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16-Seenrunde per Rad

Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte © Gemeinde Eggstätt

Radrunde durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 bezaubernden Seen. Auf knapp 70 Kilometern radelt man an den ehemaligen Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers vorbei.

Beste Saison

Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen“ und „ Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte “. In dieser moorigen Gegend wird man nicht nur an einem bezaubernden See vorbeikommen. Spuren der Vergangenheit, 16 Seen an der Zahl, ehemals Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers. Bei warmen Temperaturen kann in neun dieser Seen gebadet werden. Die Route hat eine etwas längliche Form, somit sind Abkürzungen jederzeit möglich, wenn einem die Strecke zu lang wird. Ein weiterer Höhepunkt ist das Kloster Seeon (am Klostersee) auf der Strecke.


Rimsting - Hemhof - Pelham - Aufham - Pittenhart - Allertsham - Gallertsham - Schnaitsee - Obing - Kloster Seeon - Eggstätt - Rimsting

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Weitere Informationen

Weitere Ausflugsziele in der Region des offiziellen Tourismusverbands Chiemsee-Alpenland

Ausflugsziel Schloss Hartmannsberg

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Kneippbecken radtour, rundweg 1 um pfaffing, moorrunde um die kendlmühlfilzen.

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Saalfeldnerstraße 14 5751 Maishofen, Österreich

16 Seenrunde per Rad © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus - Jürgen Amann


Radtour durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete

Tour der Region Chiemsee-Alpenland

Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

Destination: [wst_acf_post_object field='wso_tour_destination'] [wst_post_title id='{{#post_ID#/wst_acf_post_object}}'] [/wst_acf_post_object]

Höhenmeter: 194 m

Eggstätt-Hemhofer-Seenplatte © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus_Jürgen Amann

Destination: Chiemsee-Alpenland

Eine Radtour wird dann zum Genuss, wenn du sie mit einer Einkehr verbindest.

Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen“ und „Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte“ . In dieser moorigen Gegend des Chiemsee-Alpenlandes wird man nicht nur an einem bezaubernden See vorbeikommen. Spuren der Vergangenheit, 16 Seen an der Zahl, ehemals Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers.

Fakten der Tour - alle wichtigen Details auf einen Blick

  • Bildergalerie

Impressionen der Radtour

Eggstätt-Hemhofer-Seenplatte und Chiemsee © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus

Eggstätt-Hemhofer-Seenplatte und Chiemsee © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus

Eggstätt-Hemhofer-Seenplatte © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus_Jürgen Amann

Eggstätt-Hemhofer-Seenplatte © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus_Jürgen Amann

Eggstätt-Hemhofer-Seenplatt © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus_Jürgen Amann

Eggstätt-Hemhofer-Seenplatt © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus_Jürgen Amann

Tipps in der Nähe

Interessante Hotspots direkt an der Strecke des Radweges. Von kulinarischen Einkehrtipps zwischendurch, über spannende Ausflugsziele für Familien, bis hin zu kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten und Shopping-Erlebnissen.

Unsere Unterkünfte bieten Radfahrern und Genießern alles, was ihr Herz begehrt.

Unterkünfte in der umgebung.

Die ideale Unterkunft ist dort, wo du dich wohl fühlst. Sie dient zum Rückzug, zur Erholung, zum Abschalten. Im perfekten Radurlaub ist sie essenzieller Bestandteil. Wähle eine, die zu dir passt.

Genuss Radtour © Waldviertel Tourismus - Studio Kerschbaum

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Dir hat deine Genusstour gefallen und du hast nun Lust auf mehr? Entdecke weitere Touren und lass dich von den regionalen Köstlichkeiten unserer Destinationen verführen.

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Entspannen & genießen

Unsere Radhotels sind ideale Ausgangspunkte, um die vielseitigen Regionen ringsum auf sportliche Weise kulturell, landschaftlich und kulinarisch zu entdecken. Vom gemütlichen Gasthof bis zum 4-Sterne-Hotel, das alle Annehmlichkeiten bereitstellt, die sich das Radfahrer-Herz wünscht: In unseren ideal gelegenen, fahrrad­freundlichen Unterkünften ist alles auf die Bedürfnisse im Radurlaub ausgerichtet. Bewegung, Entspannung und Genuss verbinden sich hier zu einem ganz besonderen Urlaubserlebnis.

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16-Seenrunde per Rad

Logo Chiemsee-Alpenland

Radrunde durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 bezaubernden Seen. Auf knapp 70 Kilometern radelt man an den ehemaligen Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers vorbei.

Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen“ und „ Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte “. In dieser moorigen Gegend wird man nicht nur an einem bezaubernden See vorbeikommen. Spuren der Vergangenheit, 16 Seen an der Zahl, ehemals Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers. Bei warmen Temperaturen kann in neun dieser Seen gebadet werden.  Die Route hat eine etwas längliche Form, somit sind Abkürzungen jederzeit möglich, wenn einem die Strecke zu lang wird. Ein weiterer Höhepunkt ist das Kloster Seeon (am Klostersee) auf der Strecke.


Entdeckt auch die vielen kleinen Seen auf der Tour! Der Buchsee bei Buch, der Weitsee bei Schnaitsee, der Obinger See bei Obing oder der Schlosssee bei Schloss Hartmannsberg, um nur einige davon zu nennen.

Profilbild von Sandra Grundl



  • Überprüfen Sie vor dem Start immer die Lichtanlage, Bremsen, Reifen und Reflektoren Ihres Fahrrades!
  • Tragen Sie bei schlechter Sicht (Dämmerung, Dunkelheit, Nebel, etc.) helle, reflektierende Kleidung. Alternativ: Weste oder Fußbänder mit Reflektorstreifen.
  • Besonders im Herbst kann am Boden liegendes Laub mögliche Unebenheiten, Wurzeln, Steine oder Löcher im Weg verdecken.
  • Bringen Sie am Fahrrad Ihrer Kinder zusätzlich hohe Fahrradwimpel an, damit auch die kleinsten Fahrer im Straßenverkehr gut wahrgenommen werden.

Weitere Infos und Links

Weitere Ausflugsziele in der Region des offiziellen Tourismusverbands Chiemsee-Alpenland

Ausflugsziel Schloss Hartmannsberg


Rimsting - Hemhof - Pelham - Aufham - Pittenhart - Allertsham - Gallertsham - Schnaitsee - Obing - Kloster Seeon - Eggstätt - Rimsting

Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

mit Bahn und Bus erreichbar

DB-Bahnhof "Bad Endorf" (Strecke München-Salzburg), Anreise mit der BRB Chiemgau-Inntal oder der DB. Mit dem Fahrrad sind es bis nach Schlicht 4,3 km (ca. 15 Minuten).


Kartenempfehlungen des autors.

Chiemsee-Alpenland Radkarte. Kostenlos erhältlich in den Tourist-Informationen und im Info-Center in Felden.

Buchtipps für die Region

Kartentipps für die region.

  • Sonnenschutz für Haut und Kopf ist der unverzichtbare Begleiter auf längeren Radtouren.
  • Ein Erste-Hilfe-Set, Luftpumpe und Ersatzschlauch sollten nie fehlen.
  • Unterwegs genügend trinken und an einen Notfall-Müsliriegel denken.
  • Kleidung sollte nach dem Zwiebelprinzip gewechselt werden können und atmungsaktiv sein. Wind- und Regenschutz ist wichtig!
  • Fahrradhelm und Sonnenbrille ist zu empfehlen.

Weitere Sicherheitshinweise und Ratschläge zur passenden Ausrüstung für Ihre Radtour finden Sie in unseren Fahrradtipps.

Ähnliche Touren in der Umgebung

  • Obing - Eggstätt - Seebruck - Seeon - Griessee - Obing auf den Spuren von Professor Kirchner
  • Obing - Wasserburg - Obing mit Abstecher zum Griessee

Fragen & Antworten

Profilbild von Karl Merkl



Fotos von anderen

Wetter am startpunkt der tour, statistiken.

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Ausflugsziele und Freizeittipps in der Region

Urlaub in Obing


Mit dem Rad zu 16 Eiszeit-Seen. Die 16-Seenrunde führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte“ und „Seeoner Seen“ mit 16 verzaubert wirkenden Gletscherseen.

Pittenhart – Schnaitsee – Obing – Seeon – Eggstätt – Rimsting 

Der längliche Rundkurs kann in allen Etappenorten gestartet werden. Der Radler kann auf der knapp 70 km langen Runde nach Belieben Querungen und Abkürzungen vornehmen. Die Landschaft in diesen Schutzgebieten zählt zu den  wertvollsten ganz Bayerns . Als sich der Chiemseegletscher und der Inngletscher nach der letzten Eiszeit langsam zurückzogen, bildeten sich in den Endmoränen großflächige Seeflächen. Zu Obing gehört der kleine  Obinger See  mit dem  Skulpturenweg . Sehenswert ist hier die  gotische Pfarrkirche St. Laurentius . Sie hat einen Hochaltar mit drei Schnitzfiguren des „Meisters von Rabenden“, einem der bedeutendsten süddeutschen Bildhauer des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts.

Zwischen Obing und Seeon liegen der  Griessee , der  Brunnensee , und der  Seeleitensee . Seeon und das berühmte  Kloster Seeon , das sich auf einer Insel im  Klostersee  befindet, sind bedeutende Stationen der 16-Seenrunde. Zwischen Obing und Eggstätt, nahe des  Eschenauer Sees , liegt etwas abseits des Radweges das  Hilgerhof-Museum  in Niederbrunn. In Eggstätt ist die frisch renovierte  Pfarrkirche St. Georg  einen Besuch wert. An der Staatstraße von Gstadt kommend steht auf dem Grundstück in Eggstätt die offene, aus Eichenholz gefertigte  Sebastians-Kapelle . Sie besteht aus zwölf Stämmen, die alle aus einem riesigen Eichenholzstamm gefertigt wurden und die Namen der 12 Apostel tragen. Vom Nordufer des Chiemsees geht es durchs Hemhofer Holz. Der  Langbürgner See  befindet sich rechterhand und ist das Herzstück des  Naturschutzgebietes Hemhof-Eggstätter-Seenplatte .

16 seen tour chiemsee


16 seen tour chiemsee

Radfahrer am Chiemsee

© Chiemgau Tourismus


Radfahren -->.

Radtour durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 verzaubert wirkenden Seen und grenzenloser Aussicht zum Alpenbogen - Start in Obing.

Beste Jahreszeit


Die Route verbindet die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen“ und „Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte“.  In Moorsenken finden sich verzauberte Seen,  ehemals Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers. Der Radfahrer kommt an 16 solcher Seen vorbei, neun davon sind Badeseen. Der Kurs hat eine etwas längliche Form, was den Vorteil bietet, dass der Radfahrer, wenn ihm die Strecke zu lang wird, Querungen und Abkürzungen vornehmen kann.

  • Sehenswürdigkeiten
  • Gastronomie
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  • Höhenprofil
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16 seen tour chiemsee

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Haftungsausschluss: Die Verwendung der Daten hat eigenverantwortlich zu erfolgen. Vor dem Start der Tour sind die örtlichen Gegebenheiten wie Pistensperrungen, Lawinensituation, Wetter und weitere Faktoren zu beachten. Den Anweisungen von Personal vor Ort ist unbedingt Folge zu leisten.

Download Roadbook

Alle Angaben wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erhoben. Die Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr und erheben nicht den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Das Falt-PDF eignet sich für kürzere Touren und ist besonders durch die Faltung sehr platzsparend in der Hosentasche oder Trikot unterzubringen.

Das Single-PDF eignet sich für kürzere Touren und ist im Vergleich zum Falt-PDF in einer klassischem Aufbau gehalten.

Das Multi-PDF eignet sich für längere Touren. Der Aufbau erlaubt eine Abbildung längerer Tourenbeschreibungen und eine görßere Kartendarstellung.

Touristinformation Obing Kienberger Straße 5 83119 Obing +49 8624 898617 [email protected]

16 seen tour chiemsee

  • Touren in der Nähe
  • Ähnliche Touren

Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Nähe Sehenswürdigkeiten-Suche

Gastgeber in der nähe gastgeber-suche, gastronomie in der nähe gastronomie-suche, veranstaltungen in der nähe veranstaltungen-suche, auftraggeber dieser tour.

Max Mustermann 2000

Lake Chiemsee with the Bavarian Alps in the background.

The Bavarian Sea

The Chiemsee is one of the most popular excursion destinations in the Munich region. And that's no wonder, because at Bavaria's largest lake, you can not only do water sports, relax at the beach or take a bike tour, but also experience a lot of culture from Seeon Monastery to Schloss Herrenchiemsee.

Icon zur Trennung von Inhalten

Chiemsee: Our tips for a day trip

- The Chiemsee at a glance: Sights & things to know - Swimming at the Chiemsee: Beaches & swimming spots - Herrenchiemsee Palace, Fraueninsel & Seeon Monastery - Circumnavigating the Chiemsee: By bike or bus - Travelling to the Chiemsee: How to get there from Munich

The Chiemsee at a glance: Sights & things to know

The Chiemsee is one of the most popular destinations in the Munich region. With an area of about 80 km² and a depth of 73 meters, it is not only the largest lake in Bavaria and the third largest in Germany, but also one of the cleanest swimming lakes . The lake was created about 10,000 years ago, towards the end of the Ice Age. Originating from the earlier glaciers, there are still many smaller lakes, rivers and moors in the area, especially in the southern and northern part of the Chiemsee – such as near Eggstätt-Hemhofer lake plain , one of the oldest nature reserves in Bavaria, or Kendlmühlfilze high moor.

The majority of the Chiemsee shoreline is natural, but there are also numerous lidos, bathing spots and villages. The most famous are Prien am Chiemsee, Seeon, Bernau, Übersee and Chieming. Water sports enthusiasts also like to gather at the beautiful lake in the Chiemgau Alps, as they can go sailing, rent stand-up paddles, do kayaking or canoeing, kiteboarding, surfing , or even rafting on the Tiroler Ache (river). Ashore, too, there is a lot to be explored – the lake has a circumference of 64 kilometres and can easily be circumnavigated by bike or on foot.

Walkway at Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria.

What makes the Chiemsee so special: In addition to beautiful nature and a variety of water sports, the popular destination boasts a wide cultural offering. Herrenchiemsee Palace , also known as "little Versailles”, is located on Herreninsel, one of two islands on the lake that can be visited year-round. In its immediate neighbourhood is the smaller Fraueninsel with the Frauenwörth Monastery. Both destinations can be conveniently reached by boat. In winter, when the ice on the lake is thick enough, you can even walk to the islands.

Swimming at the Chiemsee: Beaches & swimming spots

And in summer , the lake is a magnet for swimming fans – after all, it's not called "the Bavarian Sea" for nothing. For one thing, the water here is of consistently high quality, and for another, the Chiemsee is pleasantly warm: Between June and September, the lake has an average temperature of between 20 and 23 degrees, while, in the hot season, the water temperature can rise to 26 degrees. Not least because of its good water quality, the lake has been under nature protection since 1954, as many endangered bird species breed here. Swimming is allowed at the designated bathing areas and beaches – such as the beach at Chieming , Bernau , Breitbrunn , Seebruck , Gollenshausen , the Beach Bar in Übersee or the numerous public bathing spots.

