny of uniformity. This is the “sightseeing tram”: the Vienna Ring Tram.

  • Short 25-minute tram tour past many city sights
  • Good if you’re short of time or good weather
  • …otherwise consider walking the route
  • Book a guided bus tour * of Vienna
  • The Ringstrassen boulevard
  • Hop on Hop off alternatives

The Ring Tram tour

The Vienna ring tram

(The tram stands out through its yellow livery)

Vienna’s Ringstrasse (actually a continuous series of roads) marks the border of the old town and essentially builds a ring around it: hence the name.

Many of Vienna’s top sights border this route. Examples include the Naturhistorisches and Kunsthistorisches  museums, the Parliament building, the Rathaus , the Staatsoper , and the Hofburg palace complex.

One option for taking in these sights from the comfort of a seat is to jump on the dedicated Ring Tram for a sightseeing tour. This is not a hop-on, hop-off opportunity: the bright yellow tram starts and ends at the Schwedenplatz station (see map below).

On board, you enjoy a roughly 25 minute guided tour around the Ring, courtesy of headphones in your choice of various languages (including English).

So is it worth it?

If you’re pressed for time (or out of energy), this is a convenient way to get a swift look at many of the buildings you’re supposed to have seen in Vienna, with a brief guide so you know what you’re looking at.

You also get to go on a lovely quaint yellow tram (yay!) and the conductor proved jolly friendly and accommodating when we did our trip.


If you have the time and energy, you might prefer seeing the Ring on foot for a true appreciation of the majesty of Habsburg Vienna.

And for longer or more comprehensive tours, consider the hop on, hop off sightseeing buses .

You can also travel part way around the Ring on municipal trams using standard public transport tickets , particularly lines 1 and 2 (but neither do a complete circle so you miss out on some sights unless you switch between the lines).

  • The tram travels around the Ring on the right, so the right side of the tram as you face forward has less chance of having a view blocked by an inconvenient bus. But note that the top sights are on both sides of the Ring, so picking your side isn’t critical.
  • Switch the language to the German channel on your headphones, then again to the local Vienna dialect for an interesting insight into the linguistic differences.
  • In the winter months and nearer Christmas, take the latest tram you can and enjoy the lights: some of the hotels along the Ring put up delightful displays and you’ll pass the Rathausplatz, for example, in all its seasonal splendour .

How to get to the Ring tram

Schwedenplatz is just a short walk from the very centre of Vienna and itself a transport hub.

Incidentally, the adjoining stretch of water you see from the Ring Tram stop is not the famous Danube (a common misunderstanding) but an arm of the river known as the Danube canal .

Reach Schwedenplatz via…

Subway: U1 and U4 lines

Tram/bus: the 1 and 2 tram or the 2A bus

Address: Schwedenplatz, 1010 Vienna


Austria ‎ > Vienna   > Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour  

Top 10 Vienna Tips | Suggested Itineraries For Vienna

  • Top 10 Things To Do
  • Old Town Walking Tour
  • Ring Tram Tour
  • Schönbrunn Palace
  • More Sights
  • Best Day Trips
  • Helfpful Visitor Tips
  • Suggested Itineraries

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Do It Yourself Guide Ring Tram Tour Route

Ringstrasse Tram & Walking Tour:

Location :  Vienna’s Ringtrasse ( Ring Road ). Cost :  Free, 4-14€ for tram pass ( optional prices below ). Style : Do-It-Yourself Hop-On Hop-Off Tour ( Self Guided ). Start :  Museum Quartier ( Museumsquartier Subway Stop ). Stop :  Burggarten ( Burgring Tram Stop ). Map Key :  Red Tram #1 is in  BLUE , Red Tram #2 is in  RED , Trams #71 & #D are in PURPLE , and the Yellow Tourist Tram is in YELLOW .  Subway lines are also marked. Distance :  Tram loop is 3.6 miles ( additional walking is light ). Time : 25 Minutes for loop ( 4-5 Hours with stops ). Fun Scale :  9 out of 10.

Ringstrasse Tram Tour Overview:

The 3.2-mile-long Ringstrasse ( Ring Road ) looping around Old Town Vienna traces the path of the impressive Medieval wall that once protected the city.  The Medieval wall was completed in 1257 as an expansion outward to accommodate the flourishing trade town.  This new  wall was very heavily fortified  with watchtowers & bastions, was surrounded by a moat, and ringed with a wide building-free meadow ( glacis ) separating the city from the suburbs.  This protection helped Vienna  fight off the Turkish Sieges  of 1529 & 1638 which may have saved the rest of Europe from being overtaken.

Vienna kept prospering over the centuries, and by 1860 the then 500,000-person town needed to grow outward again.  With the urging of controversial Mayor Karl Lueger, Emperor Franz Joseph had the Medieval wall tore down and the dry moat filled into to create a grand boulevard to help modernize the expanding city.  During the massive project, the Ringstrasse ( pronounced Ring-Strassa ) quickly became lined with some of Europe’s most impressive buildings and gave the needed space for Vienna’s population to explode.  By 1900, Vienna had grown to 2.5 million people and the 5th largest city in the World at the time.  You can imagine how the grand Ringstrasse became the place to see and be seen.

Today the spacious Ringstrasse is as delightful as ever with world-class museums, inviting beer gardens, grand cathedrals, and impressive architecture on every block.  To help you get the most out of your visit, we have put together a helpful do-it-yourself Vienna Ring Tram Tour so you can visit all of the best sights.  Consider it a very easy hop-on, hop-off walking tour around the Ringstrasse that you get to do at your own pace.  We have also included tips to help you utilize the public transportation options ( tram & subway ) listed below to help save your feet as some of the sights are spread out.  Hope you enjoy our Ringstrasse tram tour in Vienna!

Suggested Tram Line Options:

1. red #1, #2, #71, & #d trams :.

vienna tram tour red 1 and 2

While the Tram #1 and #2 lines overlap for part of the Ringstrasse you will have to switch lines halfway through to complete the full loop.  Each line goes a couple of miles out of the way where they split from the loop so you have to pay attention when it’s time to switch lines.  In the East, Tram #1 splits off with access to the Hundertwasserhaus and Prater Amusement Park while Tram #2 splits off to the North to Augarten Park with its famous Flak Towers.

Another helpful set of Red Trams are #71 and #D ( purple on our map ) which run up the Western and Southern side of Vienna’s Ring Road along the same tracks as #1 & #2.  This stretch is where most of the sights are making these two trams a good addition to your tram tour mix.  As they exit the Ring Road in the East, Tram #71 runs along the Northside of Belvedere Palace all the way to both Mozart’s and Beethoven’s Graves ( see our map ).  Tram #D splits to run along the Southside of Belvedere Palace for easy access to see the grounds and goes all the way to Vienna’s Main Train Station.

Red Tram Hours : 4am-Midnight, every 5-10 minutes.  Tickets : Single ride tickets are 2.20€ and you’ll have to use one every time you get on.  Unlimited City-wide Tram/Bus/Metro Pass is 7.60€ for 24 Hours, 13.30€ for 48 Hours, & 16.50€ for 72 hours.

2. Yellow Tourist Tram :

vienna tram tour yellow tourist

Please note that the Yellow Tourist Tram no longer lets you get out at any of the attractions during your loop.  Although it doesn’t have a hop on hop off tram tour option, this line is enjoyable if you want to take in all the sights quickly.  This 31 seat tram is complete with LCD screens going over the highlights and has headphones for narration in 8 languages .

Yellow Tram Hours : Daily 10am-6pm; last Yellow Tram leaves the Schwedenplatz Tram Stop at 5:30pm.   Yellow Tram Tickets : A special ticket is needed to ride this tram for a one-time 25-minute continuous loop ride which costs 10€ ( 5€ for children ).  More Info : Yellow Tram Website .

3. Underground Subway :

About The Subway : While the road level tram lines are the best way to experience the Ringstrasse, you can also hit up most of the sights by using Vienna’s extensive underground Subway lines ( marked on our map as thin lines ).  Printable Subway Map : Click Here .

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour:

1. museum quartier :.

Vienna Ringstasse Tram Tour Map - Museum Quartier

About The Museum Quartier :  We love to start our Vienna Ring Tram Tour on foot exploring the Museum Quartier which has the best collection of museums in town.  Framing the vast Maria Theresa Square are two huge twin museum buildings which were originally planned to be part of an even larger called the Emperor’s Forum ( Kaiserforum ) .  The Kaiserforum was meant to serve as an Imperial Forum celebrating the might of Austria.  The forum complex, like the construction of the Ringstraße over Vienna’s Medieval wall, was one of Emperor Franz Joseph I’s ambitious civil projects in the mid-18000s that helped to rapidly grow the city.

As seen in this 1865 mockup sketch , the Emperor’s Kaiserforum complex was planned out to be massive with tons of building when construction started in 1872.  Unfortunately, there were maybe too many projects going on at once as after 19 years of elaborate construction the project was scaled back to its present yet still impressive form.  Before exploring the museums, don’t overlook the imposing statue of Maria Theresa ( the namesake of the central square ) who was the only female ruler in the Hapsburg Dynasty ( 1740-80 ), revitalized the fluttering empire, and influenced much of Europe.

Visiting the Southside of the square you’ll come to the  Art History Museum  ( Kunsthistorisches, website ) which holds Vienna’s greatest collection of paintings covering very fun loving art from over a 200-year span.   The most famous painting is the 1563 masterpiece by Bruegel depicting the Tower of Babel in Babylon ( modern day Iraq ).  We love the view from the third floor of the round central hall in the museum which is one of the most beautiful rooms in Vienna.  Locally this wonderful art gallery, which also has an excellent Egyptian collection, is known simply as the Kunst.

Opposite the Kunst, in the nearly identical building on the North side of the square is the  Museum of Natural History  ( Naturhistorisches,  website ).  This museum holds Austria’s most famous work of art, the  Venus of Willendorf , in its vast collection.  The only 4-inch-tall Venus statue is a chubby, naked female figure carved into limestone and is dated to be from between 24,000-22,000 BC.   The Natural History Museum also has a very famous collection of slides from the 1700s of microscopic organisms called the Mikrotheater.

On the relative outskirts of the two main museum buildings ( to the West ) is a third collection worth a stop for any modern art lover, the  Leopold Modern Art Museum  ( website ).  Our favorite piece at the Modern Art Museum comes right away and is an upside down house home smashed into the side of the Museum called House Attack.  Interesting, this very modern art museum is housed inside the old Imperial Horse Stables.

Art History Museum Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm, open on Thursday until 9pm, closed Mondays.   Art History Cost :  14€ for Adults, Children and teens are free, but a guided tour is 3€ extra. Combo ticket to include Neue Berg is 20€ for both or for the Leopold is 22€ for both.   Natural History Museum Hours :  Wednesday-Monday 9am-6:30pm, open on Wednesday until 9pm, closed Tuesdays.   Natural History Museum Cost :  10€ for Adults, Children and teens are free, but a guided tour is 3€ extra.  The best deal also includes the nearby Neue Berg for just 20€ for both.   Leopold Museum Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm, open on Thursday until 9pm, closed Mondays.   Leopold Museum Cost :  12€ for Adults, students 8€. Combo ticket to include Kunsthistorisches is 22€ for both.

