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Midjourney Prompts for Movie Posters (12 Prompt Examples)

Writing Midjourney prompts for movie posters can be a great creative outlet. The best thing about it is that it can take less than a minute.

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Written by: Milan K

Published on: June 15, 2023

One of the activities that have recently become popular in the Midjourney community is writing prompts for fictional movie posters. Some users have been doing this for months but from what I see in the public Midjourney Discord server and on social media, people are doing it now more than ever before.

Writing Midjourney prompts for movie posters can be a great creative outlet. The best thing about it is that you can create a movie poster design in less than a minute.

Although you're essentially creating movie posters for films that don't exist, it shouldn't discourage you from writing prompts like this. In fact, I would say that these fictional movie posters can be great pieces of art that you can hang on walls in your home.

When you're creating movie posters in Midjourney, you should be as creative as possible. There are no limitations or rules that you should follow. Instead, focus on letting your creativity flow.

To get the best results, you should mention specific art styles or aesthetics in your prompts. I've already written an article about the 33 best art styles for Midjourney . However, I feel like my guide on Midjourney aesthetics can also help you make cool posters. I advise that you check both of these articles out before you start writing prompts for movie posters.

midjourney prompts for movie posters

How to Write Midjourney Prompts for Movie Posters

What I'm about to say now may sound cringe, but the number one rule when you're writing Midjourney prompts for movie posters is to simply have fun. You're creating posters for films that don't exist - you should let your creativity flow.

There are no rules or limitations.

Wait, there actually might be a few rules. My first rule for writing prompts for movie posters is to choose the right aspect ratio. Movie posters almost always have a 2:3 aspect ratio, which is something that you should mention in your prompts.

Another rule is to carefully think about the plot of the movie you want to create a poster for. Alternatively, you can also think of a particular scene that you want depicted in the poster instead of the plot.

One more thing you should pay attention to is what type of keywords you're using in your prompts. Ideally, they should provide more details or clarity about the scene you're describing.

There are some limitations too, which you may not know if you're new to Midjourney. There are many banned words that you can't use in your prompts. You can find more information about this on the Community Guidelines page of the official Midjourney website.

All of the rules I mentioned in this section of the article are quite broad, which is great because it leaves a lot of room for artistic expression. Let's now check out some designs for movie posters you can make in Midjourney.

12 Midjourney Prompts for Movie Posters

This is where the real magic happens. You may or may not have read the content above this section of the article, but this is the part where you need to stop and thoroughly examine prompts and the generated outputs.

I have to mention that the current version of Midjourney doesn't have an option that lets you choose or edit text in the images. At the time of writing this article, Midjourney v5 is the current version.

Here are some of my Midjourney prompts for movie posters. To keep things interesting, each prompt will cover a different movie genre.

/imagine movie poster for an action-packed science fiction film about a long war between multiple galaxies in the future, the film features insane special effects and contains many examples of advanced technology --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney prompt for movie poster sci-fi

I absolutely love science fiction movies. If I had a billion dollars, I would probably spend 20% of the money making my own science fiction movie. That'll probably never happen, but I can at least make cool sci-fi movie posters with my Midjourney subscription.

/imagine movie poster for a romantic comedy that revolves around a young man living a luxurious life who meets a young woman in the countryside and decides to leave his riches behind to pursue a simpler life --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney prompt romantic comedy movie poster

One of the things I like to do when I'm writing Midjourney prompts for movie posters is to simply describe a plot in the prompt. I feel like this is one of the best ways to ensure the posters look great.

/imagine movie poster for a high fantasy film about a hidden magical realm where humans are battling with mythical creatures to conquer the planet, the humans must defeat the creatures to restore balance to the world --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney prompt fantasy movie poster

What you should keep in mind when you're writing prompts for movie posters is to mention the movie genre at the beginning of your prompt. This will set the mood for what the poster should look like. I really like the poster that was generated from this prompt. If I saw it at the cinema, I'd definitely buy a ticket to watch the movie.

/imagine movie poster for a mystery film that follows a smart middle aged woman who is a detective and embarks on a journey to solve the most mysterious case of her life --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney myster film poster example

Sometimes, it's the details that really impress me when it comes to images like this one. Like the faint image of a boy running in the right half of the poster. Overall, the poster looks like a perfect fit for the plot I described in my prompt.

/imagine movies poster for a 3D animated film about a race of cute small aliens who come to Earth to build happy relationships with humans so that the entire universe can live in harmony, Pixar --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney 3d animated movie poster prompt

I don't think there's a high probability that when an alien civilization comes to Earth they'll be friendly, but one can hope. In my opinion, this type of plot made sense only if the film is animated. I like that there's no text in this image, so you can easily write whatever you want in a font of your choosing.

/imagine movie poster for a drama film that follows a family who lost their home in a tornado and now have to stick together to survive --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney prompt drama film poster

I feel like Midjourney did a really incredible job here. This is one of the simplest prompts I've written for this article. I wouldn't mind watching a movie like this. I love when a drama film makes me cry, I feel like it cleanses my soul.

/imagine movie poster for an action film that revolves around a young male detective who must take on an entire crime organization by himself, he is a fierce detective who will not stop until the job is done --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney action movie poster detective

This guy really looks fierce. I love action movies because they keep me focused on every frame and it helps relax my mind because I stop thinking about normal day-to-day stuff. There was a time when I wasn't too fond of action movies, but they're what I usually watch nowadays.

/imagine movie poster for an anime film that follows a high school student who discovers magic powers and is able to travel back in time, the student goes on many adventures trying to rectify terrible mistakes that happened in the past --ar 2:3 --niji 5

midjourney prompt anime movie poster

I had to use the Niji Model 5 in this prompt to get the best result. If you're not familiar with this model, you should read an article of mine that covers it in detail. In my article about the Midjourney Niji Model 5 , I give multiple prompt examples to show how you can get the most out of it. It's definitely worth a read in case you like making anime-style images.

/imagine movie poster for an adventure film that centers on a group of explorers in the 19th century who delve deep into the Amazon Jungle on a quest to find a treasure that's been buried for centuries --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney adventure movie prompt example

It's funny how much a single word in your prompt can affect the generated output. When I first wrote this prompt, I described the explorers as young, and the results were strange, to say the least. I then removed that word and I got this awesome poster on my first try.

/imagine movie poster for a horror film in which artificial intelligence and robots take control over the planet, the artificial intelligence becomes more powerful than humans, dystopian --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney ai horror film prompt example

In case something like this were to happen, I hope that I'll be spared. I gave a lot of attention to artificial intelligence very early on and always treated each model with respect. All jokes aside, I am really impressed with the poster Midjourney generated for this prompt.

/imagine movie poster for a musical film that follows a young woman who inherits an ice cream shop and finds that it's her calling in life to make the best ice cream in the world --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney musical film poster example

Thoughts about artificial intelligence taking over the globe had me creeped out, so I had to think about something wholesome. That's when I came up with this cute plot for a musical film. Maybe I need to give a large language model the task to write a script for this movie because I think there's potential here.

/imagine movie poster for a western film about two old cowboys who have been enemies for decades and it's finally time to see who lives and who doesn't because the town they live in isn't big enough for the both of them --ar 2:3 --v 5

midjourney western movie poster prompt

I wish people would make Western films more often. I feel like there is definitely an audience for them. I personally like them because they have a unique aesthetic that captures both tranquility and tension.

I may be wrong, but I feel like in the past decade there have been only one or two good Western films a year. I would love it if movies like this made a comeback in a big way. I'm not sure if that will happen, but I do know one thing though - if text-to-video AI becomes good soon, I will be making a ton of Western films.

Final Thoughts

Creating movie posters in Midjourney is a lot of fun. Regardless of whether you want to make a poster for a live-action movie or an animated film, Midjourney will help you design an incredible poster.

I like writing prompts for movie posters in Midjourney because it helps me boost my prompting skills. Nevertheless, you can also profit from a practice like this if you really put the effort in to become good at it.

Movie posters are a work of art to a certain extent. Especially when they're posters for movies that don't exist. If you become truly good at writing prompts for movie posters, you may be able to sell them online. There are a lot of people who support digital artists and AI artists.

One of the most important things to pay attention to when you're writing prompts for movie posters is the aspect ratio you set. When it comes to posters, 2:3 is the ideal aspect ratio.

You should also be mindful of the keywords you use within your prompts. Try to use keywords that will supplement the scene you're describing. This is easier said than done, but it will become an intuitive process once you get used to prompting in Midjourney.