Little rocks in Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria.

Herrenchiemsee Palace, Fraueninsel & Seeon Monastery

If you go to the Chiemsee, you definitely should not miss Herrenchiemsee Palace : The magnificent building was commissioned by King Ludwig II and modelled on Versailles – as was the palace garden, which was planned by the court garden director Carl von Effner. Regrettably, the Bavarian "Kini" only resided here for about ten days, before he died in an accident at Starnberger See (lake) in the summer of 1886. Today, visitors can admire the magnificent interiors on a guided tour. Highlights in the castle include the Hall of Mirrors, the marble staircase and "Tischlein deck dich," a retractable dining table. Herreninsel is the largest island on the Chiemsee and can only be reached by ship or boat. These run regularly and with direct connections from Prien am Chiemsee (15 minutes) and Bernau (23 minutes).

Kaisersaal in the Augustiner-Chorherrenstift Herrenchiemsee in the hinterland of Munich.

Must-See attraction on Fraueninsel

If you feel like visiting Fraueninsel afterwards, you can ferry across in just ten minutes. The small neighbouring island has its very unique charm: One of the main attractions on the car- and bike-free island is the pilgrimage site Kloster Frauenwörth , the oldest nunnery in Germany. Here, you can sit comfortably in the beautiful beer garden, explore the island on a walk or visit the Christkindlmarkt in winter.

Visit Kloster Seeon

Another very famous site is monastery Seeon a few kilometres north of the Chiemsee. The former Benedictine abbey is now used as a cultural and educational centre of the district of Upper Bavaria and a conference hotel. Furthermore, it regularly hosts cultural events such as concerts, exhibitions and readings. On a guided tour, you can gain an insight into the Benedictine monastery at your leisure.

Circumnavigating the Chiemsee: By bike or bus

Sporty cyclists or e-bike fans choose the almost 60-kilometre Chiemsee cycle path , which leads along unpaved roads, asphalt cycle tracks and side roads. The path not only follows part of the shoreline, but is also one of the most beautiful cycle paths in Bavaria with great viewpoints overlooking the Herreninsel and Fraueninsel islands or the mountains . If that's not enough, you can also take a multi-day tour around the region or opt for a road bike route. The Chiemsee circular route , a cycle path running directly along the water, requires a more leisurely pace, as this tour is shared with pedestrians at times. Chiemseeringlinie , a bus that circles the lake several times a day, offers barrier-free travel.

Stern of a boat on the Herrenchiemsee in the hinterland of Munich.

Travelling to the Chiemsee: How to get there from Munich

If you want to travel to the Chiemsee by car, take the A8 highway in the direction of Salzburg . It usually takes about an hour to get to Prien. The road that passes close to the southern Chiemsee is particularly beautiful. A more sustainable and convenient alternative is to travel by train with Deutsche Bahn or Meridian: This way, you can reach Prien in less than an hour and then continue by boat, bus, bike, the Chiemsee train or on foot. For a day trip with a maximum of five people, the Bayern Ticket or the Guten Tag Ticket are worthwhile.

Train connection: about 1 hour to Prien. More information under bahn.de

Car: about 1 hour to Prien via the A8 motorway

Text: Anja Schauberger; Photos : Dominik Morbitzer, Frank Stolle

Also of interest:.

  • Schloss Herrenchiemsee The Bavarian Versailles
  • A tour of the palaces Royal wanderlust
  • Royal Munich Ludwig the Geek, the high-tech king

Neuschwanstein Castle in the surrounding region of Munich.

Hiking guide

Herrenchiemsee, Linderhof, Schachenhaus and Neuschwanstein: Bavaria's castles and palaces are among the most beautiful in the world.

Landscape near Kochel am See

Franz Marc & Kochel

Our author goes on a hike in search of the places where Franz Marc found his inspiration.

Our author goes on a hike in search of the places where Franz Marc found his inspiration – and finds a magical place.

Two hiker are on a mountain ridge near Munich.

For latecomer lovers of the mountains

Getting out into nature quickly: no problem in Munich, even in the afternoon. Five hiking tours for late risers and after-work athletes.

View of an alpine hut in front of a mountain panorama in Munich.

Munich's southern reaches

Barren rocks, wild mountain forests – and a fairy-tale castle.     

Barren rocks, wild mountain forests and a fairy-tale castle: The perfect tour for a lonely weekend in Munich's landmark mountains.

A woman with the Tegernseer chalet in the background at the Bavarian foothills of the Alps in the surrounding region of Munich.

Munich and its mountains

In Munich you can reach mountain tops, Alpine views and creature comforts in no time. Here are a few suggestions.

Two women with a bicycle on a pier by a lake in Bavaria.

Wasser-Radlwege Oberbayern

Whether „Hopfen and Bier-Schleife“, „Salz-Schleife“ or „Kunst- and Kulturschleife“, Munich is the hub for all routes of the water cycle paths.

Entrance of the Hündeleskopfhütte, the first vegetarian hut in the Alps near Munich.

Hiking guide: alpine huts

 With this selection of alpine hut restaurants, everyone will find their ideal destination.

Families, mountaineers, connoisseurs: With this selection of alpine hut restaurants, everyone will find their ideal destination.

Kehlsteinhaus Berchtesgaden including a panoramic view of the valley in the surroundings of Munich.

Eagle's Nest

A historical lookout high above Berchtesgaden, offering a stunning panoramic view.

The Kehlsteinhaus has been retained in its original form as a historical monument from the Third Reich, and is among the most popular destinations for trips in Germany.

Nymphenburg Palace in Munich at sunset.

Royal Munich

The magnificent castles and palaces in and around Munich are world famous. An overview.

Residenz, Nymphenburg, Herrenchiemsee, Neuschwanstein: The castles and palaces in and around Munich are world famous. An overview. 

Haystacks in the Munich Alpine foothills at blue hour

Art museums in the Munich region

There are numerous interesting art museums in the Munich area. We introduce you to the six best.

Tegernsee lake in wintertime

Munich's environs: Tips for the cold season

From snow-covered Neuschwanstein Castle to the icy Partnachklamm gorge: eight excursion ideas that are particularly beautiful in winter.

Two skiers skiing down in deep snow in front of a mountain panorama.

Ski touring

From Munich, you can experience the combination of climbing under your own steam and descending through untouched snow within a weekend.

View from above of a snow-covered winter landscape with a monastery in the outskirts of Munich.

Winter walks in and around Munich: snow trekking

Whether in the city centre, along the banks of the Isar river or up a mountain in advance of tobogganing back down into the valley, Munich offers a wide selection of winter hikes to enjoy.

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Free Public transport

Reduced or included!

Public transport is included

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Online or at the tourist information offices

Boat trip at the Königssee with panoramic view of the Alps in the surroundings of Munich.

A boat ride to a natural paradise

Emerald-green water at the foot of the legendary Watzmann.

Emerald-green water at the foot of the Watzmann – taking a trip to Königssee lake is to enjoy a singular natural experience.

Lake Chiemsee with the Bavarian Alps in the background.

At Bavaria's largest lake, you can not only do water sports or go on a bike tour, you can also experience many cultural attractions.

At Bavaria’s largest lake, you can not only do water sports or a bike tour, you can also experience a lot of culture at the Herrenchiemsee Palace.

A man is standing on rocks at the shore of Eibsee nearby Garmisch in the surrounding region of Munich.

The highest mountain in Germany

The Zugspitze is only 90 kilometres away from the Bavarian state capital.

While Zugspitze in the Wetterstein Mountains may not be one of Munich’s local mountains, it is a mere 90 kilometres away from the Bavarian state capital.

Watzmann in the Berchtesgadener Land in the surrounding of Munich.

The mountain of destiny

The Watzmann has long fascinated mountain climbers from all over the world.

A truly extraordinary shape and the legendary east face: The Watzmann has long fascinated mountain climbers from all over the world.

Evening atmosphere with sunset at Ammersee near Munich

From Utting to Herrsching

It is not only one of the largest lakes in Bavaria, but also a popular destination for those seeking peace and tranquillity.

Boats in Starnberger See in the Five Lake Region nearby Munich with the Alps in the background.

Recharge your batteries

Anyone who fancies a swim, bike ride, leisurely stroll or boat trip won’t be disappointed on a trip to Starnberger See.

Around just 20 kilometres to the south-west of the city, you will find “Munich’s summer swimming pool”. Anyone who fancies a swim, bike ride, leisurely stroll or boat trip won’t be disappointed on a trip to Starnberger See.

The Tegernsee in the evening light with cloud reflection on the lake surface near Munich.

Like God in Bavaria

Lake Tegernsee lies nestled between hillsides of dark-green forestation, is a wonder of nature whose origins date back to the last ice age.

Lake Tegernsee lies nestled between hillsides of dark-green forestation. Its banks are lined with reeds and old oak trees. Beyond, the masts of sailing boats sway in the wind.

Windsurfer on the Walchensee in the hinterland of Munich.

The Bavarian Caribbean

Walchensee is not only the perfect destination for swimming, but also for windsurfing and hiking. Tips and information for a day trip from Munich.

Neuschwanstein Castle in the surrounding region of Munich.

Immerse yourself in the world of the fairytale king!

The day trip takes you along the Alpine Road to Berchtesgaden area with its dreamlike scenery.

View of the Salzach river and the castle in Salzburg.

Visit the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and relax on the journey to beautiful Lake Wolfgang.

Visit the birthplace of composer extraordinaire Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, stroll through the Baroque old town and then relax on the journey to beautiful Lake Wolfgang.

View over the old town of Innsbruck and a mountain range in the background.

Visit the Austrian city Innsbruck right in the alps and the impressive experience world of the famous glass manufacturer, the "Swarovski Kristallwelten".

Visit the Austrian city right in the alps and the impressive world of the famous "Swarovski Kristallwelten".

An alley in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Hop on and be whisked away by one of the world's most beautiful stretches of street: the Romantic Road to Rothenburg and Harburg.

Minna Thiel, a discarded locomotive in Munich in front of the University of Television and Film

Munich's districts are diverse, contrasting and worth exploring. Immerse yourself!

  • Book excursions
  • Book the Munich-Card
  • Book guided tours

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16-Seenrunde per Rad

Logo Chiemsee-Alpenland

Radrunde durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 bezaubernden Seen. Auf knapp 70 Kilometern radelt man an den ehemaligen Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers vorbei.

Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen“ und „ Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte “. In dieser moorigen Gegend wird man nicht nur an einem bezaubernden See vorbeikommen. Spuren der Vergangenheit, 16 Seen an der Zahl, ehemals Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers. Bei warmen Temperaturen kann in neun dieser Seen gebadet werden.  Die Route hat eine etwas längliche Form, somit sind Abkürzungen jederzeit möglich, wenn einem die Strecke zu lang wird. Ein weiterer Höhepunkt ist das Kloster Seeon (am Klostersee) auf der Strecke.


Entdeckt auch die vielen kleinen Seen auf der Tour! Der Buchsee bei Buch, der Weitsee bei Schnaitsee, der Obinger See bei Obing oder der Schlosssee bei Schloss Hartmannsberg, um nur einige davon zu nennen.

Profilbild von Sandra Grundl



  • Überprüfen Sie vor dem Start immer die Lichtanlage, Bremsen, Reifen und Reflektoren Ihres Fahrrades!
  • Tragen Sie bei schlechter Sicht (Dämmerung, Dunkelheit, Nebel, etc.) helle, reflektierende Kleidung. Alternativ: Weste oder Fußbänder mit Reflektorstreifen.
  • Besonders im Herbst kann am Boden liegendes Laub mögliche Unebenheiten, Wurzeln, Steine oder Löcher im Weg verdecken.
  • Bringen Sie am Fahrrad Ihrer Kinder zusätzlich hohe Fahrradwimpel an, damit auch die kleinsten Fahrer im Straßenverkehr gut wahrgenommen werden.

Weitere Infos und Links

Weitere Ausflugsziele in der Region des offiziellen Tourismusverbands Chiemsee-Alpenland

Ausflugsziel Schloss Hartmannsberg


Rimsting - Hemhof - Pelham - Aufham - Pittenhart - Allertsham - Gallertsham - Schnaitsee - Obing - Kloster Seeon - Eggstätt - Rimsting

Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

mit Bahn und Bus erreichbar

DB-Bahnhof "Bad Endorf" (Strecke München-Salzburg), Anreise mit der BRB Chiemgau-Inntal oder der DB. Mit dem Fahrrad sind es bis nach Schlicht 4,3 km (ca. 15 Minuten).


Kartenempfehlungen des autors.

Chiemsee-Alpenland Radkarte. Kostenlos erhältlich in den Tourist-Informationen und im Info-Center in Felden.

  • Sonnenschutz für Haut und Kopf ist der unverzichtbare Begleiter auf längeren Radtouren.
  • Ein Erste-Hilfe-Set, Luftpumpe und Ersatzschlauch sollten nie fehlen.
  • Unterwegs genügend trinken und an einen Notfall-Müsliriegel denken.
  • Kleidung sollte nach dem Zwiebelprinzip gewechselt werden können und atmungsaktiv sein. Wind- und Regenschutz ist wichtig!
  • Fahrradhelm und Sonnenbrille ist zu empfehlen.

Weitere Sicherheitshinweise und Ratschläge zur passenden Ausrüstung für Ihre Radtour finden Sie in unseren Fahrradtipps.

Ähnliche Touren in der Umgebung

  • Großer Mühlenweg Seeon-Seebruck
  • Mühlenweg Seeon-Seebruck
  • Bauernhofsafari auf dem Rad
  • Radtour KulT-Tour
  • Radfahren entlang des Skulpturenweges

Fragen & Antworten

Profilbild von Karl Merkl



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  • 16 Wegpunkte
  • Visit Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle near Munich

Opening hours are long to visit Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle on Herren Island in the Chiemsee Lake near Munich in Bavaria, Southern Germany –most tickets to see the palace are sold onsite.

Opening hours are long to visit Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle on Herren Island in the Chiemsee Lake near Munich in Bavaria, Southern Germany. Most tickets to see the palace are sold on Herren Island.

© faabi / Depositphotos

Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle is the most opulent palace built by Bavarian King Ludwig II during the nineteenth century. It is less famous than the Disney-like Schloss Neuschwanstein – the popular neo-Romanesque castle he built near Füssen. As a result, crowds are less common at Herrenchiemsee Castle and like the king’s third folly – Schloss Linderhof Palace . Tickets for Schloss Herrenchiemsee are mostly sold onsite but a limited number are offered online too. Fortunately, opening hours are long too and there is seldom much of a wait as tours are frequent. Bus tours are sometimes available from Munich but far less common than to Schloss Neuschwanstein .

