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Published Jul 5, 2021

The Fleet's In: 24th Century Federation Starships

Does your favorite ship make the cut?

Star Trek: The Next Generation

For those of us who lovingly refer to ourselves as “starship nerds,” Star Trek 's 24th century is populated with an astounding array of Starfleet vessels for us to gaze upon with awe. The series and films set in this era, namely Star Trek: The Next Generation , Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , Star Trek: Voyager , Star Trek: Picard , and the four movies helmed by the TNG crew, produced vast fleets that demonstrated the Federation's prestigious shipbuilding capabilities.

Narrowing down choices, and ranking my favorites proved difficult enough, so we have excluded 23rd century holdovers (so no Excelsior -, Miranda -, Constellation -, and Oberth -class staples), non-Starfleet vessels such as Ambassador Spock's craft from Star Trek (2009) , the relatively diminutive Danube -class runabouts, and auxiliary shuttles. With that in mind, let's take a look at the ships that have been deployed from Utopia Planitia, Riverside, Beta Antares, Eridani A, and other Federation fleet yards.

10. Nova -class in Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager

When the Nova -class U.S.S. Equinox first popped up on U.S.S. Voyager 's sensors in “Equinox,” Captain Janeway noted that the starship was a planetary research vessel designed for scientific missions rather than long-range tactical excursions. The Nova -class bore streamlined similarities to its larger Intrepid and Sovereign -class cousins, but its limited scope and small crew left it vulnerable to a lonely jaunt through the Delta Quadrant. If Captain Ransom had commanded a sturdier vessel, perhaps he would not have resorted to the deplorable tactics he employed to find a faster route home. However, the design apparently stood an excellent chance of enduring, as Captain Harry Kim sat in the center seat aboard the Nova -class variant U.S.S. Rhode Island in the alternate future seen in “Endgame.”

9. Ambassador -class in The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The U.S.S. Enterprise-C remains the most well known Ambassador -class vessel due to its namesake, its prominence in the classic “Yesterday's Enterprise,” and its valiant rescue of the Klingon outpost on Narendra III from Romulan aggressors. Variants of this starship also notably appeared in Captain Picard's blockade during the Klingon Civil War, at the Battle of Wolf 359, and as a transport in “Data's Day.” The explorer's design proved to be an elegant mid-point between its Excelsior -class predecessors and Galaxy -class successors, and it would have been wonderful to see the vessel show up on a more frequent basis.

8. Prometheus -class in Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager

Who can forget the stunning sight of the prototype U.S.S. Prometheus becoming three independent vessels as it separated into multi-vector assault mode during “Message in a Bottle?” The Prometheus 's computer and resident EMH informed Voyager 's doctor that the advanced ship was intended for deep space tactical assignments and could achieve speeds faster than any other member of the fleet. The pair of holographic physicians managed to wrest control of the Prometheus from Romulan hands and deploy its experimental defensive systems against Tal Shiar warbirds. While it is unknown if further Prometheus -class ships were constructed, the prototype was spotted again as part of the armada sent to intercept the Borg sphere in “Endgame.”

Star Trek Ships of the Line — U.S.S. Prometheus

7. Akira -class in Star Trek: First Contact , Deep Space Nine , and Voyager

Star Trek: The Next Generation

First seen on screen in the Battle of Sector 001, the Akira -class's earliest chronological appearance occurred during a flashback at the Utopia Planitia shipyards in the Voyager episode “Relativity.” While no single starship of this design ever received an excessive amount of attention, numerous Akira -class vessels substantiated their worth in battle during the height of the Dominion War. From retaking Deep Space 9 in “Sacrifice of Angels” to assaulting Cardassia in “What You Leave Behind,” these resilient craft evidently became an instrumental element in Starfleet's defense forces by the end of the 2370s.

6. Inquiry -class in Picard

Star Trek: Picard

The imposing task force led by Captain Riker above Coppelius was composed of Inquiry-class vessels, including Riker's own U.S.S. Zheng He . Representing the most up-to-date Federation design of the 24th century, the reinstated captain described these ships as the toughest, fastest, and most powerful ones that Starfleet had ever produced up until that time. Although the entire fleet that confronted the Romulans in the Ghulion system fell into the Inquiry-class designation, there seemed to be two variants with differing nacelle configurations present. A whole armada of vessels more advanced than either the Galaxy - or Sovereign -classes? Now that is a majestic view to behold. I'd love to see a rundown of the entire roster of over 150 ships (by my latest count) that participated in Riker's defense formation.

5. Nebula -class in The Next Generation , Deep Space Nine , Voyager , Star Trek Generations , and Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: The Next Generation

With primary hulls resembling those of its Galaxy -class counterparts, the Nebula -class explorers were featured heavily across multiple series and movies. Captain Maxwell demonstrated their tactical prowess as the U.S.S. Phoenix overwhelmed Cardassian targets in “The Wounded,” Data assumed temporary command over the U.S.S. Sutherland in “Redemption II,” the U.S.S. Farragut aided the U.S.S. Enterprise-D 's crew on Veridian III, and Professor Seyetik's U.S.S. Prometheus conducted solar experiments in “Second Sight.” The Nebula -class's diverse mission profile and extensive use over the years helped it secure such a high rank on our list.

4. Sovereign-class in Star Trek: First Contact , Star Trek: Insurrection , and Star Trek Nemesis

Star Trek: Nemesis

With its on screen credits confined to the U.S.S. Enterprise-E 's roles in the final three TNG films, the beautifully-fashioned Sovereig n-class is often considered to be an underutilized design by starship aficionados. However, given the class's appearances on background LCARS graphics in DS9, I would love to imagine that many Sovereigns were built and saw service somewhere just off-camera during those epic Dominion War battles. Geordi La Forge considered the Enterprise-E to be Starfleet's most advanced ship in 2373, and the new Federation flagship lived up to its reputation in engagements with the Borg, Son'a, and Praetor Shinzon's Scimitar . While not as voluminous as the Enterprise-D , Picard's latest command maintained a larger-than-life presence as it warped across the quadrant to extinguish diplomatic and strategic brush fires.

3. Defiant -class in Deep Space Nine , Star Trek: First Contact , and Voyager

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Riker's legendary quip about a “tough little ship” perfectly encapsulates the Defiant -class's ability to contain such overpowered weapons and defensive shields within such a small spaceframe. Originally developed to combat the Borg (which the U.S.S. Defiant bravely did under Worf's leadership at the Battle of Sector 001), Captain Sisko's beloved flagship ultimately earned its fiercest accolades in clashes against the Jem'Hadar both before and during the Dominion War. The only member of Starfleet to be (unofficially) considered a warship and (legally) equipped with a cloaking device, the Defiant withstood everything that was thrown at it... until a Breen energy-dampening weapon brought about its untimely end. The U.S.S. São Paulo , fittingly renamed in honor of its sister ship Defiant , allowed Sisko to oversee the Dominion's final defeat at Cardassia from a familiar bridge.

2. Intrepid -class in Voyager and Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Voyager

Home to Captain Janeway and her crew for their entire venture through the Delta Quadrant, U.S.S. Voyager pioneered Starfleet's use of bio-neural circuitry, the Emergency Medical Hologram, and a warp core that managed a top cruising speed of warp 9.975. Of course, Voyager also reaped the unique benefit of Seven of Nine's Borg database, a valuable library that permitted them to add a finely-tuned astrometrics lab and the Delta Flyer to the ship's already impressive complement. Voyager' s capacity to outlast everyone from the Hirogen to the Devore in a firefight while still completing countless scientific surveys and first contact missions served as a testament to its durability. When Admiral Ross visited Romulus during the height of the Dominion War, even the high-ranking officer opted to travel on the Intrepid -class U.S.S. Bellerophon rather than any other craft.

1. Galaxy -class in The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Picard , and Star Trek Generations

Star Trek: The Next Generation

In what is sure to become a controversial decision, the Galaxy -class explorer tops our list of incredible Federation vessels. Despite early concerns over potential design flaws, the Enterprise-D and its sister ships acquitted themselves admirably from TNG's opening moments through Voyager 's return to Earth. Whether hosting dignitaries or being transported to regions beyond the Milky Way's confines, the Enterprise-D acted as a home and refuge for its crew and their families. Although the U.S.S. Odyssey fell in the Federation's first skirmish with the Jem'Hadar, other Galaxy-class starships held the line against the Dominion throughout the war. In the alternate version of 2390 depicted in “Timeless,” the U.S.S. Challenger remained in service under Captain Geordi La Forge. If the Galaxy -class is good enough for Starfleet's most accomplished 24th-century engineer, who am I to disagree?

