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star trek 4 nacelle ships


Last modified: 20 Apr 2024

star trek 4 nacelle ships

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Do the number of nacelles make any difference in ship speed?

  • Thread starter The Rock
  • Start date Nov 21, 2020

The Rock

Fleet Captain

  • Nov 21, 2020

For example, if a ship has four nacelles does it make it faster in warp than a ship with two nacelles?  


I don't think so. I think the point of multiple nacelles is more about durability than speed. --Alex  

Timelord Victorious

Timelord Victorious

Vice admiral.

  • Nov 22, 2020

Four nacelles ships might need them for compensating weaker warp cores to reach high speeds even but suffer in maneuvering capability. Or vice versa. Later designs had them for Multivector stack modes and stuff.  

The USS Prometheus was the only ship which was apparently designed and able to withstand Warp 9.9 as a cruising speed (apart from this vessel, no other SF ship was able to reach/sustain these speeds reliably) and it had 5 nacelles. Even USS Voyager was only able to top out at 9.75 (not 9.975) for maybe 12 hours (which was mentioned a few times in the dialogue). Since the nacelles are the ones generating the warp field needed to initiate warp... I would surmise that having more of them can contribute to reaching and sustaining higher Warp speeds because they may be able to generate a more stable/stronger Warp field. When the NX-01 Enterprise nacelle was damaged in conflict with the Xindi, the ship's top sustainable speed dropped from Warp 4.5 to Warp 1.5 I think - so yes, with just 1 functioning nacelle, the Warp speed did drop. Though as it was noted, the USS Prometheus had 5 nacelles because the ship was able to split into 3 parts (due to multi-vector assault mode).  


Boss Monster Mod


Deks said: The USS Prometheus was the only ship which was apparently designed and able to withstand Warp 9.9 as a cruising speed (apart from this vessel, no other SF ship was able to reach/sustain these speeds reliably) and it had 5 nacelles. Click to expand...
Unicron said: I seem to recall Jackill suggesting that the Constellation and its fast cruiser variant, the Cheetah, could induce small powerful bursts of speed due to having a quad nacelle arrangement. Which would seem to argue with Picard's comments that the Stargazer was a slow and underpowered ship. It seems to me the biggest advantage of the extra nacelles would be stronger power generation, so for example a three nacelled vessel might have a max speed equal to a heavy cruiser but would potentially have better power output and maneuverability relative to two nacelles. Just one possibility. Click to expand...



Deks said: Plus, the Constellation fits in the late 23rd century when you factor in the premise that its nacelles are the same as ones used by the Constitution refit. Click to expand...

Having one on the saucer, dreadnought style allows for fast get-always. I had an idea of an FJ destroyer with its nacelle embedded within a limited utility secondary hull with its own nacelles, allowing for Assured Warp Escape (AWE)  

Fleet Admiral

If nacelles are propellers and warp cores are boilers and turbines, then more nacelles would generally be helpful in translating more of the raw power to motion: three or four screws would generally be found only on the biggest capital ships and the fastest torpedo boats. Generally, then, a ship that needs three or more of the things is designed wrong, and has to compensate for the shortcomings with more of the as such unwanted screws/nacelles (they are an expense, an inefficiency and an eyesore). But yeah, if you can't build two props or nacelles to channel your power, you might go faster by applying three or four. Or, if need be, six. As for the Constellation , she was never quite derided for being slow. "Underpowered" and "overworked" were the terms of endearment Picard used. What use would Picard have made of additional power? Stronger guns? Stronger shields? Stronger sensors? Running more of said simultaneously? Possibly the ship could have gone faster with more power - after all, Kirk's old ride could do wonders with her existing engines as soon as a villain sat on the safety valve, or bolted his own futuro-outboard to the existing warp coils. Timo Saloniemi  

CorporalCaptain said: That's the point I was going to make. Apparently, four Enterprise refit nacelles don't work was well as two Galaxy nacelles. Click to expand...