2. Hero’s Square ( Heldenplatz ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Hero's Square Heldenplatz Archduke Charles Horse Statue

About Hero’s Square :  As you cross into Hero’s Square, you’ll immediately run into a massive gateway over the road called  Auberes Burgtor .  The columned gateway is all that remains from a wall built around the Palace in 1817 after the original castle wall was damaged during the Napoleonic Wars of 1809.

While the wall was repaired after the Napoleonic Wars,  the  didn’t last long as the entire Medieval around Old Town Vienna was torn down in 1860 by Emperor Franz Joseph I to make way for the Ringstrasse loop.  This move helped the growing city expand and was part of an extensive series of enhancements the Emperor made to the City.

As you pass through the gateway, it opens up into the large  Heldenplatz  ( or Hero’s Square ) complete with a backdrop of beautiful  Neue Burg  ( or New Castle ).  It can be easy to get distracted by the fantastic curved building, but the square itself is worth investigating.  Heldenplatz and two other large gardens ( Burggarten & Volksgarten ) were laid out after parts of a Medieval castle wall that stood here were destroyed Napoleonic Wars.

While the other Gardens have remained green, most of Heldenplatz has been paved over during the decades, but a couple of the original equestrian statues remain.  Our favorite statue is  Prince Eugene of Savoy  and sits right by Neue Burg’s main entrance.  Eugene left France for Austria after being denied admission to their military for appearance and went on to become the greatest Generals in Austrian history.  He led military campaigns for 60 years over 3 different Holy Roman Emperors based out of Vienna and was very successful.  The gain fame with battles over the Ottomans was later gaining massive praise from Napoleon all while getting super rich from his endeavors.

To this day Eugene serves as a point of Austrian pride and willpower.  On your walk over to Volksgarden in 2 stops, you’ll also pass a great statue of  Archduke Charles of Austria  riding a horse while triumphantly holding a flag.  The statue of Charles, erected in 1860, was meant to portray the Habsburg Dynasty as great Austrian military leaders.

3. New Royal Palace ( Neue Burg ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - New Royal Hofburg Palace Neue Burg Museum

About Neue Burg :  While you’ve already visited the first parts of Emperor Franz Joseph’s  Kaiserforum  at the Museum Quartier, the  Neue Burg Wing  ( or New Castle ) wing of Hofburg Place was probably the biggest part of the new complex.  This huge palace section was started in 1881, but its construction was drug out for over 30 years into the beginning of WW1 which Austria lost, further delaying the project.  Because of the enormous delays, most of the rest of the Kaiserforum complex was scrapped , but the completed buildings are really impressive.

Once inside Neue Burg, it is easy to be in awe of the marble-lined corridors, grand staircases, and our favorite is called the Hunting Plateau which is a common place for weddings.  The incredible details of the grand Neue Berg make it the perfect setting for the building many museum collections.  The 1st collection that was housed here came from Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1908 after he got back from an extensive trip around the World.  After the Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914, which sparked WW1, his entire collection was given to Neue Berg giving a starting to a series of wonderful museums.

Today the building houses Collection of Ancient Musical Instruments,  Collection of Arms and Armor , Papyrus Museum, and  Ephesus Museum .  Our favorite of these museums is the Ephesos which has a great collection of classical and even ancient statues.  The highlight of the Ephesus Museum is the Parthian Monument, part of an antique altar erected at Ephesus ( modern-day Turkey ) during the Hellenistic Period.

While the Neue Burg section of the Hofburg Palace is run by the Kunsthistorisches Museum the main part of the Palace sits just to the North and also worth a visit.  Because of the location of the entrance the main Hofburg Palace is best seen in our  Old Town Walking Tour .  Highlights of visiting this historic landmark include the Imperial Apartments, Sisi Museum, and the Imperial Silver Collection.  We suggest getting the Sisi ticket as you will also be able to see the Imperial Furniture collection and a free pass to tour Schönbrunn Palace.

Neue Burg Museum Hours :  Wednesday-Sunday 10am-6pm; Closed Monday & Tuesdays.  If you only have time for one museum stop, consider the world-class collection of museums at nearby Museum Quartier instead of Neue Berg.   Museum Cost :  15€ for Adults; Children are free; and guided tours are 3€ extra.  Your ticket covers all of Neue Burg’s Museum plus the Art History Museum ( Kunsthistorisches ) in Museum Quartier.  You can also get a combo ticket to include the Natural History Museum and Leopold Modern Art Museum for a couple euros more. We’ve bought the combo ticket and they let us see the two museums on different days, but ask to make sure.   Neue Burg Website :   Here .

4. The People’s Garden ( Volksgarten ):

ring tours vienna

About Volksgarten :  The People’s Garden Park was one of the first public parks in Vienna and led to the Royal family significantly expanding public spaces.  The park has an excellent free  Rose Garden  which is a real treat to visit during the Summer months.

If you are looking for the most peaceful spot in Vienna’s city center, look no further than Volksgarten’s white-washed  Empress Elizabeth statue and alter .  The Empress, known as Sissi, was the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I in the late 1800s.  Sisi was widely known for her beauty and was endeared by citizens.

Probably the most prominent sign of ancient influence on early Vienna is Volksgarten’s modern replica of the  Greek Temple of Hephaestus ( Theseion, Greek patron of the craftsmen ) .  The original temple in Athens, Greece opened in 433BC while the Celts had a small camp in Vienna along the Danube.  Later, the Romans started fortifying Vienna in 97AD and parts of their ancient Vindobona Fort can still be seen around Old Town today.

5. Austrian Parliament :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Austrian Parliament

About The Austrian Parliament :  Gleaming over the Ringstrasse like a mighty Roman Temple, the Austrian Parliament is truly a powerful looking government building.  In front of the beautiful building is a substantial white fountain capped off with a  statue of Athena , the Greek goddess of wisdom, wearing golden armor is the main attraction.  This fountain is a real statement piece and leads to some of the coolest photos in Vienna.  If you choose to join one of the free guided tours of the interior, you’ll tour both chambers of the building, the  National Council ( Nationalrat )  and the  Federal Council ( Bundesrat ) .

Free Guided Tours :  55 minute guided tours are available at the top of the hour Monday-Saturday at 11am-4pm.  In the offseason, they only have the Noon and 1pm tour on Saturdays.   Parliament Website :  Here .

6. City Hall & Beer Garden ( Rathaus ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Town Hall Rathaus

About Vienna’s Town Hall : The City Hall is an enjoyable place to take a break during the tram tour.  As you step off the tram, you’re confronted with the enormous Neo-Gothic towers of City Hall which overlook a vast square, called Rathaus Platz.  This square is famous for hosting Vienna’s main Christmas market and ice skating rink in the Winter and often turns into a huge beer garden throughout the Summer months ( July & August ).  There are even outdoor movies and concerts that happen here most weeks of the Summer and Fall.  The setting with the amazing backdrop of the City Hall over the square is stunning.

The largest of the towers on Vienna’s Town Hall is over 321 feet tall and is capped by a 17-foot-tall Rathausmann  who stands guard over Vienna.  The watchman might not look that big from the ground, but he weighs over 1400 pounds and is so large that he takes a size 31 shoe!  When the City Hall was completed in 1883, the Emperor made sure that the tower was 3 feet smaller than the 324-foot-tall tower of neighboring  Votive Church .  Technically though, City Hall is 342 feet tall with the Rathausmann and flagpole added to the top.  You are free to hike the 331 steps to the top of the tower for some great views although it is closed in 2019 for restorations.

There are ongoing tours three times a week to see the interior of Vienna’s Town Hall, but they are a bit boring in our opinion.  Luckily though you can see the famous Marble Staircase any time of the business hours Monday-Friday.  To reach the gorgeous staircase you can enter the Southern door and it will be on your right ( look for the sign Feststiege 1 ) or you can enter from the Information Office on the Westside and work your way through the courtyards.  Make sure to walk up the steps to the top to get the most famous view of the multi-level white marble staircase covered in bright red carpeting.  This space on one of the highlights of our do-it-yourself free Vienna Ring Tram Tour.

Free Guided Tours :  If you want to get a closer, in-depth, look at City Hall’s Senate Chamber, Coat of Arms Room, Festival Hall and more they have free tours.  The City offers free guided tours in German at 1pm on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.  To join a tour group, check their  tours website  ahead of time.  If you don’t speak German, don’t worry, they have a ton of multilingual audio guides available for checkout.   Town Hall Website :  Here .

7. National Royal Theater ( Burgtheater ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - National Theater Burgtheater

About Burgtheater : Sitting directly across from Vienna’s Town Hall, it is impossible to miss the beautiful facade of the renowned National Royal Theater  ( Burgtheater ) as you take our Ring Tram tour.  The first Royal Theater was opened in 1741 in an unused banquet hall of Hofburg Palace along Saint Michael’s Square with Empress Maria Theresa’s permission.  It was only one generation later, in 1776, that the successful theater became the official Royal Theater ( Burgtheater ) under the watch of Emperor Joseph II.  Many  famous premieres  took place at the theater including Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro in 1786 and Beethoven’s 1st Symphony in 1800.

After 14 years of construction, the new Royal Theater building opened in 1888 at its current location and was one of the final projects to help round out the new Ringstrasse ( Ring Road ).  While the building was damaged during WW2, the theater was rebuilt in the 1950s.  Through the centuries the Burgtheater has been considered the best theater in the German-speaking world and has a permanent ensemble of more than 80 actors and actresses.  If you are looking to catch a great show, the theater still houses some of the best playwrights and performances in Austria even though new theaters have been built.

Right next to the National Theater is the most popular cafes on the Ringstrasse called  Cafe Landtman  ( website ).  The Cafe, opened in 1873, has been visited by Sigmund Freud, the Dutch Queen Juliane, Hillary Clinton, and Paul McCartney.

Guided Tours :  Daily tours at 3pm last 1 hour and are in German Monday-Thursday and English Friday-Sunday.  In July and August, each tour session is in both languages.   Show Tickets :  Show tickets can be bought online  Here  and range from $2.50 for standing room tickets up to about $51 for prime seats.   Theater Website :  Here .

8. Beethoven’s Pasqualati House :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Beethoven's Pasqualati House

About Beethoven’s Pasqualati House :  The Pasqualati House is where Beethoven lived and composed for 11 years from 1804 to 1815.  While it is a huge house, Beethoven only rented out two large rooms on the 4th floor which was still luxury for his time.

