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25 Must-Visit Attractions in Brunei

By night, the lights of the Sultan Omar Ali Saiffudien Mosque glisten on the adjacent lagoon

The Sultanate of Brunei is known for mosques, virgin rainforest and the world’s largest floating village. Here are our top 25 attractions in Brunei for tourists staying in Bandar Seri Begawan on a stopover to those exploring the best of the country.

1. omar ali saifuddien mosque.

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque Brunei

The Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan is the most striking image of Brunei. An artificial lagoon-cum-reflecting pool surrounds the mosque which overlooks the Brunei River and Kampong Ayer. This is one of the most Instagramable attractions in Brunei. Any tour of the capital is sure to feature a visit to this iconic landmark.

2. Bandar Seri Begawan Waterfront

Architectural Landmark, Historical Landmark

Hugging the banks of the Brunei River, The Waterfront is an ideal place for a pleasant evening stroll. Apart from views of the river and Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, this is our favourite place to get photographs of Kampong Ayer.

Kampong Ayer

Always featured among the top attractions in Brunei, Kampong Ayer provides an experience found nowhere else on the planet. The historical floating village consists of more than 40 smaller settlements connected with a maze-like network of wooden boardwalks. A total of 13,000 residents live inside Kampong Ayer who have their own schools, mosques and shops. Speedboats cost approximately B$1 ($0.66 USD) to ferry residents and tourists to the world’s largest stilted village.

popular places to visit in brunei

3. Royal Regalia Museum

must visit attractions in bandar seri brunei

After seeing the palace, head to the Royal Regalia Museum and see his collection of gifts. From a giant chariot used in his silver jubilee to countless jewels and gold, the free museums offer a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of a Sultan .

4. Istana Nurul Iman

With almost 1,800 rooms, the Istana Nurul Iman is officially the world’s largest house. The Sultan’s palace lies a short drive from Bandar Seri Begawan’s city centre. Featuring as a favourite stop for day trippers, appreciating the vast size and splendour gives you an idea of the Sultan’s wealth. Tourists can’t go inside apart from during Hari Raya. Take photographs from the nearby river or park.

5. Gadong Night Market

Every evening at 4pm, Gadong Night Markets officially opens. Stalls sell local dishes including grilled fish and chicken. Because Bandar Seri Begawan gets so few tourists, the night market retains an authentic flair. If you want to soak up a bit of the Bruneian culture and taste regional cuisine, head to Gadong. Try nasi katok (steamed rice and Bruneian-style fried chicken with a spicy sauce).

6. Ulu Temburong National Park

Hiking Trail, Forest, Park

must visit attractions in bandar seri brunei

7. Jame' Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

most beautiful mosques in Brunei

The second of Brunei’s grand mosques sits a few kilometres from the city centre. With the title as the country’s largest mosque, it’s a favourite stop on short itineraries to Bandar Seri Begawan. But because of its size, you might have difficulties finding the perfect photograph!

8. Malay Technology Museum

Another must-visit attraction in Brunei for those looking to learn about the country’s culture. Several rooms have displays on Malay and Bruneian ethnography including a collection of traditional costumes. Others show how residents live in the floating village. Expect to spend approximately one hour at this museum .

9. Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum

10. twelve roofs house.

The former High Commissioner’s house is one of Brunei’s oldest buildings. Dating back to 1906, the colonial structure has deep ties to imperial Britain. After gaining their independence in 1984, the Twelve Roofs House has since become a museum. Inside, you’ll learn about the friendly relationship between Britain and Brunei and the Queen and the Sultan. We suggest visiting to appreciate the style of architecture and learn more about the evolution of modern-day Brunei.

11. Tasek Lama Recreational Park

Hiking Trail, Natural Feature

Tasek Lama sits a few kilometres north of Bandar Seri Begawan and provides a slice of nature in the heart of the city. Apart from a favourite picnicking spot for local families, the park has short trails through the jungle. Expect to spend an hour or two appreciating the rainforest habitat, snapping photos from viewing platforms and admiring the waterfalls.

12. Taman Persiaran Damuan Park

Park, Forest

must visit attractions in bandar seri brunei

We recommend this park as one of the top attractions in Brunei for every visitor to the country. Stretching along the Brunei River, the park is a haven for locals and families in the evening. The island in the centre houses monkeys including the endemic and endangered Proboscis Monkeys.

13. Muara Beach

Natural Feature

must visit attractions in bandar seri brunei

Brunei’s best beach is approximately 30 minutes by car from Bandar Seri Begawan. The clean stretch of coastline and adjacent parks has several benches for picnics, a jogging trail and a prime position to see Borneo’s famous sunset. Why not combine a day at the beach with a sunset picnic? But remember to respect local customs and leave the speedos and bikinis in the hotel.

14. Jerudong Park Playground

Amusement Park

must visit attractions in bandar seri brunei

When Jerudong Park opened in 1994, it was one of the largest theme parks in Asia. But after a lack of investment, it dwindled to a fraction of its former size. Despite having just a few rides and being rather uninspiring by European standards, it still gets classified as one of the top attractions in Brunei in guidebooks. We suggest considering a trip here if you’re visiting with children.

15. Tamu Kianggeh Market

must visit attractions in bandar seri brunei

Located near the Brunei River, Tamu Kianggeh sells fruit, veggies and fish. Other stalls have locally-made handicraft and souvenirs catering towards the stopover tourists in Bandar Seri Begawan. This is also our favourite place in the city to buy fresh tropical fruit.

16. Billionth Barrel Monument

The monument in Seria near the border with Sarawak commemorates Brunei’s production of its billionth barrel of oil. Offshore oil drives Brunei’s economy making it one of the wealthiest nations in Southeast Asia. Stop by for half an hour when passing between Miri and Brunei’s capital. But unless you have a car, it might not be worth the effort to travel from Bandar Seri Begawan specifically to see this monument.

17. Tasek Merimbun

Park, Natural Feature

Brunei’s largest lake sits some 70 kilometres (43 miles) from Bandar Seri Begawan. The ‘S’-shaped lake supports a variety of flora and fauna including a rare species of fruit bat. Apart from snapping photographs and enjoying the environment, tourists can take boat trips and visit the two lake islands. Because of its proximity to Tutong Town, why not visit both the lake and Seri Kenangan Beach as part of the same trip?

18. Pantai Seri Kenangan

In English, Pantai Seri Kanangan translates to ‘Unforgettable Beach’. The stretch of orange sand is sandwiched between the rough waters of the South China Sea and the relatively calm Tutong River. The best time to enjoy this attraction in Brunei is with a late afternoon picnic or during the sunset.

A mosque on stilts at Brunei’s University

The University Mosque in Brunei caters to local students and nearby villagers. With a stilted appearance and pointy golden-brown roofs, it manifests a simple yet modern design. A beautifully-tiled archway forms the entrance to the complex. Step inside to the brightly-lit prayer hall holding up to 1,800 worshippers.

The Eateries of Bandar Seri Begawan

Another one of the top reasons to visit Brunei is its food. The Sultanate’s strong cultural ties with Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia blend to create a delicious fusion of food. Restaurants in Bandar Seri Begawan sell typical Malay-style fried rice and noodles mixed with Indonesian favourites like spicy Rendang. Brunei combines the best of all regional cuisine, making it easy to find Bornean treats, fiery Indonesian food and local snacks.

Luagan Lalak

Our favourite place in Brunei to see the Bornean sunrise is at Luagan Lalak. Located near the Labi Forest Reserve to the west of Bandar Seri Begawan, the lake exudes beauty. A series of boardwalks span over the freshwater swamp’s surface. Footpaths and wooden bridges form a network around the surrounding park. You’ll need to drive more than an hour from Bandar Seri Begawan to witness this spectacular phenomenon. Plan to leave the city at 4.30am to get there in time for sunrise.

Pekan Tutong

Tutong Town some 40km (24.9mi) west of Bandar Seri Begawan offers a quiet beach retreat. The stretch of yellow-orange sand hugs the town along the Tutong River. Either visit on a day trip or spend the night in one of the guesthouses to enjoy the sunset. We also recommend checking out Sungai Basong Recreational Park, which includes hiking trails and a miniature ethnic village.

Bukit Ladan Forest Reserve

Located in Tutong District, Bukit Ladan Forest Reserve is among the most beautiful places in Brunei for nature lovers. Spanning 76sqkm (18,780 acres), the protected area offers hiking trails, picnicking spots and viewing platforms. With towering teak trees lining the paths and the occasional orchid, this provides the ultimate experience for fans of the outdoors. Climb the canopies to witness the dense green forest rolling over the hills towards the horizon. You’ll need to rent a car to see this natural wonder in Brunei. It’s not advisable to make the trip during the rainy season when flooded roads make access challenging.

Moroccan-Style Ash-Shaliheen Mosque

Ash-Shaliheen Mosque looks like something straight from Marrakesh. The Moroccan-styled structure opened in 2012 and sits next to the Prime Minister’s Office. Turquoise domes complement its sandstone-coloured walls. Renowned Egyptian architect Abdel-Wahed El-Wakil blends traditional North African elements with a contemporary flair. An attractive courtyard filled with fountains surround the mosque. Step inside and find a mosaic of hand-chiselled tiles decorating the walls with Moroccan chandeliers.

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15 Best Places to Visit in Brunei

Brunei has long been synonymous with opulence and oil money. And, in fact, there’s little that immediately counteracts that image in this nation of shimmering whitewashed mosques and golden-tipped minarets. In the west and all around the well-to-do capital at Bandar Seri Begawan, you’ll see nodding donkeys and the industrial workings of the sultanate’s petroleum industry. You’ll spot rich arabesque palaces and ambitious building projects erupting on every corner.

But let’s not forget that this is Borneo either; and with Borneo comes real wildernesses. We’re talking dense rainforests and volcanic peaks. We’re talking rustic villages of longhouses and the occasional sighting of an uber-rare clouded leopard! Granted, you’ll have to head deep into the southern or eastern recesses of the nation for those, but there are always – tantalizingly – there.

So, with everything from buzzing markets to monkey-trodden jungles, check out this list of the best places to visit in Brunei :

1. Bandar Seri Begawan

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Bandar Seri Begawan (or just BSB) is perhaps the most richly-adorned capital you’ve never heard of.

Home to just 50,000 people, it’s a pint-sized lesson in how oil money can change the world.

Having been transformed in the last century, from a seaside trading town to the gilded epicenter of drilling and home of the great Sultan of Brunei, the town hosts wondrous – if a tad gaudy – sights like the gold-tipped Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque and the colossal Istana Nurul Iman, which holds the world record for the largest governmental building on the globe.

There’s also fascinating Islamic craft on display in the Brunei Museum, and oodles of shopping to be had in the malls of Gadong.

2. Ulu Temburong National Park

Ulu Temburong National Park

The revered Green Jewel of Brunei, Ulu Temburong sits nestled deep in the recesses of the country’s eastern exclave.

A veritable mecca for ecotourists and wildlife lovers, it’s been hailed across the globe as a fine example of state-sponsored conservation.

In all, it covers a whopping 550 square kilometers of primeval rainforest, and hosts the exotic likes of rhinoceros hornbills and swinging gibbon colonies.

Visitors who make their way here can enjoy safaris on specially constructed rope bridges in the canopies, which offer a unique perspective atop the old growth jungle.

3. Kampong Ayer

Kampong Ayer

Sat smack bang in the middle of the winding Brunei River as it weaves through the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan, this standalone area of the city can be seen as a destination in its own right.

Also known as, simply, the water village, it’s formed completely by homes that jut just above the channels on stilts.

Many are connected with rickety boardwalks, and play host to happy local families who love showing unexpected visitors around.

The only way to reach Kampong Ayer is by flagging down a water taxi from the banks in BSB.

4. Pekan Tutong

Pekan Tutong

Pekan Tutong (that’s just Tutong Town in English) is the regional hub for the whole Tutong District – the area found immediately to the east of Bandar Seri Begawan on the northern edge of Brunei.

Located right on the edge of the South China Sea, it’s home to a clutch of acclaimed schools and a few good guesthouses.

However, the major pull is surely the golden stretch of sand that lines the city at Seri Kenangan.

This sparkling, wide beach runs along the courses of the Tutong River, and plays host to enticing beach bars and seafood restaurants as it goes – it’s surely one of the top places for sun, sand and sea in all of Brunei.

5. Kuala Belait

Kuala Belait

Rubbing shoulders with Malaysian Sarawak on the very western edge of Brunei, this oil-fed town of nodding donkeys offers an image of the Brunei of the modern age.

Bustling and packed with business folk who’ve come from afar to seek out petroleum beneath the ground, it’s also home to the famous teapot roundabout.

It’s also got its very own beachfront, which finds its zenith with the welcoming little park at Silver Jubilee.

For food, shopping and souvenirs, also be sure to make a beeline for the Tudong Saji: a bazaar that erupts after dark with fish dishes and Asian crafts.


Bustling with the biggest bazaars and marketplaces in all of Brunei, the area of Gadong – officially a separate town, though much more like a suburb of the capital at Bandar Seri Begawan – is the place to go for shopping in this small Asian nation.

Start with the huge malls, which are packed with electronics sellers and high-street fashion outlets, not to mention the only McDonald’s brand in the country (hence the perpetual queue!). And when the evening comes, it’s time to hit the energetic night market, which throbs with smelly fish stalls and stir-fry stands, the fragrances of tamarind and ginger and chili and soy all wafting through the air.


Muara juts out into the South China Sea with its own needle-shaped finger of land, forming the western end of the populous Brunei and Muara District.

Known primarily as one of the sultanate’s top beach towns, its home to a great stretch of golden sand and a clutch of picnic spots and playgrounds for those with kids in tow (look for the manicured lawns of the Muara Beach Recreational Park). Other pleasant walks can be had along the palm-dotted spit of Serasa Beach to the south, while views out across the ferry-dotted ocean are to die for.