Rear admiral.

I don't think the number of nacelles past 2, affected Top Speed, but probably affected FTL manueverability, endurance at Max Speeds, or acceleration to Max Warp Factor, but those factors aren't usually the most important compared to the extra maintenance and mass of the 2x more Nacelles along with the power consumption.  


  • Nov 23, 2020
Deks said: Even USS Voyager was only able to top out at 9.75 (not 9.975) for maybe 12 hours (which was mentioned a few times in the dialogue). Click to expand...
Tosk said: In Caretaker Stadi says Voyager has a sustainable cruise velocity of warp nine point nine seven five. In Relativity Janeway says, "top cruising speed warp nine point nine seven five." In Barge of the Dead , Neelix says "Top cruising speed, warp nine point nine seven five." Click to expand...
Deks said: And yet, on actual screen, Warp 9.975 was never achieved. In Threshold, Voyager's hull started falling apart by reaching Warp 9.9. In episode 'The Swarm', this was the dialogue: JANEWAY: All right, let's get through this as fast as we can. Mister Paris, what's your recommendation? PARIS: I'll try holding warp nine point seven five for as long as I can. CHAKOTAY: If we can sustain that for twelve hours we'll be nearly a third of the way through. The 9.975 was a writer fiasco that was never realized. If Voyager was able to reach and maintain that speed as a cruising velocity, it would be back in Federation space in less than 7 days (because Warp speed increases exponentially past Warp 9.9). Click to expand...
Tom Paris also mentioned that Warp 9.9 = 4 billion miles per second (aka, 21 4730 times speed of light). Most TNG era ships couldn't even approach Warp 9.9 (except in one or two occasions where an external force affected the ship/engines)... the Enterprise-D was the only ship at the time capable of sustaining Warp 9.6 for an appreciable length of time... and Voyager only launched 7 years after Ent-D debuted originally. Click to expand...
Furthermore, The USS Prometheus (introduced in 4th season of Voyager) was mentioned by its very own EMH that it was traveling towards Romulan space at Warp 9.9 and that it was designed to be the fastest ship in the fleet. Click to expand...
Given available canonical data, Warp 9.975 was an error... and it was probably meant to say 9.75 (which seems like a more reasonable suggestion over what was seen previously in TNG and DS9) because Trek writers were never good at portraying exponential developments and returns on the show... because if they have, then Voyager would be ale to achieve and maintain Warp 9.975 indefinitely, and it would have required to flung the ship about 257,6 MILLION lightyears away from the Federation to require 75 years to get back at that speed (which would have been an improvement if you ask me, but alas...). Click to expand...
KamenRiderBlade said: Maybe they were only able to sustain 9.975 for minutes on end and not hrs initially during testing. But after the Caretaker flung them halfway across the galaxy, some critical part was damaged that they couldn't easily fix that prevented them from reaching the upper Top Speed that was listed on the Brochure. Click to expand...
You're the one who keeps on stating that all of the species who contributes to the UFP / StarFleet would exponentially increase technological development. 7 years and Warp 9.9 out of a smaller and newer StarShip isn't strange at this point, especially given how fast the USS Prometheus can go. Click to expand...
But when it states the the USS Prometheus can sustain Warp 9.9, that's probably measured using sustainable cruise velocity vs absolute Top Speed. What's more important in a StarShip marathon is your sustainable top cruise speed vs absolute top speed that you can only sustain for a bit. I highly doubt 9.975 would be indefinite, maybe 10-20 minutes sustained at best. Click to expand...
Deks said: however, internal canon dialogue doesn't support that... and shows majority of Starfleet ships travelling (during TNG/DS9 and even VOY era) at well below Warp 9.6 most of the time... therefore... if we want to reconcile why it would take Voyager 75 years to get back at 'maximum warp' (and that Warp 9.9 = 4 billion times LS per Tom Paris statement)... we need to posit that the 9.975 was wrong, and that Voy could only sustain 9.7 reliably for very long periods (possibly indefinitely - aka as long as they have the fuel to hold it ... but 9.75 was only sustainable for 12 hours). Click to expand...
That is if you want to reconcile what we saw with Tom Paris statement that Warp 9.9 = 4 billion miles per second. Click to expand...
Plus, during TNG (in Season 1), Ent D was flung into Andromeda galaxy accidentally by the Traveller, and Data mentioned that it would take just over 300 years to get back at maximum Warp at the time... suggesting a speed of 9000 times speed of light (which would have to be lower than Warp 9.9). Click to expand...
Deks said: 'Top cruising speed' (which was thrown about by VOY characters) means you can keep the engine at that velocity for as long as you have the resources (aka fuel) to hold it.... meaning the ship would be DESIGNED to fly at those speeds in a sustainable capacity. But alas, VOY writers apparently never stuck with this premise. Instead, Warp 9.9 was detrimental to Voy structural integrity (which the computer warned would happen in 45 seconds if they maintained that speed). Click to expand...
Also, Why would USS Prometheus be able to sustain Warp 9.9 but Voyager's computer gave a warning that a structural collapse was imminent upon nearing 9.9? Click to expand...
Deks said: Also, Why would USS Prometheus be able to sustain Warp 9.9 but Voyager's computer gave a warning that a structural collapse was imminent upon nearing 9.9? Click to expand...