Today Beethoven’s former residence is preserved as a museum complete with many of his original possessions.  When he lived her,e Beethoven’s rooms had excellent views on what was then the  Vienna Woods .  Beethoven composed a few of his most important works in the apartment including the Fourth, Fifth and Seventh Symphonies, Fourth Piano Concerto, Violin Concerto, and his only opera Fidelio.

By the time Beethoven moved out of the Pasqualati House in 1815, he had become quite famous and almost completely deaf.  After Beethoven died in 1827, the dark green door from the house he died in was moved to the Pasqualati House and is still used as the entrance.

If you are a huge Beethoven fan, you should consider visiting  his grave  site in the nearby Zentralfriedhof Cemetery which is stop #2 on our  Additional Attractions Page .  There is also a statue of Beethoven toward the end of this free Vienna Rine Tram Tour on Beethovenplatz.  If you are not interested in touring the inside of Beethoven’s home, from outside of the building, the windows his rooms can easily be seen straight above a large chunk of the old city wall on the 4th floor.

Museum Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm with an hour break from 1-2pm; Closed Mondays.   Cost :  Adults 4€, People under 19 are Free.   Museum Website :  Here .

9. Votive Church ( Votivkirche ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Votive Church Votivkirche

About Votive Church : Completed 4 years before Vienna’s City Hall in 1879, the massive Votive Church ( vol-teaf ) was built on the site of a failed 1853 assassination attempt  of Emperor Franz Joesph by a Hungarian nationalist.  The church was commissioned by Franz’s brother Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, who later become emperor of Mexico, as a way of giving  praise to God ( votive offering )  for sparing Emperor Franz Joesph’s life.  There was also a sub-message in the grand building to remind other possible revolutionaries of the Habsburg’s divine power.

As an added bit of religious symbolism, the floor plan of the Church itself is laid out in the shape of a cross.  Votive’s two overpowering towers are awesome places to take pictures and even though it can be hard to fit all into one frame.   Church Website :  Here .

10. Sigmund Freud’s Home :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Sigmund Freud's House Museum

About Sigmund Freud’s Home : Welcome to the home and office of Sigmund Freud, one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century who is credited as the  father of Psychoanalysis .  He was very innovative and believed that both libido and unconscious drives could explain a lot about a person’s mental state as well as actions.  By digging into patients repressed emotions and memories, Freud was able to reveal their unconscious thoughts and motivations to help them control their impulses.  When visiting Freud’s home and office you get to sit in the same waiting room his patients would wait in to meet with the Doctor.

Hours : Daily 9am-6pm.   Cost : 10€ Adults; 7.50€ Students.   Guide Tours : While an audio guide is included for free, there are also guided tours for 3€  at 11am & 2pm daily.   Museum Website :  Here .

11. Rossauer Military Barracks :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Rossauer Military Barracks Red Brick Building

About Rossauer Military Barracks :  The castle-like, red brick Rossauer Military Barracks ( Roßauer Kaserne ) is one of 3 barracks Emperor Franz Joseph had built in Vienna during the late 1800s.  This one housed 4000 troops and almost 400 horses, but wasn’t built to defend against outside forces ; instead it was created to protect against the Austrian public’s growing desire for Democracy.  The 1848 Revolution was viewed as a significant threat to the Empire and the new Barracks was a good tool to remind the Public of the Emperor’s might.  The Barracks is not open to the public, but the contrast of the building’s red-brick exterior to its surroundings is a favorite among photographers.

Located just inside the Ringstrasse, the  Vienna Stock Exchange Building  ( or Borse ) looks like a smaller version of the Barracks.  The Stock Exchange, often called the Temple of Money, even seems to be made out of the same red bricks as the Barracks.  It was near the Stock Exchange that the Roman training colosseum  was built just outside the walls of the fort Vindobona as early as 97AD.

12. Anti-Gestapo Memorial Site :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Anti Gestapo Memorial Nazi Site

About The Memorial Site : The Vienna headquarters of the Nazi’s evil Secret Police group, the  Gestapo , was located at this very spot in the Hotel Metropol which was destroyed in WW2.  The Gestapo relied on terror to get what they wanted as prisoners were often tortured for weeks to obtain false confessions, and were even sometimes even sent to prison camps or killed.  Today a memorial sits over the spot of  the former headquarters  to remind us of the suffering and murder of countless people.

Near the main Memorial, there is a large relief on the facade the building across Salztorgasse which depicts the agony that thousands of prisoners had to endure.   Footprints that lead into the building through what was the back entrance of the Gestapo headquarters and symbolically don’t return out the other side.

13. Saint Ruprecht’s Church ( Ruprechtskirche ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Saint Ruprecht’s Church Ruprechtskirche Inside Windows

About Saint Ruprecht’s Church :  Saint Ruprecht’s Church is considered by many to be the  oldest church in Vienna .  The church was first founded in 740 by 2 Monks from Salzburg and the current building was built sometime between 900-1100.  The name comes from Bishop Ruprecht who founded Salzburg’s Saint Peter’s Abbey in 696 and later became the Patron Saint of the Salt miners after his death on Easter Sunday in 710.  At the time the church was built it sat inside the original wall of the Roman camp Vindobona before it was expanded outward as modern Vienna through Medieval times.

Along the outside of the nave and lower part of the tower are remains from the only section of this part of Vienna’s city wall to make it through the Fire Of 1276 which burned a lot of Old Town.  The Church’s Romanesque, almost Gothic, the tower looks stunning in the summer and fall while covered with  lush leafy vines .  The trunks of the vines spider all the way up the wall of the Church and give photographers a treat as they beautifully frame statue of Saint Ruprecht.

Inside Saint Ruprecht’s Church, the central  stained glass windows  also survived the great fire and date back to 12070.  If you search around the small chapel, you find the skeletal  remains of martyr Saint Vitalis  elegantly dressed in a glass coffin which Empress Maria Theresa gave to the Church as a gift in 1765.   Church Website :  Here .

Stopping at Saint Ruprecht gives you the best opportunity to  explore the Medieval streets  of the Roman Camp Vindobona which pre-date Vienna.  Some remains of the Roman camp can still be seen across the canal in the form of small run-down rock walls.  One Block Southwest of the Church was once the Pine Market ( Keinmartkt ) which was a popular market from 1247.  Straight South of the Saint Ruprecht’s is the City Jewish Temple which is one of the only ones in Vienna to make it through WW2.  Just beyond that is  Hoher Market  which dates back to the 1300 and holds Vienna’s worthwhile Roman Museum.

A personal favorite of ours is the  Griechenbeisl Restaurant  and Inn open since 1447 with wine cellars date back to the 1300s.  It’s said that bagpiper Marx Augustin wrote his hit song Lieber Augustin here in 1679. A beautiful marker for Augustin with a lush vine backdrop is one of Vienna’s best photo opportunities.  If you were thinking about visiting either the Mexican Church, Donautrum Tower, or Prater Park ( all listed in our  additional attractions  section ) this is a great spot to jump on the metro and do so.

14. Vindobona & High Market ( Hoher Markt ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Vindobona Hoher Market Roman Ruins Museums

About Vindobona :  As you walk from Saint Ruprecht’s Church to Hoher Market you will be headed toward what was once the heart of the  fortified Roman camp  called Vindobona ( meaning White Village ) which predates the founding of modern Vienna.  The fort was built in 97AD and housed 6,000 Roman legion soldiers with another 24,000 civilians living outside of the walls.

While Vindobona was much smaller than the 50,000-person regional Roman capital of Carnuntum just 30 miles to the East, it helped to define the Northern edge of the Roman Empire.  After the Northern part of the Empire collapsed in 433AD, the remaining citizens around Vindobona moved inside the walls of the abandoned camp which then hit a steady decline.

The former camp was re-fortified including a small castle  Berghof Restsiedlung  built in 800AD over former Roman baths next to today’s Hoyer Market to help defend against Magyar ( Hungarian ) armies.  Shortly after, in 881, Vindobona took the name Vienna ( Wein ) after the Vienna River ( Weinfluss ) which is  Celtic for Wood Creek .

In 1156, Heinrich II of Babenberg was forced by the Holy Roman Emperor to give up his title Duke of Bavaria to Henry the Lion and was named the 1st Duke of Austria by the in return.  With a fresh canvass at his disposal, Heinrich II moved to Vienna and built  Castle Babenbergerpfalz  inside the Southwest corner of the old Roman wall on the foundations of Vindobona’s former barracks.  This established the 1st official Royal Court and elements of Vindobona’s Roman past started to become harder to find.

In 1246, Ottokar Duke of Moravia ( King of Bohemia ) moved the royal castle out of Vindobona and started to expand the city wall in all directions to follow the path of the Ringstrasse.  More changes happened when the next Duke, Rudolf I of Hapsburg ( King of Germany ), was elected starting what would be a 500-year family dynasty.

Hoher Market also saw changes under Hapsburg rule as it revamped into a lively market square in the 1300s complete with a beautiful fountain.  By the 1700s the square surrounded by grand mansions and the fountain was done in bronze and marble with a wedding theme.  It was business as usual for the square until 1949 when post WW2 sewer line excavations revealed ancient  Roman barrack foundations  from the days of Vindobona below Hoher Market.  The findings were unexpected as the foundations had complete sections of walls from Roman military officer villas and geothermal heaters from nearby baths.  The excavations were opened to the public shortly after and were later combined with additional artifacts from Michael’s Square found in 1990.

Today the ruins are part of Hoher Market’s  Roman Museum  highlighting the history of early day Vindobona.  We highly suggest a visit along with a bite to eat at the square’s famous Wurstel Vienna Sausage Stand.  If you are lucky, you will also be able to catch a show at the  Anker Musical Clock  while at Hoher Market.  Built from 1911-1914 the Art Nouveau clock has a “parade” show daily at Noon and Xmas songs during Advent at 5 & 6pm.

Roman Museum Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 9am-6pm; Closed Mondays.   Roman Museum Cost :  Adults 7€ ; kids free.   Wurstelstand Hours :  9am-4am.

15. Hermann Park Beach :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Danube River Hermann Beach Park Bar

About Hermann Park Beach :  Maybe the best hidden gem on the Ringstrasse is the huge Hermann Park Beach on the shore of the Danube River.  There are a couple other man-made beaches on the Danbue, like the nearby Danube City Beach ( website ), but the Strandbar ( website ) at Herman Park makes it the best choice.  The bar sits right in the middle of the large beach and has tons of umbrella chair seating to help make the experience like no other.

We also love the backdrop of beautiful buildings like the domed  Urania Theater  built as an observatory by Emperor Franz Joseph in 1910.   Hermann Beach was also the  location of Castrum  a small Celtic settlement at the mouth of the Vienna River going back to 500BC which greatly pre-dates the Roman Camp of Vindobona ( 97-433AD ).

Hermann Beach Bar Hours :  Daily 10am-2am.   Danube City Beach Bar Hours :  Daily 1pm-11pm.