8. Andulau Forest Reserve

Andulau Forest Reserve

A sea of waxy palms and ancient teak trees awaits travelers in the Andulau Forest Reserve, which sits neatly placed in the midst of Brunei, just a short jaunt east from the capital.

Made famous by the proliferation of old growth evergreen woods that dominates its interior, the area is also endowed with wild, muddy rivers and crashing waterfalls with splash pools for swimming.

Don’t expect to see many locals here (it’s one of the least-populated parts of the Sultanate), unless – that is – you mean tropical creatures in the ilk of rare clouded leopards and monkeys overhead!


One of the few towns to be found in Brunei’s exclave of Temburong, Bangar represents the administrative and commercial heart of this detached district in the east.

A small and compact place, it is well-connected to the capital at Bandar Seri Begawan by speed boat, which can be seen departing from the jetties of the riverside harbors here from morning until night.

The real draw of this place is surely the wild rainforests that lurk on the edges of town, with the legendary Labu Forest and the aforementioned Ulu Temburong National Park both on the menu.

However, it’s also a good spot to meet the locals and get to grips with the wilder character of the eastern region.


Nestled deep in the south-western corner of the Sultanate, little Labi town is one of the top spots for ecotourists heading to Brunei.

Essentially just a clutch of bamboo homes and rain-doused villages, it sits right on the edge of the wild Labi Forest Reserve.

That means guests get to keep company with gibbons and geckos and all manner of other woodland fauna, all whilst seeking out gushing waterfalls and swamps and hidden forest trekking trials.

A smattering of good nature lodges can be found in the village, while nearby Terawan and Tarunan also have other guesthouse options of their own.


Roughly contiguous with the aforementioned town of Kuala Belait, Seria also makes its home on the northern coastline of Brunei, where the sands and the city promenades dip down into the South China Sea.

Now famed for its wealth of prolific oil wells, the area is peppered with nodding donkeys and the recognizable relics of that decades-old petroleum industry.

In fact, Seria’s very history has been defined by oil since the very beginning, with WWII battles between the Allies and the Japanese taking place here as the two powers vied for control of Brunei’s rich petroleum wealth.

12. Labi Forest Reserve

Labi Forest Reserve

Named for the small village on its periphery, the vast reserves of the Labi Forest range from the south-western flats of Brunei to the borderlands where the Gunung Mulu park of Malaysia crashes down from the Borneo highlands.

It’s a wild and untamed place, offering breathtaking viewpoints over the tops of the jungles, the gushing waterfalls of Wasai Kadir, and chances to see rare rainforest creatures on the trails.

Another major pull are the traditional longhouses of the Iban folk, which line the dirt tracks close to the reserve.

13. Jerudong

Jerudong Park

Jerudong is a flash place of neon signs and in-your-face attractions, located just on the edge of the ocean and directly west of central Bandar Seri Begawan.

Although now largely contiguous with the capital, the suburb has its own distinct character; largely thanks to the brightly-lit casinos and flamboyant gaming halls that line up along the streets by the bucket load.

The go-getter vibe is carried on by one mind-boggling roundabout shaped like a giant diamond ring, not to mention the countless theme parks and manmade beaches, where loop-de-loops meet babbling water fountains and country clubs.

14. Tasek Merimbun

Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park

Surrounded by the protected hinterland of the Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park (one of the top conservation areas in the sultanate as a whole), this huge lake – the largest natural lake in the country, no less – draws in visitors with the promise of unique flora and fauna.

Around its tiger lily-spotted banks, you’ll see age-old skiffs docked on weathered jetties, all of which are shrouded by the blooming greens of the jungle canopy.

It’s there where the white-collared fruit bats flit between the branches; there where the clouded leopards and the red leaf monkeys stalk the undergrowth.

15. Hutan Simpan Bukit Ladan

Hutan Simpan Berakas Park

Another fine example of Brunei’s lush and verdant backcountry comes in the form of the Hutan Simpan Bukit Ladan park, which buts up to the Malay border on the western edge of Tutong District.

Be sure to pack one sturdy and sure pair of walking boots for this one, because the trails often come caked in mud and slippery as they pierce deep into the jungles.

You’ll be able to seek out interesting blooms of orchids between the fern fields, wonder at colossal teak trees caked in moss, and even take a canopy walk that lets you survey the vast hills from atop the rainforests that blanket them.

15 Best Places to Visit in Brunei:

  • Bandar Seri Begawan
  • Ulu Temburong National Park
  • Kampong Ayer
  • Pekan Tutong
  • Kuala Belait
  • Andulau Forest Reserve
  • Labi Forest Reserve
  • Tasek Merimbun
  • Hutan Simpan Bukit Ladan

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The 18 Unforgettable Things to Do in Brunei: Discover the Hidden Treasures:

Welcome to an extraordinary adventure in Brunei. Prepare to uncover the hidden treasures of this captivating destination as we present to you things to do in Brunei . From majestic mosques to lush rainforests and cultural experiences that will leave an indelible mark on your heart, Brunei offers a wealth of experiences for every traveler.

Here you will find plenty of free and affordable things to do in Brunei . You can stroll through Kampong Ayer, a traditional water village. You can visit the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, one of the most stunning mosques in Brunei. Or you can go on a jungle hike in Ulu Temburong National Park, where you can see proboscis monkeys, hornbills, and other wildlife.

You will undoubtedly find a lot of fun things to do and see in Brunei. So, here are the 18 best things to do in Brunei to make the most of your time and less of your budget. 


The 16 Best Things to Do in Brunei on your first trip.

1. visit the water village (kampong ayer).


The first place to visit in Brunei is Water village or locally known as Kampong Ayer .  Kampong Ayer, recognised as “Venice of the East” is situated at Brunei’s center, Bandar Seri Begawan. This renowned traditional village offers a unique experience.

You will be exploring the nearby mangrove forests to catch glimpses of Brunei’s fascinating riverside animals, including monkeys and crocodiles. Here you can take a walk to the Kampong Ayer Cultural & Tourism Gallery and explore it. Or you can take a boat ride to the Gallery. To enjoy the vacation to the fullest consider visiting here when you are in Brunei.

How to get Kampong Ayer: The best way to get to Kampong Ayer is by taking a water taxi from Bandar Seri Begawan. Water taxis are available at the jetty near the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex. The ride to Kampong Ayer takes about 5-10 minutes and offers a scenic view of the water village.

2. Explore the Scenic Brunei River


The second on the list of things to do in Brunei is exploring Brunei River . Here, you can join in the river cruise activity. The tours are usually held for 2 to 3 hours. You’ll be enchanted by the lush mangrove forests and know the history of Brunei’s water village.

Along the way, you will explore intriguing museums that will captivate your imagination. And guess what? You can get meals and coffee, tea, or snacks during the tour. This tour promises an unforgettable time, so hop on board for some Brunei River scenarios! 

3. Enjoy with Your Friends at Ulu Temburong National Park


Ulu Temburong National Park is the nation’s first protected park. It is recognized as “ Green Jewel “, situated amidst the Batu Apoi Forest Reserve, it boasts a pristine jungle. The Temburong and Belalong Rivers grace the park, adding to its charm. It is best to get a tour package with your friends or family. By doing that, you can enjoy a thrilling day tour with boat rides.

The most famous reason to visit this park is that there are about 400 types of butterflies. You will encounter here a diverse species, including hornbills. Must include this mesmerizing park on your excursion list. 

How to get to there: To get to Ulu Temburong National Park, you will need to take a boat from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei. The boat ride takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Once you arrive at the park, you can explore the rainforest and enjoy activities such as canopy walks and river cruises.

4. Visit Beautiful Mosques of Brunei


The mosques in Brunei are symbols of the nation’s rich Islamic history. You can visit some of Brunei’s most stunning mosques mentioned here:

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is the utmost renowned mosque in Brunei and is a must-see for any visitor. It is known for its beautiful white domes and minarets, and its reflection in the serene Kampong Ayer Lake. It is a symbol of Islamic belief in Brunei.

Jame’ Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque is an architectural marvel influenced by the Ottoman Empire style. It boasts 29 golden domes, an elegant interior with Italian marble, and regal Turkish-inspired minarets. Those 29 domes represent the nation’s 29 th sultan. Don’t miss its stunning evening lighting! If you are interested in Islamic architecture or just want to experience the beauty of Brunei’s Islamic culture, you must visit this mosque.

Ash Shaliheen Mosque , influenced by Moroccan Andalusian style, features superb zellige mosaics and prominent blue domes. Its interior features a folding roof and imports Italian marble. Designed by renowned architect Abdel-Wahed El-Wakil, it’s located near Bandar Seri Begawan’s city center.

The Brunei International Airport Mosque is a small but beautiful mosque located in the Brunei International Airport. The mosque was designed in a conventional Islamic form and features two towers and a big blue dome. It is a popular spot for tourists to visit, as it is the first mosque that you will see upon arrival in Brunei.

The Al-Muhtadee Billah Mosque is located in Bandar Seri Begawan. It was named after the royal Prince, Al-Muhtadee Billah. The mosque is a divine example of modern Islamic architecture, with a remarkable gold dome and four slender minarets. The mosque is constructed on the river. The Al-Muhtadee Billah Mosque is a beautiful and significant mosque and is a must-see for you while you are visiting Brunei.

Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam Mosque , located in Jerudong, mesmerizes with its green-themed architecture, adorned with various shades from ground to dome. The prayer hall’s distinct lime-green ceiling adds to its uniqueness. While less sophisticated, it remains a beautiful and holds significant allure.

You are free to explore all these magnificent mosques in your Brunei trip. While visiting these mosques, you will get to know about the Islamic culture of the country and will see various kind of interior in every mosque.

5. Hiking through the jungle of Selirong Island


The Selirong Island is a great way to explore the unique ecosystem of Brunei. You can start exploring this island with a boat ride through the mangroves, there you will get to see a range of plants and animals. You will have the chance to go on a short hike through the mangroves. The Selirong Island hiking tour is a great way to encounter the natural beauty and culture of Brunei. It is a fun experience that is suitable for all ages.

How to Get to Selirong Island: To get to Selirong Island, you can take a boat from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital city of Brunei. The boat ride takes about 30 minutes and will take you to the island where you can explore the mangrove forest and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

6. Explore Kuala Belait


Kuala Belait , Brunei’s second-largest metropolitan center. Here you can find some delicious food, a lot of shopping malls, and accommodations, providing various budgets. You can explore the Tudung Saji market for local produce and cuisine, visit the Belait Museum for insights into the region’s unique culture, and chill out at Silver Jubilee Park on Belait Beach. Don’t miss a serene longboat water taxi ride along the Belait River, where you might even spot a crocodile!

7. Visit Some Beautiful Parks in Brunei

Things to Do in Brunei

Tasek Lama Recreational Park , located in Bandar Seri Begawan’s city center, offers an amazing blend of undamaged nature and urban ambiances. A 10-minute walk from the Royal Regalia Museum, the park feels like an isolated woodland, with the highlight presence of Tasek Lama Waterfall.

Kota Batu Archaeological Park , situated in the eastern part of Bandar Seri Begawan, displays the rich historical significance of Brunei’s prior capital. Serving as the foundation of the Bruneian Empire, this site witnessed the establishment of the first mosque and a grand stone fort. Though much has faded with time, you can still access the leftovers of the stone fort’s foundation, engaging yourself in the origins of Brunei’s renowned past.

Jerudong Park proudly claims to be Southeast Asia’s top amusement park. It stands as the region’s largest amusement park, drawing visitors like Malaysian , Indonesian, and the Philippines . The entry is free here, but you will have to purchase tickets for individual rides. The park’s history has legendary performances by icons like Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, adding to its charm as a must-visit attraction in Brunei.

Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park surrounds the country’s largest lake and forest, it gives a serene and calm vibe for everyone. As the only ASEAN Heritage Park , it holds historical and natural significance. You can include this historical park on your visit list.

Silver Jubilee Park i n Kuala Belait boasts scenic views of the South China Sea and the district’s stunning beaches. You can enjoy the sunrise, sunset here. And there is a play area for children.

You must make a daytrip to all these parks for the best experience in Brunei .

8. Sunset View from Taman Mahkota Jubli Emas


Taman Mahkota Jubli Emas is a big and new park in Brunei filled with lots of flowers, trees, and water. It was opened on October 22, 2017, by the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah. It’s next to the beautiful Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque and the floating village of Kampong Ayer.

It’s a great place where you can enjoy the sunset. This is the main reason people often come here in evening. You will see their tulips, baobab plants, a playground, and a water fountain. It’s also got a walkway that goes along the river, so you can also take a stroll and enjoy the views of the Kampong Ayer water village. You can walk, bike, or boat around the park, or just sit in ease and enjoy the environment.

9. Learn History and Heritage at the Museums of Brunei

Royal regalia museum.


The Royal Regalia Museum is a historical and educational place where you will find a range of royal artifacts. A stroll through the Royal Regalia Museum in Brunei is like stepping into a past era. You’ll find golden chariots, jewel-encrusted robes, and weapons from centuries ago. The museum’s collection of crown jewels, royal gowns, and gifts from chiefs of state and influential administrators is a testament to the Sultanate’s rich history and culture.

One of the museum’s most impressive exhibits is the Golden Chariot, which was used to carry the Sultan during his Silver Jubilee celebration. The chariot is made of pure gold and is decorated with intricate carvings. The Royal Regalia Museum is open from 9am to 5pm. It’s a must-visit during your Brunei vacation.

Malay Technology Museum  

The Malay Technology Museum is a great place to learn about how the Bruneian people used to live in the past. The museum is situated in Kota batu. You’ll see many kinds of tools they used for farming, fishing, and metalworking. There are even some traditional weapons on display.

You will be discovering some galleries, each of which focuses on a different aspect of Brunei technology. It also showcases tools and equipment such as nets, traps, and boats. This museum is recommended for you while your visit in Brunei.