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About Milan K

The Ultimate Midjourney Aesthetics Guide (+ Prompt Examples)

Midjourney prompts for nature (12 prompt examples).

12 Awesome Midjourney Poster Prompts + How to Easily Upscale Images for Print (for Free)!

Midjourney Posters on Brick Wall

Midjourney poster prompts can give you a 100% personalized and unique poster or framed piece of art for your house, condo, apartment, underground bunker, or trailer. 

And once you create the perfect image in Midjourney for your poster, guess what? You can upscale that image for free and send it off to the printing press. It will be high resolution, clear, and hanging proudly on your wall in no time.

There’s nothing quite like having your own physical piece of unique art, tailored just for you.

Doing this entire process is not only straightforward but also enjoyable. I’m here to guide you step by step on exactly how to nail it and provide you with some awesome prompts to help you craft the most head-turning poster you’ve ever laid eyes on. And, as always, I’m right here by your side, holding your hand as you tremble in fear.

movie posters for journey

#1 Midjourney Movie Poster Prompt: Fight Club

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) Movie poster for the movie Fight Club, feature Tyler Durden, a lot of black color, in the style of Saul Bass –ar 2:3

Midjourney Poster - Fight Club Tyler Durden

There’s only one rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about your secret Midjourney Fight Club poster prompt.

Actually, wait. Definitely talk about it. Tell everyone you know to visit this page. Please.

Want a different movie for some reason? Replace “Fight Club” in the prompt with a different movie. Also, edit the rest of the prompt to fit your needs. Even a prompt as simple as “<<Enter Movie Title Here>> Movie Poster” can work.

Here’s the original image from Midjourney. Notice the gibberish text.

Midjourney Poster - Fight Club - Base Image

I removed the gibberish text with Generative Fill in Photoshop in a matter of seconds. You can too.

I added the “Fight Club” text to the original image by using Canva . It took around two minutes.

I’d recommend Canva over any other tool when you just need to add a bit of stylized text or typography to an image. When it comes to text, it’s even more effective and quicker than Photoshop. Don’t be intimidated. Just try it.

#2 Midjourney Travel Poster Prompt: Gary, Indiana

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) flat vector art illustration, travel poster Gary Indiana, garbage everywhere, wide angle –ar 2:3 –s 500

Midjourney Travel Poster - Visit Beautiful Gary, Indiana

“Gary, Indiana: Where every street corner feels like a game of ‘Is it safe?'”

You don’t have to use Gary, Indiana in your poster prompt. Unless you want to, of course. I did it for the irony.

Change “Gary, Indiana” to any other travel destination. Also, feel free to remove “garbage everywhere.” 

Here’s the original image from Midjourney. I added the text with Canva, just like the previous poster.

Gary, IN - Garbage - Base Image

#3 Midjourney Travel Poster Prompt: Scottsdale, AZ

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) flat vector art illustration of a travel poster for Scottsdale AZ, palm trees, mountains, resort, pool, sunset, wide angle –ar 2:3 –s 500 –no clouds

Midjourney Travel Poster: Scottsdale, AZ

I wanted to pay homage to the home base of Run The Prompts: Scottsdale, Arizona. Packed with mountains, palm trees, spring training baseball, beautiful women, and enough bars and restaurants to never run out of options, Scottsdale has something for everyone. Just stop moving here…please.

If you don’t want a poster of Scottsdale, simply use another place, as always. And then describe what you want in the poster.

#4 Midjourney Travel Poster Prompt: North Korea

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) https://s.mj.run/8Gpys0LBink flat vector art illustration, travel poster for North Korea, Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un, wide angle –ar 2:3 –s 500

Midjourney Travel Poster - North Korea

Another obviously ironic travel poster. 

Dennis Rodman and Rocket Man. The great ambassadors of the most glorious nation of North Korea.

Want to know how to get banned from North Korea for life and/or find yourself in a North Korean labor camp? Bring a printout of this poster with you on your trip.

This poster was edited heavily using Adobe Photoshop, as well as Canva.

Here’s the original image:

North Korea - Dennis Rodman - Base Image

Remember, when Midjourney gives you something that’s almost there …you can edit it until it’s there .

#5 Midjourney Graphic Poster Prompt: Downtown Phoenix, AZ

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) risograph style, dadaism and expressionism mix, double exposure collage of Phoenix Arizona cityscape, monochromatic green, red, black –ar 2:3 –style raw –no bird

Midjourney Graphic Poster - Downtown Phoenix, AZ

Downtown Phoenix in all its glory. I’m sure this prompt would also work great for any other major downtown area that has a city skyline. Try it.

I used the complementary colors of red and green to provide a striking contrast.

Personally, I might actually frame this one and put it on my wall.

#6 Midjourney Blacklight Poster Prompt: Skittle Forest

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) https://s.mj.run/pKL9lB9pOgk https://s.mj.run/EWhr5W_TOw0 blacklight poster, alien planet, a road made of skittles, post-apocalyptic, fisheye lens, lightning, colourful, ultra detailed, cinematic –ar 2:3

Midjourney Black Light Poster: Skittle Forest

If you recall my previous post about Psychedelic Midjourney Prompts , then the memory of the original Skittle Forest should come back to you, assuming you were paying attention.

This is the blacklight poster version.

Does it actually glow in a black light? I don’t know, but I can’t see why not. Why don’t you give it a try?

#7 Midjourney Political Propaganda Poster Prompt: Donald Trump

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) Vintage travel poster of Donald Trump, world war 2, graphic style, white, red, blue, in the style of Dmitry Moor –ar 2:3

Midjourney Political Poster - Donald Trump

Before we crack into this one, here’s a word of warning: Run The Prompts is not affiliated with either of the two main political parties in the US. We are not Democrats or Republicans. We believe that most mainstream politicians are corrupt. These images are for entertainment purposes.

With that said, use this propaganda Midjourney poster prompt for whichever political figure (or celebrity, or basically anyone) you want. As you can see, it looks like Soviet-style World War 2 propaganda. Dmitry Moor is a controversial artist, and this image is in his style.

#8 Midjourney Political Propaganda Poster Prompt: Kamala Harris

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) Vintage travel poster of Kamala Harris, world war 2, graphic style, white, red, blue, in the style of Dmitry Moor –ar 2:3

Midjourney Political Propaganda Poster - Kamala Harris

Imagine this…

Welcome to hell.

Joe Biden is dead. Kama Harris becomes president by default. 

President Harris sent the United States into an all-out war with Russia. World War III breaks out.

Kamala creates and distributes these wartime propaganda posters in an effort to get new army recruits. 

Now wake up. And be grateful that this isn’t happening and hopefully will never happen.

This image was also edited with Canva and Photoshop. Here’s the original image:

Kamala Harris - Base Image

#9 Midjourney Poster Prompt: Trashed Hotel

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) trashed hotel travel poster inspiring pastel –ar 2:3

Midjourney Travel Poster - Trashed Hotel

I didn’t expect this poster to turn out as cool as it did.

You could hang it up in your place without people even noticing what’s really going on in it until they look closely.

And really, who hasn’t trashed their hotel room to the extent of the bed going through the wall? Everyone can relate.

#10 Midjourney Poster Prompt: Trashy Motel

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) extremely inexpensive motel, trash everywhere, birds pooping, travel poster inspiring pastel –ar 2:3

Midjourney Poster - Trashy Motel

Somewhere in the rural forgotten land, in the middle of nowhere California, a trashy, dilapidated motel is nearly vacant and barely operational.

If you’re looking for something more “appealing”, it’s an easy edit. In the prompt, change “inexpensive motel” to “expensive resort”. And delete the fecal and trash references. Personally, I think they make it charming.

#11 Midjourney Poster Prompt: The Samurai

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) Man in a futuristic samurai suit, style Soviet poster, USSR poster, sword in the background, the background Ninja Mech, dawn weather, anime, manga graphics, dark colors, offset printing, high detail, Poster, 8K, HD, CMYK, Happy, cinematic Lighting –ar 2:3 –niji 5

Midjourney Poster: The Samurai

Just a samurai Midjourney poster using Niji Mode . That is all.

#12 Midjourney Poster: Neon Poster

(Copy/Paste into Midjourney) neon poster –ar 2:3

Midjourney Neon Girl Poster

Yes, you read that right. This masterpiece was created with just two words in the prompt: “Neon Poster”. Be sure to discover more incredible two-word prompts .

