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  • Travel Destinations

How Many Tourists Visit Paris Each Year?

Published: November 7, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Helge Ussery

  • Plan Your Trip



Paris, the capital of France, is one of the most iconic and beloved cities in the world. Known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture, Paris has become a top tourist destination for travelers from around the globe. With its famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral, along with its charming streets, picturesque cafes, and renowned fashion scene, Paris offers a unique blend of romance, art, and sophistication. Tourism plays a significant role in the economy of Paris, attracting millions of visitors each year. The city’s allure is not limited to its renowned attractions, as it also boasts a thriving arts scene, world-class gastronomy, and a vibrant nightlife. The mix of historical charm and modernity makes Paris a place that appeals to people of all ages and interests, whether they are history buffs, art enthusiasts, foodies, or fashionistas. Historically, cultural tourism has been a key aspect of Paris’s appeal, drawing visitors from around the world to experience its museums, galleries, and architectural wonders. The cultural heritage and artistic treasures found in Paris have made it a must-visit destination for those seeking to immerse themselves in history and artistic excellence. Moreover, Paris has an extensive public transportation system, making it easy for tourists to navigate the city and explore its diverse neighborhoods. In recent years, Paris has also seen a rise in other forms of tourism, such as culinary tourism, shopping tourism, and eco-tourism. Food lovers flock to the city to savor its gourmet cuisine, from traditional French dishes to innovative fusion creations. Fashion enthusiasts come to Paris for its renowned fashion boutiques, haute couture shows, and stylish street style. Additionally, the city’s commitment to sustainability and green initiatives has made it an attractive destination for eco-conscious travelers. While Paris has always been a popular tourist destination, the number of visitors has fluctuated over time due to various factors such as economic conditions, safety concerns, and global events. In recent years, efforts have been made to attract even more tourists to the city through marketing campaigns, improved infrastructure, and strengthening partnerships with travel agencies and tour operators. In the following sections, we will explore the historical background of tourism in Paris, the significance of the city as a tourist destination, the factors influencing the number of tourists visiting Paris, statistical data on tourist arrivals, seasonal variations in tourist numbers, growth trends over the years, comparisons with other popular tourist destinations, the impact of tourism on the local economy, and the challenges and measures taken to manage the tourist influx in Paris.

Historical background of tourism in Paris

The history of tourism in Paris can be traced back to the 17th century when the city became a popular destination for aristocrats and intellectuals from across Europe. The city’s cultural and intellectual vibrancy attracted artists, writers, and philosophers who were drawn to its vibrant literary and artistic scene. Paris quickly became a hub of creativity and innovation, fueling its reputation as a cultural capital. In the 19th century, the construction of iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower (completed in 1889 for the World’s Fair) and the Louvre Museum (originally a fortress but transformed into a museum in 1793) further cemented Paris’s status as a must-visit destination. The city’s architectural wonders, along with its world-renowned art collections, captivated the imaginations of travelers and art enthusiasts from all corners of the world. During the Belle Époque (1871-1914), Paris experienced an influx of visitors seeking to experience the city’s vibrant social and cultural scene. The rise of cafés, music halls, and theaters contributed to the allure of Paris as a place of excitement and entertainment. The era also saw the birth of luxury department stores, such as Galeries Lafayette and Le Bon Marché, which attracted shoppers in search of the latest fashion trends. The early 20th century brought turbulent times to Paris with the two World Wars, which had a significant impact on tourism. However, the city managed to recover quickly, and by the post-war years, tourism in Paris began to flourish once again. The reconstruction and modernization efforts of the city, coupled with the expanding air travel industry, made Paris more accessible to international visitors. In the 1960s and 1970s, Paris experienced a surge in tourism due to various factors, including the counterculture movement, the rise of mass tourism, and the popularity of iconic films set in the city, such as “An American in Paris” and “Breathless.” The city’s reputation as a romantic destination and its association with art, fashion, and gastronomy further fueled the desire of travelers to experience the magic of Paris firsthand. In recent years, Paris has continued to attract a diverse range of tourists, from history buffs and art lovers to food enthusiasts and fashion seekers. The city’s commitment to preserving its cultural heritage while embracing modernity has made it a dynamic and ever-evolving destination. With ongoing efforts to improve infrastructure, promote sustainable tourism, and diversify its offerings, Paris remains at the forefront of global tourism, captivating the hearts of millions of visitors each year.

The significance of Paris as a tourist destination

Paris holds immense significance as a tourist destination, both in terms of cultural heritage and economic impact. The city’s historical and architectural treasures, world-class museums, thriving arts scene, and culinary delights make it an irresistible magnet for travelers from all over the world. One of the significant factors that contribute to Paris’s significance as a tourist destination is its rich history. The city has been a witness to countless historical events and serves as a living testament to centuries of human civilization. From the medieval Notre-Dame Cathedral to the opulent Palace of Versailles, Paris is filled with structures that tell captivating stories of the past. Visitors can immerse themselves in the city’s history by exploring iconic landmarks like the Louvre Museum, home to masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa, or by strolling through the charming streets of the Marais district, lined with centuries-old buildings. Paris’s reputation as a cultural capital further enhances its appeal as a tourist destination. The city boasts an impressive array of world-class museums, including the Musée d’Orsay, the Musée de l’Orangerie, and the Centre Pompidou, just to name a few. These cultural institutions house a vast collection of artistic masterpieces, spanning different periods and art forms. Visitors can indulge in the works of renowned artists like Monet, Van Gogh, and Picasso, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of the artistic heritage of humanity. Beyond its museums, Paris also offers a vibrant arts scene that encompasses theater, music, dance, and film. The city hosts numerous cultural festivals, showcasing the talents of both local and international artists. From the Opera Garnier to the legendary cabarets of Montmartre, there are endless opportunities to experience the performing arts in Paris. The culinary scene in Paris is another major draw for tourists. The city is renowned for its gastronomy, with a plethora of Michelin-starred restaurants, charming patisseries, and bustling markets. Visitors can indulge in French delicacies such as croissants, macarons, and escargots, or savor the flavors of international cuisines represented by the diverse culinary landscape of Paris. Apart from its cultural and culinary offerings, Paris is synonymous with fashion and style. The city’s fashion industry sets global trends and attracts fashion enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. From high-end luxury brands on the legendary Champs-Élysées to vintage finds in the trendy Le Marais district, Paris offers endless shopping opportunities for fashion aficionados. The significance of Paris as a tourist destination is not limited to its cultural and aesthetic appeal. Tourism plays a vital role in the local economy, generating revenue and creating jobs. The influx of visitors supports various industries, including hospitality, retail, transportation, and entertainment. The economic impact of tourism contributes to the overall development and prosperity of the city, benefiting both residents and businesses. Paris’s significance as a tourist destination transcends national boundaries. The city’s allure and charm have captured the imaginations of people from all walks of life, making it a symbol of beauty, culture, and romance. Whether it’s an artistic pilgrimage, a gastronomic adventure, or a desire to immerse oneself in the city’s rich history, Paris offers an unforgettable experience that continues to enchant and inspire travelers from around the globe.

Factors influencing the number of tourists visiting Paris

The number of tourists visiting Paris is influenced by various factors, both internal and external. These factors play a crucial role in shaping the tourism landscape of the city and determining the level of visitor arrivals each year. 1. Economic conditions : Economic stability, exchange rates, and disposable income levels of potential tourists can significantly impact the number of visitors to Paris. During periods of economic growth, people have more disposable income to spend on travel, leading to an increase in tourist arrivals. Conversely, during economic downturns, travel budgets may be tightened, resulting in a decrease in tourist numbers. 2. Safety and security : The perception of safety and security is a vital consideration for potential visitors. Any concerns or instances of socio-political instability, terrorism threats, or high crime rates can deter tourists from choosing Paris as their travel destination. Conversely, effective safety measures, strong law enforcement, and a reputation for being a safe city can boost tourist confidence and attract more visitors. 3. Marketing and promotion : The effectiveness of tourism marketing campaigns and promotional efforts can have a significant impact on the number of tourists visiting Paris. Successful advertising, strategic partnerships with travel agencies and tour operators, and engaging digital marketing initiatives can enhance the visibility and attractiveness of the city, resulting in increased visitor numbers. 4. Transportation accessibility : The ease of travel and accessibility to Paris can influence tourist arrivals. Well-developed transportation infrastructure, including international airports, high-speed rail connections, and efficient public transport systems, makes it convenient for visitors to reach the city. Direct flight connections, frequent train services, and convenient transportation options within the city can encourage more tourists to choose Paris as their travel destination. 5. Seasonal factors : Seasonal variations in tourist numbers are common in Paris. The city experiences peak tourist seasons during the spring and summer months when the weather is pleasant, and major events and festivals take place. Conversely, the colder winter months tend to see fewer tourists. Seasonal factors, such as holiday periods, school breaks, and specific events, can influence the timing and volume of tourist arrivals. 6. Political and cultural events : Major political and cultural events held in Paris can attract a significant number of visitors. Events like international conferences, trade fairs, fashion shows, and music festivals can draw tourists from various sectors, including business travelers, art enthusiasts, and music lovers. These events contribute to the overall tourism numbers and the vibrancy of the city. 7. Word of mouth and travel trends : Recommendations and positive experiences shared by friends, family, or influential travelers can influence the decision of potential tourists to visit Paris. The power of social media and online travel platforms also plays a significant role in shaping travel trends and influencing destination choices. Positive reviews, captivating travel content, and visually appealing imagery can inspire travelers to choose Paris as their next destination. Understanding these factors and their influence on tourist arrivals in Paris allows tourism stakeholders to effectively manage and plan for the fluctuating demand. By identifying and addressing these factors, Paris can continue to attract a diverse range of visitors and strengthen its position as a leading global tourist destination.

Statistical data on tourist arrivals in Paris

Paris has consistently been a top tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors from around the world every year. The statistical data on tourist arrivals shed light on the magnitude and trends of tourism in the city, highlighting its popularity and enduring appeal. According to the latest available data from the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau, the number of tourists visiting Paris reached a record high in 2019, with over 38 million arrivals. This figure includes both domestic and international visitors. It is worth noting that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on tourist arrivals in 2020 and subsequent years, with travel restrictions and safety concerns leading to a drastic decline in numbers. In terms of international visitor arrivals, the top countries sending tourists to Paris include the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and China. These countries have historically been strong sources of tourists, drawn to the city’s cultural heritage, iconic landmarks, and unique experiences. The data also reveals that tourism in Paris is not limited to a specific season but rather occurs year-round. However, there are noticeable variations in visitor numbers throughout the year. The peak tourist season typically occurs during the spring and summer months, coinciding with favorable weather and popular events and festivals in the city. This period sees a surge in tourist arrivals as travelers take advantage of the pleasant climate to explore the city’s outdoor attractions and enjoy outdoor cafes and terraces. The statistical data also highlights the importance of domestic tourism in Paris. French residents, particularly from other regions of the country, contribute significantly to the tourism figures in the city. Many locals visit Paris for weekend getaways or to explore the capital’s cultural offerings, reinforcing the city’s status as a popular destination within the country. Tourist arrivals in Paris also vary depending on the purpose of visit. The data shows that leisure tourism, including sightseeing, shopping, and experiencing the city’s cultural attractions, accounts for a significant portion of tourist arrivals. Business travel and conferences also contribute to the overall tourist figures, with Paris being a hub for international meetings, exhibitions, and trade shows. The statistical data on tourist arrivals not only helps track the number of visitors to Paris but also provides valuable insights for tourism planning and development. It allows tourism authorities and businesses to identify trends, adapt marketing strategies, and allocate resources effectively to ensure a positive visitor experience. It is important to note that while the statistical data gives us an understanding of the overall tourism trends in Paris, the numbers alone cannot capture the true essence and transformative experiences that visitors have in the city. Paris remains a destination that captivates the hearts and imaginations of travelers worldwide with its vibrant culture, timeless beauty, and unmistakable charm.

Seasonal variations in tourist numbers

Paris experiences distinct seasonal variations in tourist numbers throughout the year. The city’s appeal transcends seasons, attracting visitors with its iconic landmarks, cultural attractions, and charming ambiance. Understanding these seasonal patterns is essential for both tourists planning their visit and businesses in the tourism sector. The peak tourist season in Paris typically occurs during the spring and summer months, from April to September. During this time, the weather is generally pleasant, with mild temperatures and longer daylight hours. The city comes alive with vibrant colors as flowers bloom in parks and gardens, creating a picturesque backdrop for sightseeing and outdoor activities. In the spring, visitors flock to Paris to witness the transformation of the city’s landscapes, including the renowned cherry blossoms at the Jardin des Tuileries and Parc de Sceaux. This season also coincides with major events, such as Paris Fashion Week and the French Open tennis tournament at Roland Garros, which attract international visitors from the fashion and sports industries. Summer in Paris is synonymous with long days, al fresco dining, and a festive atmosphere. The city’s numerous outdoor festivals, such as Fête de la Musique and Paris Plages (temporary urban beaches along the Seine), draw in both locals and tourists. The Eiffel Tower and other popular tourist sites become even more crowded as visitors seek to capture the perfect summer vacation photo. Autumn, or fall, is another popular season for tourism in Paris. The weather remains mild, and the city takes on a charming, romantic ambiance as leaves change color and fall to the ground. Parisian streets are adorned with stylish autumn fashion, creating a visually appealing backdrop for visitors exploring the city’s neighborhoods and enjoying cozy cafes. Museums and cultural venues also see an increase in visitors, as tourists seek indoor activities during occasional rain showers. Winter in Paris, although considered the off-peak tourist season, still attracts visitors with its holiday charm. The city transforms into a winter wonderland, with magnificent Christmas decor adorning iconic landmarks like the Champs-Élysées and the Galeries Lafayette. The festive atmosphere is enhanced by Christmas markets, ice-skating rinks, and the enchanting window displays of luxury boutiques. While the number of tourists may be lower compared to the peak season, there is still a steady flow of visitors looking to experience Paris during the magical holiday season. It is worth noting that while the spring and summer seasons attract the highest number of tourists, they also mean larger crowds and longer queues at popular attractions. Travelers looking for a more peaceful experience may prefer visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring and autumn when the weather is still enjoyable, but the crowds are relatively smaller. Additionally, visiting during the winter months offers the opportunity to enjoy Paris at a more leisurely pace and experience the holiday markets and festivities without the peak-season rush. Understanding the seasonal variations in tourist numbers allows tourists to plan their visit to Paris according to their preferences and helps businesses in the tourism sector manage resources, staffing, and marketing strategies effectively. Regardless of the season, Paris’s timeless charm, cultural offerings, and vibrant atmosphere ensure that visitors can create memorable experiences year-round.