If that was the case then Voyager should've had 4-6 nacelles. I always saw the larger number of nacelles as more of a redundancy, especially for deep space ships that wouldn't have easy access to repair facilities, the ship being perfectly capable of running on any two so the others could be shut down for maintenance or reduce strain on the warp coils.  

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Are four warp nacelle ships better than the normal two?

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star trek 4 nacelle ships

star trek 4 nacelle ships

Star Treks Next Show Will Finally Explain Discoverys Controversial Detached Nacelles

  • Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will explain detached nacelles in Star Trek: Discovery's 32nd century.
  • The new look of the USS Discovery-A was controversial and the purpose of detached nacelles baffled viewers.
  • Starfleet Academy will clarify how separated starship parts work.

Star Trek executive producer says Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will explain the 32nd-century science behind Star Trek: Discovery 's detached nacelles. The new look of the USS Discovery-A and 32nd-century Starfleet ships was controversial when introduced in Star Trek: Discovery season 3. The purpose of detached nacelles baffled viewers, and the advantages of having nacelles disconnected from the main body of a starship was never clarified before Star Trek: Discovery ended.

Appearing at IndieWire 's Consider This Event with VFX supervisor Jason Zimmerman, Alex Kurtzman spoke at length about the future of Star Trek on Paramount+. Kurtzman indicated that the next Star Trek series, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy , which takes place in the 32nd century after Star Trek: Discovery , will explain detached starship nacelles . Read his quote below:

We took a risk in the 32nd century because we started separating the ship parts in a way that hadnt been done before... And in Starfleet Academy, we will end up explaining how that works, which is actually interesting because one of the questions that we always ask ourselves is, What is the reality of this? It cant be magic, so whats actually going on there?

Star Treks Next Show Is So Hot, Actors Are Begging To Be Cast In It

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy casting A-listers like Holly Hunter and Paul Giamatti has other actors clamoring to join the next Star Trek series.

Starfleet Academy Is The Perfect Show To Explain Star Trek: Discovery's Detached Nacelles

That's what starfleet academy is for.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is the ideal venue for finally explaining Star Trek: Discovery 's advanced 32nd-century technology. Discover y's latter 3 seasons introduced wondrous new Star Trek gadgets like programmable matter, portable pattern buffers , personal transporters, portable holodeck, and the infamous detached nacelles on starships. However, Discovery' s serialized format didn't easily lend itself to slowing down to explain new technology , as Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the USS Discovery's focus was usually to face and defeat whatever crisis was at hand.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy already has an A-list cast, with Academy Award-winner Holly Hunter playing the series lead and Academy Award nominee Paul Giamatti recurring as the show's main villain.