Pre-Printing Option #1: How to Easily Upscale Your Midjourney Poster for Free

Now that you have your poster, you need to upscale it so that you can print it without nearly as much pixelation. You can upscale to 2X or 4X directly in Midjourney . Want it even bigger though? The good news is that it’s easy to do. 

• Head over to Imglarger.com . 

• Go to “Sign In”. 

• Enter your email and click “Sign in with email link”. 

• An email will then be sent to you with a login link. Click the link in your email, and it will take you back to the site. 

• Click the giant “Upload Images” button. 

• Select your image. 

• Click on “400%”. This will make your image four times its current size. You can use 800% if you get the paid version, but in the majority of cases, that’s unnecessary unless you’re printing to something very large.

• Click “Start”.

• Once it’s done processing, just click “Download”.

That’s it. It couldn’t be more simple!

Please note that although this tool is free, there is a limit to how many upscales you can do with a free account. If you want more upscales than the allotted amount, then you’ll need to pay.

Pre-Printing Option #2: How to Easily Convert Your Midjourney Poster into a Vector Image for Free

If your Midjourney poster is of a “graphic” or “vector style”, then you might want to go with vectorizing your image.

How do you know if vectorizing is the best choice for you? Well, is your design something that doesn’t have a ton of detail? Something that is made up of blocks of color? Something that isn’t lifelike?

If so, then try a vector image and see how it looks. 

For example, prompt #1 (Fight Club) absolutely needs to be vectorized. It’s the first prompt on this page.

A vector image can essentially be printed on the biggest canvas you can throw at it. Cool, right?

Anyways, to vectorize your image, just go to Vectorizer.ai . Then drag and drop your image onto the site, choose the default settings in most cases, and click “Download”. That’s it.

In most cases, you do NOT need to upscale AND vectorize the same image before printing it.

What Site to Use to Print Your Midjourney Poster

If you used the 2:3 aspect ratio in your poster prompts (like ALL of the examples on this page), then you can print in any 2:3 size, such as 4×6, 8×12, 12×18, 16×24, 20×30, 24×36, 30×45, 40×60. The larger you go, the more expensive it will be (obviously). Also, the larger you go, the greater chance you’ll have of running into blurriness and/or pixelation if it’s not a vector image. 

There are a lot of sites that will print your image. I’d recommend checking out Lumaprints.com or Redbubble.com .

Can You Legally Sell Your Midjourney Posters Online?

This is not legal advice. Consult with a lawyer.

With that said, as of August 2023, yes, you can. 

Should you? I don’t know. It’s a moral gray area, in my opinion. 

Research it thoroughly and make your own decision. I know a lot of people choose to sell Midjourney posters on Etsy. A few of them make a lot of money.

Wrapping it up

You have a Midjourney subscription. You want a poster or framed print of a custom design. And now you can have it. Isn’t life great?

Did you print any designs inspired by the Midjourney poster prompts on this page? Please leave a comment below and be sure to subscribe to our AI Newsletter to receive exclusive AI prompts and information in your inbox.

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movie posters for journey

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Nick Smith, Founder/CEO/Content Creator/God

Nick Smith enjoys talking in the third person. He is the founder and CEO of Run The Prompts. His extensive background in marketing is impressive, although he typically forgets his employees' names. His obsession with AI makes people smile.

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Movie poster for the movie Fight Club, feature Tyler Durden, a lot of black color, in the style of Saul Bass –ar 2:3

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MASTER your movie poster prompts in Midjourney

As a passionate Midjourney and AI enthusiast, I explore a myriad applications of AI in the creative industries, one area that particularly captivates me is the generation of movie posters. These posters are not just promotional materials but a form of art that encapsulates the essence of a movie in a single, impactful image. They evoke emotions, spark curiosity, and often become iconic symbols of the films they represent.

Midjourney , has opened up a new frontier for creating movie posters. The power of this tool lies in its ability to translate simple text prompts into complex visual narratives. But I’ve realised that the key to unlocking the most stunning and effective AI-generated movie posters lies in the art of crafting compelling prompts .

Creating the perfect movie poster prompt is a delicate balance of art and science. It involves a deep understanding of the movie’s core themes, genres, and emotions, combined with an insight into the visual elements that can best convey these aspects to the viewer. The challenge is to distill all these elements into a concise, descriptive text that guides Midjourney without stifling its creative potential.

As I share my experiences and insights, I hope to inspire you to explore this fascinating intersection of AI and movie poster design, unlocking the endless possibilities it holds for storytelling, marketing, and artistic expression.

Starwars movie poster created in Midjourney V6

Above is a Star Wars movie poster that I created in Midjourney v6

Anatomy of a Movie Poster

When I first embarked on my journey to create AI-generated movie posters, I realised the importance of understanding the fundamental components that make up a movie poster. 

These are not just random collections of images and text; they are carefully designed pieces of art that tell a story at a glance. To craft effective prompts for Midjourney , I needed to dissect these elements and understand how they work together to capture the essence of a movie.

Note : At the time of writing Midjourney V6 is available. However although it has vastly improved its typography capabilities, it can still be very hit and miss. But I do not doubt that these issues will be resolved in the very near future. So I will continue to discuss text and typography anticipating that the following information will be valuable and need to be considered. 

Key Elements of a Movie Poster

  • Title : The movie’s title is often the focal point of the poster, designed to grab attention with distinctive typography that reflects the film’s mood and theme.
  • Tagline : A good tagline is memorable and encapsulates the movie’s premise or theme in a few words. It’s a powerful tool for setting the tone and piquing interest.
  • Imagery : The choice of imagery is critical. It must visually convey the movie’s genre, setting, and atmosphere. Whether it’s a heroic pose of the protagonist, a chilling silhouette for a horror movie, or a vibrant collage for a comedy, the imagery is a visual summary of the film.
  • Typography : The style, size, and color of the text (including the title, tagline, and credits) play a significant role in the overall impact of the poster. Typography can evoke a certain time period, emotion, or genre.
  • Colour Scheme : Colours are chosen to evoke specific emotions or themes. A romantic movie might use warm, soft colours, while a thriller might opt for a darker, more intense palette.

Bringing Elements Together

Understanding these elements was only the beginning. The real challenge lay in figuring out how they come together to tell a story. Each component must complement the others, creating a cohesive and compelling visual narrative. The imagery and color scheme need to reflect the film’s mood, the typography should enhance the title and tagline’s impact, and every element must be aligned to the movie’s core themes and emotions.

Examples of Iconic Movie Posters

To deepen my understanding, I analysed iconic movie posters, noting how they used these elements to create an unforgettable image. For instance, the poster for “Jaws” uses a simple yet terrifying image of a shark approaching from below, combined with a bold, menacing title font. The color scheme is minimal, using blues and whites to evoke the sea’s vastness and the isolation of potential victims. This poster masterfully conveys the movie’s suspense and horror without a single word of description.

Another example is the poster for “The Great Gatsby,” which uses vibrant colours and Art Deco typography to transport viewers to the Roaring Twenties, reflecting the movie’s extravagant themes and setting.

What have I learnt so far?

Understanding the anatomy of a movie poster was a crucial step in my journey. It taught me the importance of balance and harmony among the visual elements and how to use this knowledge to craft prompts that guide AI in generating posters that are not just visually stunning but also true to the spirit of the movie. This foundation is vital for anyone venturing into the creation of AI-generated movie posters, as it allows for a deeper connection between the film’s essence and the poster’s design, bridging the gap between human creativity and AI capabilities.

movie posters for journey

Above is a Marvel movie poster I created in Midjourney

Crafting Your Prompt

After immersing myself in the study of movie posters’ anatomy, the next crucial step was to translate that understanding into effective prompts for Midjourney . This journey taught me the delicate art of crafting prompts that are both specific enough to guide the AI and open enough to allow for creative interpretations. Here’s how I navigated this balance:

Identifying Key Themes, Symbols, and Emotions

The first step in crafting a prompt is distilling the movie’s essence into themes, symbols, and emotions. For example, if I were to create a poster for a film like “Inception,” I’d note themes of dreams vs. reality, the symbol of the spinning top, and emotions of confusion and suspense. 

This process requires a deep understanding of the film’s narrative and visual language, transforming abstract concepts into descriptive elements that can guide the AI.