Growth trends in tourist arrivals over the years

Paris has experienced significant growth in tourist arrivals over the years, solidifying its position as one of the world’s most popular travel destinations. The city’s timeless beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture continue to captivate travelers from across the globe. In recent decades, Paris has seen a steady increase in the number of tourists visiting the city. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including improved transportation infrastructure, effective marketing efforts, increased accessibility, and the city’s enduring appeal. The growth trend can be observed through the statistical data provided by the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau. In the early 2000s, the number of tourists visiting Paris surpassed the 20 million mark, representing a significant milestone for the city’s tourism industry. This upward trajectory continued, with the number of tourist arrivals consistently increasing year by year. One key driver of this growth is the expansion and improvement of transportation options. The development of high-speed rail connections, such as the Eurostar linking Paris with London, and the TGV networks connecting major French cities, has made it easier for travelers to reach Paris efficiently. Additionally, the growth of low-cost airlines and the increase in international flight connections to Paris have contributed to the accessibility of the city for travelers from various parts of the world. Effective marketing strategies have also played a crucial role in attracting more visitors to Paris. The city’s tourism authorities, along with local businesses, have been proactive in promoting Paris as a desirable travel destination. Collaborations with travel agencies, tour operators, and online platforms have expanded the reach of marketing campaigns, raising awareness of the city’s attractions and offering enticing travel packages. Digital marketing efforts, including social media campaigns and visually appealing content, have also helped showcase the beauty of Paris, capturing the attention of potential visitors. The growth in tourist arrivals can also be attributed to the enduring appeal of Paris as a cultural capital. Its iconic landmarks, world-class museums, and reputation for art, fashion, and gastronomy attract a diverse range of travelers. Paris’s unique blend of historical charm and modern sophistication has resonated with visitors seeking both a glimpse into the past and an immersion in contemporary culture. However, it is essential to note that external factors such as global economic conditions, safety concerns, and unforeseen events can impact growth trends in tourist arrivals. Economic recessions, geopolitical tensions, and incidents of terrorism have, at times, caused temporary dips in visitor numbers. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and subsequent travel restrictions and safety measures have severely impacted international travel and tourism worldwide, leading to a significant decline in tourist arrivals in Paris. Despite occasional setbacks, the long-term growth trend in tourist arrivals to Paris remains positive. The city’s timeless allure, continuous efforts to enhance accessibility, and effective marketing strategies have contributed to its sustained popularity as a top travel destination. As the world recovers from the pandemic, it is expected that Paris will once again attract millions of visitors, ready to explore its iconic landmarks, immerse themselves in its rich cultural heritage, and create lasting memories in the City of Light.

Comparison with other popular tourist destinations

Paris stands as one of the most iconic and sought-after tourist destinations globally, attracting visitors with its rich history, architectural marvels, and vibrant culture. While each destination has its unique appeal, comparing Paris with other popular tourist destinations allows us to highlight the distinct features and factors that make it stand out. Rome, known as the “Eternal City,” shares similarities with Paris in terms of historical significance and cultural heritage. Both cities boast ancient ruins, iconic landmarks, and a vibrant street life. Rome’s Colosseum and St. Peter’s Basilica captivate tourists, while Paris’s Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Louvre Museum leave visitors in awe. However, Paris’s reputation as a fashion capital and its chic boulevards give it an edge in terms of modern elegance. London, another top tourist destination, offers a contrasting experience due to its mix of British tradition and cosmopolitan energy. While Paris is known for its romantic atmosphere, London captivates tourists with its bustling markets, thriving arts scene, and world-class theater. The Tower of London and Buckingham Palace are as impressive as Paris’s iconic landmarks, while London’s diverse food scene and multicultural neighborhoods create a unique culinary experience. In terms of cultural heritage, Paris competes with cities like Istanbul and Kyoto. Istanbul, straddling Europe and Asia, offers a blend of Islamic, Byzantine, and Ottoman influences. The city’s mosques, palaces, and bazaars provide a distinct cultural experience. Similarly, Kyoto in Japan is renowned for its traditional architecture, tranquil temples, and ancient gardens. While Paris showcases a different cultural essence, these cities share a dedication to preserving their cultural heritage. Paris’s reputation as an art hub brings it in line with cities such as New York and Florence. New York City is renowned for its vibrant contemporary art scene, with renowned museums like MoMA and the Guggenheim attracting art lovers. Florence, on the other hand, houses artistic treasures from the Renaissance period, with galleries like the Uffizi Gallery showcasing works by Michelangelo and Botticelli. In comparison, Paris’s Louvre Museum and the Musée d’Orsay exhibit an extensive collection of masterpieces, drawing art enthusiasts from around the world. Lastly, Paris’s culinary scene competes with destinations like Tokyo and Barcelona. Tokyo’s dedication to culinary excellence and its eclectic array of Michelin-starred restaurants have earned it a global reputation for food lovers. Barcelona, famous for its tapas and innovative Catalan cuisine, offers a vibrant culinary scene. Paris, with its Michelin-starred restaurants, charming cafes, and renowned patisseries, showcases the artistry and sophistication of French cuisine, making it a haven for food enthusiasts. While each destination brings its own unique charm and attractions, Paris’s blend of history, art, fashion, gastronomy, and romance sets it apart. Its iconic landmarks, world-class museums, and captivating ambiance make it a timeless and unforgettable destination, attracting visitors from all corners of the globe.

Impact of tourism on the local economy

Tourism plays a significant role in the local economy of Paris, generating revenue, creating employment opportunities, and contributing to the overall development of the city. The tourism sector’s positive economic impact can be observed in various aspects of the local economy. One of the most notable contributions of tourism is the generation of revenue. Tourists visiting Paris spend money on accommodations, dining, transportation, shopping, cultural attractions, and entertainment. This expenditure directly benefits local businesses, including hotels, restaurants, shops, and tour operators. Revenue generated from tourism injects funds into the local economy, supporting the growth and sustainability of these businesses. The tourism sector also creates employment opportunities for the local population. The demand for tourism-related services requires a diverse range of jobs, including hospitality staff, tour guides, drivers, souvenir vendors, and museum personnel. The creation of these jobs helps reduce unemployment rates, increases income levels, and improves the overall standard of living for residents. Furthermore, tourism-related employment often provides opportunities for young people and those without specialized skills, contributing to social and economic inclusion. The revenue generated from tourism also supports city infrastructure and public services. The taxes and fees levied on tourists, such as hotel taxes and admission fees to attractions, contribute to local government revenue. This revenue can be used to improve public transportation systems, maintain and enhance cultural and heritage sites, and invest in urban development projects, benefiting both tourists and residents. Additionally, the tourism sector stimulates other industries indirectly. Local suppliers, such as food producers, artisans, and transportation companies, benefit from the demand for goods and services by tourists. The ripple effect of tourism spending extends beyond the tourism sector, creating a positive economic impact for a wide range of industries and businesses in Paris. Furthermore, tourism fosters entrepreneurship and small business growth. The presence of a robust tourism industry encourages locals to start their own businesses, such as boutique hotels, restaurants, guided tours, and artisanal shops. These entrepreneurial ventures contribute to the diversity and vibrancy of the local economy, adding to the overall appeal of Paris as a tourist destination. It is important to note that sustainable tourism practices are essential to ensure the long-term positive impact of tourism on the local economy. Sustainable tourism aims to minimize negative environmental, social, and cultural impacts while maximizing the benefits for all stakeholders. By preserving natural resources, respecting local traditions and customs, and investing in community development projects, Paris can ensure that tourism continues to contribute to the local economy in a responsible and sustainable manner. Overall, tourism has a significant and positive impact on the local economy of Paris. It drives revenue, creates employment opportunities, supports local businesses, and stimulates economic growth. By harnessing the benefits of tourism and adopting sustainable practices, Paris can continue to thrive as a global tourist destination while maintaining the well-being of its residents and preserving its cultural heritage.

Challenges and measures to manage tourist influx in Paris

Paris, as one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, faces several challenges related to managing the influx of visitors. Balancing the needs of tourists with the preservation of the city’s cultural heritage and the well-being of local residents requires careful planning and implementation of sustainable tourism practices. Here are some of the challenges and measures taken to manage the tourist influx in Paris: 1. Crowding and over-tourism : The sheer number of tourists in popular areas of Paris can lead to overcrowding, inconvenience for locals, and strain on infrastructure. To mitigate this issue, measures such as crowd control, managing visitor flows, and implementing tourist caps in certain areas have been implemented. Additionally, promoting lesser-known attractions and diversifying tourist experiences to spread visitors across the city can help distribute the tourist influx more evenly. 2. Pressure on infrastructure : A large number of tourists can put a strain on local infrastructure, including public transportation, roads, and utilities. Investing in infrastructure development and maintenance, particularly in areas with high tourist footfall, is essential to ensure a smooth visitor experience. This may involve expanding transportation networks, improving signage, and upgrading facilities like public restrooms and waste management systems. 3. Housing affordability and impact on local residents : High demand from tourists can drive up housing costs, making it challenging for locals to find affordable accommodation. This issue can lead to gentrification and the displacement of long-term residents. Implementing regulations on short-term rentals, promoting responsible tourism practices, and supporting affordable housing initiatives can help mitigate the impact on local residents and maintain the social fabric of communities. 4. Preservation of cultural heritage : The preservation of Paris’s cultural heritage is crucial to maintaining its authenticity and attractiveness as a tourist destination. Managing the impact of tourism on historical sites, enforcing regulations on preservation and restoration, and implementing visitor education initiatives to promote responsible behavior are necessary steps to ensure the long-term conservation of cultural landmarks. 5. Sustainable tourism practices : Adopting sustainable tourism practices is vital for minimizing the negative environmental, social, and cultural impacts of tourism and ensuring long-term viability. Measures can include promoting eco-friendly transportation options, encouraging responsible waste management and recycling, supporting local and sustainable businesses, and fostering community engagement through cultural exchange programs. 6. Collaboration and stakeholder engagement : Effective management of the tourist influx in Paris requires collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, tourism boards, local businesses, and residents. Regular dialogue, consultation, and collaboration can ensure that the concerns and interests of all parties are considered when developing tourism policies and initiatives. 7. Smart technology and data-driven solutions : Leveraging smart technology and data analytics can provide valuable insights into visitor behavior and help optimize the management of tourist influx. Utilizing real-time data, such as visitor flows and crowd density, can enable proactive decision-making and resource allocation. Digital solutions, such as mobile apps and wayfinding systems, can enhance the visitor experience and alleviate pressure on busy tourist sites. By addressing these challenges and implementing measures to manage the tourist influx effectively, Paris can continue to be a sustainable and enjoyable destination for visitors while preserving its rich cultural heritage and ensuring the well-being of its local residents.


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40+ paris travel & tourism statistics (2023).

Bradley Williams

Ah, Paris, the City of Love … A romantic place that’s also teeming with history.

As the capital city of the world’s most visited country, Paris is home to some of the most iconic landmarks out there, not least the Eiffel Tower .

It attracts 30+ million visitors every year and is set to welcome 33 million people in 2022.

Ever wondered what the most popular attractions in Paris are?

Or how much the average tourist would spend during their visit?

Today, we have some of the latest and most interesting statistics about Paris for you.

From numbers of inbound tourism and its economic impact to tourist demographics and the hotel industry in Paris.

Let’s get started!

Sources : Attached with each stat is the source article or data. For a full list of all the sources used, head to the bottom of the post.


Is Paris the most visited city in the world?

In 2021, Paris is the second-most visited city in the world after Bangkok , which welcomed an incredible 22.78 million international visitors compared to Paris’ 19 million.

How many tourists does Paris get every year?

Paris welcomed roughly 38 million visitors in 2019. Despite hitting a rough patch in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, it is estimated that 33 million people will visit Paris in 2022.

Is France the most visited country in the world 2022?

Yes, France is the most visited country in the world . It has been attracting the highest number of visitors for 30 years, with 90 million recorded in 2019.

Countries Most Popular with Tourists

Paris statistics at a glance

  • A total of 38 million visitors came to Paris in 2019.
  • The top 5 international visitors in Paris are tourists from Belgium (11%), the UK (10%), the US (9%), Netherlands (8%), and Germany (8%).
  • In 2018, international visitor spending in Paris was $14.06 billion, an increase from 2017’s $13.05 billion.
  • The average tourist in Paris spends €101 per day in Paris .
  • 53% of all recorded tourists in Paris in 2021 were women.
  • 94% of people who visit Paris say that they are satisfied with their trip, with 78% intending to return within the next 2 years.
  • As of January 2021, there are 1,611 hotel establishments in Paris, with three-star hotels being the most common, at almost 700 establishments.
  • 1 in every 4 visitors in Paris travel on a business or mixed trip. The other 3 would be leisure travellers.

Inbound tourism in Paris

1. a total of 38 million visitors came to paris in 2019., 2. this number fell to 19 million in 2021, but is expected to recover and hit 33 million in 2022., 3. this made paris, in 2021, the second-most visited city in the world after bangkok., 4. there were 82.5 million overnight stays in paris in 2021, up 25% from 2020 but -58% from 2019..