Star Trek Ships of the Line — U.S.S. Enterprise

Jay Stobie (he/him) is a freelance writer who contributes articles to the official Star Trek website and Star Trek Magazine, as well as to Star Wars Insider and the official Star Wars website. Jay also serves as a part-time assistant and consultant advising many actors and creatives who work on his favorite sci-fi shows and films. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram at @StobiesGalaxy.

Star Trek: Picard streams on Paramount+ in the United States,  n Canada on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave, and on Amazon Prime Video in more than 200 countries and territories.

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Star Trek’s Top 10 Federation Ships

By charles evans | apr 16, 2016.

star trek ships of the federation

There have been a plethora of amazing Federation vessels featured on Star Trek, but these are our top 10 favorites.

Don’t Miss: Our top 10 picks to become the captain of Star Trek Discovery.

Lists like this are always contentious, but these are our favorite ten Federation ships. Let’s ease into the list with an honorable mention…

Honorable Mention, Enterprise NX

Class: NX-class

Registry: NX-01

Top Speed: Warp 5.2

Armament: Spatial Torpedoes, Photonic Torpedoes, Phase Cannons, Plasma Artillery

Crew Complement: 83

Launch Date: 2151

Earth’s first warp 5 capable ship only gets an honorable mention on this list because they weren’t part of The Federation of Planets. The Federation was formed in the final episode of Enterprise, as the ship’s mission was coming to a close. This Enterprise is a fine Starfleet vessel, but it’s not a Federation ship.


star trek ships of the federation

Star Trek: Discoverys Ending Had A Major 33rd Century Federation Reveal

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery's Series Finale - "Life, Itself"

  • The United Federation of Planets headquarters continues to remain in space in Star Trek: Discovery' s 33rd century.
  • Admiral Michael Burnham, now with a son, Captain Leto Burnham, sets off on the USS Discovery for a new mission.
  • Starfleet Academy will return to San Francisco while also being set in outer space.

Star Trek: Discovery 's series finale offered a glimpse of Admiral Michael Burnham's (Sonequa Martin-Green) future, revealing something significant about the United Federation of Planets of the 33rd century. Since jumping to the 32nd century, Captain Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery have helped the Federation and Starfleet rebuild. After the devastation and uncertainty caused by the Burn, many felt that having the headquarters of the Federation on Earth made the planet a potential target. By the year 3089, Earth had left the Federation anyway, so the headquarters were moved into space.

In Star Trek: Discovery 's 32nd century, a Pax-class Starship known as the USS Federation served as a mobile space station housing both Starfleet and Federation Headquarters. After the collapse of the Emerald Chain following Star Trek: Discovery season 3, new structures were added to the station, which also served as the temporary location for the recently reopened Starfleet Academy. When Earth and Fed HQ were threatened by the Dark Matter Anomaly in Discovery season 4, the station itself, as well as its separate decks, became warp-capable starships that could relocate to a safe distance. Although neither the Burn nor the DMA are threats anymore, Federation Headquarters remains in space even in Star Trek: Discovery's 33rd century.

Every Star Trek: Discovery Main Characters Ending Explained

What happened to Captain Michael Burnham & the USS Discovery crew in the Star Trek: Discovery series finale, and where did they end up afterwards?

Star Trek: Discoverys Ending Revealed The Federation Never Returned To Earth

Federation headquarters has stayed in space..

After Star Trek: Discovery season 5's main storyline comes to a close, the show's coda jumps about 30 years into the future to check in with Michael Burnham and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala). Burnham has become a four-star Admiral and made a life with Book on Sanctuary Four, and the two share a son named Leto (Sawandi Wilson) . When Leto, a newly minted Starfleet Captain, comes to pick up Admiral Burnham for one last mission on the USS Discovery, they fly to Federation Headquarters in a shuttle. Fed HQ seems to have added a couple of additional space stations, but, evidently, they never returned to Earth.

After arriving at Fed HQ, Admiral Burnham sets off on the USS Discovery for a new destination, where the ship and Zora (Annabelle Wallis) will wait for a soldier named Craft (Aldis Hodge), as seen in the Star Trek: Short Treks episode "Calypso."

United Earth rejoined the Federation in 3190, but by that point, Federation Headquarters had already been in space for decades. With species from many different planets traveling to and from Fed HQ, it was likely easier to keep the station in space. Plus, the ability to transform into a warp-capable ship has already proven useful once and likely will again. Earth might still be weary of being home to such a crucial facility, and the space station seems like a more convenient location anyway. With the advancements in technology in the 32nd and 33rd centuries, it's not surprising that a mobile space station would be the most effective location for Federation Headquarters.

Starfleet Academy Does Return To San Francisco

Star trek: starfleet academy has been confirmed to take place, at least in part, on earth..

Although Federation Headquarters will remain in space for the foreseeable future, Starfleet Academy will return to its original home of San Francisco, California. While there are satellite campuses located all over Federation space, the headquarters of Starfleet Academy has long been located in San Francisco, and only left Earth sometime after the Burn. Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will follow a new class of cadets, who will presumably spend much of their time on Earth, attending lessons. Still, it wouldn't be Star Trek without starships, and producers behind Starfleet Academy have assured fans that the show will still include ships and space travel.

It has also been confirmed that Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will take place in Discovery's far future, leaving the door open for some of Star Trek: Discovery's characters to return. Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) has a Starfleet Academy instructor since Star Trek: Discovery's season 4, making her the most likely character to make the jump to the new show. While nothing has been confirmed regarding any Discovery cast members, Academy Award-winner Holly Hunter will play the Chancellor of the Academy and the series lead. Whether or not any characters from Star Trek: Discovery pop up on Star Trek: Starfleet Academy , the next Star Trek series will take the Academy back to its roots on planet Earth.

All five seasons of Star Trek: Discovery are available to stream on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Cast Holly Hunter

Showrunner Noga Landau, Alex Kurtzman

Star Trek: Discoverys Ending Had A Major 33rd Century Federation Reveal

Star Trek: The 12 Most Important Ships In Federation History, Ranked

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Enterprise is refitted

The "Star Trek" franchise, for more than 55 years, has defined mainstream science fiction in the United States with its utopian vision of the future. Created by Gene Roddenberry, "Star Trek" — which spans numerous television series and feature films — follows the United Federation of Planets and its spacefaring force Starfleet as they explore the galaxy. Boasting a wide armada of unique vessels to keep the peace and invite other civilizations into its ranks, Starfleet's starships have taken on a fan-favorite legacy of their own. Capable of traveling faster than the speed of light, these starships also are equipped with weaponry to take on the most fearsome threats in the cosmos.

Check out this comprehensive ranking of the 12 most important starships in Federation history throughout the "Star Trek" franchise. The ranking — not based on the quality of the shows or movies, and certainly not their penchant for action  – addresses their place in making the Federation what it is in-universe. 

12. USS Cerritos NCC-5567

The animated series "Star Trek: Lower Decks" centers on the low-ranked Starfleet personnel who handle the organization's more menial tasks. Their duties include carrying out routine maintenance, cosmic clerical work, and other thankless jobs. Such assignments tend to fall to the crew members aboard California-class starships, including the overlooked men, women, and aliens who serve on the USS Cerritos NCC-5567, the main vessel on "Lower Decks." Fortunately, in addition to poking fun at "Star Trek" tropes , "Lower Decks" explores the notion of overcoming expectations, with the Cerritos' ensigns rising above their assumed stations — along with their ship. 

Because of all its wacky hijinks, among them foiling a terrorist plot targeting the Federation, the Cerritos has reached legendary status among California-class starships by Season 3. The Cerritos' impressive reputation plays a pivotal role in the third season finale, rallying other California-class starships to stop a rogue artificial intelligence from attacking Starfleet. "Lower Decks" is all about the ideas that no task is too small or unimportant and that the little guys deserve respect too. And as the California-class ship leading the charge, the Cerritos earns the right to stand among its more nominally elite counterparts.

11. USS Enterprise NCC-1071-A

The Klingons destroyed the original Constitution-class Enterprise during a showdown in "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock." It seems only fitting that its replacement, the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A finally facilitates an armistice between the Federation and Klingon Empire. The swan song for the "Original Series" crew, "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" finds Captain Kirk leading a diplomatic mission to broker peace with the Klingons. However, a conspiracy poised to plunge Starfleet and the Klingon Empire back into an active war threatens this unprecedented cooperation between the two rival governments.

