uk visit visa bank statement requirement pakistan

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How Much Bank Statement is Needed For a UK Visit Visa

There can be confusion concerning the required bank statement for a UK Visit Visa and what information should be included when applying.

Reach out to our legal advisers for bank statement advice, document check, or application support on  0333 305 9375 . We can help maximise your chances and lower risks of delays or possible refusal of your UK Visitor Visa application.

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What Bank Balance is Required for a UK Visit Visa?

In applying for a UK Visit Visa, the essential requirement is to have sufficient funds for your upkeep throughout your stay.

Although there is no fixed minimum bank balance set by the Home Office, you must have enough funds to demonstrate that you can cover your expenses without using public funds.

If you do not have sufficient funds in your own bank account, you can still meet the financial requirement by showing that your family member or relatives will financially support you during your stay in the UK.

Demonstrating Enough Funds for a UK Visit Visa

Part of the UK Visit Vist application process requires you to provide to the Home Office the following information as part of making a decision on whether to approve or decline your visa:

  • How much do you think your trip will cost
  • How much you earn in a year (if you have an income)
  • The dates you’re planning to travel
  • Where will you stay during your visit
  • Your parents’ names and birth dates (if known)
  • Your current home address and how long you’ve lived there
  • Details of any criminal offences you have committed

There is no set amount of monetary funds required for a UK Visit Visa as it depends on invidual’s circumstances and the purpose of their visit to the UK.

You may be confused about how to meet sufficient funds since the Home Office has made it mandatory for entry officers to ensure visitors’ income or savings are sufficient to meet the likely costs during their stay in the UK and that their expenses are reasonable based on their financial situation.

Based on this, if you’re travelling alone and you think your trip will cost £2,000, the recommended amount in your bank account should be at least £3,000 over the preceding six months. Though a trip may not necessarily cost as much as that, it is advisable to have more funds in your bank account than the estimated cost of the trip.

Again, the Home Office didn’t set a fixed minimum bank balance for a UK Visit Visa but having the recommended bank balance demonstrates that you have sufficient maintenance funds.

How to Meet Bank Statement Requirements for a UK Visit Visa

Providing bank statements that show your monthly salary and financial commitments, is required for a UK Visitor Visa. You need to note that large deposits of cash other than your monthly salary should be excluded from your bank statement.

Although, there is no fixed minimum amount you must have in your bank account. However, you may wish to ensure that your bank statement meets the following requirements to avoid visa refusal:

  • A daily budget of about £100 to £150 per day per visitor, as the UK is an expensive country.
  • Monthly disposable income should make up a significant percentage of net monthly income.
  • Funds should be twice the expected UK trip cost.
  • The monthly salary should at least cover half of the expected visit expenses.

In general, a large bank balance does not mean you have sufficient funds, and a low bank balance means you have insufficient funds.

You will also need to provide bank statements in English or Welsh – otherwise you will need to provide certified translated copies to the Home Office.

uk visit visa bank statement requirement pakistan

What if Your Bank Statement Does Not Demonstrate Sufficient Funds?

If you can not provide copies of bank statements that show sufficient funds for your trip that you may want to conside the following:

  • Manage your trip with the funds you currently have. For example, shorten your trip to the UK.
  • Use sponsorship from a family member or relative to make your trip possible within your salary limits.
  • Postpone your visit until you have sufficient funds to travel

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Need to know how much bank statement is required for UK Visit Visa? Contact us for reliable guidance and support.

What is Fund Parking?

Borrowing money from someone to act as if it’s your own money is called “fund parking.” When you deposit large deposits other than your salary in your bank account, the Home Office classifies them as “parked funds.”

However, if your large deposits were due to investments, property sales, or any other gift, it is necessary to provide documentation to prove you are the owner.

In addition, having unexpected expenses like investment in stocks (or fixed deposits), property purchase, hospitalisation, etc., will require a proper explanation in the cover letter for a UK Viisa application.

If you need help writing a cover letter, contact a legal professional. IAS can advise you on what to do and help you prepare your visa application. Call us today on  0333 305 9375  for support in applying for a Visit Visa.

Financial Sponsorship Documents

A sponsor can be a family member or relative. Using a sponsor to finance your trip does not necessarily mean you do not have sufficient funds or are unemployed.

Having a financial sponsor can, indeed, strengthen your application. If you are using a sponsor for your application, here’s what your sponsor should provide:

  • Proof of regular income
  • Bank statements
  • Letter of support
  • Solvency certificate
  • Papers related to proving fixed assets (if mentioned)
  • Affidavit declaring financial sponsorship

You should note that anything you mentioned and explained in your letter of support or cover letter needs to be officially backed up by supporting paperwork.

Personal and Financial Eligibility for a UK Visit Visa

As an individual visiting the UK, you need to show that you are a genuine visitor who will leave at the end of your visit, and that you have enough funds to cover all your expenses.

You must be able to afford your trip based on your financial situation back home before you can obtain a Visit Visa. In demonstrating sufficient funds, you should note that it is not about how much you have in your account; it is about proving the reasonableness of the proposed cost of your trip.

This can be determined based on your disposable income in relation to your trip costs. Before you are allowed entry, UK immigration will assess your financial supporting documents, including your bank statement, investment documents, bond and share certificates, etc.

As well as demonstrating you meet the requirements for sufficient funds you must be able to show you have a genuine intention to leave the UK after your Visit Visa expires.

Evidence You Can Provide to the Home Office

The Home Office may request evidence to show you will not outstay your permitted time in the UK and this can be done in a number of ways:

  • Property ownership  – If you own a property overseas, you can use a title register or letter from a solicitor to confirm you have a permanent residence outside of the UK. You can also provide a long-term rental agreement or lease if you rent rather than own your own home.
  • Family  – If you are visiting the UK and have a spouse, children, parents, or siblings remaining in your home country or outside the UK, you can provide their information and show the necessary evidence. Evidence like a marriage or civil partnership certificate (for spouse) could be provided.
  • It may also be beneficial to include evidence of an elderly parent outside of the UK that you care for in support of your application if applicable.
  • Work/education  – if you are in employment or full-time education outside of the UK, your Visit Visa application may be a strong indication that you intend to leave at the end of your visit. A letter from your employer confirming your employment or a letter from the education provider could demonstrate you plan to return home after your visit to the UK.

Get expert guidance on UK Visit Visa bank statement requirements. Contact us today.

How Can IAS Help?

A bank statement is one of the essential requirements for a Visit Visa. You may be required to show money in your bank account, keep a healthy balance and explain all transactions to avoid entry refusal into the UK.

Having a sufficient bank balance is difficult and confusing, as many factors influence maintenance funds availability. IAS can give you professional advice and make your UK Visitor Visa application successful.

Reach out to one of our team members today to learn how to satisfy your financial requirements and present your case. For more information about our services, call us on  0333 305 9375  or chat with us online.

We offer immigration advice sessions as face to face appointments at all of our UK offices, or via the phone.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to extend my visit visa while in the uk.

Most UK Visitor Visas cannot be extended unless exceptional circumstances exist, like a family emergency or medical treatment. Visitors usually stay for six months.

How much should a sponsor have in their account?

It depends. The estimated total cost of your trip depends on how many days your visit will last. The expenses you’ve shown in your application are what should be in your sponsor’s account.

Can I apply for a Visitor Visa with a sponsor who is not a family member?

Yes. However, your sponsor must provide documents proving your genuine relationship and their ability to support you financially.

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How much bank statement is required for UK visit visa

Updated: September 8, 2023

how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa

When it comes to how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa, there is a lot of confusion out there. Mainly because UKVI does not provide proper guidelines on bank statements. Not just on how many months of statements, but how much cash should you have, what kind of transactions are allowed, etc.

In this article, you will learn everything about bank statements for UK visit visa.

How much bank statement is required for UK visit visa?

You must submit 6 months of bank statements that clearly show your monthly salary and financial commitments. There must not be any large deposits of cash other than your salary. Total savings must be at least twice your proposed UK trip expenses.

After examining hundreds of UK visa refusal letters from my readers, I have figured that there are a few things that you must definitely satisfy in your bank statements. Let’s look at these in more depth.


Bank Statements for UK Visa - Financial Requirements

The Entry Clearance Officers (ECOs) must make sure that the UK visit visa applicant has sufficient funds to support and maintain themselves for the entire duration of their stay in the UK. Bank statements work as evidence to prove that the applicant has sufficient funds. 

The ECOs pay close attention to the total cost of the trip, monthly income, monthly expenses and any other financial commitments such as mortgage, dependents, etc. They want to see that you are a genuine traveler, you will travel within your means and you will not exhaust all your savings.

The ECOs are primarily looking at the following criteria in your bank statements.

Let’s look at each of these criteria in detail. 

How much money per day do you need for UK visitor visa?

The UK is an expensive country. A hotel room would cost at least £50 per night. Food is about £10-20 per meal. Add transportation, entry tickets to attractions, shopping, etc. So, total expenses can range from £100-150 per day per person.

DAILY BUDGET REQUIREMENT £100-150 per day per person

This £100-150 per day per person is only for the visa. When you actually travel, you can minimize your daily expenses and spend a lot less than that.

How much do you need to earn to get a UK visitor visa?

UKVI does not provide guidance on acceptable monthly income. But, after going through hundreds of refusal letters, I figured that your monthly income must be at least half of your total UK trip expenses. 

INCOME REQUIREMENT Your monthly income must be at least half of your proposed total UK trip expenses

EXAMPLE: Say your proposed UK trip expenses excluding the airfare is £2,000. Your monthly income must be at least £1,000. Anything less than that can lead to ECO assuming that it’s not realistic for you to take this trip.

Make sure your monthly salary is directly deposited into your bank account. This results in a salary deposit transaction in your statements. This proves that you have a consistent monthly income.

If you are paid in cash or check, deposit the cash or check in your bank account on a specific date every month. You can withdraw again from your bank account for your expenses, but that consistent salary deposit every month must definitely be there in your bank account. 

How much do you need to save to get a UK visitor visa?

Apart from monthly net income, your monthly disposable income is also important. Monthly disposable income is basically your savings. If you save too little per month, that’s an indicator that a UK trip is not realistic for your financial situation.

SAVING/DISPOSABLE INCOME REQUIREMENT Your monthly savings/disposable income must be a good percentage of your net monthly income

EXAMPLE: Say your proposed UK trip expenses is £2,000. Your monthly net income is £1,000. Your monthly living expenses are £950. That means you can only save about £50 a month. Even if you have enough savings for your trip, your savings per month (£50) are too small. ECOs will assume that a UK trip is too expensive and not realistic for your financial situation.

How much bank balance do you need to show for UK visitor visa?

You must show that you have sufficient funds in your bank account. As a rule of thumb, you must have more than twice your proposed total UK trip expenses in your bank account. 

FUNDS REQUIREMENT Your funds must be more than twice your proposed total UK trip expenses

EXAMPLE: Say your proposed UK trip expenses excluding the airfare is £2,000. You must have at least £4,000 in your savings. Anything less than that can raise questions and lead to visa refusal.

Again, UK Visas and Immigration does not specify what is acceptable in terms of funds. So this is something I understood from referring to many visa refusal letters. 

What cash saving patterns ECOs are looking for?

Continually growing savings

You must show that your savings are continually growing and that too consistently. If they are not, then the ECO may assume that you might have borrowed the money to make it look like you saved it yourself. 

EXAMPLE: Say your salary is £2,000 per month. After all expenses, you save around £500 a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less, about usually around £500. You are saving continually but also consistently.

One more thing to keep in mind is that your savings must be large enough or at least a good percentage of your income.

What is funds parking and how to avoid it?

Bank statements for UK visa - Funds Parking

Funds parking refers to borrowing money from someone to show as if it’s your own money. ECOs suspect any large deposits in your bank account other than your salary as parked funds. 

EXAMPLE: Say your ending balance in your bank account has been £4,000 for the last 6 months. That means, your savings haven’t grown at all. This makes the ECO suspect that you might have borrowed money 6-7 months ago just to show that you have sufficient savings in your bank account.

If you had a large cash deposit from the sale of a property, investment, etc., you must provide documentary evidence to prove that it’s your money. 

Also, if you had unexpected expenses such as hospitalization, purchase of property, investment in stocks or fixed deposits, etc. you must explain them properly in your cover letter for UK visa as well. 

What to do if you DO NOT have sufficient funds? 

If you do not have sufficient funds for your UK trip, I suggest the following.

  • Delay your trip until you have saved up enough. If you plan to travel to the UK next year, start saving up from now and you will have enough saved up by then.
  • Shorten your trip to manage within the funds you have. If you plan to travel for 10 days, shorten it to 7 days or even 5 days. Try to cram in more sightseeing every day so you can manage your 10-day itinerary in just 5 days. 
  • Lastly, use a sponsor to cover some of your expenses. Keep in mind that sponsorship from family members and immediate relatives can work well. Sponsorship from unrelated, distant relatives, friends, people who met on the internet, acquaintances, etc. will not work.

What to do if your salary is too low?

Should you put away your dream of traveling to the UK just because your salary is too low? Not really, but here are a few things you can do.

  • Delay your trip until your salary goes up. Yearly salary hikes are common in most places. Or ask for a pay raise.
  • Shorten your trip to manage within your salary limits. If your salary is £500, then plan to stay only 7 days, not more.
  • Use a sponsor. As I mentioned above, sponsorships from family members or immediate relatives work well.

Why do you need 6 months of bank statements?

Bank statements are not just about how much cash you have in your bank. They tell a lot about your financial and personal circumstances. From your bank statements, ECOs can assess your sources of income, financial commitments and current lifestyle. 

This information is extremely important for ECOs to decide whether they can support themselves during their UK trip. At least 6 months of bank statements are necessary to assess this formation. 

If you lay down 6 months of bank statements in front of you, you can clearly see patterns such as your spending habits and saving goals. 

Keep in mind that these 6 months of bank statements must start from the latest and go backward 6 months. Let’s look at an example.

Say you are applying for your UK visa on 14 Nov 2021 and your latest statement was for October. You must submit statements from May to October. 

Does UK embassy verify bank statement?

If UKVI suspects fraudulent bank statements, they can contact the bank to verify the authenticity of the statements. They have built relationships with banks over time and can take the help of third-party agencies to verify such information.

Manipulating or providing fraudulent bank statements will lead to visa refusal and a permanent ban from entering the UK. 

Illegal migration and human trafficking are on the rise. Therefore, ECOs do their due diligence with visa applications. Document verification costs them money and time. There is a reason why the UK tourist visa is the most expensive and time-consuming visa process. 

Is online bank statement acceptable for UK visa?

Yes, online bank statements downloaded from the bank website are perfectly acceptable. Online bank statements are a norm in most countries these days. I assume UKVI has connections with major banks in the world either directly or through third-party agencies. If need be, they can make inquiries and verify the authenticity of your bank statements. 

A mere download of a list of transactions from your account will not work. Your online bank statements must include all the necessary information such as the bank name, bank address, bank phone numbers, full name, address, statement dates, transactions, balances, etc.

If any of the information is not included, you must request bank statements from the bank that include all necessary details.

Keep in mind that providing fraudulent bank statements will lead to a permanent ban from entering the UK.

Do bank statements need to be stamped for UK visa?

UK Visitor Visa Refusal Rates Chart

If you are applying from a country with high UK visa refusal rates, I advise providing certified bank statements. These are bank statements printed on the bank letterhead, stamped and signed by the bank authorities. Sometimes instead of signing and stamping, a cover letter signed by the head of the bank branch is provided.

Certified bank statements help to convince the ECO that your bank statements are authentic.

What if you have multiple bank accounts, one for salary and one for savings? 

If you have multiple bank accounts, you will have to submit 6 months of statements from each bank or account. If done incorrectly, this could lead to document bloat, which means the ECOs may overlook the most important bank statements. 

Try to use only one bank account for salary, expenses and savings. If you have to use two banks or accounts, mention this clearly in your cover letter so ECOs do not overlook important bank statements.

Do bank statements in foreign language need to be translated for UK visa?

Yes. If your bank statements are in a foreign language, you must provide a certified translation of them in English. If you have several pages of bank statements that need translating, it can get quite expensive. This is usually the case when downloading monthly statements from the bank’s website.

One way to handle this is to ask the bank to print the last 6 months of transactions as one statement. This will remove any repeated information such as bank address, etc. that usually appears on each monthly statement. This will reduce the bank statements to only a few pages. Translating and certifying these pages shouldn’t be that expensive.

Can you show joint account for UK visa?

A joint account is acceptable when both account holders are applying for UK visas together. The income and saving limits must also be doubled in that case. This is usually the case with couples, either both or one of them is earning. Either way, you must explain that your account is a joint account in your cover letter to avoid ECO making any decisions with partial information.

If only one account holder is applying for the visa, the ECO may assume that the applicant does not have sole access to the funds and may refuse the visa. Again, this is a tricky situation and must be clearly explained in the cover letter.

How to show bank statement if you are self-employed?

All the above rules apply to self-employed as well. Make sure to get paid from your clients directly in your bank account. If you earn cash, deposit your cash into your bank account first before using it for personal expenses. You can withdraw later for your expenses.