Herren Island in the Chiemsee Lake, Bavaria

Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle is on Herren Island, the largest island in the Chiemsee Lake in Southern Bavaria in between Munich and Salzburg. During the Middle Ages, monasteries were built on the two largest islands in the lake. The one for monks was on Herreninsel (meaning Men’s Island) to distinguish it from Fraueninsel (Women’s Island), which still has a working nunnery.

Several buildings are near the boat landing on Herren Island – the most important for most visitors is the Besucherzentrum (Visitors’ Center) where tickets to the palace are sold. Other buildings here include:

  • The Altes Schloss (Old Castle), which houses the Museum in the Augustinian Monastery. The museum covers the German constitution of 1948, a couple of rooms used by Ludwig II, paintings of the Chiemsee area, and a gallery dedicated to the works of Bavarian painter Julius Exter – frankly, of lesser interest to foreign visitors.
  • The Schlosshotel Herrenchiemsee is in a mansion and although not particularly luxurious (or too pricey) does allow guests to stay on the peaceful island in the evenings after day-trippers have left.

It is an easy twenty-minute stroll from the boat landing and visitors center to the Neues Schloss (New Palace), also referred to as the Königsschloss (King’s Castle) or simply Schloss Herrenchiemsee. The interior may only be seen on a compulsory guided tour lasting just more than half an hour.

  • A horse-drawn wagon makes the journey from near the boat landing to the palace in about fifteen minutes. It is available only from mid-April to late October.

No motorized vehicles, or indeed bicycles or scooters, are allowed to operate on Herreninsel, which makes the island ideal for strolling. A 7-km (4.3-mile) marked trail allows visitors to see the best sights on the island.

  • The Neues Schloss Herrenchiemsee and most of the island are accessible to wheelchair users.


Buy Tickets for Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle in Bavaria

Most of the tickets for Schloss Herrenchiemsee are sold at the Besucherzentrum (Visitors’ Center) near the boat landing on Herrninsel. Only a limited number of tickets are available online . Tickets bear the time of the tour of the interior of the palace – all other sights may be seen at leisure up to six months after the tickets were bought.

Many, if not most, visitors see only the Neues Schloss and the adjacent King Ludwig II Museum. The following ticket offers are available — only the combination tickets and multi-day passes include access to the main palace interior:

  • The Gesamtkarte Insel (Combination Ticket) gives admission to the Neues Schloss Herrenchiemsee, King Ludwig II Museum, as well as the museum and galleries in the Augustinian Monastery (Altes Schloss). This ticket is €11 and valid for six months — only the Schloss must be seen on the guided tour of the day of purchase.
  • The Einzelkarte König Ludwig II.-Museum gives admission to the King Ludwig Museum. This ticket is €5.
  • The Einzelkarte Augustiner-Chorherrenstift (Augustinian Monastery Ticket) gives admission to the museum and galleries in the Old Castle (Altes Schloss). This ticket is €6.
  • Kombiticket Königschlösser (Royal Palaces Combination Ticket) is valid for six months and gives one entry into each of the three royal castles of King Ludwig: Herrenchiemsee , Neuschwanstein , and Linderhof . It cost €31 but note the next offer below — the validity period is shorter but includes all three plus many more sights.
  • Even better value for visitors to Bavaria is the two-week and annual Bavarian Castles and Palaces season tickets . The two-week ticket is €35 for adults, or €66 for a family, and includes many of the top sights in Bavaria managed by the Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung. The annual ticket is €50 of €85 for a family ticket.

Children under 18 years old (groups excluded) have free admission but should register a time for the tour of the palace at the ticket window.

Admission to Herren Island itself, the parks, and gardens are free but of course, require a boat trip to reach the island.

Opening Hours of Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle

Visiting Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle

All sights on Herren Island are open daily except January 1, Shrove Tuesday (Fasching), and December 24, 25, and 31. Like many other major tourist sights in Bavaria, Schloss Herrenchiemsee is open on Mondays.

Opening hours are daily from April to mid-October from 9 am to 6 pm and from mid-October to March from 9:40 am to 4:15 pm. The last tours of the palace start an hour before closing time. The Julius Exter Gallery is closed during the winter season.

Tours of the palace take around 40 minutes with tours in German available continuously and usually in English at least once per hour. Hourly tours are also available from July to September in Italian, French, and Spanish.

The fountains (Wasserspiele) in front of the palace play twice per hour for about 15 minutes at a time from early April to early October.

Several transportation options are available to Schloss Herrenchiemsee . It is an easy day trip from Munich but also a great stop en route to Berchtesgaden, Bad Reichenhall, or Salzburg in Austria. Day-trip tours are also often available from Munich — less common in the colder months.

More on King Ludwig’s Castles and Palaces

The three fantasy castles of King Ludwig are all near Munich and are popular day trips whether on bus tours, driving, or using public transportation. Schloss Neuschwanstein and Schloss Linderhof are to the southwest and may be seen on the same day when driving or on tours. Schloss Herrencheimsee is to the southeast and also a good stopover en route to Salzburg.

Savings Deals in Bavaria:

  • Visit Mad King Ludwig’s Fantasy Castles Near Munich in Germany
  • Save on Top Sightseeing Site Tickets in Bavaria, Germany
  • Save with the Bayern Ticket on Public Transportation — Buy the Bayern Ticket Online from Deutsche Bahn , or consider the €49 Deutschland-Ticket .
  • Book Day-Trip Tours from Munich

Schloss Neuschwanstein and Schloss Hohenschwangau:

  • Buy Tickets for Schloss Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau Castles
  • Transportation to Schloss Neuschwanstein
  • See Romantic Disney-Like Schloss Neuschwanstein Castle
  • Visit Schloss Hohenschwangau in Bavaria, Germany
  • Top Sightseeing Sites in Füssen and Schwangau
  • Book Day-Trip Tours from Munich to Schloss Neuschwanstein

Schloss Linderhof:

  • See Schloss and Park Linderhof in Bavaria, Germany
  • Visiting Schloss Linderhof: Opening Hours, Tickets, and Transportation
  • Book Day-Trip Tours from Munich to Linderhof

Schloss Herrenchiemsee:

  • See Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle in Bavaria
  • Transportation to Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle
  • Book Day-Trip Tours from Munich to Herrenchiemsee


Home » Germany » Visit Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle near Munich

Must-see attractions in Chiemsee

16 seen tour chiemsee

Schloss Herrenchiemsee

An island just 1.5km across the Chiemsee from Prien, Herreninsel is home to Ludwig II’s Versailles-inspired castle. Begun in 1878, it was never intended…


A third of this tiny island is occupied by Frauenwörth Abbey, founded in the late 8th century, making it one of the oldest abbeys in Bavaria. The 10th…

Frauenwörth Abbey

Founded in the late 8th century, this is one of the oldest abbeys in Bavaria. The 45-minute tours are in German only.

The austerely romanesque Carolingian Torhalle built in AD 860 houses medieval objets d'art, sculpture and changing exhibitions of regional paintings from…

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Chiemsee Day Trip

Home » Europe » Germany » Chiemsee Day Trip

16 seen tour chiemsee

By Vicky · Published Jan. 12th, 2024 · Updated Jan. 28th, 2024

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A visit to Chiemsee is a great day trip. You can take a boat ride, visit the Fairytale King’s palace and have glorious views over the lake.

Page Contents:

How to Reach Chiemsee

Chiemsee from munich.

To visit the island in Chiemsee you need to take a boat. There are several places you can catch them from but the easiest, and closest to Munich is Prien am Chiemsee, on the western edge of the Lake.

Chiemsee from Munich via Car

If you’re driving, it takes just over an hour to Prien am Chiemsee. There’s a large car park right by the boat ticket office and pier where they leave from. It’s €6.50 for a day ticket, make sure you have cash as the machines don’t accept cards.

Chiemsee from Munich via Train

There’s a direct train from Munich to Prien am Chiemsee that takes a little over an hour and is covered by the €49 ticket. From the train station, it’s a simple 25-minute walk to where the boats depart from. Alternatively, in the summer there’s a little train line running between the main station and the boat jetty (€4.50/2.20 return per adult/child).

Chiemsee Day Trip Map

Activities on a day trip to chiemsee.

You’ll need an entire day to visit the two islands of Herreninsel and Fraueninsel on Lake Chiemsee. The former contains Herrenchiemsee Palace and is much larger, while the latter only takes about 30 minutes to walk around. You could spend an entire weekend at Chiemsee if you want to do more activities such as swimming in the lake, walking along the lakeshore or even cycling around the entire lake.

1. Take a Boat Tour on Lake Chiemsee

Take a Boat Tour on Lake Chiemsee

Key Information: Boats leave as early as 06:40am from Prien am Chiemsee, departing every 30 minutes to 1 hour. At busy periods they run continuously, leaving when they are full. Tickets cost €12.60-18.60 depending on which boat ticket type you select, children are half-price. Check the official website for the detailed boat schedule and prices.

You can’t go on a day trip to Chiemsee without taking the boat ride on the lake. It can take you to both islands, and even across the opposite side of the lake if you choose that option. There are great views from the boat, of both the lake itself, the islands and the towering Alps in the distance.

Views of an island on a boat trip on Lake Chiemsee on a day trip from Munich

There are three boat ticket types: Inseltour West (€12.60), Inseltour East (€13.40) and the Große Chiemseetour (€18.60). The first two allow you to visit both islands, Herreninseld and Fraueninsel, leaving from the west and east sides of the lake respectively. Alternatively, the Große Chiemseetour allows you to visit both islands plus the opposite side of the lake from where you got on, i.e. you can go everywhere that the boat goes. Note that you can take dogs (€3) and bikes (€6) though you are not allowed to cycle on the islands.

If you’re coming from Munich on a day trip to Chiemsee, then Prien am Chiemsee is the most convenient departure point for the boats, and the Inseltour West ticket is the most popular option. You can buy tickets at the ticket office near the boats.

2. Visit Neues Schloss Herrenchiemsee on Herreninsel

Visit Neues Schloss Herrenchiemsee on Herreninsel

Key Information: Open April to late October 9am-6pm, late October to March 10am-4:45pm. You can buy tickets from the visitor’s centre near the boat landing jetty on the island. To visit Schloss Herrenchiemsee you have to buy the ‘combination ticket’, which also includes entry to the King Ludwig II Museum and Augustinian Monastery. Tickets cost €11, under 18’s are free.

Herreninsel is about 20 minutes on the boat from Prien am Chiemsee. To then reach Herrenchiemsee Palace, it’s an easy 20-minute walk through fields, woodland and gardens. Alternatively, in summer (mid-April to end-October) you can take a horse carriage. The ride takes about 15 minutes and costs €5/2 each way for adults/children. There’s no schedule, the carriages just leave when they’re full.

Herrenchiemsee Schloss was built by King Ludwig II, also known as the Fairytale King. Although less famous than Neuschwanstein Castle , the palace here is the most extravagant and by far the most expensive building project that King Ludwig undertook. Started in 1878, it was actually never fully finished, with several more grand wings planned. The King only ever spent about 10 days here and died before it could be completed.

To visit the inside of Schloss Herrenchiemsee you have to go on a tour. There are German tours all the time, while English tours happen twice a day in summer and once a day in winter. Tours last approximately 40 minutes and you are not allowed to take photos inside.

King Ludwig II Museum in Herrenchiemsee

Key Information: Open April to late October 9am-6pm, late October to March 10am-4:45pm. Entrance is included with the ticket to the Schloss.

There’s a small museum in Herrenchiemsee Schloss with exhibits mostly about King Ludwig II. You can visit this anytime, without a guide, though you still need a ticket. The museum is only of moderate interest unless you’re obsessed with the Fairytale King, though there are a few interesting displays that are worth taking a look at.

Herrenchiemsee Palace Park

Herrenchiemsee Palace Park

It’s definitely worth strolling around the formal gardens in front of the palace. They’re designed to look like the gardens at Versaille, but like the palace were never completed. There are some impressive statue-fountains, nicely mown lawns and immaculate flower beds, all symmetrical and aligned on a central axis.

3. Admire the Augustinian Monastery

Augustinian Monastery

The old Augustinian monastery is close to the boat landing stage. It’s not super interesting inside, but you already have the ticket and it’s worth a quick wander around. Parts of the monastery date to 1125, though several wings were added in the 17th and 18th centuries. A couple of grand rooms have been preserved, and these are a highlight of a visit here, including some rooms where King Ludwig II stayed when he came to oversee the building of his grand palace.

4. Walk around Herreninsel

Walking around Herreninsel

There’s a lovely, easy walk around Herreninsel with great views over the lake and mountains beyond. In a walk of just over 8 km you can see everything on the island, including the main palace, the monastery, and the path around the outside of the island. In places, there are great views over the Alps, and the route will also take you to a cute little church.

5. Head over to Fraueninsel

Walking around Fraueninsel in Chiemsee on a day trip from Munich

The ferry from Herreninsel to Fraueninsel takes just 10 minutes. There are no cars on this little island, and even no bikes are allowed. You can walk around the entire island in less than half an hour, though allow more time if you want to visit the monastery and have a drink or something to eat.

On the walk around Fraueninsel, you’ll see many cute little houses, most of which used to be lived in by fishermen. There are also cozy restaurants and Biergartens with great views. As you might imagine, smoked fish is very popular on the island, and is served in most restaurants alongside craft beer.

The main sight on the island is the old Frauenwörth Monastery (open daily May-October, 11am-5pm, free admission). It was founded in 782 and is the oldest nunnery in Germany. If you’re here in the month leading up to Christmas, the island has a famous Christmas market called the Fraueninsel Christkindlmarkt.

6. Go Swimming in the Lake

Swimming in Chiemsee

You can go swimming, or rent kayaks or paddle boards from several places around the lake. In summer, from June to September, the temperature of the water varies from around 20 to a balmy 26 degrees. Near Prien am Chiemsee there’s one private beach and two public beaches.

PRIENAVERA Strandbad is a private beach area right in the middle of Prien. There are warm showers, toilets, changing rooms, table tennis, a children’s play area and more. It’s open May-September and entrance is €2.70 per person.

Badeplatz Schraml is a nearby public beach, backed by grassy fields. Here you can rent rowing boats, paddle boats, sailboats or even electric boats. It’s just a few hundred metres walk from the large car park at Prien, or the beach has its own car park for €4 per day.

Strandbad Schöllkopf is a lovely public beach for swimming, about 10 minutes drive south of Prien. The beach itself is slightly pebbly and there are large grassy fields for having a picnic or sunbathing. Parking is €5 and there’s also a restaurant just behind the beach.

7. Walk from Prien am Chiemsee to Gstadt

A walk from Prien am Chiemsee to Gstadt, a great activity for a day trip to Prien am Chiemsee

There’s a lovely 15 km walk from Prien to Chiemsee, mainly following paths along the lakeshore. It’s easy walking and navigation is easy, you simply keep as close as possible to the water. To get back, the easiest way is to take the boat (included in the Inseltour West ticket). Alternatively, in summer you can get the bus between Prien and Gstadt.

8. Cycle around Lake Chiemsee

There’s a cycle path the entire way around Lake Chiemsee, though sometimes it overlaps with the road. It’s about 55 km long and quite flat. You’ll pass by small towns, beaches, lovely shorelines and plenty of places to stop for a break. There are great viewpoints of the Alps plus the lake islands along the way.