The Klingons rank as one of the bitterest enemies the Federation has ever faced, nearly conquering them outright during "Star Trek: Discovery." Peace between the two seemed inconceivable but, despite everything the Klingons cost him personally, including his only son, Kirk makes an armistice possible. This alliance not only brings the two governments together but saves them from the Dominion during "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." The Enterprise-A also confronts a powerful entity masquerading as God in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" but the less perhaps said about that adventure, the better.

10. USS Protostar NX-76884

The USS Protostar NX-76884, the main starship from the CG-animated series " Star Trek: Prodigy ," has already left its mark on the Federation, though certainly not as intended. A spacefaring prototype, the Protostar's warp drive is complemented by the inclusion of an experimental proto-drive, powered by an actual, small protostar. When fully powered, the proto-drive allows the starship to travel to different quadrants around the galaxy in an instant, exponentially faster than warp drive-propelled starships. Chakotay initially captained the Protostar, doing so until before he and the starship were captured by the villainous Diviner, with a ragtag crew of refugee children reclaiming it.

The scientific breakthroughs behind the Protostar alone warrant its appearance on this list but its role in Prodigy's first season finale makes it an infamous inclusion. While under the Diviner's control, the Protostar is infected with an advanced computer virus acting as a Trojan horse for any Federation systems with which it interfaces. Once infected, defensive systems go out of control and attack any other Federation targets in the immediate area. While the Protostar crew stops the virus' spread, it infects and devastates a significant portion of Starfleet's armada, transforming the Protostar into the fleet's deadliest vessel.

9. USS Titan NCC-80102-A/USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G

The Protostar and Cerritos incidents are far from the only times Starfleet has nearly been destroyed from within. The final season of "Star Trek: Picard" reveals the remnants of the Borg Collective and the Dominion have formed an alliance to infiltrate and annihilate the Federation. Using Borg technology, Changelings modify Starfleet transporters to secretly assimilate younger personnel, creating sleeper agents across the armada. The ship that uncovers this far-reaching conspiracy? The USS Titan NCC-80102-A, with nominal Captain Liam Shaw led by Admiral Jean-Luc Picard.

The Titan plays a pivotal role in distracting the assimilated armada from bombarding Earth's planetary defenses, giving Picard and the Enterprise-D valuable time to disrupt Borg communications. Though the Titan is disabled by the opposition, without its diversion, the fleet would have proceeded to bomb Earth's major cities before spreading their devastation across the galaxy. The Enterprise-D may get the glory for ultimately defeating the Borg and saving the day, but Titan merits recognition for playing good defense single-handedly. In the "Picard" series finale, the powers that be  rechristen the Titan-A as the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G , cementing its importance and heroic legacy.

8. USS Discovery NCC-1031

Across the Federation's entire history, the USS Discovery NCC-1031 rates as the most unique starship, thanks to its Spore Drive. A sentient set of spores within the Discovery's engineering section interface with Chief Engineer Paul Stamets, allowing the ship to leap through subspace. More than simply traversing great distances in an instant, the Spore Drive gives the Discovery limited access to the Mirror Universe.

The Discovery not only assumes a pivotal role in stopping the bloody war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire but saves it from an enemy within its ranks. In the Season 2 finale, the Discovery teams up with the Enterprise to destroy Control, a rogue artificial intelligence poised to wipe out all organic life in the galaxy. And just as Discovery preserves the Federation's existence in the relative present, it also restarts its legacy in the far future. Transported more than 900 years into the future, the Discovery inspires the Federation to rebuild itself from a massive catastrophe, restoring its ideals across the stars.

7. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E

Just as Kirk commanded two starships with the Enterprise moniker, Picard gets his second Enterprise in the 1996 film "Star Trek: First Contact." Commander Will Riker describes the Enterprise-E as the most advanced in the entire fleet and one better outfitted for combat than its predecessor. While not as prolific as the Enterprise-D, the ship spares the Federation total defeat on at least two separate occasions. The Enterprise-E also uncovers a conspiracy within Starfleet Command in "Star Trek: Insurrection," exposing a group undermining the Federation's principles.

The Enterprise-E's superior weaponry and Picard's intimate knowledge of the Borg save Earth and the defending Starfleet armada from the Borg Queen. This timely intervention also involves the Enterprise-E following the Borg into the 21st century to defeat them and ensure the preservation of humanity's history. Later, the Enterprise-E takes point in brokering a landmark peace agreement with the Romulan Empire in "Star Trek: Nemesis." With no armistice achieved without significant complications, the Enterprise-E takes down a rogue Romulan warship targeting Earth, proving itself as capable in a fight as diplomatically.

6. USS Voyager NCC-74656

The USS Voyager's most famous mission strands it on the far side of the galaxy, approximately 70 years from home and without Starfleet support. Captained by Kathryn Janeway, it took the starship seven seasons to return to the Alpha Quadrant, exploring the true undiscovered expanse within the Delta Quadrant along the way. Encountering new species and phenomena, the Voyager upgrades itself during its long journey to accelerate its trip significantly. While the sheer amount of exploratory information and technological enhancements are enough to make the Voyager stand out in Starfleet, its final act remains its noteworthiest.

In the last leg of the ship's voyage, Janeway teams up with an alternate future version of herself to destroy the Borg Collective seemingly for good. The older Janeway allows herself to be captured by the Borg Queen, infecting her with a terminal virus that spreads across the Collective. Though the Borg are revealed to survive in a diminished capacity decades later, the incident represents a major victory for the Federation. Voyager not only returned to the Federation with a wealth of new information, but the ship vanquished its greatest foe to deliver an interstellar mic drop.

5. USS Defiant NX-74205

" Star Trek: Deep Space Nine " marks a departure from the franchise's established formula, with its characters not on an exploratory mission but maintaining a strategically located space station. In the third season, the crew welcomes the USS Defiant NX-74205 in order to engage in away missions around the cosmos. As "Deep Space Nine" evolves into a show depicting Starfleet at war, here comes a primary vessel designed specifically for combat. And it boasts not only remarkable maneuverability and a formidable weapons system, but the Defiant is one of the few Starfleet vessels with a functional cloaking device.

The Defiant figures prominently in the Dominion War, outmaneuvering and concealing itself from even the deadliest Jem'Hadar vessels, and playing a major role in Starfleet's eventual victory. After Starfleet temporarily loses control of Deep Space Nine, the Defiant embarks on a series of strikes on vital Dominion targets in the quadrant. Beyond its seek-and-destroy function, the Defiant heads the armada that retakes the station. The original Defiant is destroyed by the Breen in the show's final episodes, with Captain Benjamin Sisko receiving an identical replacement shortly thereafter to finish the fight.

Zefram Cochrane, the most revered figure in 21st-century human history, became the first person from Earth to achieve lightspeed spaceflight. Aboard his makeshift starship, the Phoenix — fashioned from a repurposed Titan II nuclear missile in Montana — Cochrane makes his fateful voyage in 2063, aided by the time-traveling Enterprise-E crew. Vulcans immediately take notice of humans emerging as a warp-capable civilization, prompting them to make first contact with Earth and lay the groundwork for what will become the Federation. After the successful flight, Cochrane continues to improve upon his warp drive designs, with his innovations informing the development of subsequent generations of starships.

Though the flight of the Phoenix occurs well before the Federation's founding, its influence cannot be overstated as it's felt for centuries to follow. The Borg Collective identify the Phoenix's landmark flight as a turning point in the galaxy's narrative, attempting to disrupt it to ensure their domination. More than 300 years later, Beckett Mariner hijacks the Phoenix to gain access to the Cerritos in the "Lower Decks" Season 3 premiere, proving the ship is still mission-ready. Even centuries after Cochrane's disappearance while exploring the cosmos, the Phoenix continues to make history.

3. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

The Enterprise-D may be the fifth NCC-1701 starship to carry the name but it belongs among the most vital in the Federation. Captained by Jean-Luc Picard, the Enterprise-D soars as the main ship in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and the 1994 film "Star Trek Generations." The final season of "Star Trek: Picard" reveals Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge salvaged the Enterprise-D, quietly repairing it over time to make it fully operational again. This repair job proves instrumental in the Enterprise saving the galaxy once again, adding to its vaunted status within Starfleet.

The Enterprise-D crew are the first ones to rescue the Federation from the Borg, while Picard himself convinces the omnipotent Q that humanity deserves to exist. Much like the original Enterprise NCC-1701 goes out with an anticlimactic bang, so too does the Enterprise-D, scuttled stopping the terrorist Soran from manipulating the Nexus anomaly. Fortunately, the Enterprise-D gets a better, if delayed, swan song in saving the Federation from the resurgent Borg in "Picard." Even decades after its initial service, the Enterprise-D holds a legendary place for the Federation, more than worthy of the value that comes with its name.