Choosing a Visual Style

Selecting a visual style is crucial. It’s about deciding how these themes and emotions should be represented visually. Do you envision a realistic portrayal or an abstract interpretation? Should the style evoke a vintage feel or a futuristic vibe? This decision shapes the overall direction of the output. For “Inception,” I might choose a surreal, dream-like visual style to mirror the film’s exploration of the subconscious.

Incorporating Genre-Specific Elements

Each movie genre has its visual shorthand—space ships and distant galaxies for sci-fi, shadowy figures and dark alleys for noir, lush landscapes for romance. 

Recognising and incorporating these elements into your prompt can steer the AI toward genre-appropriate imagery. In doing so, the prompt becomes a mosaic of genre-specific cues that guide the AI’s creative process.

Refining Prompts Based on AI Output

Crafting the perfect prompt is often a process of iteration. Initial outputs might not fully capture your vision, requiring you to refine your prompts. This might mean adding more detailed descriptions, adjusting the emphasis on certain elements, or even simplifying the prompt to give Midjourney more creative freedom. Each iteration brings you closer to a poster that truly resonates with the movie’s essence.

Case Studies: Successful AI-Generated Movie Posters

To illustrate, let’s consider a hypothetical case study. Imagine I’m creating a poster for a classic noir film. My initial prompt might focus on the genre’s hallmark shadowy imagery, a mysterious figure, and a dark, moody colour palette. If the AI’s first attempt lacks the genre’s signature tension, I might refine the prompt to emphasize contrast, add a sense of mystery or danger, or specify more about the character’s expression or posture.

A Dance Between Specificity and Creativity

The art of crafting prompts for movie posters is a nuanced dance between specificity and creativity. It involves a deep dive into the film’s narrative and visual language, an understanding of genre conventions, and a careful consideration of technical requirements. 

Through iterative refinement, this process becomes a collaborative journey with Midjourney, leading to posters that are not only visually captivating but also deeply reflective of the movie’s soul. 

movie posters for journey

Mega shark vs Godzilla movie poster I created in Midjourney v6

Getting Started with Your Own AI Movie Poster

So you’re now inspired to start this journey yourself, here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your first AI-generated movie poster.

Step 1: Choose Your Movie

Begin with a movie that you love and are familiar with. Your intimate knowledge of its themes, characters, and visual style will be invaluable in crafting a detailed and effective prompt.

Step 2: Analyse the Movie

Break down the movie’s elements as I did in the previous sections. Identify its key themes, symbols, emotions, genre-specific elements, and visual style. This analysis will form the foundation of your prompt.

Step 3: Draft Your Initial Prompt

Using the insights from your analysis, craft your initial prompt. Remember to include:

  • Descriptive elements that capture the essence of the movie.
  • The visual style you envision.
  • Genre-specific details to guide the AI’s direction.
  • Any technical specifications necessary for your poster, such as resolution and aspect ratio.

Step 4: Experiment with AI

Submit your prompt to Midjourney . Don’t be discouraged if the first output isn’t perfect; view this as a collaborative process with the AI. Each attempt is a step towards refining your vision.

Step 5: Refine Your Prompt

Based on the output, tweak your prompt. You might need to adjust the level of detail, clarify certain elements, or change technical specifications. This iterative process is key to honing in on the perfect poster.

Step 6: Finalise Your Poster

Once you’re satisfied with the image, you may want to make final adjustments using graphic design software. This could involve tweaking the color balance, adjusting the composition, or adding final text elements like the movie title or tagline.

Encouragement to Experiment

Above all, approach this process with a sense of experimentation and discovery. Each movie poster you create is an opportunity to explore the intersection of AI and art in new and exciting ways. Don’t be afraid to take risks or try unconventional approaches. The unique capabilities of AI mean that the possibilities are as limitless as your imagination.

movie posters for journey

A romantic comedy movie poster about two velociraptors going on a date. Created in Midjourney v6

Creating movie posters in Midjourney is a fascinating journey that blends the love of cinema with the cutting-edge world of artificial intelligence. By following these steps and embracing the process of learning and iteration, you’ll unlock new creative potentials and ways to express the essence of your favourite films. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a curious beginner, the world of AI-generated art is ripe with opportunities for exploration and creativity. Let your journey begin.

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XEN Create

Using Midjourney for Movie Poster Ideas

Picture of XEN Create

Welcome to the thrilling world of Midjourney, where magic happens, and movie poster designs come to life!

While Midjourney may not have mastered text generation yet, it's a creative powerhouse, especially when it comes to crafting eye-catching movie posters and so much more. Need a spark of creativity? Facing a creative block? Let Midjourney be your guiding star, providing a treasure trove of ideas and base designs to ignite your imagination. 

A poster for an adventure movie generated from Midjourney

Prompt : a poster for an adventure movie about a young boy who discovers a secret world under the ocean --ar 2:3

A poster for a horror movie generated from Midjourney

Prompt : a movie poster for a found footage style horror movie that takes place in a secret cave deep in the jungle --ar 2:3

A poster for an indie coming of age movie generated from Midjourney

Prompt : a movie poster for an indie coming of age film about two high school bestfriends who want to travel the world together --ar 2:3

A poster for a sci-fi thriller movie generated from Midjourney

Prompt : a poster for a sci-fi thriller movie about AI robots taking over the world --ar 2:3

A poster for an animated movie generated from Midjourney

Prompt : a poster for an animated movie about cats that have magical powers --ar 2:3

A poster for a documentary generated from Midjourney

Prompt : a poster for an award-winning documentary about the best football player in the world --ar 2:3

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Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 2012

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Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Poster

20 Best Movie Posters of All Time, Ranked


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They say you can’t judge a book by its cover — but can you judge a film by its poster? Whether it reveals too little (or too much) of the film, such as its characters or plot, movie posters are often one of the first impressions the audience has of a film. Hanging on the walls of movie theaters, a well-done movie poster is almost as memorable as the film itself. When they're done right, a poster should give the audience just enough information to intrigue them going into the movie — a balance of what’s there and not there.

It’s debatable what genre of film produces the best movie posters. The popular ones that seem to nail the artwork are usually horror and sci-fi. But, on this list, there are films from other genres that have posters which have become iconic and forever memorable. A good movie poster shouldn’t only be visually intriguing, but also layered with key elements (and sometimes strong taglines) that trigger curiosity.

Many films over the years have gone down the route of plastering their many actors on the poster, resulting in a floating head effect that falls flat. Though such a style can occasionally work, they tend to come across as lacking creativity and not a great representation of what the movie brings. Indeed, a poster is a part of a movie, and it shouldn’t just be a marketing tool — it’s a chance to show that the film has its own color and atmosphere in a visually poetic way.

There is a long list of fantastic posters — but only a few are the best of the best. Here are the top 20 movie posters of all time.

20 Big Fish (2003)

A fantasy tale about the lifelong journey of a man who liked to tell tales, including a giant and a secret town, Big Fish is a heartwarming film that explores how one’s stories shape who they are. The imaginative father Edward Bloom (Albert Finney) tells extraordinary stories to his skeptic son Will (Bill Crudup) while on his deathbed. When they are finally separated, the son embarks on a journey to see this magical world his father was adamant about — and he finds his own magic along the way.

Why It's A Great Poster

The poster visualizes the fantasy element well; the title is written big and center, with tree branches growing out of it, as a nod to a scene in the movie, as well as a representation of the themes. The font is downright Burton-esque, giving the immediate impression that this story may not be dark, but it will be strange. The peculiarity of the title design may indicate the fantastical journey the character goes on in the film, as the journey itself is also fantastical. The film and the poster carry the feeling of venturing into a new world, as the silhouette of a man stands facing the sun, ready for the next journey.

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19 It Lives Inside (2023)

It lives inside.

The recently released horror film It Lives Inside has strong elements of Indian demonic legend, mixed with the personal story of its director, Bishal Dutta. It follows a common teenage trope, where the protagonist Samidha (Megan Suri), is desperate to fit in at her new school after emigrating from India to the US. The story takes a drastic turn when a demon fits itself into the narrative.

MovieWeb's Review: It Lives Inside Review: A Memorably Creepy Thrill

Despite mixed reviews, It Lives Inside has a unique premise and poster. Its overall eerie feel involves dark red with shadows, and the poster is filled with the demonic element derived from the Indian legend. Centered is the main character holding a jar with smoke coming out of it, showing the story’s detail of the necessary rituals and how central they are to the tale.