Houses on Fraueninsel on a day trip to Lake Chiemsee

There are actually two routes to choose from to cycle around Lake Chiemsee. The ‘Chiemsee Radweg’ and the ‘Chiemsee Rundweg’. The former follows cycle paths and minor roads and allows for fast cycling. The latter follows the lakeshore more closely and is shared with pedestrians in places, so you have to cycle more slowly and watch out for others. They’re both roughly the same length (almost 55 km) and share the route for large sections.

9. Take a Bus around the Lake

In summer (mid-May to early October) there’s a bus, the Chiemseering Line, which encircles the lake several times a day. It’s designed for both walkers and cyclists, with a large trailer for bikes. The bus allows for lovely one-way walks or cycles, and allows you to easily explore the lakeshore. Buses normally leave 3 times per day, one setting off from Prien and one from Chieming (on the other side of the lake) in opposite directions. Times are roughly 9am, 1pm and 4pm, but check the schedule for the up-to-date timetable.

Chiemsee Day Trip Itinerary

Views over Lake Chiemsee to the Bavarian Alps, Germany

Head out early to be able to catch one of the first boats to the islands. If you’re coming from Munich, take the train just after 7 am to be in time for the boat at 9 am. Below is an example itinerary of how to spend you time on a day trip to Chiemsee.

  • 9:00 am: Take the boat to Herreninsel
  • 9:20 am: Arrive on Herreninsel, buy a ticket & walk to the Schloss
  • 10:00 am: Go on a guided tour of Schloss Herreninsel
  • 10:30 am: Grab a coffee at the Schloss Cafe
  • 11:00 am: Walk through the palace grounds and around the lakeshore of Herreninsel
  • 12:30 pm: Have lunch at Schlosswirtschaft Herrenchiemsee restaurant by the monastery
  • 1:30 pm: Visit the Augustinian Monastery
  • 2:15 pm: Catch a boat to Fraueninsel
  • 2:30 pm: Explore Fraueninsel
  • 3:30 pm: Catch the boat back to Prien am Chiemsee
  • 4:00 pm: Arrive back at Prien am Chiemsee and finish your day by walking along the lakeshore or going for a swim
  • If you’re visiting Chiemsee for the weekend, the following day you can walk from Prien to Gstadt, cycle around the lake, or take the Chiemseering Line Bus to explore the lakeshore further.

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I hope you enjoyed this Day Trip to Chiemsee Guide. For more guides, walking tours and hikes in Germany, see our Germany hiking page .

FAQS for a Day Trip to Chiemsee

Yes, you can swim in Lake Chiemsee from both public beaches that are open all year round, and in private beaches with more facilities that are only open in summer. In the warmer months the lake temperature varies between 20 and 26 degrees.

Chiemsee is the largest lake in Bavaria, and also one of the cleanest. There are many things to do in and around Lake Cheimsee including visiting the famous Herrenchiemsee Palace on one of the islands, walking around the cute island of Fraueninsel, going swimming in the lake, and taking longer strolls or cycles around the lakeshore.

To get to the islands in Lake Chiemsee you have to take a boat. The most popular place to take the boat is from Prien am Chiemsee at the western edge of the lake, closest to Munich. There are also several other boat stops around the lakeshore.

Herreninsel means Gentlemen’s Island, while Fraueninsel means Women’s Island.

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Portrait of Caché McClay

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While the answer remains uncertain, here's what we know about each singer's political track record and recent moves to help better determine the likelihood of them joining forces in the name of politics next week.

Beyoncé clears 'Freedom' song for VP Harris

It should be noted, Walz has been deemed a certified Beyhive member and Beyoncé's mom, Tina Knowles, has already endorsed Harris as the next U.S. president. Moreover, last summer, Harris attended Beyoncé's Renaissance concert just outside of Washington after the superstar  gifted  her tickets.

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On top of those ties, Beyoncé's camp gave Harris approval to use Beyoncé's 2016 song "Freedom" featuring Kendrick Lamar on Harris' campaign trail. And Harris first used the song when making her first official visit to her campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware — a day after President Joe Biden  dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsed  Harris.

Beyoncé has performed at political events in the past

Harris' usage of "Freedom" is certainly not the first time Beyoncé's used her music to support presidential candidates and on political stages.

In 2009, Beyoncé sang for former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama as the couple took their first dance in the positions at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball. Four years later, she famously performed "The Star Spangled Banner" at Barack Obama's 2013 Inauguration ceremony. And in 2016, the superstar and her husband, hip-hop mogul Jay Z, headlined a rally for then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio.

As fans know, the "Ya Ya" singer released her groundbreaking album "Cowboy Carter" March 29. While she is notorious for moving in silence and always having a lot on her plate, at the moment there are no public events that might conflict with the timing of the DNC.

Taylor Swift has supported Harris as VP before

As for Swift, she has certainly not been shy about using her voice to make her political stances clear.

A month before the 2020 election, Swift posted a photo on Instagram of "Biden 2020" cookies she made encouraging voters to paint the election box blue. She wrote: "I spoke to  @vmagazine  about why I’ll be voting for Joe Biden for president," Swift wrote in the caption. "So apt that it’s come out on the night of the VP debate. Gonna be watching and supporting  @KamalaHarris  by yelling at the tv a lot.

There's time for Swift to make DNC, even with tour

The "Tortured Poets" singer has  a few shows left in London and nine in the United States before Election Day — and six of those concerts are in the swing states of Florida and Indiana. Though she has yet to endorse a candidate this election cycle, Swifties have already speculated that she may have hinted at her approval of Harris as the next president during an Eras Tour concert in Hamburg, Germany.

As Swifties know, one must decode a series of Easter eggs to get the potential message. The light-up wristbands handed out before that show lit up in red, white and blue when Swift — wearing a blue dress — played a mashup of her songs the "Last Great American Dynasty" and "Run."

As far as the timing of the tour in relation to the DNC, the superstar will be performing in London on Tuesday night, which would wrap by Tuesday evening central time. This gives her plenty of time to make it to the windy city on her private jet and attend events happening Wednesday and Thursday.

Neither ladies have performed at previous Democratic or Republican national conventions. However, it will only be a matter of days to see if this year is different.

Follow Caché McClay, the USA TODAY Network's Beyoncé Knowles-Carter reporter, on  Instagram ,  TikTok  and  X  as @cachemcclay .

Sabrina Carpenter hosting listening parties for new ‘Short N’ Sweet’ album. See all parties in Florida

Portrait of Samantha Neely

Sabrina Carpenter  fans won't exactly be working late next week: They will be up listening to her new album.

The singer's new album "Short n' Sweet" comes out Friday, August 23, with the singer promoting several listening parties for fan across the country.

Her hit lead single "Espresso," which debuted in April, has been hailed the "song of the summer and has dominated the  Billboard Hot 100  chart. Her most recent single, "Please Please Please," soared to the top of charts and has Carpenter's rumored boyfriend  Barry Keoghan   star in the song's music video .

Who is Sabrina Carpenter?

Sabrina Carpenter is a singer and actress from Quakertown, Pennsylvania. The 25-year-old first rose to fame in 2014 in Disney Channel's " Girl Meets World " as Maya Hart, the best friend of Rowan Blanchard's Riley Matthews.

She later debuted her first studio album, "Eyes Wide Open," in 2015. Prior to "Short n' Sweet," her most recent studio album was 2022's "Emails I Can't Send."

Earlier this year, she opened for fellow popstar Taylor Swift during her "Eras Tour" dates in South America and Australia. In May she made her debut as a musical guest on " Saturday Night Live. "

When does Sabrina Carpenter's new album come out?

Carpenter's sixth studio album " Short N' Sweet " will come out on Friday, Aug. 23.

"I am so excited to announce my brand new album 'Short n' Sweet' coming in August," Carpenter said earlier this month. "This project is quite special to me and I hope it'll be something special to you too."

See listening parties for 'Short N' Sweet' across Florida

Want to join fellow Carpenters to experience the album for first time together? Team Sabrina, which is run by Carpenter's team, promoted several listening parties around the country. Here are the parties in Florida:

  • D&J Records - 120 Patricia Ave, Dunedin, FL 34698
  • Park Ave CDs - 2916 Corrine Dr, Orlando, FL 32803
  • Salty Dog Records - 2178 Gulf Gate Dr, Sarasota, FL 34231
  • Tonevendor - 81d King St, St. Augustine, FL 32084
  • Retrofit Records - 439 W Gaines St, Tallahassee, FL 32301
  • Rust & Wax Record Shop - 2512 Florida Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Is Sabrina Carpenter coming to Florida? See tour dates, details

The "Espresso"  singer previously announced The Short n' Sweet Tour, a North American headlining arena tour in support of her upcoming sixth studio album. And Sabrina is coming to Florida!

The pint-sized pop star will first head to Orlando's Kia Center (formerly Amway Arena) on Thursday, Oct. 24. It is located at 400 W Church Street in Orlando.

She will head to Tampa's Amalie Arena on Friday, Oct. 25, which is located at 401 Channelside Drive in Tampa.

See all Sabrina Carpenter Short n' Sweet tour dates

Carpenter announced the following dates for her Short n' Sweet tour:

  • Aug. 10 | San Francisco | Outside Lands Festival
  • Sept. 23 | Columbus, Ohio | Nationwide Arena
  • Sept. 25 | Toronto | Scotiabank Arena
  • Sept. 26 | Detroit | Little Caesars Arena
  • Sept. 29 | New York | Madison Square Garden
  • Sept. 30 | New York | Barclays Center
  • Oct. 2 | Hartford, Connecticut | XL Center
  • Oct. 3 | Boston | TD Garden
  • Oct. 5 | Baltimore | CFG Bank Arena
  • Oct. 8 | Philadelphia | Wells Fargo Center
  • Oct. 11 | Montreal | Centre Ball
  • Oct. 13 | Chicago | United Center
  • Oct. 14 | Minneapolis | Target Center
  • Oc. 16 | Nashville, Tennessee | Bridgestone Arena
  • Oct. 17 | St. Louis, Missouri | Chaifetz Arena
  • Oct. 19 | Raleigh, North Carolina | PNC Arena
  • Oct. 20 | Charlottesville, North Carolina | John Paul Jones Arena
  • Oct. 22 | Atlanta | State Farm Arena
  • Oct. 24 | Orlando, Florida | Kia Center
  • Oct. 25 | Tampa, Florida | Amalie Arena
  • Oct. 27 | Houston | Toyota Center
  • Oct. 28 | Austin | Moody Center
  • Oct. 30 | Dallas | American Airlines Center
  • Nov. 1 | Denver | Ball Arena
  • Nov. 2 | Salt Lake City | Delta Center
  • Nov. 4 | Vancouver | Pacific Coliseum
  • Nov. 6 | Seattle | Climate Pledge Arena
  • Nov. 7 | Portland | Moda Center
  • Nov. 9 | San Francisco | Chase Center
  • Nov. 10 | San Diego | Pechanga Arena
  • Nov. 13 | Phoenix | Footprint Center
  • Nov. 15 | Los Angeles | Crypto.com Arena
  • Nov. 17 | Inglewood, California | Kia Forum
  • Nov. 18 | Inglewood, California | Kia Forum

Can I still buy tickets to the 'Short N' Sweet' tour?

Sabrina got the Swift treatment. Tickets went on sale for Carpenter's Short n' Sweet tour in June and have mostly sold out across the various. The cheapest tickets found at Orlando's concert were resale tickets over $300 for the top of the arena.

However, resale tickets are available via  StubHub  and  SeatGeek . Just beware as a majority of these tickets are sold by scalpers above face value.

Chiemsee boat trip at sunrise

Across the Lake by ship

The Chiemsee shipping fleet has been sailing the “Bavarian Sea” for over 100 years, connecting the Herreninsel and Fraueninsel islands with the mainland. All year round, the 15 steamers - including the historic paddle steamer “Ludwig Fessler” - bring guests from Prien and Gstadt to the islands. In summer, passengers can also get on in Bernau , Chieming , Seebruck and Übersee .

The highlight of every boat tour on the Chiemsee is the Herreninsel. Here the fairy tale king Ludwig II of Bavaria built the largest of his dream castles, Herrenchiemsee Palace, with year-round tours through the state rooms. The Fraueninsel, only ten minutes away by boat, attracts visitors in summer with its shady beer gardens and a leisurely stroll through the small “fishing village”. During the long tour, the steamers also dock in Seebruck and Chieming. If you want to visit both islands with the minster, castle and castle park, you should plan a day.

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Chiemsee Schifffahrt

Shipping with tradition

Shipping on the Chiemsee has been around since 1848 , when Joseph Feßler founded the passenger shipping company in Prien am Chiemsee. Today the fleet consists of 15 large and small ships that can accommodate between 25 and 350 people. The historic paddle steamer from 1926 is particularly popular with guests and, like all other ships, can be rented for private special trips. Here you can download the Chiemsee Schifffahrt timetables .

Prices and boat tours

Island tour west (from Prien /Stock, Gstadt or Bernau to Herren- and Faueninsel):

  • Adults: € 9.90
  • Children (6-15 years): € 4.90
  • Family: € 27.20

Island tour east (from Gstadt, Seebruck, Chieming or Übersee /Feldwies to Herren- and Fraueninsel):

  • Adults: € 10.50
  • Children (6-15 years): € 5.20
  • Family: € 28.80

Big Chiemseetour (all places on the shore and both islands):

  • Adults: € 13.60
  • Children (6-15 years): € 6.80
  • Family: € 37.40

Online booking and card payment on site is not possible. There is an ATM in Prien /Stock at the branch. Seebruck, Chieming Übersee /Feldwies and Bernau /Felden are only served daily in the summer months. In the pre-season (from May 1st to mid-May) and during the post-season (from mid-September to mid-October) the ships only stop in these places on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

16 seen tour chiemsee

Fraueninsel island

Munster, marzipan and Chiemsee fish

16 seen tour chiemsee

Herreninsel island

Famous island with magnificent castle and Chiemsee painter gallery

Couple walks on Chiemsee

6 am Chiemsee

Urlaub direkt am Chiemsee

Boy running in the Chiemsee, Chiemgau Alps in the background

Lake Chiemsee

Ships, castles and water sports on the "Bavarian Sea"

Election Highlights: Harris and Walz Rally in Las Vegas to End Their Introductory Tour

Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota were in Nevada for the final rally of their tour of battleground states. Former President Donald J. Trump tested a new attack at an event in Montana.

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16 seen tour chiemsee

Chris Cameron Michael Gold and Simon J. Levien

Here’s the latest on the presidential race.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, campaigned in Las Vegas on Saturday night, the final stop on their introductory tour of battleground states that began in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Earlier on Saturday, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College showed Ms. Harris ahead of former President Donald J. Trump by four percentage points in the critical battlegrounds of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The surveys of likely voters in each state were conducted from Aug. 5 to 9.