2. USS Enterprise NCC-1701

The first Constitution-class Enterprise enjoys a storied history that surpasses that of any other starship in the franchise to date. The original USS Enterprise NCC-1701 appeared as the main ship in "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds," "The Original Series," and the franchise's first three films. Helmed by iconic captains like Christopher Pike and Jim Kirk, the Enterprise is the most important starship of its era. As a testament to the Enterprise's importance being recognized in-universe, no less than seven starships carry the moniker so far.

In "The Original Series" alone, the Enterprise saves the Federation from dozens of enemies and dangerous phenomena that endanger it. From thwarting the Romulan effort to restart their war against humanity to deactivating ancient doomsday machines, the Enterprise stops threats before they grow out of control. This tradition continues on the big screen, with Kirk returning to the Enterprise to save the Federation from an entity barreling toward Earth. This Enterprise is self-destructed in an unauthorized mission at the Genesis Planet to prevent it from falling into Klingon hands, an anticlimactic end to its legendary run.

1. USS Enterprise NX-01

The USS Enterprise NX-01, commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer, leads the way in the decade building to the creation of the Federation. This Enterprise spearheads several technological innovations for Starfleet, including the transporter, universal translator, photonic torpedoes, and phase weapons. The NX-01 plays a crucial role in defending Starfleet in its initial skirmishes with the Romulans and Xindi, revealing that humanity can hold its own in the cosmos.

The impressive exploits of Captain Archer and his crew aside, the NX-01 actually helps facilitate the Federation's formation. It not only brings together a human and Vulcan joint crew for the first time, but the Enterprise draws the Tellarites into the fledgling alliance. These three civilizations form the foundation of what becomes the Federation in 2161, as the NX-01 stands front and center in battles against mutual enemies. A strong argument can be made that without the NX-01, the Federation never exists — and that explains why this starship tops the list.

Federation starships

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The starships of the United Federation of Planets are tracked in the lists to the right.

Federation Gradient with outline sm.png

Federation Stardate: 40470.3

star trek ships of the federation

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1991 Star Trek Special Edition Galileo II Shuttlecraft Model Kit by AMT Ertl

star trek ships of the federation

Star Trek Special Edition 3-Piece U.S.S. Enterprise Chrome Set

star trek ships of the federation

Classic 30th Anniversary Series Galileo Shuttlecraft


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Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack - Ships of the Line

Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack - Ships of the Line

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This is an Expansion, requires a Star Trek Attack Wing Starter Set (72944) to play

Each copy includes a code for Star Trek  Online, for a FREE ship matching one of the ships featured in this Faction Pack, and an Elite Services Starter Pack!*

Fly the finest the Federation has to offer with the Ships of the Line Federation faction pack for Star Trek : Attack Wing! You can be the first to helm the original prototypes for iconic classes, including the Prometheus-class, Akira-class, the Sovereign-class, and the Saber-class! You’ll find all-new captains, crew, and weapons, including type 10 Phasers and Quantum Torpedoes! It also includes a four-mission head-to-head campaign, so you can follow a prototype starship from design to deployment!

The four included pre-painted plastic ships have all-new paint designs from Star Trek Online, and you can use the included code to unlock one of these new designs in the game!

With Ships of the Line, you’ll fly on the cutting edge of Federation technology!

  • 4 Pre-Painted Plastic Ships
  • 4 Plastic Bases
  • 8 Plastic Pegs
  • 4 Maneuver Dials and connector pieces
  • 1 Campaign Book

*PC Only, codes expire 12/31/2023.

**Uses the core rule set of the FlightPath™ game system with a Star Trek twist, but is not compatible with other FlightPath™ games from FFG.

***Exact game components subject to change

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List of Star Trek Starfleet starships

This is a list of Federation starships from the Star Trek universe. The list is organized first by ship class , then registration number , name , and finally where that vessel was referenced. These vessels appear or are mentioned in the original Star Trek series ( TOS ), Star Trek: The Animated Series ( TAS ), Star Trek: The Next Generation ( TNG ), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ( DS9 ), Star Trek: Voyager ( VOY ), Star Trek: Enterprise ( ENT ), Star Trek: Discovery ( DSC ), the Star Trek films , Star Trek games , and Star Trek literature . This list tries to avoid using information found in Star Trek fan fiction . Many of the sources for this list are considered non-canon and the list relies heavily on the non-canon The Star Trek Encyclopedia . [1]

Akira class

Ambassador class, andromeda class, antares class, apollo class, archer class, bradbury class, cardenas class, centaur class, challenger class, cheyenne class, chimera class, columbia class, constellation class, constitution class, crossfield class, daedalus class, defiant class, deneva class, dreadnought class, einstein class, engle class, erewhon class, excelsior class, freedom class, galaxy class, galen class, hokule‘a class, hoover class, intrepid class, istanbul class, korolev class, magee class, malachowski class, mediterranean class, merced class, merian class, miranda class, mulciber class, nebula class, new orleans class, niagara class, nimitz class, norway class, oberth class, odyssey class, olympic class, prometheus class, renaissance class, rigel class, saber class, sequoia class, shepard class, sovereign class, soyuz class, springfield class, freedom class (kelvin timeline), steamrunner class, surak class, sydney class, theophrastus class, universe class, vesta class, walker class, wambundu class, wells class, yorkshire class, zodiac class, undetermined class, non-starships and support vessels, danube class runabout, peregrine class fighter, yellowstone class runabout, shuttlecraft.

Named for Greek mythological figure and nearby Andromeda Galaxy .

Named for star Antares .

Named for the ancient Greek solar deity and the American Apollo program ( NASA ).

Scout ship introduced in the Star Trek: The Original Series tie-in novel series Star Trek: Vanguard and its follow-up Star Trek: Seekers . Retroactively named after Captain Jonathan Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise .

Name honors science fiction author Ray Bradbury .

Named for United States Air Force brigadier general Robert Cardenas .

Named for the mythical chimaera .

In the script of the TNG episode " The Battle ," Geordi La Forge identified the Stargazer as a Constitution Class, but it was dubbed to Constellation after the script was changed.

Named for the USS Constitution . (The TOS USS Enterprise dedication plaque refers to this ship class as the "Starship Class".)

Constitution class refit

Ostensibly a refit of the Constitution class, this ship is referred to as " Enterprise class" in Andrew G. Probert's non-canon Star Trek The Motion Picture: 14 Official Blueprints . [52] [53]

Named for American naval officer and test pilot Albert Scott Crossfield who became the first human to fly at twice the speed of sound.

Named for an iconic figure from Greek mythology .

Named for the fictional planet in the TOS episode " Operation: Annihilate! ".

Named for Albert Einstein

Named for American test pilot and astronaut Joe Engle who test-flew the joint NASA–Air Force North American X-15 rocket airplane and the space shuttle Enterprise before eventually commanding the space shuttle Columbia .

This fictional spacecraft design was introduced to the Star Trek sci-fi universe in 1984.

The name may have been supposed to honor the space station that was later simply called ISS .

Presumably named for the Polynesian waʻa kaulua replica

Named for United States Air Force fighter pilot Bob Hoover who revolutionized modern aerobatic flying and in many aviation circles has been described as one of the greatest pilots ever to have lived.

Named for the most populous city in Turkey .

Named for spacecraft designer Sergey Korolyov .

Featured in the Star Trek: Titan novels. All known Luna -class starships were named after moons in the Sol System.

Named for Royal Canadian Air Force fighter pilot and poet John Gillespie Magee Jr.

Named for United States Air Force pilot Nicole Malachowski who became the first female member of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds .

Named for the character in the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare . Also the name of a moon .

Name (in universe) denotes astronomical phenomenon and (real world) pays tribute to the Nebula Award for science fiction writing.

Named for the City of New Orleans . Designated as frigates .

Named for World War II Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz

Ships are named for the NASA Space Shuttle orbiters .

Named after the rocket scientist Hermann Oberth .

Introduced in Star Trek Online .

This class is sometimes erroneously named " Hope class" from an early version of the dedication plaque from the USS Pasteur . [1]

Named for the star Rigel .

Named for American astronaut Alan Shepard who became the first American to travel into space.

Named for the Soviet spacecraft

Named for Vulcan philosopher Surak .

Introduced in Star Trek: Destiny and first visualized in Star Trek Online .

The class was named for NASA test pilot Joe Walker .

Named in honor of science fiction author H. G. Wells .

