How to turn on and edit the Favorites bar in Safari

does safari have bookmarks bar

A few weeks ago, I received a panicked call from my sister. "My Favorites are gone! I don't know where they went and I don't know how to get them back." The favorites in question weren't Instagram likes or Twitter stars — no, her new work Mac had come with its Bookmarks favorites bar disabled.

It's not uncommon to see this in new OS X Yosemite Macs; Safari's default view sports as few buttons and switches as possible, so as to immerse yourself in the Web browsing experience. But it's an easy fix to reenable the Favorites bar and even edit it.

How to turn on and edit the Bookmarks bar in Safari

Turning the Bookmarks or Favorites bar on is a relatively simple process.

  • Open Safari .
  • Select the View menu
  • Find Show Favorites Bar

(If you like keyboard shortcuts, you can also use Command-Shift-B to show or hide the bar.)

does safari have bookmarks bar

How to add new sites to your Favorites bar in Safari

Once your Favorites bar is visible, there several ways to add new sites and folders to it.

The easiest way to add a website is to drag its icon from the status bar to the Favorites bar; you'll see a green plus button to let you know it's safe to drop it onto the bar.

You can also add or edit favorites by doing the following:

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  • Click on the Sidebar icon in the upper left corner of Safari.
  • Select the bookmarks icon .
  • Open the Favorites section by clicking on the arrow.
  • Click Edit .

does safari have bookmarks bar

Inside the Bookmarks editing screen, you can add folders to group bookmarks together, or simply drag bookmarks from their current location into the Favorites toolbar.

How to quickly edit your Favorites bar in Safari

If you'd prefer not to launch the full Favorites editor, you can tweak your favorites in a few different ways.

Rename them or their website: Want a different name for your new bookmark or need to update the address? Control-click (or right click) on a bookmark in the Favorites bar and select Rename Bookmark or Edit Address .

does safari have bookmarks bar

Delete: Don't want a bookmark on your Favorites bar anymore? Just drag it off the toolbar and it'll disappear in a cloud of pixel smoke.

Copy for later: Need to share an address with someone? Control-click on a bookmark and select Copy to save it to your clipboard.

Serenity was formerly the Managing Editor at iMore, and now works for Apple. She's been talking, writing about, and tinkering with Apple products since she was old enough to double-click. In her spare time, she sketches, sings, and in her secret superhero life, plays roller derby. Follow her on Twitter @settern.

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does safari have bookmarks bar

How-To Geek

How to show or hide the favorites bar on safari for ipad.

Safari on iPad lets you select a handful of important bookmarks that always appear onscreen in a Favorites bar. If you'd like to enable (or disable it), we'll show you how.

If you'd like to keep some of your favorite Safari bookmarks a quick tap away on your iPad, Safari lets you enable an on-screen Favorites bar. Once it's enabled, you'll find it under your address bar. Here's how to turn the Favorites bar on (or off, if you want to hide it).

First, launch Settings. Locate the grey "gear" icon on your iPad and tap it.

In Settings, scroll through the list and tap "Safari."

In Safari settings, find the "General" section. In that section, you'll see a switch labeled "Show Favorites Bar." Flip the switch beside it to turn it on.

(If it's already enabled and you want to hide the Favorites bar, flip the switch "off.")

After that, launch Safari. If you've enabled the Favorites bar, you'll see it located just below the address bar at the top of the screen.

To use it, just tap any one of the names on your Favorites bar, and the website will load in the tab or window you're currently using.

You can change which links appear in the Favorites bar by editing your bookmarks and rearranging your "Favorites" list. Whatever is at the top of that list will appear in the Favorites bar---depending on the space available and the length of the link names. Happy browsing!

Related: How to Hide Favorites on Safari's New Tab Page on iPhone and iPad

How to Manage Bookmarks and Favorites in Safari on Mac: A Complete Guide

Bookmarks and Favorites in Safari help you keep track of your favorite sites and visit them instantly. Here's how to master them.

Bookmarks and Favorites in Safari are easy ways to keep track of interesting sites you want to visit again later and your favorite sites you visit often. Bookmarks and Favorites have similar, but slightly different, purposes.

Use bookmarks to save links for sites you want to visit again later. Use Favorites to store links to a select few sites you visit often or every time you open Safari.

We'll explain how to manage your bookmarks and Favorites in Safari so you can make the best use of them and keep them organized.

Managing Bookmarks in Safari

Browser bookmarks can quickly get out of hand, especially if you bookmark a lot of sites. So it's a good idea to start organizing your bookmarks into folders early on to keep them under control. But it's never too late to get organized. It just might take a while if you have a large, unorganized collection of bookmarks.

How to Create Bookmark and Favorites Folders

Before adding a bookmark for a site, create a folder to put the bookmark in. First, click Show sidebar , or press Cmd + Control + 1 .

Make sure the Bookmarks button is selected (blue) at the top of the sidebar. Either right-click or Control -click anywhere in the sidebar and select New Folder .

Your Favorites are at the top of this sidebar and you can also use this method for creating Favorites folders.

Enter a name for the folder and press Enter .

To create a new folder in the Bookmarks editor, click New Folder in the upper-right corner of the page.

If you want to add multiple existing bookmarks to a new folder, select the bookmarks and hold down Option as you click New Folder . The selected bookmarks are added to the new folder that you can rename as mentioned above.

How to Add Bookmarks

To add a new bookmark and customize the name, description, and location, click the Share button in the upper-right corner of Safari. Select Add Bookmark .

This enters a default name for the bookmark based on the website title. But you can change the name if you want.

You can also add an optional description for the bookmark, which helps you remember why you bookmarked a page in the first place.

The first time you add a bookmark in Safari, the default folder is Favorites . We'll talk about adding Favorites later. For now, we're going to add the bookmark to the new folder we created above.

Select the folder from the Add this page to dropdown list and click Add . The folder you select becomes the default folder next time you add a bookmark.

To quickly add a bookmark, move your mouse over the address bar. Click and hold the plus icon on the left side of the box.

Select a bookmarks folder from the dropdown list. Safari adds a bookmark with the default name of the page to the selected folder. We'll show you how to edit a bookmark later.

You can also add the page to your Favorites by selecting Favorites or a Favorites folder.

How to Move and Copy Bookmarks and Folders

If you already have a bunch of bookmarks , you can organize them into folders or rearrange them.