Brunei Museum  

Brunei museum is situated in Kota batu, Bander Seri Begawan. It is nation’s biggest museum. If you visit the Brunei Museum , you can expect to learn about the history and culture of Brunei. You will also see a wide variety of artifacts, including some that are very rare and valuable. Here you can see those valuable arts in front of you, but sad thing is photography is not allowed in museums. The museum is a great place to learn about Brunei’s rich heritage and to see some of the country’s most important cultural treasures.

Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum  

Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum, where you will see the incredible history of Brunei. This museum is situated at Kota Batu . In the museum you will step into the three galleries one by one.

The first one, ‘the Brunei Shipwreck,’ proudly showcases a remarkable selection of artifacts retrieved from a shipwreck site. You will be watching some precious ruins like foreign ceramics from the 15th and 16th centuries there. This gallery stands as the museum’s main attraction and a lasting testament to Brunei’s marine past.

The second gallery, ‘Trading Centre’. Here you will witness the alive history of Kota Batu. At this point, you will see models of foreign ships that once used for trade with Brunei, along with selected local cultural artifacts. The third gallery serves as a flexible space for temporary exhibitions. It shows the Quanzhou Maritime Museum’s fascinating Maritime Silk Road exhibition. If you are very curious about history, you will definitely have fun in this museum.

Belait Museum

Belait Museum is a cultural heritage in Brunei’s picturesque and largest district Belait. Here you will be exploring five interesting galleries. The first showcases the cultural heritage, the second one indicates the progress of Belait district, next gallery features the history of the petroleum Industry, the fourth one showcases the natural heritage, and the last one organizes exciting temporary exhibitions in the museum.

You will get to see all this gallery and know the history of this district here. Isn’t it exciting? You will uncover the unique traditions of the Belait and Tutong people. In this museum, you will be experiencing the rich tapestry of history and nature, reveling Brunei’s past and present.

10. Trekking in Teraja Waterfall


Teraja Waterfall graces Brunei’s Belait District with its pristine beauty. It is found along the Teraja River’s highest point in Mukim Labi. After reaching the river, a captivating trail leads to the mesmerizing waterfall and the breathtaking Teraja Hill’s summit. You can do group trekking here but with safety measures. It ensures a thrilling experience amidst the remote splendor of Teraja Waterfall. This is one of the best things to do in Brunei.

Address: 7CM9+9RJ, Teraja, Brunei

Entrance: 24 Hours

11. Boating in the Belait River


Boarding on a boat ride is a must for every traveler in Brunei. You will get a glimpse into the captivating Iban traditions from neighboring Sarawak, Malaysia. Local tribes use this Belait river for centuries. Remarkably, it is Brunei’s longest river. You can experience some trilling boating adventure here.

There are some special longboats for boating. Longboats provide swift transportation to inland villages due to dense jungles. You can enjoy with your friends here while boating on this beautiful river.

You can take a longboat from Kuala Belait’s jetty. Then explore the mesmerizing riverine scenery by boating and experience a memorable trip here in Brunei. You will surely have a lot of fun during this adventure.

12. Experience the Royalty at Istana Nurul Iman


Istana Nurul Iman , the official home of the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah . This amazing palace sits on the beautiful banks of the Brunei River, surrounded by green hills. It’s known as the “Palace of the Light of Faith,” combining Malay and Arabic names. This place is massive, holding the title of the world’s largest palace.

Talking about grandeur! Inside, there are rooms fixed for royal shindigs. There is even a fancy throne chamber! Though it is not usually open to the public every day, it welcomes visitors during special celebration like Eid-ul-fitr. This is a lifetime experience which you can not wish to miss.

13. Savour the Food of Brunei


Calling all foodies! If you find yourself in Southeast Asia, you’ve got to try the delicious snack, pulut panggang ! It’s a delightful combo of steamed sticky rice and hot sambal filling, all wrapped up in banana leaves and grilled to perfection. Mei Fang Cafe and Puteh Restaurant in Pekan Tutong , Brunei, have become famous for their mouthwatering varieties of this delicacy.

But watch out, they’re so popular that they might sell out before noon! And don’t miss out on Kelupis too – a similar treat but steamed and wrapped in Nyirik leaves. Grab these treats at hawker stalls or night markets and gulp them warm for the ultimate mouthwatering experience!

Nasi Katok – a legendary, tasty treat! This Bruneian delight has become the nation’s favorite fast food, always reasonably priced and easy to find. It is packed with rice, fried chicken, and the flavorful sambal for just BND1!

Ambuyat , Brunei’s national dish, it is served sticky with a sour and spiced dip called cacah. A V-shaped bamboo stick called candas is used to eat the ambuyat. When in central Bandar Seri Begawan , prepare for a street food feast! Food stalls offer delectable satay , grilled fish, and mouthwatering desserts.

For a true food adventure, head to Gadong Night Market , where you can find a unique treat – ayam tungking, satay and many other testy foods! Surprisingly, they’re a big hit! You can also savor delicious foods in Tamu Tutong market .

You can teste Brunei’s delicious tropical fruits at Gadong Night Market. Don’t skip the famous “King of Fruits” – durian, and other favorites like tarap, rambutan, kembayau, bambangan, langsat, and kundong. You should try these unique and nutritious fruits of Brunei while your trip.

14. Visit Teng Yun Temple


In downtown Bandar Seri Begawan, you’ll find the Teng Yun Temple , the ancient Chinese temple in Brunei. People from the Chinese community, about 10% of the population, visit this special place. During Lunar New Year, there are exciting lion dances that you should watch for a lifetime experience.  

It stands out with its red walls and green roof amid tall buildings. Inside, you’ll see beautiful hand-painted tiling with Chinese stories and smell the fragrance of burning prayer sticks. You should not miss this colorful and cultural experience!

15. Billionth Barrel Monument


Billionth Barrel Monument in Seria, Brunei is built in 1991 to celebrate an epic achievement, the production of one billion barrels of oil from the Seria onshore oil field. Honored by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah himself, the monument stands tall with five pipes forming an arch, adorned with a golden coat of arms.

Each pipe symbolizes the Five Pillars of Islam, reflecting the nation’s faith. This site holds a special place in Brunei’s heart. The intricate floor tiles, inspired by Islamic designs, add charm to the monument’s appeal. Designed by a talented local architect, it’s a must-see landmark showcasing Brunei’s achievements in the oil industry. Do not skip this landmark while roaming in Brunei.

16. Stand-Up Paddle Board


If you’re looking for an exciting activity in Brunei, stand-up paddle boarding is the solution. It will be a fantastic experience. Firstly, Head to Ikas Lake , near Bandar Seri Begawan , where SUP Surfari operates. Then you will be starting the exciting paddle boarding tour with your buddies. You will get to relax in nature and have a wonderful time exploring the tranquil waters on this stand-up paddle boarding adventure!

In conclusion , Brunei is a fascinating destination that offers a wonderful mix of cultural richness and natural beauty. From the picturesque Kampong Ayer water village to the majestic mosques and lush Ulu Temburong National Park, there is something for everyone to enjoy. You will get to know Brunei’s history and heritage at the Royal Regalia Museum and Malay Technology Museum and try the mouthwatering local cuisine.

You can witness the magnificence of Istana Nurul Iman, the world’s biggest palace, and experience the tranquility of Teng Yun Temple. Whether you’re exploring the scenic Brunei River or marveling at the Billionth Barrel Monument, this enchanting country promises a remarkable journey filled with wonder and charisma.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which are the best attractions in brunei.

Kampong Ayer, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque, Royal Regalia Museum, Teraja waterfall, Istana Nurul Iman – these are the top attraction in Brunei you should not miss.

What stands out about Brunei in Southeast Asia?

Brunei stands out for its beautiful mosques and Islamic architecture, with attractions like the Omar Ali Saifuddien and Jame’ Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosques.

Are there any outdoor activities available in Brunei?

Yes, there are a range of outdoor activities available in Brunei. You can do hiking, jungle trekking, paddle boarding, snorkeling at Muara beach near Pelong Rocks etc.

Which are the most affordable hotels in Brunei?

Wafa Hotel and Apartment, Parkview Hotel, Higher Hotel and The Lanes Hotel – these are some most affordable options you can choose to stay.

Which is the best time to visit Brunei?

The best time to visit Brunei is from the month of January to May.

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Is Brunei Museum open again? I heard it’s been closed since 2014?

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Brunei Museum is still close (Temporary) as they were schedule to open since 2022 after major renovations.

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Must-see attractions in Brunei Darussalam

Bolkiah Mosque in Bandar Seri Behawan, Brunei, at night.

Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Bandar Seri Begawan

Built in 1992 to celebrate the 25th year of the current sultan's reign, Brunei's largest mosque dominates its surroundings. It's impossible to miss the…

Interior of ther Royal Regalia Museum with sultan's gilded coronation cart and shields.

Royal Regalia Museum

When called upon to present a gift to the sultan of Brunei, you must inevitably confront the question: what do you give a man who has everything? At this…

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in the capital Bandar Sei Begawan, Brunei, at night.

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Named after the 28th Sultan of Brunei (the late father of the current sultan), Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien is surrounded by an artificial lagoon that…

popular places to visit in brunei

Malay Technology Museum

This absorbing museum focuses on the traditional lifestyle and artisanship of Brunei's ethnic groups, using re-creations of tribal villages from across…

Brunei water village.

Kampong Ayer

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The Brunei sultan's palace Istana Nurul Iman seen from Sungai Brunei.

Istana Nurul Iman

The sultan's official residence, the world's largest residential palace, is more than four times the size of the Palace of Versailles. It has 1788 rooms,…

Brunei Museum

Brunei's interesting national museum has an Islamic art gallery, exhibits depicting Brunei's role in Southeast Asian history from the arrival of the…

Labi Longhouses

Brunei Darussalam

Labi is a small Iban settlement about 40km south of the coastal road with four longhouses: Rampayoh, Mendaram Besar, Mendaram Kecil and, at the end of the…

Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum

The skeleton of a 15th-century Chinese sailing ship, lined with ceramic vessels, greets you as you step into the main hall inside this gleaming building…

Pulau Selirong Recreational Park

At the northern tip of Temburong District lies this 25-sq-km mangrove-forested island reachable only by boat (45 minutes from BSB). Intrepid Tours runs…

Kampong Ayer Cultural & Tourism Gallery

A good place to start a visit to Kampong Ayer – and get acquainted with Brunei's pre-oil boom culture – is this interesting museum and cultural centre,…

Forestry Museum

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Taman Peranginan Tasek

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Luagan Lalak Recreation Park

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Tamu Kianggeh

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Pantai Seri Kenangan

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Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park

Tasek Merimbun is Brunei's largest lake and supports ample birdlife. Near the lake there's a small visitor centre that isn't always open. When it is you…

Taman Arkeologi Kota Batu

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Taman Mahkota Jubli Emas Park

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Teng Yun Chinese Temple

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Bukit Patoi Recreational Park

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Peranginan Pantai Muara

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Billionth Barrel Monument

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Oil & Gas Discovery Centre

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Galeri Seni

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Guan Di Temple (also known as Kuan Ti Temple) with incense sticks in Chinatown, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Complete list of things to do in Brunei, best attractions and places to visit

Things to do in Brunei feature

This post was first written in Sep 2015 and last updated in June 2020. 

When considering a Southeast Asia trip you will be forgiven for not thinking of the possibility of traveling to Brunei. The tiniest country in the region (yet bigger than Nauru and Tuvalu ), it is also one of the least visited . But despite its small size, there are enough things to do in Brunei to keep you busy for at least two to three days, just like I did.

If you are wondering what to do in Brunei, you have come to the right place. Having planned the trip ahead and done quite a bit of research on all the Brunei attractions, I put together a packed itinerary for three days of travel to Brunei with all the best highlights.

I went out to the tropical rainforests jungle (the best preserved in Asia), up the canopy top, down rivers, on firefly boat trips and even to the Royal Palace to meet the Royal Family!

Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien over water

If you want to know how long you should make your Brunei travel itinerary, I would recommend budgeting for three days . If you only have a weekend, you can still cover most of the best things to do in Brunei by squeezing them in and organising your schedule ahead of time. Planning can do wonders here.

Introduction to Brunei

An ocean of trees in Brunei

Brunei, known in Malay as Brunei Darussalam or “The Abode of Peace” , is a small country entirely surrounded by Malaysia and the South China Sea and made of two separate areas. It is the only country fully located on the island of Borneo, unlike the Indonesian or Malaysian areas like Kalimantan or Sarawak and Sabah (where Mount Kinabalu is) respectively.

The majority of the population lives in the Eastern part of the country, where the international airport and the capital of Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan, are located. The Western part of the country only accounts for 10% of the 400,000 Bruneians and is entirely made of lush and pristine jungle, the best preserved in Asia and not connected to the Eastern part but surrounded entirely by water or Malaysia.

The most famous park in this part of Brunei is the beautiful Ulu Temburong , home to several endemic species including the very shy Proboscis monkey , which you can also find in nearby Sabah State and Kota Kinabalu Park  in East Malaysia. A visit to the park is one of the main reasons to travel to Brunei and worthwhile even if you don’t do anything else.

While you may have never heard of Brunei before, the country is most famous for the eccentricities and excesses of the Sultan , once the richest man in the world, and one of the last remaining absolute Monarchs . Sultan Bolkiah, whose full name is Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien is estimated to have accumulated a fortune amounting to $20 billion thanks to vast natural reserves of oil and gas. He also regularly makes the headlines for his indulgences in custom-built high-performance cars and lavish homes.

Men and women are separated at Istana Nurul

The Royal Palace, Istana Nurul, is the world’s largest palace and family residence . Open to the public only during the three days after the end of Ramadan, the Palace is said to have almost 1,800 rooms and over 200 bathrooms . There is a garage for one hundred luxury cars, the Sultan’s favorite selection over the seven thousand car collection he is believed to have amassed.