The polls were the latest sign of Ms. Harris’s political momentum since she announced that she had chosen Mr. Walz to be her vice-presidential candidate. The new ticket has been drawing large crowds, including at a rally in Glendale, Ariz. , on Friday that the Harris campaign claimed had more than 15,000 people in attendance, which would have been its biggest rally yet.

Mr. Trump was scheduled to attend fund-raisers in Jackson Hole, Wyo., and Aspen, Colo., on Saturday. On Friday, he unveiled fresh attacks against Ms. Harris during a campaign event in Bozeman, Mont., twice interrupting his speech to play compilations of some of her past remarks that his campaign hopes will portray her as overly liberal and inept.

Mr. Trump’s running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, rallied near Las Vegas last week , denouncing the vice president’s role in the Biden administration’s border policies. At her Arizona rally, Ms. Harris said she supported “strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship.”

Here’s what else to know:

A twist on that helicopter tale: Mr. Trump spent Friday doubling down on his story of nearly crashing during a helicopter ride with Willie Brown, the notable Black politician from California. Another Black politician from California, Nate Holden, said in an interview with The New York Times that he had been on a helicopter ride with Mr. Trump around 1990 when the aircraft experienced mechanical trouble and was forced to make an emergency landing in New Jersey.

A first-time endorsement: A Latino rights group backed Ms. Harris , breaking with its 95-year history of abstaining from formal presidential endorsements. The League of United Latin American Citizens, known as LULAC, said its members were stirred to action by concerns over the potential negative impact on Latinos if Mr. Trump were elected again.

Not an endorsement: Joe Rogan, the world’s most popular podcaster, backpedaled on comments he made on Thursday that seemed to throw his support behind the independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. After backlash from Mr. Trump’s supporters, Mr. Rogan, the podcaster with a large, devoted following that leans young and male, posted on X that what he said was not “ an endorsement. ” Another podcaster, Tim Pool, also expressed his support for Mr. Kennedy before quickly switching his support to Mr. Trump in the face of withering criticism from Trump supporters.

A tale of two very different bank accounts: Mr. Vance and Mr. Walz both came from modest backgrounds in the Midwest, but their personal fortunes have wildly diverged since then. Mr. Vance is a multimillionaire. Mr. Walz has much less than that, and is already emphasizing that contrast on the campaign trail .

Generating buzz: A high school class lesson that Mr. Walz gave 31 years ago is getting new attention online . As a geography teacher in Nebraska in 1993, Mr. Walz asked his students to take what they had learned about the Holocaust to predict which nation was most at risk for genocide. “They came up with Rwanda,” Mr. Walz said, talking about the project at a conference last month . “Twelve months later, the world witnessed the horrific genocide in Rwanda.”

David E. Sanger

David E. Sanger and Michael Gold

David E. Sanger reported from Wellington, New Zealand. Michael Gold reported from Bozeman, Mont.

The hacking of presidential campaigns begins, with the usual fog of motives.

For the third presidential election in a row, the foreign hacking of the campaigns has begun in earnest. But this time, it’s the Iranians, not the Russians, making the first significant move.

On Friday, Microsoft released a report declaring that a hacking group run by the intelligence unit of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had successfully breached the account of a “former senior adviser” to a presidential campaign. From that account, Microsoft said, the group sent fake email messages, known as “spear phishing,” to “a high-ranking official of a presidential campaign” in an effort to break into the campaign’s own accounts and databases.

By Saturday night, former President Donald J. Trump was declaring that Microsoft had informed his campaign “that one of our many websites was hacked by the Iranian Government — Never a nice thing to do!” but that the hackers had obtained only “publicly available information.” He attributed it all to what he called, in his signature selective capitalization, a “Weak and Ineffective” Biden administration.

The facts were murkier, and it is unclear what, if anything, the Iranian group, which Microsoft called Mint Sandstorm, was able to achieve.

Mr. Trump’s campaign was already blaming “foreign sources hostile to the United States” for a leak of internal documents that Politico reported on Saturday that it had received, though it is unclear whether those documents indeed emerged from the Iranian efforts or were part of an unrelated leak from inside the campaign.

The New York Times received what appears to be a similar if not identical trove of data from an anonymous tipster purporting to be the same person who emailed the documents to Politico.

Either way, the events of the past few days may well portend a more intense period of foreign interference in a race whose sudden turns, and changes of candidates, could have thrown the hackers off their plans.

Russia has so far played a relatively minor role, investigators and cybersecurity experts say, focusing instead on seeking to undermine both the Olympics, from which it was barred from fielding its own team, and support for Ukraine. And while American intelligence officials say they have little doubt that Russia wants to see Mr. Trump return to office, Chinese hackers, they say, seem uncertain how to play the election; they have reason to dislike both Mr. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

There is little doubt, investigators say, that the Iranians want to see Mr. Trump defeated. As president, he withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal, reimposed economic sanctions on Iran and then, in January 2020, ordered the killing in Iraq of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani , the commander of the Quds Force, a clandestine wing of the Revolutionary Guards responsible for foreign operations.

Four years later, the Revolutionary Guard Corps appears still determined to avenge Suleimani’s death, and just last week the Justice Department announced it had charged a Pakistani man who had recently visited Iran, accusing him of trying to hire a hit man to assassinate political figures in the U.S. , most likely including Mr. Trump. (There is no evidence that Iran was involved in the July 13 attempt on Mr. Trump’s life in Butler, Pa.)

Mr. Trump often casts his actions against Iran as evidence of his strength, despite the fact that his exit from the Iran deal gave Tehran an opening to rebuild a nuclear program that had been hobbled by the 2015 agreement. Still, the combination of the hack and the hit men looking for Mr. Trump and his former aides gave the former president an obvious foil, and he was using it over the weekend to make the case that the Iranians would prefer a continuation of the Biden-Harris administration.

Microsoft stopped short of saying that the hacking effort it detected was focused on Mr. Trump’s campaign, though the campaign itself said that was the case. In an interview, Tom Burt, the head of the company’s customer security and trust team, said that in June, “the Iranian team associated with Iranian intelligence” operations of the Revolutionary Guards successfully breached the email account of a former campaign adviser, whom the company did not name. From that account, he said, the Iranians sent a spear phishing email to an official of a presidential campaign.

While it would have appeared to the recipient to have come from the former campaign adviser, Mr. Burt refused to say whether the targeted campaign was also Mr. Trump’s. By long-established practice, Microsoft says, it can reveal such details only with the permission of the victim of an attack.

In many ways, the effort was similar in technique to what Iran attempted when it sought to interfere in the 2020 presidential campaign . This time, however, the Iranian effort looks to have been more sophisticated — namely, through the hacking of a trusted intermediary — suggesting the hackers learned something from what the Russians accomplished in past campaigns, notably in 2016.

But Mr. Burt said the company could not determine if the effort was successful in penetrating the campaign it targeted.

The documents sent to Politico, as it described them, and to The Times included research about and assessments of potential vice-presidential nominees, including Senator JD Vance, whom Mr. Trump ultimately selected. Like many such vetting documents, they contained past statements with the potential to be embarrassing or damaging, such as Mr. Vance’s remarks casting aspersions on Mr. Trump.

In a statement on Saturday, Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, preemptively chastised outlets that reported on any information that was improperly obtained.

“Any media or news outlet reprinting documents or internal communications are doing the bidding of America’s enemies and doing exactly what they want,” he wrote.

The 2016 election that Mr. Trump won was marked by similar “hack and leak” efforts after Russian hackers broke into the email accounts of top Democratic officials. Leaked emails showed the internal workings of the party and of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and also revealed criticisms of Mrs. Clinton by aides, and a trove of them was published by WikiLeaks in the final weeks of the presidential race.

Seeking an edge then, Mr. Trump’s campaign seized on the emails — many of them from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta. “We love WikiLeaks,” Mr. Trump declared at the time.


Nicholas Nehamas Reid J. Epstein and Kellen Browning

Nicholas Nehamas reported from Las Vegas, Reid J. Epstein from Washington and Kellen Browning from Phoenix.

Rallying in Las Vegas, Harris pledges to end federal taxes on tips.

Vice President Kamala Harris said on Saturday that she would seek to end federal income taxes on tips if she were elected president, mirroring a policy proposal that former President Donald J. Trump made earlier this year.

The proposal from Ms. Harris — which she announced in Las Vegas, where thousands of casino employees depend on tipped wages — is a priority of Nevada’s influential Culinary Workers Union. Both Ms. Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, recognized the union in their remarks to a packed basketball arena on Saturday night.

“When I am president,” Ms. Harris told the Las Vegas crowd, “we will continue our fight for working families of America, including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.”

The “no tax on tips” pitch has garnered bipartisan support since Mr. Trump first floated it in June , including from Senator Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican, and both of Nevada’s Democratic senators, Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen. Mr. Trump also announced his support for the policy in Las Vegas.

The former president responded immediately to Ms. Harris’s proposal on Saturday night, posting on his social media website, Truth Social, that she had “copied” his own. “This was a TRUMP idea,” he wrote. “She has no ideas, she can only steal them from me.”

The Las Vegas stop was the last public event of a five-city introduction of the Harris-Walz ticket. As with the other rallies, Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz drew a crowd many times larger than any that had shown up for President Biden while he was seeking re-election.

By Saturday, there were signs that some of the Democrats’ good vibes may have an expiration date. The Harris campaign said Mr. Walz “misspoke” when he said he had carried weapons of war “in war” in a video articulating his views on gun control. And Ms. Harris, before her event in Las Vegas, answered several questions from reporters for the first time since becoming the Democratic nominee — a development that took place after pressure from Mr. Trump and his campaign.

But overall, the week’s rollout was widely viewed as a success. Ms. Harris has engendered more enthusiasm than any Democratic nominee since Barack Obama in 2008. The appointment of Mr. Walz as her running mate took place without any significant grumbling from the party — a bit of a surprise after a two-week vice-presidential audition that surfaced ideological divisions in the party, particularly over the war in Gaza.

On Saturday, Mr. Walz urged the crowd at the arena on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas — which the campaign said included more than 12,000 people — not only to vote for the Democratic ticket but also to work to ensure their friends and neighbors did, too.

“I know very clearly that I am preaching to the choir,” Mr. Walz said. “But here’s my words for you: The choir needs to sing. The choir needs to sing.”

During stops in Philadelphia , Wisconsin , Detroit and Arizona , Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz spoke to capacity crowds. By the end of the week, the high points in their stump speeches had become familiar enough to audiences that people in the crowd shouted them along with the candidates. All told, the new running mates drew more than 64,000 attendees to their rallies, according to estimates from the campaign.

“Aren’t they a breath of fresh air?” Representative Susie Lee, Democrat of Nevada, asked attendees in Las Vegas.

Mr. Biden had trailed Mr. Trump badly in Nevada, where inflation is a top concern for many voters. But Ms. Harris has tightened that gap significantly since Mr. Biden dropped out.

On Friday, the vice president secured the backing of the Culinary Workers Union, an endorsement that will likely add to her campaign’s organizing operation and eventual voter turnout.

The culinary union is a 60,000-member organization that represents casino and hotel workers and has been a key part of the coalition that has helped Democrats win in Nevada.

Mariana Swanson, a culinary union member who worked as a restroom attendant at a Las Vegas nightclub where she depended on tips, said Ms. Harris’s announcement came as a “shock,” though a welcome one.

“It’s more money for taking care of your family,” said Ms. Swanson, 43, a Democrat and one of many attendees wearing a red culinary union T-shirt. “It’s more money for paying your bills.”

With her promises to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips, Ms. Harris seemed to preview the planned release of her policy platform next week. She had told reporters earlier on Saturday that the platform would focus on the economy and lowering costs for working families.

In addition to rank-and-file Democrats, wealthy donors are also responding to the new ticket. On Sunday, Ms. Harris was scheduled to attend a fund-raiser in San Francisco that drew more than $12 million in contributions, her campaign said.

Ms. Harris’s crowd in Las Vegas would have been larger than it was, but law enforcement officials closed the doors as people fell ill while waiting outside the arena in temperatures that reached 109 degrees. Roughly 4,000 people were in line at that point and had to be turned away, the Harris campaign said.

“Don’t worry,” a hoarse-voiced Mr. Walz promised those who had made it inside. “We’re going to be back a lot.”

Before the rally began, thousands of attendees stood and danced in their seats waving Harris-Walz signs, as disco remixes, hip-hop and Latin pop blared over the speakers and the arena’s lights flashed in multicolored rhythm.

“We’ve got a party up in here,” D-Nice, a D.J. and the event’s M.C., shouted to roars of approval. “Let’s light this place up.”

Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

Harris has wrapped up here in Las Vegas. She made news by endorsing a “no tax on tips” proposal that has wide bipartisan appeal and had previously been proposed by Trump.

Vice President Harris just said that as president she would support making tipped income tax-free, a major issue in Nevada, where much of the economy is service-based. It’s a proposal that has already been floated by her Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.

Harris also expressed support for raising the federal minimum wage. She told reporters earlier today that she would release her policy platform next week, with a focus on the economy and on lowering costs for working families.

Michael Gold

Donald Trump accused Harris of copying his “no taxes on tips” policy. In a post on his social media site, Truth Social, he wrote that Harris “has no ideas, she can only steal from me” and insisted that she would not follow through on the pledge. “This was a TRUMP idea,” he wrote.

Harris is now joining Walz onstage to deafening cheers from the crowd.

Walz is telling the story of his decision to join the National Guard at 17. Republicans have raised questions about his decision to retire from the Guard more than two decades later when it was rumored his unit would be deployed to Iraq.

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota has taken the stage, his first visit to the crucial swing state of Nevada as Harris’s running mate. “I’m melting like a snowman outside,” the Minnesotan says of the Las Vegas heat.

Tilly Torres, a Las Vegas teacher, is introducing Harris. She said she had $87,000 in student debt forgiven through the Biden administration’s actions, one of its more popular initiatives. “For the first time,” Torres said, “I have financial freedom.”

Torres also has kind words for Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, Harris’s running mate, saying that if he can “handle a high school lunch room,” then the vice presidency will be a piece of cake.

Beyonce’s song “Freedom” is blasting through this packed college basketball arena in Las Vegas, meaning Harris will soon appear.

Vice President Kamala Harris is 35 minutes and counting behind schedule for her remarks in Las Vegas tonight.

Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein

The Harris campaign said it was set to raise $12 million at a San Francisco fund-raiser on Sunday. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to speak to some 700 people.

Theodore Schleifer

Theodore Schleifer

Fun fact — that $12 million is precisely the amount that former President Donald J. Trump raised in San Francisco at an event this summer. But Trump raised it from only about 100 people.

The Harris campaign says that more than 12,000 people are attending her rally in Las Vegas tonight. But law enforcement officials closed the doors as people fell ill while waiting outside in temperatures that reached 109 degrees. Roughly 4,000 people were in line at that point and had to be turned away, the campaign said.