Drag the bookmark to a folder or another location on the sidebar. To copy a bookmark instead of moving it, hold down the Option key while you drag it.

This method also works for rearranging Favorites.

How to Rename Bookmarks and Folders

To rename a bookmark or folder, right-click or Control -click on an item in the sidebar and select Rename . You can also force-click to rename. To do this, click and hold on the item until its text highlights.

If you're in the Bookmarks editor, select the bookmark or folder you want to rename, and press Enter .

Enter a new name or change the current one, and press Enter to accept your changes.

This also works for renaming Favorites.

How to Edit the URL for a Bookmark

Safari contains a Bookmarks editor that allows you to edit and delete your bookmarks and Favorites. Go to Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks .

Use the same method we described for renaming bookmarks to change the Address for a bookmark or Favorite. The editor also allows you to edit Website names, but you can't add bookmarks or Favorites in the editor.

How to Edit the Description for a Bookmark

You might want to add descriptions to your bookmarks, so you know why you saved the link to that page. If you forgot to do that for some of your existing bookmarks, you can edit their descriptions.

You can only edit the description for a bookmark on the sidebar, and only if the bookmark is in a folder. This is another good reason for putting bookmarks into folders.

To edit the description for a bookmark, double-click the folder containing the bookmark on the sidebar to expand it. Then, Control -click the bookmark you want to edit and select Edit Description .

The description is highlighted, allowing you to enter new text.

How to Delete Bookmarks

If your bookmarks are cluttered, you may want to delete old ones you don't use anymore.

On the sidebar, either right-click or Control -click the bookmark you want to delete and select Delete .

To delete multiple bookmarks, Cmd -click the bookmarks and press the Delete key.

You can also click and hold on the bookmark's name until it's highlighted. Then click the X to the right of the name.

Both methods also work for deleting Favorites.

How to Search Through Your Bookmarks

If you have a lot of bookmarks, you might find it hard to locate a certain one, even if you've organized them into folders. Thankfully, Safari allows you to search through your bookmarks.

Enter the text you want to search for in the search box at the top of the sidebar or in the upper-right corner of the Bookmarks editor. On the sidebar, you might have to scroll up to see the search box.

Results of the search display as you type. Click on the bookmark to open the page in the current tab.

To clear the search and go back to the full list of bookmarks, click the X button on the right side of the search box.

How to Import Bookmarks From Chrome or Firefox

Have you switched to Safari from Chrome or Firefox ? You can easily import your bookmarks from either browser into Safari.

Go to File > Import From > Google Chrome or File > Import From > Firefox . Check the Bookmarks box on the dialog box and click Import .

You can do this at any time, even if you've imported bookmarks already.

Safari is smart enough to know which bookmarks you've already imported from Chrome or Firefox. So if you import bookmarks again, you'll only get new ones you added to the other browsers. Or if you've deleted some bookmarks you imported, you'll get those back the next time you import.

The bookmarks and folders from Chrome or Firefox are imported at the root level on the sidebar. Use the methods we covered above to rename and rearrange bookmarks and folders, edit descriptions, or delete any imported bookmarks you don't want.

How to Import Bookmarks From an HTML File

You might want to import your bookmarks into a separate folder automatically, so you can keep them separate from the bookmarks you already had in Safari.

You can accomplish this by importing bookmarks from an HTML file, which you can export from Firefox or Chrome. See our guide to exporting Chrome bookmarks for info on this.

Go to File > Import From > Bookmarks HTML File . Then select the HTML file you want to import and click Import .

The imported bookmarks are put into a folder titled Imported with the current date.

Managing Favorites in Safari

The Favorites bar sits just below the address bar at the top of the Safari window. It provides quick access to sites you visit often.

You can only specify one web page as your homepage. But what if you want to open multiple pages every time you open Safari? You can add your favorite pages to your Favorites and have quick access to them when you open Safari.

How to Show the Favorites Bar

Safari stores favorites on the sidebar and in the Bookmarks editor, as we showed you earlier. You can also access them on the Favorites bar.

If you don't see the Favorites bar under the address bar, click Toggle the favorites bar on the toolbar, go to View > Show Favorites Bar , or press Cmd + Shift + B .

Only a certain number of sites will fit on the Favorites bar, so it's best to limit the number of pages you add to your Favorites.

How to View the Favorites Page on the Current Tab

If you want to view and access your Favorites as thumbnails, you can open the Favorites page on the current tab. Go to Bookmarks > Show Favorites .

If you don't see Show Favorites as the first option on the Bookmarks menu, you must make a change in Safari's settings . Go to Safari > Preferences . On the General screen, select Favorites from the New windows open with popup menu.

Your Favorites are available as thumbnails on the current tab.

How to View the Favorites Page on a New Tab

If you want access to Favorites page when you open a new tab, go to Safari > Preferences .

On the General screen, select Favorites from the New tabs open with popup menu. New tabs will now display the Favorites page, which includes Frequently Visited sites at the bottom. We'll show you how to hide the Frequently Visited sites section later.

How to View Favorites From the Smart Search Box

Use the Smart Search box, or address bar, as a quick way to access your Favorites page without leaving the current web page.

Click in the address bar to open the Favorites in a popup window. Then click the icon for the page you want to visit. The Favorites popup window goes away and the selected page opens on the current tab.

How to Change the Bookmarks Folder on the Favorites Page

By default, the Favorites page shows all your Favorites and the folders under Favorites. But you can change this to show only the Favorites in a Favorites folder or a folder of bookmarks.

Go to Safari > Preferences . On the General screen, select the folder you want to view from the Favorites shows popup menu.

The selected folder displays when you open the Favorites page on a new tab or from the Smart Search box.

How to Show/Hide Frequently Visited Sites in Favorites

If you don't want to see Frequently Visited sites at the bottom of the Favorites page, you can hide them.

Go to Bookmarks > Show Frequently Visited in Favorites . When the option does not have a check mark in front of it, you won't see the Frequently Visited sites on the Favorites page.

How to Open Your Favorites in Tabs When You Open Safari

If you visit the same pages every time you open Safari, you can add these pages to your Favorites and have them open in separate tabs when you open a new window.

To do this, set up your Favorites using the methods described earlier. Then go to Safari > Preferences .

On the General screen, select Tabs for Favorites in the New windows open with dropdown list.

Keep Track of Your Favorite Pages in Safari

Safari already offers great tools in the bookmarks and Favorites features. And they'll help you keep your favorite and important pages organized.