If you receive small cash several times a month, consolidate all the cash and deposit once a week or month. If you have multiple bank accounts, consolidate them too.

How to show bank statements if you are a business owner?

ECOs assume that business funds are for business purposes and not available for personal use. This is especially true if you are traveling to the UK on a personal holiday trip. Therefore, you must have a clear distinction between your business funds and personal cash. 

Make sure to separate your business and personal accounts. Pay yourself a monthly salary into your personal account. Maintain a consistent financial pattern in your personal account. As a business owner, you must submit your business bank statements and personal bank statements for your UK visa.

Alternatively, you can provide a letter from you or any other business partners that the business funds are available for your personal use. In this case, just your business bank statements are sufficient.

Templates for UK visa by Visa Traveler

UKVI does not provide proper guidelines on how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa. After referring to hundreds of UK visa refusal letters, I figured that ECOs are looking for certain patterns in your bank statements. ECOs are primarily looking for your sources of income, spending habits, financial commitments and saving goals. These factors are essential for ECOs to decide whether you are a genuine visitor and have sufficient funds for your trip.

There you have it. Everything you need to know about bank statements for UK visit visa. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. I will answer them as soon as I can.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


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Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

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Book your hotel from . has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

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Your Guide To Bank Statement For UK From Pakistan [2023]

uk visit visa bank statement requirement pakistan

What is A Bank Statement?

A bank statement is a record of one's account activity over a given time period. It is a statement that the bank sends out on a regular schedule, usually monthly or quarterly, to its account holders.

In addition to the how much bank statement for the UK student visa from Pakistan , a letter from the bank will also be needed to accompany the bank statement. It would certify the amount and duration of money held.

Note that both documents must be on headed paper and signed by an official from the bank.

How Much Money Do I Need?

Uk study visa fees.

The UK study visa fees depend on various conditions, mainly the course duration. As per the latest update, the UK study visa fee is £348.

They also charge an additional amount of £470 annually under the head of the healthcare surcharge. UK study visa fees are required to be paid at the time of application.

Course Fees/Tuition Fees

The cost of a course varies widely depending on various factors, including the type of course, duration of the course, the level of study, and the institution you wish to choose.

However, the average course fees for undergraduates range from £10,000 to £30,000 a year. The postgraduate program fees can range from £10,000 to £40,000.

You must have money to pay the course fees for the first year of your program. If the course you are pursuing is for less than 12 months, you must show the money required to pay the full course fees.

Living Expenses in The UK For International Students

The living expenses in the UK for international students mainly depend on where they live. Living cost includes accommodation, traveling, utilities, and food.

The average cost of all these expenses is around £1350 per month. This cost is for one person living alone in one room apartment.

The estimation mentioned above depends majorly on the city you live during study in UK .

Parked Funds

Parked funds refer to the amount of money kept in a specific account for a specific time. The amount is considered to be used for a predetermined purpose. It means the funds are not actively being used. However, the funds are used when that predetermined condition is met.

Can I Show an Online Bank Statement?

Different countries have different requirements to prove financial stability. You can use your bank statement for the UK student visa as proof of your income.

However, it must meet some requirements. The statement should be the official document, including the bank’s letterhead, stamp, and account holder details.

Ensure the statement covers at least 28 days of the period and should not be older than 31 days before the visa application date. The bank statement must show your financials are enough to support you while you study in UK. Also, a cover letter from the bank is required to assure the statement's validity.

Financial Evidence

The UK study visa candidate must show his financial income evidence. The proof of funds that is requested to show can be in the:

  • Candidate’s personal bank account
  • Parent’s or guardian’s bank
  • A joint account with anyone
  • A joint account with your parents
  • Your spouse’s account

Required Financial Documents

While applying for a study visa to the UK, one needs to show financial stability to prove that he can support himself financially while studying there. For this purpose, the candidate will be required to submit the following documents:

  • Bank statements
  • Letter from the bank
  • Scholarship letter/sponsorship letter
  • Letter from the financial organization granting study loan
  • Building society pass books
  • Certificates of deposit

The 28 Days Rule

The amount of money you use to bear tuition fees and living expenses must be in your bank account for 28 days consecutively. During these 28 days, the amount should not be dropped below the required funds.

It will direct your application towards refusal, even if it happens for just one day. Twenty-eight days will be counted backward from the ending balance of your bank account. Also, ensure the closing balance cannot be over 31 days on the application submission date.

What to Do If I Have Insufficient Funds?

If you do not have enough funds to support your education and living expenses in the UK, you can opt for the following options:

  • Seek Scholarship - Many universities offer scholarships for international students. You can search for scholarships specifically designed for your country. Scholarship announcements are usually made on the university’s website, or you can find them on the UK government's official website.
  • Get a Student Loan - You can search for study loan programs. Many schemes are available to support students who want to pursue studies abroad.

Who does not need to meet the financial requirements?

If you are already living in the UK with a valid visa of 12 months or more and switching towards study, you do not need to meet the financial requirements. The students awarded fully funded scholarships do not need to meet the financial requirement.

Who must meet the financial requirements but does not need to submit financial documents?

You must meet the financial requirements stated above if you are a citizen of one of the countries mentioned in Appendix ST paragraph 22.1 of the Immigration rules. However, you are exempted from submitting your financial documents while applying for a student visa application.

Also, suppose your government or international scholarship agency has sponsored you for a completed course in the prior 12 months. In that case, you will require written consent only! You do not need to submit financial documents.

Who must meet the financial requirements and submit Financial Evidence?

All the students except the two categories mentioned above must meet the financial obligation and submit monetary documents.

How many months' bank statements do I need for a UK student visa?

You will need to submit a bank statement covering 28 days. The bank statement should not be older than 31 days from the date of application.

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  • Home Office (UKVA) approved Banks & Financial Institutes in Pakistan– March 2021
  • Visa Issues & Q&A

List of Banks and Financial Institutions for UK Visa Applications in Pakistan – March 2021

If you wish to study or travel in the UK, the Home Office only accept approved banks or financial institutes statement for UK visa application. Especially if you want to study in the UK from Pakistan, you need to maintain your maintenance fund 28 days in the following listed bank. If you maintain your fund rather than following bank or financial institutions in Pakistan, your UK visa will be rejected.

Name of The Listed Financial Institutions in Pakistan

  • Al-Baraka Islamic Banking BSC (EC)
  • Allied Bank Limited
  • American Express Bank Limited
  • Askari Bank Limited
  • Bank Al-Falah
  • Bank Al-Habib
  • Bank of Ceylon
  • Bank of KhyberBank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Limited
  • Credit Agricole Indosuez (The Global French Bank)
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • Dubai Islamic Bank
  • Faysal Bank
  • First Women Bank
  • GPO Abbottabad
  • GPO Charsadda
  • GPO Gujar Khan
  • GPO Haripur
  • GPO Nowshera
  • GPO Peshawar
  • Habib bank AG Zurich
  • Habib Bank Limited
  • Habib Metropolitan Bank
  • Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP)
  • International Finance Investment & Commerce Bank Limited
  • Khushhali Bank
  • Mashreq Bank PSC
  • Meezan Bank
  • Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
  • National Bank of Pakistan
  • National Investment Bank (NIB)
  • National Investment Trust Limited (NIT)
  • National Savings Abbottabad
  • National Savings Bahawalpur
  • National Savings Faisalabad
  • National Savings Gujranwala
  • National Savings Hyderabad
  • National Savings Islamabad
  • National Savings Karachi
  • National Savings Lahore
  • National Savings Multan
  • National Savings Peshawar
  • National Savings Quetta
  • National Savings Sukkur
  • Oman International Bank SOAG
  • Pak Kuwait Investment Company (Pvt) Limited
  • Pak Libya Holding Company (Pvt) Limited
  • Pak Oman Investment Company (PVT) Limited
  • Pakistan Industrial Credit & Investment Corporation Limited
  • Punjab Provincial Corporative Bank (PPCB)
  • Rupali Bank Limited
  • Samba Bank Limited
  • Saudi Pak Industrial & Agricultural Investment Company (Pvt) Limited
  • Silk Bank Limited
  • Soneri Bank
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Summit Bank
  • The Bank of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (Bank of AJK)
  • The Bank of Punjab
  • The First Micro Finance Bank Ltd
  • United Bank Limited
  • Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL)


Immigration Visas

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A lot of General Visitor Visa for the UK from Pakistan are received by the Home Office every year. The applicants who wish to visit the UK for holidays, tourism or visit friends must apply under this category that is General UK Visitor Visa. It is one of the types of UK Visit Visas.

Requirements And Documents For UK General Visitor Visa

The requirements and documents to apply for UK visa are the same as Visitor Visa UK and these can be discussed with our UK Visa Consultants. Generally, the do’s and don’ts for the applicants are that they must:

  • Be genuinely seeking entry as a general visitor for a period not exceeding six months,
  • Maintain and accommodate themselves without recourse to public funds,
  • Meet the cost of the return or onward journey, and
  • Leave the UK at the end of the period of their visit
  • Do not take employment in the UK
  • Not produce goods or provide services within the UK, not intend to undertake a course of study, not be a child under the age of 18, not intend to marry or give notice of the same and not intend to receive private medical treatment.

Types Of General Visitor Visa UK

There are different types of General Visitor Visa UK , for example, Long Term Visa UK where you can apply for 2 to 10 years of UK visa. General Visitor Visa UK fee completely depends on your situation, the procedure of application, and where you are situated.

General Visitor Visa Refusal

Most visas are refused under the General Visitor Visa category for the reason that the ECO is satisfied that the applicant’s intention to return to the country of origin is not clear.

In the following extraordinary circumstances, the applicant can extend their stay beyond six months; however, a proper leave to remain application must be made to the Home Office before the expiry of current General Visitor Visa UK :

  • Compassionate grounds,
  • The visitor is in a category that allows a total stay of up to 12 months
  • The applicant is unable to fly or obtain a flight, etc.

No Right Of Appeal Against General Visit Visa UK Refusal

Although there is no right of appeal against the refusal of UK General Visit Visa application from Pakistan however there is nothing to be worried about. The Family Visitor Visa Application refusal can still be appealed by way of a Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal of the Asylum and Immigration Chamber or the High Court, as the case may be.

Judicial Review Against UK General Visit Visa Application Refusal From Pakistan

An application for permission to apply for Judicial Review must be logged in the Upper Tribunal of the Asylum & Immigration Chamber or the High Court, as the case may be within 3 months of the date of the refusal of the UK visa application. A pre-action protocol must be served on the UK Home Office before initiating a Judicial Review application.


Right Of Appeal Against UK Business Visit Visa Application Refusal

Although there is no right of appeal against the refusal of UK Business Visit Visa application from Pakistan however there is nothing to be worried about. The Business Visitor Visa Application UK refusal can still be appealed by way of a Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal of the Asylum and Immigration Chamber or the High Court, as the case may be.

Judicial Review Against UK Business Visit Visa Application Refusal From Pakistan

How uk visa consultants can help you with uk general visit visa application or refusal of general visit visa application, our location:.

We are one of the leading Visa & Immigration Consultants Lawyers in Lahore, Pakistan. Our UK Immigration and Visa Consultancy firm is centrally located in Phase 2 DHA Lahore Pakistan. For our Office directions, please click here . Haly Tower in DHA Lahore is a well known landmark and there is plenty of basement parking area available for our clients. Our client can benefit from valet service when they arrive. Please give us a call before you arrive so that our friendly and helpful staff can give you our office directions and other details.

Our Expertise:

There are many individuals and Visa Consultants providing UK Visa Consultancy in Lahore Pakistan however we specialize in Visa and Immigration Services. Our UK Immigration Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan are professional, reliable, and trustworthy. Our UK Immigration Consultants provide the best customer service, confidentiality, and reliable advice to our clients. We take pride in protecting the best interest of our clients.


Initial Consultation for UK Visa Applications

It is our SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to offer paid visa initial consultations who wish to apply for UK visas. This enables us to gauge prospects of your UK Visa & Immigration matter and accordingly decide if we can assist you. If we, after the UK visa consultation, believe that we can prepare your UK Visa Application or appeal against UK Visa refusal, we then quote our fee. Our fees depend on the time we anticipate to prepare your UK Visa Application therefore these vary for everyone. Rest assured we do not surprise our clients with any hidden charges. Clients can visit our offices or take initial consultation via WhatsApp, FacTime, Zoom, Skype, GoogleMeet, and other platforms. We have been successfully advising our clients across the globe for the last 15 years.

Preparation of UK Visa Application

Our expert UK Visa Consultants in Lahore Pakistan is equipped with the latest and modern technology. We analyze our clients’ personal, familial and financial circumstances. We advise our clients on the required documentation for their UK Visa application, prepare draft letters of support, cover letter, and document checklist, etc. Our UK Immigration Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan are experts in UK Visas & Immigration. Call us today to book your initial consultation with us either in person or remotely.

Refusal of UK Visa application

We have successfully overturned many UK visa refusals by appealing the decisions in the UK. Our expert UK Visa Consultants in Lahore have the necessary knowledge and expertise to direct you in the right direction.

FAQs – Tourist Visit Visa Application

How much funds are required for uk visitor visa, what documents do i need for uk visitor visa.

  • Your Valid Passport. It must be valid for three more months beyond the date you plan to leave the UK after your trip. It must also have at least one blank page for the visa.
  • Proof of accommodation. You will need to present a document that shows where you will be accommodated while in the UK. Note that you do not have to fully pay a hotel/hostel in UK before getting the visa, just to get such a document.
  • Biometric information. If you are applying for a visa that lets you stay in UK for more than 6 months, you will need to submit your biometric information. This includes giving your fingerprints and a digital photograph taken at the appropriate application center.
  • UK visa invitation letter . (If applicable). If you will be staying over at a friend or a family member, then you should submit a letter of invitation. Your host must be a UK national or a legal resident.
  • Certified translations of any document that is not in English.

Is UK tourist visa easy to get?

Is uk tourist visa difficult to get / why is uk tourist visa rejected, what is the visit visa fee for uk in pakistan.

  • 2 years – £361
  • 5 years – £655
  • 10 years – £822

How long does it take to get UK visa from Pakistan? How long does it take to get UK visitor visa?

How much bank statement is required for uk visit visa, how can i apply for uk tourist visa.

  • Chose the right UK visa type,
  • Complete the online application form,
  • Collate the required documents for a UK visa application,
  • Schedule UK visa appointment.


UK Visa Consultants By AJS Associates ©2024. All Rights Reserved.


  • UK Visa Application

Planning a trip to the UK from Pakistan? Don't let the visa application process become a hurdle in your travel plans. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through a hassle-free UK visa application process, ensuring that you have all the information and documents you need to make your application a success.

Navigating the visa process can be overwhelming, but with the right guidance, it can be a smooth and stress-free experience. From filling out the application forms to gathering the necessary supporting documents, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions to ensure that you are well-prepared.

Our guide will also cover important information about visa fees, processing times, and the various types of visas available to Pakistani citizens.

Whether you're planning a visit for tourism, business, or study purposes, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to increase your chances of obtaining a UK visa.

Don't let paperwork and visa requirements discourage your travel plans. Let us guide you through the process and make your UK visa application from Pakistan hassle-free. Get ready to embark on your UK adventure with confidence!


When applying for a UK visa from Pakistan, it's essential to understand the different types of visas available to you. The type of visa you need will depend on the purpose of your visit to the UK. Here are some common types of UK visas for Pakistani citizens:

1.  Visitor visa : If you plan to visit the UK for tourism, to meet friends or family, or for business purposes, you will need a visitor visa. This visa allows you to stay in the UK for a specified period.

2.  Student visa : If you're planning to pursue higher education in the UK, you'll need a student visa. This type of visa allows you to study at a recognized educational institution in the UK for the duration of your course.

3.  Work visa : If you have a job offer from a UK employer, you'll need a work visa. There are different categories of work visas, such as the Skilled Worker visa, the Intra-Company Transfer visa, and the Global Talent visa.

4.  Family visa : If you have close family members who are UK citizens or settled residents, you may be eligible for a family visa. This visa allows you to join your family members in the UK.

5.  Business visa : If you're planning to visit the UK for business-related activities, such as attending meetings or conferences, you may need a business visa. This visa allows you to conduct business activities in the UK for a limited period.

6.  Transit visa : If you're transiting through the UK on your way to another country, you may need a transit visa. This visa allows you to enter the UK for a short period while in transit.

Remember to carefully assess your purpose of travel and choose the appropriate visa category when applying for a UK visa from Pakistan .

Documents Required Successful UK Visa for Pakistani Nationals

  • All Passports, Copies of all pages with visas stamped
  • Family Resgistration Certificate (FRC)
  • Marriage Registration Certificate (MRC) 
  • Bank Statement for last 6 months
  • Bank maintenance letter
  • Covering letter with detailed itinerary
  • Employment Letter, if employed
  • Salary slips for last 3 months
  • Income proof
  • Property documents
  • NTN Certificate
  • Last 3 years’ tax return files
  • Sponsor Letter (British National)
  • Sponsor's Passport Copy
  • Sponsor's bank statement
  • Sponsor's Property Documents

Processing Time

It takes usually 30 to 60 days depending on Embassy's process.  Self appearance and finger prints mandatory  at the time of visa submission. Visa issuance is subject to embassy's decision

After submitting your UK visa application, it's natural to be curious about its progress. Here's how you can track the status of your application:

1. Use the online tracking system: The official UK visa application website offers an online tracking system that allows you to monitor the progress of your application. You'll need your application reference number and your date of birth to access this service.