Don’t expect to hear this later from Vice President Kamala Harris, but one of her warm-up speakers, Representative Dina Titus, a Nevada Democrat, just made a joke about a false rumor circulating on the internet about Senator JD Vance of Ohio, former President Donald J. Trump’s running mate. “You better hide behind that sofa because we’re coming for you,” Titus said to laughter from a crowd of thousands.

The crowd here quickly joined Representative Steven Horsford, Democrat of Nevada, in a chant of “We’re not going back,” a rallying cry in Harris’s stump speech. The easy recognition shows how familiar Democrats are growing with her applause lines.

Nicholas Nehamas Jazmine Ulloa and Shane Goldmacher

Nicholas Nehamas reported from Las Vegas, Jazmine Ulloa from Washington and Shane Goldmacher from Phoenix.

Harris hopes a new playbook will neutralize G.O.P. attacks on immigration.

For weeks, Republicans have pummeled Vice President Kamala Harris on immigration, blaming her for President Biden’s policies at the border.

Now, Ms. Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, is seeking to neutralize that line of attack, one of her biggest weaknesses with voters, running a playbook that Democrats say has worked for them in recent elections and staking out her clearest position yet as a tough-on-crime prosecutor focused on securing the border.

This week, she has hit back by promising to heighten border security if elected and slamming her Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, for helping kill a bipartisan border deal in Congress. And her campaign has walked back some of the more progressive positions she took during her bid for the Democratic nomination in 2019, including her stance that migrants crossing the U.S. border without authorization should not face criminal penalties.

“I was attorney general of a border state,” Ms. Harris, who was once California’s top prosecutor, said on Friday at a rally in Arizona, a swing state where immigration is a top concern for voters. “I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and human traffickers. I prosecuted them in case after case, and I won.”

A day earlier, the Harris campaign released a television advertisement highlighting her pivot. The ad, targeted to voters in the battleground states, promised that Ms. Harris would “hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.” It made no mention of undocumented immigrants already in the United States — a top priority for many progressives and immigration activists — although in her Arizona speech Ms. Harris stressed the importance of “comprehensive reform” that includes “an earned pathway to citizenship.”

No other Democratic nominee has taken a position this tough on border security since Bill Clinton. Her stance reflects a change in public opinion since Mr. Trump left the White House in 2021. More Americans, including many Democrats and Latino voters, have expressed support for hard-line immigration measures.

The shift in public opinion comes as Republicans have escalated their rhetoric against migrants. Border crossings skyrocketed during the Biden administration, though more recently they have sharply declined since a Biden executive order designed to clamp down on the border. The question for Ms. Harris is whether her new message as the party’s standard-bearer will come too late for voters who have already formed opinions of her record.

Senior Trump campaign officials have ranked immigration as among Ms. Harris’s deepest vulnerabilities and sought to pin responsibility for the Biden administration’s policies on her, calling her the “border czar.” The title far exceeds the actual policy portfolio given to her by Mr. Biden, who asked her to address the root causes of migration from Latin America.

Democratic polling has raised similar concerns about Ms. Harris’s immigration record. Blueprint, a Democratic group, recently tested six potential Republican lines of attack on Ms. Harris — including labeling her the “border czar” — and found that those involving immigration were the most effective, even more so than attacks related to the economy and inflation.

Other polls have shown that voters place more trust in Mr. Trump’s ability to handle border issues than in Ms. Harris’s. But if Ms. Harris can at least counter Republican arguments on immigration, she may be able to sway voters on issues more friendly to Democrats, such as abortion, her allies say.

The decision for the Harris campaign to frame her record as California attorney general as a “border-state prosecutor” stands in contrast to how she ran in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Then, during a debate, she raised her hand in response to a question about whether people who are here illegally should be eligible for public health care.

For his part, Mr. Trump has attacked Ms. Harris over the border in dark terms, engaging in fear-mongering about migrants and using dehumanizing language to falsely paint them as a threat to Americans .

“Every day, Kamala is letting migrant criminals roam free to assault, rape, mutilate and kill our citizens,” the former president said at a rally in Montana on Friday.

Chris DeRose, a Republican who served as a clerk of courts in Arizona’s Maricopa County, said many swing voters would be dubious of Ms. Harris’s rhetoric.

“She’s part of the Biden-Harris administration,” Mr. DeRose said. “There’s going to be some skepticism.”

But Ms. Harris and her allies have tried to make Mr. Trump’s immigration record into its own campaign issue. This year, Mr. Trump successfully convinced Senate Republicans to kill a bill supported by Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris that would have effectively mandated that the border be shut down to migrants when numbers reached certain levels and that vastly expanded detentions and deportations.

“Donald Trump tanked the deal,” Ms. Harris said in Arizona as a crowd of more than 15,000 supporters booed. “Because he thought by doing that it would help him win an election.”

Jen Cox, a senior adviser for the Harris campaign in Arizona, said Democrats in that state, including Senator Mark Kelly, had won elections with tougher messages on immigration.

“Voters want to see folks be serious about actually fixing the broken immigration system and securing the border,” Ms. Cox said in an interview. “They don’t want to see folks play politics with it.”

In a closely watched special election in New York this year, Tom Suozzi, a Democrat, won a competitive House race after slamming Mr. Trump over the scuttled border deal and taking unusually hard-line stances for a member of his party, including calls to temporarily shut down the border and deport migrants who assault the police.

“The most effective politician is the one that says what the people are thinking already,” Mr. Suozzi said. “And people are talking about this issue. They are very much concerned about it. And the vice president can continue to emphasize that, yes, we recognize this is a problem and we are willing to compromise to solve the problem, unlike the other side.”

Harris campaign aides say her move to the center since the 2020 primary had been shaped by her time as vice president.

Mike Madrid, a longtime G.O.P. consultant focused on Latino voters, said Ms. Harris’s pledge to sign the border security bill, which did not include protections for undocumented immigrants already in the United States, and the security-focused message of her new television ad reflected wider changes among Democrats.

Since the Obama years, Democrats had sought to fuse efforts to increase border security with calls to establish permanent paths to legal residency and citizenship for the roughly 10 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, many of whom have lived in the country for years, holding jobs, paying taxes and starting families.

But the Latino electorate, the fastest-growing slice of the voter bloc, now tends to be third- and fourth-generation voters more removed from the immigration experience, Mr. Madrid said.

“This doesn’t mean you have to go all Donald Trump on immigration,” he said. “It means you have to lead with border security and then weave in the elements of immigration reform later.”

Michael Gold contributed reporting from Bozeman, Mont., and Reid J. Epstein contributed reporting from Washington.

Hundreds of people are waiting outside to get into a Harris campaign rally at a basketball arena in Las Vegas, where the temperature is 107 degrees.

Inside, it’s a full celebration, with thousands of people standing and dancing in their seats to disco remixes. “We’ve got a party up in here,” the D.J. D-Nice, the event’s M.C., says over the speakers. It cannot be said enough how different the energy at Harris’s rallies has been from that at President Biden’s.

Vice President Kamala Harris took five questions from the traveling press pool on Saturday. It was the first time since she became the Democratic presidential nominee that she engaged with journalists even to that degree. She said she planned to deliver a policy platform next week.

Harris has faced criticism — including from former President Donald J. Trump — for not holding a news conference or sitting for interviews with journalists.

The singer Celine Dion, in a statement on social media, said she and her management team did not authorize or endorse the playing of “My Heart Will Go On,” her hit song from the movie “Titanic,” at a Trump rally in Montana on Friday. The Trump campaign has played the song at multiple rallies recently, and Trump has over the years received several requests from artists asking him not to use their music at his political events.

Neil Vigdor

Neil Vigdor

The Harris campaign says Walz “misspoke” in a comment about his military service.

Officials for Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign are trying to clean up remarks made in 2018 by her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, that gave the impression that he had served in combat, just days after the campaign had inadvertently drawn attention to them to illustrate Mr. Walz’s views about responsible gun ownership.

In a clip from a political event in 2018, when he represented Minnesota in the House, Mr. Walz referenced his 24 years in the Army National Guard and background as a hunter while discussing his views on gun control. He spoke of supporting common-sense gun legislation that also protects Second Amendment rights, including background checks and restrictions on high-powered firearms.

“We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,” Mr. Walz said in the clip, which the campaign had shared Tuesday on social media, just hours after Ms. Harris named him as her running mate.

Mr. Walz deployed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, but not in a combat zone.

Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for the Harris-Walz campaign, said in a statement on Saturday that Mr. Walz’s remarks had been a misstatement and that he had not tried to mislead anyone about his military service.

“In making the case for why weapons of war should never be on our streets or in our classrooms, the governor misspoke,” Ms. Hitt said.

Mr. Walz, who is in his second term as Minnesota’s governor, has come under intense scrutiny from Republicans over his military record . They have accused him of exaggerating his record and also of quitting the Army National Guard two decades ago to avoid being deployed to Iraq, rekindling claims made by two retired command sergeant majors during Mr. Walz’s first campaign for governor in 2018.

Leading that criticism is Senator JD Vance of Ohio, former President Donald J. Trump’s running mate, who has accused Mr. Walz of “stolen valor.”

Mr. Vance served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 2003 to 2007 during the Iraq war. He was deployed to Iraq in 2005 and 2006 with the aircraft wing but was not a frontline combatant. His official military occupation, known as a combat correspondent, meant he was tasked with basic communication roles such as writing articles about the happenings in his unit.

The Republican broadsides against Mr. Walz resembled the “Swift Boat” attacks in the 2004 presidential election that created a cloud of uncertainty over the military record of Senator John F. Kerry, then the Democratic presidential nominee. Chris LaCivita, who is a senior strategist for the Trump campaign, was an architect of those attacks, which were highly effective.

The conservative-leaning editorial board of The Wall Street Journal spurned comparisons this week between Mr. Kerry’s situation and Mr. Walz’s military service, which it wrote was “far different.” It said that there were plenty of reasons to criticize Mr. Walz, but that his military record was not one of them. It quoted a New York Sun editorial that described the attacks as “thin gruel.”

On a number of occasions, Mr. Walz has emphasized that he did not serve in combat. During a CNN interview last month, when the anchor Jake Tapper said that Mr. Walz had deployed to Afghanistan, Mr. Walz corrected him and said that he had served in Europe in support of that war.

In an interview with Minnesota Public Radio in 2018, when he was running for governor, Mr. Walz said of his military career: “I know that there are certainly folks that did far more than I did.”

And when Mr. Walz was running for re-election as governor in 2022, The Minneapolis Star Tribune wrote that he had shied away from dramatic accounts of his time in the National Guard, framing himself instead as a former high school teacher and football coach.

The 2018 clip of Mr. Walz saying that “those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,” was not the only one that Mr. Trump’s allies seized on this week.

They also pounced on a 2007 C-SPAN clip from a Capitol Hill news conference when Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker at the time, thanked Mr. Walz for his service “on the battlefield.” Mr. Walz was identified by C-SPAN as an “Afghanistan war veteran” at the time.

Reid J. Epstein , Michael C. Bender , Thomas Gibbons-Neff and John Ismay contributed reporting.

In a memo, Tony Fabrizio, the Trump campaign’s chief pollster, argued that new polls by The New York Times and Siena College “dramatically understated President Trump’s support.” Fabrizio cited polls conducted in the days before the 2020 election that accurately predicted President Biden’s victory but overestimated the margin.

Donald Trump will attend two fund-raisers today in mountain resort towns favored by the wealthy. First, he’ll attend a lunch event in Jackson Hole, Wyo., then he will travel to a dinner fund-raiser in Aspen, Colo.

A former Trump administration official and climate change denier, appearing in a leaked training video for Project 2025, emphasized that the next Republican president must be focused on reversing the federal government’s current environmental policies. “If the American people elect a conservative president, his administration will have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere,” said Bethany Kozma, a former deputy chief of staff at the United States Agency for International Development. The video is one of several that were obtained by ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom, and the journalism project Documented.

Former President Donald J. Trump has tried to extricate himself from the negative attention surrounding Project 2025, the right-wing policy playbook prepared for the next Republican president that Democrats have used as a political cudgel.

Adam Nagourney

Adam Nagourney

As a rule, candidates who think they are ahead do not challenge their opponent to three debates, as Donald Trump did with Kamala Harris the other day. So it’s a pretty good bet that Trump’s own polling — or at the least, his political gut — had picked up on what Times/Siena college poll reports this weekend: that Harris could be a much tougher opponent than Biden.

Simon J. Levien

Michael Gold and Simon J. Levien

Reporting from Bozeman, Mont.

Fine-tuning his attacks on Harris, Trump tries using her words against her.

As former President Donald J. Trump continues to reach for attacks on his new opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, that might halt her political momentum, he unveiled a new tactic at a rally in Bozeman, Mont., on Friday night, aiming to use Ms. Harris’s own words against her.

Interrupting his typical pattern of a digressive and lengthy speech, Mr. Trump played two video compilations of past remarks by Ms. Harris that his campaign hopes will portray her as overly liberal and inept.

The first video drew on statements that Ms. Harris made during the 2020 presidential campaign, when she tacked to the left and backed progressive ideas on criminal justice reform. The second was a montage of interviews and speeches that Mr. Trump’s campaign used to mock her speaking style and insult her intelligence.

The videos did little to alter the message that the Trump campaign has deployed against Ms. Harris for weeks and that Mr. Trump summed up during his speech on Friday.

“America cannot survive for four more years of this bumbling communist lunatic,” Mr. Trump told thousands gathered in the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse at Montana State University. “We cannot let her win this election.”

Mr. Trump and his allies have repeatedly tried to portray Ms. Harris as more liberal than President Biden in the three weeks since he ended his campaign and cleared the way for her to be the Democratic presidential nominee.

The video compiling her past positions accused her of supporting a ban on fracking, mandatory gun buybacks and a single-payer health insurance system like “Medicare for all.”

Ms. Harris has backed away from those policy positions, which largely stem from her time in the 2020 presidential race. But Mr. Trump — who has been known to flip-flop or equivocate on hot-button issues like abortion — argued that her early statements were the only ones that mattered.

Mr. Trump’s rally on Friday was his first since Ms. Harris chose Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota as her running mate, and he used the selection to bolster his portrait of the Democratic ticket as overly liberal. Effectively likening Mr. Walz to a socialist, he accused the governor of being too lax in his response to protests that turned to riots in Minneapolis after the police murder of George Floyd and for signing a law giving access to menstrual products to transgender children.

Referring to Mr. Walz as “Comrade Walz,” Mr. Trump argued that Ms. Harris tapped him for his progressive bona fides. “This is her ideology,” he said.

Mr. Trump also acknowledged that he has frequently mispronounced Ms. Harris’s given name in recent speeches, though he added that he “couldn’t care less” how it should be pronounced. He admitted that he has in the past “done a lot of bad name-calling” in which he has purposefully mispronounced a person’s name. “They say, ‘Sir, you made a mistake,’” Mr. Trump recounted. “I said, ‘No, I didn’t.’”

Still, Mr. Trump’s speech offered continued evidence of the growing pains he has faced as he tries to shift years of attacks against Mr. Biden toward Ms. Harris.

Even as he argued that Ms. Harris was more extreme than Mr. Biden, he tied her to the president’s policies on immigration and the economy.