But if you want other options for managing your bookmarks, you can look through some great Safari extensions for bookmark management .

No Problem Mac

How To… Use The Bookmarks Bar In Safari

Aug 12, 2013 | Apple Tips & Tricks | 1 comment

Old fashioned non browser bookmarks

The Bookmarks Bar is for commonly used links that you want quick access to:

  • News – MSNBC, CNN, NYT, etc,.
  • Social Media Sites – Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, etc,.
  • Financial Sites – Bank account, stock prices, currency exchange, etc,.
  • Hobby Pages – Technology, Crafts, Fashion,  etc,.
  • Online To Do List – Toodle Do, Remember The Milk, etc,.
  • Navigation Sites – Google Maps, Mapquest, etc,.

In Safari, it’s the thin strip under the white Address and Search field.

Safari Bookmarks Bar

If it doesn’t show in Safari:

  • Go to the View Menu.
  • Choose Show Bookmarks Bar.

The Bookmarks Bar should now be visible.

Adding Bookmarks To The Toolbar

As the Bookmarks Bar is relatively small, it can only show a limited number of bookmarks.

Choose Carefully – Only use the Bookmarks Bar for websites you visit often. All other bookmarks should be put in in the standard Bookmarks Menu. We’ll cover this in a later post.

Shorten Site Names – On the Bookmarks Bar, room is at a premium. Shorten the names of links wherever possible.

To Add A Bookmark

  • Open Safari.
  • Find a page you would like to add to the Bookmarks Mar.
  • In the Bookmarks menu choose Add Bookmark… or press Command D.
  • From the drop-down menu Add this Page To , scroll to select Bookmarks Bar.
  • Overwrite the page name with a shorter title, e.g; if the page is named  Times Skimmer by The New York Times , abbreviate it to NYT.

Safari Bookmarks Bar Save Dialog

The bookmark is added to the front of the Bookmarks Bar.

If you’d like to change it’s position, click and drag the link to a different place on the Bookmarks Bar.

Adding Folders To The Toolbar

You can place several links inside a folder on the Bookmarks Bar,

When you click on that folder it will show a drop-down menu of these links and you can choose the link you want.

  • Go to Bookmarks in the Menu Bar. Choose Add Bookmarks Folder.

Safari Bookmarks Bar - Add Bookmarks Folder

  • Safari instantly changes to the Bookmarks page.
  • On the left-hand side, under Bookmarks, is a new Untitled Folder .

Safari Bookmarks Bar - New Untitled Folder

  • Type in a name for the folder.

Safari Bookmarks Bar - New Named Folder

  • Under Collections, click Bookmarks Bar. The Bookmarks Bar library opens in a window on the right.

Safari Bookmarks Bar - Add A Folder To The Bookmarks Bar

  • Now click and drag your folder into Bookmarks Bar library.

Safari Bookmarks Bar - Drag And Drop New Folder

  • If you make a mistake, don’t panic . Press Command Z to undo the last command.
  • You can now place existing bookmarks in this folder. Click and drag the bookmarks over the folder until it darkens and then drop them in.

To add a new bookmark to this folder, follow the instructions in To Add A Bookmark above.

With links in a folder on the Bookmarks Bar, you can open these links individually or choose the last option in the drop-down menu and open all links simultaneously in separate tabs.

Safari Bookmarks Bar - Open All Tabs Option

All browsers have a Bookmarks Bar. Although, they may work differently the same organizational principles apply.

Have an excellent week.

If you’d like to learn more about Safari check out:

Setting Your Home Page on Safari, Firefox Or Chrome

How To Take An Image From The Web

How To Alphabetize Bookmarks In Safari

Surf in Secret – Private Browsing in Safari

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How To Show Bookmarks Bar In Safari

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Safari, Apple's widely used web browser, offers a seamless and intuitive browsing experience for its users. One of the key features that enhances user productivity and accessibility is the Bookmarks Bar. This handy toolbar allows users to quickly access their favorite websites, bookmarks, and folders with just a single click, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple menus and tabs.

The Bookmarks Bar, when enabled, appears just below the address bar, providing a convenient space to store and organize frequently visited websites. Whether it's a collection of news websites, productivity tools, or entertainment portals, the Bookmarks Bar serves as a personalized gateway to the web, tailored to the user's browsing habits and preferences.

In this article, we will delve into the process of enabling and customizing the Bookmarks Bar in Safari, empowering users to optimize their browsing experience and streamline access to their most visited online destinations. Whether you're a seasoned Safari user or a newcomer to the browser, mastering the art of utilizing the Bookmarks Bar can significantly enhance your browsing efficiency and overall satisfaction with the Safari web browser . So, let's embark on this journey to unlock the full potential of Safari's Bookmarks Bar and revolutionize the way you navigate the digital realm.

Accessing Safari Preferences

Accessing Safari Preferences is the first step towards customizing the browsing experience and enabling the Bookmarks Bar. To access the preferences, follow these simple steps:

Launch Safari : Open the Safari web browser on your Mac device. You can find the Safari icon in the Dock or by searching for it using Spotlight.

Navigate to the Menu Bar : At the top of the screen, you will see the Menu Bar. Click on "Safari" in the Menu Bar to reveal a drop-down menu.

Select "Preferences" : From the drop-down menu, select "Preferences." Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Command + ," to directly access the Preferences window.

Explore the Preferences Window : A new window will appear, showcasing various settings and options for customizing your Safari browsing experience.

Navigate to the "Tabs" Section : Within the Preferences window, you will find a series of tabs at the top. Click on the "Tabs" tab to access the settings related to tabs and the Bookmarks Bar.

By following these steps, you will successfully access the Safari Preferences, setting the stage for enabling and customizing the Bookmarks Bar to suit your browsing needs and preferences. This simple yet crucial step opens the door to a plethora of customization options, allowing you to tailor Safari to your unique browsing habits and optimize your online navigation experience.

Enabling Bookmarks Bar

Enabling the Bookmarks Bar in Safari is a straightforward process that empowers users to conveniently access their favorite websites and bookmarks with a single click. Once the Safari Preferences window is open, users can seamlessly enable the Bookmarks Bar by following these simple steps:

Navigate to the "Show Favorites Bar" Option : Within the "Tabs" section of the Safari Preferences window, users will find the "Show favorites bar" option. This checkbox, when selected, activates the Bookmarks Bar, making it visible just below the address bar in the Safari browser window .