2. Contact the visa application center: If you're unable to track your application online or need additional information, you can contact the visa application center where you submitted your documents. They will be able to provide you with updates or answer any questions you may have.

3. Be patient: The visa application process can take some time, so it's important to be patient. The processing times can vary depending on the type of visa and the current workload of the visa processing center. Avoid making unnecessary inquiries unless there is a significant delay or an urgent need for information.

Tracking the progress of your UK visa application will help you stay informed and alleviate any concerns you may have.

Receiving a visa application rejection can be disheartening, but it's essential not to lose hope. If your UK visa application is rejected, here are the steps you can take:

1. Understand the reason for the rejection: Carefully read the rejection letter or email to understand the reasons for the refusal. The UK visa authorities provide detailed explanations for the rejection, including any supporting documents that may have been missing or insufficient.

2. Assess your options: Once you understand the reasons for the rejection, assess your options. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to reapply or appeal the decision.

3. Reapply: If the rejection was due to missing or insufficient documents, you can rectify the issue and reapply. Make sure to address the concerns raised in the rejection letter and provide any additional supporting documents required.

4. Appeal the decision: In some cases, you may have the option to appeal the rejection. This involves submitting an appeal form along with any additional evidence to support your case. It's crucial to carefully follow the appeal process and provide compelling reasons why your application should be reconsidered.

5. Seek professional assistance: If you're unsure about the best course of action or need guidance during the appeal process, it's advisable to seek professional assistance from OUR immigration lawyer or consultant. They can provide expert advice based on your specific situation and increase your chances of a successful appeal.

Remember, receiving a visa application rejection is not the end of the road. With the right approach and guidance, you can overcome the rejection and reapply or appeal with a stronger application.

Memorable Journey with

Embarking on a journey to the United Kingdom is a dream for many, and is your trusted partner in turning that dream into a reality. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of obtaining a UK visit visa, ensuring a seamless experience for Pakistani travelers.

UK Visit Visa: Your Key to Exploring the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, with its rich history and diverse culture, awaits your visit. understands the significance of obtaining the right visa, and we're here to make the process smooth and accessible.

United Kingdom Visit Visa in Pakistan: Simplifying the Process

Apply for UK Tourist Visa

Gone are the days of complex visa applications. allows you to apply for your UK tourist visa with ease. Our user-friendly online platform simplifies the application process, ensuring a hassle-free experience for Pakistani travelers.

UK Visa Requirements for Pakistanis

Understanding the requirements is crucial for a successful visa application. provides a detailed guide on the UK visa requirements for Pakistanis, making sure you have everything you need for a smooth application process.

UK Visit Visa Fee in Pakistan: Transparent and Affordable

Concerned about visa fees? believes in transparency. Explore the UK visit visa fee details on our platform, allowing you to plan your budget without any surprises. We aim to make your UK journey affordable and accessible.

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UK Visa Application Online brings you the convenience of applying for your UK tourist visa online. Say goodbye to paperwork and long queues. With our online application process, your journey to the UK begins with just a few clicks.

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UK Work Visa Requirements

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Tailored Services goes beyond visa services. Explore a range of tailored services, including accommodation recommendations and local transportation options. We aim to be your one-stop solution for a memorable journey to the United Kingdom.

Expert Guidance

Have questions or concerns? provides expert guidance throughout your visa application process. Our dedicated customer support is here to address your queries promptly, ensuring a smooth journey to the UK.

Applying for a UK visa from Pakistan doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following this ultimate guide, you can navigate the visa application process with ease and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

From understanding the different types of visas available to Pakistani citizens, to filling out the application form accurately, and tracking the progress of your application, each step is crucial to a smooth and hassle-free experience.

In the event of a rejection, it's important to stay positive and explore your options for reapplication or appeal. Seeking professional assistance can also be beneficial in such situations.

Remember, with proper preparation, attention to detail, and the right guidance, you can make your UK visa application process from Pakistan smooth, successful, and ultimately achieve your travel goals. is your gateway to exploring the wonders of the United Kingdom. With transparent visa fees, user-friendly online applications, and specialized services like work visas, we make your UK dreams achievable. Trust to be your partner in creating lasting memories in this enchanting destination.

Important Note:  Due to time to time travel restrictions and update, please contact Customer Support and confirm latest detail and fees.

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How to Apply For a UK Visit Visa from Pakistan?

How to apply for a uk visit visa from pakistan.

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Overview ofUK Visit Visa from Pakistan

If you’re planning a trip to the UK from Pakistan, you’ll likely need to secure a Standard Visitor Visa. This type of visa is designed for those who intend to stay in the UK for up to 6 months for leisure, business, or other short-term purposes. Understanding the application process and requirements is crucial for a successful application.

Visa Application Steps

Determine the Type of Visa Required : The Standard Visitor Visa covers most trips including tourism, certain business activities, and short study courses. If you plan to visit regularly, you might consider applying for a long-term Standard Visitor Visa that can be valid for 2, 5, or 10 years, though you can only stay for up to 6 months during each visit.

Complete the Online Application : The application process starts online through the UK government’s official visa and immigration website. You will need to fill out your personal information, travel details, and the purpose of your visit.

Gather Necessary Documents : You will need a current passport with at least one blank page, a passport-sized color photograph, and evidence of financial means, such as bank statements or salary slips, to support your stay. Details of accommodation, a travel itinerary, and any ties to Pakistan that prove you will return, like employment or family commitments, are also required.

Schedule an Appointment and Attend the Visa Interview : After submitting your application online, you’ll need to book an appointment at a visa application center. In Pakistan, these centers are located in major cities like Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. You’ll be required to provide your biometric information, which includes fingerprints and a photograph.

Required Documents for Application

  • Passport : Must be valid for the entire duration of your stay in the UK.
  • Proof of Financial Means : Bank statements or payslips for the last 6 months.
  • Accommodation and Travel Details : Hotel bookings or an invitation letter if staying with friends or family.
  • Additional Support Documents : Depending on the purpose of your visit, other documents might include business invitations, proof of study, or medical documentation if applicable.

Fees and Processing Times

The visa application fee for the Standard Visitor Visa is approximately £115, and the processing time can vary from 15 to 30 working days. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your travel date to accommodate any delays in the process.

Completing the Online UK Visit Visa Application Form: A Step by Step Guide

Applying for a UK visit visa involves a meticulous online application process. The Standard Visitor Visa is suited for those intending to visit the UK for up to 6 months for leisure, business, or other short-term purposes. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the online application form, ensuring you provide all necessary information and improve your chances of a successful application.

1. Register and Create an Account

Before you can fill out the application form, you must create an account on the official UK Visa and Immigration website. This account will be your portal for the application, payments, and tracking the status of your application.

2. Start Your Application

Once registered, you can start a new application. You will be asked to select the type of visa you are applying for. Choose ‘Standard Visitor Visa’ if your trip is for less than 6 months.

3. Fill in Personal Information

Personal Details : This section requires your full name, date of birth, nationality, and other personal identifiers like your national identity number if applicable.

Passport Details : You need to provide details about your current passport, including passport number, place of issue, and expiry date.

4. Contact Details

You must provide current residential address and contact information. This includes your email address and telephone number, which are vital for any communications regarding your application.

5. Travel Information

Purpose of Visit : Clearly state the purpose of your visit—whether it’s for tourism, visiting family or friends, business, or other reasons.

Travel Dates : Input your expected travel dates to and from the UK.

Funding Information : Indicate who will be paying for your visit and provide details regarding your finances, such as bank statements or sponsorship details if someone else is funding your trip.

6. Accommodation Details

Here, you should specify where you will be staying during your visit. Whether it’s a hotel, with family/friends, or other forms of accommodation, provide addresses and the names of the persons you will be staying with if applicable.

7. Employment and Income Details

This section asks for your employment status, the employer’s details, and your income. If you are self-employed, you will need to provide details about your business. If you are retired, studying, or not working for other reasons, you will need to specify and provide details accordingly.

8. Travel History

You need to disclose details about your previous travels, especially any trips to the UK in the last 10 years. You also need to mention if you have been refused entry, deported, or removed from any country.

9. Additional Information

This may include questions about any criminal convictions, details of family members in the UK, and other relevant personal circumstances. This section is critical as it helps the authorities assess any potential risks associated with granting you a visa.

10. Family Details

Input details about your marital status and your family. If you have children, spouses, or other dependents, their details might be required, depending on the nature of your visit.

11. Declaration and Signature

Review all the information you’ve provided, agree to the terms and conditions, and electronically sign your application. This part asserts that all the information is true to the best of your knowledge.

12. Pay the Visa Fee and Book an Appointment

After submitting your form, the next steps involve paying the visa application fee and booking an appointment at a Visa Application Centre to provide your biometric information. The fee has to be paid through a Visa or a Master card.

Completing the UK visit visa application form requires attention to detail and thorough preparation. Ensure that all information provided is accurate and supported by the necessary documentation. After submission, monitor your email for any updates or requests for additional information from UK Visas and Immigration.

Detailed Documentation and Preparation for Submission

After completing the online application, the next critical step is preparing and submitting the necessary documentation. This part of the application process is pivotal as it provides the UK Visa and Immigration authorities with tangible evidence of your ties to Pakistan, financial stability, and the purpose of your visit.

Gathering and Organizing Required Documents

Proof of Financial Means : This includes six months’ worth of bank statements, salary slips, and tax returns. Ensure that these documents reflect a stable income and the ability to sustain yourself during your visit without accessing public funds.

Evidence of Employment : An employment letter from your current employer can enhance your application. It should state your role, salary, the length of your employment, and confirm your leave of absence. For self-employed individuals, business registration documents and financial statements are crucial.

Accommodation and Itinerary Details : Provide details about where you will stay during your visit (hotel bookings, an invitation from family/friends). Also, include a detailed travel itinerary that outlines your plans during the stay.

Ties to Pakistan : Demonstrating strong ties to your home country is essential. This can include property deeds, family details, and any other documentation that shows your commitments in Pakistan.

Previous Travel History : If applicable, include records of your previous travels to the UK or other countries. This helps establish your reliability as a traveler who respects visa limitations and regulations.

Additional Supporting Documents : Depending on the purpose of your visit, you might need additional documents. For instance, if you’re attending a conference, include an invitation letter from the event organizer.

Document Verification and Submission

Once all documents are gathered, check for their validity and relevance. Make sure all copies are clear and legible. Translate any non-English documents into English to comply with the application requirements.

Submitting Your Documents

While the initial application process is online, documents typically need to be submitted physically at a Visa Application Centre (VAC). Here’s what you should do:

Print Your Application Form : Bring a printed copy of your filled-out application form to the VAC.

Schedule an Appointment : Appointments can be booked online through the official visa handling services website. Choose a date and time that suits you best.

Visit the Visa Application Centre : Attend your appointment at the designated VAC. Bring all your documents, including your passport and the printed application form. At the VAC, your documents will be reviewed, and you’ll submit your biometric information, such as fingerprints and a photograph.

Biometric Information Submission : Submitting your biometrics is a crucial step in the visa application process. Ensure that you follow all instructions for a smooth submission at the VAC.

Track Your Application : After submission, keep track of your application’s status online using the reference number provided during your application submission. This will help you stay updated on the progress and any additional requirements or issues that might arise.

The meticulous preparation of your application and supporting documents is critical for a successful UK visit visa application. Ensuring that each piece of documentation is carefully selected and properly organized can significantly influence the decision on your visa application. By following these guidelines, you enhance your chances of approval, paving the way for a smooth and enjoyable visit to the UK.

Understanding Financial Evidence Requirements for Pakistanis Applying for a UK Standard Visit Visa

When applying for a UK Standard Visit Visa, one of the most crucial elements of the application is demonstrating sufficient financial means. This involves proving that you can cover the costs of your trip without undue hardship and that you have strong economic reasons to return to Pakistan after your visit. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding what financial evidence is required, how to gather it, and how to present it effectively in your visa application.

Importance of Financial Evidence

Financial evidence serves two main purposes: it shows that you can afford your stay in the UK without recourse to public funds, and it acts as a tie to your home country, indicating that you have reasons to return. UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) assesses financial evidence to determine the risk that a visitor might overstay their visa.

Types of Financial Evidence Required

Bank Statements : These are perhaps the most important pieces of financial evidence. Bank statements should cover a period of at least six months to show stable finances. They should include your name, the bank’s name, and the balance of the account over time. Sudden large deposits may be viewed with suspicion unless adequately explained, as they may not reflect the true state of your financial health.

Salary Slips : If you are employed, salary slips for the last six months will corroborate the income entries in your bank statements. They provide a direct link between your employment and your financial records.

Tax Returns : A copy of your tax return can further validate your financial stability and regular income, especially for self-employed individuals. It shows compliance with legal obligations and a stable financial history.

Employment Letter : An employment letter from your employer in Pakistan stating your position, salary, the length of your employment, and the period of your approved leave can support your claims of returning after your visit.

Property and Asset Documentation : Documents showing ownership of property, business, or other significant assets in Pakistan serve as strong ties to your home country. These can include property deeds, business licenses, and other relevant ownership documents.

Other Financial Commitments : Evidence of financial responsibilities, such as dependents’ school fees, ongoing loans or mortgages, and other regular expenditures, underline your ties to Pakistan.

How to Gather Financial Evidence

Consistency : Ensure that all financial documents are consistent with each other and with the overall story of your application. Discrepancies can lead to doubts about the credibility of your application.

Official Documents : All documents must be official and verifiable. Bank statements should preferably be stamped by the bank, and employment letters should be on company letterhead with contact details.

Translations : Any document not in English or Welsh must be accompanied by a certified translation.

Explanation of Sources : If you have significant funds from sources like a sale, inheritance, or gift, provide proper documentation and a reasonable explanation.

Tips for Presenting Financial Evidence

Clarity and Organization : Organize your documents in a logical order and label them clearly. This makes it easier for the visa officer to understand your financial situation.

Covering Letter : Include a covering letter summarizing your financial documents and explaining any unusual entries or discrepancies. This can pre-empt any concerns from the visa officer and shows transparency in your application.

Proportionate Spending : Demonstrate that the cost of your trip is reasonable given your financial situation. Excessive spending compared to your income might raise questions.

Recent and Relevant : Always provide the most recent documents available. Outdated documents won’t reflect your current financial situation.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Insufficient Funds : Ensure your bank balance is adequate to cover your trip expenses and any other contingencies.

Lack of Regular Income : If your income is irregular, provide additional evidence to show overall financial stability.

Over-reliance on Sponsored Funds : If someone else is sponsoring your trip, you still need to show your financial ties to Pakistan to prove your intent to return.

Inconsistency in Documentation : Any inconsistency between your stated income, bank balance, and spending pattern can lead to visa refusal.

Understanding and presenting your financial evidence effectively is key to a successful UK Standard Visit Visa application. By carefully preparing your financial documentation and ensuring it accurately reflects your economic situation and ties to Pakistan, you will significantly enhance the credibility of your visa application.

What is the Ideal Type of Bank Statement for Pakistanis Applying for a UK Standard Visit Visa?

When applying for a UK Standard Visit Visa, one of the key documents required is a bank statement. This document is crucial as it provides the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) with evidence of your financial health and stability, which supports your case that you can financially sustain yourself during your stay in the UK and that you have strong ties to your home country, encouraging your return. Understanding the specifications for an ideal bank statement can significantly influence the outcome of your visa application.

Characteristics of an Ideal Bank Statement

1. Recent and Comprehensive : The bank statement should cover at least the last six months. This period allows the consulate to assess your financial stability and regular income over a meaningful timeframe. Statements should be up to date, typically within 28 days of your visa application date.

2. Clarity and Legibility : Bank statements must be clear and easy to read. They should be official prints from the bank, not handwritten. Online statements can also be used if they include the required information and are stamped or certified by the bank.

3. Name and Address : Your bank statement should clearly show your name as the account holder, matching the name in your passport and other application documents. It should also display your address, which should correspond with the address provided in your application.

4. Bank Details : The statement must include the bank’s name and contact details, including the branch address. This information is necessary to verify the authenticity of the statement if required.

5. Account Number : Clearly displaying the account number helps to verify that the account belongs to you and provides a direct link between you and the financial resources stated.

6. Transaction History : A detailed transaction history should be visible, showing income sources, regular expenditures, and the balance over time. The statement should reflect a consistent flow of income and spending patterns that align with your stated occupation and income on the application.

7. Sufficient Funds and Healthy Balance : The statement should reflect a stable and adequate balance that supports the expenses you will incur on your trip, including the cost of the return journey, accommodation, and living expenses while in the UK. There should be no unexplained large deposits or withdrawals, as these could raise suspicions about the provenance of the funds.