16. Viennese City Park ( Stadtpark ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - City Park Stadtpark

About Viennese City Park :  The Viennese Park honors the music that makes the Viennese Balls possible with a ton of statues of the famous local composers and musicians.  The gold colored concert hall on the south end of the park is called the Kursalon and was opened in 1867 by the  Strauss brothers  who essentially created the Waltz.

A statue of one of the brothers, Johann Strauss, depicts him covered in gold while playing his violin.  Johann was famous for playing his violin while conducting and the beautiful statue is one of the most highly photographed spots in Vienna.  If nothing else, the Viennese Park serves as a great place to relax and people watch for a while.  On the far Northwest corner of the park, a statue honors former Mayor Dr. Karl Lueger, who pushed the Emperor to modernize Vienna in the mid-1800s.

17. Schwarzenberg Square :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Schwarzenberg Square WW2 Memorial Fountain

About Schwarzenberg Square :  Schwarzenberg Square ( Schwarzenbergplatz ) is best known for having a couple of interesting statues.  The first statue is a green equestrian one of  Prince Charles Schwarzenberg  who fought against Napoleon, typically this statue is covered in pigeons and bird poop.  The second statute, at the end of the square, is a columned fountain in honor of the Soviets who died freeing Austria from the Nazis in WW2.

Don’t feel discouraged if you are underwhelmed by this stop as it is the best place to hop off the Ringstrasse Tram Tour to visit either nearby  Belvedere Palace  or our next stop Saint Charles Church.  Check out our  additional attractions  section for details on Belvedere Palace which is connected to Schwarzenberg Square by Tram Line D.

18. Saint Charles Church ( Karlskirche ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Saint Charles Church Karlskirche Karlsplatz

About Karlskirche :  The giant white Saint Charles Church dates back to the early-1700s and is a favorite of photographers with its large green dome and huge  reflecting pool .  The Church was commissioned by the Emperor after Vienna’s last bout of Plague as he felt that his prayers were the reason why the Plague stopped.  That train of thought is a common theme throughout Vienna’s history as after each tragedy the ruling Emperor would use it as a reason to build an even bigger and more extravagant Church.

Cost :  4€.   Hours :  Daily 9am-7pm.   Website :  HERE .

19. Naschmarkt :

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Naschmarkt Market

About Naschmarkt :  The 6 block long Naschmarkt is Vienna’s most popular produce market .  An active market has been operating here since 1780 and today has 100 vintage stalls.  Near the start of the Naschmarkt is the  Session Art Museum , windowless space known as the Cabbage Head. The building has a large golden dome made in a modernist style by the Secessionists.  Design of the building is meant to be a white canvass for exhibits instead of a classic museum.

Cost : Free.   Hours : Stalls open Monday-Friday 6am-7:30pm; Saturday 6am-6pm; food & drink Monday-Saturday until 11pm.   Website :  HERE .

20. State Opera House ( Staatsoper ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - State Opera House

About The Opera House :  In a city known for music, the 1,200 person State Opera House takes the cake.  The hall has housed some of Austria’s best musicians over the years and still has 70 different works with over 300 performance a year.  The Opera House is also a great place to start our  City Center Walking Tour . which is a great compliment to this Vienna Ring Tram Tour.

Opera House Tours : 6.50€ also includes the Opera Museum, 1-4 tours daily, times vary by day but is updated monthly on their website, the tour is great and brings you to a lot of backstage areas.   Performances : If you are not that into three hours of opera, they also sell 567 standing room only tickets per show, 160 of which can be right below the Emperors’ box.  Standing room tickets are cheap, 2€ upstairs and 3.50€ downstairs, and allow you to easily leave when you’ve had your fill.  Standing room only tickets go on sale 60 minutes before each show at the front door and 80 minutes before the show inside the side door at the Stehplatze booth.   Website :  HERE .

21. Castle Park ( Burggarten ):

Vienna Ringstrasse Tram Tour Map - Castle Park Burggarten

About Castle Park :  Burggarten, or Castle Park, was revamped in the early 1800s and has been a favorite of visitors ever since.  The park has some an awesome backdrop thanks to the enormous Neue Burg Wing of Hofburg Palace. Through the large green space are elegant statues and even a relaxing pond.  Our favorite place to reflect on the day is in the Northwest corner of Burggarten where there is a small open area with an excellent white-wash  Mozart statue .

As part of the front end of a large makeover to the Hofburg Palace, the Emperor had a gigantic greenhouse over 22,000 square feet built, dubbed the  Palmen House .  The greenhouse was a huge luxury and housed a ton of tropical plants and palm trees.  The greenhouse has since been turned into of our favorite restaurants in Vienna where you can eat under the palms no matter how cold it is outside. Consider stopping at the tropical  Butterfly House  which is attached to the North side of the restaurant.

Other Sights Near The Ringstrasse:

22. vienna city center walking tour :.

Free Old Town Vienna Walking Tour Map - City Center

About Our Old Town Walk :  If you are looking to further explore the rest of the amazing sights in Old Town Vienna then the area around Burggarten is the perfect place to pick up our  Free Old Town Vienna Walking Tour  which starts from the Opera House.  The tour covers the real heart of Vienna from the Medieval shopping streets, Imperial crypts, the might Saint Stephen’s Cathedral, and even the modern sights.

Read More :  Free Old Town Vienna Walking Tour .

23. Upper Belvedere Palace :

Free Old Town Vienna Walking Tour Map - Upper Belvedere Palace

About Belvedere Palace :  Completed in 1723, the Upper Belvedere Palace was built by  Prince Eugene  after he successfully held off attacks on Vienna by Ottoman forces.  The full grounds of Belvedere, meaning beautiful views in German, are quite expansive with the beautiful Upper Palace ( Eugene’s party house ) and the Lower Palace ( his garden villa ) separated by a vast garden.

The use of green space is fitting as part of the palace grounds were once used as a botanical garden in Roman times.  Both the exterior and interior of the Upper Belvedere are impressive although they pale in compassion to the amazing Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna which is among the top 2 in all of Europe.  We suggest visiting the Upper Palace if you have time and skip the Lower section.   Hours :  Daily 10am-6pm.

Read More :  Belvedere Palace Tours .

24. Schönbrunn Palace :

About Schönbrunn Palace :  This sprawling 1,441-room yellow palace is among the top five royal estates to tour in all of central Europe.  It sprung up in the 1700s from the Hapsburgs Royal Hunting lodge, which at the time are considered far into the country from the city walls of Vienna.  While Schönbrunn Palace is home to the world’s oldest zoo, we love the property for its magnificent gardens and lavish interior.  Most of the biggest changes to the estate were made in the 1800s by Emperor Franz Joseph I and his wife Elizabeth, known as Sisi.  Stories of this famous royal couple are a true highlight of any guided tour of their wonderful summer palace.

Read More :  Schönbrunn Palace Tours .

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The Magnificent Ringstrasse: Your Ultimate Guide to Exploring Vienna Ring Road

Ringstrasse - Vienna Ring Road - Austrian Parliament Boulding


Vienna Schubertring

48.2017218, 16.3746223


Welcome to the enchanting city of Vienna, where history and grandeur intertwine along a magnificent boulevard known as the Vienna Ring Road  – Ringstrasse. This iconic ring road, encircling the heart of Austria’s capital, is not just any ordinary street – it is a living testament to Vienna’s rich past and enduring charm. From stunning architectural marvels to cultural treasures that will leave you in awe, the Ringstrasse invites you on an unforgettable journey through time and beauty. So fasten your seatbelts as we embark on our ultimate guide to exploring Vienna’s mesmerizing Ringstrasse!

In addition to its stunning architectural feats, the Ringstrasse also offers its visitors plenty of opportunities for leisurely strolls along its tree-lined boulevards or coffee breaks at one of its traditional cafes. Here you can pause for a while and observe Viennese people going about their daily lives – from children playing on playgrounds to couples dancing in ballrooms – it’s all here for your enjoyment! From sightseeing opportunities to cultural attractions to recreational activities – there is something for everyone along the beautiful Ringstrasse.

Table of Contents

The Ring Road info

The Ringstrasse is a 5.3 kilometer (3.3 mile) long circular road that completely encircles the city center of Vienna. Built in the mid-19th century, this grand boulevard replaced and was designed to replace the old city walls, giving Vienna its modern appearance today.

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The Ringstrasse consists of 9 sections, which all have their specific landmarks and unique characteristics. Here they are, in the order from the northeast:

Stubenring . This is east side of the ring, towards the 3 rd district. Main landmarks include former Imperial Ministry of War, Austrian Postal Savings Bank , University of Applied Arts, (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien) and Museum of Applied Arts/ Contemporary Art – MAK.

Parkring . This section continues after Stubenring and goes along popular Stadtpark with the Vienna Marriott Hotel across the boulevard.

Schubertring . This section continues towards Schwarzenbergplatz, which ties it with the next section on the southwest of the ring. Most famous building here is the Ritz-Carlton hotel.

Kärntner Ring . As a continuation of previous section, this part of the Ring Road is one block away from famous Karlsplatz and it has landmarks such as Hotel Imperial, Grand Hotel Wien, Ring Hotel and Hotel Bristol. It is worth mentioning Ringstrassen-Galerien as popular shopping venue downtown Vienna. This corner is linked to namesake Kärntner Straße, one of the top shopping streets in the city .

Opernring . This is also very busy part, since it is passing by the Vienna State Opera . Le Méridien Vienna is across the boulevard. This section also covers part of Burggarten.

Burgring . This is the most monumental part of the Ring Road, since it passes by Burggarten, Hoifburg, Heldenplatz and Maria-Theresien-Platz, with Museum of Natural History and Kunsthistorische Museum.

Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring . Not much less monumental, this part passes by Austrian Parliament and Volksgarten.

University Ring . Here you will see Rathaus with Rathausplatz, Burgtheater and University of Vienna.

Schottenring . This is the last section of the Ring Road, starting from Votivkirche and ending at the Schottenring U station. The rest of the road connecting to Stubenring is running along the Franz-Josefs-Kai.

History and significance of the Ringstrasse

Vienna’s iconic Ringstrasse is not just a boulevard; it’s a testament to the city’s rich history and cultural heritage. The construction of this magnificent ring road began in the mid-19th century, as Emperor Franz Joseph I sought to transform Vienna into a modern metropolis.

The decision to build the Ringstrasse was groundbreaking at the time, as it involved demolishing medieval fortifications that had surrounded the city for centuries. This bold move opened up new possibilities for urban development and allowed Vienna to expand beyond its traditional boundaries.

The construction of the Ringstrasse was an ambitious project that took several decades to complete. Architects and designers from around Europe were commissioned to create grand buildings along its route, resulting in an architectural masterpiece showcasing various styles such as Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Art Nouveau.

Vienna Through a Lens

Beyond its architectural splendor, the significance of the Ringstrasse lies in its role as a symbol of progress and modernity during a transformative period in Austrian history. It became a vibrant hub where Viennese society congregated – attending concerts at Musikverein or enjoying coffee at one of many elegant cafes lining nearby streets.