Check the Box : To enable the Bookmarks Bar, simply click on the checkbox next to the "Show favorites bar" option. Once selected, the Bookmarks Bar will instantly appear beneath the address bar, ready to be populated with your favorite websites and bookmarks.

Witness the Instant Transformation : Upon enabling the Bookmarks Bar, users will notice the immediate convenience it brings to their browsing experience. The once-hidden gateway to their most visited websites and bookmarks is now easily accessible, streamlining their online navigation and enhancing productivity.

Enabling the Bookmarks Bar in Safari marks the beginning of a personalized browsing journey, where users can effortlessly access their preferred online destinations and streamline their web browsing activities. With the Bookmarks Bar now prominently displayed, users can proceed to customize it to their liking, further enhancing its functionality and relevance to their browsing habits.

By following these simple steps, users can unlock the full potential of the Bookmarks Bar in Safari, transforming their browsing experience and optimizing their access to frequently visited websites and bookmarks. This foundational customization sets the stage for a more efficient and personalized browsing experience, tailored to the individual preferences and habits of each user.

Customizing Bookmarks Bar

Once the Bookmarks Bar is enabled in Safari, users have the opportunity to customize it to suit their specific browsing needs and preferences. Customizing the Bookmarks Bar not only enhances its visual appeal but also optimizes its functionality, allowing users to efficiently organize and access their favorite websites and bookmarks. Here's how users can personalize and tailor the Bookmarks Bar to create a seamless browsing experience:

Adding Bookmarks and Folders

Users can populate the Bookmarks Bar with their favorite websites and bookmarks by simply dragging and dropping them onto the bar. This intuitive process allows for quick and effortless organization of frequently visited websites, ensuring easy access with just a single click. Additionally, users can create folders within the Bookmarks Bar to categorize and group related websites, further streamlining their browsing experience.

Rearranging and Removing Items

The flexibility of the Bookmarks Bar enables users to rearrange the position of bookmarks and folders based on their priority and frequency of use. By simply dragging the items within the bar, users can customize the order in which their favorite websites are displayed, optimizing accessibility and efficiency. Furthermore, users can remove unwanted bookmarks or folders from the bar with ease, ensuring that it remains clutter-free and tailored to their current browsing preferences.

Utilizing Favicons

Favicons, the small icons associated with websites, can enhance the visual appeal of the Bookmarks Bar while also providing quick visual recognition of favorite websites. When adding bookmarks to the Bookmarks Bar, Safari automatically includes the favicon associated with the website, adding a touch of visual flair to the bar and aiding in easy identification of bookmarks.

Creating Shortcuts

For websites that are frequently visited or essential for daily tasks, users can create shortcuts on the Bookmarks Bar. These shortcuts provide direct access to specific web pages, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple tabs or menus. By leveraging shortcuts, users can streamline their workflow and access critical web resources with unparalleled ease.

Syncing Across Devices

With iCloud integration, the Bookmarks Bar and its customizations can be synced across all Apple devices, ensuring a consistent browsing experience across Mac, iPhone, and iPad. This seamless synchronization allows users to access their personalized Bookmarks Bar from any Apple device, maintaining continuity and convenience in their browsing habits.

By customizing the Bookmarks Bar in Safari, users can transform it into a personalized gateway to the web, tailored to their unique browsing habits and preferences. This level of customization not only enhances the visual appeal of the browser but also significantly improves browsing efficiency, allowing users to navigate the digital realm with unparalleled ease and convenience.

In conclusion, the Bookmarks Bar in Safari serves as a powerful tool for streamlining web browsing activities and enhancing productivity. By enabling and customizing the Bookmarks Bar, users can create a personalized gateway to their most visited websites and bookmarks, revolutionizing the way they navigate the digital realm.

The process of accessing Safari Preferences and enabling the Bookmarks Bar sets the stage for a tailored browsing experience, allowing users to effortlessly access their favorite online destinations with a single click. The seamless integration of the Bookmarks Bar just below the address bar provides unparalleled convenience, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple menus and tabs to reach frequently visited websites.

Furthermore, the ability to customize the Bookmarks Bar empowers users to organize their favorite websites and bookmarks in a manner that aligns with their browsing habits and preferences. Whether it's creating folders to categorize related websites, rearranging items for optimal accessibility, or leveraging favicons for visual recognition, the customization options offered by the Bookmarks Bar cater to a diverse range of user needs.

The Bookmarks Bar not only enhances efficiency but also adds a touch of personalization to the browsing experience. By syncing customizations across Apple devices through iCloud integration, users can seamlessly transition between their Mac, iPhone, and iPad, maintaining a consistent browsing environment tailored to their preferences.

In essence, the Bookmarks Bar in Safari transcends its role as a mere collection of website shortcuts; it becomes a reflection of the user's browsing habits, preferences, and workflow. It transforms the browsing experience into a personalized journey, where every click on the Bookmarks Bar leads to a familiar and essential online destination.

By mastering the art of utilizing the Bookmarks Bar in Safari, users can unlock the full potential of their browsing experience, optimizing efficiency, and accessibility while adding a touch of personalization to their digital interactions. Whether it's for work, leisure, or research, the Bookmarks Bar stands as a testament to Safari's commitment to empowering users with a seamless and intuitive browsing experience.

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How to Create, View, Edit, and Restore Bookmarks in Safari on Mac

does safari have bookmarks bar

Bookmarks are shortcuts to your favorite web pages so that you can navigate to them in seconds. This article explains how you can create, view, edit, and restore your Bookmarks in Safari on your Mac.

Using Bookmarks is a great way to save and organize websites so you can easily visit them later. If Safari is enabled in iCloud Preferences on your Mac, Safari will use iCloud to synchronize your bookmarks across multiple devices. You can use to restore your bookmarks from an earlier version that was automatically archived in iCloud. In other words, this will let you recover your bookmarks you accidentally deleted.

See also: How to Import Chrome or Firefox Passwords to iCloud Keychain on Mac

How to Create a Bookmark

There are several ways to add a bookmark:

Use the Share button

  • Launch Safari and open the desired website that you want to bookmark.
  • Click the Share button in the toolbar.
  • Click Add Bookmark. And a dialog box will appear saying “add this page to”.
  • Choose a folder (you can create folders see the “how to manage bookmarks” section below). The default folder is Favorites. You can change its name and add a description.
  • When you are done, click the blue Add button.