Meanwhile, Starfleet Academy is a school, and detailing the science of starships, Starfleet's new pathway drive , and other technology is part and parcel of the curriculum. The next generation of Starfleet engineers will train at Starfleet Academy , allowing the next Star Trek series to finally get into the nuts and bolts of how 32nd-century technology works. Star Trek: Starfleet Academ y explaining the science behind detached nacelles ought to be fascinating, and push the boundaries of the technology Star Trek fans know so well.

Source: IndieWire

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Alex Kurtzman

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Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

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Cast Paul Giamatti, Holly Hunter

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Showrunner Noga Landau, Alex Kurtzman

Star Treks Next Show Will Finally Explain Discoverys Controversial Detached Nacelles


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First Ships Revealed For New Star Trek Starship Collection Of Die-Cast Models Launching This Fall

star trek 4 nacelle ships

| June 19, 2024 | By: TrekMovie.com Staff 40 comments so far

Last year it was revealed that Fanhome would be picking up the baton of making new die-cast Star Trek ship models, after Eaglemoss went out of business in 2022. This morning Fanhome revealed their first releases and more details on the collection coming out later this year.

New Star Trek Die-Cast Collection

Fanhome is launching their new official Star Trek Starships model collection in November, with a new die-cast model starship being released every month. The collection will cover all the modern Star Trek series including Picard , Strange New Worlds , Discovery , Lower Decks and Prodigy . They have confirmed that the first three ships will be…

U.S.S. Titan NCC-80201-A

Captain Shaw’s Constitution III-class ship from Star Trek: Picard .

star trek 4 nacelle ships

USS Titan (Fanhome)

U.S.S. Stargazer NCC-82893

Rios’s Sagan-class ship, which featured in season 2 of Star Trek: Picard .

star trek 4 nacelle ships

USS Stargazer (Fanhome)

U.S.S. Farragut NCC-1647

The ship that a young James T. Kirk is serving on during the Strange New Worlds era.

star trek 4 nacelle ships

USS Farragut (Fanhome)

All the ships will be crafted from a combination of die-cast metal and high-quality resin, and the typical model will be between 7” and 9” (180-225 mm) long. Fanhome are working with Paramount Global to ensure the models are as accurate as possible and they will all be based on the original visual effects models that were used to make the effects for the show.

Each model will come with a 16-page magazine that provides an in-universe profile of the ship and explores the design process with exclusive art and brand new interviews with the production team. The project is being supervised by Ben Robinson, who previously oversaw Star Trek ship models and products for Eaglemoss.

star trek 4 nacelle ships

The first three ships from the new Star Trek Starship Collection (Fanhome)

The ships are exclusively available from Fanhome.com individually and via a subscription program. Individually the ships are priced at $64.99 each, discounted to $54.99 as part of a subscription, with an extra discount for the first issue. Subscribers will also get a unique variant ship and other exclusive gifts.

There will also be regular, higher-priced XL-sized models for major ships that will be approximately 11” (280 mm) long.

To register your interest visit fanhome.com to sign up for updates including the exact release date and when you’ll be able to pre-order.

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It’s a shame that they aren’t making these in Eaglemoss’ original standard size.

True, but to be fair, those weren’t all to scale to each other. Not that these will either. Still a smaller scale, closer to the original Eaglemoss size would have been nice too, especially for those on a tighter budget or less space to display their ship collection. The bigger the ships the more space you need. Hopefully, Fanhome will only make ships that are more desirable versus trying to make almost every single ship ever seen on screen that a lot of people don’t care too much for. From the original Eaglemoss line, I only ever bought Starfleet ships.