Additional Tips for Bank Statements

Avoid Large, Unexplained Deposits : Any large, unexpected deposits in your bank account might be seen as an attempt to inflate your financial standing. If there are legitimate large deposits, be prepared to explain them clearly, possibly with additional supporting documentation.

Consistency with Salary : If you are employed, the deposits in your account should correlate with the salary slips you provide. Discrepancies here can raise doubts about the authenticity of either document.

Regular Income Sources : If you have multiple sources of income, such as rental income or dividends from investments, these should also be apparent and consistent in your bank statements.

Stamp or Certification : If using online statements, ensure they are either stamped or officially certified by the bank to attest to their authenticity.

What to Avoid

Overdrafts and Negative Balances : Frequent overdrafts or a consistently negative balance can indicate financial mismanagement, which could negatively impact your application.

Statements with Limited Activity : An account with minimal activity or transactions might not convincingly demonstrate your financial situation. Use a primary account where your salary is deposited, and which reflects regular payments and withdrawals.

An ideal bank statement for a UK Standard Visit Visa application from Pakistan should be a genuine reflection of your financial health and habits. It should demonstrate stability, sufficient resources, and clear, regular financial activities. Such transparency not only supports the financial requirements of the visa but also reinforces your ties to Pakistan, illustrating that you have ongoing economic activities that necessitate your return. By ensuring your bank statements meet these criteria, you can strengthen your visa application and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

When applying for a UK Standard Visit Visa, demonstrating financial stability through your bank transactions and maintaining appropriate balances in the right type of account is crucial. This guide focuses on the ideal characteristics of bank transactions and account balances, along with the preferred types of accounts, to strengthen your visa application.

Ideal Bank Transactions

1. Regular Income Transactions : Consistent and regular income deposits are vital. These transactions should match your stated income in the visa application and should ideally come from verifiable sources such as an employer, business operations, or consistent freelance payments.

2. Routine Withdrawals and Payments : Regular payments for rent, utilities, subscriptions, and other typical expenses demonstrate a stable lifestyle and financial responsibility. Such regular outgoings are indicative of a well-managed account.

3. Savings and Investment Transactions : Evidence of savings or investment contributions can enhance your financial profile. Regular contributions to savings accounts, investment funds, or retirement plans indicate long-term financial planning and stability.

4. Minimal Unexplained Large Deposits : Any large deposits should have a clear, documented source. Sudden and unexplained large deposits can raise questions about the legality and sustainability of your finances. If such deposits are present, providing accompanying documentation like a sale deed, gift deed, or inheritance proof is necessary.

Ideal Account Balances

1. Sufficient Ending Balances : Your account should consistently show enough funds to cover all expenses for your trip, including travel, accommodation, living costs, and any other planned activities. A rule of thumb is to maintain a balance that reflects your monthly income and aligns with your spending habits. There is no exact required amount, however on average (depending upon the number of visa applicants), it is a good idea to show a balance of around Rs.1.5 million per adult applicant and Rs. 0.5 million per minor child.

2. Proportionate Balances : The balance should be proportionate to your income and regular expenses. Extremely high balances with no clear income source or spending pattern can seem suspicious.

3. Avoid Overdrafts : An account frequently in overdraft can signal financial instability to visa officers. Maintaining a healthy balance without dipping into overdrafts is preferable.

Preferred Type of Account

1. Current Account with Salary Deposits : An active current account into which your salary is regularly deposited is ideal. This account should be used for daily transactions and payments, showing a true reflection of your financial activities.

2. Savings Account : Having a separate savings account with regular deposits can support the claim of financial stability and responsible money management.

3. Long-standing Accounts : Accounts that have been active for several years are more reliable indicators of financial behavior than newly opened accounts.

When preparing for a UK Standard Visit Visa application, choose an account that accurately reflects your financial standing through transparent, regular, and explainable transactions. Your bank statements should illustrate a pattern of income that supports your lifestyle and spending habits, along with sufficient savings that align with your travel plans. Such meticulous financial documentation will provide a solid foundation for your visa application, demonstrating your strong ties to your home country and your ability to support yourself during your stay in the UK.

The Importance of Having a UK Sponsor for the Success of a Pakistani Visit Visa Application

Securing a visit visa to the UK from Pakistan can be significantly influenced by the presence of a sponsor in the UK. A sponsor can be a family member, friend, or a business entity who supports the visa application by vouching for the applicant’s intentions and financial stability during their stay. This article explores why having a UK sponsor is crucial and how it can impact the success of a visa application.

Enhancing Credibility and Trust

Verification of Intent : A sponsor provides a credible reference that the applicant’s intentions for visiting the UK are genuine. This is especially important in applications for tourism, family visits, or specific events such as weddings or graduations. The sponsor’s willingness to vouch for the applicant can reassure the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) that the visit has a legitimate purpose and a fixed duration.

Assurance of Financial Support : One of the main concerns for UKVI is that visitors should not become a public charge. A sponsor can provide financial assurances that they are willing and able to support the applicant during their stay. This may include covering accommodation, travel expenses within the UK, and daily living costs, thereby minimizing the risk of the visitor overstaying due to financial constraints.

Legal Responsibilities and Obligations of the Sponsor

Financial Commitment : The sponsor needs to demonstrate their financial ability to support the visitor. This is usually done through bank statements and other financial documents that show sufficient funds not only to support themselves but also the additional expenses of hosting a visitor.

Accommodation Assurance : Providing proof of adequate accommodation is crucial. The sponsor must show that they have suitable living arrangements for the visitor, ensuring the visitor does not need to seek alternative housing or rely on public resources.

Legal Undertaking : The sponsor may need to sign documents stating their commitment to ensuring the visitor leaves the UK before their visa expires. This legal assurance is a strong indicator to UKVI that the visitor will comply with the visa terms.

The Role of the Sponsor in the Application Process

Providing Documentation : The sponsor must provide several documents as part of the sponsorship, including:

  • A formal invitation letter stating the purpose and duration of the visit.
  • Financial documents proving their ability to support the visitor.
  • Proof of residency or citizenship in the UK, such as a passport or residency permit.

Guiding the Visa Application : Sponsors can also help ensure that the visa application is complete and accurate. They can provide insights into the process, which is particularly beneficial if the sponsor has previously navigated the UK visa system.

Facilitating Communication : In cases where there might be additional queries from UKVI, the sponsor can act as a communication bridge between the authorities and the applicant, especially if the applicant is not fluent in English or does not have ready access to communication tools.

Impact of Sponsorship on Visa Outcomes

Increased Approval Rates : Applicants with a credible sponsor have a higher rate of visa approvals. This is because the presence of a sponsor adds an extra layer of assurance for UKVI regarding the applicant’s financial and logistical arrangements during their stay.

Reduced Scrutiny : While all visa applications are thoroughly checked, having a sponsor might reduce the level of scrutiny on certain aspects, particularly relating to the applicant’s financial background and accommodations in the UK.

Mitigation of Potential Issues : In the event of unexpected situations such as medical emergencies, having a local sponsor can provide immediate assistance and ensure that the situation is managed in a way that complies with UK laws and visa conditions.

The role of a UK sponsor in the visa application process from Pakistan cannot be overstated. A sponsor not only enhances the application’s credibility but also provides substantive assurances to the UK authorities about the visitor’s financial and logistical arrangements. For many Pakistanis, having a sponsor can be the pivotal factor that ensures their visit visa application is successful. Therefore, choosing a reliable and eligible sponsor, and ensuring all sponsorship documentation is meticulously prepared, are critical steps in the visa application process.

How to Schedule and Attend the Biometric Appointment for the Visit Visa from Pakistan

Applying for a UK visit visa from Pakistan involves several steps, one of the most crucial being the biometric appointment. This guide provides a detailed look into how to schedule and attend your biometric appointment, a mandatory part of the visa application process.

Understanding the Biometric Requirement

Biometrics are unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints and facial images, that can be used for automated recognition. For UK visa applications, biometrics are collected to ensure security and to verify your identity throughout your visa’s validity.

Step 1: Complete Your Online Visa Application

Before you can schedule a biometric appointment, you must first complete the online visa application form and pay the required visa fee. This form will ask for details about your travel, background, and reasons for visiting the UK.

Step 2: Scheduling Your Biometric Appointment

Online Scheduling : Once you have submitted your visa application and payment, you will be directed to schedule your biometric appointment. This can typically be done through the Visa4UK website or the UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) if applying from within the UK.

Selecting a Visa Application Centre (VAC) : In Pakistan, UK biometric appointments can be scheduled at Visa Application Centres located in major cities such as Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. Choose a VAC that is most convenient for you based on your location.

Step 3: Prepare for Your Appointment

Document Checklist :

  • Appointment confirmation: Print and bring the confirmation of your appointment.
  • Passport: Bring your current valid passport, which must have at least one blank page.
  • Application form: Bring a printed copy of your completed application form.
  • Supporting documents: Depending on your visa type, bring all required supporting documents, such as bank statements, employment letters, and travel itinerary.

Arrive on Time : Arrive at least 15 minutes early to your appointment to account for security checks and registration at the VAC.

Step 4: At the Visa Application Centre

Security and Registration : Upon arrival, you’ll go through a security check. Cell phones and electronic devices may need to be stored during your appointment. After security, you’ll register at the reception, where they’ll verify your appointment and direct you to the biometric collection area.

Biometric Data Collection : The biometric procedure is quick and involves capturing your fingerprints electronically and taking a digital photograph of your face. Ensure your fingers are clean and free from any cuts or decorations, as this can affect the quality of your fingerprints.

Submit Your Documents : After your biometrics are taken, you will submit your passport and any other required documents. These documents will be sent along with your biometric data to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) for processing.

Step 5: Additional Services

Many Visa Application Centres offer additional services for a fee, such as SMS updates, courier services for passport return, and photocopying services for your documents. Consider whether these services might be beneficial for you.

Step 6: After Your Appointment

Tracking Your Application : You can track the status of your application online using the reference number provided during your application process. This will give you updates on when your application has been processed and when your passport is ready to collect.

Collecting Your Passport : Once your visa application is processed, you will receive a notification about the decision. If approved, your passport will either be mailed to you or made available for pick-up at the VAC, depending on the service options you selected.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Missed Appointments : If you miss your appointment, you may need to reschedule. However, this could delay the processing of your application, so it’s best to contact the VAC immediately to discuss your options.

Document Problems : If you forget a document or realize there’s an error in your application, inform the staff at the VAC immediately. Depending on the issue, they may allow you to rectify the mistake without needing to reschedule.

Biometric Data Errors : On rare occasions, there may be issues capturing biometrics, often due to low-quality fingerprints or facial recognition problems. In such cases, staff will usually attempt the capture again or advise you on how to proceed.

Scheduling and attending your biometric appointment is a key step in your UK visit visa application from Pakistan. By following this guide, you can navigate the process smoothly and ensure that your application has the best chance of success. Remember, being prepared and punctual are the keys to a hassle-free experience at the Visa Application Centre.

Common Reasons Why Pakistani Visit Visa Applications for the UK Are Refused

Securing a UK visit visa can be challenging, and applications from Pakistan often face rejection for several common reasons. Understanding these reasons can help prospective applicants enhance their application and increase their chances of approval.

1. Lack of Sufficient Funds and Financial Documentation

One of the most frequent causes of visa rejection is the inability to prove sufficient financial means to cover the trip’s expenses without recourse to public funds. Applicants must demonstrate that they can afford their travel, accommodation, and living costs while in the UK. This involves presenting bank statements, salary slips, and other financial documents. Problems often arise when these documents do not clearly show a stable income, when there are sudden large deposits without a credible explanation, or if the financial documentation does not tally with the applicant’s stated employment and income.

2. Unclear Purpose of Visit

Visa officers must be convinced about the purpose of your visit. If the application form or supporting documents do not clearly articulate the reason for traveling to the UK—whether for tourism, visiting family or friends, or business purposes—the application is likely to be refused. It is crucial to provide a detailed itinerary and, where applicable, letters of invitation or conference bookings that substantiate the purpose of the trip.

3. Doubts About Intentions to Leave the UK

This is a common reason for the refusal of many visa applications, not just those from Pakistan. Applicants must convince the visa officers that they will leave the UK at the end of their visit. Factors that visa officers consider include strong economic, social, or family ties to Pakistan that would encourage the applicant to return home. Lack of such ties or a weak overall situation in Pakistan can lead to suspicions that the applicant may overstay their visa.

4. Incomplete Application Forms or Documentation

Applications that are incomplete or contain inaccuracies are often refused. It’s essential to fill out the visa application form carefully and provide all required documents, such as valid passports, photos that meet the specifications, and properly filled forms. Any missing information or documents can lead to a visa denial.

5. Poor Travel History

A history of previous immigration issues, such as overstaying a visa in the UK or other countries, can affect the outcome of a visa application. Additionally, a lack of previous international travel may also be viewed negatively, as it does not demonstrate a history of adhering to immigration rules in other countries.

6. Submission of Fraudulent Documents

Submitting false or counterfeit documents with a visa application is not only grounds for visa refusal but can also result in a ban from future applications. It’s crucial to ensure that all documents are genuine and verifiable.

7. Insufficient Justification for the Frequency of Visits

Applicants who seek to enter the UK multiple times within a short period must provide a compelling reason for the frequency of their visits. Without a clear explanation, such as ongoing business commitments or family needs, frequent visits can lead to suspicions about the applicant’s intentions in the UK.

8. Failure to Meet Specific Visa Requirements

Each visa category has its criteria and requirements. For example, applicants under the Standard Visitor Visa need to prove they do not intend to take up residence in the UK by frequent or successive visits or make the UK their main home. Failing to meet these specific criteria can result in visa refusal.

9. Unjustified Big BankTransactions

In our opinion, the most frequent reason for the UK visit visa is the big unexplained transactions in your bank statement, especially if it is a personal bank statement.

To avoid these common pitfalls, applicants should ensure that their application is complete, supported by strong evidence, and clearly aligned with the visa requirements. Honest and transparent communication about the purpose of the visit and strong evidence of ties to Pakistan are essential to assure the visa authorities of the applicant’s intentions. Each refusal provides a lesson on how to prepare a more robust application in the future.

How Can Travel and Immigration History Affect Decisions on Pakistani Visit Visa Applications for the UK

Travel and immigration history plays a critical role in the assessment of UK visa applications, especially for Pakistani nationals. This history reflects the applicant’s compliance with immigration laws and their pattern of travel, which can significantly influence the outcome of their visa applications. Here’s a deeper look into how these factors affect visa decisions and how applicants can manage their history to improve their chances of success.

Importance of Travel and Immigration History

Demonstration of Compliance : A positive travel history, where the applicant has consistently complied with immigration rules and visa conditions in the UK or other countries, can significantly boost the chances of visa approval. It shows that the applicant is a reliable traveler who respects the laws and is likely to adhere to visa restrictions during their stay in the UK.

Risk Assessment : Conversely, a negative travel history, such as overstaying a visa, immigration detention, or deportation from the UK or any other country, can raise red flags. UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) officers use this information to assess the risk associated with the applicant. It could lead them to suspect that the applicant might overstay or violate other conditions of their visit visa.

Frequent Travel : Applicants who travel frequently and have multiple visas issued by other countries without any violations tend to be viewed as low-risk travelers. This kind of profile can support the applicant’s claim that they travel for tourism or business and have sufficient means and reason to return to their home country.

Impact of Immigration History

Previous UK Visas : If an applicant has previously been granted a UK visa and used it according to the rules, this establishes a trust basis. Each successful entry and exit without issue can be leveraged in future applications to demonstrate reliability and intent to comply with immigration controls.

Visa Refusals : Any previous visa refusals, especially recent ones, must be disclosed. The reasons for these refusals are particularly important. A refusal for a significant reason, such as submission of fraudulent documents or false information, can severely impact future applications. On the other hand, if the refusal was due to incomplete documentation and has since been rectified, it may have less impact.

Corrections and Appeals : If an applicant has been refused a visa but successfully appealed against the decision or corrected the issues leading to the refusal, this shows proactive compliance and can mitigate the negative impact of the initial refusal.

Strategies to Enhance Visa Application Success

Maintain a Clean Record : Always adhere to the immigration laws of any country you visit. Follow the terms of your visa, especially with regard to duration and purpose of stay.

Document Your Travels : Keep records of your travel history, including stamps in your passport and any other relevant documents like boarding passes or tickets, as proof of your travels and adherence to visa conditions.

Address Past Issues : If you have negative issues in your travel or immigration history, address these upfront in your application. Provide a clear explanation and any supporting documentation to show that the issue was resolved or that there have been changes in circumstances.

Consult with Professionals : If your travel history is complex or if you’ve had previous refusals, consider consulting with a visa consultant or immigration lawyer. They can provide advice on how to present your case effectively and legally to enhance your chances of success.

For Pakistani nationals applying for a UK visit visa, a clear and positive travel and immigration history can be one of the strongest elements of their application. It provides tangible proof of the applicant’s intent to comply with UK immigration laws. Maintaining a good travel record, addressing any past visa issues, and presenting a well-documented travel history are key strategies that can influence the decision-making process positively. Being honest and thorough in your application, and seeking professional guidance if necessary, can significantly enhance your likelihood of obtaining a UK visit visa.