See also: Safari Top Sites Not Working On Mac, Fix

Use the Smart Search field

  • With the wanted website open in Safari, move your mouse over the Smart Search field (this is the address field where you enter URLs), do not click yet.
  • A circle (+) icon will appear at the left side of the field. Then click and hold this button.
  • And choose Bookmarks.

Smart Search Field to add bookmarks

Safari menu bar

If you use this met dog, you can add multiple bookmarks at once. Here is how:

  • In Safari, open a website you want to bookmark. If you want to bookmark multiple sites, use tabs, and open more than one site.
  • From the Safari menu bar, click Bookmarks.
  • From the drop-down menu, select Add Bookmark or Add Bookmarks for These X Tabs. Then again you may add description etc and click Add.

Menu bar Safari Bookmarks

See also: How To Change Default Search Engine in Safari (iOS and macOS)

This is arguably the easiest way. You can simply use the keyboard shortcut to add a bookmark. Here is how:

  • Open the desired website in Safari.
  • On your keyboard, press the Command-D keys together.
  • This will open the Bookmark dialog. Select a folder and then click Add.

Keyboard shortcut to add a bookmark

Now you may choose a method and then you may repeat this step for all your favorite sites.

See also: How To Manage Downloads In Safari On iPhone And iPad

How to view bookmarks

So you have added your desired websites to your bookmarks. Here is how you can find and view your bookmarks:

  • In Safari, click the Sidebar button in the toolbar. And then click the Bookmarks tab. Or alternatively, click Bookmarks and choose Show Bookmarks.
  • You will see all of your bookmarks and bookmark folders. You can click a bookmark to visit.
  • You will see a search field at the top which you can use to search your bookmarks. If you do not see the search field, scroll down to open it.
  • To close this sidebar, you can click the Sidebar icon again. Or you can choose the Hide Bookmarks option from Bookmarks.

Sidebar button

Alternatively, you can view your Bookmarks by clicking the Bookmarks in the menu bar.

See also: Safari kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Error, Blank Page Fix

How to manage bookmarks

You can manage your bookmarks. You can:

  • edit, copy and delete your bookmarks or folders.
  • edit a bookmark’s description
  • create folders and organize your bookmarks.

Edit, rename or delete your bookmarks or folders

  • In safari, open the bookmark sidebar by clicking the Sidebar icon and then clicking the Bookmark icon.
  • Select a bookmark or bookmark folder to modify.
  • Right-click (or control-click) the bookmark or folder.
  • A menu will appear. Select one of the options: Rename, Edit Address (this will let you change the URL address of the bookmark), Copy, and Delete.

Edit a bookmark

Edit description

If you want to change a bookmarks description, you can do that as well:

  • In Safari, open the Bookmark sidebar and then double-click a folder where the bookmark you want to change its description is located. If you have not created a bookmark, then double-click Favorites.
  • This will open all of the bookmarks in that folder.
  • Select a bookmark and then control-click (or right-click) it.
  • This time you will see an option saying “Edit Description”, select that.

Edit Description

You can also move your bookmarks to different folders by using your mouse to drag them there.

See also: Safari Says: Not Secure. What Does It Mean?

Create bookmark folders

You can create bookmark folders. This will let you organize your bookmarks. This will also make your bookmarks easier to find. You can create new bookmark folders many different ways, for example:

  • In Safari, click the Sidebar icon Open the Bookmark sidebar. Then click the Bookmark tab. Control-click (or right-click) anywhere inside the sidebar and then select New Folder.
  • Alternatively, in Safari, click Bookmarks and then Edit Bookmarks. This will open a bookmark window. Click the New Folder button (top-right corner of the screen). Or, to open this bookmark window, you can use its shortcut. On your keyboard, press these three keys together: Option(alt)-Command-b.

Create bookmark folder

How to restore bookmarks

If you have ever accidentally deleted a bookmark, it can be incredibly frustrating. The good news is that, if you are using iCloud, you can restore your bookmarks to recover them by using Follow the steps below:

  • Open Safari on your Mac and visit .
  • Sign in with your Apple ID. Then follow the onscreen instructions (verifying your identity etc).
  • Click Account Settings.
  • Scroll down and find the Advanced section.
  • Click Restore Bookmarks. You will see all of the available bookmarks. You can sort them by “Date Deleted”, “Name”, or “Folder”.
  • Select one or more then click Restore. Then click Done. account settings

See also: How To Recover Deleted Contacts

does safari have bookmarks bar

Dr. Serhat Kurt worked as a Senior Technology Director specializing in Apple solutions for small and medium-sized educational institutions. He holds a doctoral degree (or doctorate) from the University of Illinois at Urbana / Champaign and a master’s degree from Purdue University. He is a former faculty member. Here is his LinkedIn profile and Google Scholar profile . Email Serhat Kurt .

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One Comment

Thanks for this info. So How do you MAKE a custom icon for your bookmark favorites toolbar in Safari?

Yes, I know about “favicons” and copy/past emojis from iChat or such into the toolbar from “Edit Bookmarks.” I have a bunch up there already. But if you have, for example, an organization with a logo, that makes more sense to show than having or abbreviating “Acme Plastics Composite and Recomposting Development Technologies Of the Puget Sound” or even “APCRCFTPS”… How about just the logo? That saves an enormous amount of real estate. How do you do that? No article even mentions anything about “customization” except how to move stuff around your toolbar. Thanks!

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How to get the most out of Safari bookmarks before macOS Monterey

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Safari gets some of the more visible updates in macOS Monterey, and they're likely to make you use bookmarks more. But there are already ways to make Safari bookmarks a key, organized research tool instead of the half-forgotten mess you've got now.

Plus working on your bookmarks now will help for when you move to macOS Monterey later in the year.

So right now you can pin your most important sites right there to top of Safari where they're always in reach. You can add more to Safari's Start Page so that they're available whenever you open a new tab.

Then you can also arrange more traditional folders with lists of bookmarks. Plus you can take every tab you have open now and bookmark each one with a single click.

What you can't do, incidentally, is then open all of those tabs together with a single click. You will be able to when macOS Monterey introduces Shortcuts to the Mac , or you can use any of multiple different third-party tools right now.

How to pin a site in Safari

  • Navigate to a site
  • Click and hold on the site's title underneath Safari's address/search bar
  • Drag the site title to the far left
  • Let go when the wide title tab becomes a small icon-sized one

This is easiest when you've opened the site in one of several tabs, but the same process works even when you have a single Safari window open with just one site. It just seems more visually quicker seeing when you've dragged it far enough.