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18 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

The wholesome sci-fi film E.T. by Stephen Spielberg is not only well-known for its heartwarming and sweet story, but also for its impactful visuals . The endearing story is about children who discover an alien, and attempt to hide him from the walkie-talkie-wielding government, until he can "phone home" and get back to his people. The iconic poster was a powerful image, and it won the Saturn Award in 1982. Its creator, John Alvin, recently celebrated the film’s 40th anniversary by looking back at his journey as a movie campaign artist.

The simple poster has everything it needs to represent the boy and the alien’s dynamic — their fingertips touching with a bright light, the simple and to-the-point tagline, and the worlds they live in as the background: the earth and space. The fingers touching is reminiscent of Michelangelo's famous painting "The Creation of Adam." The poster has both contrast and similarity, showing the key point of the film — that differences are not to be hated or feared, but to be accepted and embraced. In such a simple style, the poster manages to show its characters, a glimpse of the story, and the film’s biggest takeaway.

17 The Thing (1982)

The thing (1982).

Still in the area of aliens, the 1982 sci-fi/horror film The Thing by John Carpenter also makes the list, with its equally disturbing (in a good way) poster. Following the discovery of a “thing” that perfectly mimics its victims, a scientific expedition in Antarctica must figure out who can be trusted and who is compromised — and how to escape. The film is filled with suspenseful and thrilling sequences that may make it one of the most effective horror films ever made . As the cherry on top, the iconic poster was completed in only 24 hours at the hands of Drew Struzan, whose posters end up in more than one entry on this list.

The poster is simple, yet powerful. A man in a winter coat is depicted with a blinding light on his face, making it impossible to know who the person is at a glance. The mysterious figure is a visual representation of the film’s mystery itself — about the characters not knowing what this “thing” is and who has been replaced. This mystery and uncertainty evoke fear, and it’s well-translated into the poster with its cold, dark colors that also depict the characters’ fight for survival against the creature.

16 Moonlight (2016)

Written and directed by Barry Jenkins, Moonlight follows Chiron (Trevante Rhodes, Ashton Sanders, and Alex Hibbert) during three stages of his life, starting in childhood and progressing all the way up through adulthood. The film explores themes of identity and sexuality, chronicling Chiron's life as a gay black man growing up in Miami to an abusive, drug-addicted mother. 

The coming-of-age film centered around identity and how to fit into society, 2016’s drama Moonlight is a story many resonate with, and one which prompts important discussions. It explores the authentic struggles and issues a young, black gay person faces in a society that wants nothing to do with him. The power of kindness, support, and community from the three chapters in Chiron’s life (Ashton Sanders) makes the journey worth it, seeing him build his own path and be unapologetically himself.

Moonlight has been praised for its stunning cinematography, and the poster brings that to light with its focus on color and detail. The film is structured through Chiron's phases of life, and each color represents one phase: light blue represents innocence, pink represents exploration, and dark blue represents adulthood. The gorgeous poster made by David Bornfriend creatively draws the three phases Chiron goes through in the film, showing three different people in one face. This marks his transition, his old and new self, and how much he changes as he finds himself.

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15 Parasite (2019)

Ever since its release in 2019, Parasite has been the subject of many film enthusiasts. A story about class inequality in South Korean society , its genius and deliberate cinematography, outstanding performances from each actor, and subtle horror brought the film well-deserved worldwide attention. The more one digs into the film, the more intriguing details surface and blow away the audience — even after multiple rewatches.

The poster adds to the beautiful harmony of Parasite . It appears simple, but upon a closer look, it’s layered with key elements of the film. The poster art, made by Kim Sang-man, nicely carries the ominous tone the film brings, such as by censoring the characters’ eyes in a way that feels dehumanizing and unsettling. It’s eerie and imaginative, portraying the film’s details, such as the modern house as the background, the tent, and the ornamental rock, which triggers curiosity for those who haven’t watched the film and triggers goosebumps for those who have.

14 Malignant (2021)

James Wan’s 2021 horror film Malignant is on par with his previous masterpieces . The film is brutal and haunting, building its thrilling atmosphere from the first second as the characters sink into the chaos. It’s definitely not a movie for everyone, and audiences are divided into those who love it and those who absolutely hate it. Nevertheless, many critics have claimed the storytelling is refreshing and fun, and the horror film doesn’t rely on jump scares to be terrifying.

The poster is in black and red, two contrasting colors often used to advertise that this is a horror film. Terror is indeed the center of Malignant as the main character, Madison (Annabelle Wallis), is terrorized by visions of murders which are apparently very real. The letter “I” in the movie title becomes a long, red dagger that drops until it’s eerily near the woman’s eye, meeting her horrified face — everything in red. The nightmares, the real and bloody murders, the sharp and painful reality that hits her like a dagger; the poster is an excellent start to build the atmosphere of the film.

13 Titanic (1997)

Often deemed one of the greatest films ever made , James Cameron’s Titanic brought not only a famous love story and iconic soundtrack, but also a classic poster. Within the genre of drama/romance, movie posters can be flat and forgettable. But Titanic has its own style that makes it forever iconic and memorable. The great love story on the magnificent ship has stood its ground for over 25 years, and it remains a masterpiece to this day.

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The visual is straightforward and clear — with the two lovers hugging in the sky, over the magnificent Titanic ship from a lower angle, perhaps to show its greatness in size and its significance in the story. The poster immediately tells us this is a love story, with subtle hints of tragedy happening between the two, as the prow of the ship almost seems to be poised to separate them.

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12 Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

Everything everywhere all at once.

A Chinese immigrant is swept up in an insane adventure, where she alone can save the world.

The adventure/sci-fi film that became a massive hit in 2022 and swept the Oscars — Everything Everywhere All at Once is a uniquely crafted story about family and joy wrapped in a multiverse adventure that brings the audience to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The unbelievably ordinary protagonist Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh) gets tangled up in an extraordinary adventure to protect the multiverse. It’s outstanding writing that meets acting and directing brilliance, and has some great messages about life .

The film is known for its crafty low budget effects and unique portrayal of the multiverse concept (among many other things) and that is apparent on its poster. At first glance, yes, it’s a lot — but that is the point. At its core, the movie really is everything, from funny to heartbreaking, complex to simple, and so must the poster be, too. It has all the elements the film shows: the characters in every reality, with every unique being each reality brings — many eyeballs, a raccoon, a bottle of orange soda, and wrenches, among others. The circular image evokes not just the circle motif in the movie, but also older religious paintings and art.

11 Midsommar (2019)

Another A24 film on this list, the psychological thriller/horror Midsommar is a film that focuses on the horrors of other humans , instead of ghosts or devils. The setting is very bright, unlike most horror films, making it a memorable experience that disorients viewers and challenges the norm. The actors’ performances also make the film special — we cry, sympathize, get angry, and get scared together with them.

The horror film that takes place under the endless summer of northern Europe has stunning visuals and a storyline that stays with you for a long while after watching it. Midsommar explores Dani’s (Florence Pugh) slow descent to madness as the environment around her drastically swallows her in. When it finally gets to her, it’s like a never-ending storm. This terrifying madness that Dani experiences is clearly shown on the poster, the simple close-up of her crying face contrasted with the bright colors and joyful flower wreath in her hair.

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10 Memento (2000)

A grieving and angered husband’s journey to finding his wife’s rapist and killer quickly gets complicated due to his short term memory loss — Memento is an early masterpiece from director Christopher Nolan that explores the tale of lying to one’s self and its mad repercussions. The film is intriguing and confusing, but it never fails to fascinate the audience due to its reverse chronology storytelling , putting the audience in the main character Leonard Shelby’s (Guy Pearce) mind.

12 Movies to Watch Twice After Endings That Change Everything

These films evolve after the first viewing and warp the audiences’ experience, changing everything which came before.

The poster takes a part of this reverse chronology storytelling and visualizes it along with the movie’s title, which resembles the state of mind of the main character that is in shambles. In the movie, Leonard uses polaroids to help him remember things, but sometimes they can't be trusted. The polaroids in the poster are shown to be smaller and smaller to resemble his memories — they fade over time and are eventually forgotten (in Leonard’s case, it won’t take more than a few minutes). Some memories are, indeed, best forgotten.

9 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Silence of the lambs.

The legendary psychological thriller that introduces one of the most iconic villains in film history , The Silence of the Lambs is not only legendary for the spine-chilling story and the cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecter, but also for the outstanding performances from Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Lecter, and Jodie Foster, playing a rookie FBI agent named Clarice Starling whose character challenges the male-dominated world. The gruesome crimes, the ruthless killers, and the thrill of the hunt make this film just as scary today as it was over 30 years ago.