What are the Visa Length (Duration) Options Fort the UK Visit Visa Applications and How Can It Impact the Application Decision

When applying for a UK visit visa, applicants have several duration options to choose from, which can significantly impact the application process and decision. Understanding these options and how they align with your travel needs is crucial in ensuring a successful application. Here’s an in-depth look at the different visa length options for UK visit visas and their potential impact on the application decision:

Visa Duration Options

Standard Short-Term Visit Visas :

  • 6 months : The most common visa type, suitable for tourists, business visitors, or those visiting family. It is generally straightforward to apply for.
  • 2, 5, and 10-year visas : These are long-term visas allowing multiple entries, each stay not exceeding 6 months within a 12-month period. These visas are ideal for individuals who travel frequently to the UK.

Special Category Visas :

  • Marriage Visitor Visa : Specifically for those who intend to get married or form a civil partnership in the UK within a 6-month period. This visa does not allow recipients to switch to another visa category from within the UK.
  • Permitted Paid Engagement Visa : For professionals invited to the UK for a short term (up to 1 month) to engage in specific paid work without needing to be sponsored under the points-based visa system.

Impact on Application Decision

The choice of visa duration directly influences several aspects of the application process:

Evidence and Documentation Requirements :

  • Longer-duration visas, like the 2, 5, or 10-year options, require applicants to demonstrate strong ties to their home country to assure the visa officer that they will return after their visit. This could include evidence of employment, property ownership, or family commitments in the home country.
  • For long-term visas, the applicant must also demonstrate a history of compliance with UK immigration laws on previous visits, which can include showing they have consistently abided by the terms of their past visas.

Financial Requirements :

  • Applicants must prove they have sufficient funds to cover all expenses during their stay, without access to public funds. The scrutiny level for financial stability might be higher for longer-duration visas to ensure that the applicant can support multiple entries over several years.

Intent and Clarity of Purpose :

  • The intended purpose of the visit must be clear and credible. For instance, marriage visitor visas require proof of forthcoming marriage or civil partnership in the UK. Similarly, business visitors must provide details of their business activities and contacts in the UK.

Impact of Previous Travel History :

  • A clean travel history can positively impact the decision on a longer-duration visa application. Frequent and recent travel to the UK and other countries can demonstrate the applicant’s reliability as a visitor who respects visa conditions and boundaries.

Processing Times and Costs :

  • Longer-term visas might involve more extensive processing times due to the increased scrutiny required. They are also more expensive than shorter-duration visas. For example, a standard 6-month visitor visa costs significantly less than a 10-year multiple entry visa.

Risk of Refusal :

  • Applying for a longer-term visa without a solid travel history or without strong ties to the home country can increase the risk of refusal. Applicants need to carefully assess their situation and perhaps seek professional advice when planning to apply for long-term multiple entry visas.

Strategic Considerations

Applicants should consider their frequency of travel and the purpose of their visits to determine the most appropriate visa length. Those who need to visit the UK regularly may find long-term visas more convenient and cost-effective, despite the higher initial cost and stricter requirements. However, those who travel infrequently or who do not meet the stringent requirements for long-term visas should consider applying for shorter-duration visas to increase the likelihood of approval.

In conclusion, the decision on which visa length to apply for should be informed by a thorough assessment of personal circumstances, travel history, and future plans regarding visits to the UK. By understanding how different visa durations impact the application process and decisions, applicants can better prepare their applications to meet the specific requirements of their desired visa type. For more detailed information or to apply for a UK visit visa, you can visit the official UK government website .

How Can a Visa Consultant Help You Increase the Visa Success Chances for the UK Visit Applications from Pakistan

Applying for a UK visit visa from Pakistan can be a complex process fraught with potential pitfalls. Visa consultants specialize in navigating these complexities and can significantly enhance the chances of a successful application. Here’s a comprehensive overview of how a visa consultant can help:

Expert Guidance on Visa Requirements and Regulations

Visa consultants are well-versed in the latest visa regulations and requirements. They keep up-to-date with changes in immigration laws which can frequently alter the application process. Their expert knowledge helps ensure that applicants provide all the necessary documents in the correct formats, tailored specifically to meet the stringent requirements of UK visas.

Professional Application Review

Mistakes on visa applications, such as incomplete forms or missing documentation, are common reasons for visa denial. Consultants meticulously review all parts of an application to ensure accuracy and completeness. They can identify potential red flags or errors before submission, significantly reducing the likelihood of a rejection due to oversights.

Financial Documentation and Proof of Ties

One of the most critical aspects of the UK visa application is demonstrating sufficient financial means and strong ties to Pakistan. Visa consultants assist applicants in gathering the appropriate financial documents, like bank statements and salary slips, ensuring they reflect the necessary financial stability and sourcing. They also advise on how to best present evidence of strong ties to Pakistan, such as employment, family, and property, which are crucial in proving the applicant’s intention to return.

Crafting a Clear Travel Itinerary

A well-documented itinerary that clearly outlines the purpose of the visit, duration, accommodation, and plans within the UK can influence the decision positively. Visa consultants help structure a travel plan that aligns with the requirements of a UK visit visa, making it easier for consular officers to understand the intent of the visit.

Interview Preparation

If an interview is required as part of the application process, having a visa consultant prepare you can be invaluable. They provide guidance on the types of questions asked and coach applicants on how to answer them effectively. This preparation can help applicants present themselves confidently, further enhancing their chances of securing a visa.

Handling Complex Cases

For applicants who have previously faced visa rejections or have complex immigration histories, visa consultants can offer specialized advice and strategies to address and mitigate past issues. They can help in preparing a comprehensive explanation for previous rejections or provide assistance on how to legally rectify any past compliance issues or misunderstandings.

Streamlining the Process

The visa application process involves strict deadlines and precise procedures. Visa consultants manage the entire process, ensuring that applications are submitted on time and in the correct manner. They also keep track of the application’s progress and can intervene when delays occur, providing a direct line to consular services through established channels.

Providing Peace of Mind

Perhaps one of the most underrated benefits of using a visa consultant is the peace of mind they offer. Knowing that a professional is handling the visa process can alleviate the stress and uncertainty that often accompanies visa applications. This allows applicants to focus on preparing for their travel rather than worrying about the intricacies of the application process.

The support and expertise of a visa consultant can drastically improve the chances of a successful UK visit visa application from Pakistan. They provide valuable insights and handle the administrative burden, ensuring that every aspect of the application is optimized for approval. For many applicants, particularly those facing complex cases or those who have previously been denied a visa, the services of a visa consultant are an invaluable investment toward achieving their travel goals to the UK.

FAQs for UK Visit Visa Applications from Pakistan

Q: What are the photo requirements for a UK visit visa application from Pakistan? A: Your visa application photo must be color and taken against a plain, light-colored background. The photo should be 35mm wide by 45mm high without any borders. However, nowadays the photo is taken during the Biomatric process and you don’t need to submit a separate photo.

Q: Can I apply for a UK visit visa online from anywhere in Pakistan? A: Yes, you can start your application online from anywhere in Pakistan. However, you will need to visit a visa application center in person to submit your biometrics.

Q: How early can I apply for a UK visit visa before my intended travel date? A: You can apply up to 3 months before your planned travel date to the UK.

Q: What should I do if my UK visit visa application is delayed? A: If your visa application is delayed, check the status online using your reference number. For extended delays, you may contact the visa application center where you submitted your application.

Q: Are there special considerations for Pakistani government officials applying for a UK visit visa? A: Government officials travelling on official business may need to provide additional documents, such as an official letter from their department or ministry detailing the purpose of the visit.

Q: Can I extend my UK visit visa while in the UK? A: You cannot generally extend a Standard Visitor visa beyond 6 months. In exceptional circumstances, such as medical emergencies, extensions may be possible.

Q: Is travel insurance mandatory for UK visit visa applicants from Pakistan? A: Travel insurance is not mandatory but highly recommended to cover any unforeseen medical expenses or travel issues.

Q: How can I prove my intention to return to Pakistan after my visit to the UK? A: Prove your intention to return by providing evidence of ties to Pakistan, such as employment, family, property ownership, or ongoing education.

Q: What are the rules regarding carrying medication into the UK? A: If you are bringing medication to the UK, carry a doctor’s prescription and ensure the medication is in its original packaging.

Q: Can I visit the UK multiple times with the same visit visa? A: Yes, if you have a long-term Standard Visitor visa, you can enter multiple times until the visa expires, but you can only stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit.

Q: What financial documents should I provide if I am self-employed? A: If self-employed, provide business registration documents, tax returns, and bank statements showing your business income.

Q: What should I do if my passport expires while I have a valid UK visit visa? A: You must apply for a new passport and then apply to transfer your visa to the new passport before traveling.

Q: Can I attend a job interview in the UK on a Standard Visitor visa? A: Yes, you can attend a job interview while in the UK on a Standard Visitor visa, but you must leave the UK to apply for a work visa.

Q: What if I need to visit the UK urgently and my visa application is still being processed? A: In urgent cases, you may apply for expedited processing at an additional cost. Contact the visa application center for details.

Q: Can I undertake short-term study on a Standard Visitor visa? A: Yes, you can undertake a short course of study that lasts no longer than 6 months during your visit.

Q: How do I schedule an appointment at a visa application center? A: After completing your online application, you will be directed to schedule an appointment through the website of the designated visa application center.

Q: What are the consequences of overstaying my UK visit visa? A: Overstaying can affect your future travel plans and ability to obtain UK visas later. It may lead to detention and removal.

Q: Can I volunteer in the UK on a visit visa? A: You can volunteer, but it should not be the main reason for your visit, and you cannot receive payment for your activities.

Q: What are the visa application fees for a UK visit visa from Pakistan? A: The fee for a Standard Visitor visa is typically around £95, but fees can vary based on the type of visa and length of validity.

Q: How do I collect my passport after my UK visit visa is approved? A: Your passport can be collected from the visa application center where you applied, or you can opt to have it delivered by courier service for an additional fee.

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A Guide to Obtaining a UK Visit Visa from Pakistan

  • Khola Afzal
  • June 7, 2024

UK Visit Visa from Pakistan

Table of Contents

Do you dream of walking around on the bustling streets of London or enjoying the coastlines of Scotland? Exploring the rich culture and history of Edinburgh’s castles , or enjoying the traditional fish and chips in chilling breezy weather? The UK has some of the most stunning landscapes in the world. You can relish in the picturesque lake district or unravel the ancient castles and monuments in the country. The UK has a lot to offer to its visitors. If you are ready to embark on a British adventure, you have to first apply for a visa. In this blog, we will walk you through the process of applying for a visit visa for the UK.

The application process for a UK visa

People often find the UK application process overwhelming and daunting. Knowing the application process beforehand can make it easier and save you from last-minute hassle. It is essential to understand that there are several visa categories, and you should know which visa category applies to you. If you dream of studying or working in the UK , your route to obtain a visa will be completely different. When applying for a visit visa the requirements and process are different.

The UK visit visa from Pakistan

You will need a visit visa for the UK if you want to go for leisure, visit family, or business purposes. The Standard visitor visa is the most common visa which normally allows you to stay in the UK for up to six months. The application fee for a six-month standard visitor visa is £115.  However, there are other options also available. If you are a frequent visitor, you can opt for a 2, 5, and 10-year long-term visitor visa. The application fee for visa processing is subject to vary depending on the duration of stay.  In 2023, the UK received approximately 130,000 applications from Pakistan for the UK visit visa. Out of these, the visa was granted to around 88,000 people.

Requirements for the UK visit visa from Pakistan

If you are planning to apply for a visit visa, you will have to meet certain requirements. Several factors determine the eligibility for the UK visit visa. These criteria encompass the purpose of the visit, financial status, and accommodation arrangements, among others. The first step requires you to prepare your documents for the visa process. You will need a Valid Passport that has at least one blank page and its expiry date is after your scheduled arrival back to the country. You also need recent passport-size photographs that meet the requirement of a UK visa photo.

To be eligible to apply for the visit visa, you should also have a stable bank statement. You should be able to prove that you can fund your visit to the UK and that will not be a burden. It can also achieve by providing details of your employment or business in Pakistan. You must share your comprehensive travel itinerary, including evidence of accommodation. You must also submit a letter providing details of your purpose of visit to the UK.

How to apply for a UK visit visa from Pakistan?

After you have decided that a visit visa is the visa category that implies, you can initiate the application process. You can visit the official UK government website and create an account. After that complete the application form online for the UK visit visa, be sure to provide accurate information. Prepare the documents listed in the above section for submission along with your application.  

You must book an appointment at the Visa Application Centre (VAC) and provide your biometric fingerprints and photographs. Also, remember to take your printed application form and supporting documents with you. After submitting your application, the embassy may ask some applicants to undergo an interview as part of the process. You have completed the application process from your end at this point. Now you just have to wait, and you can track the status of your application online.  The standard processing time of the visa is around three weeks, you can opt for fast track, but the charges may vary.

How can you minimize your chances of visa rejection?

Several reasons might lead to the rejection of a visa. The Home Office rejects the majority of visas because they believe the applicant is not a genuine visitor. Incomplete documentation and misinformation can also lead to visa rejection. The visa might be rejected you if you lack enough funds for your stay or fail to meet the requirements set by the UK government. To avoid visa rejection, ensure your documentation is complete and you have sufficient funds to finance yourself.

People often think the UK application process is complicated but if you follow the steps precisely, you can do it. If you find yourself stuck in the process, our professional team is here to assist you. You can get in touch with AK consultants for further guidance. You have to apply in advance and make sure your documentation is complete. Do everything carefully and soon you will be exploring the landscape of the UK.

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UK Visit Visa from Pakistan

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UK Visit Visa Requirements From Pakistan

The Home Office receives many UK Visitor Visa applications, especially from countries like Pakistan. They obtain the visas to visit the country to see friends or family members. Or to see sights like Big Ben or the Tower of London. Applicants from Pakistan must meet the stringent UK visa requirements, which can be complex and time consuming.

Due to the complexity of applying for a UK Visitor Visa, it is recommended to consult with an immigration specialist like Total Law. Our expert visa consultants have many years of experience dealing with the strict visa requirements set by the UK government. Contact us at +44 (0)333 305 9375 to discuss your needs or message us online .

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  • Overview Of The Visitor Visa Requirements For The UK

If you’re a Pakistani citizen and wish to visit the United Kingdom for a short term trip, you must first apply for a Standard Visitor Visa. It allows you to enjoy various activities like:

  • Leisure and tourism
  • Visiting family members and friends
  • Attending business meetings or conferences
  • Attending events such as music festivals
  • Or for short-term medical treatment

Pakistani citizens who want to apply for the UK Visit Visa must meet the eligibility requirements. The UK Home Office requires you to show that you have the means to support yourself during your trip. If you bring your children, you must be able to support them too.

You must agree to leave the UK at the end of your visit and have the funds available to cover your return flight to Pakistan. Or, provide a travel document if you have already booked a flight.

Before you apply for the UK Standard Visitor Visa, you need to ensure you provide the supporting documents. The documents may vary depending on the reason for your visit.

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Documents required for the uk visitor visa, uk visit visa application form, passport and photos requirements, financial requirements for uk visit visa, accommodation requirements, application fee for uk visit visa, how can total law help, frequently asked questions.

You then have to pay the visa fee and arrange an appointment at the UK embassy in Pakistan, where they will interview you and take fingerprints and photos.

If you’re travelling with family members, they must have their own application and attend their own appointment at the application centre.

During the process, ensure the information is truthful and factual. False or incorrect information could result in your visa application being rejected. It may even impact any future applications.

If you need help compiling an application, reach out to an immigration lawyer like IAS. Contact us at +44 (0)333 305 9375 or message us online .

After a successful application, you must agree to comply with the rules of the UK Visitor Visa.

  • Not carrying out any paid work
  • Not overstaying the visa
  • Not entering into any civil partnerships while in the UK. Logo

During the application process for the Standard Visitor Visa to come to the UK from Pakistan, you need to provide several key documents. These typically include a valid Pakistani passport, two recent photographs, and financial evidence such as bank statements.

The essential documents you may also need to provide include:

  • Proof of your accommodation arrangements and travel details.
  • The passport must have at least six months validity left beyond your intended stay.
  • The passport must also have at least one blank page for the visa sticker.
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs that meet specific UK visa requirements.
  • The last 6 months of bank statements demonstrating sufficient funds.
  • Proof of income such as payslips or employment contracts showcasing your income.
  • If applicable, a sponsorship letter: If someone is financially supporting your trip.
  • Provide evidence of your confirmed flight reservations to and from the UK.
  • Show proof of your booked accommodation throughout your stay in the UK.

Additional Documents (depending on your circumstances)

  • If visiting family or friends, you can provide marriage certificates, birth certificates, or other documents demonstrating your relationship.
  • If seeking short-term medical treatment in the UK, you may need to provide a letter from your doctor in Pakistan outlining the treatment.
  • For frequent travellers, they can provide passport stamps or previous visas.
  • Employment letters or payslips to demonstrate your ties to Pakistan.
  • Proof of property ownership can strengthen your ties to Pakistan.