You can drag a tab to the far left to have it automatically change into a pinned one, or you can right-click and choose the option

If you have any problems seeing when Safari is turning the tab into a pin, you can instead right-click. Choose Pin Tab from the drop down menu and it zooms over to the left as a pinned site.

From now on you can click on that pin and it will take you to the site.

The pin survives on that left hand side of the title bar until you choose to remove it. It's also there in every single Safari window you open.

Only, this is one of many cases where bookmarks need you to have some restraint. Whatever you use bookmarks for, and however you save them, if you aren't careful, you end up with too many to manage.

You end up with so many that you stop looking through them at all.

With pinned tabs, in particular, limit yourself to the fewest that you know you will use all the time.

For ones that are important but hardly in hourly use, you can leverage Safari's Start Page. This doesn't work if you like Safari to always begin by opening, say, a news or weather site, though.

How to use Safari's Start Page

  • Launch Safari
  • Choose Preferences , General
  • Under New windows open with , choose Start Page
  • Then under New tabs open with , again choose Start Page

From now on, just opening a new Safari window or tab will show you the Start Page. Among other options on that such as a privacy report, you get a list of bookmarks.

This is really an icon grid view of your favorites. You can drag to re-order any bookmark or bookmark folder you can see.

You can drag to rearrange any of these bookmarks or bookmark folders in Safari's Start Page

What you can't do here is either add favorite bookmarks, or create folders.

How to add bookmarks

  • On any one site, press Command-D
  • Organize the new bookmark right away by choosing where to Add this page to
  • Optionally, type a name for the bookmark
  • Also optionally, write a description for it

Note that there's nothing stopping you doing this step repeatedly. Add the same site to many different folders, if you have them and if that's useful.

It would be good if you could create a folder through the Add Bookmark menu or keystroke, but instead you have to use the separate Add Bookmark Folder . Or at least you do if you're starting out by adding a single bookmark.

When you want to bookmark all of your open tabs, then you do create a folder.

Open a whole bunch of tabs and you can bookmark all of them togetther

How to add bookmark folders, starting with one site

  • Choose Bookmarks , Add Bookmark Folder
  • When Safari opens its Bookmarks sidebar, there will now be an Untitled Folder at the bottom
  • Right-click on Untitled Folder and give it a name.

It's a little ugly that this just opens a sidebar and pops in an untitled folder. If you created a folder anywhere else on the Mac, it would be named untitled folder , but it would be highlighted, ready for you to rename. Not here.

How to bookmark multiple tabs at once and make a new folder

  • Open a new Safari window and then new tabs for each site you want
  • Navigate to a site in each tab
  • From the Bookmarks menu, choose Add Bookmarks for These 3 Tabs... , or however many there are
  • In the dialog box that appears, click on Add this bookmarks folder to...
  • Type a name for the folder

This time there's no option to write a description of what you're bookmarking. There's also no way to add each site to the top level of your bookmarks. These tabs are going together in a new folder, you just get to decide where that folder goes.

It does make sense that all the tabs you bookmark together would be grouped in the same folder. Except there's currently no way, within Safari, of saying you then want to open all of these tabs together.

So you have to open them separately, but you can't save them separately.

This is true within Safari, but other apps can use these bookmarks. And Safari bookmarks do not have to live solely within the browser. You can, for instance, have the bookmarks in your Dock.

How to add Safari bookmarks to the Dock

  • Navigate to a site in Safari
  • Click in Safari's address/search bar until you see the site name and its icon to the left
  • Click on and drag that icon to the far right side of your Dock

Most of your Dock is taken up with apps, but there is a thin vertical bar toward the far right side. From there to the Trash at very right edge of the Dock, you can see many different items, and drag more or less anything you like into there.

It's not terribly efficient to have a single site taking up space in your Dock, however. So instead, create a folder on your Desktop and drag many Safari sites into it.

Then drag that folder into the right side of the Dock. Now when you click on the folder icon, it will fan out to show you the bookmarks that are in it.

You can add a Safari bookmark, or a whole folder of them, to your Dock

Opening multiple Safari bookmarks at once

Since you can click to go into a folder of bookmarks, it's frustrating that you can't double-click to launch Safari with tabs for every bookmark there.

You can, however, use Apple's AppleScript or Automator automations to work through a list of bookmarks and open them all one after another. Similarly, you can do the same with third-party apps such as Keyboard Maestro .

Plus in future, you will be able to use Shortcuts on macOS Monterey to do it.

Certainly in the case of the current macOS Big Sur options, though, you can't do this by pointing at a Safari folder. You have to separately copy out the sites' URLs and add them to your AppleScript or other automation.

Part of the whole point of bookmarks is to be organized. So having multiple copies of lists of bookmarks, probably getting out of sync, isn't ideal.

Yet the ability to save multiple sites, to group related ones into folders, and to make Start Page or pinned tabs for your most important sites, that is certainly ideal.

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How to Organize Safari Bookmarks and Favorites

Organize links to your favorite sites

Tom Nelson is an engineer, programmer, network manager, and computer network and systems designer who has written for Other World Computing,and others. Tom is also president of Coyote Moon, Inc., a Macintosh and Windows consulting firm.

In This Article

Jump to a Section

  • How to Access the Safari Sidebar
  • Understanding the Favorites Bar
  • What Does the Bookmarks Menu Do?

Add a Folder to the Favorites Bar or Bookmarks Menu

  • Step-by-Step: Name Bookmarks
  • Step-by-Step: Add Subfolders to Folders

Organize Folders in the Favorites Bar

Organizing, deleting, and renaming folders.

Bookmarks tend to get out of hand. One way to get and keep them under control is to store them in folders. Of course, the process is easier if you set up folders before you start adding and editing bookmarks , but it's never too late to get organized.

The steps and screenshots here were performed in version 13.0.3 of Safari, but they should apply to older versions as well.

The Safari Sidebar

The easiest way to manage your bookmarks is through the Safari sidebar (sometimes referred to as the bookmarks editor). To access the Safari sidebar, click Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks . In older versions of Safari, the menu item might say Show All Bookmarks .

An alternative method to reveal the Safari sidebar is to use the Sidebar button in the Safari toolbar.

With the Safari Sidebar open, you can add, edit, and delete bookmarks, as well as add or delete folders or subfolders.