The poster itself is instantly recognizable by any film enthusiast. The eerily pale Agent Starling, with red eyes and a moth covering her mouth, is the visualization of the film’s innocent victims, an allusion that she might be next, as well as a play on the word "silence." The moth is also a symbol of the killer Buffalo Bill, who collects and puts moths in the crime scenes. The poster is chilling, and perfectly sums up the themes of the film.

8 Donnie Darko (2001)

Donnie darko.

The year is 1988, and the sleepwalking Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) meets a demonic bunny named Frank, who tells him that the world is ending in 28 days. The young teen then goes home and sees his bedroom is destroyed. That may be one of the surefire ways to make someone question their reality, and things only get stranger from there. The mystery/sci-fi film is a cult classic that has everything — alternate universes, time travel, and sacrifice.

Centered around Frank the rabbit, the poster uses that element from the film to portray the creepiness of the character and the ominous feeling of the events. From afar, the poster is just a huge, creepy rabbit head. But, of course, it isn’t just that — the characters’ faces are put in every crevice of the rabbit to keep all the action within, leaving the rest of the poster dark. Having all the attention and detail in this disturbing image is crucial when watching the film, as it reveals details that will aid in understanding the movie better. The film is dark and full of suspense, and sometimes requires a deeper dive into the details to understand it — just like the poster.

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7 The Exorcist (1973)

The exorcist.

One of the most classic horror films ever made, 1973’s The Exorcist follows a mother’s journey in trying to help her young daughter Regan (Linda Blair), whose behaviors are eerily off. When medical answers aren't available, she soon ends up investigating the idea of demonic possession, and soon the church tries to perform an exorcism on the girl. The film questions the line between good and evil, while presenting many of the most disturbing scenes in horror ever.

The Exorcist ’s poster gives an immediate ominous feeling, with lots of contrast and dark shadow surrounding the central image of the priest. The mysterious man only seen in silhouette draws the audience’s attention, with the spotlight on him feeling more dangerous than friendly. The Exorcist is indeed one of the most terrifying movies of all time, and the poster proudly claims so. Not many have topped the terror the movie brings, and it remains among the greatest horror films for connoisseurs.

6 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Little miss sunshine.

In the endearing film Little Miss Sunshine , the funny and emotional journey of the dysfunctional Hoover family to reach a beauty pageant brings out the best and worst of each of them. From a drug addict to a teenager with failed dreams to become a fighter pilot, the Hoover family is filled with hopeful and strong bonds that are like no other . The film is both hilarious and heartbreaking, with well-done cinematography and excellent performances from each actor in the family.

The bright yellow used in the poster is a great representative of the comedy genre, as well as being connected to the title itself. The picture of the Hoovers trying to get into the van is an iconic and meaningful scene of the film, where they fully gather as a family trying to achieve a common goal despite the hurdles they constantly face. The poster is simple and also hilarious, a great snippet of what the film brings.

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5 Vertigo (1958)

One of many legendary films by Alfred Hitchcock, Vertigo tells the story of an ex-detective who embarks on a journey to stop an old friend’s wife from committing suicide. The further the story goes, the more puzzling it becomes — the film is filled with delusions and illusions that make it both tragic and unique. As the title suggests, the characters and the audience both experience vertigo as the mystery unfolds.

The poster portrays this disorientation well, with a bright red color and spiral design that shows the main character falling deeper into the center. This particular poster was one of the trendsetters for movie posters in the 1950s. During that era, many posters only portrayed its star actors or an essential scene of the film, but Vertigo ’s poster brought something new to the entire movie poster culture by simplifying the film’s message and translating it through bold designs.

4 Pulp Fiction (1994)

Pulp fiction.

One of the most groundbreaking films of all time, Quentin Tarantino’s low-budget Pulp Fiction has had an impressive impact on the entire film industry even 30 years after its release. The outstanding screenwriting with its non-linear narrative structure is one of many elements that made the film iconic and memorable. This unique approach to screenwriting allowed the film to explore and piece together seemingly unrelated stories and characters to create the beautiful movie that it is.

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Besides the screenwriting, Pulp Fiction is also well-known for its unique poster. Using the pulp magazine comic book layout with hints of wear and tear, the poster represents the film’s narrative well — and the violence at its core. Uma Thurman's character on the poster, too, indicates some level of violence due to her unbothered pose while having a gun casually laid in front of her.

3 Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003)

Kill bill vol. 1.

Yet another iconic film by Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill: Volume 1 , has perhaps the most memorable poster of Tarantino's entire filmography. Besides its excellent plot filled with immersive fighting sequences , the movie’s use of color also makes it iconic. The dramatic story fueled with rage and revenge is beautifully visualized through its expansive and colorful shots.

Of course, one cannot mention Kill Bill without mentioning Uma Thurman. Her strong figure in her iconic yellow jumpsuit holding a sword screams power and dominance, just like her character in the film. The overall poster design is simple and sleek, with beautiful and vibrant colors representing one of the film’s strengths. The elegant lines of her body slashed with the black in her suit, the black bar behind her, and the black text, make this one of the most instantly iconic posters ever made.

2 Jaws (1975)

Stephen Spielberg’s Jaws is a timeless classic that boasted of a simple yet flawless plot, booming and powerful music, groundbreaking editing, and the iconic great white shark itself, all coming together to turn this film into the cinematic masterpiece that it is. With possibly the most well-known music score under its name, the film is also known for its suspense and fantastic character writing . It explores themes of survival and moral complexity, with a great portrayal of desperation and vulnerability when faced with our greatest fears.

The shark in Jaws symbolizes Nature’s ways of operating — a relentless force with no regard for human desires or struggles. The shark is portrayed as powerful, unstoppable, and instinctual — an ever-present and hidden threat. And the poster represents this message well. Half of the poster is of the great white shark, with a tiny human swimming just above its giant teeth — showing its power, and our contrasting ignorance and naivety.

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1 Alien (1979

Alien is a film known for its spine-chilling story and outstandingly terrifying visuals. Out in space, a team on the spaceship Nostromo find themselves in a predicament when they investigate a weird signal from another ship, where they find strange eggs. An alien creature suddenly jumps out of an egg and attacks one of the crew members — and that is only the beginning.

The crew then shift between being the hunters and the hunted, as an unknown alien creature stalks them in their ship. This isolation and terror is apparent in the cleverly designed and powerful poster. It’s a great use of just one concept — the image of a cracked alien egg, with green beams and fog creates a strange and ominous feeling. The color and layout is simple, and that's exactly what it should be - the elegance of the art strikes one note into viewers only - that of the terrifying unknown.

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Alien (1979)

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Minimalist Movie Posters That Stand Out

  • BY Bogdan Sandu
  • 11 September 2023

movie posters for journey

Imagine a world where less is astoundingly more. That’s the universe  minimalist movie posters  draw us into; a place where a single curve, a splash of color, or the sweep of a bold line tells a story. Here, iconic cinematic moments are distilled to their visual essence, capturing imaginations with designs that speak volumes in whispers.

Diving into this topic, we unpack how these pared-down artworks are not just reimagined classic film posters but a testament to the potency of contemporary design philosophy.

Readers will traverse the fine line between simplicity and expressivity, exploring the power of  negative space  and  minimal color palettes  in eliciting an emotional punch.

By article’s end, you’ll grasp the allure behind this design trend that’s captivating both  film enthusiasts  and aficionados of  modernist aesthetic .

You’ll discover new ways to adorn your spaces, be it a cozy living room corner or that blank wall screaming for character.

We’re not just talking posters. We’re talking art that redefines movie culture, and you’re about to find out how.

Minimalist Movie Posters To Check Out

9 minimalist poster set.

91hGaKLACHL._SY500_-2 Minimalist Movie Posters That Stand Out

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Colgate ads: brighten your smile, radiate confidence.

Minimalist Movie Posters That Stand Out

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  • Runtime 1 hour 36 minutes
  • Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Atmos
  • 12-Track Digital Sound
  • D-Cinema 96kHz Dolby Surround 7.1
  • D-Cinema 96kHz 7.1

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How to create movie posters using chatgpt, midjourney + adobe firefly.


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The advent of Midjourney and text-to-video tools has ushered in a revolutionary era for creatives and filmmakers. Gone are the days of labor-intensive design sessions and brainstorming meetings. With Midjourney, you can now craft stunning movie posters in mere minutes. But the key to unlocking the full potential of this AI-image generator? A well-crafted prompt. And who better to assist in generating these prompts than ChatGPT?