[Paris Region Tourist]

Overnight stays in Paris

5. Meanwhile, the number of non-overnight stays in Paris in 2021 was 22.6 billion, 30% more than 2020 and 55% less than 2019.

6. the top 5 international visitors in paris are tourists from belgium (11%), the uk (10%), the us (9%), netherlands (8%), and germany (8%)..

European tourists make up a significant portion of international visitors in Paris, with 10% of all international visitors to Paris coming from the UK.

Meanwhile, the US is only non-European nationality to make the most international visits to Paris, which means long-haul travel is common for American tourists .

where are international tourists in Paris from?

7. Paris-Charles De Gaulle Airport, the largest airport in France, welcomed only 26.2 million passengers in 2021, a 65.6% drop from 2019.

Number of passengers at Paris-Charles De Gaulle Airport

Domestic tourism in Paris

How many French tourists visit Paris every year?

8. Out of all French visitors in Paris, 13% are from Hauts-de-France and another 13% are from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, making these the top two French visitors. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

9. moreover, 10% are from nouvelle-aquitaine, while visitors from grand est and provence-alpes-côte d'azur make up 9% each of all domestic visitors in paris., paris tourism: economic impact.

How much money does tourism bring to Paris?

10. In 2021, tourists spent €8.4 billion in Paris, which is a 39% increase from 2020 but still 62% lower from the pre-pandemic level in 2019.

The Covid-19 pandemic caused tourist spending in Paris to drop by 62% between 2019 and 2021.

Tourist spending in Paris

11. In 2018, international visitor spending in Paris was $14.06 billion, an increase from 2017’s $13.05 billion.

For both international and domestic visitors, tourism spending in Paris was significantly higher before the Coronavirus pandemic .

12. The average tourist in Paris spends €101 per day.

13. meanwhile, the average stay budget is €370 per person., 14. there are 119 thousand tourism-related companies in paris alone., 15. in 2021, these tourism-related companies in paris employed a total of 511 thousand people, which is around 20% of all travel and tourism jobs in the country..

[Paris Region Tourist & Statista]

This accounts to roughly one-fifth of the 2.5 million travel and tourism jobs in France as a whole.

Demographics of Paris tourism

What is the average visitor of Paris like?

16. 53% of all recorded tourists in Paris in 2021 were women.

In 2021, slightly more than half of all visitors in Paris were women, which reveals an increasing trend in female travel .

17. The average age of a visitor in Paris is 41 years old.

18. 34% of tourists in paris is from a higher socio-professional category., 19. 94% of people who visit paris say that they are satisfied with their trip, with 78% intending to return within the next 2 years., 20. 16% of all tourism trips in paris is made by people who come with families..

Family trips make up 16% of all tourism trips in Paris.

21. For families, visiting theme park is a popular activity as 40% of them visit a theme park during their stay in Paris.

22. 41% of repeat visitors in paris have made more than 10 trips to the city..

repeated visitors in Paris

Hotels and accommodations in Paris statistics

How many hotels are there in Paris?

23. As of January 2021, there are 1,611 hotel establishments in Paris, with three-star hotels being the most common, at almost 700 establishments.

Out of the 1,611 hotels in Paris , 700 of them has a three-star rating.

24. The majority of tourists in Paris (53%) would stay in a hotel during their visit.

25. the most common method for booking accommodation in paris is through an online travel agency (38%)..

38% of visitors book their accommodation online , 32% book through their direct hosts, while 20% use the services of a travel agency.

26. The total number of nights spent in hotels in Paris fell by 27,000 from 2019 to 2020.

27. hotel occupancy rate in paris hit its lowest point in april 2020, at barely 20%., 28. an average double hotel room in paris costs €146 in august 2021, compared to €194 in may 2020 and the record-low €125 in july 2020..

Paris hotel room price

Tourist activities in Paris

What are the top tourist attractions in Paris?

29. Walking around the city is the most popular thing to do for visitors in Paris, with 66% stating that they have engaged in the activity.

30. visiting museums and monuments comes at a close second at 62% of visitors having done it while in paris., 31. additionally, 37% of visitors also report to enjoy shopping in the city., 32. the most visited site in paris is the eiffel tower (35%)., 33. rounding up the top 5 most visited sites in paris, there are the arc de triomphe, sacré-coeur of montmartre, louvre museum, and notre-dame de paris in order of popularity..

Most visited site in Paris

34. The Covid-19 pandemic also affected cultural attractions in Paris. The Louvre Museum welcomed only 2.7 million visitors in 2020, a significant decrease from the usual 10 million visitors per year.

Business tourism in paris.

How many business travelers do Paris get?

35. There were 5.7 million business or mixed trips in Paris in 2021.

In 2021, 5.7 million business trips were made to Paris .

36. 1 in every 4 visitors in Paris travel on a business or mixed trip. The other 3 would be leisure travellers.

Type of trips in Paris

37. Out of all business trips taken in Paris, 61% is strictly professional while 39% is a mix of business and leisure.

38. in 2019, paris had the second-highest number of participants at associations meetings globally..

Paris is one of the leading cities hosting MICE events.

39. The average MICE event in 2019 was attended by an average of 851 congress participants.

40. business visitors in paris contribute to 38% of the region’s tourism revenue., 41. in 2020, 160 professional events in paris were postponed, whereas 157 were..

Of course, this is also what influenced the decline in the number of international and domestic visitors in Paris that year.

While the Covid-19 pandemic did slow down tourism in Paris, the industry has already begun to recover as travel picks up worldwide.

We hope these statistics were useful for you, whether you’re planning for a trip to Paris or simply wanting some insights about it.

Do you think we’ve missed anything?

Feel free to comment down below!

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5 million people can't be wrong

The Brussels Times Magazine

Paris remains most-visited city in the world, with 44 million tourists in 2022

Paris remains most-visited city in the world, with 44 million tourists in 2022

Tourism in Paris and the Île-de-France region climbed again in 2022 with over 44 million visitors calculated. This represented an enormous 95% increase since 2021 but is not quite at pre-pandemic levels.

Visitors numbers were still down 13% compared to 2019, according to a statement from the Paris Ile-de-France regional tourism committee. As to who is visiting, French nationals from elsewhere account for the greatest portion, counting some 24.7 million tourists.

This is followed by Americans (2.4 million), British (2 million), Spanish (1.5 million) and Italians (1.5 million). Belgians were also among the top nationalities, with 1.2 million visitors.

Tourists generated €19.6 billion in revenue during 2022 (+134% compared to 2021 and -10% compared to 2019). Despite their smaller number most of the revenue (€12 billion) came from international visitors.

paris tourist numbers by year

Paris was once again the world's top city for tourism in 2022, surpassing Dubai and Amsterdam. Credit: Canva

“After travel restrictions were lifted most countries reopened, tourism picked up again from 2021, driven initially by domestic customers then by people from neighbouring and more recently by tourists from further afield. But some Asian countries are still behind usual numbers,” the regional committee explained.

Even if it does not reach 2019 levels, the 44 million figure for visitors surpasses expectations. In 2022, the Paris Tourism Office predicted that 33 million people will have visited the city over the course of the year.

The Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower were the two most visited Parisian attractions and the Versailles palace was the most visited destination in the region. While most attractions had fewer visitors than in 2019, the Council's report says that the Eiffel Tower had just as many tourists as before the pandemic, even if the site was closed between January and June.

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Hotel occupancy in the region saw a 112% rebound compared to 2021, with 66.6 million stays recorded. The number did remain below the levels of occupancy for the same period in 2019, according to the statement, but only by 6%.

With 8 million nights booked, seasonal rentals and furnished accommodation recorded a 22% drop compared to pre-pandemic levels.

The 2023 social movement against pension reform may have made the city a little unfriendly for tourists, with massive strikes, disturbed public transport and trash piles gathering on the street. But crowds will continue to have Paris in their sights: the 2023 World Rugby Cup and the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be hosted in the region.

Copyright © 2024 The Brussels Times. All Rights Reserved.

Paris Region Tourist board

  • Conjoncture

Half-yearly and summer review in Paris Region (September 2021)

  • Tourism monitoring

at 15 September 2021

After the first few months of 2021 were still marked by the effects of the health crisis, tourist activity in the Paris Region picked up this summer following the easing of travel restrictions and the reopening of public places.

paris tourist numbers by year


The effects of the health crisis - travel restrictions, curfew and closure of tourist sites from 1 January to 19 May - have persisted and impacted the recovery of tourism activity in the first half of 2021.

During the first 6 months of the year, the destination welcomed more than 5 million tourists (i.e. -3.3 million compared to the first half of 2020), mainly French and local Europeans. These tourists generated nearly €2 billion in economic spin-offs (i.e. €1.5 billion compared to the first half of 2020).

 Tourist numbers in the first half of 2021 thus remained lower (-39%) than in the first half of 2020.

 On the other hand, the summer season (from June to August) gave encouraging signals with a return of leisure customers.

Tourist numbers over this period have increased by 47% compared to the same period in 2020.

 Finally, the prospects between now and the end of the year invite confidence and suggest that tourists are ready to return gradually.

For example, hotel reservations recorded at the end of August for the months of September and October are twice as high as those for the comparable months last year.

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Tourism In France Statistics 2023: All You Need To Know

GoWithGuide travel specialist Official

by GoWithGuide travel specialist: GoWithGuide travel specialist Official

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France Tour Guide

France holds the distinction of being the most popular tourist destination in the world. Its classical European architecture, rich culture, internationally renowned wineries, and even pristine Mediterranean beaches offers something for everyone. The country is also home to a whopping 49 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including famous sites such as Mont-Saint-Michel , as well as many lesser known gems.

If you’re planning a tour to France, you know that such a beloved nation can be difficult to navigate, especially if you’re looking for an experience beyond popular sites like Paris aka The City of Lights. This is why partnering with our France tour guides is a great way to take on The French Republic. Now let’s get to the good stuff, so we can get to the touring. Allons-y!

France’s Tourism Journey: The Constant Contender

Image of the French countryside, with a search bar in the middle

When it comes to tourism, France has never been an underdog. Is France the most visited country in the world? Absolutely. In fact, for over 30 years, it’s been the number one tourist destination.  So how big is France’s tourism industry? It employed a solid 2.86 million people in 2023, which makes up 7.5% of the country’s entire workforce. But as all other countries, they did take a significant hit after having the highest tourism record of 2019 (90.9 million). 

By 2020, numbers had drastically dropped to 41.7 million , which is still high when you compare it to other nations. But never one to stay down, France crawled back up to 48.4 million in 2021, and by 2022, as the world opened up, a whopping 79.4 million people had been to see the Republic. So let’s take a closer looks at the stats from 2019 and beyond. 

France’s Top Tourism Statistics 

An infographic collecting the top tourism statistics for France

  • No. 1: France is the most popular tourist destination in the world. 
  • 90 million: The annual number of tourists who visit France in 2019, according to its Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
  • 9.6%: The percentage of French GDP directly tied to the tourism sector in 2019, making up. In 2022, this number had reached 216.5 Billion Euros , which was a 1.4% decrease from 2019. 
  • 12 million: The number of people who flock to Disneyland Paris each year, Europe’s largest theme park. 
  • 30 million: Amount of visitors who travel to Paris alone, meaning the City of Lights receives more visitors itself than many countries. In 2022, Paris and the Île-de-France region welcomed over 44 million tourists . 
  • 49: The number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites located in France, one of the highest ratios in the world. 
  • 25°C: Average summer temperature in France, though exact temperatures can vary from region to region. 

Who Else Loves France?

As the most popular tourist destination in the world, you may be surprised to learn that the exact figures of visitors to France can vary substantially based on how they are counted. This is partly due to the fact that it is part of the European Union, meaning many visitors pass through not just France but various European countries, all holding EU passports.

So, which nationality visits France the most? The largest number of visitors come from the United Kingdom and Germany, and other popular countries include the United States, China, and various African countries.

  • Germany - 13.7%
  • Belgium/Luxembourg - 13%
  • Italy - 7.8%
  • Switzerland - 7.8%

The fastest growing demographic for international tourists to France is China, with the French government actively promoting tourism for visitors from China and East Asia in general. Prior to Covid-19, the country aimed to attract a whopping 5 million tourists from China alone per year, but currently that figure is around the 2 million mark. 

This begs the question, why does France get so many tourists? The history, culturally relevant monuments, artistic foundations, romantic atmosphere, pleasant weather, world renowned food, and comfort are just the start. 

Connecting With The Country: France’s Most Popular Destinations 

France is a large country with many different regions to explore, so you have many choices when it comes to planning your trip. Here are the most popular ones; 

  • French Alps 

French Cuisine: The True Definition of Crème de la crème

It goes without saying that a trip to France will be incomplete without properly experiencing the country’s excellent selection of gastronomic delights. After all, France is the home of high quality cuisine as the proud creators of the internationally acclaimed Michelin star, an award which recognizes establishments with exceptional cuisine. Ready to salivate? Bon appétit! 


  • French Breads: Welcome to the cornerstone of french baking. The most famous French breads are undoubtedly the baguette and the croissant. Walking the streets of any city or town in France, you will undoubtedly find several traditional bakeries, or boulangeries, where you can purchase warm home-made breads in various styles.
  • Say Cheese!: The country is also famous for its large selection of cheeses, from Brie to Camembert, French cheese is truly a delight for the soul, made even better via a pairing with a high quality French wine. Some of the best cheese shops include Androuët, Fromagerie Quatrehomme, and the outdoor market of Marché d'Aligre.

Travel tip: Enjoying cheese in France is par for the course, but when it comes to taking them home to enjoy, be aware that each country has their own export rules regarding products such as cheese, meat, or fresh produce. 