There are two main places to save bookmarks and bookmark folders : the Favorites bar and the Bookmarks menu.

The Favorites Bar

The Favorites bar is located near the top of the Safari window. It might not be visible depending on how you have Safari set up, but it's easy to enable: Simply select the View > Show Favorites Bar .

The Favorites bar is a great place to keep your favorite websites handy, either as individual links or in folders. The number of individual links you can store horizontally across the toolbar is limited to your screen width, of course, but it allows you to see and access them without clicking a drop-down menu. If you put links rather than folders in the Bookmarks bar, you can access the first nine of them using keyboard shortcuts rather than the mouse.

Using folders rather than links in the Favorites bar makes an almost endless array of websites immediately available from the bar. Otherwise, consider reserving the Favorites bar for sites you visit daily or at least once a week, and store everything else in the Bookmarks menu.

The Bookmarks Menu

The Bookmarks menu provides drop-down access to bookmarks and/or folders of bookmarks, depending on how you decide to organize it. It also provides a second way to access the Favorites bar, as well as bookmark-related commands. If you turn off the Favorites bar, perhaps to gain more screen real estate, you can still access it from the Bookmarks menu.

Adding a folder to the Favorites bar or the Bookmarks menu is easy; the trickier part is deciding how to set up your folders. Some categories, such as News, Sports, Weather, Tech, Work, Travel, and Shopping, are universal, or at least pretty obvious. Others, such as Crafts, Gardening, Woodworking, or Pets, are more personal.

Consider adding a Temp category to hold the sites you might visit briefly but want to return to later, when you have more time. These should be sites you wouldn't bookmark permanently but are interesting enough to check out—just not at the moment. If you corral them in a Temp folder, they will still pile up frighteningly fast, but at least they'll all be in one place.

Naming Your Bookmarks

To add a folder:

Select Bookmarks > Add Bookmark Folder . A new folder named untitled folder will appear at the bottom of the Bookmarks section, ready for you to change it.

Type in a new name, and press Return or Enter .

If you accidentally click away from the folder before you get a chance to name it, right-click the folder and select Edit Name from the pop-up menu. If you change your mind about the folder, right-click it and select Remove (or Delete , depending on your version of Safari) from the pop-up menu.

Select and drag the folder to the Favorites bar or the Bookmarks menu entry in the sidebar, depending on where you want to store it.

Whether you decide to add individual bookmarks or folders to the Favorites bar, keep their names short, so you can fit more of them in. Short names aren't a bad idea in the Bookmarks menu, either, but you have more leeway here because the links display in a hierarchical list.

Adding Subfolders to Folders

If you tend to collect a lot of bookmarks, consider adding subfolders to some of the folder categories. For example, you might have a top-level folder called Home that includes subfolders called Cooking , Decorating , and Gardening . To add a subfolder:

Open the Safari sidebar ( Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks ).

Select the Favorites Bar or the Bookmarks Menu entry, depending on the location of the top-level folder.

Select the target folder and then the right-facing arrow to the left of it to display the folder's contents (even if the folder is empty). If you don't do this, a new folder you create will be added at the same level as the existing folder, rather than within the folder.

From the Bookmarks menu, select Add Bookmark Folder . A new subfolder will appear in the selected folder, with its name ( untitled folder ) highlighted and ready for you to edit. Type in a new name, and press Return or Enter .

If you're having problems getting the subfolders to appear in the selected folder, simply drag the subfolder to the folder you wish to have the subfolder occupy.

To add more subfolders to the same folder, select the folder again, then select Bookmarks > Add Bookmark Folder . Repeat the process until you've added all of the desired subfolders, but resist the urge to get carried away.

Rearranging the folders in the Favorites bar is easy. You can do this two ways: directly in the Favorites bar itself or in the Safari sidebar:

  • Select the folder you want to move, and drag it to its target location in the Favorites bar. The other folders will move out of the way to accommodate it.
  • Select Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks . In the Safari sidebar, click Favorites. To move a folder, click and hold the folder's icon, then drag it to the desired location. You can move a folder to a different position at the same level in the hierarchy, or drag it into another folder.

The first option is easiest if you're rearranging top-level folders; the second option is the one to choose if you want to rearrange subfolders.

To rearrange your bookmark folders, open the Bookmarks sidebar and simply drag the folders to the desired positions.

To delete a folder from your Bookmarks menu or Favorites bar, right-click on the folder, and select Remove from the pop-up menu.

Check the folder first to be sure that it doesn't contain bookmarks or subfolders that you'd like to save elsewhere.

To rename a folder, right-click it and select Rename ( older versions of Safari used Edit Name instead) from the pop-up menu. The folder's name will be highlighted, ready for you to edit. Type in a new name, and press Return or Enter .

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How to Show and Hide Favicons in Safari Favorites Bar

In Safari 17 and macOS Sonoma , Apple has introduced support for displaying favicons in the Favorites bar. Keep reading to learn why favicons can be useful, and how you can disable them if they aren't for you.

safari icon blue banner

Favicons can usually be found next to anything in a browser's interface that identifies a website. This can include bookmarks, tabs, history results, and search bars.

favicon examples

In Safari 17, if you have the Favorites Bar enabled ( View -> Show Favorites Bar in Safari's menu bar) the favicon for each site will appear beside its title, allowing you to more easily spot it in the bar.


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2 Simple Ways to Bookmark a Website in Safari

Last Updated: March 28, 2024 Fact Checked

Using iPhone and iPad

Expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Luigi Oppido and by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly . Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 924,063 times.

Bookmarking websites is a great way to keep track of them for later. If you visit a lot of websites, you can bookmark them in Safari. You can also create folders, edit existing bookmarks, and search for them. Here's how to add a bookmark in Safari using your Mac computer, iPhone, or iPad.

Bookmarking Websites in Safari

To add a new bookmark in Safari, open the webpage you want to save. On Mac, click Bookmarks in the top toolbar, then click Add Bookmark . On iOS, tap the Share icon, then tap Add Bookmark .

Step 1 Open the Safari app.

  • You can enter a website in the address bar or use Google Search to find it.

Step 3 Click Bookmarks in the menu bar.

  • Alternatively, click the Share button in the top-right corner of the window.

Step 4 Click Add Bookmark….

  • A pop-up window will open.

Step 5 Name the bookmark (optional).

  • To add a new folder, click Bookmarks in the menu bar, then click Add Bookmark Folder . This will add an "untitled folder" to the sidebar in Safari. Long-click the folder to edit the name.