Mastering the Art of Midjourney Prompting with ChatGPT

While Midjourney is a powerful tool, its output is only as good as the prompt it receives. A vague or poorly constructed prompt might yield unsatisfactory results. This is where ChatGPT comes into play. By turning ChatGPT into an expert prompt writer, you can ensure that your Midjourney creations are both accurate and captivating.

To achieve this, we’ll program ChatGPT with the following prompt:

“You excel at crafting text-to-image prompts for movie posters that precisely depict scenes or artworks from given descriptions from the user. Factor in elements like artistic characteristics, ambiance, viewpoint, artistic style, illumination, color schemes, and layout when applicable. For optimal visualization, use succinct phrases, essential keywords, and brief clauses separated by commas. Keep the entire prompt under 60 words. Do you understand your role?”

movie posters for journey

With this instruction, ChatGPT becomes a master at crafting detailed and effective prompts tailored for Midjourney.

Crafting a Midjourney Movie Poster

To demonstrate the synergy between generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, let’s craft a movie poster for our fictional film, “The Last Cyberspace: A Journey Beyond the Digital Frontier,” which we also created a movie trailer script and AI-generated voice for in our other blog. This sci-fi epic envisions a future where the digital realm is on the brink of collapse, and humanity stands at the precipice of losing its most significant technological achievement.

To generate a prompt for Midjourney, we’ll feed the film’s theme into ChatGPT after programming it with the first prompt above:

“ Describe a movie poster for a sci-fi film titled ‘The Last Cyberspace: A Journey Beyond the Digital Frontier’, set in a future where the digital world is disintegrating.”

movie posters for journey

Once ChatGPT provides the detailed prompt, it can be directly fed into Midjourney to visualize the movie poster. The result? A seamless integration of AI-driven language and image generation, bringing the world of “The Last Cyberspace” to life.

When inputting a prompt into Midjourney, you need to start with the /imagine command. After that, just copy and paste the ChatGPT prompt into Midjourney. One important point to remember is to include the aspect ratio at the end of the prompt. For movie posters, this is usually 2:3. To do this in Midjourney, you want to add —ar 2:3 after the main prompt.

Here is our final prompt. Yours should look something similar.

“Title: ‘The Last Cyberspace: A Journey Beyond the Digital Frontier’, crumbling digital landscape, neon-lit ruins, silhouetted figure gazing into the void, cool blues and electric purples, sense of decay and awe, futuristic. —ar 2:3”

And here are some of the posters Midjourney outputted on the first try for our film.

movie posters for journey

After you choose one (or all!) of your favorite posters, all that’s left to do is put them into a photo editing software, such as Canva or Adobe , remove the lettering, and add your own title.

For our film, we simply used Adobe Firefly’s “ Generative Fill ” to remove the lettering and end up with a fresh movie poster. (We will be writing an Adobe Generative Fill guide in the near future, but it is very simple to use for this purpose.)

movie posters for journey

Here is the poster with the removed text.

movie posters for journey

The last step is to take this and simply add your title and font with an editing software, such as Canva, which is what we did here.

movie posters for journey

With this approach, you can harness the combined power of ChatGPT and Midjourney to revolutionize the way movie posters are conceptualized and created. Whether you’re an indie filmmaker or part of a major studio, the future of film promotion is here, and it’s powered by generative AI.

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Internet Movie Poster Awards - One of the largest collections of movie poster images online. Additional movie data provided by TMDb . Web hosting by Pair.com

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20 minimalist movie poster examples and templates to make your own

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In a world where visual clutter is rampant, minimalist movie posters stand out as an elegant and captivating way to promote movies, films, or videos. By striking unnecessary elements, these posters convey the essence of a movie with clean lines, striking imagery, and thoughtful typography. Let’s delve into the art of designing minimalist movie posters and provide you with a treasure trove of inspiration and free remixable templates to help you create a minimalist movie poster masterpiece to promote your own major (or minor!) motion picture.


Less says more.

Making a major studio motion picture is a monumental undertaking. A whole lot of those themes, visuals, names of actors, lines from the script, producers, and other credit-holding so-and-sos that go into a film are represented on the ubiquitous and essential movie poster. That density and scale of information can easily make for cluttered and crummy-looking poster designs full of unintelligible tiny text, indecisive color palettes, and uninspiring screen stills or a-contextual promo photography. Minimalist movie posters cut through the visual noise too typically found in your local movie theater lobby. Capable of conveying profound themes and vital elements of a visual story through thoughtful simplicity, leaning on the idea that less can say more is a great way to approach visually marketing your film or video project.

Minimalism isn't just about empty space — it's a thought-out and deliberate choice to focus on the essential or singular elements that encapsulate the heart of a story, whether in painting or posters. This approach encourages the viewer's imagination to take an active role, inviting them to fill the gaps and connect with the mood and narrative of the movie in question. Using a carefully considered style guide and well-considered visual components and negative space can create a composition that clearly communicates critical cues of story and theme to your potential viewer, sparking curiosity otherwise lost amid a bombardment of visual information.

How to design a minimalist movie poster with an auteur’s eyes

Designing a minimalist movie poster requires a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the film's core themes. Know the movie inside and out before you take on the project, and always start with thoroughly reading the script. If you find yourself drawn to a visual or segment of the film, take time to pause the video and soak up what defines the scene.

Immerse yourself in the narrative, characters, and atmosphere, and pay attention to key symbols, motifs, and recurring visual elements that can be distilled into a single, impactful image. As you start your project, consider how you translate your thinking and ideas into an image.

Identify the theme: Identify the core theme and idea of the movie. This can be inclusive or evocative or mood, feeling — simply put, the vibe. Explore how you can distill and represent the movie's essence with the fewest possible elements, giving your selective choices an outsized visual power.

Embrace negative space: Minimalist movie posters rely on the clever use of negative space to create visual impact. Leave room for the viewer's imagination to fill in the gaps and evoke curiosity, and to more easily direct the eye to the selective imagery you use.

Choose a limited color palette: Restricting your color choices can enhance the minimalist aesthetic of your poster. Opt for a limited color palette that complements the mood and theme of the film .

Typography matters: Select typography that harmonizes with the overall design and complements the movie's genre and tone. Keep it clean, legible, and strategically placed to maximize impact.

Iterate and refine: You’re going for simple, but don’t be afraid to be messy. Design is an iterative process, and early drafts don’t need to look like your finished project. Experiment freely with different compositions, elements, fonts, and layouts.

20 examples of minimalist movie posters

These five designers, showcasing their work on Behance, created their own unique and inspired minimalist takes on beloved feature films, grabbing onto vital visual and thematic elements of these movies to create unmistakably evocative examples of minimalist movie posters. If you’re familiar with the films whose posters they reinvented, take the time to hone in on how the designer drew inspiration from the movie itself.

Grid movie posters by Michal Krasnopolski

Michal describes that his “basic concept was to create a very modernist, minimalist poster series for movie enthusiasts ...The idea is based on a very simple grid: a circle and two diagonals inscribed in a square.” Using recurring, seemingly nondescript shapes, Michal makes the viewers work incredibly easy, evoking scenes and sets instantly recognizable from these two iconic trilogies.

1. Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope

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2. Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

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3. Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

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5. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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6. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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Minimalist poster design by Nazario "RAZA" Bizzoco

Some characters have calling card wardrobe props and pieces, some scripts have agonizing inflection points, and this minimalist poster for the raucous Netflix series Beef has both.

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30 days of poster challenge by Arshad T P

Arshad T P took on a challenge to “improve my skill and creativity... It was an amazing experience working on this 30 day challenge,” where Arshad used a vector-forward approach to create vivid colorscapes centered on singularly iconic scenes, sets, and images from the films he featured.

movie posters for journey

9. The Shining

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Minimalist movie posters by C C

Graphic designer C C took back to the basics approach, using a studious eye and locking down the vital visual elements of the films whose posters he made into minimalist masterpieces depicted out in the real world.

10. Catch Me If You Can and 11. Kill Bill: Volume 1

movie posters for journey

12. The Truman Show

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95 th Academy Awards Best Picture poster series by Julien Rico Jr

Julien hunkered down with a case of Oscar fever for the 95th Academy Awards, creating color-savvy, spacious, scene-stealing posters for each of the Best Picture nominees .

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14. Everything Everywhere All at Once.