Moreover, this grand boulevard has witnessed significant events throughout history – from political rallies during turbulent times to celebratory parades marking important milestones. The Ringstrasse embodies both triumphs and challenges faced by Vienna over generations.

In essence, exploring the Ringstrasse immerses visitors in Vienna’s rich tapestry of culture, artistry,and innovation – all woven together within this 5-kilometer masterpiece encircling the heart of the city. It’s a journey that allows you to uncover

Must-visit landmarks along the Ringstrasse

One of the main highlights of exploring Vienna’s Ringstrasse is the opportunity to visit its iconic landmarks. These architectural marvels are not only visually stunning but also hold immense historical and cultural significance.

Starting off our journey along the Ringstrasse, we come across the magnificent Vienna State Opera. This world-renowned opera house has hosted countless performances by some of the greatest artists in history. Its grandeur and elegance make it a must-see for any visitor to Vienna.

Continuing down this historic boulevard, we encounter another impressive structure – the neo-Gothic City Hall (Rathaus). With its towering spires and intricate façade, it serves as a symbol of Viennese civic pride. The Rathausplatz in front of it becomes a vibrant hub during festivals and Christmas markets.

Vienna: Meet Strauss Life Private Guided Walking Tour

As we stroll further along, we reach one of Vienna’s most famous landmarks: the Parliament Building (Parlament). Designed in Greek Revival style, its imposing columns and statues leave visitors awe-struck. Nearby, you will find Burgtheater – Austria’s national theater known for its exceptional productions.

To truly appreciate Viennese artistry, a visit to Kunsthistorisches Museum is essential. Housing an extensive collection ranging from Egyptian artifacts to works by Old Masters like Vermeer and Bruegel; this museum showcases centuries’ worth of artistic brilliance under one roof.

These are just a few of the many must-visit landmarks along Vienna’s Ringstrasse. Each one

Exploring the architectural marvels of the Ringstrasse

Exploring the architectural marvels of the Ringstrasse is like stepping into a grandiose open-air museum. As you stroll along this iconic boulevard in Vienna, you’ll be captivated by the stunning examples of architecture that line its streets.

First on your architectural journey is the magnificent Vienna State Opera. Its imposing façade and ornate detailing make it a true masterpiece. Step inside to experience world-class performances in an opulent setting.

Next, make your way to the neo-Gothic Rathaus (City Hall), with its towering spires and intricate carvings. This impressive building serves as both a symbol of political power and a venue for cultural events.

Further along, you’ll encounter the Parliament Building, an exquisite example of Greek Revival architecture. Marvel at its grandeur as you appreciate its intricate columns and statues representing historical figures.

Don’t miss out on visiting one of Vienna’s most famous landmarks – the Burgtheater. Known as one of Europe’s greatest theaters, it boasts an unmatched elegance that transports visitors back in time.

Continuing your journey, discover the breathtaking Votivkirche (Votive Church). Admire its Gothic Revival style with delicate stained glass windows illuminating its interior.

Each architectural gem along the Ringstrasse tells a story of Vienna’s rich history and artistic prowess. Soak up their beauty as they stand tall against time, weaving together past and present seamlessly on this remarkable boulevard

Discovering the cultural attractions of the Ringstrasse

The Ringstrasse in Vienna is not just a boulevard of architectural wonders, but also a hub for cultural attractions that showcase the city’s rich heritage. As you stroll along this iconic street, be prepared to immerse yourself in an array of museums, theaters, and historical landmarks that will transport you back in time.

One of the must-visit cultural attractions along the Ringstrasse is the Vienna State Opera. With its stunning Neo-Renaissance architecture and world-class performances, it has become synonymous with Viennese culture. Catching a show here is an absolute must for any visitor.

Another noteworthy stop is the Kunsthistorisches Museum, which houses an impressive collection of art from various periods. From classical paintings by renowned masters to ancient artifacts and decorative arts, this museum offers a fascinating glimpse into European art history.

For those interested in music, no visit to Vienna would be complete without exploring the House of Music. This interactive museum takes visitors on a journey through Austria’s musical legacy, featuring exhibits dedicated to famous composers such as Mozart and Beethoven.

Bicycle tour - Vienna Complete

Pay a visit to The Burgtheater – one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious theaters – known for showcasing exceptional performances ranging from classic dramas to contemporary plays. Step inside this architectural gem and experience firsthand why Vienna is considered one of Europe’s theater capitals.

Discovering these cultural attractions along the Ringstrasse will undoubtedly leave you with lasting memories and deepen your appreciation for Vienna’s artistic heritage

Enjoying the green spaces and parks along the Ringstrasse

Enjoying the green spaces and parks along the Ringstrasse is a delightful experience that allows you to escape the hustle and bustle of Vienna’s city center. As you stroll along this iconic boulevard, you’ll discover several tranquil oases where you can relax and rejuvenate.

One such oasis is Stadtpark, located near the historic heart of Vienna. This picturesque park boasts beautifully manicured lawns, serene ponds, and charming sculptures. It’s the perfect spot for a leisurely picnic or a peaceful walk amidst nature.

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For those seeking more expansive greenery, Volksgarten is an ideal choice. Known for its vibrant flowerbeds and fragrant rose gardens, this park showcases Vienna’s love for horticulture at its finest. It also houses beautiful monuments like Theseus Temple and Empress Elisabeth’s monument.

Don’t miss out on Rathauspark, located in front of Vienna City Hall (Rathaus). With wide open spaces dotted with trees and flowers, it offers plenty of opportunities for relaxation and leisure activities. During summer evenings, it often hosts outdoor concerts where locals gather to enjoy music under starlit skies.

Exploring these green spaces along the Ringstrasse provides a welcome respite from sightseeing in Vienna. Whether you’re looking to unwind with a good book or simply take in some fresh air amidst lush surroundings – these parks are sure to deliver an unforgettable experience!

Tips for navigating the Ringstrasse and getting around Vienna

Navigating the Ringstrasse and getting around Vienna can be a breeze with a few handy tips. First, consider purchasing a Vienna City Card, which offers unlimited public transportation access and discounts to various attractions along the Ringstrasse.

The tram is an excellent way to explore the boulevard, providing panoramic views as you glide past magnificent landmarks. Hop on Tram Line 1 for a full loop of the Ringstrasse or take Tram Line 2 for a shorter but equally delightful ride. Total ride by the tram lines lasts about 30 minutes.

Vienna city center tour

For those who enjoy cycling, rent a bike and pedal your way through Vienna’s streets. The city has an excellent network of bike lanes that make exploring safe and enjoyable. You can bike with a moderate speed within 40 minutes.

To enhance your experience further, consider taking one of the many guided tours available in Vienna . These tours provide fascinating insights into the history and culture of both the Ringstrasse and the city itself.

Don’t forget about Vienna’s efficient public transportation system outside of the Ringstrasse. The subway (U-Bahn), buses, and trams can get you anywhere in Vienna quickly and conveniently.

With these tips in mind, navigating around Vienna will be a breeze! So go ahead and immerse yourself in all that this magnificent city has to offer along its enchanting Ringstrasse!

The Ringstrasse in popular culture and its impact on Vienna’s identity

The Ringstrasse in Vienna is not only a physical boulevard that encircles the city’s historic center but also an iconic symbol of Vienna’s identity and cultural significance. Throughout the years, the Ringstrasse has become deeply embedded in popular culture, serving as a backdrop for movies, literature, and art.

In film, the Ringstrasse has been featured prominently in various productions, showcasing its grandeur and architectural beauty. From classic films like “The Third Man” to modern hits like “Before Sunrise,” the boulevard has provided filmmakers with a picturesque setting that captures both the elegance and history of Vienna.

A box for a romantic walk in the city center of Vienna

Moreover, artists have long been captivated by the charm of the Ringstrasse. Paintings depicting its stunning architecture can be found in galleries around the world. Its ornate buildings provide endless inspiration for visual artists seeking to portray Vienna’s unique character on canvas.

Furthermore, beyond its presence in creative mediums, the Ringstrasse plays an essential role in shaping Vienna’s identity as a cultural capital. It serves as a constant reminder of Austria’s rich heritage and artistic legacy while also embodying its commitment to progress and modernity.

The impact of this magnificent boulevard extends far beyond aesthetics; it represents unity among diverse communities within Vienna. The construction of such an ambitious project brought together architects, engineers, craftsmen from all backgrounds – resulting in an unparalleled collaboration that mirrors Austria’s commitment to inclusivity.

By weaving itself into popular culture over time, the Ringstrasse continues to influence how both locals and visitors perceive Vienna’s rich cultural tapestry. It serves as a reminder of the city’s historical grandeur, its modern progress, and its commitment to unity amongst diversity.

The Ringstrasse is thus a symbol of Vienna’s identity that continues to shape and inspire its citizens today.

Planning your visit to the Ringstrasse – recommended itinerary and a map

Planning your visit to the Ringstrasse is essential to make the most of this iconic boulevard in Vienna. With its numerous attractions and stunning architecture, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start and how much time to allocate for each stop. To help you plan your itinerary, here are some recommended highlights along the Ringstrasse.

Private Photo Tour in Vienna

Continue your journey by visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral , a breathtaking Gothic masterpiece that dominates Vienna’s skyline. From there, take a stroll through Graben Street with its elegant shops and cafes before reaching Albertina Museum for an art fix.

Another must-visit landmark is Rathaus, Vienna’s City Hall adorned with Neo-Gothic architectural details. The nearby Burgtheater is also worth exploring if you appreciate theater and history.

As you continue along the Ringstrasse, make sure not to miss Belvedere Palace with its stunning baroque architecture and world-class art collection. And finally, end your tour at Schönbrunn Palace – a UNESCO World Heritage site that offers incredible insights into imperial life.

To navigate around these attractions seamlessly, utilizing a map or guidebook will prove invaluable during your visit. Take note of opening hours for each location as they may vary throughout different seasons or due to special events.

By planning ahead and mapping out your desired route while leaving room for spontaneous detours or breaks at charming cafes along the way; you’ll ensure an unforgettable experience exploring Vienna’s majestic Ringstrasse!

The map is at the bottom of this article.

Conclusion – Why the Ringstrasse is a must-see destination in Vienna

The Ringstrasse holds a special place in the hearts of Viennese locals and visitors alike. Its rich history, magnificent architecture, cultural attractions, and picturesque green spaces make it an unmissable experience for anyone exploring Vienna.

From its humble beginnings as a defensive wall to its transformation into one of the world’s most beautiful boulevards, the Ringstrasse tells the story of Vienna’s evolution through time. As you stroll along this iconic road, you’ll be transported back to a bygone era filled with grandeur and elegance.

The landmarks that line the Ringstrasse are nothing short of breathtaking. From the majestic Vienna State Opera House to the imposing Parliament building and the resplendent City Hall, each structure is a testament to architectural brilliance. Marvel at their intricate details, snap photos against their impressive facades or take guided tours to delve deeper into their histories.