To apply for a Standard visitor visa to travel from Pakistan to the UK you have two options; filling out the application form online or submitting a paper application.

The online process is faster and more convenient as it allows you to upload your documents and track your applications progress.

To begin you need to create an account on the United Kingdom Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website. Once registered, complete the UK Visitor Visa form and upload the documents.

You will also be prompted to pay the visa fee and schedule an appointment at a visa centre in Pakistan for providing your biometrics.

If you prefer a paper application you can download the form from the UKVI website. Oo obtain one from your local UK consulate or embassy in Pakistan. After completing it and gathering all required documentation you can submit it through the same visa application centre.

The paper method may be suitable if you are unable to use the system due to disability, live in an area with no internet access or simply feel more comfortable using paperwork.

Two very important things to consider, before applying for the UK Standard Visitor Visa is to ensure both your passport and photos meet the standard requirements.

Your passport should be valid for the entirety of your stay in the UK. If you are planning to apply for a long-term Standard Visitor Visa, it must have at least one blank page for the visa stamp. It must also be in good condition. If damaged, it may prevent you from coming to the UK.

When attending your visa appointment at the UK immigration or consulate, ensure you bring original and photocopies of your current and previous Pakistani passports, if applicable.

Providing two recently taken photographs is another requirement before you can apply for a UK Visitor Visa. The photos must meet the standard guidelines set out by the UK government.

The requirements are as follows:

  • The size must be 45mm x 35mm
  • The head size must be between 29mm and 34mm
  • Only color photos are accepted
  • They must have been taken in the last 30 days
  • Your eyes must be visible and open, with a neutral expression
  • They must be taken with a plain light background without any shadows.

Our experienced immigration team can help with visas, permits, and more if you're visiting the UK from Pakistan. Contact Us

When applying for a UK Visitor Visa it is important to consider the financial aspect that needs to be demonstrated. The UK immigration authorities require all applicants to prove that they have the money in their bank accounts to support themselves during their entire trip to the UK.

This includes funds to cover their accommodation, food, transportation expenses and other essential needs. They are not able to rely on support from the UK government.

To meet this requirement you can submit bank statements that show your income or savings. If a family member is sponsoring your trip they must also provide supporting documentation.

To apply for a Visitor Visa UK from outside the country, citizens of Pakistan will be required to submit proof of their planned accommodation arrangements in the United Kingdom.

Either a printed receipt or email confirmation for hotel reservations. If you plan on staying with family members or friends they will need to provide you with a signed invitation letter.

Both documents should clearly indicate the dates of your intended stay. Make sure to also provide the address and contact number of your accommodation.

By submitting these documents it demonstrates that you have made arrangements for your stay. It also assures UK immigration that you will not exceed your visa’s duration.

During the application process for the UK Standard Visitor Visa, you need to pay the visa fee, they may vary depending on the length of stay in the UK.

The UK Standard Visitor fees are as follows:

  • Standard Visitor Visa Fee is £115 – Max stay, up to 6 months
  • Standard Visitor Visa Fee for medical reasons is £200 – Max stay, up to 11 months
  • Standard Visitor Visa Fee For Academics is £200 – Max Stay, up to 12 months

If you are planning to stay longer in the UK. Instead of applying for a short-term Standard Visitor Visa, you can apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa instead.

For long-term stays, the fees are as follows:

  • Two year long-term Standard Visitor Visa Fee is £400 – Up to 6 months per visit
  • 5 year long-term Standard Visitor visa fee is £771 – Up to 6 months per visit
  • 10 year long-term Standard Visitor Visa Fee Is £963 – Up to 6 months per visit

For help obtaining a visit visa to the UK, get in touch with our team today. Contact Us

Applying for the UK Visitor Visa can be a complex process, you’ll need to submit extensive documentation and ensure you meet the eligibility requirements. Our experienced immigration lawyers at Total Law can assist you and help to streamline an application.

With years assisting Pakistani nationals obtain visas, we offer:

  • Guidance on selecting the appropriate visa type based on your travel purpose
  • Assistance gathering and verifying all required financial statements
  • Checking completed application forms to avoid errors or omissions
  • Urgent appointment booking and expedited processing requests

If you need help meeting the visa criteria or want legal support through the application process, the lawyers at Total Law can help facilitate your travel to the UK. Contact Total Law at +44 (0)333 305 9375 or message us online to get started with your application for a Standard Visitor Visa.

Advice Package

Comprehensive immigration advice tailored to your circumstances and goals.

Application Package

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The Advice Package

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The Application Package

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We offer immigration advice sessions as face to face appointments at all of our UK offices, or via the phone. Learn more

Related pages for your continued reading.

Uk work visa, uk family visa, uk residency, uk study visa, uk business visa, uk visit visa, can i get a uk visa without providing a bank statement.

Yes, it is possible to obtain a UK visitor visa without submitting a bank statement. However, alternative forms of financial documentation may be required to demonstrate your ability to support yourself during your visit.

Can individuals with a criminal record apply for a UK visitor visa?

You may be able to come to the UK on a Standard Visitor Visa, if you have a criminal record. It depends on the nature of the offence. Full disclosure of any criminal history is crucial when applying for this visa. Contact an immigration solicitor like Total Law if you have any concerns.

Is it permissible to study in the UK while on a visitor visa?

It is possible for you to visit the UK and pursue studies for a period of up to six months with a Standard Visitor Visa. If your educational aspirations require a longer stay, it is advisable to apply for a student visa that suits your academic plans and desired duration of study.

Disclaimer: Total Law operates under different capacities in the various countries we cover, including as immigration consultants or lawyers; We connect clients with our network of immigration lawyers if we are not registered as a law firm in a particular country

uk visit visa bank statement requirement pakistan

  • Bank Statement For UK Visa 【Necessary Requirements】

Bank Statement For UK Visa

Table of Contents

Although many documents are required for a UK visa, an important document which we are going to guide you about is the Bank Statement For UK Visa.

The UK is a destination with a lot of educational and job opportunities as well as many tourist attractions. As a result, thousands of students, job holders, and tourists from all over the world visit the UK each year.

Likewise, some people want to visit the UK, but they are confused about the process. The main reason for this confusion is that the UK does not provide proper guidelines about the requirements for a visa.

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What is a Bank Statement?

A bank statement or an account statement is a document that contains the summarized information about the transactions of a month. This document is sent by the bank to the bank account holder and contains details about all the deposits and withdrawals during a month.

What is a Bank Statement? - Paragon Education Consultant

Simply put, the bank statement works as evidence to show that a person has sufficient funds to visit the UK.

How Much Bank Statement for UK Student Visa from Pakistan:

There are no specific guidelines about the financial status given by the UK visas and immigration UKVI.

However, after examining hundreds of refusals, we do have an idea about the sufficient income for a UK visit.

The UK is an expensive country and hence requires a lot of money.

ECOs Criteria:

The visa is refused or approved by the Entry Clearance Officers (ECOs) , that observe whether a person has enough money to stay in the UK.

To approve or refuse the visa, they look at your visit’s total expense, your monthly income (which should be at least half of the UK visit’s expense), sufficient funds (which must be twice the expenses), and savings pattern (consistent savings for the visit)

Some Basic Requirements:

Following are some basic requirements that you must meet to approve your UK visa:

  • To simplify, you must have at least half the income of your total UK visit expense.
  •  Also, your savings for the visit should be double the amount of the expected expense.
  • There must be no large deposits of cash other than your salary. Otherwise, the ECOs may consider the money borrowed.
  • The UKVI requires original documents. So, you should provide the original bank statement from the previous six months. A 6-month bank statement will tell them about your financial status.
  • You must also save enough money to maintain your expenses for your UK stay or visit.
  • Try to increase your savings every month.
  • Do not use fake bank statements as the ECOs have the means to verify the authenticity of these documents. Such an act can lead to not only a refusal but a permanent ban from the UK.

UK Visa Fee From Pakistan:

The UK visa fee from Pakistan ranges according to the purpose of the visit. For example, a simple visit costs a minimum of 95 pounds (for 6 months).

For students, it can range from 190 pounds (for less than a year). Similarly, it varies for other purposes. The UK visa fee is the same for infants as well as for adults.

Parked funds:

If you borrow a large amount of money to show your sufficiency for approval, the ECOs may detect the large deposit. It may be considered as a parked fund.

If the money is yours, then you must explain to them in cover letters how you got that money. You could have gotten the money due to some investment or you could have borrowed it for some other reason.

Whatever the reason, explain it to them possibly with a piece of evidence showing that you own the money.

Online Bank Statements:

If you cannot provide paper documents, you can also use online bank statements but they must be original. Know that the UKVI also has the means to detect false online bank statements.

Two Bank Accounts:

Try to use only one bank account but if you use two bank accounts, provide a 6-month bank statement for each of them.

Also, mention in the cover letter about your dual bank accounts so that the ECO may not overlook the statements.

UK Student Visa requirements:

If you are a student, then it will cost you more than average as you also have to pay the institutional fees as well. So make sure that you have the required amount ready.

Have a look this detailed topic:  What are the UK Student Visa Requirements?

As a Pakistani student, your bank statement for a UK student visa from Pakistan should contain about 15-20 lac savings.

To have the best chances please check how to prepare for IELTS . 

UK Business Visa Requirements:

For a UK business visa from Pakistan or any other country, you must provide the 6-month bank statement of both your business and personal account.

If you only have a business account, then provide an application for a bank statement stating that your business funds are applicable for your personal use. Then, you will only have to provide the bank statement of the business account.

In Case of insufficient funds:

If you do not have sufficient funds for the UK visit, then you can opt for the following;

  • Save your money beforehand. Try to start saving a year before the UK visit. If you don’t have the means now, then delay your visit.
  • You can also shorten your stay. Plan the visit following your funds. Try to make the most of the short visit.
  • Last but not least, you can use sponsorships for your visit to the UK. But, the sponsorship must be from a family member or a close relative, otherwise, it may not work.

With that said you can also check biometric residence permit , and live in a convenient way. 


In short, the UK is an expensive country and requires a lot of funds. Getting the approval of the ECOs can be quite difficult, especially when their guidelines are not clear.

But fortunately, there is an idea about their criteria. Whether you are a student, tourist, or business person, by following some basic requirements, you will be able to get approval from the ECOs.

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Getting a visitor visa for family and friends

This advice applies to England. See advice for See advice for Northern Ireland , See advice for Scotland , See advice for Wales

Your friend or family member can apply for a visitor visa so they can visit you in the UK. Visitor visas are usually for up to 6 months.

Bringing your partner to the UK to get married or register a civil partnership

Your partner can’t use a standard visitor visa to come to the UK to get married or register a civil partnership.

If you and your partner want to live in the UK after you get married or register a civil partnership, check if they can apply for a partner visa .

If you and your partner don’t want to stay in the UK together, your partner can come to the UK on a marriage visitor visa. This means they’ll have to leave the UK within 6 months. Check how to get a marriage visitor visa on GOV.UK .

Check if your visitor needs a visa

You’ll need to check if they need a visitor visa on GOV.UK if you don’t already know - it depends on their nationality.

If your visitor doesn't need a visa, they might need to get an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) before they travel to the UK. You can check if your visitor needs an ETA on GOV.UK .

Some visitors can scan their own passport at an ‘eGate’ instead of speaking to an immigration officer. Check who can use the eGates on GOV.UK .

If they can't use an eGate, they should still be prepared to explain why they’re visiting when they get to the border. If the Border Force thinks they might try to stay longer, they can refuse them entry

If you’re helping your visitor apply for a visitor visa

They’ll have to apply online .

Make sure your visitor puts their information in where it asks for the applicant’s details .

After you fill in the form, the visitor will need to have their fingerprints and photograph taken at a visa application centre. Check where their nearest visa application centre is  before you apply, because it might be in a different country.

The online form asks you some questions to get to the visa you need. 

If you need more support with your application 

You should consider getting specialist advice if you’re unsure about the application. It might cost you money but it can save you time and hassle. Your local Citizens Advice can either help you or let you know where to get expert advice.

Documents you’ll need to include

You’ll need to include documents that support their application when you send it off. The online form will give you guidance on what to include, but here are some things to keep in mind.

If your documents aren’t in English or Welsh, you’ll need to provide certified English translations of your documents with the originals. Each translation has to include:

confirmation from the translator that it’s an accurate translation of the original

the date of the translation

the translator's full name and signature

the translator's contact details

Prove they’ll be returning to their country after their visit

You could show proof your visitor has a job or studies to go back to in their home country. You can also show they have family who depend on them in their home country.

Prove there’s enough money for the trip

You’ll have to provide evidence to show that the visitor’s trip can be afforded, whether it’s being paid for by them or by you. 

If the visitor is paying for themselves, they’ll have to include documents proving that they can afford it, for example bank statements or payslips.

If you’re paying for their visit (eg for their flights and accommodation), you’ll need to prove that you can afford the visitor’s trip as well as your own costs - for example your rent, mortgage and general expenses.

an estimate of how much the trip will cost - this needs to be as accurate as possible

proof of your income and where you work, for example payslips or an employment contract

proof that you have enough money to pay for the visitor’s stay, for example recent bank statements

proof that you’re in the UK legally, for example a copy of your passport or visa

Prove you have a genuine relationship

You’ll have to show how you’re connected to the person visiting you.

If the person visiting you is a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, you might need to give stronger proof they’ll be returning to their country after their visit.

If your visa is refused

You can read the government’s guidance on reasons for refusing visas on GOV.UK, if you're concerned the visa you're applying for might be refused.

You can’t usually appeal if the visitor visa is refused. It's quicker and easier to apply again. Make sure you deal with the reasons your first application was refused.

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Page last reviewed on 13 May 2019

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UK Standard Visitor Visa for Pakistani citizens: Complete guide

Embarking on a journey to the United Kingdom from Pakistan? This guide is tailored to give Pakistani travelers essential information for a smooth and successful UK Visitor Visa application process.

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In this complete article, we delve into all you need to know about the UK Standard Visitor Visa application process, requirements, UK visa fees, and benefits.

Do Pakistani citizens need a UK Standard Visitor Visa?

Pakistan passport holders need this visa to visit the United Kingdom for tourism, business ventures, and reconnecting with family and friends . This visa is sometimes called a tourist visa.

The UK Standard Visitor Visa application involves completing an online application form, paying the UK Visa application cost, and attending an in-person appointment at a UK visa application center or embassy . During this appointment, you'll be required to give biometric information, submit essential documents, and potentially participate in an interview if necessary.

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How do you apply for the UK Standard Visitor Visa from Pakistan?

There are two ways to apply:

Government process: Go to the official government website and follow the steps. The process includes answering questions, paying the visa fee, making an appointment, and dropping off documents.

Via iVisa: It's also possible to get our guidance for this application. This means a shorter application form and an expert review, and we'll make an appointment at the earliest available date on your behalf!

To apply for the United Kingdom Standard Visitor Visa with our guidance, follow the below steps:

  • Step 1: Provide your personal details on our website or by downloading the iVisa app . Double-check all info carefully to avoid errors and proceed with paying the visa fees.
  • Step 2: Complete the UK Visa application form and upload the required documents. Our iVisa Experts will review it and schedule a visa appointment.
  • Step 3: Attend the visa appointment at the UK Embassy or Visa Application Center (VAC) to provide biometric data and undergo the interview. We'll assist you in finding the nearest location, preparing for the interview, and providing tips for a successful appointment.

After your interview, the UK immigration authorities will need your passport to issue a valid visa.

Costs and processing times for the UK Standard Visitor Visa in Pakistan

When applying with us, the application cost includes our service fee of USD $111.99 and the government UK visa fee of USD $127.00 at the time of writing. Check the most up-to-date fees by starting the application here .

The processing time also consists of two parts:

iVisa processing time: 30 days , during which our iVisa Experts will carefully check your form and schedule a visa appointment on your behalf.

Government processing time: After the visa appointment, the government processing time is typically up to 3 weeks to analyze your visa application.

Need more information about the UK Visitor Visa for Pakistan citizens?

For more questions about the UK Standard Visitor Visa or other travel documents for Pakistani citizens, contact us via online chat or WhatsApp . We're ready to assist you every step of the way!

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  • Warning Pakistani Students: Avoid These 5 Banks for UK Student Visas

by Shaiza Siddique | Jun 4, 2024 | Blog , Study in UK

Banks to avoid for UK student visa

Are you a Pakistani student in the midst of UK student visa processing and need to show your bank statement to the UK authorities? Well, there’s something that requires your attention. There are 5 Pakistani banks that the UKVI has put on their radar for issuing fake bank statements. 

So, you should avoid submitting your bank statement for the UK student visa from any of these banks if you want to increase your chances of being accepted to your dream university in the UK. Read ahead to discover everything about these banks:

Table of Contents

1. UBL Bank

The UK released the document in the last week of April 2024. In that document, it was revealed that out of 100 fake bank statements used for student visas, 10% were from UBL Bank. This raised an alarming signal that caused the UK authorities to intervene in UBL’s bank statement. 