Scale is important. It doesn’t make sense to display the Enterprise-E next to the Defiant when the models are of comparable size whereas in “reality” the E is 4 times larger…

As any kid who collected plastic animals knows, scale consistency will price you out pretty fast — or leave you with a little tiny fox or whatever so you can afford a blue whale. It does “make sense” to display them together b/c you know they’re models. You just have to let them be models. If you’re going to be doing realistic photography than you will have to digitally alter them to be in scale.

If I did buy these ship models (and I don’t), I would not consider them as models per se, but rather my own miniature Starfleet… So the scale would be an issue for me. For practical reasons though, you make a valid point and maybe it’s my view that doesn’t “make sense”.

Same, I have almost every Starfleet ship and shuttle from Eaglemoss, especially thanks to the recent blowout sale

Well they did go bankrupt.

At least they are starting with the ships that we didn’t get as oppose to another TOS USS Enterprise NCC-1701 and TNG USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, which I am sure that they will make new versions of too, but I imagine that most collectors will want to get these new ships first.

Just a shame the new ships are ugly af compared to the classic designs of TOS/TNG/DS9 era Trek.

I agree, I really am not a big fan of most things Nu Trek, particularly the ships. That Farragut is so ugly, very strange nacelle struts. The Titan is an abomination frankly, which Junkball Media on YouTube called an “ugly duckling” of almost kitbashed parts, but it has grown on me the more I see of it. I do appreciate a general consistency among the fleet in terms of the nacelles themselves, though. Picard S3 gave us a lot of interesting variant classes that might be worth seeing together on a shelf…

Great point! While I’m not a huge fan of these newer designs, it’s good to see them getting proper treatment.

Hope Fanhome makes a USS Enterprise-A from the end of Star Trek: Beyond. I’m not a big fan of the new movies and new ship designs, but Beyond was actually a personal favorite of mine and I actually liked the new Enterprise-A design over the original Kelvin Enterprise designs.

The new A was an interesting design from the little we saw. I was bummed that Eaglemoss never did it.

The ‘A’ actually came off reasonably well in the few seconds of screen time allotted to it — but, man, before getting too excited check out Sean Hargreaves’ side profile artwork sometime. One word: ugh!

Yeah, it’s definitely bulky. Not my favorite, but it’s an interesting permutation on the classic Enterprise model.

I agree I think it’s very oddly proportioned, not a huge fan of the nacelle struts. I really liked the Kelvinprise personally, especially the first 2 movies and less so the refit from Beyond with smaller swept back nacelles.

Also, TREKMOVIE, did you see that BigBadToystore.com is selling pre-orders for new bendy FleXfigs Star Trek action figures of Captains Benjamin Sisko (seasons 6 & 7 of DS9 uniform), Jean-Luc Picard (TNG seasons 3-7 uniform), James T. Kirk (TOS), and Christopher Pike (SNW)? The figures are made by The Canadian Group and are for sale at $10.99 USD on the BigBadToystore website.

why start not even one ship that would get people interested in the line?

Are you kidding? The Titan is literally the one ship I have been waiting to get a model of.

Oh yeah sure, let’s start another model line with the same constitution and galaxy-class models that every single company makes.

I literally gasped aloud seeing the Titan. I don’t even collect these! I’m getting my first one, an Enterprise-D, from a giveaway — and even I’m like “I might need that Titan”. Like, dude, just b/c YOU feel a certain way doesn’t mean everyone else does. I wish fans would learn to just speak for themselves.

i mistyped the original comment and can’t fix. I meant to say, why start the line without at least one of the more well-known ships to get more casual, first timers interested. The Titan is cool but without a bigger name ship, I’d be concerned that it will fizzle.

Also – I would take it as an axiom that of course I’m just speaking for myself. Just like you are…. eyeroll

I see your point, but don’t rule out the popularity of the Titan-A and the Stargazer with fandom and ‘new’ fandom.