Half-day bike tour in Vienna

As you explore further along the Ringstrasse, don’t forget to take advantage of its lush green spaces and parks. Whether you’re looking for a serene spot for a picnic or simply want to relax amidst nature’s beauty after hours spent sightseeing, these peaceful oases provide solace from city life.

Navigating around Vienna couldn’t be easier thanks to excellent public transportation options like trams and buses that run alongside or intersect with the Ringstrasse regularly. Take advantage of these convenient modes of transport or opt for leisurely walks between attractions if you prefer soaking up every detail along your journey.

Beyond being an architectural marvel and a cultural hub, the Ringstrasse has also left its mark on popular culture. It has featured in films, plays and even literature – a testament to its timeless charm.

From its roots as Vienna’s city wall to one of the most iconic destinations in Europe, the Ringstrasse is truly a must-see destination in Vienna. Whether it’s your first visit or you’re returning for another round of exploring, the Ringstrasse will provide you with memories that last a lifetime.



How to get there

Vienna Ring Road circles Vienna’s first district and any section is reachable on foot. There are plenty of public transport options available, but the best are trams number 1 and 2.

Special notice

While walking along the Ring Road, be careful to walk on a pedestrian paths and not go to cycling paths, because you might get hit by cyclists or riders on scooters who might go quite fast. All the areas for walking and cycling are marked.

Barrier-Free Access


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1 Hour Vienna Ring Tour Featuring Top 31 Attraction Points

ring tours vienna

  • 60 Mins tour
  • Albertinapl. 2, 1010 Wien, Austria
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Service animals allowed
  • Near public transportation
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Most travelers can participate
  • This experience requires a minimum number of travelers. If it’s canceled because the minimum isn’t met, you’ll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund
  • This tour/activity will have a maximum of 7 travelers
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
  • You'll start at Albertinapl. 2 Albertinapl. 2, 1010 Wien, Austria See address & details
  • Pass by The Hofburg Osterreichisches Parlament Burgtheater Rathaus Votivkirche Minoritenkirche Wiener Staatsoper Albertina Karlsplatz Maria Theresien Square Spanish Riding School Michaelerplatz Vienna University of Economics and Business Sigmund-Freud-Park Am Hof Kirche am Hof St. Michael's Church Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Denkmal Furst zu Schwarzenberg Otto Wagner Pavillon Karlsplatz Akademie der bildenden Kunste Mozart Monument Secession Building (Secessionsgebaude) Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna Natural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum) Heldendenkmal der Roten Armee MuseumsQuartier Wien Volksgarten Burggarten Musikvereinsplatz Albertina Modern
  • You'll return to the starting point

ring tours vienna

  • federicol683 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great way to get a quick nocturnal overview of Vienna. This is a great way to get a quick overview (1hr) of parts of the old city and the Ringstrasse , particularly if the weather is nice (blankets provided) . Less traffic at night , so makes it easier to get around . We did not indulge in the Prosecco , but it’s there for the taking . The electric “antique” cart moves slowly enough to take in the sights which are all well lit at night . Our driver was very helpful and nice , despite his English just being ok . Read more Written May 24, 2024
  • JDSSouthport 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Excellent Vienna City tour in vintage car Excellent tour. Excellent guide - excellent English - pointed out lots of interesting sites and gave information about them. Even gave us a rug for our knees. Good value for money. One hour long trip. Read more Written May 18, 2024
  • drjavedrasheed 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles A great experience & a travellers delight Went around in the vintage car on the 17th of May 2024 in the evening between 5 pm to 6 pm. The tour lasted for an hour as you are picked up from your hotel and driven around all the interesting and historical land marks that include palaces, downtown, museums, Opera House, churches,restaurants, Austrian parliament, historical sites, parks, statues signifying landmarks in history as the chauffeur drives and also gives you a commentary explaining every minute detail. A travellers delight ! Dr. Javed Rasheed Read more Written May 17, 2024
  • Z3584JFkevinp 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles DO NOT FALL FOR THIS COMPANY'S BAIT AND SWITCH FRAUD! In March of 2024 we privately booked the Imperial E-Carriage Sightseeing Tour with Drinks. While we were inflight to Vienna we got an email that the Imperial E-Carriage was cross booked and we were offered something different. Bait and Switch. We said no and asked for a refund. Each day, we were there we asked for a refund and for confirmation that they issued a refund. Although we received confirmation of the payment back in March, we never received a receipt that the refund was issued. We kept asking and were sent less than generic messages, "we issued you a refund" .... One month later I decided to go to my bank and ask about the refund. GUESS WHAT .... NO REFUND! Not only was this a Bait and Switch ... it is also FRAUD. DO NOT BOOK with this company. Today, I had to file a claim with my bank, have my debit card cancelled and now I have to wait for a new card to be issued. We really thought this would have been awesome to ride around in a Royal Carriage, just like the Hapsburgs, on the streets of Vienna. Instead, I'm sitting here even more upset that we got screwed over by this company. There are no words for what I am feeling right now. DON'T FALL FOR THIS COMPANY'S BAIT AND SWITCH FRAUD! Read more Written May 6, 2024
  • loraines520 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Highly recommend. Don’t visit Vienna without doing this Excellent tour of Vienna. Highly recommend. Although it was cold wee were given blankets and the car was very comfortable. We didn’t drink much of the Prosecco though as it was so cold and car is a bit of a bumpy ride through cobbled streets so don’t recommend paying extra for the drink. Guide spoke perfect English and was very friendly and knowledgeable Read more Written December 17, 2023
  • KRIS T 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Hit all the sites with descriptions along the way The ride was very nice and we hit all the sites. Our driver Ernesto also spoke Spanish which was nice. He narrated the whole tour and was super friendly. I would recommend this tour to see all the sites. Read more Written November 13, 2023
  • Marcel_D2013 0 contributions 3.0 of 5 bubbles Tour with very slow electro car Bad communication via email. Do not respond to mail. Booked and paid, but driver didn’t show up. Called to ask about it and had to explain everything once more. Owner showed up at the hotel to apologize and did send the driver within 30 minutes. Driver was nice, but couldn’t hear almost nothing what he told because of street noise. Didn’t drive the tour we booked, but instead drove around the city center. That was really bad because we could easily walk the same route. Too expensive for what you get so therefore wouldn’t recommend Read more Written July 17, 2023
  • 764RachelL 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles A Vienna experience Perfect trip around Vienna with our guide. Arrived on time. Blankets available to keep your legs warm. Very informative tour by our young guide. Read more Written November 29, 2022
  • AgPar65 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles attention - FRAUD Royal e-car Tours is selling tours also using 2 another company names. They take money from people and never show up at the meeting place. They sell 'tours' on at least 2 different websites and on Tripadvisor. I bought a tour on one of their site. Day before the trip and got a message reminding me of the next day tour. I was waiting with my disabled husband in the heat one hour. Nobody showed up. No calls. No messages. Only about 2 hours after that I finally got a message that the tour was cancelled. Only after my bad review online I got a message from them about refund but no refund so far. I noticed I am not the only person that was cheated be them. They should be banned from Tripadvisor. Read more Written September 2, 2022
  • LostALot22 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Nice tour I did this tour and really enjoyed it. You see a lot of the city in a short period. The driver was knowledgeable and took a good route. Well worth the money. Really fun. Read more Written August 1, 2022
  • Angela W 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles An overview of Vienna It was a great overview of the city. Our guide knew a lot of the history and was a good photographer so that we could get group shots. The only drawback was that the tour only included pickup and not drop off at the hotel. Read more Written July 2, 2022
  • wandafJ424NA 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Great experience The 30 min tour with the driver Kurt was great. He has very friendly and made an effort to learn our names, took some photos of us and just made sure that we had a great time. We got to see more of beautiful Vienna while he told us about the beautiful buildings etc. Read more Written April 30, 2022
  • Agredable 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Diamond Tour - Fantastic experience An amazing, funny, entertaining experience particularly for a special occasion. You do not go unnoticed driving around Vienna on one of these. The driver who I forgot to get his name was perfect for this and is an asset and a credit to the company. Highly recommend, especially for a special occasion. Read more Written October 15, 2021
  • ArielA268 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Feel like a royal in old Vienna! We visited Vienna and saw those amazing cool old-timer E-cars and had to do the sightseeing on it! Have to admit it felt very special and the information about everything on our route was impressive! Highly recommended, don't miss out! Read more Written March 31, 2021
  • Krisztinsbalo 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Toptour We did a tour today with the red car The driver spoke to us very polite and respectful He showed us the best sights in the city with enough information of places Thanks,we enjoyed this tour very much Read more Written February 24, 2020

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Gediz D

1 Hour Vienna Ring Tour Featuring Top 31 Attraction Points provided by Royal e-car Tours

Vienna attractions - Top sights in Vienna

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Rings Tours

Vienna Ring sightseeing tours is Recommended by TripAdvisor travelers, unique, special, and memorable way to experience Vienna like never before is to enjoy a spectacular Vienna Ring tours.

These tours offer an extraordinary sightseeing tour takes you to see more then 35 Vienna top attractions the most significant monuments in Vienna, tour takes you to see so many incredible parts of this majestic city, including Burgtor / Heldenplatz, the Imperial Palace, the Austrian Parliament, the Court Theatre, the Town Hall, the Votive Church, the Church of St. Charles, the Vienna State Opera, Albertina Square, the Secession building, the Museum of History of Art.

The tour lasts for one fantastic hour and is offered in both German and English. 

For more info and booking

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Vienna Unwrapped Inspiration and Planning For Independent Travellers who are visiting Vienna

Vienna Tours self guided: Michaelerplatz passageway in Vienna

Vienna Tours Self Guided: How To Explore Vienna On Your Own

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Vienna Tours Self Guided. If you are not into guided tours, even self guided trips are easy to do in Wien. As a matter of fact, Vienna is compact, well structured, not overcrowded and has one of the best public transport systems in Europe. On top, you will connect to the city on a truly local level as you will move around the same way as many of us do: by tram, on foot and by bike. 

Vienna Ringtram

Vienna Tours Self Guided.  For a great first orientation of the city tour the  Ring boulevard ( Ringstrasse )  by the yellow Vienna Ringtram. This is the only tramway covering the whole Ring. The 25 minutes trip includes an overview about the attractions on your way through videos on LCD screens and audiophones in multiple languages in the carriages. In addition, the tour is also great value for money. The tramway starts and stops at central Schwedenplatz at 10 min walk from St. Stephen’s Cathedral. 

Hours of operation : daily, between 10.00 am and 5.30 pm Tickets:  EUR 12 per tour (EUR 6 for children between 6 and 15 years); a Ringtram ride is also included in the VIENNA PASS

Other Vienna Trams With Scenic Routes

Vienna tours self guided: tramway D

My favourite scenic tramway is the ‘ D-Wagen ‘: Get in at Belvedere Castle, then pass Schwarzenbergplatz and onto Ringstrasse boulevard with the State Opera, Austrian Parliament, Vienna City Hall, and through the ninth district up to the local wineries and vineyards of Grinzing .