[ citation needed ]

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Michael Okuda Graphic designer known for working on Star Trek

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  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Star Trek: First Contact . November 22, 1996.
  • 1 2 3 " Tribunal ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Tin Man ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Yesterday's Enterprise ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 " Redemption, *Part II ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " Non Sequitur ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " You Are Cordially Invited... ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Second Chances ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Defiant ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 " Conspiracy ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 " Emissary ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Data's Day ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Hollow Pursuits ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Apocalypse Rising ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Charlie X ". Star Trek . NBC. In Star Trek: The Motion Picture , NCC-501 is also referred to as "Columbia" (this takes place right before V'Ger attacks the outpost).
  • 1 2 3 " Descent, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Tapestry ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Where No One Has Gone Before ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Lower Decks ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Ménage à Troi ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Brothers ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ Dibdin, Emma (May 8, 2013). " ' Star Trek Into Darkness': 10 teasers for JJ Abrams sequel – Spoilers" . Digital Spy. Archived from the original on December 13, 2013 . Retrieved May 24, 2013 .
  • ↑ " Choose Your Pain ". Star Trek: Discovery .
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  • ↑ " Firstborn ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
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  • ↑ " Too Short a Season ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
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  • ↑ " Peak Performance ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " Favor the Bold ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " The Battle ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Elementary, Dear Data ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Identity Crisis ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 " In the Pale Moonlight ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Doomsday Machine ". Star Trek . October 20, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " The Tholian Web ". Star Trek . November 15, 1968. NBC .
  • ↑ " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I ". Star Trek: Enterprise . April 22, 2005. UPN .
  • ↑ " Mirror, Mirror ". Star Trek . October 6, 1967. NBC .
  • 1 2 3 4 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock . Paramount Pictures . June 1, 1984.
  • 1 2 3 Star Trek (film) . Paramount Pictures . May 8, 2009.
  • 1 2 Star Trek Beyond
  • 1 2 3 4 " The Ultimate Computer ". Star Trek . March 8, 1968. NBC .
  • ↑ " The Omega Glory ". Star Trek . March 1, 1968. NBC .
  • 1 2 " Obsession ". Star Trek . December 15, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " The Immunity Syndrome ". Star Trek . January 19, 1968. NBC .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country . Paramount Pictures . December 6, 1991.
  • 1 2 3 4 5 Star Trek: The Motion Picture . Paramount Pictures . December 7, 1979.
  • ↑ "Star Trek: The Motion Picture Official Blueprints" . CBS Paramount . Archived from the original on February 6, 2007 . Retrieved September 13, 2016 . The refitted Enterprise is more powerful than any vessel in Starfleet because of its linear inter-mix chamber, which not only boosts the magnatomic-initiator stage of the new nacelles, but also fires directly into the deflection crystal of the new nacelles. (...) CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown ( link )
  • ↑ "Star Trek: The Motion Picture Official Blueprints" . CBS Paramount . Archived from the original on February 6, 2007 . Retrieved September 13, 2016 . Normally patrolling in "packs" of three, the cruisers are deadly for a single Federation starship. The new Enterprise class, however, promises to even those odds. CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown ( link )
  • ↑ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan .
  • ↑ Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .
  • ↑ Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home .
  • ↑ " Context is for Kings ". Star Trek: Discovery . October 1, 2017.
  • ↑ " The Return of the Archons ". Star Trek . February 9, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " Friday's Child ". Star Trek . December 8, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " Power Play ". Star Trek: The Next Generation . February 24, 1992.
  • ↑ " The Search ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Changing Face of Evil ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " The Dogs of War ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 " What You Leave Behind ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Valiant ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Legacy ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Reunion ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ "Exclusive Interview: Roberto Orci On All The Latest With Star Trek (and more)" . . Retrieved October 4, 2014 .
  • 1 2 " Paradise ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Caretaker ". Star Trek: Voyager . January 16, 1995. UPN .
  • ↑ " Shattered ". Star Trek: Voyager . January 17, 2001. UPN .
  • ↑ " Angel One ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Chain of Command, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Neutral Zone ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " The Pegasus ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ Ritual Entertainment. Star Trek: Elite Force II .
  • 1 2 3 Star Trek Generations . Paramount Pictures . November 18, 1994.
  • 1 2 3 " Flashback ". Star Trek: Voyager . September 11, 1996. UPN .
  • ↑ " Statistical Probabilities ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Chrysalis ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Relativity ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • 1 2 " The Most Toys ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Field of Fire ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Encounter at Farpoint, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " Sacrifice of Angels ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 " Tears of the Prophets ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 Star Trek Nemesis . Paramount Pictures . December 13, 2002.
  • ↑ " Sins of the Father ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Paradise Lost ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " For the Uniform ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Homefront ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 " Unnatural Selection ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Unity ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • 1 2 3 4 " All Good Things... (Star Trek: The Next Generation) ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Endgame ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " Timeless ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Favor the Bold ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Far Beyond the Stars ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 " The Jem'Hadar ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " The Way of the Warrior, Part II ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Where Silence Has Lease ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Contagion ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Datalore ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Unification, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Schizoid Man ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Lessons ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " In Purgatory's Shadow ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Vengeance Factor ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " We'll Always Have Paris ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Best of Both Worlds, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Clues ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " 11001001 ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Night Terrors ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . Paramount Pictures . June 4, 1982.
  • ↑ " In the Cards ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ Okuda, Michael & Okuda, Denise with Mirek, Debbie (1994). The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Guide to the Future . Pocket Books. p.   342. ISBN   978-0-671-86905-2 . CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( link )
  • ↑ Bernd Schneider (January 11, 2018). "Proto-Nebula Class Reconstruction" . Ex Astris Scientia . Retrieved January 16, 2019 .
  • 1 2 " Message in a Bottle ". Star Trek: Voyager . January 14, 1998. UPN.
  • 1 2 " ...Nor the Battle to the Strong ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 " Interface ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Waltz ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Sarek ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Defector ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " The Wounded ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Second Sight ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ Star Trek Destiny - Gods of Night
  • ↑ " Take Me Out to the Holosuite ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Adversary ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Tribunal ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Ensign Ro ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " Equinox ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Endgame ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • 1 2 " Affliction ". Star Trek: Enterprise . UPN.
  • 1 2 " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 1 ". Star Trek: Enterprise .
  • ↑ " A Fistful of Datas ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Drumhead ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Naked Now ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Realm of Fear ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Frame of Mind ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Hero Worship ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Icarus Factor ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Melora ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ novel Ship of the Line by Diane Carey
  • ↑ T'Pol confirms this to Hoshi Sato as the Vulcans' reason for first landing there on April 5, 2063, in Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Desert Crossing" .
  • ↑ " Cause and Effect ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Relics ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Playing God ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Azati Prime ". Star Trek: Enterprise . UPN.
  • 1 2 " The Arsenal of Freedom ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Force of Nature ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Ethics ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Inside Man ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Terra Nova ". Star Trek: Enterprise .
  • ↑ " A Time to Stand ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Survival Instinct ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • 1 2 3 4 " Whispers ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Sound of Her Voice ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Raven ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " Infinite Regress ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " The Siege of AR-558 ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Future's End Pt.1 ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " Afterimage ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Penumbra ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Past Prologue ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Q-Less ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Armageddon Game ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Our Man Bashir ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " One Little Ship ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Change of Heart ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Body Parts ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Battle Lines ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " By Inferno's Light ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Maquis, Part II ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Future Tense ". Star Trek: Enterprise . UPN.
  • ↑ Okuda, Michael & Rick Sternbach (1991). Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual . New York: Pocket Books. ISBN   978-0-671-70427-8 .
  • 1 2 " The Galileo Seven ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • 1 2 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier .
  • ↑ Star Trek: Insurrection .
  • ↑ " Parallels ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Life Line ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Unimatrix Zero ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Drive ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Samartian Snare ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Time Squared ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Rascals ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Journey to Babel ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ Sarek & Amanda arriving
  • ↑ shuttle landing
  • ↑ " Metamorphosis ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle in flight
  • ↑ " The Immunity Syndrome ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle on hangar deck
  • ↑ " The Way to Eden ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle on "Eden"
  • ↑ " The Host ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Suspicions ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Outcast ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Mind's Eye ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Menagerie: Part One ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ Starbase 11 shuttle in flight
  • ↑ " Threshold ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Day of Honor ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " The Doomsday Machine ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle taking off
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  • November 2022

Federation Faction Pack: Ships of the Line

  • View history

Fly the finest the Federation has to offer with the Ships of the Line Federation faction pack for Star Trek: Attack Wing! You can be the first to helm the original prototypes for iconic classes, including the Prometheus-class, Akira-class, the Sovereign-class, and the Saber-class, each with a brand new look from Star Trek Online! You'll find all-new captains, crew, and weapons, including type 10 Phasers and Quantum Torpedoes! It also includes a four-mission head-to-head campaign, so you can follow a prototype starship from design to deployment!