Despite being known for his wealth and extravagances, the Sultan introduced Sharia Law , the most conservative form of Islamic Law, in 2014, to much international dismay. Rolled out in phases, once full Sharia Law is implemented, punishments as primitive as flogging, stoning to death and cutting of limbs will be imposed in Brunei.

In 2019, Brunei made headlines throughout the world when introducing a ban on homosexuality. This follows stringent and primitive rules that are actually carried out by 70 UN member states where the penalty varies from 10 years in prison to life. Although the Sultan has declared that they won’t take action on the law. 

As a visitor, you can roam freely and safely, for the Sultan’s generosity with his people and the country’s limited freedom of expression makes this a peaceful country. Here is my article on the best facts about Brunei if you want to learn more before you go.

I visited Brunei with a friend at the end of Ramadan and during the celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri and had the chance to enjoy some of the best things to do in Brunei. Check the list below and the map to locate where they all are.

Things to do in Brunei: Attractions and places to see

Gateway to Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Brunei appears to most as a place devoid of any interesting sights. However, this is a country where you should find beauty in the smallest things and where experiencing the place, rather than ticking things off a checklist, is what matters most.

There is no party or dancing in the country, for it is a strict follower of Islam and alcohol is forbidden . As a result, when the sun sets, there is little more to do in Brunei than go on boat tours to spot fireflies or sit at a cafe with a slice of cake.

Educate yourself at the Museum of Brunei

Update : The Museum of Brunei is closed for major reconstruction and is said only to open again at the end of 2020, but rumor has it that it is closed indefinitely. So make contact before visiting to see if they’re open. Read below to find out more about what you can find here.

The Museum of Brunei is a great source of information about the culture and history of the country , including the recent developments in the oil and gas industry. The Sultanate of Brunei was a strong Empire up until the 15th century when wars and disputes caused its decline.

For most of the time after that, the country remained under various forms of protection from the UK until achieving full independence in 1984. While a visit to a museum about a country’s history may not be everyone’s definition of the best places to see, I do believe it makes sense to start your visit to Brunei here so that you have a good understanding of this tiny country. Some of Brunei’s attractions you will explore later will make much more sense after you are able to link them to the country’s interesting and fascinating past.

More information about the Museum can be found here .

Get wowed at the Royal Regalia Museum

Royal Regalia Museum at night

Yes, this is another museum and it could be as interesting or mind-numbing as the Museum of Brunei, but it may give you ideas for that Aladdin-like gift that you are thinking of buying a friend who has it all. After all, I cannot think of a better place to dream of 1001 Nights than Brunei where the Sultan wears suits made of gold and precious stones .

Consider this more than just a museum and walk in to be amazed , I promise this is one of the most interesting places to see in Brunei.

Inside the Royal Regalia Museum

The Museum is home to the Sultan’s life including all the objects that are part of his reign. Replicas of his throne, the gifts that Royals and Heads of State have given the Sultan, crowns and gowns. Expect gold and jewels galore, like you have never seen before. The entire place is reminiscent of the Armory, in Moscow’s Kremlin, where the Tsar’s riches are displayed.

The museum is located in the downtown part of Bandar Seri Begawan near the famous mosque, you can’t miss it and its giant domed ceiling. Entrance to the museum is free and you will have to leave your belonging and cameras at the entrance.

Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum

Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum

If you’re into nautical themed museums, then this is the place you should dock yourself. After finding a shipwreck in 1997 an expedition was formed to search for all its artefacts. What they found in the late 15th and early 16C ship was over 13,000 different objects were found, mostly ceramic or glass items.

There is a short, yet interesting movie about the ship and the process of retrieving the artefacts. Downstairs is the replica of the ship and upstairs some more information on Brunei’s exports such as camphor, spices, textiles. Similar to the Royal Regalia Museum, entrance is free, but you are not allowed to take pictures inside. It is suggested that you read up a bit more on early Asian trade before visiting to really understand the importance of this find as the information is lacking a bit. 

One more thing you should note about a visit to this museum is that it is roughly a 1.5-2km walk from the nearest bus stop, so it’s best to get here by taxi, which can be organised through your hotel. It’s best to hire one for half a day if you’re visiting all the sites in Bandar Seri Begawan.

Marvel at the Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien

Mosque over water with boat

You cannot visit Brunei and not see its most famous tourist attraction : Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien. It is also an impossible-to-miss landmark in Brunei since it sits tall and surrounded by a lake right in the center of the capital city and it is the tallest building at 52m high.

The Mosque, built in honor of the Sultan’s late father , the 28th Sultan of Brunei, in 1958 is made of solid gold and fine marble from Italy and was inspired by India’s Mughal architecture like you’ll find in Lahore , Dhaka , or Chennai  and of course the Taj Mahal. The mosque was the first official and large mosque to be built in the capital city.

Prior to that, there used to be a much smaller wooden mosque in the same area but it was not able to hold more than 500 people, so massive prayers for marked dates were held out in the open.

Mosque at sunset

The crescent lake between the mosque and the water village, Kampong Ayer, gives it a heavenly aura. Watch out for monitor lizards cooling down in the water to avoid being surprised when taking a picture.

The large and colorful barge in front of the mosque is a replica of the 16th-century Royal Barge and was built almost a decade after the mosque’s completion. The barge used to stage Al-Quran reading competitions.

Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien exterior garden

Although the mosque is open to visitors and entrance is free , this is a functioning house of prayer in an active Muslim country so practice respect at all times. If you are not Muslim, you may not be allowed inside at times of prayer on special dates like Ramadan or Eid Al Fitr.

Women should expect to cover their heads, men may be turned away if wearing short sleeves, vests or shorts. There is an elevator going to the top of one of minarets for the best views of the city.

Visit Kampong Ayer and spot proboscis monkeys

Arrival jetty at Kampong Ayer

One of the most interesting things to do in Brunei is renting a boat from the harbor to motor through the world’s largest water village with 30,000 people and the mangrove area around it. You should do this both at night and during the day as the experiences are different.

Kampong Ayer, the water village, is a mere few minutes from the shore on the main area and can be accessed by simply renting the boat and skipper for a few dollars (I believe we rented it for a couple of hours for $10). Negotiate with the boatman before getting on the boat.

Proboscis viewing

These are not tourist boats, there are very few people who visit Brunei, but rather the same boats the locals use to get around. Some may not have a roof to protect from the sun so be sure to pick the right one or bring a hat, the sun in Brunei is brutal.

Firstly, head out to the mangrove area where you can spot proboscis monkeys . These monkeys, endemic of Borneo, are shy and will fly away if bothered or startled but, with the right pair of camera lenses or binoculars, you may be able to see their funny noses.

Proboscis Monkey

On your way back, ask the captain to drop you off at Kampong Ayer and wander along the suspended streets , this is one of the best things to see in Brunei. You will have to take another boat to get back but there are regular water taxi style boats from the main piers on the village.

People are friendly and you may be able to, respectfully, peek inside people’s homes and see how a village entirely above the water works.

Contrary to what you may see in more impoverished parts of Asia, Kampong Ayer is a developed and wealthy part of Brunei . Some of the newer houses are as good, if not better, than the ones on land and can go for as much as $100,000. It is fascinating to see how so many people live on stilts.

A stroll along the Kampong Ayer bridges and paths is one of the most fascinating things to do in Brunei.

Proboscis monkeys

What to do in Brunei at night? You will surely be wondering that on the first night you spend in the country as you will quickly realise everything is closed and this is the quietest capital in Asia. Well, I have a suggestion for you. Go chase fireflies . No, really.

While the visit to the kampong and the proboscis monkeys needs to be done during the day, you should also return to the mangroves at night. If you go there at night you will also be able to see the red eyes of crocodiles resting on the shore and the blinking light of fireflies.

Explore Ulu Temburong

Panoramic shot from the bridge

As opposed to the rest of Borneo, where logging and palm oil plantations are the source of much concern from environmental agencies and the public in general, Brunei’s jungle is virgin and one of the best places to visit in Brunei.

Logging is banned , providing a unique insight into an unspoiled eco-system of overgrown vegetation and thick forestry. Birds chirp away, monkeys jump from tree ropes and eye-catching plants attract visitors to long hikes. A trip to Ulu Temburong National Park is a must do when in the country.

You will have to book with a tour company because independent visitors to the park are not allowed but this is Brunei’s best tourist attraction. Only about 1% of the park is open to the public whereas the rest remains closed off and only accessible to researchers and park personnel.

Exploring Brunei by boat

Aside from the possibility to spend some time with nature, Ulu Temburong is primarily known for the canopy walk , a suspended structure hanging high atop the jungle which you can climb up to for the best 360 degree views of thick jungles.

You have to take a boat, a van and a long-tail boat to get there from the capital. If the tide is low you may have to get out of the long tail boat and push at times. Once you arrive at Ulu Ulu the real trekking begins.

Looking at the view from the bridge

You will have to walk up 1,000 steps in hot and humid weather but the reward at the top of the hill is all worth it. Built in steel and standing high at 60 meters, the canopy walk provides an incredible view over the jungle top, if you can bear the altitude and the scary rattling of the structure as you climb up.

View from the top of Brunei

This is what Borneo would be everywhere else if the palm oil industry had not arrived so head out to Brunei for a glimpse of untouched, wild nature. It is similar to some places in Cambodia’s Wild East where logging and plantations have still not yet reached. 

Wreck and macro diving

Most people do not seem to pay any attention to this but Brunei is located in Borneo, where some of the best diving spots in Southeast Asia are, and other pristine islands like Manukan . So, is diving one of the best things to do in Brunei? The answer seems to be a rotund yes. Yet most people visiting Brunei seem to forget its underwater attractions. Wondering what to do in Brunei to get in the water? Diving seems like a pretty good excuse.

Now let’s be realistic, don’t go expecting diving like in neighbouring Sipadan , this is not a place to see schools of barracuda or large fish. You should also not expect fabulous beaches, the beaches in Brunei leave a lot to be desired and the sea conditions can be rough, but if you are into macro diving or want to head out for some WWII wreck sites the you should add this to your Brunei list of attractions. This is perhaps Southeast Asia’s best kept diving destination secret.

Check out Oceanic Quest for more information about diving in Brunei.

Try the very unique local ambuyat dish

popular places to visit in brunei

This is one of the most bizarre and unique food items I have ever eaten and it is Brunei’s most famous dish. Made of a glutinous sago pudding that is eaten when the thick and elastic porridge is rolled around the fork. The point is to then dip the rather bland concoction into spicy meat with chilli sauce.

It is a bit strange at first because of its chewing gum, gooey texture that is probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but quite tasty and unique. You should definitively try it. Maybe make it a dinner outing to turn it into a great evening activity in Brunei. Ambuyat usually is served with sides of cucumber and vegetables already so don’t over order.

popular places to visit in brunei

For an extra dose of genuine, head out to the famous  Aminah Arif   restaurants which is know to serve this. It can get quite busy in the evenings so go early.

Families come here in groups for their weekend outing, so after being presented with the menu, we simply looked around and found the dishes that looked most appetising and added them when ordering. Bruneian food is mostly similar to Malay so the rest of the dishes were familiar to someone like myself who has lived in Singapore for a long time.

Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Built in 1992  Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque  is the best expression of utter exuberance and Royal extravagance  in Brunei. It is, of course, filled with more gold, and because the Sultan is the 29th reigning Monarch in his dynasty, there are 29 golden domes, because one is not enough. At night, when it is lit, it is impossible to miss. It stands bright and tall in the surroundings.

Gold domed minarets at Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

The mosque is the largest in the country and can accommodate 5,000 worshippers . It is not located in the city center like the other large mosque, so getting there is a bit trickier and you would be better off joining a tour. The building is impressive and well worth a stop so you could try to sneak a stop on either your way from or to the airport.

Getting inside is not always possible to visitors and non-Muslims may not be able to get in during prayer times. But seeing it from the outside is great too.

Jerudong Park

Once Southeast Asia’s most expensive amusement parks , this is as kitsch as parks can get . Costing $1 Bn to build, the park was entirely funded by the Royal Family. When it opened, it became known for the various concerts performed by singers of international acclaim such as Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston. Although it originally opened without an entrance fee, it later started charging when the visitor numbers declined.

Today, several of the attractions have been closed and sold off and it is now a decrepit place that is busy on weekends with families having a picnic. The entrance is free and you pay to use the rides. Not sure they are completely safe. Could be an interesting place to see. The park only opens in the afternoon/evening as it would be too hot during the day.

Visit The Nurul Istana Royal Palace of Brunei

The beautiful feast

This is the world’s most impressive royal building and considered the largest palace in the world with over 1,800 rooms. If you are in the country at the right time of the year, you should not miss the chance of visiting as this is one of the best things to do in Brunei Darussalam.

popular places to visit in brunei

But there is a catch. Nurul Istana is not open to the public except for the three days of Eid al Fitr at the end of the month of Ramadan so, if you can time your visit to Brunei in these days you will be amazed by the building and the incredible experience that it is to meet the Sultan or his wife. I did, as I made sure to visit Brunei during Eid and it was quite a remarkable experience.

What to expect when visiting Nurul Istana or Brunei’s Royal Palace during Eid

Handing out plate before the feast

Nurul Istana is a huge complex and as such, it can accommodate huge amounts of people. During Eid, the Sultan and his wife will meet and greet every single person who queues up to do so .

That includes foreigners. And so my friend and I queued up in the hopes of making it on time. Queues can be really hard, and we had to wait for almost three hours to shake hands, but it was worth it as the experience was quite fascinating.

Celebrating Aidilfitri in Brunei

Firstly, you need to head to the Royal Palace, we took a taxi. Then, you will first enter a huge banquet hall where celebratory food is served. You can eat as much as you like, all the food is free and offered by the royal family to the visitors.