So, as a Pakistani student, you have to make sure to steer clear of this bank while presenting your financial documents to the UK authorities. 

2. MCB Bank

The second bank banned by the UKVI is MCB. According to a document released by the UK embassy, MCB Bank contributed to fake bank statements in 7% of student visa cases.

Hence, Pakistani students should refrain from using bank statements from this bank to avoid any difficulties or problems when applying for a UK student visa. They should also make sure that all the financial documents submitted as part of the visa application process are authentic and meet the standards required by the UK.

3. The National Bank of Pakistan

The National Bank of Pakistan was also included in the list of bank statement forgeries for UK student visas. According to the document, the National Bank of Pakistan accounts for 5% of the fake bank statements provided by Pakistani students. 

4. Faysal Bank

It has also been noted that about 4% of the counterfeit bank statements from Pakistani students are from Faysal Bank.

Therefore, to avoid such problems, Pakistani students should not use bank statements from Faysal Bank when applying for student visas to the UK. You should also make sure that the financial documents you submit to UK authorities are all genuine and meet the set criteria. Otherwise, the UK government will take strict action against your UK student visa application.

5. Allied Bank

The document from the UK embassy also named Allied Bank as one of the Banking institutions involved in providing fake bank statements, with 4% of the fake financial documents being associated with this bank.

The Importance of Genuine Financial Documents for UK Student Visa Applications

Students who have provided fake bank statements through all of the above-mentioned banks have spoiled not only the reputation of these banks but also of Pakistani students in front of the UK authorities. This is the reason why these banks are under scrutiny by British authorities.

Thus, if you submit your bank statement through any of these banks, you might experience a longer study visa processing time. This is because the UKVI will take a while to cross-check your financial documents. So, you need to explore other Pakistani banks to provide your bank statement for the UK study visa. 

Moreover, it is really important for Pakistani students to make sure that every financial document attached to the UK study visa application is genuine and fulfills all the criteria that the UK authorities seek. If you fail to do so, your UK student visa will be rejected. 

In addition, the bank through which you have provided the fraudulent bank statement will also take action against you. This means that you might not be able to open your account in any of the Pakistani banks your whole life. 

This sounds extremely serious! 

So, refrain from bank statement forgeries and maximize your chance of studying at a highly reputable university in the UK. 

How Can StudyWise Help?

Applying for a UK Visa can be nerve-racking, specifically for those who have no or little knowledge of study visa laws in Great Britain. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to seek assistance and advice from study abroad consultants. So, reach out to StudyWise , as we are the best education consultants in Lahore, and get your queries resolved right away. 

If you have faced a UK student visa refusal, no worries; we are here to support you in that as well. Our student visa experts and counselors will explain to you why your visa was declined. We’ll assess whether it was refused due to insufficient documents, your bank statement for UK student visa, or lack of sufficient funds. 

Moreover, if you have made any mistakes in the student visa process, we will assist you in correcting them. So, if you need guidance on the UK study visa application, consult us. We are more than happy to be there and guide you to the right decisions!

How do I choose the right UK-approved bank for me?

In order to select the right UK-approved bank for your financial documents, you should research and compare the services they offer. In addition, you should also assess factors like their account types, currency conversion rates, customer support, and whether the bank will provide the required documents for your UK student visa application.

Can I use my parent’s bank statement for a UK visa?

Yes, you can. However, if you are providing your parents’ or guardians’ bank statements, you will have to provide your birth certificate that will prove your relationship with them. Furthermore, you will also need to include a signed and dated letter from them in which they’ll provide their consent to give you the funds required for your study in UK.

How much bank statement for UK student visa from Pakistan is required?

You will have to demonstrate that you have adequate funds to support your stay and studies in the UK for the duration of your course. On average, Pakistani students need to show a bank statement for 8 million PKR to the British government for UK Student visa.

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Use only Internet Explorer 11 or higher, Firefox, or Google Chrome 58 when completing your application.  Safari and Microsoft Edge are not supported.

The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is for temporary travel to the United States, and for K (fiancé(e)) visas. Form DS-160 is submitted electronically to the Department of State website via the Internet. Consular Officers use the information entered on the DS-160 to process the visa application and, combined with a personal interview, determine an applicant’s eligibility for a nonimmigrant visa.

Visa applicants must submit a completed DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application for all nonimmigrant visa categories, including applicants applying for K visas. ( Note:   For K visa cases in process at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate prior to October 7, 2013, review the limited exceptions explained in the FAQs below.) 

Review the Frequently Asked Questions for instructions about using the DS-160.

Access the online DS-160 by clicking: Consular Electronic Application Center website .

Important Notice to Visa Applicants: After you have completed the DS-160, you must take these next steps below:

  • Print and keep the DS-160 barcode page. (You will not need to print the full application.)
  • You must schedule a visa interview appointment.  (The U.S. Embassy or Consulate does not schedule an appointment for you.) Visit the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  website where you will be interviewed for country-specific instructions.;
  • Pay the visa application processing fee . Review country-specific instructions on the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  website.

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How to apply

Additional changes to entry, testing and quarantine requirements in response to the Omicron variant

There are temporary changes for all travellers, including Canadian citizens, regardless of their vaccination status.

Additional restrictions and requirements now apply to these countries:

  • Botswana, Egypt, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe

News release

Changes to border measures

New border measures include

  • rules for re-entering Canada, if leaving for 72 hours or less
  • who is considered fully vaccinated
  • rules for travelling within Canada

Starting January 15, 2022, there will be new rules for who can enter Canada as an unvaccinated or partially vaccinated traveller.

Learn more about the new measures

Venezuelan passport holders

You may need to complete extra steps when you fill out your application .

If the printed expiry date on your Venezuelan passport has passed

If the printed expiry date has passed and you’re applying for a visitor visa, study permit, work permit or to extend your stay as a temporary resident in Canada, follow these steps:

  • Add 5 years to the printed expiry date shown on your passport and enter it in the expiry date field of the application form.
  • Include a letter of explanation with your application stating: “I am a Venezuelan national with a Venezuelan passport, which has been extended for 5 years”.

Warning: If your passport is still expired after adding 5 years to the printed expiry date, your passport is considered expired. You’re not eligible to submit an application with that passport.

Prepare documents and apply

The reason you’re traveling to Canada determines the way you apply and the documents you need to submit with your visa application.

Why are you applying for a visitor visa?

  • To visit as a tourist
  • To visit for business
  • To visit your spouse or partner who has sponsored you for permanent residence

What is your family member’s status in Canada?

  • Canadian citizen
  • Person registered under Canada’s Indian Act
  • Canadian permanent resident
  • Temporary resident in Canada
  • For compassionate reasons
  • To join a vessel as a marine crew member (known as a “seafarer”)
  • None of the above

Do you plan to visit your children or grandchildren for more than 6 months?

You may be eligible to apply for a Super Visa

A super visa lets you visit your children or grandchildren for 5 years at a time. It’s a visa that provides multiple entries for a period up to 10 years.

Find out how to apply for a Super Visa

Step 1 Gather documents

Gather these documents to submit with your visa application and bring when you travel.

About the documents listed

  • Not all documents listed below are required—some are optional.
  • This is not an exhaustive list of acceptable proof to support your visa application.
  • Only submit the recommended documents that prove you’re eligible for a visa.
  • Even if you submit all the documents listed, there is no guarantee that we’ll approve your application.
  • We may request more information from you in addition to what is listed here.

Documents we accept:

  • passports (regular, official or diplomatic)  from most countries (see exceptions below)
  • alien’s passport for stateless persons
  • US Permit to Re-Enter (Form I-327)
  • US Refugee Travel Document (Form I-571)
  • other refugee travel documents for non-citizens

Documents we don’t accept:

  • any passport issued by Somalia
  • non-machine-readable passports issued by the Czech Republic
  • temporary passports issued by the Republic of South Africa
  • provisional passports issued by Venezuela

A clear, colour copy of your valid passport or travel document that you’ll use to travel to Canada

If you have a passport, you must provide a copy of

  • the page that shows your birth date and country of origin
  • any pages with stamps, visas or markings

If you have a travel document, it must be issued by a government and include your

  • date of birth
  • document number
  • citizenship or residency status
  • expiry date (if applicable)

Submit this document with your visa application.

Family members or third parties who apply on behalf of the applicant need to complete this form.

Submit the completed form with your visa application.

Each applicant 18 years or older must complete this form.

Submit the completed form with your visa application

Documents needed depend on whether a child under 18 years of age will travel with only 1 parent, with a relative or friend or alone.

You may need to show

  • a letter that authorizes the minor child to travel to Canada
  • other documents, such as adoption papers or a custody decree, depending on if the minor child travels alone or not

Consult Minor children travelling to Canada .

Submit these with your visa application.

  • Show the border services officer when you arrive in Canada.

If you’ve travelled to Canada or to other countries, this can show that you’ve been able to get a visa in the past.

Proof of this includes copies of previous visas in your passport.

Include a clear copy of 1 or more of the following:

  • your previous passports and/or visas (used within the last 10 years to travel outside your country)
  • entry and exit stamps
  • study and/or work permits that indicate your duration outside of your country
  • expired or valid visas

Submit this document with your visa application

Documents that show how long you plan to stay and what you’ll do in Canada

Include copies of any of the following:

  • flight details
  • hotel reservations
  • registration for an event

This can help us understand if you have enough money to support yourself during your stay in Canada.

Bank name and contact This allows us to contact your bank or financial institution with questions.

Proof it is your account Your name and address on the statement show that the account is yours.

Account details At least 6 months of account details, including balances, helps us understand your financial situation.

Use this form if you want to allow Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to release your personal information to someone you choose.

The person you choose will be able to get information on your case file, such as the status of your application.

Business visitor

A clear, colour copy of your valid passport or travel document that you'll use to travel to Canada

Submit this with your visa application.

A clear copy of 1 or more of the following:

  • study and/or work permits that indicate your duration outside your country

Copies of any of the following:

A letter from your employer can confirm that you have a stable job and will return to it. It can also show that your employer supports your visit to Canada.

The letter should be printed on your employer’s official letterhead.

The letter should include the following:

  • date, no earlier than 3 months before you apply
  • confirmation that you have a job with the employer
  • your full name and date of birth
  • date you started the job
  • brief description of your job
  • current salary
  • contact information of your manager
  • phone number
  • email address
  • employer information
  • company name
  • state or province
  • Your manager or human resources contact should print their name and sign the letter.

A letter from a business or company in Canada

It can confirm that your purpose for visiting Canada is valid.

A copy of the letter from the business or company inviting you to Canada

  • The letter must be written to you from the business or company.

Consult the details to include in the letter .

Visit your spouse or partner who sponsored you for permanent residence

Proof of your relationship with the person or family member inviting you to Canada

This can include a copy of

  • a marriage certificate
  • Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM5409)
  • a birth certificate
  • an official document naming you as a parent

Each applicant 18 years and older must complete this form.

The documents needed depend on whether a child under 18 years of age will travel with only 1 parent, with a relative or friend, or alone.

  • other documents, such as adoption papers or a custody decree, depending on whether the minor child travels alone

Consult Minor children travelling to Canada

A letter written by your family member in Canada

A copy of the letter from the family member inviting you to Canada

  • The letter must be written to you from your family member.
  • current Salary

Complete the form that declares you and your partner are in a common-law relationship. Also provide proof that you and your common-law partner have combined your affairs and set up a household together.

What is a common-law partner?

Proof can include

  • joint bank accounts or credit cards
  • joint ownership of a home
  • joint residential leases
  • joint rental receipts
  • joint utilities (electricity, gas, telephone)
  • joint management of household expenses
  • proof of joint purchases, especially for household items
  • mail addressed to either person or both people at the same address

Faster visitor visa processing for spousal applicants

If you’re being sponsored for permanent residence (PR) by your spouse or partner, you could benefit from faster processing for a visitor visa.

You may be eligible if you

  • submitted an application to be sponsored for permanent residence
  • received an acknowledgement of receipt (AOR) that confirms the application is in progress

Applications that need more information, for example custody documents for a child, will take longer to process.

When your sponsor receives the AOR for your permanent residence application, you can apply for a visitor visa. If you’re eligible, your visitor visa application will automatically receive faster processing. You don’t need to request it.

You must still meet all of the requirements to be eligible for a visitor visa .

Visit family (Canadian citizen, person registered under Canada’s Indian Act, or permanent resident of Canada)

Submit with visa application

Visit children or grandchildren Super visa option

Submit this with your visa or super visa application.

For super visa applicants only

Proof that medical insurance for at least $100,000 coverage has been purchased from a Canadian insurance company.

A copy of the insurance certificate or policy you received for medical insurance coverage for 1 year with a Canadian insurance company.

Submit this with your super visa application.

Documents that show that the super visa applicant’s child or grandchild meets the low income cut-off minimum.

Submit one of the following documents:

  • If the child or grandchild does not have a paper copy of their notice of assessment on file, they can view and print their tax returns as well as other personal tax information using the Canada Revenue Agency My Account online service.
  • a copy of the child’s or grandchild’s most recent T4 or T1
  • an original letter from the child’s or grandchild’s employer stating their job title, job description and salary
  • a letter from an accountant confirming the child’s or grandchild’s annual income, if they are self-employed.
  • proof of other sources of income (pension statement, investments, etc.)

A document confirming that you had an  immigration medical exam (IME)

The exam must conducted by a panel physician authorized by IRCC.

Get complete details about how to get a medical exam with a panel physician.

Submit this with your super visa application, or wait for instructions from the visa office.

Visit family (temporary resident of Canada)

A letter written by your family in Canada

Documents that show how long you plan to stay and what you’ll do once in Canada

Visit for compassionate reasons

A clear, colour copy of your valid passport or travel document that you'll use to travel to Canada.

  • Show the border services officer when you arrive in Canada

A letter written to you from a person or business inviting you to Canada

A copy of the letter from the person or business inviting you to Canada

  • registration for an event.

Please indicate clearly if family members will accompany you to Canada.

Submit the following documents with your visa application:

  • digital copy of Seaman’s Book
  • digital copy of a signed Letter of Invitation from a ship or port agent in Canada
  • digital copy of an Introduction Letter from recruiter shipping agency or vessel owner
  • digital copy of the employment contract

Step 2 Apply through the IRCC Portal

Step 2 apply.

To apply for a visitor visa to visit Canada on business, you need to qualify as a business visitor.

To qualify, you must show that:

  • you plan to stay for less than 6 months
  • you don’t plan to enter the Canadian labour market
  • your main place of business and source of income and profits is outside Canada

Business visitor activities include business meetings, special events or training for a few days or weeks.

If your meeting, event or conference is registered with us, include the event code in your application. You should get this code from the organizer.

Note: If you plan to stay for more than 6 months, or if you plan to work in Canada, you may be considered a temporary worker and have to  apply for a work permit .

To apply online, you need a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents, and a valid credit or debit card.

Read the instruction guide before you complete your application. As an online applicant, you can ignore steps 3 and 4 of the guide (paying the fees and submitting your application).

If you’re applying for the first time , you must pay the biometrics fee when you submit your application (unless you’re exempt). Otherwise, you may experience delays.

Apply through the IRCC Secure account

Sign in to your IRCC secure account

Apply through the IRCC Portal

Only for tourists, visiting for business, family visits, compassionate reasons

Sign in to the IRCC portal

To apply for a visitor visa to join a vessel as a marine crew member (seafarer) , you must

  • be travelling to Canada to join a ship’s crew
  • hold a seafarer’s identity document
  • hold a valid passport or travel document
  • have proof of employment on a vessel at a Canadian port

As a seafarer, you’re not eligible for a transit visa and you must apply for a visitor visa (temporary resident visa).

Note: When asked to “Tell us more about what you’ll do in Canada”, include “Join vessel” or “Seafarer”.

Register to the IRCC portal

Applying on paper for specific situations

If you need a visitor visa to travel to Canada, you must apply online for one. Only online applications will be accepted and processed. However, you can apply on paper if:

  • you can’t apply online because of a disability or
  • you’re travelling with an identity or travel document that was issued to a refugee, a stateless person or a non-citizen

The application package includes an instruction guide and all the forms you need to fill out.

Read the guide carefully before you complete your application . We will not refund your application fee, so make sure you need a visitor visa before you apply.

Each individual applicant must submit a completed application form. Applicants under the age of 18 must have this form signed by a parent or a guardian.

Download the application package .

Pay your application fees

In most cases, your fees will include processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application.

If you’re applying for the first time, you must pay the biometrics fee when you submit your application (unless you’re exempt). Otherwise, you may experience delays.

Third-party fees

Depending on your situation, you may need to pay third parties for

  • your medical exam
  • a police certificate

Our instruction guides (opens in a new tab) can help you understand which fees apply to you.

Submit your application

Families should send their individual applications in one package. The principal applicant must send this combined package to the location where their application will be processed.