Well at least you can tell who the intended audience is for these. It makes sense to be that they’re sort of “taking the baton” so to speak from Eaglemoss who didn’t stick around long enough to make these newer ships. I’m just frustrated they have to come in the larger size and with the larger price tag. I got no room for these behemoths.

These are the wrong ships to be launching with. I’ll get the Titan if the quality is good enough.

I remember getting the Enterprise A XL from Eaglemoss and looking at it in disbelief. It was so badly made.

Yeah, I read an article describing all the mistakes on that ship. There was just no excuse for them at all, especially at that price.

The Diamond Select ship was far far better.

and now the A XL goes for 250 to 500 on ebay. Masterreplicas didnt find anymore before removing the ships but interestingly real merch had them in stock shortly for like 80 bucks, after everyone thought there arent any left.

also does the A XL look so bad from 12 ft away?

I don’t look to bad from 12 feet away, but you don’t want a close up. Trust me.

No, it’s fine. It’s just that there are some blatant details, especially on the saucer, that are all wrong and there’s no reason for them to be.

It’s the awful seams that I hate.

Hello Beautiful. Love that Titan.

They have a Dutch website as well, but nothing about the new Trek ships on there yet.

They only can be shipped to US, UK and Germany. To other countries shipment is not possible.

The Constitution III-class and the Farragut look pretty cool.

These are just not in the price range I am looking for. Why can’t we get a return of Star Trek MicroMachines or better yet something like the Jazzwares Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron ships?

The Fanhome website shows the Enterprise F as well. YES!!!

I’d buy the titan. I don’t collect post modern trek items, but I’d make an exception for Captain Shaw’s ship.

When wasn’t Trek postmodern, I wonder? The TNG era was a textbook exercise in postmodern art. In my head I call that the “reverent Trek” era – the time when the franchise took itself seriously and honored its roots. Everything post Kelvin to me is the “irreverent Trek” era – let’s just blow sh*t up and do our own thing without any respect for what came before.

Generally speaking I’m a huge starship geek, and thanks to the recent Master Replicas sale of Eaglemoss overstock I have a model of just about every Starfleet ship. I’m not the biggest fan of the ships we’ve seen on screen since Discovery premiered – there were a few from Disco’s 23rd century that grabbed me, but we didn’t get a good look at most of them anyway thanks to the terrible VFX shots. Picard’s 24th century ships were a lot better looking imo, and I might pick up a Titan even though I consider it a shameful nostalgia bait-y design that makes zero sense in universe.

My only concern is that, like with the Disco and Picard Eaglemoss ships which were so unpopular (cuz the series were so unpopular), they’re making these things too large. Who at this point has room for more 8 inch models on their shelves? I loved how Eaglemoss made XL versions of classic “hero” starships, but never made us fork over 60 bucks for, say, an 8 inch Freedom class. But that’s exactly what they did with the Nu Trek designs, and that’s why I didn’t buy them, and it’s why I’m very skeptical of this new line making such third rate designs like the Farragut in the same size class as the Titan. These ships just aren’t that good or important to justify it, and I doubt they’ll ever sell in quantity.

I would love a collection of enterprises all in the same scale. I’m sure many others would too, but I also understand how it might not work so well in the bigger marketplace.

Perhaps they could consider doing a Kickstarter like circumstance, where we pre-pay, and they base the manufacturing and volume based on that. Kind of like Tomy didwith their big Enterprise. I wonder if that would be viable?

Memory Alpha

Nacelle pylon

Nacelle pylon, Galaxy class

A Galaxy -class starboard pylon

Constitution class nacelle pylon

Constitution -class pylons

A nacelle pylon , also known as a warp pylon or a nacelle strut , was a large support structure that connected a warp nacelle to the hull of a starship . A nacelle pylon housed the systems that directly linked a warp nacelle to a starship's warp core .