Step 7 Click Add.

  • To access your bookmarks, click Bookmarks in the menu bar and click on the bookmark you want to open.
  • Click Bookmarks in the menu bar and click Show Bookmarks to display the bookmarks sidebar.
  • Click Bookmarks in the menu bar and click Edit Bookmarks to move, delete, or rename your bookmarks.
  • You can also import bookmarks to Safari .

Step 1 Open the Safari app.

  • You can enter a website in the address bar or enter keywords to search for one.

Step 3 Tap icon.

  • If you want to create a new bookmark folder , tap the Bookmarks icon in Safari. It's a blue outline of two curved pages. Then tap Edit in the corner of the screen, tap New Folder , type a name for the folder, and tap Bookmarks under location.

Step 7 Tap Save.

  • To access your bookmarks, tap the Bookmarks icon in Safari, then tap the bookmark you want to open.
  • To delete a bookmark, tap the Bookmarks icon in Safari, then tap Edit in the corner of the screen. Tap the red - next to the bookmark you want to delete, then tap Delete .

Luigi Oppido

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Bookmark on an iPad

  • ↑ Luigi Oppido. Computer & Tech Specialist. Expert Interview. 24 February 2021.

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Safari User Guide

  • Change your homepage
  • Import bookmarks, history, and passwords
  • Make Safari your default web browser
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does safari have bookmarks bar

Add websites to your Favorites in Safari on Mac

You can quickly see websites you access frequently by adding them to your Favorites, so you can get to them with just a click.

Open Safari for me

Add a website to your Favorites

does safari have bookmarks bar

You can also click in the Smart Search field, then drag the URL of the webpage you’re viewing to the Favorites bar near the top of the window, the Favorites folder in the sidebar, or the Favorites area in the start page.

Organize your Favorites

Rearrange your Favorites: Drag them to different locations.

Edit the name of a favorite website or folder: Control-click the name you want to change in the Favorites page or Favorites bar, then choose Rename from the shortcut menu. You can also force click the name, or click and hold it until it’s highlighted, then enter a new one.

does safari have bookmarks bar

Show a different bookmarks folder in Favorites on the Start Page: Choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then use the “Start Page Favorites” pop-up menu.

View your Favorites

View your Favorites from the Smart Search field: Click in the Smart Search field to see your Favorites in the start page view, then click the icon of the website you want to visit. The start page view goes away if you start typing, and it doesn’t appear if you click the field while you’re viewing the start page.

You can also see your favorite websites when you open new tabs. If you don’t see your Favorites in new tabs, change settings in Change General preferences in Safari .

Show the Favorites bar: Choose View > Show Favorites Bar. A bar with your favorite websites appears below the toolbar.

Open a Favorite website: Click in the Smart Search field, then click a website under Favorites, or click a website in the Favorites bar (or use the Touch Bar ).

Note: Safari uses iCloud to keep your favorite websites the same on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac computers that have Safari turned on in iCloud preferences .

does safari have bookmarks bar

How to view and clear your web browsing history in Safari on iPhone or iPad

Clearing your browsing history on iPhone and iPad in Safari has been a straightforward affair for years now.

Sometimes you want to clear your history to get rid of bloat and streamline your browsing experience. Other times, you're trying to hide a gift purchase from a loved one.

Apple makes it very easy to clear your browsing history on both the iPhone and iPad and we're here to show you how. Here's how you can make a fresh start in Safari and debloat your web browsing experience.

What you'll need

On the latest models, web browsing is smoother than ever before thanks to ProMotion in the iPhone 15 Pro and faster chipsets like the M2 found in the iPad Air 6 . If you're looking for a new Apple device, we highly recommend one of the following: 

iPhone 15 Pro $999 at Apple

Grab the best iPhone available right now starting from $999. With a gorgeous titanium finish and the most powerful chip ever in an iPhone, you won't be disappointed with the 15 Pro.  View Deal

iPad Air 6 13-inch | $799 $754 at Amazon

With an M2 chip and a 13-inch screen option, the new iPad Air 6 is one of the best iPads available right now. Normally $799, you can pick up the 13-inch model for nearly $50 off at the moment — don't miss out. View Deal

How to find your web-browsing history

Viewing your web history in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 is very easy to do, here's how:

  • In Safari, tap the Bookmarks button in the toolbar that's below the address bar.
  • Tap the History icon in the upper right corner. Here, you can view your entire web history.
  • Use the History search bar to find previously viewed pages.

How to clear your web browsing history

If the time calls to wipe most or all of your web browsing history in Safari, here's how to do it on both iPhone and iPad.

To note, the below steps will be the same if you attempt to wipe your web browsing history on an iPhone 15 Pro Max or an iPad Mini 6 , all Apple devices require the same steps.

  • In Safari, tap the Bookmarks button.
  • Select the History icon in the upper right corner.
  • Tap Clear and select how much history you'd like to clear: the last hour, the last day, 48 hours' worth, or all recorded history.

One more thing… A feature no one talks about

Privacy on the web matters more than ever in these modern times. Websites store the pages you click on, especially when you sign into a page that can contain personal information about you.

It's great to have a feature like this in Safari — but it would be good to have this automated in iOS 18 . If Apple's web browser could automatically clear history after 24 hours it would be very useful, as you wouldn't leave a trail behind.

Regardless, it's still a good feature, and one you should use every week.

To find tab history, open the Safari app on your iPhone or iPad, then tap and hold the back button at the bottom left.


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  3. How to turn on and edit the Favorites bar in Safari

    Click on the Sidebar icon in the upper left corner of Safari. Select the bookmarks icon. Open the Favorites section by clicking on the arrow. Click Edit. Inside the Bookmarks editing screen, you can add folders to group bookmarks together, or simply drag bookmarks from their current location into the Favorites toolbar.

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    In the Safari app on your Mac, do any of the following:. Rearrange your Favorites: Drag them to different locations. Edit the name of a favorite website or folder: Control-click the name you want to change in the Favorites page or Favorites bar, then choose Rename from the shortcut menu.You can also force click the name, or click and hold it until it's highlighted, then enter a new one.

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  20. Where are the Safari bookmarks stored on a computer

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  21. How to view and clear your web browsing history in Safari on ...

    In Safari, tap the Bookmarks button in the toolbar that's below the address bar. Tap the History icon in the upper right corner. Here, you can view your entire web history. ...