  • Steak au Poivre : For the meat lovers out there, we would recommend trying Steak au Poivre (pepper steak) and Steak Frites (steak & fries). When ordering steak, remember that it’s important to tell your waiter how you would like it done. Some useful phrases to remember are; “saignant” (rare), “a point” (medium-rare), and “bien cuit” (well-done).
  • Escargot: Delight your taste buds with the exquisite flavor of Escargot, where tender snails are expertly cooked in a delectable blend of butter and garlic.
  • Ratatouille: For vegetarians seeking culinary bliss, indulge in the savory goodness of Ratatouille. This dish features a medley of stewed vegetables, artfully crafted to create a symphony of flavors on your palate.
  • Crème brûlée: Satisfy your sweet cravings with the divine allure of Crème brûlée. This creamy dessert is a masterpiece that tantalizes your taste buds, offering a perfect balance of velvety richness and a delightful caramelized crust. Ideal for those with a penchant for a sweet conclusion to their culinary journey.

We could go on and on about French dishes, but the best way to experience it is with an in depth look at  Parisian cuisine for some more details, or ask your local expert tour guide to introduce you to their favorite dishes.

Hot & Cold: France’s Ever-Changing Climates 


From the rainy coasts of Normandy to the sunny shores of the French Riviera located on the Mediterranean Sea and colloquially referred to as the Côte d'Azur (Azure Coast), the  weather in France   varies quite a lot depending on the region and time of year. 

As a western European country, rainfall can be heavy and winters chilly ( 1°C /33F - 7°C /44F ), but the summers in France are warm and comfortable (around 25°C / 77F ), and the country even experiences heat waves in excess of 40°C / 104F at times! Let’s take a deeper look at France’s major climatic regions & what to expect from each. 


​ Oceanic Climate (Northwest France)

Locations: Paris, Normandy, Brittany .

Weather : Mild to chilly winters and cool summers. Rain is evenly distributed throughout the year.

Temperatures : Winter (December to February) averages around 37-45°F (3-7°C), and summer (June to August) averages around 57-75°F (14-24°C).

Best Time to Visit : Late spring (May to June) and early fall (September to October) for pleasant weather.

Continental Climate (Northeast France)

Locations: Alsace, Lorraine, Champagne.

Weather : Colder winters and warmer summers compared to the northwest. Winters can be snowy.

Temperatures : Winter averages around 29-39°F (-2 to 4°C), and summer averages around 59-77°F (15-25°C).

Best Time to Visit : Late spring (May to June) and early fall (September to October) for milder temperatures.

Mediterranean Climate (Southern France):

Locations: Provence, French Riviera, Corsica.

Weather : Hot, slightly wet summers and mild, dryer winters. Occasional mistral winds in some areas.

Temperatures : Winter averages around 41-50°F (5-10°C), and summer averages around 68-86°F (20-30°C).

Best Time to Visit : Late spring (May to June) and early fall (September to October) for warm weather without the intense heat.


Mountain Climate (French Alps, Pyrenees)

Locations: Chamonix, Grenoble, Pyrenees region.

Weather : Alpine climate with cold winters, heavy snowfall, and cool summers.

Temperatures : Winter averages around 23-32°F (-5 to 0°C), and summer averages around 46-68°F (8-20°C).

Best Time to Visit : Summer (June to August) for hiking and outdoor activities; winter (December to February) for skiing.

Semi-Continental Climate (Central France)

Locations: Burgundy, Loire Valley, Central Plateau.

Weather : Transitional climate with moderately cold winters and warm summers.

Temperatures : Winter averages around 30-39°F (-1 to 4°C), and summer averages around 57-75°F (14-24°C).

France's diverse climates offer a range of activities, from beach relaxation in the Mediterranean to winter sports in the Alps, making it a year-round destination for various interests. Deciding on which season will be best for your tour of France will depend on your personal preferences and the region you’re visiting. Reach out to one of our private tour guides to get in-depth weather information for your planned tour.

Transportation: Getting Around France 

France has a well-developed transportation system, including trains, subways, buses, taxis, and airports. Need to know how to go? Here’s a breakdown of France’s premier transportation methods. 

Transportation In France

  • High-Speed Trains (TGV - Train à Grande Vitesse) :Looking to explore more than one city? Love speed +comfort when your itinerary features Paris, Lyon, Marseille, and beyond? The TGV is a network of high-speed trains that connect major cities in France with neighboring countries at convenient speeds. Timely, and super comfortable, this is the way to go.  
  • Regional Trains (TER - Transport Express Régional): A great option for regional travelers, TER trains cover regional routes, connecting smaller towns and cities within specific regions, of which France has 26. They’re slower, but more affordable. They’re also a strong option for daily commuters. 
  • Paris Métro: You can’t get around the City of Love without using the Paris Métro, an extensive subway system covering Paris and its suburbs. It's a fast and convenient way to navigate the capital. Oh, and you can stop at all the major attractions with this system. 
  • Buses and Coaches: The perfect in-between, buses and coaches operate within cities and on long-distance routes. They’re ideal for the traveler that wants to take the scenic route. Buses are commonly used for short-distance travel within cities, and long-distance coaches are a great option for budget-conscious travel.
  • Cars and Rental Cars: Given the shift to green transport, cars and rentals are less recommended, but the well maintained roads make it an option that most consider. Cars are ideal for exploring rural areas, tranquil countryside, and off-the-beaten-path destinations.
  • Bicycles: Major metro areas like Paris are perfect for bike lovers, with the infrastructure to support two-wheeled travel available. Many cities offer bike-sharing programs for short trips, as it’s an eco-friendly and healthy way to explore cities.

Travel tip: Psst! If you aren’t used to using public transport, worry not! Our private guides can meet you at your hotel (or any other preferred meeting point), and chaperone you throughout your customized tour.

Traveling In France: Dos & Don'ts To Remember

Dos & Don

Parles-tu Anglais? All About Language In France  

While major cities like Paris don’t need much translation, France is quite huge, and English proficiency varies from region to region. In fact, the nation’s English proficiency index of 531 puts it at the top 5 lowest in Europe (position 30 out of 34) and 43 globally, so you will need some linguistic help depending on where you’ll go. Here are some common phrases to keep in mind;  

Words To Learn When In France

  • Hello = Bonjour (bohn-zhoor)
  • Goodbye = Au revoir (oh-rev-vwha)
  • Thank you = Merci (mare-see)
  • Please = S'il vous plaît (seel-voo-play)
  • Excuse me = Excusez-moi (ex-koo-say mwa)
  • Yes = Oui (we)
  • No = Non (noh)
  • I don’t speak French = Je né parle pas français (zhe ne parl pah frahn-say)
  • Do you speak English? = Parlez-vous anglais? (par-lay voo ahn-glay)

Luckily, all of our French tour guides are fluent in English and can help you with translation throughout your tour. They can also provide some unique insights which may not appear on the tourist brochures.

Staying Safe: The France Edition 

Tips To Stay Safe In France

Although France is generally a safe country to travel in, larger cities have issues with pickpockets and petty crime. Given the crime index of 55.12 out of 100 , and increase of crime in the past year, you should exercise caution by trying not to stand out too much as a tourist, otherwise you risk yourself being targeted by petty thieves. Keep your valuables either in your hotel room or in a bag that isn’t immediately visible.

Safety while touring at night can be low (35.68) in major cities, so consult with a local tour guide about night based tours to get the best recommendations about safe areas and places to avoid. 


As the most visited country in the world, France lives up to the hype. The country sports attractions that will appeal to virtually every kind of traveler under the sun, from art lovers to extreme skiers, fashion aficionados, wine connoisseurs, and beach goers.

Ready to experience France for yourself? Plan the perfect custom itinerary alongside our  French tour guides and enjoy expert advice, ease of travel planning efforts, personal translation, shopping advice, general safety tips, and help with transportation. Bonne chance!

Written by GoWithGuide travel specialist Official

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GoWithGuide’s writers are passionate travel specialists sharing unique tips and essential information for global explorers.

Popular france tour guides.

Nice Tour Guide - Gregory R.

Being a native from Villefranche-sur-Mer, in the heart of the French Riviera, a little fishermen's village located right between Nice and Monaco and facing the world-famous Cap Ferrat, I grew up in the valley outside Nice and started to discover the cities of the Côte d'Azur as a young boy with my parents and family, later on as a teenager with my friends. After studying corporate public relations, I had one of the best opportunity of my life, something that I secretly always wished, to go live in United States, working for the famous Sun Valley ski resort for two years in Idaho as a restaurant and banquet manager. When I came back to Nice, I went back to school to be graduated as a French professional tour guide and lecturer in English and Spanish, then i started to work as a tour guide in different tour companies and quickly decided to face a new challenge by opening a tour guide company that will look more like me, which means showing my region as a local to my clients and make sure they feel as with friends, all along their stay, not just when they are with me for the tour. Providing private professional guided tours today for shore excursions or visitors staying in various hotels in Cannes, Monaco or Nice is obviously the greatest and most enjoyable job that suit me, as natural and sincere I can be, it pushes me on being exceptionally great every day because my guest deserves so much coming from so far to discover our region, i only have one day to stay in their memories for a very long time, showing you the best places around the French Riviera. Since 2007, me and my team of native born and raised professional tour guide are specialized in providing private tours on the French Riviera, which mean that we adjust our tours with your requests and wishes, we have had a lots of unique and very interesting experiences that we will always remember because of sharing unique life moments.                                                                                                                                  

Paris Tour Guide - Jillian A.

Bonjour de Paris! I'm Jillian, your independent Paris guide, ready to sprinkle some magic on your adventure! Walk with me – your experienced, passionate, dynamic, and undeniably cool local guide. Let's meander through petite cafes and historic wonders, unlocking the secrets to living like a true Parisian! Marvel at hidden gems where the art of the past and present intertwines, making history your playground! Join my small groups or opt for a private/personalized walking tour, because in Paris, the best stories are told step by step. Whether alone or with your favorite people, I'll show you the beauty of Paris. Let's make your time in Paris a whirlwind of joy. Have fun and let the City of Lights enchant you!                                                                                                                                  

Bordeaux Tour Guide - Francis T.

Hello! I'm Francis, I would like to show this beautiful city who adopted me. I would like to show you around, so you get to know its history, culture, wine, FOOD, its architecture and others! Join me in this experience, and I will show the best possible!                                                                                                                                  

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Be Original Tours

Paris Tourist Numbers: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

  • 2024-03-07 2024-03-07

Paris, the enchanting capital of France, is one of the most visited cities in the world. With its iconic landmarks, rich history, and vibrant culture, it attracts millions of tourists each year. If you’re planning a trip to Paris and want to understand more about the city’s tourist numbers, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Paris tourist numbers as a beginner.

Understanding Paris Tourism Statistics

Before diving into the specifics of Paris tourist numbers, it’s important to understand how these statistics are gathered. The primary source of data is the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau, which collects information from various sources, including hotels, attractions, and transportation services. Additionally, surveys and visitor feedback also contribute to the overall understanding of tourist numbers.

Annual Tourist Arrivals

Paris has consistently seen a steady increase in tourist arrivals over the years. In 2019, the city welcomed a record-breaking 38 million visitors, making it the most visited city in the world. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the numbers have fluctuated in recent years. It’s essential to stay updated with the latest information before planning your trip.

Seasonal Variations

Like many other tourist destinations, Paris experiences seasonal variations in visitor numbers. The summer months of June to August are the peak tourist season, with warm weather and longer days attracting a significant influx of visitors. Spring (April to May) and autumn (September to October) also see high numbers of tourists but with more moderate temperatures. Winter months, particularly January and February, are considered the low season, with fewer crowds and better deals on accommodation.

Top Attractions and Tourist Hotspots

Paris is renowned for its iconic landmarks and world-class attractions. Let’s take a closer look at some of the must-visit places that attract the majority of tourists.

Eiffel Tower

No trip to Paris is complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. As one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, it draws millions of visitors annually. Prepare for long queues, especially during peak season, and consider booking your tickets in advance to save time.

Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum is a treasure trove of art and history, housing masterpieces like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Being the largest art museum globally, it’s a magnet for art enthusiasts and history buffs. To avoid the crowds, plan your visit on weekdays or consider purchasing a skip-the-line ticket.

Notre-Dame Cathedral

Notre-Dame Cathedral, located on the Île de la Cité, is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. While the cathedral was tragically damaged by a fire in 2019, it remains a significant symbol of Paris. Visitors can still admire the stunning exterior and explore the surrounding area.

Practical Tips for a Smooth Trip

Now that you have an understanding of Paris tourist numbers and the top attractions, let’s explore some practical tips to enhance your trip:

  • Plan your visit during off-peak seasons to enjoy shorter queues and better deals on accommodations.
  • Consider buying a Paris Museum Pass, providing skip-the-line access and entry to multiple attractions.
  • Learn a few basic French phrases to enhance your interactions with locals.
  • Use public transportation, such as the efficient Metro system, to navigate the city easily.
  • Try local cuisine and explore charming neighborhoods like Montmartre and Le Marais for an authentic Parisian experience.

In Conclusion

Understanding Paris tourist numbers is crucial for planning a memorable trip to the city of lights. While the COVID-19 pandemic has affected tourism worldwide, Paris continues to be a popular destination for travelers. Keep an eye on the latest updates, explore the top attractions, and follow practical tips to make the most of your visit. Bon voyage!

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Tourist numbers record in 2018 in Paris

Record de fréquentation touristique en 2018 à Paris

Paris hits a new tourist numbers record in 2018 . Never seen before in the French capital: in 2018 only, about 40 million tourists visited Paris   and the Ile de France region . Despite a lower number in December because of the yellow jackets’ demonstrations, Paris and its surroundings never welcomed as many tourists as for 2018. Record results said to be increasing over the year with the events yet to come in Paris .