In the alternate reality in 2263 , the USS Enterprise was engaged in battle with Krall and his army of Swarm drones above Altamid . Immediately overwhelmed, they attempted to flee, but the drones managed to sever both nacelle pylons from the engineering hull before they could jump to warp. ( Star Trek Beyond )

While attempting to break the warp 10 barrier in a holographic Cochrane in 2372 , Tom Paris reported a fracture in the port nacelle pylon due to subspace torque . Later, after the problem had been corrected, Paris broke the barrier with both pylons secure. ( VOY : " Threshold ")

In an alternate timeline in 2374 , USS Voyager 's nacelle pylon began to buckle as a result of encountering a moving micrometeoroid field while operating without the use of its navigational deflector . ( VOY : " Year of Hell, Part II ")

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  6. The MYSTERIOUS Dauntless-Class Starship!


  1. Nacelle

    Nacelle covers on the USS Titan-A open up. On Federation starships, warp nacelles are usually built to house Bussard ramscoops at the fore end, primarily used for collecting hydrogen and other interstellar particles from open space to replenish fuel. (SNW: "Lost in Translation"; Star Trek: Insurrection) Some Federation nacelles are designed to allow the warp field grills to open up, and ...

  2. Four Nacelle Ships... Why? : r/DaystromInstitute

    In Star Trek onscreen canon we have a handful of ships that have more than two nacelles. The best known would be the Constellation class, as we saw both Stargazer and Hathaway in detail. Next would be Prometheus with four or six nacelles depending on configuration. Less well known would be the Cheyenne class, seen in the wreckage of Wolf 359.

  3. Cheyenne class

    Apocrypha []. Issue #108. According to issue #108 of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, the Cheyenne-class was a type of light cruiser with a crew of 320 and a top speed of warp 9.6. This class was used for deep space exploration and defensive patrol duties. The Cheyenne-class is a playable ship in Star Trek Online, categorized as a Commander-level heavy cruiser.

  4. Are four warp nacelle ships better than the normal two?

    Reply reply. HistorianTight2958. •. The reason for 4 Nacelles - those ships are not any faster at warp than a starships with one or two Nacelles, but its less of a drain on the warp drives at up to half the pace, allowing for longer cruise durations. So the reverse is also true.

  5. star trek

    You can see the same design concept in Klingon, Romulan, and Ferengi ships to name a few. This design was not universally followed by all Star Trek ships, but many or most of the ships in the original series and the Next Generation did follow this design principle. Voyager can't go to warp until the nacelles have direct line of sight with each ...

  6. Ex Astris Scientia

    The length is just 105m in the Star Trek Encyclopedia I, but the ship would be very small for a crew of 229. The Essex is confirmed to be a Daedalus-class ship (TNG: "Power Play"). ... The "Frying-pan" class by Greg Jein is the only strictly canon ship with a single warp nacelle known by now. The Firebrand was among the ships in the Wolf 359 ...

  7. star trek

    This is discussed in the Star Trek TNG Technical Manual (considered a canon source of info about the Star Trek universe).. In short, different engine configurations have been tried in the past but for ships over a certain size, a twin-warp-nacelle design seems to be the easiest way to achieve a well balanced warp field as well as offering the best opportunity to come out of warp in a ...

  8. Sagan class

    Dorsal view. The Sagan-class features a unique physical configuration atypical of most Starfleet ships.The primary hull and secondary hull are streamlined together without the need of a connecting neck. This class of ship also features a four nacelle layout. (PIC: "The Star Gazer") Tactical systems []. As was common during this time period, Sagan-class ships featured phaser arrays placed along ...

  9. Do the number of nacelles make any difference in ship speed?

    The USS Prometheus was the only ship which was apparently designed and able to withstand Warp 9.9 as a cruising speed (apart from this vessel, no other SF ship was able to reach/sustain these speeds reliably) and it had 5 nacelles. Six. The saucer had a second nacelle in the area the middle section fit into, below the one behind the bridge.