With Ships of the Line, you'll fly on the cutting edge of Federation technology!

Release Date: November 2022

  • 1 Pack Contents
  • 2 Ship Cards
  • 3 Upgrade Cards
  • 4 Scenario Missions
  • 5 Reference Card
  • 8 External Links

Pack Contents [ ]

  • 1 Campaign Book
  • 8 Double-sided Ship Cards
  • 4 Captain Cards
  • 3 Admiral Cards
  • 5 Crew Cards
  • 3 Elite Talent Cards
  • 6 Weapon Upgrade Cards
  • 4 Tech Upgrade Cards
  • 1 Special Upgrade Card
  • 4 Starship Construction Cards
  • 1 Reference Card
  • 4 Maneuver Cards
  • 8 Ship Tokens
  • 4 Maneuver Dials
  • 8 Captain ID Tokens
  • 1 Admiral Token (+1)
  • 1 Objective Token
  • 1 Shipyard Token
  • 6 Effect Tokens
  • 1 Fleet Action Token
  • 4 Pre-painted Plastic Ships
  • 4 Plastic Bases
  • 8 Plastic Pegs
  • 4 Maneuver Dial Connector Pieces

Ship Cards [ ]

  • USS Prometheus - Prometheus Class (Cost 28)
  • USS Cerberus - Prometheus Class (Cost 27)
  • Federation Starship - Prometheus Class (Cost 24) x2
  • USS Akira - Akira Class (Cost 23)
  • USS Geronimo - Akira Class (Cost 23)
  • Federation Starship - Akira Class (Cost 21) x2
  • USS Sovereign - Sovereign Class (Cost 29)
  • USS Musashi - Sovereign Class (Cost 29)
  • Federation Starship - Sovereign Class (Cost 25) x2
  • USS Saber - Saber Class (Cost 16)
  • USS da Vinci - Saber Class (Cost 15)
  • Federation Starship - Saber Class (Cost 12) x2

Upgrade Cards [ ]

Captain Card

  • George Sanders (Skill 7 Cost 3)

Admiral Cards

  • Strickler (Skill 4 Cost 2)
  • Theoderich Patterson (Skill 5 Cost 3)
  • Alynna Nechayev (Skill 6 Cost 4)

Elite Talent Cards

  • Fleet Coordination (Cost 3)
  • Task Force Commander (Cost 4)
  • Shakedown Cruise Commander (Cost 4)
  • Lasca (Cost 1)
  • Geordi La Forge (Cost 2)
  • Harry Kim (Cost 2)
  • Benjamin Sisko (Cost 3)
  • Montgomery Scott (Cost 3)
  • Multiphasic Shielding (Cost 3)
  • Multi-Spectrum Shielding (Cost 3)
  • Regenerative Shields (Cost 4)
  • Ablative Hull Armor (Cost 6)
  • EMH Mark I (Cost 3)

Secondary Weapon Cards

  • Dorsal Phaser Array (Cost *)
  • Photon Torpedoes (Cost 2) (Federation)
  • Type 10 Phasers (Cost 3)
  • Dorsal Torpedo Pod (Cost 3)
  • Quantum Torpedoes (Cost 3) (Federation)
  • Multi-Vector Assault Mode (Cost 6)

Starship Construction Cards

  • Federation Prototype (Cost 1) x4

Scenario Missions [ ]

  • Force Protection Level: Delta
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Shakedown Cruise
  • Rescue & Retreival

Reference Card [ ]

  • Starship Construction

This Pack features bonus codes for use in Star Trek Online. The ships in this pack are also painted and themed on ships from the game.

See Also [ ]

  • USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Expansion
  • USS Prometheus Expansion
  • USS Thunderchild Expansion
  • USS Montgolfier Expansion
  • Federation Faction Pack: To Boldly Go
  • Star Trek: Alliance - Dominion War Campaign
  • USS Yeager Expansion

External Links [ ]

  • Wizkids Official Product Page
  • 1 Mirror Universe
  • 2 Photon Torpedoes (Cost 5) (Klingon)
  • 3 USS Defiant - Defiant Class (Cost 24)

star trek ships of the federation

  • Toys & Games
  • Games & Accessories
  • Board Games

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Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack - Ships of The Line

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Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack - Ships of The Line

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack - Ships of the Line, Is an Expansion. Star Trek Attack Wing Starter Set is required to play.
  • Expand your games of Star Trek Attack Wing with the newest Federation advancements, featuring classic ships with an all-new look.
  • With Ships of the Line, you’ll fly on the cutting edge of Federation technology!
  • Each copy includes a code for Star Trek Online. PC Only, codes expire 12/31/2023.

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Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack - Ships of The Line

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Fly the finest the Federation has to offer with the Ships of the Line Federation faction pack for Star Trek: Attack Wing! You can be the first to helm the original prototypes for iconic classes, including the Prometheus-class, Akira-class, the Sovereign-class, and the Saber-class! You’ll find all-new captains, crew, and weapons, including type 10 Phasers and Quantum Torpedoes! It also includes a four-mission head-to-head campaign, so you can follow a prototype starship from design to deployment! The four included pre-painted plastic ships have all-new paint designs from Star Trek Online, and you can use the included code to unlock one of these new designs in the game! Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack - Ships of the Line, Is an Expansion. Star Trek Attack Wing Starter Set is required to play.

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What's in the box

  • 4 Pre-Painted Plastic Ships, 4 Plastic Bases, 8 Plastic Pegs, 4 Maneuver Dials and Connector Pieces, 1 Campaign Book, 40 Cards, 20+ Tokens

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Ex Astris Scientia

Starship Database

Earth & Federation Major Aliens Various Aliens Anomalous Starships Animated Abramsverse Discoverse

star trek ships of the federation

The database lists all canon starships and other spaceborne constructions of the Star Trek Universe by races and classes. Schematic side views and technical specs are included where available. The data is mainly based on the very episodes and on official sources. In some cases, however, obvious errors had to be corrected. Inconsistencies or oddities are discussed in the annotations. Read more about the database structure .

Random Page

star trek ships of the federation

Pages with Recent Changes

  • Lower Decks Alien Ship Classes 01 Jun 2024
  • Discovery Future Federation Ship Classes 01 Jun 2024
  • Discovery Future Alien Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Discovery Mirror Universe Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Discoverse Alien Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Romulan Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Starfleet Ship Classes L-Z 11 May 2024
  • Xindi Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Earth Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Mirror Universe Ships 05 May 2024
  • Federation Shuttlecraft 05 May 2024
  • Space-Dwelling Lifeforms 05 May 2024
  • Federation Ground Transportation 05 May 2024
  • Non-Existent Ships 05 May 2024
  • Discoverse Klingon Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Borg Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Bajoran Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Ancient or Mysterious Ships 05 May 2024
  • Starfleet Ship Classes A-K 20 Apr 2024
  • Delta Quadrant Ships of Unknown Affiliation 10 Apr 2024

Structure of the Starship Database

Fleet Charts

Starship Articles

Starship Gallery

Earth & Federation

Starfleet Ship Classes A-K

Starfleet Ship Classes L-Z

Other Starfleet Ship Classes - uncertain and unknown

Civilian Federation Ship Classes

Federation Shuttlecraft - and other small auxiliary vehicles

Federation Probes - unmanned space vehicles

Federation Space Stations - fixed spaceborne installations

Federation Ground Transportation - bound to the ground

Earth Ship Classes - Pre-Federation (prior to 2161)

Future Ship Classes - of the 26th century and beyond

Major Aliens

Vulcan Ship Classes - Pre-Federation (prior to 2161)

Klingon Ship Classes - from all eras

Romulan Ship Classes - from all eras

Ferengi Ship Classes - from all eras

Cardassian Ship Classes

Bajoran Ship Classes

Dominion and Allied Ship Classes

Borg Ship Classes

Suliban Ship Classes

Xindi Ship Classes

Various Aliens

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships A-E

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships F-K

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships L-R

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships S-Z

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships of Unknown Affiliation

Gamma Quadrant Ships

Delta Quadrant Ships A-E

Delta Quadrant Ships F-K

Delta Quadrant Ships L-R

Delta Quadrant Ships S-Z

Delta Quadrant Ships of Unknown Affiliation

Anomalous Starships

Ancient or Mysterious Ships - whose owners don't show up

Space-Dwelling Lifeforms - organic or conscious vessels

Mirror Universe Ships - from TOS, DS9 and ENT

Confederation Timeline Ships - from PIC season 2

Non-Existent Ships - that were made up for varying reasons

Animated Star Trek

TAS Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes

TAS Alien Ship Classes

star trek ships of the federation

Prodigy Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes

Prodigy Alien Ship Classes


Abramsverse Federation Ship Classes

Abramsverse Alien Ship Classes

Discoverse Federation Ship Classes - 23rd century, from DIS and SNW

Discoverse Klingon Ship Classes - 23rd century, from DIS and SNW

Many of the images in this section are taken from official sources such as the Star Trek Encyclopedia II , the Star Trek Encyclopedia (2016) the DS9 Technical Manual , the Star Trek Fact Files , Star Trek: The Magazine or the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection . Note that some of these were cleaned up and obvious errors were corrected. A number of schematics (namely Academy trainer craft, Antares NCC-501, Archer's model, Birdseye, Bonaventure from the Chronology , Centaur, Cheyenne, Constitution original, Excelsior variant 1, "Star Trek (2009)" shuttle, Mars defense perimeter, New Orleans, Ptolemy, Saladin, Springfield, Sydney, Raven, Talarian ships and variants, Tamarian ship and variants, Tosk ship and several TAS ships) are copyright of Ex Astris Scientia.