For hoteliers, 2018 remains an exceptional year in many ways. All in all, 24 million check-ins have been recorded in Paris hotels and the surroundings. An “absolute record” according to the Observatoire de l’office de tourisme de Paris [Paris tourist office observatory] manager Thomas Deschamps . All this without taking into account Airbnb visitors and tourists staying at youth hostels or those staying at private individuals’. Estimations count up to 40 million people all over the Grand Paris in 2018.

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Yet, tourism professionals remain cautious and worry about a less prolific February than these past few years. A growing Parisian tourism mostly due to the rise of the foreign clientele – especially American. Indeed, American visitors are 16% as many as last year, with a top level of trust (and spending). Next area of touristic improvement in the French capital: developing and promoting new areas to unclog the Eiffel Tower …

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France Tourism Statistics

Page last updated: 25 June 2024

For over 30 years, France has consistently held the title of the world’s most visited destination, and it’s no wonder why. Known for its romantic cities, iconic landmarks, world-renowned cuisine, art, culture and fashion, France has long captured the imaginations of travellers from across the globe.

How many tourists visit France each year?

  • In 2019, France welcomed 90.91 million international visitors.
  • Visitors number declined to 41.68 million in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, France saw a slight recovery in 2021 with 48.40 million international visitors.
  • This trend continued to rise resulting in 93.20 million international visitors in 2022, indicating a 124% increase compared to 2020 and 3% higher than 2019 (pre-pandemic).
  • Over 100 million tourists travelled to France in 2023. 1
  • International arrivals in France for the first half of 2024 are expected to be at 93% of the same period in 2019. 2

How many tourists are expected to visit France in 2024? 

  • International visits to France are expected to reach a new record of over 100 million in 2024, largely influenced by the 2024 Paris Olympics . Previously recorded highs include 100 million visits in 2023 and 90.91 million in 2019.


  • Read more: France Tourism Statistics: 2024 Forecasts

How much do people spend in France each year?

  • From $63.5 billion in 2019, international tourism expenditure dropped to $32.6 billion (a 51% decrease) in 2020 due to border closures and travel restrictions.
  • France saw signs of recovery in 2021 with $40.8 billion and in 2022 with $59.7 billion in tourist revenue.
  • In 2023, France generated $68.6 billion in tourist revenue. 3 This marked a 110% increase in tourist expenditure compared to 2020 and an 8% increase compared to 2019.


Where do visitors to France come from?

The United Kingdom has traditionally been the leading source of tourists to France. In 2018, the number of tourists from the United Kingdom amounted to 13 million , followed closely by Germany with 12.3 million and Belgium with 11.6 million . 4

How many people visited France in 2022?

  • In 2022, over 93.2 million tourists visited France, indicating a strong rebound from pandemic years and a 3% increase compared to the 2019 peak.

How much did people spend in France in 2022?

  • France generated $59.7 billion in international tourism revenue in 2022, indicating an 83% increase compared to 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic, but still 6% less than the 2019 peak.

How long do visitors stay in France?

  • International visitors spent an average of 6.4 nights in France in 2018. For domestic visitors within France, the average stay was slightly longer at 8.2 nights .

How popular is France as a tourist destination?

  • With over 85 million visitors every year, France has been consistently ranked as the top global tourist destination for over 30 years.

France Travel Resources

  • Car rental prices in France
  • Car rental prices in Paris – comparison

Economic Impact – France Tourism Statistics

  • Tourism is a major contributor to France’s economy. Combining tourism-related spending from both domestic and international visitors, the tourism sector accounted for 7.5% of GDP in 2019.
  • In 2019, almost 91 million international tourists visited France, accounting for 21% of France’s service exports. 5

Coronavirus Impact – France Tourism Statistics 2020-2021

France saw a big drop in international arrivals in 2020 and 2021 due to global travel restrictions. 

  • International arrivals in France dropped to 41.68 million in 2020, a decrease of 54% from the previous year, before slightly recovering to 48.4 million visitors in 2021.
  • Tourism’s contribution to GDP fell by 34% to EUR 114.5 billion , or 5.3% of the economy in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

France Inbound Travel Statistics for 2019 – International & Domestic Tourism

  • In 2019, France welcomed over 90.91 million international visitors with tourists spending over $63.5 billion in that year alone.
  • The top sources of international visitors have remained largely consistent, with the UK , Germany , Belgium , Italy , Spain , the US and Switzerland making up over half of all foreign tourists annually. 
  • In addition, France recorded 186.3 million domestic tourism trips and 306.6 million overnight domestic stays in 2019. 6


Is France still the most visited country?

France remains the world’s leading tourist destination, with over 100 million people from other countries visiting it in 2023, and reports say it will stay number one until at least 2025 .

Why do people visit France?

Most tourists come to France for a holiday , with the number growing from 94.2 million in 2019 to 98.7 million in 2022 . These tourists enjoy France’s rich history, great food, and famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.

  • A large number of tourists travel to France to visit friends and relatives , with the number reaching 87.1 million in 2022. 
  • France hosts millions of visitors for business reasons, with 23 million visitors travelling for business in 2022. Major cities like Paris and Lyon hold important global business events that draw professionals from all over the world.
  • People also visit France for other personal reasons like attending special events, education, or healthcare, with around 20.2 million visits in 2022. 


What are the top attractions to visit in France?

In 2017, the top five most visited destinations in France were Disneyland Paris (14.86 million visitors), the Louvre Museum (8.02 million visitors), Versailles Palace (7.71 million visitors), the Eiffel Tower (6.20 million visitors), and the Pompidou Centre (3.38 million visitors).


  • Disneyland Paris : Considered to be Europe’s leading tourist destination, it is also the driving force behind the urban and economic development of the Val-d’Europe conurbation.
  • Louvre Museum : The Louvre is the largest museum in the world, and the glass pyramid marking its entrance has become a global symbol of priceless art.
  • Versailles Palace : The Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI. Embellished by several generations of architects, sculptors, decorators, and landscape architects, it provided Europe with a model of the ideal royal residence for over a century.
  • The Eiffel Tower : Located in the 7th arrondissement, this immense iron monument, a true architectural and technical feat, is now the symbol of Paris and France.
  • Pompidou Centre : Primarily a museum and centre for the visual arts of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Pompidou Centre houses many separate services and activities.

France Outbound Tourism Statistics for 2019

Before the unprecedented events of 2020, 2019 marked a significant year for outbound tourism.

  • Over 30.4 million French residents travelled internationally in 2019, contributing  $50.51 billion to the global tourism industry. 
  • French residents primarily visited other European countries like Spain ( 6.2 million visits), Italy (3.8 million visits), Belgium (2 million visits), Portugal ( 1.9 million visits ), and Germany ( 1.5 million visits ).

The purposes varied widely, encompassing leisure vacations, business trips, visits to friends and relatives, and participation in cultural or educational programs.


France Travel Statistics Resources

  • Disneyland Paris Statistics
  • Eiffel Tower Statistics
  • Louvre Museum Statistics
  • Paris Statistics 2024 – Olympic Games Impact
  • Paris Olympic Games 2024 Facts and Statistics
  • France Statistics 2024 – Olympic Games Impact

Europe Travel Statistics Resources

  • Germany Statistics
  • Greece Statistics
  • Iceland Statistics
  • Italy Statistics
  • Norway Statistics
  • Portugal Statistics
  • Singapore Statistics
  • Spain Statistics
  • Sweden Statistics
  • United Kingdom Statistics
  • UNWTO : France Inbound Tourism Arrivals ↩︎
  • WTTC : Latest Analysis from WTTC and ForwardKeys – France 2023 ↩︎
  • UNWTO : France Inbound Tourism Receipts ↩︎
  • EGFR : Tourist in France – 2018 ↩︎
  • OECD : Tourism Trends and Policies – France ↩︎
  • UNWTO : France Domestic Tourism Trips & Overnights ↩︎
  • Français ( French )
  • Deutsch ( German )
  • 日本語 ( Japanese )
  • Español ( Spanish )

Saturday, July 20, 2024 8:19 am (Paris)

Paris expects 33 million tourists in 2022

French and foreign visitor numbers should approach 2019 levels. But inflation, Covid-19 and the quality of the welcome in the city may take their toll.

By  Clément Guillou

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They're back and they mustn't be disappointed. This was the message sent on Tuesday, June 14, by representatives of Parisian tourism, satisfied with the return in force of foreigners but anxious that the "visitor experience" should not damage the city's image.

Despite the prolonged absence of Chinese tourists, the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau (OTCP) estimates that 33 million visitors (French and foreign) will visit Paris in 2022, compared to 38 million in 2019 (the last reference year before the Covid-19 pandemic) and only 19 million in 2021.

The rebound since April is expected to continue this summer, according to airline reservation figures as of May 10. International arrivals are expected to be down 22% for the summer as a whole, but the continuing trend of last-minute bookings suggests better figures. Europeans are back to 2019 levels, while Americans are gradually returning (North America -16%; Latin America -19%).

The hotel industry is back

"This recovery is driven by the high-end segment and is accompanied by an increase in the length of stay," said OTCP Director Corinne Menegaux. This should contribute to an increase in average spending for the full year.

The Paris hotel industry, crippled by the Covid-19 crisis, is breathing again and posting double-digit price increases. Not all business tourists have returned, but with an average occupancy rate of 75% in May, the hotel industry is back in its role as France's powerhouse. Since the week of April 11, revenue per room, the industry benchmark, has been higher than in 2019, according to MKG Consulting (leading market research firm for the hotel industry).

The Ascension and Whitsun weekends, with the Champions League final and the French Open tennis finals, have pushed prices up to "excessive" levels, according to Frédéric Hocquard, Paris deputy tourism director, who wants to raise this issue with the business organizations.

Can inflation slow this recovery in tourism in the long term, while Paris is already suffering from its image as an expensive city? The global economic situation and the persistence of the Covid-19 pandemic are raising doubts about the figures for the fall when convention tourism will have to take over from leisure.

Concern at Paris airports

The other reason for concern is how tourists are received, since the "visitor experience" is considered by professionals as central to the appeal of a city. Two police operations have been carried out in recent weeks in front of the Eiffel Tower, to disrupt the activities of keyring sellers, three-card Monte operators and other con artists. Vendors of fake tickets for the Louvre were also arrested on Wednesday, June 8, and increased vigilance has been announced on the issue of unregistered guides.

You have 20.13% of this article left to read. The rest is for subscribers only.

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France Tourism Statistics and Analysis 

paris tourist numbers by year

It’s no secret that France is a popular tourist destination for travelers around the world. We’ve taken a look into the latest reports and studies to combine the top France tourism statistics for 2024.

Key statistics about tourism in France:

  • Since 2010, France has received an average of 77.8 million international visitors each year,  with 79.4 million in 2022.
  • 2019 saw the highest number of international tourists in France, with 90.9 million people visiting the country.
  • France is the most visited country in the world according to the U.N. with the USA coming in second.
  • The most popular destination type for visitors to France was a city , with 29.3% of tourists choosing a city location for their trip.
  • Disneyland Paris is the most visited attraction in France with 14.8 million yearly visitors.
  • France’s travel and tourism market size is expected to reach $20.03 billion in 2024 , this is less than its European neighbors Spain ( $26.21 billion ) and Germany ($67.57 billion) .
  • Hotels make up the largest proportion of France’s travel and tourism market , with a projected market volume of $10.69 billion in 2024 .
  • In 2020, 134.6 million domestic tourists visited destinations in France, with 92.4% visiting for a leisure trip .
  • Tourism accounts for 8% of France’s total GDP .

How many tourists visit France each year?

According to statistics from the U.N., France is the most visited country in the world with a peak of 90.9 visitors in 2019. This is followed by the USA with 79.3 million visitors in the same year. Between 2010 and 2022, France received an average of 77.8 million international overnight tourists per year.

Unsurprisingly, 2020 saw the lowest visitor numbers at 41.7 million due to travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, tourism in France recovered with 79.4 million overnight visitors, a 64% increase compared to 2021’s 48.4 million overnight visitors.

Change in tourism to France over time

The number of international tourists visiting France maintained a steady increase between 2010 (77.6 million visitors) and 2019 (90.9 million visitors), with a slight drop in 2016 (82.7 million visitors).

Visitor numbers dropped by 54.1% in 2020 due to the pandemic. Since this drop in tourism in 2020, international visitor numbers to France recovered by 16.1% in 2021, when 48.4 million tourists visited the country. You can see in the graph what trend forecasting shows international arrivals would’ve looked like for France without the impact of the pandemic, with approximately 93.5 million in 2022. 

paris tourist numbers by year

France tourism market size

In 2024, France’s travel and tourism market is expected to reach $20.03 billion. Revenue in this sector is predicted to have a CAGR of 0.86% between 2024 and 2028, with revenue reaching $20.73 billion in 2028.

Hotels take the largest segment of this market with a predicted volume of $10.69 billion in 2024, with hotels in France expecting to see 26.08 million users by 2028. Tourism is worth 8% of France’s GDP. [ 2 ]

Within France’s travel and tourism market, online sales are predicted to generate  77% of total revenue by 2028. [ 2 ]

France has spent 1.96 billion Euros on rejuvenating tourism in the country after COVID-19 which plans to create 2 million jobs in the industry. [ 3 ]

Most visited tourist attractions in France

France is home to a wide variety of cultural and recreational sites which attract millions of visitors each year. The most visited place by far in France is Disneyland Paris with 14.8 million visitors per year. This is followed by the Louvre Museum with 8 million visitors and Versailles Palace with 7.7 million visitors. The Eiffel Tower receives 6.2 million visitors per year.

paris tourist numbers by year

The most popular destinations for tourists in France

Using online search volumes for people searching from France, we have put together a list of the most popular tourist destinations for people living in France. The figures below are based on the average number of online searches per month for each attraction or destination.