  10. star trek

    4. The Enterprise, both TOS, DIS and Kelvin has 3 fins on the back of its nacelles. On the Kelvin-Enterprise, these actually open when the ship goes to warp, much like the deflector. But while the deflector aleays had a very clear purpose, I don't think I've ever heard anyone mention the fins, especially since they dissapeared in TNG.

  11. Why do some ships have one or two nacelles and others have four?

    Yes, single-nacelled ship are short range scout or support ships. Although in the 1975 Star Trek manual, both scouts and destroyers had a single nacelle. Ships with three nacelles are more like the battlecruisers or the dreadnoughts. The third nacelle is used to supply extra power to the weapons systems.

  12. Hermes class

    The Hermes-class was a type of 23rd century Federation scout ship operated by Starfleet. The Hermes consisted of a saucer section and nacelle, each similar in exterior design to that of a Constitution-class vessel of the 2260s. Its configuration was significantly different, however, as it employed only a single nacelle. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ...

  13. 4 nacelle question : r/StarTrekStarships

    From what I've read, 4 nacelles create a more stable warp bubble allowing for faster warp travel, but the speed to energy consumption has diminishing returns and most of the time it's not worth it to have 4 for that little bit of extra speed.

  14. Ulysses class

    For other uses, see Ulysses. The Ulysses-class was a type of Federation starship in use in the 23rd century. The Ulysses-class was named for the heroic historical figure of the same same from Earth. These vessels were classified as dreadnoughts, measuring over 540 meters in length, and 19 decks tall. These well-armed ships were also sometimes classified as patrol combatants. (ST video games ...

  15. Saladin class

    The Saladin-class destroyer was a type of starship operated by Starfleet for the United Federation of Planets during the 23rd century. The Saladin consisted of a saucer section and only a single nacelle. Each ship was similar in exterior design to that of a Constitution-class vessel of the 2260s. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) NCC-500 Star Trek films ...

  16. Are four warp nacelle ships better than the normal two?

    Star Trek Starships • . 101. 7109

  17. Why do some ships have more nacelles than others?

    Based on this: Single-Nacelled ships are exclusively smaller vessels. Small vessels typically have either 1 or 2 nacelles -Medium and large ships typically have 2-4. 4 nacelled ships are not exclusively large. 3 nacelled ships are rare, and typically appear on medium sized vessels or heavily armed ones.

  18. Star Treks Next Show Will Finally Explain Discoverys Controversial

    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will explain detached nacelles in Star Trek: Discovery's 32nd century. The new look of the USS Discovery-A was controversial and the purpose of detached nacelles ...

  19. First Ships Revealed For New Star Trek Starship Collection Of Die-Cast

    Last year it was revealed that Fanhome would be picking up the baton of making new die-cast Star Trek ship models, after Eaglemoss went out of business in 2022. This morning Fanhome revealed their ...

  20. Was never a fan of four nacelle ships, but loving the Emmett ...

    Not saying it's good or bad, but generally Fed ships get very anodyne names like Excelsior or Stargazer, or are named after places like Yamato, Rio Grande, Idaho, etc. They also are generally one word. If you like the USS Emmitt Till, I have a list of Catholic martyrs they can name ships after a mile long though

  21. Nacelle pylon

    A nacelle pylon, also known as a warp pylon or a nacelle strut, was a large support structure that connected a warp nacelle to the hull of a starship. A nacelle pylon housed the systems that directly linked a warp nacelle to a starship's warp core. In the alternate reality in 2263, the USS Enterprise was engaged in battle with Krall and his army of Swarm drones above Altamid. Immediately ...

  22. 3 Nacelles : r/StarTrekStarships

    Having a third nacelle further refines the shape of the warp envelope, but it also increases the power requirement and increases the complexity of the computations needed to keep the warp field stable. So the best canon reason boils down to: makes the ship go faster, but needs more power to operate.