Special thanks go to Mike Swantak for the Ambassador, to Tim Davies for the Excelsiors, to Gus for the "Star Trek (2009)" Enterprise, to Sean Thornton for the Enterprise-A (alt.), to Pundus for the Odyssey, to MadMan and The-Didact for two versions of the Vengeance, to Chris G. for the "Star Trek (2009)" Spacedock, Klingon "Warbird" (models by MadMan), Whale Probe, "Nemesis" drydock (mesh by S-Stephen), TMP drydock (mesh by Prologic9), McKinley drydock (mesh by Eric Peterson), Warp Five Complex (mesh by Beda of Borg) and several images from Lower Decks, to Dávid Metlesits for the Klingon DIS ships (rendered based on models from Star Trek Adversaries), to Dave Combe for the DIS BoP and Sarcophagus ship, to C.HellenBrandt for the D'Arsay archive, Farpoint lifeform, interface probe, Melkotian buoy, ultraviolet satellite, standard D5, the "Star Trek (2009)" escape pod, forklift and more, to Ryan Church for Kirk's motorbike concept art, the Breen ship and the Klingon Augment ship, to Tobias Richter who created the USS Kelvin mesh, to James Chung for Picard concept art, to Daniel Petri for the reconstructed Aurora and the Class J from TOS-R, to Kristian Trigwell for Nomad, DY-100, DY-500, Valiant, Utopia Planitia, TAS personal spacecraft and some emblems, to Chris Spinnler for the Challenger, to Masaki Taniko who modified the Constitution refit, Miranda, Nebula variants, Curry and "Raging Queen", to Robert Bonchune for posting the official Intrepid-type, Delta ship and Kumari renders and who created many renders for recent official publications, to Doug Drexler for posting renders by several CGI artists such as Robert Bonchune, including the "Emmette", NX-Alpha, Arctic One, Arctic One Borgified, three-fingered drydock, multispatial probe, all Vulcan CGI ships, Cardassian workbee, 22nd century Ferengi ship, Nausicaan raider, all Suliban ships, Arkonian warship, Kreetassan ship, Kago Darr's shuttle, Malurian ship, Takret ship, Tandaran patrol ship, Valakian ship, Xantoran patrol ship, "Crossing" alien ship, Reptohumanoid ship and variants, Ledosian ships, Markonian outpost, Venatic, "Alice", "Silent Enemy" ship & shuttle and "Dead Stop" station, to John Eaves for the "Communicator" fighter, the Triannon vessel, the "Extinction" vessel, Xindi-Insectoid vessel 2 and the Axanar combat ship, to Irishman for drawings of Earth Starfleet ships, to Sven Lindemann for intermediate images, to Harry for parts of the early spaceship I, to Thorsten Junk for the Reman shuttle, to Raul Quiles who provided the Shuttlepod 1 and inspection pod schematics, to Kris Olinger who modified the Challenger, to Graham Kennedy for cleaning up and coloring the Starfleet probes, to Masao Okazaki for drawing the Daedalus, Bonaventure, Huron and TAS cargo drone, to Simon Golding for intermediate images, to E. Jakobsson for the Yeager and Elkins, to Jeff Russell for V'ger, to David Matteson for the NX-02 emblem, to viperaviator for the Franklin emblem, to Tobias Weimann for a couple of emblems, to Animaniac for the 22nd century Tholian ship and finally to Alice Orbán for subspace amplifier, Cardassian escape pod, Enolian vessels, Kobali shuttle, Malcorian ship, Malon freighter 2, Malurian shuttle, Mazarite shuttle & variants, Sikarian ship, Tarkalean freighter, Tellarite shuttle, Tsunkatse ship, Vissian ships, some of the Xindi ships, and several more.

Jörg Hillebrand has provided innumerable screen caps and invaluable observations. Most other screen caps are from TrekCore , Ariane's Star Trek Gallery , , Neutral Zone Starship Database or The Guardian of Forever. The photo of the Miranda-class USS Trial is courtesy of Larry Nemecek. Some images are based on Jim Stevenson's Starship Schematics . A reliable list of all canon starship appearances can be found in D. Joseph Creighton's The STArchive from where I extracted some useful data. Several facts about TAS ships came from Curt Danhauser's Guide to Animated Star Trek . I would also like to acknowledge The Unofficial Star Trek Fact Files Index, , Sector 0-0-1, Pedro's Shiporama, Frank Gerratana's Starfleet Ship Designs, Steve Pugh's Vessels of Starfleet, Adam Brooks , Adam Buckner, AJ, Alex Köhnen , Alexander Hartmann , Ambassador, Andrew Halliday, Andros, Andy Kinnear, B. J. Olejnik, Bounty, Brendan Stone , Brian Hunter, cardinal biggles, Colin , Dan Carlson , Daniel Anderson, DAS, doubleofive , Ed Bailey, Erich Mohr , Erik Filean, Florian Ollivier , Frank Bitterhof , George Nicolaides, Greg , Gvsualan , Harry , J , Jeff W, Jake Stotsky, Jason Schmus , Jim Morrissey , Jimmie R. Giboney, Jochen Gnida, John Mesiavech, Kevin , Kratisto, Lee McDonald , Lennier , Lester , Maik Leon Ehnert, Mariner Class, Mark Gill, Micah Haber, Michael Lanzinger, Mike , moreorlesser, Muchu, Paragon, Paul Doize, psycopunkn , Ralph Spitzner, Raymond J Impastato Jr, Rick , Rob Minnes, Robert, Scott Fletcher , Sol System, Stacy Smith, Stefan Posner, Stefan Rypalla , Stephen L. , Tadeo D'Oria, Thomas Owens , Thorsten , Trolleybus and Tuskin38 for ship pictures and information. Several more people helped me through their comments in the Flare Sci-Fi Forums . My special thanks to Colin and Boris S. who have provided lots of little-known information. Last but not least, special thanks to Michael Chabon and Dave Blass for sharing some information from behind the screen with us.

star trek ships of the federation

Last modified: 08 Jun 2024

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This website is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise.

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star trek ships of the federation

Federation Faction Pack - Ships of the Line

By: WizKids

Type: Miniatures Box Set

Product Line: Star Trek Attack Wing - Miniatures - Faction Packs

MSRP old price: $39.99

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Every item in our inventory has been inspected, very strictly graded, and bagged for its protection.

Shrink Wrapped. Still in the original factory shrink wrap, with condition visible through shrink noted. For example, "SW (NM)" means shrink wrapped in near-mint condition.

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Near Mint. Like new with only the slightest wear, many times indistinguishable from a Mint item. Close to perfect, very collectible. Board & war games in this condition will show very little to no wear and are considered to be punched unless the condition note says unpunched.

Excellent. Lightly used, but almost like new. May show very small spine creases or slight corner wear. Absolutely no tears and no marks, a collectible condition.

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Very well used, but complete and useable. May have flaws such as tears, pen marks or highlighting, large creases, stains, marks, etc.

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If you have any questions or comments regarding grading or anything else, please send e-mail to [email protected] .

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Memory Alpha

Federation starship registries

  • View history

A list of Federation starship registries

  • 1.1 Alternate registries
  • 2.1 Background information
  • 2.2 Apocrypha

List by registry [ ]

Alternate registries [ ], appendices [ ], background information [ ].