There are all sorts of foods on offer including all sorts of sweets and fruits. Eat your heart’s content and then head to the next rooms (follow the crowds or ask) to start the queue.

popular places to visit in brunei

The queuing system is organised and peaceful. You will be moving through various halls and rooms, all incredibly decorated in gold and yellow, and some of them will host performances, music and dancers to entertain the visitors while they wait. You will not wait around in a line but rather in rows of seats.

Every few minutes, an entire row will be called to move to the next room. It is hard to tell how much longer you have to wait as, until you reach the outdoor patios and courtyards, you can’t really see the end of the line.

Gorgeous vase

Eventually, you will leave the indoor areas and head outside to an interior courtyard with pillars and fountains and you will be able to tell the end of the line is near. When it is your turn, you will have to leave your cameras and belonging in an area and take your shoes off.

Women will meet the Sultan’s wife while men will meet the Sultan himself . As we were the only clearly foreign people in the line, when it was our turn, the Sultan’s wife even asked us where we were from.

At the exit, make sure to collect your gift : a signed greeting card from the Sultan for Eid and a heavy fruit cake inside a yellow metal box with the Sultan’s face on it. Great souvenir to take home!

Tamu Pasar Besar Gadong night market

I absolutely love night markets and the one in Brunei is just fabulous . This is an explosion of food and smells that fills the air. If you are visiting Brunei you just cannot miss this market. As there are not a lot of things to do in Brunei at night, this is just another great way to fill your evening, albeit don’t expect it to go until midnight.

Head there when the sun sets and wander the alleys picking food here and there to try them out. People are friendly and because you can see how the food is made this also doubles up as a great attraction in Brunei, even if you end up going elsewhere to eat. Food markets are the perfect way to get under the skin of a country and understand more about its food culture.

Best hotels in Brunei

There are not a lot of options for hotels in Brunei and given the lack of public transportation and availability of taxis, I would highly recommend staying somewhere in the central area so that you can walk to the main attractions and points of interest in Brunei. For lack of a better option, I walked to the night market and it was well over an hour’s walk.

The entire Brunei only has one four star hotel and one five star hotel and they are both very different options. Choosing where to stay in Brunei is therefore a pretty straightforward decision.

The Radisson Hotel Brunei

Radisson Hotel Brunei Darussalam

This is the hotel I recommend the most and where I stayed. It is a reasonably prices four star hotel right in the central part of the city. It is not fancy in any way but it is the best located hotel in Brunei. They also have a tour desk that can help organise the trip to Ulu Temburong and even taxis, although they are largely non-existent in the country.

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The Empire Hotel

The Empire Hotel Brunei

This is much the opposite of the Radisson Hotel . It is very far from the city center and located by the sea, near a golf course. This is probably the only weekend getaway for the locals and for the many oil workers and expats living in Brunei. The hotel is old world charm, with red velvet, draped curtains and indoor swimming pools. If you did not know you were in Brunei you could think you are in the English countryside.

The Empire Hotel is located in expansive grounds with plenty of green. There is even a beach to sunbathe, the only one in Brunei. You will however be located far from the city so you will need to hire drivers for the day to go explore. If you want a beach getaway with a twist in probably the least likely countries in Asia this is probably it.

Book your trip now on  Agoda

Other things to consider when planning your trip to Brunei

Brunei is a pretty unique country and so some of the things you would expect from its neighbours or other countries in Asia do not apply. It is best to pay attention to some of the travel tips to Brunei below.

There is no real public transportation

As I mentioned a few times, public transportation in Brunei is almost inexistent and there are very few taxis. As a result, I found myself having to walk incredible distances at night because there was no other way to get back. It would be wise to get the hotel to organise a cab for you who can also come back to pick you up if you are going off from the city center, like when visiting the night market. We found the locals actually stopped by to offer us a ride, but being cautious as two women traveling alone, we decided to decline. It was quite a common act of kindness.

There is no alcohol

Brunei is a dry country. That means that alcohol is forbidden and not available anywhere . You will not find onboard the planes from Royal Air Brunei and you will not see it anywhere. There is also no party and very few businesses stay open past 10pm. So there isn’t much to do at night save for the firefly mangrove tours I mentioned. This is also one of the reasons why most people will tell you that traveling to Brunei is boring or not worth it. I still found it a fascinating country, interesting and unique if indeed not an “exciting” destination per se. If you want to bring your own alcohol for your own consumption (not for selling) you can do so with a maximum of 2l per person which needs to be declared at customs.

You should dress conservatively

Sharia Law was imposed a few years ago in Brunei and as a result, most women cover their heads and locals will wear long sleeves and long trousers , despite the weather would call for shorts. You are best respecting the local customs and wearing long trousers too but, as a woman, you are not expected to cover up. Bring a scarf in case you can visit the mosques.

You can use Singapore Dollars

Although Brunei has its own currency, both Singapore dollars and Brunei dollars are accepted and your Brunei dollars will also be useful in Singapore so if you are visiting the tiny Red Dot city after or before Brunei keep your dollars and use them there, for example, enjoying one of these  100 things to do in Singapore  or staying at one of its many Luxury hotels .

How to get to Brunei

The main airport is the one in the capital Bandar Seri Begawan and is the most relevant way to get to Brunei. There are international flights into Brunei from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, the two closest cities and, via Royal Brunei Airlines, there are flights to a number of other international destinations.

Royal Brunei Airlines tends to have affordable tickets and it is a full fledged one and a decent one though.

However, another common way to arrive is by crossing the border by road from Miri where the British Army training camps are and the majority of the oil expats live.

They escape the even more remote and boring city of Miri and come to the country for the weekend looking for some more exciting things to do in Brunei.

Brunei would be a great destination to add to your off-the-beaten-track Pinterest boards

Things to do in Brunei Pin 01

  • Check if you need a visa, get help processing it at iVisa .
  • Never ever leave without travel insurance. Get affordable coverage from World Nomads or long term insurance from Safety Wing .
  • I find all of my flights on KAYAK . Check their Deals section too.
  • Search for all your transportation between destinations on the trusted travel booking platform Bookaway .
  • I book all my day trips and tours via GetYourGuide , they are the best and their tours are refundable up to 24h in advance.
  • Get USD35 off your first booking with Airbnb .
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6 Things to do in Brunei + Tourist Spots

6 Things to do in Brunei + Tourist Spots

You may have already known of Brunei as a small yet wealthy nation. If not, this easily missed sultanate is known for having the largest oil fields in Southeast Asia one of the world’s highest standards of living.

Laid-back capital, Bandar Seri Begawan, gleams with magnificent mosques that contrast with a massive stilt house water village and lush mangrove forests nearby.

Inspire your trip in Brunei with these must-visit places and things to do for first-time travelers.

To help with your trip planning, I’ve added links to the locations on Google Maps. Feel free to click/tap on the links posted below. Then, use the “save” feature on the Google Maps app for easy reference. But before you start ticking goals off your bucketlist, here are travel essentials & discounts you’ll need to check. Pre-book online for a hassle-free trip!

Brunei travel essentials

Click below to compare rates & read reviews:

Brunei Hotels Tours + discounts Flights

See also: 8 Places To Visit in Kota Kinabalu .

Popular tours & discounts booked by other travelers:

Brunei Half Day City Tour in Bandar Seri Begawan

Half Day City & Water Village Tour in Brunei

Proboscis Monkey Encounter Tour in Brunei

View all travel tips on: Brunei .

1. Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque towers over the laid-back city of Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei’s capital. This lavish mosque is the country’s most famous landmark and among Southeast Asia’s most beautiful places of worship.

Location : Jalan McArthur, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8711, Brunei . Save on Google Maps .

How to go :

Located along Jalan McArthur, smack dab in the center Bandar Seri Begawan, Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is really easy to spot thanks to its towering golden-topped towers. It is an easy 5 to 15 minute way away from most hotels in the city center.

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2. Kampung Ayer

Kampung Ayer (Water Village)

Kampung Ayer, which means “water village” in Malay, is one of the largest stilt house settlements in the world. It is located across the river from the city center of Bandar Seri Begawan. Flag a water taxi (ferry) from the waterfront for a quick tour around Kampung Ayer to see local life in the village.

Location : Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei . Save on Google Maps .

Kampung Ayer is located across the river from the city center. You can already see it standing on one of many riverside promenades. A ferry crossing to the other side costs BND 1. From there, you can walk around the stilt-supported pathways and see the village up close.

3. Brunei River & Proboscis Monkey

Brunei River Boat Ride

After a quick spin around the water village, venture out of the city center and explore the scenic mangrove-lined Brunei River. The highlight of this trip, if you are lucky, is getting to see Proboscis monkeys in the wild.

Either join an organized tour or charter a river taxi from the city center. If you are lucky, you can spot Proboscis Monkeys hanging on the mangrove forest, a couple of kilometers down the Brunei river. River taxi charters usually cost less than BND 20.

4. Brunei Museums

Brunei Royal Regalia Museum

Bandar Seri Begawan is home to many museums that showcase the colorful history, culture, and grandeur of the monarchy. Popular museums include the Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum and Royal Regalia Museum.

Many of Brunei’s museums are located within or a short taxi/bus ride away from Bandar Seri Begawan city center. See the list below for opening times, location & travel tips.

Brunei  Darussalam Maritime Museum  — Located on 482 Jln Kota Batu,  Brunei . Opens 9 AM to 4:30 PM.

Brunei  Museum  — Jln Kota Batu,  Brunei . Reachable on Bus 39. Opens 9 AM to 5 PM.

Malay Technology Museum  — Located on Simpang 482, Kampung Kota Batu,  Brunei . Opens 9 AM to 5 PM.

Royal Regalia Building  — Located on Jln Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien,  Bandar Seri Begawan . Opens 9 AM to 5 PM.

Brunei  Forestry Museum  — Located on Liang,  Brunei .

Bubungan dua belas (House of Twelve Roofs)  — Jalan Residency, at the foot of Bukit Subok Forest Reserve Recreational Park.

Save on Google Maps .

5. Brunei City Center

Bandar Seri Begawan City Center Riverside

Bandar Seri Begawan’s city center is small, very compact, easily explored on foot. Occupying much of the city is a sprawling shopping mall called Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex, which reflects a mix of traditional and modern architectural styles. Head to the waterfront for a nice view of the Brunei River.

Start your tour at Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex, located on Jalan Pretty – Jalan McArthur, near the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque. From here it’s an easy walk to the waterfront parks & museums.

6. Kianggeh Market

Kianggeh Market in Bandar Seri Begawan

This market, especially busy during the early morning hours, is a great way to see and photograph local life in the city. It also has many food stalls that prepare ready-cooked local food.

Location : Jln Sungai Kianggeh, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8111, Brunei . Save on Google Maps .

Kg Kianggeh Open Air Market is located along Jln Sungai Kianggeh, Bandar Seri Begawan. From the waterfront, simply take a turn at Jln Sungai Kianggeh and follow the road. The Open Air Market is on the right ride and can be reached by crossing the foot bridges.

What places have you added to your bucketlist? Have you been to beautiful places in Brunei that should be on this list? Feel free to share your thoughts!

Places to visit in Brunei

Brunei tourist spots, things to do in Brunei, where to go in Brunei & more.

Note: Destinations featured above are not listed by rank.

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Click below & search recommended Brunei hotels/hostels/home rentals within your budget. Remember to set your  min/max price , travel dates, and  sort by review ratings . I often book online with these trusted booking sites below for rock-bottom prices & convenient bookings.

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Book sooner rather than later if you already have your dates set. Cheaper-priced rooms and hotels with high reviews tend to get fully booked faster, especially during busy days like weekends, holidays & peak tourist seasons.

Brunei Essentials & Top Discounts

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8 Places To Visit in Kota Kinabalu

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September 14, 2017 at 6:43 am

Dear Marcos, I am from Balabac, Palawan. Can you come again and meet me to let you explore my goat farm. Can i ask your contact no i wanted to talk with you

' src=

September 16, 2017 at 11:02 am

Hello, haven’t got definite plans to come back to Balabac. Thank you for the message :)

' src=

October 24, 2018 at 8:51 am

Thanks for this post. It’s very helpful now that we’re in Brunei. Keep sharing your travels!

Wander Era

Top 19 Things to Do in Brunei

Brunei is an interesting country. Usually ignored on the typical South East Asia Tour, maybe it’s time we shone a light on the best bits of this country. So let me introduce you to Brunei, the undiscovered gem of South East Asia.

Forget all you know about the bustling South East Asian cities of Bangkok, Jakarta, Singapore and Ho Chi Minh: Bandar Seri Begawan lives up to its pseudonym as the capital of the ‘Abode of Peace’. This underrated country in South East Asia still offers a lot of undiscovered adventures and here we will uncover the REAL highlights from someone who lived there.

In this guide, we’re sharing the top things to do in Brunei!

Table of Contents

Top Things to Do in Brunei

Visit the sultan omar ali saifuddien mosque.

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

The Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is the number one thing to see in Brunei according to everyone who hasn’t been to Brunei . Yes, it is a central point of the city centre, yes, it’s a beautiful construction but is it the best thing to do in Brunei? I don’t think so. 

No matter where you’re standing in the city centre, you can’t miss the golden dome on the mosque (it’s not exceptionally big, it’s more that there are no tall buildings in the city centre). Nothing is allowed to be built taller too. 

The Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III mosque is the national mosque and it is known throughout South East Asia as a beautiful mosque. It’s a good starting point to explore the city. 

Be aware that the mosque will be closed at prayer times. They provide suitable clothing to enter the mosque 

Explore the Eco Park and Riverside Walk

Straight after your mosque visit, head to the eco park just next door. Families gather here in the evening and at weekends, bringing picnics and hiring bikes to cycle around the pedestrianized area.

It’s a popular spot for exercise in the evening with a riverside walk along the waterfront to the RIPAS bridge (which looks pretty when it has been lit up). Head right when looking at the river to try and spot crocodiles hanging out. 