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Alt film posters by Adam Juresko

These reimagined promotional posters use a collage-savvy approach, heavy in texture and pixelation and eagle-eyed in its selection of stills from the films featured .

15. Reservoir Dogs

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16. Inception

Inserting image...

17. Breaking Bad

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18. The Fly

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19. Singin’ in the Rain

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20. The Wire

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And...ACTION! Get rolling with remixable free mininalist movie poster templates

Making a poster from scratch to finish couldn’t get easier with Adobe Express, your one-stop for all your poster-making endeavors . Get the ball rolling by browsing with our tremendous collection of templates, gorgeous design assets, and nimble editing tools and features — absolutely free.

The creative possibilities are endless. Browse dozens of ready-to-go minimalist movie poster templates , or get started on designing yours right now.

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The Incredible Journey - 11 x 17 Movie Poster - Style A

Canvas Prints Australia

Canvas Prints Australia

Collecting Vintage Movie Posters: A Journey Through Film History

Superman Vintage Movie Poster Canvas Print

Collecting vintage movie posters is more than just a hobby; it’s a journey through film history. As you delve into this fascinating world, you’ll encounter iconic pieces of cinema’s past, from early silent films to the golden age of Hollywood and beyond. This article will guide you through the process of collecting vintage movie posters, offering insights into their historical significance, tips on how to start your collection, and advice on how to care for these valuable pieces of history.

Classic 80's Movie Posters on Canvas AU

Table of Contents

Understanding the historical significance of vintage movie posters, how to start collecting vintage movie posters, star wars movie poster, caring for your vintage movie poster collection, james bond 007 movie poster, frequently asked questions, key takeaways.

  • Vintage movie posters serve as historical artefacts, capturing the cultural, aesthetic, and filmmaking trends of their era.
  • Starting a poster collection requires research, patient searching, and a discerning eye for authenticity.
  • Proper care and preservation are crucial to maintaining the value and integrity of your vintage movie poster collection .

Vintage movie posters hold a mirror to the era they were created in, reflecting the cultural, aesthetic, and filmmaking trends of the time. They’re a snapshot of history, offering a glimpse into the evolution of cinema and societal norms. You can see this reflected in the changing styles and themes of movie posters over the decades, from the lavish illustrations of the 1920s to the bold, graphic designs of the 1960s.

Moreover, vintage movie posters are also an art form in their own right. Some of the most iconic posters were created by renowned artists like Saul Bass and Drew Struzan, whose works are now highly sought after by collectors. These posters are not just promotional materials, but also unique artworks that capture the essence of the films they represent.

For a deeper dive into the history and art of movie posters, check out these canvas prints .

Starting a vintage movie poster collection can be a thrilling journey. Here are some steps to guide you:

  • Identify Your Interests : Do you love classic Hollywood films, or are you more interested in foreign cinema? Do you prefer a specific genre, director, or actor? Knowing your interests can help you focus your collection.
  • Research : Learn about the different types of movie posters and their history. Websites like the Movie Poster Collectors Guild offer valuable resources for beginners.
  • Authenticity : Watch out for reproductions and fakes. Authentic vintage movie posters usually have specific markings, printing techniques, and dimensions that distinguish them from reproductions.
  • Sources : Reliable sources for vintage movie posters include auctions, reputable dealers, and online platforms. You can also find a range of vintage movie poster reproductions at Canvas Prints Australia .

Transform Your Space with Star Wars Art

Discover a galaxy far, far away with our stunning collection of Star Wars movie poster prints at Canvas Prints Australia. These premium artworks transport you into the epic battles, unforgettable characters, and timeless stories of the Star Wars universe.

Proper care and preservation are crucial to maintaining the value and integrity of your vintage movie poster collection. Here are some tips:

  • Storage : Store your posters in a dry, cool, and dark place to prevent fading and deterioration. Protective sleeves or portfolios can help protect them from damage.
  • Handling : Always handle your posters with clean hands, preferably using cotton gloves. Avoid touching the surface of the poster to prevent oils and dirt from causing damage.
  • Framing : When displaying your posters, use acid-free materials and UV protective glass to prevent damage from light exposure.

Unleash Your Inner Spy: James Bond 007 Movie Poster Prints

Welcome to the world of espionage, action, and timeless elegance with our collection of James Bond 007 movie poster prints. At Canvas Prints Australia, we’re thrilled to offer you a front-row seat to the thrilling adventures of the world’s most iconic secret agent.

  • What makes a vintage movie poster valuable? The value of a vintage movie poster depends on its rarity, condition, the film it represents, and its artistic merit. Posters for iconic films or those featuring prominent actors are often more valuable.
  • Are reproductions worth anything? While reproductions don’t hold the same value as original vintage posters, they can still be a fun and affordable way to celebrate your favourite films . Plus, they’re often easier to find and care for.
  • How can I tell if a poster is an original or a reproduction? Original posters often have specific markings, printing techniques, and dimensions. Reproductions may have a different feel to the paper, or the colours may not be as vibrant . When in doubt, consult a knowledgeable dealer or appraiser.

In conclusion, collecting vintage movie posters is not just about acquiring objects; it’s about preserving pieces of film history. It’s a journey that can bring joy, knowledge, and a sense of connection to cinema’s past. So why not start your collection today?

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    27. Anchorman. This also is one of the most admirable movie posters for their amazing symbolism and way to convey a story with minimal use of elements. The designer took the most important character of the film, which is about "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," and put that in the new poster.

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    High resolution official theatrical movie poster (#1 of 6) for Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012). Image dimensions: 1215 x 1800. Directed by Brad Peyton. Starring Dwayne Johnson, Josh Hutcherson, Kristin Davis, Vanessa Hudgens. Search. ... Internet Movie Poster Awards - One of the largest collections of movie poster images online. ...

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  12. Minimalist Movie Posters That Stand Out

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  14. Inside Out 2 (2024)

    Inside Out 2: Directed by Kelsey Mann. With Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Tony Hale. Follows Riley, in her teenage years, encountering new emotions.

  15. How to Create Movie Posters using ChatGPT, Midjourney + Adobe Firefly

    When inputting a prompt into Midjourney, you need to start with the /imagine command. After that, just copy and paste the ChatGPT prompt into Midjourney. One important point to remember is to include the aspect ratio at the end of the prompt. For movie posters, this is usually 2:3. To do this in Midjourney, you want to add —ar 2:3 after the ...

  16. Journey to Bethlehem Movie Poster

    High resolution official theatrical movie poster for Journey to Bethlehem (2023). Image dimensions: 2025 x 3000. Directed by Adam Anders. Starring Fiona Palomo, Milo Manheim, Antonio Banderas, Joel Smallbone. Search. Browse by Year: 2024; ... Internet Movie Poster Awards - One of the largest collections of movie poster images online. ...

  17. Amazon.com: The Hobbit Movie Posters

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    Minimalist movie posters by C C. Graphic designer C C took back to the basics approach, using a studious eye and locking down the vital visual elements of the films whose posters he made into minimalist masterpieces depicted out in the real world. 10. Catch Me If You Can and 11.

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    THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY MOVIE POSTER Original 1963 Folded 27x41 Inch WALT DISNEY. $110.00. $6.85 shipping. SPONSORED. JEFF GORDON SECRET AGENT 1963 - FMC Movie Poster - Rare Fold French Grande. $889.00. or Best Offer. Free shipping. SPONSORED. THE SWAP 1969 - FMC Movie Poster - Very Rare Fold French Grande. $589.00.

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    Journey to Bethlehem (2023) Primary Poster Journey to Bethlehem Plot . A young woman carrying an unimaginable responsibility. A young man torn between love and honor.

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  24. The Incredible Journey Movie Posters From Movie Poster Shop

    The Incredible Journey posters for sale online. Buy The Incredible Journey movie posters from Movie Poster Shop. We're your movie poster source for new releases and vintage movie posters.

  25. Collecting Vintage Movie Posters: A Journey Through Film History

    You can see this reflected in the changing styles and themes of movie posters over the decades, from the lavish illustrations of the 1920s to the bold, graphic designs of the 1960s. Moreover, vintage movie posters are also an art form in their own right. Some of the most iconic posters were created by renowned artists like Saul Bass and Drew ...

  26. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)

    A mission that, if not completed successfully, could quite possibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them. Director. James Gunn. Cast. Chris Pratt, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Sean Gunn, Will Poulter, Maria Bakalova and Chukwudi Iwuji. Release Date. May 5, 2023.