To get a flavor of Vienna’s top central neighborhoods, just board tramway no 5 , possible just after visiting Prater and he Giant Ferris wheel . Starting from Praterstern, you will cruise along the former Jewish quarter of Leopoldstadt and Alsergrund district before passing Josefstadt , Vienna’s ‘beletage’. Continue along trendy Neubau district before stopping at Westbahnhof train station, where busy Mariahilfer Strasse shopping high street starts.

Self Guided Walks

baroque courtyard at Vienna's Ulrichsplatz

For practical guidance ind inspiration I have collected a range of my favourite local walks, including mapped out walking routes – just access them in  Vienna Walks .

Rent A Bike

Vienna Tours Self Guided. Renting a bike with a bike rental firm gives you all the freedom to explore Vienna on your own. Vienna is largely flat and its network of bike paths covers more than 1,050 kilometres.

Vienna City bikes

Electric Bikes

Vienna Tours Self Guided. Bike rental firm  enzovelo  offers high quality city and tour bikes as well as  electric bikes . You can rent international top brands such as Flyer, koga miyata, maxcycles, and Raleigh. T:  0043 (1) 310 05 45 E:  [email protected]

Rent A Vienna City Bike

Vienna Tours Self Guided. Rent a Citybike like the locals for your self guided Vienna tour. Vienna’s City Bike system has more than  80 bike stations  which can be used 24/7 every day of the year. While the locals need to register to be able to rent a bike, visitors can borrow a  Citybike Tourist Card  for EUR 2 per day and per bike, and then pay an hourly fee between EUR 1 and EUR 4, whereby the first hour is free.

While the Citybike is a low cost option, it does not include accessories like helmets, rain ponchos or children’s bike seats. There is also no delivery service to your hotel, or bike maps included.

Click here for  a map of city bike stations in the centre.

Ask your  hotel or Bed and Breakfast  whether you can borrow the  Citybike Tourist Card . Alternatively, go to tour operator  Royal Tours .

Location:  Herrengasse 1-3, A-1010 Vienna (close to Cafe Central)

Opening hours:  daily from 8am to 11.30am and 1pm to 6pm

To get your very own itinerary for truly informed self explorations of Vienna find out about Vienna Unwrapped’s individual trip planning service. compare these self-guided tour options with guided  Vienna Tours back to Vienna Unwrapped homepage

Schoenberg Fundamentals of Musical Composition 1937-1948, Schoenberg Center Vienna

Arnold Schoenberg – His Life And Musical Style

In 2024 Vienna celebrates the 150th anniversary of Arnold Schönberg. The Austrian Jewish composer and …


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63 excursions and activities in Vienna

Schönbrunn Palace Tour

Schönbrunn Palace Tour

Belvedere Museum Entrance Ticket

Belvedere Museum Entrance Ticket

With this entrance ticket to the Belvedere Museum, you'll visit one of the most important art collections in Austria and see famous works like Klimt's  The Kiss !

Hitler's Vienna Tour

Hitler's Vienna Tour

Bratislava Day Trip & Danube Cruise

Bratislava Day Trip & Danube Cruise

Mozart Concert at the Musikverein

Mozart Concert at the Musikverein

Attending a classical music concert in the Musikverein is a must if you're in Vienna. Experience Mozart's most famous works in an unforgettable setting!

Hallstatt Day Trip

Hallstatt Day Trip

Transfers in Vienna

Transfers in Vienna

Vienna Big Bus Hop-On Hop-Off Tour

Vienna Big Bus Hop-On Hop-Off Tour

Haus der Musik Ticket

Haus der Musik Ticket

Free Tour of Vienna at Night

Free Tour of Vienna at Night

Vienna By Night Sightseeing Tour

Vienna By Night Sightseeing Tour

Sissi Tour of the Hofburg Palace

Sissi Tour of the Hofburg Palace

Ticket to Mozart's House

Ticket to Mozart's House

Vienna Kayak Tour

Vienna Kayak Tour

Classical Music Concert in the Kursalon

Classical Music Concert in the Kursalon

Saint Peter's Church Concert

Saint Peter's Church Concert

Albertina Museum Tickets

Albertina Museum Tickets

Entrance to the Albertina Modern Museum

Entrance to the Albertina Modern Museum

With this ticket to the Albertina Modern Museum , you can visit one of the most important collections of modern and contemporary art in the world!

Stadttempel Synagogue Tour

Stadttempel Synagogue Tour

Explore Vienna's most famous synagogue  on this tour of the Stadttempel. We'll learn about the history of this community and why it's so important.

Schönbrunn Tourist Train

Schönbrunn Tourist Train

Weltmuseum Ticket

Weltmuseum Ticket

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Vienna Ring Tram: Travel guide by rail

In the 30-minute interval from schwedenplatz.

A tram ride of a special kind offer. On tour with the Vienna Ring Tram , the “Bim” (= tram) travelers will learn about the sights via screens and headphones.

This way, information about the buildings that are being passed is transmitted in real time. Among other things to State Opera and Hofburg , Parliament and City Hall or the various sumptuous Palais along the boulevard of the Boulevard of Vienna .

die gelbe Wiener Ring Tram in Fahrt

A ride on the Vienna Ring Tram Tour

The almost half-hour drive is accompanied by eight different languages – from German and English to Spanish and Japanese. For all fans of the “Mundl” (= the nationally known TV character of a “real Viennese”, who does not mince his words – presented by actor Karl Merkatz), the dialect of Merkatz can also be selected.

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Extra for Kids : You can also book your own children’s tours – especially for schools, a fun and instructive ride is possible.

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ring tours vienna

ring tours vienna

The 12 best things to do in Vienna

V ienna seems awfully grand at first glance, with its wow-eliciting clutch of imperial palaces and art-rammed galleries (courtesy of the Hapsburgs who ruled here for more than 600 years). But there’s more to the Austrian capital than the obvious big-hitters: go on a self-guided tram tour, talk to strangers at 'Coffeehouse Conversations', chill on the Danube Island, or hook onto a guided tour with a homeless resident and you’ll see one of Europe’s greatest cities from totally new and unexpected angles. Topping the polls in quality of living surveys most years, this city never loses its touch.

Below our expert shares her highlights among Vienna's wealth of attractions. For further inspiration, see our guides to the city's best  hotels ,  restaurants ,  nightlife  and  coffeehouses , plus how to spend a  weekend in Vienna . 

Find things to do by area

City centre (1st district), leopoldstadt (2nd district), landstrasse (3rd district).

  • Nebau (7th district)

Hietzing (13th district)

Donaustadt (22nd district), liesing (23rd district), take a spin of the ring by tram.

Encircling the historic centre like a charm bracelet, Ringstrasse boulevard is a magnificent showcase of grand and glorious architecture. Here you can get your bearings while tracing Vienna's evolution from walled small town to powerful Empire and finally modern green city. Keep a look out for the lavishly stuccoed Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum), the whimsically turreted, neo-Gothic Rathaus (City Hall) and the monumental Heroes' Gate leading to the Hofburg Palace.

Insider's tip: Take tram 1 from Schwedenplatz and then tram 2 for a round trip of the Ring for the price of a standard ticket. This is most atmospheric in the early evening when the city starts to twinkle.

Contact: wienerlinien.at

Nearest metro: Schwedenplatz

Climb to the top of a Gothic cathedral

Affectionately called ‘Steffl’ by the Viennese, St Stephen's Cathedral takes pride of place in the city’s historic Innere Stadt. Its distinctive polychrome mosaic roof of 230,000 glazed tiles shimmers just underneath the North Tower's viewing platform. The main nave with its baroque high altar and late-Gothic pulpit impress inside. Try and catch a service here – during these times, otherwise-closed gates are swung open for worshippers.

Insider's tip:  It’s well worth puffing up 343 steps to the top of the 136m-high South Tower to see Vienna open up like a pop-up book before you, with views reaching over the city’s domes, spires and rooftops to the hills beyond. If you're visiting at Christmas, attend an advent concert.

Contact: stephanskirche.at

Nearest metro: Stephansplatz (U1, U3)

Tune into Vienna’s social side

If you're looking for a walking tour with a difference, try this one for size. Shades runs edgy, insightful two-hour ambles through the city, which are led by members of Vienna's homeless population. Kicking off at a central meeting point, the offbeat tours dive into lesser-known corners of the Innere Stadt, with guides sharing their moving stories in the process. This is a side to Vienna that few get to see.

Insider's tip: Shades has recently broadened its offer and now offers guided walks with refugees and former drug addicts, too. Asking questions is encouraged and the tours help to bridge the gap between perceived prejudices and reality. 

Contact:   shades-tours.com

Nearest metro:  Neubaugasse (U3)

Price:  ££ 

Revel in imperial riches

Few European palaces can outpomp the 600-year-old former abode of the Hapsburg royals, which today houses a lavish mix of museums and ministries, a chapel and a library. The most peculiar site in the Hofburg is undoubtedly the exercise room of Empress Sisi, a 19th-century fitness pioneer: her wooden gymnastics rings still dangle from a palatial door frame. Don't miss the particularly blingy Imperial Treasury or the striking baroque library (Nationalbibliothek).

Insider's tip:  Sneak into Hofburg using a passageway left of Palmenhaus and onto Schweizerhof and Hofburg Chapel to discover its earliest remains. Join locals for summer picnics in the sculpture-dotted Burggarten or for drinks on the terrace of the Art Nouveau Palmenhaus.

Contact: sisimuseum-hofburg.at

Nearest metro: Herrengasse (U3)

Marvel at Old Master paintings

Beauty, power and drama ooze from the Habsburgs' collection of fine art at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Lodged in a palatial neoclassical building, this museum presents a fascinating romp through fine arts: from Ancient Egypt and Rome to the Renaissance and Baroque. The undoubted highlight is the Picture Gallery where masterpieces like Pieter Bruegel the Elder's astonishingly detailed Tower of Babel , Raphael's Madonna of the Meadow (1506) and Caravaggio’s David with the Head of Goliath (1607) enthral.

Insider's tip:  Stop at the museum’s sumptuous café underneath the dome for a Viennese coffee or bite to eat. On the main staircase, keep an eye out for Klimt’s cycle of frescoes depicting major periods in art history.

Contact:   khm.at

Nearest metro: Museumsquartier (U2)

Price:  ££

Speak with strangers

If you’ve ever fancied sharing your deepest secrets, regrets and desires with a total stranger but haven’t dared, now’s your chance. A one-off way to slip under the skin of the city, the monthly Coffeehouse Conversations, run by witty British expat Eugene Quinn,  give you the chance to meet a local over evening drinks at one of the grand coffeehouses on the Ringstrasse. Simply turn up with an open mind and sociable spirit. You’ll be presented with a probing question ‘menu’ of appetizers, meatier mains and desserts. The idea is not to rush through the lot but to really take time to think about each question and give it due attention.