At one point, he said she was the one running the country the past four years, even as he repeatedly argued that she was too unintelligent or incompetent to do so effectively. Mr. Trump has long made the same argument about Mr. Biden.

Mr. Trump's rally is part of a western swing that includes fund-raisers in mountain resort towns favored by the wealthy. Before he took the stage in Bozeman, he attended an event in Big Sky, Mont., and on Saturday he will travel to fund-raisers in Jackson Hole, Wyo., and Aspen, Colo.

Montana is not an obvious site for a presidential campaign rally. Mr. Trump won the state handily in both 2016 and 2020, and he is expected to do so again in November. But with Republicans keen on flipping Democrats’ narrow edge in the Senate, Mr. Trump traveled to Montana to support his party’s Senate candidate there, Tim Sheehy, who is looking to unseat the Democratic incumbent, Senator Jon Tester.

At one point, Mr. Trump, whose flight to Bozeman was diverted to another city after his plane suffered a mechanical issue, reflected on how long it takes to travel to Montana.

“I’ve got to like Tim Sheehy a lot to be here,” he said.

Shawn Hubler Maggie Haberman and Heather Knight

Yes, Trump was in a scary helicopter ride, but not with that politician.

Donald J. Trump was doubling down on Friday about his story of nearly crashing during a helicopter ride once with Willie Brown, the notable Black California politician.

He was so adamant that it had happened that he threatened to sue The New York Times for reporting that the story was untrue , then posted on his social media site that there were “‘Logs,’ Maintenance Records, and Witnesses” to back up his account.

“It was Willie Brown,” Mr. Trump, who spent much of the last year hoping to make gains with Black voters, posted. “But now Willie doesn’t remember?”

Mr. Brown, 90, who was mayor of San Francisco and speaker of the California Assembly, gave several interviews on Thursday and Friday saying such a trip never occurred.

Turns out, however, that there was a Black politician from California who once made an emergency landing in a helicopter with Mr. Trump. It just wasn’t Mr. Brown.

Nate Holden, 95, a former Los Angeles city councilman and state senator, said in an interview with The Times that he had been on a helicopter ride with Mr. Trump around 1990 when the aircraft experienced mechanical trouble and was forced to make an emergency landing in New Jersey.

Recounting an episode that he had described earlier on Friday to Politico, Mr. Holden said Mr. Trump had been seeking to develop the site of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles when it was part of Mr. Holden’s district. Mr. Trump wanted him to see his Taj Mahal casino, Mr. Holden said, so on a visit to Manhattan, he rode with Mr. Trump from his Midtown skyscraper to a helipad, where the two took off for Atlantic City, accompanied by Mr. Trump’s brother Robert and by his executive vice president of construction and development, Barbara Res.

“He was trying to impress me,” Mr. Holden said. “We start flying to New Jersey. He said, ‘Look at the skyline! Look at how beautiful it is! And I’m part of it!’”

Mr. Holden said he wasn’t impressed. “I grew up in New Jersey,” he said. “It ain’t nothing new to me.”

“Anyway,” he continued, “we start flying to Atlantic City. He’s talking about how great things are. And about 15, 20 minutes in, the pilot yells, ‘Shut up! Shut up!’”

The hydraulic system had failed, he said. “Donald turned white as snow,” Mr. Holden recalled. “He was shaking.”

Mr. Holden said that as the helicopter’s crew worked frantically to set the aircraft down safely, his own thoughts ran to a helicopter crash in 1989 that had killed three senior executives of Mr. Trump’s casinos over Forked River, N.J.

“I just thought, how the hell do you let your staff not maintain your aircraft after you just had a crash that killed some of your staff? How could you let this happen again? I thought, if we go down, this is your fault.”

The helicopter ultimately landed safely in Linden, N.J., Mr. Holden said.

Ms. Res wrote about the episode in a memoir and corroborated Mr. Holden’s account in a brief interview late Friday. Ms. Res, who also spoke to Politico, recalled that Mr. Trump liked to say that Mr. Holden had “turned white” from fear, but that it was actually Mr. Trump whose face was ashen.

A spokesman for Mr. Trump did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Mr. Holden said he was in his living room watching Mr. Trump’s news conference on TV on Thursday when the former president told of experiencing a brush with death on a helicopter ride with Mr. Brown.

“I said, ‘What the hell is this?’” Mr. Holden said. “‘Was he in two near-fatal helicopter crashes? He didn’t fix those damn helicopters yet?’”

Mr. Holden said that he called Mr. Brown to compare notes. Mr. Brown told him he had never been in a helicopter with Mr. Trump.

“I said, ‘Willie, you know what? That’s me!’” Mr. Holden said. “And I told him, ‘You’re a short Black guy and I’m a tall Black guy — but we all look alike, right?’”

Mr. Holden gave his own height as 6-foot-1. “Willie has to be about 5-foot-6. Maybe 5-foot-5. He comes up to about my shoulders. And he’s bald. And I’m not bald.”

Mr. Brown, he said, “just laughed and laughed.”

Mr. Holden, summing up his assessment of Mr. Trump’s recollection, said: “I just think he makes things up. That’s what I think. He never thought anybody’s going to check.”

Mr. Trump told the story about nearly dying in a helicopter crash with Mr. Brown after a reporter at Thursday’s news conference asked him a leading question about Vice President Kamala Harris’s long-ago relationship with Mr. Brown and whether it helped her career trajectory.

The two dated in 1994 and 1995 when she was a prosecutor in Alameda County, which includes Oakland, and Mr. Brown was the Assembly speaker. Mr. Brown appointed Ms. Harris to two state boards before she ended their relationship.

“Well, I know Willie Brown very well,” Mr. Trump responded. “In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him.”

He recounted how the two had a close brush with death — “We thought maybe this was the end” — and that Mr. Brown used the frightening ride to tell him “terrible things” about Ms. Harris. “He was not fan of hers very much, at that point,” Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Trump had previously told the story, saying it was Mr. Brown on a helicopter with him, in his book, “Letters to Trump,” which was published in 2023.

Reached again Friday night, Mr. Brown reiterated that he had never flown in a helicopter with Mr. Trump and that he had not denigrated Ms. Harris to the former president because he admires and respects her.

“Those are the two things I am certain of,” he said. “All the rest of this is amusing.”

Asked if Mr. Trump might have confused the two California politicians because they are both Black, Mr. Brown said, “I wouldn’t want to conclude that he can’t tell Black people apart, because I’d hate for him to think that I’m Beyoncé.”

And then he burst out laughing.

Kellen Browning

Kellen Browning and Shane Goldmacher

Reporting from Glendale, Ariz.

Harris rides momentum to Arizona, for what her campaign says is largest rally yet.

Vice President Kamala Harris rolled into Arizona on Friday evening with the same political momentum that has infused her first swing across the country this week, drawing a crowd that her campaign estimated at more than 15,000 — her largest yet — in a Western state that not long ago appeared to be falling off the battleground map.

Along with her newly minted running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, Ms. Harris delivered a stump speech that is barely a week old, and yet familiar enough to an impassioned new following that some shouted her lines before she did.

The rally was her fourth in four days with an arena-filling crowd that demonstrated the degree to which her candidacy replacing President Biden’s had remade the 2024 race.

Mr. Walz relished the crowd that filed into the Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Ariz., in 100-degree heat as he poked fun at Mr. Trump’s obsession with rally crowds.

“It’s not as if anybody cares about crowd sizes or anything,” Mr. Walz said to knowing cheers.

Despite her momentum, Ms. Harris faces an uphill battle in Arizona , a longtime Republican stronghold that flipped to Mr. Biden in 2020 but, according to polling, had been drifting back to former President Donald J. Trump this year.

To win, she will need to reunite the diverse coalition of voters who delivered the state four years ago, and she made an explicit appeal to one part of that group on Friday: Native American voters.

“As president, I will tell you, I will always honor tribal sovereignty and respect tribal self-determination,” she said. The first speaker at the rally, notably, was Stephen Roe Lewis, the governor of the Gila River Indian Community, south of Phoenix.

In her speech, Ms. Harris zeroed in on two issues that are especially pertinent to Arizonans: immigration and abortion.

Crossings from Mexico into Arizona have remained high this year even as they have dropped elsewhere, and Ms. Harris positioned herself as supporting both an “earned pathway to citizenship” and tougher border restrictions, pointing to her record as California’s attorney general.

“I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and the human traffickers,” Ms. Harris said. “I prosecuted them in case after case, and I won. So I know what I’m talking about.”

By contrast, Ms. Harris said, Mr. Trump was playing politics with the issue. She highlighted his opposition to a bipartisan bill this year that would have beefed up border security.

“He talks a big game about border security,” she said, “but he does not walk the walk.”

The comments come as her campaign began to air a tough-on-immigration ad that labeled her a “border-state prosecutor.” Senior Trump campaign officials see the border and immigration as one of Ms. Harris’s deepest areas of vulnerability, and his campaign has repeatedly labeled her, inaccurately , as Mr. Biden’s failed “border czar.”

Ms. Harris did add a new riff to her speech, responding to Mr. Trump’s muddled comments on Thursday at a news conference in Florida, in which he did not rule out directing the Food and Drug Administration to revoke access to abortion pills.

Ms. Harris said Mr. Trump’s agenda “would ban medication abortion in every state,” adding, “But we are not going to let that happen — because we trust women.”

Mr. Trump has previously supported the Supreme Court’s ruling on the abortion drug mifepristone. Karoline Leavitt, a Trump spokeswoman, said in a statement the former president’s position on mifepristone “remains the same — the Supreme Court unanimously decided on the issue and the matter is settled.”

The abortion rhetoric could prove especially potent in Arizona, where the State Supreme Court reinstated a near-total ban on the procedure this year. The State Legislature eventually repealed it, but abortion is still banned after 15 weeks, and voters will have a chance to enshrine the right to an abortion until fetal viability in the state’s Constitution through a ballot measure in November.

The speakers who preceded Ms. Harris on Friday made a number of appeals to independents and moderate Republicans, another segment she will need to win over.

“I do not recognize my party,” said John Giles, the mayor of Mesa, Ariz., who is a prominent Republican backing Ms. Harris. “We need to elect a ticket who will be the adults in the room.”

Senator Mark Kelly, the Arizona Democrat who is also a Navy veteran and former astronaut, introduced Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz. It was the second time this week that a finalist in Ms. Harris’s running-mate sweepstakes introduced her at a rally. Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania did the same in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Mr. Kelly said Mr. Trump had “zero respect for any of us who have worn the uniform.” Mr. Trump’s allies have raised questions about Mr. Walz’s decision to leave the National Guard in 2005 to run for Congress.

Attendees and speakers said the enormous crowd braving scorching desert temperatures on Friday was a sign that, after months of dreariness among Democrats, momentum in Arizona was finally on their side.

“It may be a little warm outside,” Kate Gallego, the mayor of Phoenix, said, “but based on the energy in this arena, I know it’s Donald Trump who’s feeling the heat.”

Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

Trump claims he has helicopter trip records and threatens to sue.

Former President Donald J. Trump on Friday afternoon vehemently maintained that he had once been in a dangerous helicopter landing with Willie Brown , the former mayor of San Francisco, and insisted he had records to prove it, despite Mr. Brown’s denial.

In an angry phone call to a New York Times reporter as he landed several hours away from his planned rally in Bozeman, Mont., because of a mechanical issue on his plane, Mr. Trump excoriated The Times for its coverage of his meandering news conference on Thursday at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and home, during which he told of an emergency landing during a helicopter trip that he said both he and Mr. Brown had made together.

Mr. Trump was expected to keep his rally schedule on Friday as planned, boarding a smaller plane to complete the journey.

Mr. Brown denied on Thursday that he had ever flown in a helicopter with Mr. Trump.

It appeared Mr. Trump may have confused Willie Brown with Jerry Brown, the former governor of California, with whom Mr. Trump traveled by helicopter in 2018 while surveying wildfire damage in the state. But Jerry Brown, who left office in January 2019, said through a spokesman, “There was no emergency landing and no discussion of Kamala Harris.”

Willie Brown, who was a boyfriend of Vice President Kamala Harris during the 1990s, knew Mr. Trump as a potential business associate during those years, when Mr. Trump, then a New York developer, was working on new projects. A biography of Ms. Harris, “Kamala’s Way: An American Life,” reported that Mr. Trump had sent his private plane for Mr. Brown and Ms. Harris in 1994 to fly them from Boston to New York City.

“We have the flight records of the helicopter,” Mr. Trump insisted Friday, saying the helicopter had landed “in a field,” and indicating that he intended to release the flight records, before shouting that he was “probably going to sue” over the Times article.

When asked to produce the flight records, Mr. Trump responded mockingly, repeating the request in a sing-song voice. As of early Friday evening, he had not provided them.

Mr. Trump has a history of claiming he will provide evidence to back up his claims but ultimately not doing so.

He has also told the helicopter story before, in his 2023 book, “Letters to Trump,” in which he published letters to him from a number of people, including Mr. Brown. In the book, Mr. Trump wrote, “We actually had an emergency landing in a helicopter together. It was a little scary for both of us, but thankfully we made it.”

Two rivals in Michigan’s crucial Senate contest say they were both swatted.

The two leading contenders for Michigan’s open Senate seat disclosed that they had been targeted in separate “swatting” incidents in a span of less than 24 hours, just days after winning primaries in a crucial contest that could determine which party controls the chamber.

The first incident, involving Representative Elissa Slotkin, a Democrat, happened on Thursday night at her home in Oakland County, north of Detroit. The second one occurred on Friday at an address that had been listed on public records under the name of Mike Rogers, the Republican candidate and former House member, in neighboring Livingston County.

Politicians on both sides of the political aisle have increasingly been the target of swatting in recent years. The hoaxes — when false threats are deliberately made to law enforcement to draw a heavily armed response to a person’s home — have added to a climate of intimidation and the harassment of public officials.

Ms. Slotkin was not home at the time of the incident, according to a spokeswoman for her office, Lynsey Mukomel, who said in a statement that Michigan State Police troopers went to the residence after a false threat was emailed to a local official. She did not elaborate on the nature of the false threat. Michigan State Police confirmed they responded.

“Michigan State Police checked the property and confirmed no one was in danger,” Ms. Mukomel said, adding that U.S. Capitol Police would investigate the incident.

Mr. Rogers, a former longtime House member who was endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump, experienced a similar incident around 12:30 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, said Chris Gustafson, a spokesman for his campaign.

A person reported that a man was holding a woman at gunpoint at the property in Livingston County connected with Mr. Rogers, according to Mr. Gustafson, who said that Mr. Rogers currently does not live there but that other members of his family do. (Mr. Rogers now lives in Oakland County, Mich., according to his campaign.)

Shanon Banner, a Michigan State Police spokeswoman, said that a sergeant had responded to a report about a domestic situation at a residence in Livingston County on Friday and determined that it was false. She was not immediately able to confirm whether it was the same property.

Mr. Gustafson, in a statement, said that it was the second time that Mr. Rogers had been targeted in a swatting incident. The first was in 2013, when he was a member of Congress.