Topping the list as the most popular attraction is Disneyland Paris, with an average monthly search volume of 450,000. The second most popular spot is Avignon with 144,000 monthly searches. Avignon is a city in France’s Provence region, once the seat of Catholic popes.

Other popular tourist attractions based on search volume include the tidal island Mont Saint Michel, the medieval citadel Carcassonne, and the port city of Le Havre in Normandy.

Trips by destination type

For those who visit France, there is a choice of destination types to choose from depending on the kind of trip you’d like to have. Of those who visited France in 2021, the most popular destination type was a city, with 28.3% choosing a city location. The next most popular was the seaside (21.1%), followed by the countryside (19.4%). 

paris tourist numbers by year

How long do people visit France for?

The number of nights an international visitor stays in France varies depending on a number of factors including where visitors are traveling from. The analysis below looks at international arrivals from the EU, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. 

People who travel from the EU are unsurprisingly the most likely to stay for only one night – also from the near London – with 17.2% of EU visitors staying in France for a night, however, the highest proportion of EU visitors (24.2%) stay for 4-6 days. Travelers from Africa are most likely to stay for longer periods with 57.1% staying in France for 7 days or more.

Domestic tourism statistics in France

Domestic tourism in France has followed a similar pattern to international tourism. Since 2012, domestic tourism expenditure has increased, peaking at €115.5 billion (EUR) in 2019, with a loss in 2020 to €58 billion. Since the pandemic, estimated figures show that domestic tourism expenditure in France recovered to €91.79 billion in 2021, with a slight drop to €89.2 billion in 2022.

paris tourist numbers by year

Of the 134.6 million domestic trips taken to destinations in France in 2020, 92.4% took leisure trips compared to 7.6% who took business trips. [ 8 ]

Tourist accommodation in France

The number of tourist accommodation options in France has remained fairly consistent since 2010. In 2021, there were 2.64 accommodation establishments, 101.2 rooms available, and 202.5 beds per 10,000 people in France.

Paris tourism statistics

As the capital city of France,  Paris is also the most visited city in the world, with Paris and the Île-de-France region hosting 44 million tourists in 2022. [ 10 ] It offers a huge choice of attractions, cultural sites including street art and historic monument, and events for visitors to enjoy.

Where do visitors to Paris come from?

The countries that the most visitors to Paris come from are:

  • Belgium (11%)
  • United Kingdom (10%)
  • United States (9%)
  • Netherlands (8%)
  • Germany (8%)

Accommodation tourists use in Paris

The majority of visitors to Paris (53%) stay at hotels when visiting for an overnight trip. 34% stay at non-market accommodations which includes Airbnb and other rentals, while the remaining 13% stay at other market accommodations such as apartments or hostels.

paris tourist numbers by year

Average costs in Paris

On average, one person will spend €101 per day while staying in Paris . [ 11 ] The table below shows the average costs for food, drinks, and transport in Paris. 

Did you know that Paris was ranked as the #1 destination for street food in 2022?

Most popular Parisian attractions by online mentions

There are several popular tourist attractions in Paris which see huge visitor numbers every year. The analysis below shows the popularity of tourist attractions in France based on mentions of each attraction in Twitter and Instagram posts.

The most popular attraction in Paris was the Eiffel Tower with 24.8% of the social media mentions, followed by the Louvre Museum with 11% of the mentions across all tourist attractions in Paris.

[1] UN: Global and regional tourism performance  

[2] Statista: Travel and Tourism France  

[3] French Government: Plan de reconquête et  de transformation du tourisme  

[4] Statista: Most Visited Tourism Attractions in France  

[5] Eurostat: Trips by Destination Type  

[6] Memento de Tourisme: La Frequentation des Hebergements

[7] Statista: Domestic Tourism Expenditure in France  

[8] Statista: Number of Domestic Trips by Type in France  

[9] Macro Trends: France Population 1950- 2024  

[10] Brussels Times: Paris remains most visited city in the world  

[11] Visit Paris Region: Key Features of the Paris Region Destination  

[12] Numbeo: Cost of Living in France  

[13] Paris Digest: Tourism in Paris  

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Giacomo Piva

Giacomo Piva, CMO and Co-founder at Radical Storage Giacomo Piva has worked in the travel industry since 2008 across multiple niches including tourist transportation, luxury travel, and ecotourism. He now focuses on growing the global luggage network, Radical Storage , which is currently available in over 500 cities, in the likes of London, Paris, New York, and Rio de Janeiro. Giacomo has a bachelor's degree in Communication Science and an in-depth experience across travel marketing, especially in improving a brand’s digital presence within the industry.

paris tourist numbers by year


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paris tourist numbers by year

France Tourism Statistics 2024

  • / France Tourism Statistics

Including Tourism in Paris, Inbound & Outbound Tourist Statistics, Spend, Jobs and more!

Tourism in France suffered the 3 rd highest tourism loss worldwide behind Spain and the U.S after the 2020 pandemic. The first 7 months of the pandemic saw a 66% drop in tourist arrivals to France and €103 billion euro drop in the contribution to the French GDP between 2019 – 2020. Paris saw the biggest hit with a €23.1 billion drop in tourism revenue.

France tourist numbers are recovering in 2023 with tourism growing by 12.3% in the first quarter. The biggest increase came from luxury hotels, with occupancy rising by 31.4% compared with lower-cost accommodation rising by just 2.7%. France has many key attractions which make it such an appealing destination for tourists including Disneyland with more than 15 million visitors each year and Notre Dame, attracting 13 million visitors. Read on to find out more about the French travel and tourism industry.

paris tourist numbers by year


France suffered the 3rd highest tourism losses worldwide after the 2020 pandemic, just behind Spain and the U.S.  

The tourism sector was down by 41% causing a shortfall of 61 billion euros [nearly $74.6 billion].  

Contribution to the French GDP dropped by €103 billion euros in 2020 compared with 2019.

More than 700,000 direct jobs were affected by the pandemic.

In the first seven months of 2020, there was a 66% drop in arrivals and tourism revenue fell by 50%.

The biggest tourism revenue drops were noted in Ile de France region, including Paris  €23.1 billion drop.

France is recovering nicely with France tourism growing by 12.3% In Q1 2023.

Tourism revenues in France increased to 5489 million euros in April from 3945 million euros in March of 2023.

15 million people travel to EuroDisney on the outskirts of Paris.

The Louvre Museum attracts 8 million visitors per year.

Versailles Palace  attracts 7.7 million visitors a year.

The Eiffel Tower receives 6.2 million visitors per year.

The most searched attraction in Google is Disneyland Paris with over 1 million searches a month.

France’s travel and tourism market size is expected to reach $19.69 billion in 2023.

French language is the world's second most learned language , being spoken by 274 million speakers.

Quick Links: Navigate Our Statistic Topics

How did covid-19 impact tourism to france, how many tourists visit france each year, what are the most popular tourist destinations for french people, what are the most popular tourist attractions in france, how much money does domestic tourism bring to france, how much money does tourism bring to france, how many jobs does tourism create in france, where do people stay when travelling to france, impact of covid-19 on french tourism.

Inbound tourists amounted to $32.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, nearly 50% less than the previous year.

Revenue to the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region dropped by €7.2 billion.

Revenue to the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur dropped by €6.7 billion.

Revenue to Occitanie dropped by €4.5 billion.

Revenue to Nouvelle Aquitaine €4.1 billion.

Revenue to Corsica €800 million .

More than 700,000 direct jobs were affected by the pandemic. 

Outbound French travellers dropped by around 70% between 2019 and 2020. 

Business travel was the most affected dropping by 80%.

Overnight stays by British tourists rose 102.5% , compared to an increase of 41.7% for Germans , 9.7% for Dutch , and 62.3% for Americans . 

Hotel stays increased by almost 7 million in Q1 2023 to 42.6 million , up from 35.7 million in Q1 2022 .

Upscale luxury hotels saw occupancy rise 31.4% while lower-cost accommodations actually saw bookings dip by 2.7% . 

Tourism revenues in France increased to 5489 EUR million in April from 3945 EUR million in March of 2023.

Of those who visited France in 2021, the most popular destination type was a city, with 28.3%.

21% visited the seaside.

19.4% visited the countryside.

Sources: Statista , AA , McKinnesy , Forbes


There were 207.3 million international arrivals in France in 2017 (both day visitors and overnight).

89.3 million overnight arrivals in France in 2018 – a 3% jump from 2017.

The global number of tourists to France has more than doubled in the past 15 years.

France is now targeting 100 million foreign tourists for 2020.

The biggest increase came from Asian visitors , up 7.4% from the previous year, though Europeans still make up the bulk of foreign tourists to France, representing 79% of the total.

The majority of visitors to France come from London & The UK, with 12.7 million UK tourists arriving in France in 2017.

Paris brings in over 30 million tourists a year.

Between 15-20 million visitors come to France, to pass through to Italy and Spain.

The most popular age of tourists visiting France is 25-44 with 66.89 million in 2017.

The least popular age of tourists is 15-24 years old with 27.07 million in 2017.

68.3 million tourist arrivals came from Europe , 8.7 million arrivals came from the US, 5.9 million from Asia , 1.1 million from Oceania and 2.8 million from Africa.

In the first quarter of 2019, the number of stays in hotels and hostels declined by 2.5% , potentially a result of the yellow vest protests going on around the country.

In 2017, 70 million out of 90 million visitors were from other European countries.

In 2013, France had 1.7 million Chinese visitors , up 23.4% from the previous year and almost 10 times more than the UK during the same period.

France is popular with international students , attracting 325,000 international students a year (+12% growth over 5 years) and keeps its place of being the fourth major host country.

France inbound tourism statistics suggest that tourists entering France is on the increase. The global number of visitors has more than doubled in the past 15 years, resulting in France now aiming for 100 million foreign tourists in 2020. There is no doubt that visitors from other European countries make up a large proportion of the tourists in France with 70 million out of the 90 million visitors being from European countries. The United Kingdom is ranked as the leading international market with 12.7 million UK tourists arriving in France in 2017. The biggest increase in the number of tourists came from the Asian market, with a 7.4% rise from the previous year in 2018.

2019 got off to a rocky start due to yellow vest protests, however, the French government said there had only been increases in tourists’ revenues in January & February 2019.

Sources:  Statista , The Telegraph , Entreprises, France24 , WTTC , The Local, ParisDigest ,   CampusFrance


The most popular destination for French people in 2015 was New York City at 28.4% followed by Sydney at 27.3%.

53.32 million overnight trips were taken abroad from France in 2018, up from 28.51 million in 2017.

France is the 5th largest outbound market for expenditure.

In 2016, outbound tourism expenditure was 40,427 million US dollars, up annually by 5.06%.

Approximately 175 million domestic trips were taken for leisure purposes in France in 2015, this increased to 255.5 million in 2016.

There were 18.8 million trips to Europe from France in 2015.

The leading destination in Europe for outbound day trips was Belgium in 2017.

The average length of trips taken is 10.2 days , higher than Britain at 7.9 days.

French tourism statistics for outbound tourism show a significant increase in outbound overnight trips from France in 2018, up 25 million from the previous year. The most popular destinations for French people in 2015 were New York City and Sydney, both with over a quarter of France’s population making it their city of choice. The fact that all generations prefer to travel internationally does not seem to be reflected in their travel choices with 175 million domestic trips taking place in 2015, compared to the 18.8 million trips to Europe in 2015. This may be due to domestic travel being cheaper and more convenient, and France’s wide range of appeals, from the countryside to coasts and cuisine, calling for different locations to be explored for French locals. Longer international trips have declined slightly; French travellers are taking fewer trips but investing more on each trip they take.

Sources :  Statista , The Telegraph , Entreprises, Mintel , Knoema


Disneyland has around 15 million visitors a year.

France has 39 sites on Unesco's World Heritage list.

Louvre attracts 9.7 million visitors a year, more than any other museum in the world.

France had 10 million wine tourists in 2016 with a total spend of 5.2 billion euros.

Wine tourism has seen a 30% growth from 2009.

The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris and has had 5.9 million visitors in 2017.

The Notre-Dame de Paris attracts around 13.6 million tourists a year.

30 million people come to experience the ‘City of Lights’ every year.

There is no doubt that the top tourist attractions in France are big drivers for bringing tourists in to the country. Paris is renowned for its amazing architecture, museums and romantic atmosphere which may be what pulls in 30 million visitors a year. For families, Disneyland is a huge appeal with lots of entertainment and facilities to keep younger children busy. Wine tourism is on the rise with a 30% growth in visitors between 2009 and 2016. French wine gives many people incentive to visit the region, and in 2016, there was a total spend of 5.2 billion euros into the French wine tourism industry in 2016. 

Sources :  The Local, VisitFrenchWine, ParisDigest


Domestic tourism expenditure in France is expected to be 131.4 billion euros in 2028.

The domestic tourism expenditure in France in 2018 was nearly 115 billion euros.

In 2015, French tourists spent 7.2 billion euros on package holidays within France.

Out of the 60% French people who go away on holiday, 87% stay in their own country.

There is no surprise that there are high levels of domestic tourism in France, with the wide range of attractions and places to visit, the different coastal towns, countryside, and cities to explore, France itself can feel like many different countries in one. The French tend to spend their summer holidays in the Mediterranean or on the Atlantic.

Package holidays are also popular with domestic tourists spending 7.2 billion a year on this type of trip in 2015. With the great weather, numerous holiday parks in beautiful locations in the south of France, plus lots of facilities for children, it’s a popular market for families over the summer.

Sources :  Statista , The Telegraph , Entreprises, Statista


In 2016, travel and tourism contributed a total of 198.3 billion euros to GDP in France.  

International tourist expenditure in 2017 was 44.3 billion euros.

Tourist spending reached a record with a 5% increase from the previous year to 56.2 billion euros in 2019.

The total contribution of travel and tourism represents 9.7% of GDP in 2013.