It has never been canonically established what the letters " NCC " or " NX " stand for, but in the 23rd and 24th centuries , "NX" (not to be confused with NX-class ) seemed to be used to designate experimental or prototype starships while "NCC" designated normal production vessels.

The use of "NCC" as a prefix for Starfleet registry numbers, Matt Jefferies said that the registries for American civil aircraft are preceded by "NC," and Soviet craft used a prefix of "CCCC," and as such, he more-or-less combined the two. His philosophy was, " If we do anything in space, we (Americans and Russians) have to do it together. " [1] (X)

Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 231 from Richmond, Virginia claims that the registry for the original USS Enterprise was inspired by the 1935 WACO Model YOC aircraft owned by Matt Jefferies – his airplane had the registry NC-17740 . [2] Jefferies, however, dismissed this notion in various interviews, as he didn't even purchase the airplane until 1968, while acknowledging that he never really put much of an effort into squashing that particular rumor. [3] (X) [4]

Apocrypha [ ]

The novels Best Destiny and Final Frontier , by Diane Carey, also give the meaning of NCC as "Naval Construction Contract".

See also [ ]

  • Federation starships
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 2 Jamaharon


  1. Star Trek Federation Starships

    Looking For Star Trek Federation Starships? We Have Almost Everything On eBay. Fast and Free Shipping On Many Items You Love On eBay.

  2. The Fleet's In: 24th Century Federation Starships

    The imposing task force led by Captain Riker above Coppelius was composed of Inquiry-class vessels, including Riker's own U.S.S. Zheng He.Representing the most up-to-date Federation design of the 24th century, the reinstated captain described these ships as the toughest, fastest, and most powerful ones that Starfleet had ever produced up until that time.

  3. Federation starships

    The Federation operated numerous varieties of starships. While the Prime Directive was observed aboard Starfleet vessels, this was not true of civilian ships. (TNG: "Angel One") Unnamed Federation starships Star Trek Ships: Expanded - UFP: Starfleet and Prehistory at The STArchive

  4. Federation starship classes

    The following is a list of starship classes operated by the Federation. Because of the strong connotations with the real world United States Navy, Star Trek: The Original Series Producers Gene Roddenberry and Robert H. Justman (a World War II navy veteran himself) had imbued Starfleet with (The Making of Star Trek, p. 112, et al.; These Are the Voyages: TOS Season One, 1st ed, pp. 28-29; see ...

  5. Star Trek's Top 10 Federation Ships

    There have been a plethora of amazing Federation vessels featured on Star Trek, but these are our top 10 favorites. Don't Miss: Our top 10 picks to become the captain of Star Trek Discovery. Lists like this are always contentious, but these are our favorite ten Federation ships. Let's ease into the list with an honorable mention…

  6. Starship Modeler: Ships of the Federation

    Ships of the Federation. USS Akira ( Akira - class). This ship debuted in Star Trek: First Contact and has since been seen in DS9 battling the bad guys. A break from the traditional Starfleet design, this class dispenses with the primary saucer hull over a secondary hull - instead having two long booms supporting a "roll-bar" and warp nacelles.

  7. Dan's Star Trek Web site

    Choose a race below to find out more about some of the ships which you can build of that race in Birth of the Federation. The Galaxy-class starship is at heart a vessel of exploration, but experience has shown that explorers need to be pretty resilient. The Galaxy-class heavy cruiser is a capable ship.

  8. Star Trek: Discoverys Ending Had A Major 33rd Century Federation ...

    The United Federation of Planets headquarters continues to remain in space in Star Trek: Discovery' s 33rd century. Admiral Michael Burnham, now with a son, Captain Leto Burnham, sets off on the ...

  9. Size of the Federation fleet : r/startrek

    A casual, constructive, and most importantly, welcoming place on the internet to talk about Star Trek Members Online ... In TNG they made it seem like the Federation fleet composed of 100 ships or less, considering that 40 ships being lost was considered a massive loss at Wolf359. I think Starfleet in the Picard era has to be at least 10,000 ...

  10. star trek

    At the 2009 New Jersey Star Trek convention, Kate Mulgrew remarked to the audience that "Threshold" was the episode of Star Trek: Voyager she was most uncomfortable with, noting that she didn't like the thought of mating with Paris as a lizard.

  11. Ship names and the federation : r/StarTrekStarships

    Worf, Tendi, Nog and such. There's a little over 8 thousand starships in the fleet. We just don't really see the ones barring non human based names. If there's around 8000 vessels in starfleet and a rough average of 500 crew per vessel that's 4 million personnel plus another few million for star bases and support.

  12. Star Trek: The 12 Most Important Ships In Federation History ...

    8. USS Discovery NCC-1031. Across the Federation's entire history, the USS Discovery NCC-1031 rates as the most unique starship, thanks to its Spore Drive. A sentient set of spores within the ...

  13. Federation starships

    federation starships. Federation starship category. Federation prototype starship category. Federation starship classes. Federation starships by class. Federation starship names. Federation starship registries. The starships of the United Federation of Planets are tracked in the lists to the right.

  14. Star Trek: SHIPS

    1995 Micro Machines STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE Bajoran Fighter. Out of stock. ... Star Trek Space Ship Set Model Kit. Price $48.95. Excluding Sales Tax. Quick View. Star Trek 3 Piece Set - Warbird, Marauder, Bird of Prey Model Kit ... The Federation is not affiliated with or endorsed by Paramount Global.

  15. Star Trek: Shipyards

    The Star Trek Shipyards - Starfleet and the Federation Box Set, subtitled The Encyclopedia of Star Trek Ships, is a "limited edition" three-volume set of mass-market hardcover reference books from the Shipyards series, and was co-authored by Ben Robinson and Marcus Riley. Published by Eaglemoss Collections through Penguin Random House's Publisher Services division under the former company's ...

  16. Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack

    The four included pre-painted plastic ships have all-new paint designs from Star Trek Online, and you can use the included code to unlock one of these new designs in the game! With Ships of the Line, you'll fly on the cutting edge of Federation technology! Contents: 4 Pre-Painted Plastic Ships. 4 Plastic Bases. 8 Plastic Pegs.

  17. Star Trek: Attack Wing

    Classification. Fly the finest the Federation has to offer with the Ships of the Line Federation faction pack for Star Trek: Attack Wing! You can be the first to helm the original prototypes for iconic classes, including the Prometheus-class, Akira-class, the Sovereign-class, and the Saber-class! You'll find all-new captains, crew, and ...

  18. List of Star Trek Starfleet starships

    This is a list of Federation starships from the Star Trek universe. The list is organized first by ship class, then registration number, name, and finally where that vessel was referenced. These vessels appear or are mentioned in the original Star Trek series (TOS), Star Trek: The Animated Series (T

  19. Federation Faction Pack: Ships of the Line

    November 2022. Faction Pack Wave 7. Fly the finest the Federation has to offer with the Ships of the Line Federation faction pack for Star Trek: Attack Wing! You can be the first to helm the original prototypes for iconic classes, including the Prometheus-class, Akira-class, the Sovereign-class, and the Saber-class, each with a brand new look ...

  20. Star Trek: Attack Wing: Federation Faction Pack

    Star Trek Attack Wing Starter Set is required to play. Expand your games of Star Trek Attack Wing with the newest Federation advancements, featuring classic ships with an all-new look. With Ships of the Line, you'll fly on the cutting edge of Federation technology! Each copy includes a code for Star Trek Online. PC Only, codes expire 12/31/2023.

  21. Ex Astris Scientia

    Starship Database. The database lists all canon starships and other spaceborne constructions of the Star Trek Universe by races and classes. Schematic side views and technical specs are included where available. The data is mainly based on the very episodes and on official sources. In some cases, however, obvious errors had to be corrected.

  22. Federation Faction Pack

    Fly the finest the Federation has to offer with the Ships of the Line Federation faction pack for Star Trek: Attack Wing! You can be the first to helm the original prototypes for iconic classes, including the Prometheus-class, Akira-class, the Sovereign-class, and the Saber-class!

  23. Federation starship registries

    A list of Federation starship registries Only NA, NX and NCC registries are included. It has never been canonically established what the letters "NCC" or "NX" stand for, but in the 23rd and 24th centuries, "NX" (not to be confused with NX-class) seemed to be used to designate experimental or prototype starships while "NCC" designated normal production vessels. The use of "NCC" as a prefix for ...

  24. STAR TREK: STARFLEET ACADEMY Casts Holly Hunter as its ...

    In an exciting turn of events, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy revealed that it has cast Holly Hunter as the captain and chancellor of Starfleet Academy. A release reiterates that, "The series will ...