“This kind of violence cannot be tolerated, and it is our hope that those responsible will be quickly prosecuted and held accountable,” Mr. Gustafson said.

The rivals are running for a seat that is being vacated by Senator Debbie Stabenow, Michigan’s senior senator and a Democrat, who announced last year that she would not seek a fifth term . Democrats control the Senate by a thin 51-49 seat majority.

Ken Bensinger

Ken Bensinger

Joe Rogan would like to clarify: He did not endorse Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The world’s most popular podcaster has, sort of, but not really, thrown his support to one of the 2024 presidential race’s least popular candidates.

On Thursday, Joe Rogan said he preferred Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running as an independent, for president. “He’s the only one that makes sense to me,” Mr. Rogan said, as a guest on a podcast hosted by Lex Fridman, and called Mr. Kennedy a “legitimate guy.”

Mr. Rogan’s devoted following, one that leans young, male and numbers in the tens of millions, is highly coveted. His remarks about Mr. Kennedy, uttered on a show with a far smaller reach than his own, nonetheless set off a frenzied response.

Supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, worried that Mr. Rogan’s stance could carve off voters and hurt his electoral chances come November, quickly turned on the podcaster, standup comic and U.F.C. announcer. They questioned his intelligence and even mocked his height , a spectacle that was greeted with something akin to joy — or, at least, schadenfreude — among Democrats who have long written off Mr. Rogan as helpful to their cause.

By Friday morning, Mr. Rogan was backpedaling. “This isn’t an endorsement,” he posted on the social media platform X, and advised that he is “not the guy to get political information from.”

Mr. Trump himself weighed in on Friday afternoon, pondering “how loudly Joe Rogan gets BOOED the next time he enters the UFC ring” in a post on his social network that seemingly reflected his concerns that the influential podcaster could tip the scales against him.

“This takes straight from the Trump base,” said Mike Madrid, a Republican political consultant. A New York Times/Siena poll in battleground states in May found that 54 percent of respondents who said they planned to vote for the former president had a favorable opinion of Mr. Rogan.

Mr. Kennedy, long before Mr. Rogan’s unwinding act, had already taken credit for the perceived nod, posting on social media: “From one ‘legitimate’ guy to another, thank you.”

Even if it’s not a true endorsement, Mr. Rogan’s praise could come as a huge shot in the arm for Mr. Kennedy, who has seen his polling average drop from as much as 15 percent in early June to somewhere around 6 percent as of late last month.

While Mr. Kennedy drew national attention this week after acknowledging that he dumped a dead bear cub in Central Park a decade ago, such headlines have not helped ease his struggles raising money . He’s also fighting to get his name on the ballots in critical states, or, in the case of New York , keep it there.

“He doesn’t attack people. He attacks actions and ideas, but he’s much more reasonable and intelligent,” Mr. Rogan said of Mr. Kennedy on the “Lex Fridman Podcast,” which has 4.1 million subscribers on YouTube.

Mr. Rogan’s fan base is much bigger. In March, Spotify said that “The Joe Rogan Experience” had 14.5 million followers , almost triple the platform’s second most popular program. He also has 19 million followers on Instagram and 17 million followers on YouTube.

A poll by YouGov last year found that 81 percent of his listeners are male and 56 percent are under 35 years old , feeding the perception that he has a direct line to a cohort that polling suggests tends to support Mr. Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris.

“This is a group Trump needs strong performance with,” Mr. Madrid said.

During his interview with Mr. Fridman, he said that he was “not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form” and adding that he turned down multiple offers to have him on his show. “I’ve said no every time,” Mr. Rogan said. “I’m not interested in helping him,”

Mr. Kennedy sat for an interview on the “Joe Rogan Experience” in June 2023.

Ruth Igielnik contributed reporting.

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Geigelstein – Priener Hütte loop from Sachrang

Steinlingalm – kampenwandsteig loop from aschau im chiemgau.

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  • Aschau i. Chiemgau
  • Flintsbach am Inn
  • Bad Feilnbach
  • Langbürgner Lake
  • Brannenburg
  • Bernau a. Chiemsee
  • Nußdorf am Inn
  • Kiefersfelden
  • Prien a. Chiemsee
  • Wasserburg a. Inn
  • Moore Um Raubling
  • Feldkirchen-Westerham
  • Gstadt am Chiemsee
  • Eggstätt-Hemhofer Lakenplatte
  • Vogelfreistätte Innstausee Bei Attel Und Freiham
  • Bad Aibling
  • Stephanskirchen
  • Maxlrainer Forst
  • Tuntenhausen
  • Hofstätter Lake
  • Pelhamer Lake
  • Rott am Inn
  • Breitbrunn am Chiemsee
  • Südufer Des Simssees
  • Großkarolinenfeld
  • Rotter Forst Süd
  • Rotter Forst Nord
  • Rotter Forest


  1. 16-Seenrunde

    16 seen tour chiemsee

  2. 16-Seenrunde per Rad • Radfahren » Chiemsee-Alpenland-Tourenplaner

    16 seen tour chiemsee

  3. 16-Seenrunde

    16 seen tour chiemsee

  4. 16-Seenrunde per Rad • Radtour » outdooractive.com

    16 seen tour chiemsee

  5. Tolle Stechen Richtigkeit chiemsee radtour Anreicherung Reisender

    16 seen tour chiemsee

  6. Chiemsee Rundweg • Radfahren » Chiemsee-Alpenland-Tourenplaner

    16 seen tour chiemsee


  1. 16-Seenrunde per Rad

    16-Seenrunde per Rad. Radrunde durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 bezaubernden Seen. Auf knapp 70 Kilometern radelt man an den ehemaligen Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers vorbei. Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen" und „ ". In dieser moorigen Gegend wird man nicht nur an einem bezaubernden ...

  2. 16-Seenrunde

    Seeon and the famous Seeon Monastery , which is located on an island in the Klostersee , are important stations on the 16-lake circuit. The Hilgerhof Museum in Niederbrunn is located between Obing and Eggstätt, near Lake Eschenau , a little off the cycle path. In Eggstätt, the newly renovated parish church of St. George is worth a visit.

  3. 16-Seenrunde

    Mit dem Rad zu 16 Eiszeit-Seen. Startpunkt Parkdeck an der Reiterbergstraße. Ort Obing. Distanz 68,0 Kilometer. Dauer 04:20 Stunden. Höchster Punkt 622 Meter. Niedrigster Punkt 520 Meter. Höhenmeter 468 aufsteigend. Höhenmeter 468 absteigend.

  4. 16-Seenrunde

    Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen" und „Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte". In dieser moorigen Gegend des Chiemsee-Alpenlandes wird man nicht nur an einem bezaubernden See vorbeikommen. Spuren der Vergangenheit, 16 Seen an der Zahl, ehemals Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers. Tour.

  5. 16-Seenrunde per Rad • Radtour » outdooractive.com

    16-Seenrunde per Rad. Radrunde durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 bezaubernden Seen. Auf knapp 70 Kilometern radelt man an den ehemaligen Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers vorbei. Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen" und „ Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte ". In dieser moorigen Gegend wird man ...

  6. 16 Seen Rund im Chiemgau

    Mit dem Rad zu 16 Eiszeit-Seen. Die Tour führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte" und „Seeoner Seen" mit 16 Seen. Schatzkiste. ... Barrierefreier Urlaub; Ausflugsziele Besuchen die Highlights im Chiemgau; Unterkünfte. Hier finden Sie die passende Unterkunft für Ihren Urlaub in Obing am See & Pittenhart.

  7. 16-Seenrunde im Chiemgau: Mit dem Rad zu 16 Eiszeit-Seen

    16-Seenrunde im Chiemgau: Mit dem Rad zu 16 Eiszeit-Seen ist eine schwere Fahrradtour: 68,5 km in 04:29 Std. Schau diese Route an oder plan deine eigene! ... Meld dich an, um Details zur Tour zu sehen. Schau dir zentimetergenaue Infos zu Wegtypen, Wegbeschaffenheit und Höhenprofil an - und erfahr schon bevor du rausgehst was dich erwartet.

  8. 16-Seenrunde

    16-Seenrunde - RadReiseRegion Chiemsee-Chiemgau ist eine mittelschwere E-Bike-Tour: 70,1 km in 03:58 Std. Schau diese Route an oder plan deine eigene! ... Dabei geht es durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte" und „Seeoner Seen" mit 16 verzaubert wirkenden Seen.

  9. 16-Seenrunde (1-3 Etappen)

    Dabei geht es durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte" und „Seeoner Seen" mit 16 verzaubert wirkenden Seen. ... Entdecke neue Wege - eBike-Touren im Chiemgau. Fahrrad-Collection von Bosch eBike Systems. Noch mehr RadReiseRegion Inn-Salzach erfahren. Fahrrad-Collection von Tourismusregion Inn-Salzach.

  10. Startpunkt Ort

    16-Seenrunde RADTOUR Mit dem Rad zu 16 Eiszeit-Seen Startpunkt Parkdeck an der Reiterbergstraße Ort Obing Distanz: 68,0 Kilometer Dauer: 04:20 Stunden Höchster Punkt: 622 Meter Niedrigster Punkt: 520 Meter Höhenmeter: 468 aufsteigend Höhenmeter: 468 absteigend Pittenhart - Schnaitsee - Obing - Seeon - Eggstätt - Rimsting

  11. 16-Seenrunde

    Radtour durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 verzaubert wirkenden Seen und grenzenloser Aussicht zum Alpenbogen - Start in Obing. mittel. Dauer 04:20 h. Länge 68,0 km. Höhenmeter 468 hm. Tiefpunkt 520 m. Hochpunkt 622 m. Hauptstartort: Obing / Parkdeck an der Reiterbergstraße Weitere Einstiegspunkte: Seeon-Seebruck/Kloster Seeon ...

  12. Things to do at Lake Chiemsee: A day trip from Munich

    Herrenchiemsee Palace, Fraueninsel & Seeon Monastery. If you go to the Chiemsee, you definitely should not miss Herrenchiemsee Palace: The magnificent building was commissioned by King Ludwig II and modelled on Versailles - as was the palace garden, which was planned by the court garden director Carl von Effner. Regrettably, the Bavarian "Kini" only resided here for about ten days, before he ...

  13. CHIEMSEE (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Jun 2017 • Couples. The "Bavarian Sea" as people call the Chiemsee in Bavaria is a great place to visit. The tickets for the boat rides are not expensive at all. You need to follow 2 rules, 1. Be there early, 2. Don't come on weekends. If you follow those 2 rules, you avoid long queues and waiting times.

  14. 16-Seenrunde per Rad • Radtour » Chiemsee-Alpenland-Tourenplaner

    16-Seenrunde per Rad. Radrunde durch zwei Naturschutzgebiete mit 16 bezaubernden Seen. Auf knapp 70 Kilometern radelt man an den ehemaligen Eiszungen des Inn- und Chiemseegletschers vorbei. Die Radstrecke führt durch die beiden Naturschutzgebiete „Seeoner Seen" und „ Eggstätt-Hemhofer Seenplatte ". In dieser moorigen Gegend wird man ...

  15. 2024: Visit Schloss Herrenchiemsee Castle

    Like many other major tourist sights in Bavaria, Schloss Herrenchiemsee is open on Mondays. Opening hours are daily from April to mid-October from 9 am to 6 pm and from mid-October to March from 9:40 am to 4:15 pm. The last tours of the palace start an hour before closing time.

  16. 16-Seenrunde Chiemsee

    16-Seenrunde Chiemsee is an expert e-bike ride: 68.5 km and takes 03:51 h. View this route or plan your own!

  17. Must-see attractions Chiemsee, Bavarian Alps

    Frauenwörth Abbey. Chiemsee. Founded in the late 8th century, this is one of the oldest abbeys in Bavaria. The 45-minute tours are in German only.

  18. Tachinger See

    The Tachinger See awaits you in the middle of an extensive landscape conservation area. Surrounded by an idyllic hilly landscape, the Chiemgau mountains always have you in view. Adjacent to the Waginger See, the Tachinger See offers a variety of leisure and excursion options.. Bathing fun for young and old. Thanks to its depth of only 19 meters, the Tachinger See reaches a water temperature of ...

  19. Chiemsee Day Trip

    Below is an example itinerary of how to spend you time on a day trip to Chiemsee. 9:00 am: Take the boat to Herreninsel. 9:20 am: Arrive on Herreninsel, buy a ticket & walk to the Schloss. 10:00 am: Go on a guided tour of Schloss Herreninsel. 10:30 am: Grab a coffee at the Schloss Cafe.

  20. August 16, 2024, presidential campaign news

    Seen mostly as a gadfly and an oddity during her Democratic primary run in 2019, ... Aug. 16, 2024. AP. Vice President Kamala Harris said she would pass the first federal ban on price gouging on ...

  21. Will Beyoncé, Taylor Swift attend the DNC in Chicago? What we know

    There's time for Swift to make DNC, even with tour The "Tortured Poets" singer has a few shows left in London and nine in the United States before Election Day — and six of those concerts are in ...

  22. Seeon-Seebruck

    As a former Roman settlement on Lake Chiemsee, Seeon-Seebruck offers water experiences, natural beauty as well as historical and cultural highlights and thus optimal opportunities for an active holiday.. History to touch. On the archaeological circular trail, in the Roman Museum or at historical festivals, guests experience the life of the Celts and Romans more than 2,000 years ago up close ...

  23. Top 20 Hikes and Walks around Prien am Chiemsee

    The best walks and hikes around Prien am Chiemsee. 182hikes. 4.7. ( 908) 6,424 people hiked here. Hiking around Prien am Chiemsee is one of the best ways to experience more of the landscape, although finding the right route is not always easy. To help, here are the top hikes and walks around Prien am Chiemsee — so you can just get out and go.

  24. Sabrina Carpenter's 'Short N' Sweet': Find 6 Florida listening parties

    The 'Espresso singer new album, Short n' Sweet, comes out next Friday. Here's 6 listening parties around Florida, plus Sabrina Carpenter's tour dates

  25. Across the Lake by ship

    The Chiemsee shipping fleet has been sailing the "Bavarian Sea" for over 100 years, connecting the Herreninsel and Fraueninsel islands with the mainland.All year round, the 15 steamers - including the historic paddle steamer "Ludwig Fessler" - bring guests from Prien and Gstadt to the islands.In summer, passengers can also get on in Bernau, Chieming, Seebruck and Übersee.

  26. Election Highlights: Harris and Walz Rally in Las Vegas to End Their

    Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota were in Nevada for the final rally of their tour of battleground states. Former President Donald J. Trump tested a new attack at an ...

  27. Top 20 Hikes and Walks around Chiemsee

    Browse the best walks around Chiemsee and see interactive maps of the top 20 hiking trails and routes. ... 16. 16.0 km. Steinlingalm - Kampenwandsteig loop from Aschau im Chiemgau. Intermediate. 04:43. ... Explore the most popular Tours around Chiemsee. Cycling around Chiemsee. MTB Trails around Chiemsee.