Business travel spending makes up 19.5% of overall tourism and travel income in 2018.

In 2028, the annual contribution of travel and tourism to GDP is expected to reach 248.1 billion euros.

International visitors in Paris spending dropped from 19.5 billion USD in 2013 to 14.06 USD in 2018.

As France is so popular with tourists, it contributes to the French economy significantly, representing 9.7% of the GDP in 2013 and around 198.3 billion euros in 2016. This figure is predicted to increase with the annual contribution of travel and tourism expected to reach 248.1 billion euros in 2028. Wine tourism alone brought in 5.2 billion euros in 2016 and has seen growth in previous years so it is expected to keep growing and contribute more to France’s economy.  

Sources :  Statista , The Telegraph , Entreprises, France24 , WTTC


Tourism employment created 2.8 billion jobs , both directly and indirectly in 2016.

1.2 billion jobs were made directly from tourism in 2017.

1.1 billion jobs made indirectly from tourism in 2017.

507,000 jobs were made as a result of tourism in 2017.

In 2016, Disneyland Paris employed nearly 15,200 people.

With such high tourist numbers, jobs in the French travel industry are in abundance, with Disneyland alone employing almost 15,200 people in 2016. When you think of the number of attractions in France combined, there is a huge need for employees in every type of position you can think of that work to cater for the demands and requirements of tourists. This creates a great source of employment for students and seasonal workers looking to earn income.

Sources :  Statista


How many people travel to france on business each year.

Business tourism picked up markedly, with Paris hosting 212 international conferences last year, pushing it to the top of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) rankings. It was a sharp jump from the 190 conventions held in 2017.

40.12 billion USD was spent on business travel in France in 2017.

The average length of a business trip in France decreased from 3.4 nights in 2011 to 3.1 nights in 2016.

Like the rest of tourism in France, business travel is on the rise with over 200 international conferences being held last year, inviting visitors from across the globe to experience French culture. Reasons for France being such an attractive location may be suitable business hours, easy accessibility via plane, Eurostar or car, due to its location in the heart of the European Union, as well as a desirable working environment. In addition, France is one of the most highly-developed countries in the world and is highly regarded as a country of culture, which may appeal to international business workers as a chance to experience the highlights of French heritage and way of life. Paris is also home to numerous headquarters, where employees from around the world may need to visit on business.

Sources :  Statista , France24


Statistics office Insee predicted another big year for tourism. In April 2019 it had calculated 438.2 million nights were spent in hotels, campsites and youth hostels in 2018, an increase of 9 million from the previous year.

Airbnb has 65,000 listed apartments in Paris alone.

Second homes represent 70% of the tourist accommodation capacity of France.

The average number of nights spent in French hotels has remained at 1.8 from 2014-2017.

The average number of nights spent in campsites has increased from 3.7 in 2016 to 3.8 in 2017.

In 2014, the number of hotels in France was 17,336 and by 2017 had risen to 18,391.

The hotel statistics in France reflect the high number of visitors the region attracts. In 2018, there were over 438 million nights spent in French hotels, campsites and youth hostels, an increase of 9 million from the previous year. The rise in the average number of nights spent in campsites and the high number of Airbnb listings suggest that there is an increased number of visitors looking for a different accommodation experience. Although there also been an increase in the number of hotels, these accommodation alternatives act as a new option for the rising number of visitors.

Sources :  Statista , France24 , AtoutFrance

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Paris travel statistics

  Discovering Paris – travel statistics

Paris is the capital of France, also known as the City of Lights and the City of Love. Paris is the second most-visited European city, being France the most-visited country.

In today’s post, we wanted to explore tourism in this beautiful city. Are you ready to find out some tourist statistics about Paris? Keep on reading!

Who visits Paris?

These are the top countries that visit Paris, ranked by their overnights in the greater area:

  • US : a total of 6.2 million tourists from the States visited Paris.
  • UK : comes second in this list with a total of 2.7 million visits.
  • Germany: is the third country with the most visits, a total of 2.1M.
  • China: a total of 1.8M of Chines tourists visit Paris.
  • Spain: 1.8M Spanish tourists travel to Paris.
  • Italy: 1.5M Italian tourists visit the city.
  • Japan: France’s capital has a total of 1.1 Japanese visitors.

paris tourist numbers by year

What’s Paris’s most visited attraction?

Now you know who visits Paris the most. But what about what they see when in the City of Lights?

Here are the most visited Parisian tourist attractions by millions of visits in 2018:

  • Nôtre-Dame Cathedral : this beautiful cathedral had 12M tourist visitors
  • Disneyland Paris: the themed park that adults and kids enjoy had 11M visits
  • Sacré-Coeur Basilica : Sacré-Coeur had 11M visits, placing it the number three in the list
  • Versailles Palace: Versailles palace had 8.1M visitors
  • Louvre Museum : the famous museum had 10M visits in 2018
  • Eiffel Tower : was visited by 6.2M tourists
  • Pompidou Center: had, in 2018, 3.5M visits
  • Orsay Museum: 3.3M visitors enjoyed the museum in 2018

paris tourist numbers by year

Words association with Paris

When you think about Paris, what comes to your mind? Maybe love, berets, the Eiffel Tower, croissants…

In November 2018, the Office de Tourisme Paris (OTCP) conducted a survey on the image of the city. OTCP surveyed what key points are associated with the image of Paris by asking over 3800 respondents. These are the results:

  • Eiffel Tower: 30%
  • Louvre: 8,2%
  • Romance: 7%
  • Culture: 5,6%
  • Museums: 5,4%
  • Seine river: 4,2%

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Parisian hotel owners are scrambling ahead of a money-losing Olympics season: ‘We are not seeing a last-minute boom’

A girl walks past a baracade with the Eiffel Tower and a sign for the Paris Olympics in the background.

When the Olympic Games kick off on July 26, expect to see mostly French spectators in the stands. 

According to data from Paris je t’aime, the city’s tourism board, the capital is expecting 11.3 million visitors during the Olympics weeks—of which only 1.5 million will be international. 

While that’s enough to keep stadiums busy, hotels, airlines and travel agencies are feeling a pinch where they had hoped to see a boom.

Alan Bachand, owner of sports travel firm  14sb , has built his business in the past on pre-buying blocks of hotel inventory for major events—the Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup, the Olympics—and packaging it up with tickets at competitive prices for superfans. But this year, he tells Bloomberg that sales have fallen 80% short of his expectations based on previous Olympic games. 

“This is the first time in 25 years that we will accept less money than we paid for hotel rooms that we contracted 30 months ago,” he says.

Normally, he says, his sales begin a year before the event. “But the prices were crazy high—we had to spend $1,000 per night on hotels that would normally cost $400—and if we pay a lot of money, we have to mark ‘em up and sell ‘em for a lot of money,” he explains. “Once everyone realized the phones weren’t ringing, around 100 days out, people started to cut prices in half—and we’ve had to do the same.” 

At this point, Bachand hopes to break even, rather than lose money on the event. But he isn’t sure it will be possible.

Airlines are in similar predicaments. On July 11, Delta Air Lines Inc. estimated it would take $100 million in losses as travelers opted to skip France during the Olympics, leaving too many unsold seats. In a similar situation is AirFrance, which expanded its flight capacity from US cities to Paris by 15% during the games. Its parent company Air France-KLM has so far reported revenue loss of at least 180 million euros ($195.5 million) in July and August, which it attributes to the Olympics. With many of its added seats still unsold, it too is slashing prices—particularly for people booking with points, where the discounts are more opaque.

“Cities with non-stop flights to Paris like New York, Chicago, Atlanta and L.A. still have jaw-dropping reward flight availability for late July and into August during the Paris Olympics,” said Gilbert Ott, a spokesman for , a reward travel search engine. “In recent days, I’ve found flights on Air France from New York for 20,000 points one-way, Atlanta for 15,000 one-way, or even further afield like Los Angeles for 30,000 one-way.” That’s as little as around $200 worth, using the typical exchange rate of a penny per point.

The trend applies industrywide. Whereas international flights to Rio de Janeiro grew by 115% year-over-year during its Olympics period in 2016, Paris has only seen a growth of 8%, according to data from travel analytics company ForwardKeys.

Bachand says travelers aren’t afraid to spend these days, but they saw the writing on the wall that prices were set too high. “People want to go but they’re also willing to hold out,” he says, adding that many travelers wanted to wait and see how geopolitical events and the French election played out to better assess safety concerns before making a decision.

But with so little time remaining before the opening ceremony on July 26, hotels are getting especially antsy. The scramble to boost occupancy by decreasing nightly rates and eliminating minimum stay requirements is being felt across almost all sectors of the city’s hotel industry, including both  apartment rentals  and  luxury hotels . 

And it also comes amid a year of  record  tourism in Europe, where international visitors—driven by Americans—are poised to contribute €800 billion to the region’s economy. 

“To stay competitive with other Parisian hotels, we are forced to lower our prices because many properties initially set very high prices and have been continuously lowering them for months,” says   Orso Hotels’ Director of Operations Gilles Le Bras. 

The boutique group’s four-star rated  Wallace , which offers rooms for around €410 ($446) per night, has been among its best performing, likely due to its proximity to a variety of Olympics sporting venues, he said. On Priceline, its rooms have been discounted further, recently selling for $340 during the first week of the games. 

Another four-star hotel, Hôtel Dame des Arts, located in the Latin Quarter, is offering a 15% discount code for any stays between July 26 to August 11—and telling potential guests that they can redeem the promotion anytime before August 8 in hopes of converting the most last-minute trip planners. 

All told, Paris hotel occupancy levels during the event are hovering around 80%, according to CoStar data released on June 26. That’s markedly below hotel occupancy during London 2012 and Rio 2016, which shook out at an average of 88.6% and 94.1%, CoStar data shows. 

Not everyone is cutting prices—and the winners on the hotel front are those who never charge exorbitant rates to begin with. Take Generator, which offers a mix of hostel and traditional hotel rooms: Its CEO Alastair Thomann says the gross rate for its cheapest category, a bed in a large dorm room, is currently around €76 per night, double the €38 that it charged this time last year. For private rooms, the gross rate is €205, a 72% mark-up on 2023.  

With months of planning generally required to secure tickets to the most coveted events, such as track-and-field and swimming, a sudden influx of spontaneous tourists is unlikely to pile into the City of Lights to fill vacant rooms. And the families and friends of athletes who secured coveted berths on national teams—some as recently as the past month—have, by now, made travel plans. 

“We are not seeing a last-minute boom,” Orso’s Le Bras says. 

Bachand has already chalked up the event as a “miss,” with business pivoting to next year’s Super Bowl. But he hasn’t fully closed the door on Paris yet. “We’ll break even if we can sell just 100 more hotel rooms, and the last-minute deals are really good.”

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  • International tourism spending in Paris 2019-2022

International tourism expenditure in Paris, France from 2019 to 2021, with a forecast for 2022 (in billion euros)

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Other statistics on the topic Tourism in Paris

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  • Number of visitors to the Louvre in Paris 2007-2023

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  • Number of visitors to Disneyland Paris theme park in France 2009-2022
  • Leading European city tourism destinations 2019-2022, by number of bed nights
  • Number of visitors to the Eiffel Tower in Paris 2011-2023
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Statistics on " Tourism in Paris "

  • International tourist arrivals in France 2010-2023
  • International tourism spending in France 2019-2034
  • Travel and tourism's direct contribution to GDP in Paris 2019-2022
  • Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment in Paris 2019-2022
  • Distribution of travel and tourism spending in Paris 2019-2021, by type
  • Passenger traffic at Paris-Charles De Gaulle Airport 2011-2023
  • Number of inbound tourist arrivals in selected European destinations 2019-2023
  • Number of tourist arrivals to Paris and the Île-de-France region 2019-2023, by type
  • Inbound tourist arrivals in hotels in Paris 2011-2023
  • Leading inbound tourism markets in Paris and the Île-de-France region 2022
  • Domestic tourist arrivals in hotels in Paris 2011-2023
  • Leading domestic tourism markets in Paris and the Île-de-France region 2022
  • Domestic tourism spending in Paris 2019-2022
  • Hotels in France 2024, by region
  • Number of hotels in Paris 2019-2023, by rating
  • Number of hotel rooms in Paris 2019-2023, by rating
  • Hotel overnight stays in Paris 2011-2023
  • Hotel occupancy rate in Paris 2023, by hotel category
  • Average daily rate of hotels in Paris 2023, by hotel category
  • Revenue per available room of hotels in Paris 2023, by hotel category
  • Number of Airbnb listings in Paris 2024, by room type
  • Most visited museums and cultural attractions in Paris 2019-2022
  • Attendance at museums and monuments in Paris 2023
  • Number of visitors to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris 2007-2023
  • Number of visitors to the Centre Pompidou in Paris 2000-2023

Other statistics that may interest you Tourism in Paris

  • Premium Statistic International tourist arrivals in France 2010-2023
  • Basic Statistic International tourism spending in France 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's direct contribution to GDP in Paris 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment in Paris 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Distribution of travel and tourism spending in Paris 2019-2021, by type
  • Premium Statistic Passenger traffic at Paris-Charles De Gaulle Airport 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound tourist arrivals in selected European destinations 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic Leading European city tourism destinations 2019-2022, by number of bed nights

Inbound and domestic tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of tourist arrivals to Paris and the Île-de-France region 2019-2023, by type
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist arrivals in hotels in Paris 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading inbound tourism markets in Paris and the Île-de-France region 2022
  • Basic Statistic International tourism spending in Paris 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic tourist arrivals in hotels in Paris 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading domestic tourism markets in Paris and the Île-de-France region 2022
  • Basic Statistic Domestic tourism spending in Paris 2019-2022