Insider’s tip: Can’t make the Coffeehouse Conversations? Check out Whoosh’s range of other quirkily alternative events, from Vienna Ugly tours to Smells like WIEN Spirit, an olfactory spin of the city. 

Contact: whoosh.wien

Nearest metro: Varies

Ride a charmingly old-fashioned Ferris wheel

A whirl on the Wiener Riesenrad giant Ferris wheel is a must for the far-reaching views out over Vienna (it goes slowly enough to play ‘spot the landmark’). Built by British engineers over 100 years ago, the Riesenrad has received a couple of facelifts, including an electronic one to brighten up the night sky. It's been featured in a number of films, including  The Third Man ,  The Living Daylights  and  Before Sunrise .

Insider's tip:  Coincide a ride, which only takes 20 minutes, with a wander in Vienna’s Prater, a vast park with chestnut-lined avenues, lawns and woods for strolling, cycling and jogging. Or linger in the Wurstelprater for all the fun of the fair.

Contact:   wienerriesenrad.com

Nearest metro: Praterstern (U1, U2)

Price:  £

Go in for The Kiss

Schloss Belvedere encompasses two palaces linked by French-style formal gardens that are guarded by winged sphinxes. It is vast, magnificent and worthy of at least half a day’s excursion. The baroque halls of the Upper Belvedere reel in Klimt fans with golden wonders such as The Kiss (1908) and Judith (1901) while the Lower Belvedere impresses with lavish state apartments where Hapsburg royalty once swanned around. 

Insider’s tip: Tie in your visit with a peek in Belvedere 21, a showcase of modern and contemporary art in a glass-and-steel building, with a sculpture garden perfect for warm days. See the website for details on the latest rotating exhibitions. 

Contact: belvedere.at

Nearest metro: Hauptbahnhof (U1)

Neubau (7th district)

Peruse pop art at museumsquartier.

Vienna's largest museum complex, also known as MQ, is unmissable for modern art fans. In the Leopold Museum, don’t miss Schiele's provocative yet vulnerable female nudes, and his self-portraits, which offer a chilling taste of the spiritual abyss that characterised early-20th-century Vienna. Perhaps the most compelling thing about the Mumok gallery, set to reopen post revamp in summer 2024,  is how it juxtaposes international pop art and radical Austrian pieces.

Insider's tip: MQ's iconic Enzi lounge sofas in the courtyard are a nice place for a rest after traipsing around the gallery. Have your lunch at popular Glacis Beisl tavern, with a lovely outdoor space behind Mumok.

Contact:   mqw.at

Explore fabulous formal gardens

Once the Habsburgs' summer residence, sumptuous Schönbrunn Palace warrants a day in itself, particularly in good weather. Audio guide tours whisk you through opulent, chandelier-lit state apartments, including the frescoed, mirror-clad Spiegelsaal where Mozart gave his first public performance aged six in 1762. Allow ample time for a saunter in the formal baroque gardens, with leafy avenues, mock Roman ruins, a maze and the Neptune Fountain.

Insider's tip: Head up to the Gloriette for a drink and sweeping views over the palace grounds and city. Or if you've children in tow, take them to see the Giant Pandas in Tiergarten Schönbrunn , the world’s oldest zoo.

Contact:  schoenbrunn.at

Nearest metro: Schloss Schönbrunn (U4)

Price:  ££

Escape to an island in the Danube

When the heat gets too much to handle in summer, the Viennese flock to the 21km-long island of Donauinsel for a swim, barbecue or sunbathe (there are nudist sections should you be that way inclined). To ramp up the action, you can rent bikes, canoes, stand-up paddleboards and inline skates, and there’s even a surfing school, wakeboard and water ski lift and climbing park. And the hottest new thing? Stand-up paddleboard yoga . In late June, the island hosts the Donauinselfest, a free music festival. 

Insider's tip: Vienna is miles from the nearest sea, but you’ll find beaches right here. Swing over to palm-dotted CopaBeach to crash on a deckchair and dig your toes in the sand, cocktail or beer in hand.

Sip wine among the vines

Vienna for wine? You bet. Just a quick tram or U-Bahn hop from the centre, vines march up hillsides above the gentle curve of the Danube. The Austrian city is the only capital in the world to grow substantial quantities of wine within its boundaries. To tune into the scene, visit one of its Heurigen, woodsy wine taverns on the city’s fringes that pop corks from spring to autumn. Coupled with a sprig of pine or fir, a sign proclaiming "Ausg'steckt" means the Heurigen are open for business. And they have been ever since Emperor Joseph II wangled it for local vintners to be able to serve homemade food and wine without a permit way back in 1784.

Insider's tip: One of the best Heurigen is Edlmoser in Vienna’s 23rd district, Liesing. The winery’s family tradition reaches back to 1374 and its  much-loved Heuriger has a rambling garden for enjoying wines like the full-bodied Vienna, a blend of Zweigelt und Sankt Laurent, with buffet specials like wild boar sausage and caraway roast.

With contributions by Diane Naar-Elphee and Barbara Cação.

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Vienna regularly comes top of the polls in quality of living surveys, and it's not hard to see why - bluejayphoto/bluejayphoto

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  • Tours & Walks

Through Vienna in a horse-drawn carriage

They are just as much a part of Vienna as St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Giant Ferris Wheel: the fiakers. For many tourists, a ride with the two-horse carriage is one of the highlights. There is almost no cozier way to explore Vienna’s attractions.

The term "fiaker" originates from the French and refers to the hackney carriage stand in the Parisian Rue de Saint Fiacre. In 1720, the carriages - which had previously been referred to as "Janschky" coaches in Vienna - were renamed "fiakers" (and numbered).

Then the carriage trade really began to boom: more than 1,000 fiakers were on the road in Vienna between 1860 and 1900. The carriage drivers were often characters that were known throughout the city and also sometimes performed as singers. They were appreciated for their discretion, especially when one or the other fine gentleman was amusing himself in the fiaker with his paramour. Probably most famous among them was Josef Bratfisch, the royal coachman of Crown Prince Rudolf, who brought the prince's lover Mary Vetsera to Mayerling in 1889, where both lives found a tragic end.

City center and Central Cemetery

Today it is hard to imagine the cityscape without the Viennese fiakers. You can find horse-drawn carriage stands in different areas of the city: Stephansplatz, Michaelerplatz, Albertinaplatz, Petersplatz and Burgtheater/Volksgarten. The short tour (approx. 20 min. through the centre of the Old City) costs € 60; the long tour (approx. 40 min. through the Ringstrasse and the Old City) € 105. You can also book individual sightseeing tours directly through the fiaker companies.

Horse-drawn carriage rides are also possible at the Central Cemetery : the carriage rank at gate 2 is occupied daily from 10.00 am to about 5.00 pm. The tour includes numerous memorial graves of prominent Viennese personalities (Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Hans Moser, Falco, Adolf Loos and many others), and also brings visitors closer to the cemetery's natural attractions. The short tour (30 min.) costs €65.00, the long one (60 min.) €110.00 per carriage (for 4 people). Rides operate from mid-March to November 1. Reservations on tel. +43 (0)699-181 540 22

Exclusive horse-drawn carriage experiences

During the tour "Secrets of the horse-drawn carriages", visitors are first taken on a guided tour of the stables on the outskirts of Vienna. On the premises of Fiaker Paul, you will learn interesting facts about horses and coachmen. Afterwards, a horse-drawn carriage takes visitors directly to the city center. The tour starts daily at 9.30 am from the meeting point at Rappachgasse 34a/corner of Wachthausgasse in the 11th district. Prices and booking

Riding Dinner also offers exclusive culinary horse-drawn carriage rides for one to four people through the city center. Food and drinks are procured from traditional Viennese restaurants and coffee houses such as Zum Schwarzen Kameel and Café Landtmann. Information, prices and booking: wien.ridingdinner.com

Horse Drawn Carriages for Wheelchair users

For wheelchair users and with an accompanying person in special carriages (wheelchairs: max. width 68 cm) Ascent, route and travel time by arrangement, price per hour: 130 Euro; Hudusan KG (Karl Neubauer), 2., Freudenau 65 Nr. 15

Contact: Fiaker Susi (Susanne Trummer) Mobile: +43 699 10602935 Only by prior arrangement!

For guests who can still take two small steps (with support), a second stage can be installed and you can sit comfortably on the bench. The wheelchair remains safe at the stand (but can also be carried when there is enough space). Round trips take place outside of the high-hours Mo-Thurs 11-18.00, because it means an extra time effort. Fri, Sat, Sun Departure exclusively 10.00 (no surcharges). The round trips start at the Burgtheater, enough space and rest to get on and off by ramp. Parking facilities around the Burgtheater available. Rides in the Prater/Lusthaus on request.

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Millie Bobby Brown gives close-up look at wedding band after secret Jake Bongiovi nuptials

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Millie Bobby Brown is rocking some new bling.

On Thursday, the actress took to Instagram to share a “Get un-ready with me” video — and in the process, showed off her shiny wedding ring.

Brown, 20, secretly married 22-year-old model Jake Bongiovi , the son of singer Jon Bon Jovi, earlier this month in a small, private ceremony.

Millie Bobby Brown shows off her wedding ring after marrying Jake Bongiovi

The couple was first seen sporting their new accessories ahead of Memorial Day Weekend , as they went on a shopping spree around the Hamptons. However, this was the first time that fans got to see the Florence by Mills founder’s band up close.

As the “Stranger Things” star brushed her teeth, took out her contacts, and applied purple pimple patches from her own brand, she flashed the diamond design, which matched her equally blinged-out engagement ring.

Still, Brown remained quiet about her milestone moment — and her jewels — simply captioning the post “💜” and choosing to promote her company instead.

She made sure to include some text over the clip, which revealed that both the products she was using and her pink pajamas were from Florence by Mills.

Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi

But while Brown hasn’t spoken out about the nuptials, her father-in-law did share a few details about her wedding day.

“It was a very small, family wedding and the bride looked gorgeous and Jake is happy as can be,” Bon Jovi, 62,  revealed on BBC’s “The One Show”  this week.

According to a source who spoke with The Sun , the couple is also “planning a bigger ceremony in the US later this year.”

Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi

Brown and Bongiovi were first rumored to be dating in June 2021 and confirmed their relationship later that year before making their red carpet debut at the BAFTAs in March 2022.

The Enola Holmes announced she was engaged in April 2023, posting a black-and-white photo with her beau while wearing a white lace look and a dazzling diamond ring.

“I’ve loved you three summers now, honey, I want ’em all 🤍,” she captioned the post, quoting lyrics from Taylor Swift’s “Lover.”

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Millie Bobby Brown shows off her wedding ring after marrying Jake Bongiovi



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