Kampong Ayer

Kampong Ayer

From the waterfront you can’t miss Kampong Ayer, which is the world’s largest water village, and we mean village. There are schools, hospital, gyms, a fire station all built on stilts. The 38 kilometres of boardwalk connect this floating village and it is in various states of use.

There is rarely a handrail and there might be the occasional hole, slightly wobbly board or cat poop to avoid. Kampong Ayer is also known as the ‘Venice of the east’ but honestly, I think the similarities end there. 

W ant to read more about a trip to Venice, check out this post . 

There is still a substantial community on Kampong Ayer although many have headed to the mainland or travel there to work.

It’s an interesting place and if you enjoy unique, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, consider staying in Kampong Ayer during your visit to Brunei, we highly recommend a stay at Kunyit 7 Lodge with the incredibly Kem as your guide. It’s a $1BND trip one way trip from the mainland to the village

Spend a Sunday in Bandar Seri Begawan- Bandarku Ceria

If you happen to be visiting the city on a Sunday you will find most of the roads closed to become a pedestrianized playground. The population is encouraged to ride bikes, scoot, skate, jog and walk around the city. There are also lots of local stalls selling food, clothes and trinkets. 

Check Out the Royal Regalia Museum

This museum houses all of the Sultan’s gifts (maybe not the best ones but some) presented to him and his father, Saifuddien, from various heads of state from around the world. The museum’s permanent exhibit shows Sultan Bolkiah’s life since childhood, as well as providing as insight into the lives of the Royal family. 

The centre piece of the Royal Regalia is the gilded chariot built for the 1992 Silver Jubilee ceremony. It’s still used by the royal family during national celebrations. 

Admittedly, this is not a bustling city, filled with activities but keep reading to discover that once you step away from the city, you will begin to find the real best things about Brunei!

Experience the Gadong Night Market 

If you are after a late night, Brunei is not the place to you, but if you are a little hustle and bustle then get yourself down to Gadong Night Market. Remember the population of Brunei is only 400,000 people so set your expectation with this night market. This is the place to visit for food. Bruneian life is very much built around MAKAN!

There are two main reasons to visit Gadong Night Market – selection and price. You’ll find a great variety of Brunei’s staple dishes all for a decent price. There is a vast array of fried food but look out for the local delicacies such as satay chicken butts (called ayam tungking in Malay). 

Visit a Cinema 

Right, I know this isn’t special or unique to Brunei but what makes it special is how cheap it is to go to the cinema here. 

  • Adult tickets are between $4-6
  • Child tickets are between $3-5

WARNING! The cinemas are freezing. Wrap up warm!

Ok, so now we get to the real good stuff about Brunei. Whilst the city has its highlights, what makes Brunei so special and unique is the accessibility of primary rainforest, waterfalls and lakes! So let me introduce you to the real best things to do in Brunei.

Visit Ulu Temburong 

Ulu Temburong National Park is also known as Brunei’s “Green Jewel”. 

More than 70% of Brunei is jungle, and they make up some of the oldest in the world. There are limited areas that the public can explore but it’s packed with activities. To get to the park head to Temburong from Bandar Seri Begawan and take a long boat up the river. We have loved our stays at Trandie .

With white water rafting, tubing, foraging, jungle hikes, waterfall climbing and ziplines, your stay will be packed with activities. Watch out for hornbills flying above as you power your way up river or head out on a night walk to spot snakes or the elusive palm civet. The wildlife here is phenomenal!

The one animal missing from Brunei? Orangutans! Check our post here on where to see them .

Climb the Canopy Walk

Canopy Walk Temburong Brunei

Walking through Temburong is truly amazing, the variety of green’s is mind blowing but maybe you need a new perspective to truly grasp just how fantastic this place is. Tie up those shoelaces, stretch those leg muscles and be brave, it’s time to walk the 746 steps to the top of the canopy.

Being 50 meters (160ft) above the forest floor is not for everyone. It is a steep, slightly perilous trip to the top. If you are remotely scared of heights, this one is not for you. It’s possible to take kids up, but as a parent, prepare to have your heart in your mouth the whole time.

Go on Jungle Walks

You are absolutely spoilt for choice when it comes to walking in the jungle. There is something for everyone, even the kids. Use the AllTrails app to find suitable walks in your area looking for some clearly marked trails, check out the list below. You should always hike with someone else!

  • Tasek Lama – surprisingly close to the city center, there are lots of clearly marked routes of varying difficulty.
  • Bukit Shabandar – known as the 9 or 14 hills, this route is popular for its challenge but gives amazing views over the jungle.
  • Sipitir – A short route with views over the Brunei river, lit up at night for those fancying a late adventure.

Chase Waterfalls 

With so much jungle, it’s not surprising that there are lots of waterfalls. Some will require a bit of a jungle trek but Teraja Waterfall is one of the easiest to reach from the road. Head down to Seria to visit this natural pool and waterfall. 

Camping at Bintudoh and Eco Ponies

This family friendly camp offers tents and equipment or small cabins to rent. Around a small lake with some water activities and a zipline, it offers a welcome escape to nature.

There is also a chance to ride ATVs through the jungle. Just across the road from the campsite you can visit Eco Ponies Garden. This beautiful farm to table community set up serves delicious locally sourced food in a quirky set up.

Try the Mangrove River Safari Tour 

Mangrove River safari tour

The Brunei River is the best place to see proboscis monkeys in Brunei. These endangered, but slightly comical monkeys are famous for their huge bulbous noses.

Not as common as the nuisance long tailed macaques, it’s pretty rare to not spot them. Just a short ride from the city and you will be spotting snakes, crocodiles, otters, sea eagles and maybe if you are lucky, the silver leaf monkey or snakes! The best bet? The price is much lower than over the border in Borneo!

Looking for some inspiration on where to go next? Check our tips here

Visit a Wild Beach

beach sunset Brunei

The beaches in Brunei have a real undiscovered, wild charm to them. Don’t expect any maintenance, they are as nature intended! Palm-fringed with soft sand and clear seas they make it a great place to visit. But it comes with a warning! These beaches are so wild that they have been claimed by sandflies. This means that unless you cover up, or there is a strong breeze you will be a walking piece of meat. 

Don’t let this scare you off, Bruneian sunsets are spectacular and the beach is one of the best places to see them. Some of the best beaches to visit are Pantai (beach), Berakas, Meragang, Tanjung batu and Muara.

Have an Adventure with Kingdom Rides 

Fancy a bit of an adventure? Contact Kingdom Rides for a tour of the best trails in Brunei on a mountain bike. They tailor the best off-road adventures to give you an experience of Brunei you will never forget. Suitable for all levels.

Check Out Lake Lugu 

A small crystal-clear lake, this is a hidden gem. Pack snacks and swimmers and head to the lake where you can hire a waterside hut. There are paddleboards and canoes to hire too. Weekends and holidays will be busier with locals but you could turn up and have this spot all to yourself!

Learn to scuba/snorkel 

Whether you’re a beginner, advanced or technical diver, Brunei is a great place to scuba dive. With over 60 sites to dive, you won’t have the crowds like other sites in South East Asia but you can still see some amazing wildlife such as barracudas, turtles, eels, nudibranchs to name a few.  

It hasn’t yet hit the radar of the scuba community but Brunei is a hotspot for shipwreck diving. Wrecks from Japan’s occupation in World War II have turned into artificial reefs with thriving marine life. It’s also great for those macro enthusiasts.

If you’re interested in scuba diving in Brunei, it’s a great place to get started and offers great rates. The dives sites are also not far from the mainland and easily accessible. 

Brunei is known as one of the richest countries in the world thanks to its abundant supply of oil, so if you want to experience some of that wealth first hand, check out the recommendations below.

Have Fun at the Empire Hotel 

The Empire hotel

Sultan Bolkiah often makes the world’s richest list and there will be evidence of some this spending around the country. While the spending seems to have calmed a little as the Sultan has got older, The Empire hotel has to visited to experience a taste of luxury.

Boasting to be one of the few 7-star hotels in the world, it will be pretty clear that no expense was spared on this building.  The Empire hotel is free to visit during the day and walk the grounds, you can also purchase a day pass to experience the pool and some of the facilities. 

Visit Jerudong park 

Jerudong Park calls itself Southeast Asia’s best amusement park. Notice I said calls itself. It definitely isn’t! BUT it is one of the best amusement parks to visit and not have to queue for any rides.

Brunei’s government spent over $1 billion USD to create it. It has a great waterpark for kids too. Check opening times and prayer times before you visit. 

Click here for tips on planning your next trip .

Things to Remember When Travelling to Brunei

Brunei is an Islamic country and you should be sure to adhere to the rules and customs. 

  • Dress appropriately by covering shoulders and knees. 
  • There is no alcohol available in the country. 
  • If you are not a Muslim, you can bring in a quota allowance but remember to declare on arrival and complete an orange customs form found in the baggage area. 
  • Fridays between 12-2pm, everything is shut for people to go to mosque (we mean everything). 
  • There are very limited public transport options. If you are looking to travel around, I would highly recommend hiring a car.

In conclusion, Brunei is worth a visit, it doesn’t need a long visit but there is plenty to do here for a week if you fancy getting off the beaten track!

About the Author

Boston Tribe Travels are a family of four from the UK who are currently traveling the world full-time; seeking adventure, and chasing time, location and financial freedom.

Their blog started as a place to inspire other families to travel and help others plan their trip. Now, they aim to share their experience and skills with other families and help them to find their own freedom.

Boston Tribe Travels is an inspiring story of a family who is living their dream of traveling the world. They are a great resource for families who are considering their own world travel adventure.

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Things To Do In Brunei

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1. Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

46 km from city center 1 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

The stunning Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque in Kampong Kiarong is the largest mosque of Brunei. Built in honor of the current Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, it is one of the two national mosques of Brunei.

2. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque

46 km from city center 2 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

One of the most beautiful mosques in the Asia Pacific, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, named after the 28th Sultan of Brunei, is located at Bandar Seri Begawan. The first national mosque of Brunei, it seems to be floating on water due to the beautiful design of a lagoon around it.

3. Kampong Ayer

Kampong Ayer

45 km from city center 3 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Located just off the Bandan Seri Begwan waterfront, Kampong Ayer is the world’s largest (and oldest) water village. The entire settlement is on water and the buildings are built on stilts on Brunei River, making it popular as 'Venice of the East'.

4. Royal Regalia Museum

Royal Regalia Museum

46 km from city center 4 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Royal Regalia Museum, located at the centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, is dedicated to the Sultan of Brunei. It depicts the life of the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and the history of his rule.

Top Hotels In Brunei

9.0 (76 reviews)

₽ 22,587 onwards

8.6 (446 reviews)

₽ 8,145 onwards

9.6 (31 reviews)

₽ 6,160 onwards

8.4 (36 reviews)

₽ 5,475 onwards

8.3 (387 reviews)

₽ 6,023 onwards

8.1 (157 reviews)

₽ 4,791 onwards

5. Bandar Seri Begawan Waterfront

Bandar Seri Begawan Waterfront

5 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

The Bandar Seri Begawan is a new public space opened in Brunei to uplift the nightlife in Brunei’s capital, which is believed to have suffered in history due to lack of evening entertainment. This site of 1.8 hectare took in all three years to get ready.

6. Istana Nurul Iman

Istana Nurul Iman

43 km from city center 6 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Istana Nurul Iman is famous for holding the Guinness World Record of being the largest palace and royal residence in the world’ (according to floor space). It is the residence of the Sultan of Brunei and his family and is located near the Brunei River near Bandar Seri Begawan.

7. Malay Technology Museum

Malay Technology Museum

47 km from city center 7 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Malay Technology Museum, also known as Muzium Teknologi Melayu locally, is located on the Kota Batu Road in Bandar Seri Bengawan. The museum focuses on the traditional use of technology in Brunei and is a great place to learn about the technological and cultural development of the country.

8. Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum

Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum

47 km from city center 8 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Brunei Darussalam Maritime Museum, also referred to as Muzium Maritim Brunei Darussalam in Malay is an impressive museum which showcases several artefacts and historical relics. It comprises of 3 galleries, two of which display a permanent exhibition and the third is for temporary exhibitions.

9. Jerudong Park

Jerudong Park

46 km from city center 9 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Jerudong Park is an amusement theme park located in Jerudong, a short ride away from Bandar Seri Begawan. The park is home to a water park along with numerous rides making it one of the largest theme park in South East Asia.

10. Gadong Night Market

Gadong Night Market

46 km from city center 10 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Officially called Pasar Pelbagai Barangan Gadong, Gadong Night Market is a bustling market in the city centre of Bandar Seri Bagawan. It spans over 5,500 square metres of space and has almost 160 different stalls dedicated to food, drinks, fruits and vegetables, pirated CD’s, second-hand clothes, and even electronics.

11. Tasek Lama Recreational Park

Tasek Lama Recreational Park

11 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Located at Bandar Seri Begawan, Tasek Lama Recreational Park is a beautifully constructed park housing a natural waterfall and a lake which are a source of the city’s drinking water. Also referred to as the Waterfall Park, it has jungle trails, picnic spots and an observation tower.

12. Tasek Merimbun

Tasek Merimbun

9 km from city center 12 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Located in the Tutong District of Brunei, the Tasek Merimbun is the largest natural lake in Brunei. At a distance of about 70 kilometres from the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan, the lake is surrounded by a 7800-hectare Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park.

13. Tamu Kianggeh Market

Tamu Kianggeh Market

13 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Located at Bandar Seri Begawan, Tamu Kianggeh Market is a roofed street market in Brunei presenting a wide array of shopping and eating alternatives. It showcases all the distinguished goods of Brunei along with the traditional hand-woven handicrafts.

14. Ulu Temburong National Park

Ulu Temburong National Park

55 km from city center 14 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

The Ulu Temburong National Park is a 550 square kilometres national park situated in the Temburong District in Eastern Brunei. Commonly referred to as the ‘Green Jewel of Brunei’, it is renowned for its wildlife which is home to over 40 species of butterflies and the ‘exploding ants’, one of the rarest species of ants.