  • Premium Statistic Hotels in France 2024, by region
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in Paris 2019-2023, by rating
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel rooms in Paris 2019-2023, by rating
  • Premium Statistic Hotel overnight stays in Paris 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Hotel occupancy rate in Paris 2023, by hotel category
  • Premium Statistic Average daily rate of hotels in Paris 2023, by hotel category
  • Premium Statistic Revenue per available room of hotels in Paris 2023, by hotel category
  • Premium Statistic Number of Airbnb listings in Paris 2024, by room type

Visitor attractions

  • Premium Statistic Most visited museums and cultural attractions in Paris 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Attendance at museums and monuments in Paris 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the Louvre in Paris 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the Eiffel Tower in Paris 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the Centre Pompidou in Paris 2000-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to Disneyland Paris theme park in France 2009-2022

Further related statistics

  • Premium Statistic International visitor spending in Singapore 2010-2018
  • Basic Statistic Leading North American cities in international visitor spending in 2016
  • Premium Statistic International visitor spending in San Francisco 2010-2016
  • Basic Statistic Leading cities in international visitor spending in the Middle East & Africa in 2016
  • Premium Statistic International visitor spending in Chicago 2010-2016
  • Premium Statistic International visitor spending Bangkok Thailand 2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading feeder cities in international overnight visitors to Bangkok in 2016
  • Premium Statistic International overnight visitors to Miami 2010-2016
  • Premium Statistic Leading feeder countries in international overnight visitors to Miami in 2017
  • Premium Statistic International overnight visitors to Toronto 2010-2016
  • Premium Statistic Average expenditure of French tourists per visit in Indonesia 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Average expenditure of German tourists per visit in Indonesia 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Average expenditure of Malaysian tourists per visit in Indonesia 2012-2021
  • Premium Statistic Average expenditure of Singaporean tourists per visit in Indonesia 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Average expenditure of Thai tourists per visit in Indonesia 2011-2021
  • Premium Statistic Planned travel destinations of German cyclists 2017
  • Premium Statistic Chinese tourist spending per capita in Russia 2018-2019
  • Premium Statistic Main countries visited by residents of Cyprus 2019, by number of trips
  • Basic Statistic Leading coastal wellness destinations in the United Kingdom as of 2015

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Going to extremes: How Olympians vying for the gold in Paris contend with climate change

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Five circular depictions of sport and climate against a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.

Competition may not be the only thing heating up at the 2024 Olympics. Following scorching temperatures in Paris last summer, extreme weather patterns fueled by climate change may create more dangerous conditions for this year’s athletes.

Meteorologists can’t completely predict what Mother Nature has in store for Olympians. But last summer, Paris experienced above-average temperatures for nine straight days, and temperatures reached 95 degrees Fahrenheit in September. These extreme weather events have put new pressures on athletes at all levels, forcing them to pay more attention to how the heat affects their health and performance.

Stacker used data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other meteorological organizations to explore the temperatures of past Olympic Games and what climate change means for the quadrennial event in years to come.

Rising temperatures have wreaked havoc on sporting events in recent years. Event organizers and sports federations have had to create new policies—or even cancel events, like the 2023 Twin Cities Marathon—to keep athletes safe. Heat and humidity can cause permanent physical harm and even death, particularly when physical exertion occurs during prolonged, sustained exposure to the elements.

France is no stranger to making heat-related accommodations for sporting events: The nation hosted the 2019 Women’s World Cup during a heat wave. In the quarterfinal match between the U.S. and France, players competed in 90-degree weather. FIFA, the international soccer governing body, implemented mandatory cooling breaks when temperatures reached 90 so players wouldn’t overheat. In 2022, FIFA instituted mandatory breaks at the 89-degree mark or higher, allowing players to hydrate and cool off in potentially dangerous heat.

Extreme heat did not spare France’s prestigious Tour de France. In 2022, France experienced three brutal heat waves that were directly responsible for over 2,800 deaths , making it the country’s deadliest summer since 2003. One of these heat waves occurred during the Tour de France. According to the Washington Post, the finish day was forecast to be 93 degrees Fahrenheit, 20 degrees beyond the July average high . High temperatures throughout the race forced organizers to spray down roads to prevent buckling and allow more hydration. Still, heatstroke sent one rider to the hospital.

A year later, temperatures spiked again: The 2023 race also had cyclists riding through heat waves that hit many areas of France.

Extreme temperatures have wrought havoc on sporting events around the globe. In Qatar, the nation’s bid to become a destination on the world sports stage took a disastrous turn due to the heat. Qatar is located in one of the fastest-warming areas on Earth. The nation’s annual mean surface air temperatures rose nearly 4 degrees Fahrenheit between 1922 and 2022, compared to an increase of about 2 degrees Fahrenheit worldwide since the early 1900s. Track and field events at the 2019 World Athletics Championships in Qatar’s capital took place in an air-conditioned stadium, but marathoners and race walkers competed on city streets in the desert heat.

Organizers shifted the women’s marathon start time to 11:59 p.m. in hopes of runners hitting their stride in cooler weather. However, the temperature was still a brutal 90 degrees Fahrenheit, contributing to 28 of the 68 runners dropping out , some of whom were carried away in stretchers. Thirty runners sought medical attention as a precaution. Unsurprisingly, researchers found the heat contributed to poorer performances , sharing their findings in a 2022 journal article.

After the race, a different sort of challenge took place. Some athletes expressed frustration with World Athletics, which allowed them to compete in high temperatures and brutal humidity. Belarus’ Volha Mazuronak, the fifth-place finisher, expressed her frustration to The Guardian: “ The humidity kills you ,” she said. “There is nothing to breathe. I thought I wouldn’t finish. It’s disrespect towards the athletes.”

As athletes contend with extreme temperatures, the heat is on for sports organizations

Climate change has affected sports for decades. “The Olympics and some of the bigger sport organizations started paying attention in the early ’90s, and this was largely linked to sustainability entering the public lexicon,” Madeline Orr, assistant professor of sport ecology at the University of Toronto, told Stacker. Sporting organizations began to shift their approaches to climate change.

While sporting organizations are making changes from the sidelines, athletes are experiencing the heat’s effect on their performance in real time. A 2023 World Athletics survey found that 3 in 4 track and field athletes felt that heat had a negative effect on their health and performance. Acknowledging athletes’ feedback, the International Olympic Committee developed a consensus statement to guide organizations on managing heat better.

The Winter and Summer Olympics, the pinnacle of sport, each occur once every four years. The Games have expanded over time to include more sports, athletes, venues, and spectators, driving up their carbon footprints. “That took off in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s with globalization and cheap passenger travel, and it became a tourism spectacle and a commercial spectacle,” Orr said.

Sports organizations and athletes face formidable challenges. While they can oversee some aspects of athletics in a changing climate, the mindset and ambition of individual elite athletes are beyond their control. An Olympic gold medal is the most coveted prize among athletes. It’s no exaggeration to say that Olympians give their all—and that makes it tough for athletes to admit when the heat has gotten the best of them.

“Being an athlete is about the art of pushing your limits just enough to get the most out of your body,” Sam Mattis, a 2020 Olympic discus thrower, told interviewers in a report published by the British Association for Sustainable Sport and Frontrunners . “When a variable like heat or wildfire smoke enters the equation, it throws off that balance and it can be hard to know where your limit is.”

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A history of sizzling Summer Games

Chart showing daily maximum temperatures throughout past olympics. Atlanta in 1996 reported the highest temperature. Both Seoul and Sydney held events in the fall to avoid heat.

Due to the Summer Olympics taking place during the hottest months for most host cities, organizers regularly have to factor heat into their planning. The exceptions are cities in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Sydney (2000 Olympics host) and Rio de Janeiro (2016 host), which welcome cooler temperatures during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer months.

During the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, heat and humidity took a toll on athletes, spectators, personnel, and animals. Temperatures reached the upper 80s even for evening events, like the women’s marathon . The winning time was nearly 8 seconds slower than the first women’s Olympic marathon in 1984. Horses also struggled in Barcelona’s climate, leading researchers to examine the effects of heat and humidity on horses.

A number of changes followed, and by the time Atlanta hosted in 1996 , organizers moved start times to the morning, implemented mandatory breaks, and used rapid-cooling techniques on horses to prevent heat-related illnesses in the animals.

Summers in Tokyo are notoriously hot and humid, which made the Tokyo 2020 Olympics more difficult for athletes. “When you increase the moisture in the atmosphere, it takes more energy for your body to sweat,” Craig Ramseyer, assistant professor in the geography department at Virginia Tech, told Stacker. “It’s not as efficient, and you store that heat internally for longer.” Prolonged exposure to extreme heat and humidity can cause dehydration, fatigue, cramps, heat exhaustion, and even heatstroke, which can damage a body’s organs and even cause death.

During the Tokyo Games, 110 athletes suffered heat-related illnesses. The tennis matches were particularly brutal: Spain’s Paula Badosa retired from her quarterfinal match due to the heat, leaving the stadium in a wheelchair and covered in a cooling towel. Russian player Daniil Medvedev took medical timeouts in an early round match to cool down.

Organizers in Tokyo scrambled to make adjustments to create safer conditions for athletes, even relocating marathons and race walks more than 500 miles north to Sapporo in the hopes of cooler temperatures. Unfortunately, a heat wave in Sapporo meant race day temperatures weren’t much better than in Tokyo.

Even with the extreme conditions, Olympians pushed themselves to their limits. In testimony for the BASIS and Frontrunners report, New Zealand medalist Marcus Daniell said of the Tokyo games, “At the time I felt like the heat was bordering on true risk—the type of risk that could potentially be fatal. One of the best tennis players in the world [Medvedev] said he thought someone might die in Tokyo, and I don’t feel like that was much of an exaggeration, especially when you’re playing for your country and the desperation to perform is running through your veins.”

While lessons from Tokyo may inform the heat management approach in Paris, a different city brings new challenges.

In Paris, zinc-roofed buildings and limited public green space (just 10% of the city ) create what researchers call an urban heat island. “There’s been an increase in moisture in the atmosphere and in Paris,” Ramseyer told Stacker. “And in places in Europe that get a lot of moisture out of the Mediterranean, for example, are not only warmer than they used to be, but much more humid than they used to be, and so that’s really concerning when you think about the Olympics being in Paris.”

paris tourist numbers by year

Will Paris 2024 be the hottest Olympics on record?

Chart showing daily maximum temperatures in Paris on the days it will host the Olympics over the past decade. Maximums often climb into the 80s, but heatwaves have struck and in 2020 max temperatures surpassed over 100 Fahrenheit during two days.

According to NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, 2023 proved to be the hottest year on record, and 2024 is on track to do the same. Europe is the fastest-warming continent on the planet; each of the 12 months since June 2023 was the hottest on record , according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.

The effects of extreme heat have been dire: Places like New Delhi and Greece have reported heat-related deaths in the summer months this year, and more than 1,000 people died in June during the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage for Muslims to Mecca, when temperatures peaked around 125 degrees.

In an effort to lower its carbon footprint, the 2024 Games sets a sustainability gold standard

While the model of the Games hasn’t really changed, University of Toronto professor Madeline Orr noted that some resource-intensive hosting elements have included using existing venues instead of building new ones and thinking more about energy usage, waste, and procurement.

The International Olympic Committee recognizes the role of the Games in climate change and is working to build a more sustainable future for the Olympics. The committee has aligned with the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change, and also put a cap on the number of participating athletes in an effort to curb the carbon footprint of the Games. Paris 2024 plans to welcome about 10,500 athletes from 184 countries —over 900 fewer athletes than Tokyo 2020. However, it’s still far more than the last time Paris hosted the Olympics in 1924 when just over 3,000 athletes competed.

Orr explained that coaches, support staff, and hundreds of thousands of fans contribute to a much larger carbon footprint. “That’s the big problem because that fan travel is fundamentally the biggest challenge in the current model, and nothing about how hosting is happening is addressing that.”

Paris is using existing or temporary infrastructure for 95% of the venues needed for the 32-sport program, taking advantage of already-constructed venues nationwide. The city built two new sports venues and the athletes’ village; organizers used sustainable construction methods and installed recycled materials, such as seating made from recycled plastic. Policies were also developed to cut carbon emissions by using more plant-based ingredients and sourcing food within a 250-kilometer radius (about 155 miles).

“For a really long time, the idea was you build the city to meet the needs of the Games,” Orr said. “And now we’re thinking about building the Games to suit what’s already in the city.”

Spectators can bring reusable water bottles into venues, which will not sell single-use plastic bottles. In a more controversial move, the Olympic Village for athletes was set to use a geothermal cooling system and fans instead of air conditioning. After an outcry from many athletes, the U.S. and at least eight other countries plan to secure AC for its athletes , and organizers ordered 2,500 air conditioners for the village.

If Paris 2024’s sustainability measures prove successful, it could set a precedent for future host cities. Still, the challenges a warming climate poses to athletes are only growing.

What does the future hold for Olympians?

The 2028 Summer Olympics will be in Los Angeles, another urban heat island. In July, a heat wave in the region pushed temperatures past 100 degrees. Organizers for those games have already implemented a venue plan that calls for no new permanent venue construction, continuing hopes that the Olympics can shrink its carbon footprint in alignment with the IOC’s agenda .

Aggressively sustainable venue plans, water refill stations, and other carbon-curbing measures are all practical solutions. However, these stopgap measures won’t ultimately protect future Olympians from the mounting effects of climate change. As temperatures continue to climb, the grueling training modifications, long-term impact on the body, and potential health risks of heat exposure will make elite athletics even more demanding—and riskier. For now, winning or losing may hinge, in part, on learning to compete in and recover from extreme heat.

With the Paris Games underway, attention will soon turn to Los Angeles. Four years from now, let’s hope a race or a match is all that athletes stand to lose.

Story editing by Alizah Salario. Additional editing by Nicole Caldwell and Paxtyn Merten. Copy editing by Kristen Wegrzyn.

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