Select the country/territory you’ll be applying from to find out where to submit your application. You can choose your country of nationality or the country or territory where you have been legally admitted:

  • Afghanistan
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burma (Myanmar)
  • Cayman Islands
  • Central African Republic
  • China (People’s Republic of)
  • Comoros Island
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Czech Republic
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Hong Kong SAR
  • Liechtenstein
  • Marshall Islands
  • Micronesia (Federated States of)
  • Netherlands
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • North Korea
  • North Macedonia (Republic of)
  • Palestinian Authority (Gaza)
  • Palestinian Authority (West Bank)
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Puerto Rico
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sierra Leone
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • South Sudan
  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Switzerland
  • Timor-Leste (Timor oriental)
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turkmenistan
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • US Virgin Islands

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Israel-Hamas war latest: Hamas acceptance of ceasefire plan 'a hopeful sign' - amid questions over Israel stance

The US says Hamas' acceptance of the three-phase ceasefire plan approved by the UN Security Council is a "hopeful sign". However, neither the group nor Israel have formally approved the deal, and there are questions over the country's stance after comments from Benjamin Netanyahu.

Tuesday 11 June 2024 22:50, UK

  • Israel-Hamas war

A woman and child walk among debris, aftermath of Israeli strikes at the area, where Israeli hostages were rescued

  • Hamas acceptance of ceasefire plan 'a hopeful sign' amid questions over Israel stance
  • Group says it's ready to negotiate details of plan
  • Explained:  The three phases of the deal and what key players have said
  • Alistair Bunkall analysis: UN vote endorses US plan - but unlikely to be any short-term change
  • Explosion kills multiple Israeli soldiers in Rafah
  • Watch: Dramatic hostage rescue filmed by Israeli police

That brings an end to our live coverage for this evening.

Scroll back through the blog to catch up on the day's events.

Hamas has rejected a Gaza ceasefire proposal suggested by Joe Biden, an Israeli official has said.

Israel received the Palestinian militant group's response to the deal through mediators. 

"This evening, Israel received, via the mediator, the Hamas response. 

"In its response, Hamas has rejected the proposal for a hostage release that was presented by President Biden," the anonymous Israeli official said. 

"They (Hamas) have changed all of the main and most meaningful parameters," they added.

Police in California say they have nixed attempts by pro-Palestinian demonstrators to set up a new encampment at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Approximately 25 people were arrested for wilful disruption of university operations and one for interfering with an officer, UCLA police said in a statement.

The individuals were issued 14-day orders to stay away from UCLA and then released.

The demonstrators repeatedly tried to set up tents and barriers as they moved to various locations, disrupting nearby final exams, according to police.

The group also vandalised a fountain, spray-painted brick walkways, tampered with fire safety equipment, damaged patio furniture, stripped wire from electrical fixtures and vandalised vehicles, the statement said.

Washington says it has received and is evaluating Hamas' formal reply to a UN-backed Gaza truce proposal, White House spokesperson John Kirby has said. 

During a virtual briefing with reporters, Mr Kirby said it was helpful to have a response from Hamas and that US officials were working their way through it. 

Hamas told mediators in Qatar and Egypt its official response to a proposed UN backed deal to end the war in Gaza.

The response contained amendments to the Israeli proposal - including a timeline for permanent ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip - an official with knowledge of the talks told Sky News.

In a statement, a Hamas official said: "The Hamas response reaffirmed the group's stance any agreement must end the Zionist aggression on our people, get the Israeli forces out, reconstruct Gaza and achieve a serious prisoner swap deal."

However both Israel and Hamas have suggested the plan meets their clashing goals, raising doubts over whether any genuine headway towards a deal can be made. 

A US military pier off Gaza has resumed bringing in humanitarian aid after being suspended for two days because of rough seas, three US officials have said. 

After the pier was out of operation for 10 days for repairs, the American military briefly resumed offloading aid on Saturday, but bad sea conditions halted the process over Sunday and Monday.

The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the sea conditions had improved, allowing for aid to be brought to a marshalling area. 

Aid began arriving via the pier on 17 May, with the UN saying it had transported 137 trucks of aid to warehouses, some 900 metric tons, before the Americans suspended operations on 28 May for repairs.

Jordanian foreign minister Ayman Safadi says the credibility of international law is at stake if Israel refuses to abide by a UN Security Council resolution for a plan to end the Gaza war. 

Speaking at a news conference in Jordan, he said Israel had become a "pariah state". 

He added that, as the "occupying power", Israel bears the "biggest responsibility for ending the war".

Mr Safadi's comments come as US secretary of stage Antony Blinken visited the country for an aid conference hosted by Jordan’s King Abdullah II and attended by el-Sissi and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, among others.

Hamas has reportedly given Qatar and Egypt its official response to Israel's Gaza ceasefire and hostage release proposal.

Axios reporter Barak Ravid posted on X, saying two sources had confirmed the move. 

As yet, no specifics of the militant group's response have been made public.

We will bring you more details as they come in.

Hundreds have gathered at a funeral for an IDF soldier in Jerusalem.

Sergeant Almog Shalom, 19, was killed along with three others in an explosion in Rafah on Monday. 

Explosives used by the IDF to clear a building triggered prematurely, causing the building to collapse.

Sergeant Shalom died along with four other soldiers: Major Tal Peschilski, Sergeant Eitan Carlsbron, and Sergeant Yair Levin.

It said an officer and four soldiers in training were also injured in the blast.

Footage shows what appears to be an Israeli drone being downed over Lebanon by Hezbollah.

The militant group claimed one of its fighters had hit a drone on their Telegram channel yesterday.

The IDF confirmed one of their drones had been shot down, saying that it was targeted by a surface-to-air missile while in flight over Lebanon. 

Hezbollah, like Hamas, is a militant group backed by Iran. 

It has engaged in cross-border clashes with Israel since the war in Gaza erupted last year. 

In recent months, attacks have increased, with Hezbollah firing a salvo of rockets at a military command centre in northern Israel over the weekend.

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Student visa

You can apply for a Student visa to study in the UK if you’re 16 or over and you:

  • have been offered a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor
  • have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course - the amount will vary depending on your circumstances
  • can speak, read, write and understand English
  • have consent from your parents if you’re 16 or 17 - you’ll need evidence of this when you apply

If you’re 16 or 17 and you want to study at an independent school in the UK, you may be eligible for a Child Student visa instead.

This visa has replaced the Tier 4 (General) student visa.

When to apply

When you can apply depends on whether you’re applying from inside or outside the UK.

Applying from outside the UK

The earliest you can apply for a visa is 6 months before you start your course.

You’ll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.

Applying from inside the UK

The earliest you can apply is 3 months before your course starts.

You must apply before your current visa expires. Your new course must begin within 28 days of your current visa expiring.

You’ll usually get a decision within 8 weeks.

How long you can stay

How long you can stay depends on the length of your course and what study you’ve already completed in the UK.

If you’re 18 or over and your course is at degree level, you can usually stay in the UK for up to 5 years. If it’s below degree level, you can usually stay in the UK for up to 2 years.

Read the guidance to find out exactly how long you can stay .

Staying longer in the UK

You may be able to:

  • extend your visa if you’re eligible, for example to continue your studies in the UK
  • switch to a Student visa from another visa if you’re already in the UK
  • switch to a Graduate visa to stay in the UK for at least 2 years after successfully completing your course

When you can travel to the UK

You can arrive before your course starts. This can be either:

  • up to 1 week before, if your course lasts 6 months or less
  • up to 1 month before, if your course lasts more than 6 months

You must not travel to the UK before the start date given on your visa, no matter when your course starts.

  • £490 to apply for a Student visa from outside the UK
  • £490 to extend or switch to a Student visa from inside the UK

You must pay the visa fee for each person that joins you.

Healthcare surcharge

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application.

How much you pay depends on how long your visa lasts. Check how much you’ll have to pay before you apply.

Your partner and children

You may be able to bring your partner and children (‘dependants’) .

What you can and cannot do

  • work as a student union sabbatical officer

You may be able to work - how much depends on what you’re studying and whether you’re working in or out of term-time.

You cannot:

  • claim public funds (benefits) and pensions
  • work in certain jobs, for example as a professional sportsperson or sports coach
  • be self-employed
  • study at an academy or a local authority-funded school (also known as a maintained school)

If your application is successful, you’ll be told what you can and cannot do on a Student visa.

Part of Study in the UK on a Student visa

Step 1 : check if this visa is right for you.

You can apply for a Student visa if you’re 16 or over and want to study on a further or higher education course in the UK.

  • You are currently viewing: Check what you can and cannot do on this visa
  • Check what courses you can study on this visa
  • Check if you can bring your partner or children ('dependants') with you

If you're under 18 and you want to study at an independent school in the UK, you may be eligible for a Child Student visa instead.

  • Check which visas you're eligible for

Step 2 : Prepare the evidence you need

  • Check what documents you can use as evidence
  • Prove your knowledge of the English language
  • Check if you need a tuberculosis (TB) test

If you're doing a masters degree or above, you may need to apply for the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate.

  • Check if you need to apply for ATAS

Step 3 : Apply from outside the UK

  • Apply from outside the UK £490

You'll need to prove your identity as part of your application.

You'll usually get a decision within 3 weeks.

  • Find out if you can pay more to get a faster decision

or Apply from inside the UK

  • Apply to extend if you're already in the UK on Student visa (or a Tier 4 (General) visa) £490
  • Apply to switch to this visa if you're already in the UK £490

You'll usually get a decision within 8 weeks.

  • You may be able to pay more to get a faster decision you’ll be told if you can when you apply

Step 4 : Check what you can bring into the UK with you

  • Check what you can bring in your hand luggage
  • Check what to do if you're bringing cash with you
  • Check what goods you can bring with you
  • Check what food, animals or plants you can bring into the UK

Step 5 : Check what you need to show at the UK border

  • Check what you need to show at the UK border

Step 6 : After you arrive in the UK

  • Find out how to get your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) if you were told you’d get one when you applied

You might be able to extend your visa to stay longer in the UK.

  • Check if you can extend your visa

If you break the conditions of your visa you may not be able to come to the UK again.

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  1. Visiting the UK: guide to supporting documents

    1. Travel document (passport) You must provide a valid passport or other travel document with all applications and when travelling to the UK. Your passport must have at least 1 page blank if you ...

  2. Visit visa: guide to supporting documents

    Details. Use this guidance to find out which documents you need to support your application for a standard visitor visa. Published 1 October 2012. Last updated 1 February 2024 + show all updates ...

  3. Visit the UK as a Standard Visitor: Apply for a Standard Visitor visa

    You can choose to apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa if you visit the UK regularly. This visa lasts 2, 5 or 10 years. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit. If you're ...

  4. How Much Bank Statement is Needed For a UK Visit Visa

    However, you may wish to ensure that your bank statement meets the following requirements to avoid visa refusal: A daily budget of about £100 to £150 per day per visitor, as the UK is an expensive country. Monthly disposable income should make up a significant percentage of net monthly income. Funds should be twice the expected UK trip cost.

  5. How much bank statement is required for UK visit visa

    SUMMARY. $1.95 each. UKVI does not provide proper guidelines on how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa. After referring to hundreds of UK visa refusal letters, I figured that ECOs are looking for certain patterns in your bank statements.

  6. Your Guide To Bank Statement For UK From Pakistan [2023]

    The statement should be the official document, including the bank's letterhead, stamp, and account holder details. Ensure the statement covers at least 28 days of the period and should not be older than 31 days before the visa application date. The bank statement must show your financials are enough to support you while you study in UK.

  7. Home Office (UKVA) approved Banks & Financial Institutes in Pakistan

    The Bank of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (Bank of AJK) The Bank of Punjab. The First Micro Finance Bank Ltd. Trust Bank. United Bank Limited. Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL) If you wish to study or travel in the UK, the Home Office only accept approved banks or financial institutes statement for UK visa application. Especially if.

  8. UK General Visitor

    If you are going to apply for a UK visit visa from Pakistan then you should enclose 6 months bank account statement. The question of how much Bank statement is required for UK Visit Visa depends on your personal circumstances in Pakistan and stay in the UK.

  9. How Much Bank Balance is Required for a UK Visitor Visa?

    There is no set level of funds required for an applicant to show this ". The main point is that the case officer needs to be satisfied that your application is genuine and the funds you have ...

  10. UK Visit Visa Fee in Pakistan: Easy Application and Work Requirements

    1. Visitor visa: If you plan to visit the UK for tourism, to meet friends or family, or for business purposes, you will need a visitor visa. This visa allows you to stay in the UK for a specified period. 2. Student visa: If you're planning to pursue higher education in the UK, you'll need a student visa.

  11. How to Apply For UK Visit Visa from Pakistan?

    Explore a comprehensive guide on applying for a UK visit visa from Pakistan, covering the essential steps, documentation, and tips. ... Marriage Visitor Visa; Permitted Paid Engagement Visa; Short-term Study Visa; Transit Visa; Long-term Visas Menu Toggle. Ancestry Visa;

  12. UK Visit Visa from Pakistan

    The Standard visitor visa is the most common visa which normally allows you to stay in the UK for up to six months. The application fee for a six-month standard visitor visa is £115. However, there are other options also available. If you are a frequent visitor, you can opt for a 2, 5, and 10-year long-term visitor visa.

  13. UK Visit Visa From Pakistan

    To apply for a UK visit visa from Pakistan, you generally need to follow these steps: Determine the Type of Visa: There are different types of UK visit visas, such as Standard Visitor Visa, Family Visitor Visa, Business Visitor Visa, etc. You should select the one that corresponds to the purpose of your visit. Documents: Prepare the required ...

  14. UK Visit Visa Requirements From Pakistan

    Two recent passport-sized photographs that meet specific UK visa requirements. The last 6 months of bank statements demonstrating sufficient funds. Proof of income such as payslips or employment contracts showcasing your income. If applicable, a sponsorship letter: If someone is financially supporting your trip.

  15. Less than 6 months bank statement in UK visitor visa?

    I've read many posts on TSE explaining the importance of bank statements and why they are necessary but has anyone applied for a UK standard visitor visa with only 3-5 months of perfect cash flow showing bank statements during their first visa application from India or Pakistan, if so what was the outcome?

  16. UK Visa From Pakistan, Updated Application/Documents Requirements

    Read the complete details about the UK Visa from Pakistan, updated application requirements, and documents needed for successful United Kingdom visa issuance. ... Information Requirement for UK Standard Visitor Visa. ... 13 - Bank Statement : 14 - Minimum Account Balance Requirement: 15 - Income Proof: 16 - Business Proof: 17 - Salary Proof: 18 ...

  17. Bank Statement For UK Visa【Requirements】- Paragon

    Do not use fake bank statements as the ECOs have the means to verify the authenticity of these documents. Such an act can lead to not only a refusal but a permanent ban from the UK. UK Visa Fee From Pakistan: The UK visa fee from Pakistan ranges according to the purpose of the visit. For example, a simple visit costs a minimum of 95 pounds (for ...

  18. Getting a visitor visa for family and friends

    If your visitor doesn't need a visa, they might need to get an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) before they travel to the UK. You can check if your visitor needs an ETA on GOV.UK. Some visitors can scan their own passport at an 'eGate' instead of speaking to an immigration officer. Check who can use the eGates on GOV.UK.

  19. How much bank statement for UK visit visa

    Bank statement for the uk visit visa. For the UK visit visa, you are required to submit bank statements for the past half a year. The bank statements must show what your monthly salary was and what are your commitments financially, such as invoices, utilities, etc. Your bank statement must not have very large deposits of money apart from your ...

  20. UK Standard Visitor Visa for Pakistani citizens

    To apply for the United Kingdom Standard Visitor Visa with our guidance, follow the below steps: Step 1: Provide your personal details on our website or by downloading the iVisa app. Double-check all info carefully to avoid errors and proceed with paying the visa fees. Step 2: Complete the UK Visa application form and upload the required documents.

  21. Warning Pakistani Students: Avoid These 5 Banks for UK Student Visas

    The National Bank of Pakistan. The National Bank of Pakistan was also included in the list of bank statement forgeries for UK student visas. According to the document, the National Bank of Pakistan accounts for 5% of the fake bank statements provided by Pakistani students. 4. Faysal Bank.

  22. How to Make a Bank Statement for UK

    A bank statement is an official summary of financial transactions occurring within a given period for each bank account held by a person or business with a f...

  23. Financial evidence for Student and Child Student visa applicants

    building society passbooks. certificates of deposit. letters from your bank or building society. The evidence must be from no more than 31 days before the date you apply for your visa. It must ...

  24. DS-160: Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application

    The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is for temporary travel to the United States, and for K (fiancé (e)) visas. Form DS-160 is submitted electronically to the Department of State website via the Internet. Consular Officers use the information entered on the DS-160 to process the visa application and, combined with a personal ...

  25. How to apply for a visitor visa

    To apply for a visitor visa to join a vessel as a marine crew member (seafarer), you must. be travelling to Canada to join a ship's crew. hold a seafarer's identity document. hold a valid passport or travel document. have proof of employment on a vessel at a Canadian port.

  26. Israel-Hamas war latest: Explosion kills multiple Israeli soldiers

    The UK says it will to give £10m in financial aid to the Palestinian Authority - the body which exercises limited governance in the occupied West Bank - this financial year.

  27. Student visa : Overview

    Overview. You can apply for a Student visa to study in the UK if you're 16 or over and you: have been offered a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor. have enough money to support ...