15. Billionth Barrel Monument

Billionth Barrel Monument

46 km from city center 15 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Located in Seria, Brunei, the Billionth Barrel Monument is a symbol of achievement in Brunei’s oil production. The monument marks the production of the billionth barrel of the oil field in Seria.

16. Pantai Seri Kenangan

Pantai Seri Kenangan

30 km from city center 16 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

The Pantai Seri Kenangan Beach lies in the Kuala Tutong area of the Tuton town. Translating to the ‘unforgettable beach’, Seri Kenangan lives up to its name. The beach is eminent for its powdery white sand which is extended beyond infinity via the glistening mirror-smooth water.

17. Andulau Forest Reserve

Andulau Forest Reserve

24 km from city center 17 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Andulau Forest Reserve is a forest located in southeast of Kampong Keluyoh amd Sungai Liang. It has an elevation of 82 metres. It further has two recreational parks - Sungai Liang and Luagan Lalak.

18. Ash Shaliheen Mosque

Ash Shaliheen Mosque

48 km from city center 18 out of 18 Things To Do in Brunei

Located beside the Prime Minister’s Office Complex in the capital town of Bandar Seri Begawan lies the magnificent Ash Shaliheen Mosque. The mosque’s architecture is influenced by the Moroccan-styled structures.

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What are the top sightseeing places in brunei, how can i commute within brunei.

  • Some car rentals have an age limit of 23 to 68 years and can restrict access to a rented car if your age is not in this limit.
  • It can be quite a challenge to get cabs during the peak hours; morning and afternoon.
  • Petrol prices are cheaper than a bottle of water in Brunei.
  • The country offers conducive and ample parking spaces and good road conditions. 

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10 best places to visit in Brunei

22/12/2019 by Roobens

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I already said it in my guide to East Timor , I’m curious by nature. Since I was backpacking Southeast Asia , I told myself “ Let’s go to less visited areas, especially since I’m here in Southeast Asia “. That’s how I decided to spend go to Brunei, the tiny country located on Borneo. Borneo is an island shared by Indonesia and Malaysia , and Brunei is enclosed in the Malay part. Although the rain forest covers 75% of the territory of the country, almost half a million people live in Brunei. Let’s find out what are the places to visit in Brunei!


Table of Contents

Description of Brunei

Before listing the places to visit in Brunei, let’s describe the country quickly! Brunei hosts approximately 250000 tourists per year, so you don’t run into tourists on every corner. In the title of this article, I talk about the “ places to visit in Brunei “, but I actually visited Bandar Seri Begawan, its capital. What’s the first thing I noticed when I arrived in Brunei? The wealth of the country.

Apart from Singapore , all the countries in the area are developing countries. This is clearly not the case here in Brunei. I have to tell you the sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, is one of the world’s richest person, mostly thanks to the huge oil and gas reserve of the country. He reigns over the country since 1967, and it is said that he has more than 5000 luxury cars.

Taman Mahkota Jubli Emas brunei

Here I am, walking around in the streets of Bandar Seri Begawan, and it jumps out at you, there’s a lot of money here. All the cars look brand new (like in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan ), and the city is extremely clean. Before getting there, I met a few backpackers who had been in Brunei. They were telling me Bandar Seri Begawan is a boring city, with not much to do.


I don’t agree but I understand their point of view : the kingdom of Brunei is a very conservative country. That means you won’t be able to buy a single drop of alcohol, they don’t sell cigarettes, and there’s no nightlife (no bars nor clubs). Forget about the wild parties of Vang Vieng ! If you wanna drink, go to Miri, it’s two hours away by car. It’s a Malay city (just behind the border), and you’ll find plenty of bars and alcohol.


Like all the conservative countries, it’s still possible to buy alcohol on the black market, but I wouldn’t take the risk… It’s a 300 dollars fine if you get caught, and you’ll face a death sentence if you’re selling or if you’re having drugs . Brunei introduced Sharia law into its penal code, which means they have recourse to flagellation in case of alcohol consumption, lapidation in case of adultery, and amputaion of a limb in case of theft (the Sharia law is valid for Muslim citizens of the country only).

teng yun temple brunei

The streets get completely empty after 9pm. Actually, even daytime, the streets are quite empty. People don’t really get around by foot, but mostly by car or by bus. Sometimes I saw some people in the street, and upon spotting me, they greeted me with great smiles. Almost all the women I saw were wearing the veil. But generally, the city is quiet, there’s no bustle in the streets. You’ll see some stray dogs, even a few monkeys, but that’s it! Bandar Seri Begawan reminded me of Dubai, but it’s less bling-bling.


Things to do in Bandar Seri Begawan

The omar ali saiffudien mosque.

An unmissable is the Omar Ali Saiffudien mosque , made of marble and gold! This is said to be one of the most beautiful mosques in Southeast Asia, and it’s named after the 28th sultan of Brunei (the current sultan is the 29th). The mosque was completed in 1958, it’s 52 meters (171 ft.) high, and supposedly it can be seen from anywhere in the city. It’s surrounded by a beautiful lake and a wonderful garden open in 2017, le Taman Mahkota Jubli Emas. I tried to get in several times, but they always refused to let me in. So I thought it was forbidden for the tourists to get inside, but apparently, some travelers managed to get in.

Omar Ali Saifuddien mosque brunei

Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah mosque

Another one you have to see is Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah mosque. It’s a bit far from the city center, but the mosque is wonderful, and impressive. It was built in honor of the current sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, and it’s 58 meters (190 ft.) high. The mosque has 29 domes (cause the current sultan is the 29th), and also four minarets. It’s possible to visit some parts of the mosque for the non-Muslims at specific hours (from 9:30am to 11:30am, and from 2 to 3pm), but I arrived at 3:15pm… Bus #1 goes to the mosque from the city center.

Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah mosque brunei

Kampong Ayer

Take some time to see Kampong Ayer , also called “the Venice of the East”. It’s a water village, and you can get there by taking a water taxi (it’s $1 and it’s barely a two minutes ride). Almost 40000 people live there, it’s a real city in the city! There’s not much to do there, but it’s still nice to have a walk there. Otherwise, you can ask the boat drivers to take you for a tour on the water. It’s like 20 dollars.

kampong ayer brunei

Tasek Lama Park

If you have some time, you can go to the Tasek Lama Park . You’ll see many families there, kids playing, and you can even hike in the park! I saw many locals exercising in this park, some of them were quite old!

tasek lama park brunei

Other things to do in Bandar Seri Begawan

I’m not much into museums, but you can visit the Royal Regalia museum. It’s free to get in but I didn’t go. You mostly learn about the history of Brunei, and some gifts given by various nationsn to the sultan are exhibited. There’s also the maritime museum , and the Brunei history center . Finally, I wanted to visit the Nurul Iman palace , which is the residence of the sultan. When I arrived, I found out the palace is closed all year long… except on July 15th, on the sultan’s birthday. That day only, they open the doors and you can visit his abode! There are other places to visit, but I didn’t go : Ulu Temburong National Park and the Gadong night market , where -from what I heard- the food is good and cheap!

royal regalia museum brunei

I only stayed for three days in Brunei, but I liked it. Bandar Seri Begawan is a quiet capital, and people are nice. I talked about it just below but there’s no safety problems, not even for the solo female travelers. You can go there with no fears.

How to get to Brunei

You’ll have to take a flight if you’re not already on Borneo island. Click here to check the latest flight prices. I paid 20 dollars the taxi ride from the airport to the hostel in the city center.

Where to stay in Brunei

If you’re traveling on a budget, I suggest you to stay at the Bwn Bed station, a well-located hostel. Click here to book your stay . If you’re looking for a mid-range hotel, there’s the Qing Yun Resthouse Bandar. Click here to book your stay . If you prefer top of the range places, you can stay at the Badi’ah Hotel. Click here to book your stay . Otherwise click here to check what are the hotels available in Bandar Seri Begawan.

Finally, if you prefer to stay in an apartment, click here to check the apartments available on Airbnb.

Money in Brunei

The currency is the Bruneian dollar, and is pegged to the Singapore dollar. In Brunei, both currencies are accepted! Apparently, even in Singapore both currencies are accepted, but I can’t confirm!

Safety in Brunei

Brunei is a safe country, there’s no safety problems! Ladies, just one thing, avoid wearing plunging necklines and mini skirts, and you’ll be fine!

How to get around in Brunei

The best way to get around : by foot or by bus. Avoid taxis, they’re sooo expensive (there are very few taxis because everybody owns a car).

Best time to visit Brunei

The best time to go there? From February to April! It’s not too hot, and you avoid the rain!

Budget in Brunei

I think you need at least 40 dollars per day to stay there. Fortunately, the food is not too expensive, I had a great dish in the market and I just paid two dollars!

Food in Brunei

Talking about food, they mostly eat Indian or Chinese food. There are also Western restaurants. Be careful, don’t drink tap water.

Brunei travel tips

  • Traveling soon? Check out my travel resources page! This list of travel accessories can also be useful!
  • Wanna go to Brunei?  Check the visa policy here . Most Western countries can go there visa-free. Be careful, they ask for an onward ticket, and even the hotel reservation sometimes!
  • Don’t go to Brunei without   a  travel insurance ! Here’s why buy travel insurance !
  • Want a tailor-made trip to Brunei? Get a free quote here !
  • Always use a VPN when traveling. I use ExpressVPN and I love it! Here’s why use a VPN when traveling .
  • Here are random facts about Brunei .

popular places to visit in brunei

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Reader Interactions

popular places to visit in brunei

01/01/2019 at 10:56

I find that whether or not you can rely on people’s advice about a place, depends a lot on whether you travel for the same reasons they are. I’ve not yet been to Brunei even after all this while, this is quite helpful.

When I was preparing to go to French Polynesia, the general advice was to skip Pape’ete, the capital – or even Tahiti itself! But that’s because most people going and giving advice, go for lagoon holidays or honeymoon. Yet Pape’ete has lots of street art, and I know if I had spent even an extra week in Tahiti I would still have had enough to do. As for SE Asia, large portions of the region with the most interesting history and culture, and special nature spots, would be off the list for most millennial travellers because the villages don’t have alcohol or clubs. Which actually is probably no bad thing…

popular places to visit in brunei

02/01/2019 at 00:48

Yeah right, I completely agree. I tend to read and listen different points of view before going somewhere. And I still go to places when people tell me beforehand “Don’t go, it’s boring”. I like to make my own opinion of a city/country.

popular places to visit in brunei

03/01/2019 at 18:46

This was incredibly informative and I loved your photos! I would love to visit Brunei one day, it sounds fascinating!

04/01/2019 at 18:36

Thank you very much! 🙂

popular places to visit in brunei

24/01/2019 at 16:55

Awesome!! That looks so dreamy, Unreal ! I am packing my suitcase for Sicily and I’m really hoping to get some gems of experiences and photos as good as yours. Incredible Brunei!

27/01/2019 at 15:23

24/01/2019 at 16:56

Awesome post… I appreciate your time and effort in your work. Keep posting..

25/01/2019 at 00:05

Thanks! Yes I will!

popular places to visit in brunei

04/04/2019 at 11:34

Very good your tips … I have dreamed a lot in starting to make my first trips around the world and at the same time share my experience with people. But I confess, I have not been able to do that yet. Your posts are very good and motivational. Thank you for sharing your experience in detail with us. 🙂

06/04/2019 at 16:08

Glad you like my posts! Thank you!

[…] Next stop on our route through Borneo was Brunei. The country is located between Sarawak and Sabah, so why not visit this small exotically named country? We took the land route from Miri to Bandar Seri Begawan with a private taxi bus that we luckily found at Miri bus station. Visiting Brunei was quite cool, above all it’s a country most travelers haven’t been to before. A must see is the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque with its golden domes, for us one of the most beautiful mosques we have ever seen. You can also do excursions to see the proboscis monkeys. Here are the best places to visit in Brunei. […]

popular places to visit in brunei

8 Top Things To Do In Brunei & Bandar Seri Begawan

Brunei is a tiny, oil rich Muslim country on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia, and its capital city (Bandar Seri Begawan) only has a population of about 100,000 people.

This entire country is mostly overlooked by tourists, but it’s still a cool place to check out, with its interesting museums and mosques that are open to the public for free.

You can also do things like visit a museum, or go on a river safari to spot monkeys and other wildlife. Here are 8 of the best things to do in Brunei and Bandar Seri Begawan!

Table of Contents show Where To Stay In Brunei Top Things To Do In Brunei & Bandar Seri Begawan 1. Brunei Airport Mosque 2. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque 3. Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque 4. Royal Regalia Museum 5. Mangrove River Safari 6. Gadong Mall 7. Pick Up Some Brunei Swag 8. Try Durian Ice Cream More Brunei Travel Tips Brunei Hotels Where I Stayed

Where To Stay In Brunei

popular places to visit in brunei

Rimbun Suites

Badi'ah Hotel

Badi'ah Hotel

Al Afiah Hotel

Al Afiah Hotel

Radisson Hotel Brunei Darussalam

Radisson Hotel

Top Things To Do In Brunei & Bandar Seri Begawan

1. brunei airport mosque.

This is an easy one. The first thing you see after arriving in Bandar Seri Begawan is the Brunei International Airport Mosque. This is a smaller mosque with a big blue dome and three minarets, right next to the airport doors. It isn’t open to tourists, but you’re welcome to snap some photos from the outside!

Dome and walls of the Brunei Airport Mosque

2. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

This mosque is the most famous monument in Brunei, and it’s easily the most photogenic too. The mosque has a huge dome of pure gold, and cost as much as $10 Million USD to build!

Read More: Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Water reflection and boat at the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in Brunei

3. Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

This huge mosque is another iconic monument of Bandar Seri Begawan, with its golden domes and 60 meter (200 foot) tall minarets. You can also tour the inside on certain days of the week, and the inside looks just as impressive as the outside.

Read More: Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Domes of the Jame’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque in Brunei

4. Royal Regalia Museum

Brunei’s biggest and most popular museum is the Royal Regalia Museum in the city center, where you can see exhibits from the country’s history. It’s free to enter, but sadly they don’t allow phones or cameras inside. Free lockers are provided for storing your stuff.

Top things to do in Brunei and Bandar Seri Begawan

© Shutterstock

5. Mangrove River Safari

Take a wildlife sighting cruise on the Brunei River! During a 2 hour boat trip you can see Borneo’s Proboscis monkeys and mangrove forests, and visit a local water village on stilts. Viator has boat tour packages for this starting at 70 Brunei dollars ($52 USD) with pickup included.

Book now: Brunei River Safari

Top things to do in Brunei and Bandar Seri Begawan

6. Gadong Mall

Also known as “The Mall”, this is one of Bandar Seri Begawan’s prime shopping centers. I wouldn’t say it’s anything spectacular like the malls in Dubai , but it’s a good place to escape the midday heat and look for some good deals on electronics, souvenirs and essentials.

Top things to do in Brunei and Bandar Seri Begawan

7. Pick Up Some Brunei Swag

As far as tourist destinations go, Bandar Seri Begawan is probably one of the more obscure cities in the world, so be sure to pick up some fridge magnets and other souvenirs! Even the Bruneian Dollar bills look pretty cool.

Hand holding a $10 Dollar Bruneian money note

8. Try Durian Ice Cream

The Dairy Queen in Brunei sells blizzards made out of the notoriously weird smelling Durian fruit . The flavor is incredibly bad. You have to try it, even just to say you did!

Durian ice cream sign at a Dairy Queen

More Brunei Travel Tips

Thanks for looking! I hope you enjoyed this list of the top things to do in Brunei and Bandar Seri Begawan.

Don’t forget to check out my complete Brunei Travel Guide with tips, info, photos, and more!  

Brunei Hotels

Where i stayed.

I stayed at Qing Yun Resthouse Bandar near the BSB riverfront, in a private air-conditioned room for $33 USD per night. Brunei is not the cheapest country to travel, so this was a pretty good deal.

The location was perfect. The hotel was just a 5 minute walk from the famous Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque and Royal Regalia Museum. It was also right on top of a shopping complex with lots of restaurants.

Prices may fluctuate from time to time, so just keep an eye out for a good deal.

popular places to visit in brunei

My Brunei Hotel

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Brunei travel blog — The fullest Brunei travel guide for first-timers

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Brunei is a small country (only about 5.765 km²) but very rich and prosperous. Not as famous as Singapore or Thailand, but Brunei is known as the world’s richest Muslim kingdom, traveling to Brunei you not only visit the famous places but also have the opportunity to explore and experience life lavish of this kingdom. With a small population and huge oil revenues, so the wealth in Brunei is evident in everywhere. Especially, It is very clear in the mosques. In recent years, Brunei has always been an attractive and extremely interesting destination with many features of natural as well as culinary and cultural. Now, let’s check it out our Brunei blog (Brunei travel blog) with the fullest Brunei travel guide (Brunei guide) for a wonderful and budget trip to Brunei for the first-timers below.

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Brunei blog: When to visit Brunei?

Jame' Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Like other Southeast Asian countries, Brunei’s climate is divided into two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season, but this division is not really clear and it also does not affect much on your trip. From September to January every year is a humid season with average temperatures between from 24 degrees Celsius to 31 degrees Celsius. The weather is quite humid and uncomfortable, with heavy rains, so you avoid traveling to Brunei in this time. The period from April to August, the weather during this period is very pleasant, so this is the best time to visit Brunei.


In Brunei, there are two main celebrations that you should know:

Ramadan: It takes place within a month starting in mid-May, this month the Brunei people will be eat vegetarian or not eat at all during the daylight, so when traveling in this time, you should avoid eating in front of the people.


Hari Raya Aidilfitri: It takes place after Ramadan in the middle of September, pilgrims from all over the world come here to meet, greet and receive souvenirs from the Sultan and the Queen (a chocolate bar is sealed by Royal stamp or 5 Brunei dollars (BND) if is a child) on the occasion the Royal palace open only once a year, to receive good luck.

Brunei's Sultan celebrates Muslim festival of Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Bandar Seri Begawan

Brunei travel blog: How to get to Brunei?

According to Brunei travel experience, there are no direct flights from Vietnam, so you have to transit in Kuala Lumpur or Singapore or Malaysia and then getting to Brunei. Here is how to getting from Vietnam to Brunei short and convenient by air as follows.


From Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City you can buy tickets from airlines such as: Air Asia, Vietnam Airlines to Kuala Lumpur. Then from Kuala Lumpur you can go to Brunei in two ways:

You can buy cheap air tickets from airlines such as AirAsia for round trip Hanoi – Kuala Lumpur or Ho Chi Minh City – Kuala Lumpur. Then you continue to fly round trip Kuala Lumpur – Brunei.

Tourist Information Centre at Brunei Airport

When arrived at Brunei Airport you must pay the airport fee of 12 Brunei Dollar or 12 Singapore Dollar (note that the airline only accepts paper money).


  • From Miri Airport in Malaysia, you buy a taxi ticket to the Long Distance Bus Station, it takes 26 Ringgit (about $6.4) per trip.
  • Then from the bus station you buy tickets to Brunei of PHLS Express company for 25 Ringgit (about $6.11). There are only 2 trips for a day at 7am and 15:45pm so you should keep in mind.
  • In the opposite direction at the bus station of Bandar (Brunei), only PHLS Express company sells tickets from Brunei to Miri (Malaysia) for 18 Brunei Dollar or 18 Singapore Dollar.

Note: Israeli citizens may be banned enter Brunei. Southeast Asia countries has no need VISA.

Getting from Brunei Airport to the city center

Bandar Seri Begawan Bus Station

In Brunei there is only one main bus station in the center of the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan Bus Station, so all arrivals / departures are pass this station. There is a very large details map of all bus routes in Brunei. If you a backpack visitor to Brunei remember get here to refer to it first!

brunei bus routes map

There are 4 easiest bus routes from the airport to the city center (and back) are 23, 24, 34 and 38, blue cars. Buses in Brunei are quite old but run smoothly and safely. Ticket prices for all route or a half route are B$1 (1 Brunei Dollar), rno matter which bus route. That means you just have to pay B$1 and you want to get down at any place, at any time.

bus 38

Brunei blog: How to getting around Brunei?

Water-Taxi-in brunei

The main means of transport in Brunei are buses, cars and taxis. Each type of vehicle has its own advantages. If you want to go around to exploring the capital, you should take the bus, because here the bus system is very cheap, safe and convenient. But if you want to go deep in inner of the country, you must rent a car or take a train. As follows:

Bandar Seri Begawan.

Taxi: Most of the Brunei people have their own cars so there are only about 50 taxis in the country. If you want to take a taxi from the airport to the city center it will take about 20 minutes at a cost of 25 – 30 Brunei Dollar. But you will be wait a long time.

taxi in brunei

Bus: The special feature of the Brunei bus has no waiting point, you stand at the edge of the road for 5 to 10 minutes, you can tell the driver about your destination. The fare for one bus trip is 1 Dollar Brunei.

bus brunei

Bus routes to distant locations

  • Brunei International Airport: Bus No.23, 24, 34, 35, 36, 38
  • Kuala Lurah: Bus No.42, 44
  • Kuala Belait/Tutong District (pass the Proposed Rimba Terminal): Bus No.22, 57
  • Kianggeh Jetty: Bus No.39
  • Labuan/Kg Menumbok (Kota Kinabalu) pass Muara Passenger/Car Ferry Terminal: Bus No.33, 37, 38, 39

bus no23 brunei

Bus routes to places of interest

  • Brunei Royal Regalia Museum: All bus routes
  • Jame Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque: Bus No.01, 20, 22
  • Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque: All bus routes
  • Tasek Lama Recreational Park: Bus No.01
  • Museums of Brunei: All bus routes
  • Jerudong Park: Bus No.55

Bus No. 45

Brunei travel blog: Where to stay in Brunei?

The Empire Hotel and Country Club

Most hotels in Brunei are very expensive. However, there are many cheap hotels in Brunei, but if you have a lot of money you can stay in more upscale hotels. The rental price is an average of $55 per night/per room. Here are some budget hotels you can refer to:

Jubilee hotel

  • Jubilee Hotel (2 star standard). Address: Jubilee Plaza, Jalan Kampong Kianggeh, BS 8111 Bandar Seri Begawan. Room rates from $40/night.
  • The Brunei Hotel (3 star standard). Address: 95, Jalan Pemancha, BS8811 Bandar Seri Begawan.
  • Badiah Hotel : (3 star standard). Address: Mile 1 1/4, Jalan Tutong , Kianggeh, Bandar Seri Begawan. Room rates from $55/night.
  • Qing Yun Resthouse Sdn Bhd (1 star standard): Address: No 16 1st floor ,block I ,Abdul Razak complex,jalan Gadong BE3519,Brunei Darussalam. Room rates from $30/night.
  • Palm Garden Hotel Brunei (3 star standard). Address: Lot 45328, Simpang 88, Kampong Kiulap, BE1518 BSB. Room rates from $40/night.
  • Mulia Hotel (4 star standard). Address: EDR No. BD 30040 Lot No 31954, Kg Anggerek Desa, Mukim Barakas, Brunei-Muara, Kianggeh, Bandar Seri Begawan, agoda.

Palm Garden Hotel Brunei

If you have more money then the following are high-end (luxury) hotels in Brunei with furniture, professional services, facilities, luxury equipment, modern that you refer to:

The Rizqun International Hotel

  • The Rizqun International Hotel : Address: Abdul Razak Complex, Gadong, Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan, 5 star standard and room rates from $121.66/night.
  • The Empire Hotel and Country Club : Address: Jerudong Negara BG 3122, Jerudong, Bandar Seri Begawan, 5 star standard and room rates from $194.33/night.
  • OSP Puni Indah Luxury Residence : Address: Jalan Ong Sum Ping, Kianggeh, Bandar Seri Begawan with, 4 star standard and room rate from $183.21/night.

The Empire Hotel and Country Club

However, there is a very interesting way to explore the culture and learn about the customs and habits of the people of Brunei is to apply for stay in homestay. The people of Brunei are very hospitable and willing to help others. You just login into the Couchsurfing Social Networking site to apply for homestay.


brunei guest house

If there are no conditions to stay in the hotel you can rent a cheap guesthouse for about 10 Brunei dollars. Below is a list of some popular budget guesthouses you can refer to:

  • Pusat Belia (Youth Center Hostel) . Address: Simpang 336-17, Jalan Kebandasan, Bandar Seri Begawan.
  • Harmoni Ria Guesthouse . Address: 21 Jalan Medewa, Km 7, Jalan Tutong, Bandar Seri Begawan.


You can find, check rates, availability & booking for other hotels in Brunei on Agoda.com or Booking.com .

Brunei blog: Best places to visit and top things to do in Brunei

Istana nurul iman – sultan’s palace.

Istana Nurul Iman - Palace of the Sultan of Brunei

In Arabic the Istana Nurul Iman means “Palace of the Light of the Saints”. This is the largest and richest palace in the world. The Royal Palace of Brunei is located on a high hill next to the lower of Brunei River. The palace’s door towards Bandar Seri Begawan capital. This is the main residence of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and his royal family.

Istana Nurul Iman behind water village

With a total construction cost of about $ 1.4 billion, when visiting the Royal Palace, visitors will admire the unique Islamic architecture with extremely expensive luxury furniture. The palace is decorated by high-end furniture, luxuriously decorated with gold and silver materials, diamonds and gems, etc. Inside, there are a throne, tables and chairs for guests, paintings, bowls, glasses, all made from gold. Some lucky visitors have the opportunity to enter the palace of gold, will feel like to sink into the world of the King’s fairy and do not want to come out realistic.


Royal Palace is a must visit place in Brunei. Normally, the palace is not open to the public, except for the annual Hari Raya Aidilfitri festival, where visitors visit the Sultan to be blessed and receive the presents.

Istana Nurul Iman - Palace of the Sultan of Brunei

Kampong Ayer Water Village


As a village with a history of more than 600 years, there are still big nose monkeys living in simple houses on the peaceful river. In the village there are schools, hospitals, administrative offices … To get here you have to go by wooden boat or also called water taxi. But the price is not cheap, about $20- $40 for a tour around the river. Another trip from shore to floating village cost about $1- $2.

Water-Taxi-in brunei2 Credit image: brunei travel blog.

Unlike the outside appearance of the village, looks like “slums”, the inside space of the village is very … good, every home is full of modern facilities. Each house in Kampong Ayer is linked by a Brunei-style road system made of special wood on the island of Borneo.

Kampong Ayer Water Village School Pickup Time

The rustic life but also very romantic with wide yards and common paths are planted a lot of flowers and bonsai. The floating villagers are very focused decoration for their home, this is where you can not miss when traveling to Brunei.

kampong ayer village

Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Brunei is dubbed the kingdom of the mosques. With an area of only 6,000 square kilometers and a population of nearly 400,000 people, but Brunei has over 100 mosques. The devotion of the people of Brunei is a great source of inspiration for creating spectacular, beautiful mosques. Among them, the Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque in Brunei is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia with the stunning and magical of five tons of gold plated all over the mosque.

Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque interior

All the columns, the stairs are made of marble, the carpets in the mosque are imported from Arabia, the tiles paved wall are imported from Europe and the sparkling chandeliers are made of gold and diamonds are very brilliant.

Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque interior

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque

Istana Nurul Iman - Sultan's Palace

Considered as Asia’s largest mosque at this time and also the first in Brunei, with a dome plated with 5 tons of pure gold. Interior and exterior are also used luxury materials imported from many countries in the world.

Istana Nurul Iman - Sultan's Palace

Reading continued…

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