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Roman bridge over the River Sella. Cangas de Onís

Cangas de Onís

cangas de onis tourist information

Chapel of Santa Cruz (Cangas de Onís)

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Covadonga Sanctuary

cangas de onis tourist information

Bridge over the Sella River

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Cangas de Onís

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Enclavado a los pies de los Picos de Europa y en el valle que forman los ríos Sella y su afluente el Güeña , el municipio de Cangas de Onís es una puerta abierta a la naturaleza y a la historia. Un lugar de paso desde tiempos prehistóricos hasta nuestros días, en el que han tenido lugar algunas de las más sonadas gestas de la historia de Asturias .

El Santuario de Covadonga , los Lagos, el Parque Nacional de los Picos de Europa , la pesca del salmón , el descenso del Sella en canoa , la subida ciclista a Los Lagos , el rey Pelayo , el queso de Gamonéu ..., todo esto y mucho más es Cangas de Onís.

Recorrer sus animadas calles, comprar en sus comercios  y disfrutar de la gastronomía asturiana. Para todos los gustos y en cualquier época del año,  Cangas de Onís siempre tiene algo que ofrecer. Te invitamos a comprobarlo.

Puente de Cangas de Onís


Una excelente oferta hotelera con establecimiento de alto nivel y de todas las categorías

Fiestas en Cangas de Onís

Las fiestas de San Antonio, el patrón de la ciudad, del Pastor, de los quesos...

Monumentos en Cangas de Onís

La historia de Cangas de Onís en sus monumentos, símbolos del paso de la historia.

HIstoria de Cangas de Onís


Nuestra apasionante historia, desde el paleolítico, al Reino de Asturias, Cangas de Onís ha sido protagonista de la historia de Asturias y de España.



La abundancia de excelentes materias primas, una rica y variada oferta y un alto nivel profesional, el éxito de la gastronomía en Cangas de Onís.

Tursismo de Aventura

Turismo de aventura

Montañas, ríos, bosques, barrancos y senderos, el escenario ideal para el disfrute de infinitas posibilidades para practicar el deporte de aventura...

Abierto en domingo

Abierto en domingo

Los domingos  todo esta abierto , comercios y tiendas tradicionales, restaurantes y sidrerías, todo gira alrededor de uno de los mejores mercados tradicionales , el de Cangas de Onís .

Corazón de Asturias

Queso Gamonéu

Solo un producto como el Gamonéu , elaborado de forma artesanal por nuestros ganaderos de la misma manera que hicieron sus antepasados, puede considerarse una joya gastronómica.

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Cangas de Onís

Oficina de Turismo de Cangas de Onís.

Avenida de Covadonga, 1 33550, Cangas de Onís Principado de Asturias

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Visit Cangas de Onis, Spain; a travel guide to the town of Cangas de Onis

Photo of Cangas de Onis

Visit Cangas de Onis

Cangas de Onis is in the province of Asturias in the Asturias and Cantabria region of Spain. It lies to the south-west of Llanes and east of Oviedo on the edge of the Picos de Europa National Park.

Explore Cangas de Onis

Cangas de Onis makes a good base for exploring the Picos de Europa. It claims to be the "first capital of Christian Spain" and is where Pelayo, a Visigoth noble set up his court in the 8th century.

Cangas de Onis parador

The main sight at Cangas de Onis is its 'Roman' bridge which has the Picos de Europa mountain range as a splendid backdrop. It appears in much of the promotional litterature of the area and whilst it is very attractive it has been rebuilt on numerous occasions.

The bridge has five arches with the central arch much larger than the others and a copy of the Victoria Cross hangs from the middle. It was declared a Historic Artistic site in 1931.It is very pleasant to take a walk along the edge of the river especially on a hot day.

There is also a 15th century chapel, the Capilla de Santa Cruz which is built on a Celtic Bronze Age dolmen. The town hall, the Renaissance-style Cortes palace and the 16th century Chapel of San Antonio are the other main sites in Cangas de Onis.

These aside the town makes a pleasant base and has some reasonably priced hotels and restaurants. The main square is a good place to sit and enjoy a drink or a meal and it has a pleasant atmosphere.

It is also home to one of Spain's splendid paradors. The Parador Cangas de Onis is in a former 12th century monastery. Set in a loop of the river Sella the monastery has wonderful views over the Picos de Europa mountains.

Places to visit near Cangas de Onis

Whilst you are here take the opportunity to visit the Cueva del Buxu which is a cave containg engravings and rock paintings dating back 10,000 years. The Cueva del Buxu cave is 5km east of Cangas de Onis.

Covadonga , a popular tourist village, is 11km south-east of Cangas de Onis and has both a military and religious significance. It is at Covadonga that Pelayo and a small Visigoth force overcame the Moorish armies and started the Reconquest.

There is a cave here that is a religous shrine said to have been used by Pelayo whose sarcophagus is here. There are daily masses in the cave which has been converted into a chapel and occupies an attractive spot above a waterfall. A large 19th century pink basilica has also been built here as has the museum of Covadonga which contains various religious artefacts.

The lakes at Covadonga are very popular and it is easy to get a bus there from Cangas de Onis.

The beautiful village of Llanes is on the coast about 30km from Cangas de Onis.

You can find more local travel ideas in and the Asturias and Cantabria guide .

See also Find Cangas de Onis hotels

Map of Cangas de Onis and places to visit

Cangas de onis places to visit.


Covadonga village and sanctuary are set in beautiful mountain scenery. The Battle of Covadonga is considered to be the start of the Reconquest of Spain.



Ribadesella is a charming seaside resort with an old town, a sandy beach and Modernista villas.


Llanes is an excellent seaside town on a rugged stretch of coast and with the Picos de Europa providing a backdrop.


Mogrovejo is one of Spain's most beautiful villages. Mogrovejo is a mountain village in the Picos de Europa.


Take a step back in time as you wander around the lovely old town of Potes. An excellent base for visiting the Picos de Europa.


Gijon is the largest city in the region and is surrounded by industry but once in the centre the city is pleasant and has good beaches and nightlife.

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Discovering Cangas de Onís: The Gateway to the Picos de Europa


Cangas de Onís, located in the heart of Asturias, is a historical and natural gem of Spain. Known as the gateway to the Picos de Europa, this city offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From its famous Roman bridge to the stunning mountains that surround it, Cangas de Onís is a tourist destination that should not be missed on your list of places to visit.

The Roman Bridge

The Roman Bridge, also known as the Bridge of Cangas de Onís, is one of the city's most recognizable emblems. Although its origin is medieval, it is known as "Roman" because of its architectural style. This three-arch bridge stands over the Sella River and is famous for the Victory Cross that hangs from its central arch, a symbol of Asturian history.

The Basilica of Santa María la Real de Covadonga

The Basilica of Santa María la Real de Covadonga is another of the most prominent points of interest in Cangas de Onís. This impressive pink stone church is located in the Royal Site of Covadonga, a place of great historical and religious importance in Asturias. The basilica, with its tall towers and impressive interior, is a place of pilgrimage and a symbol of Asturian history.

The Picos de Europa

Cangas de Onís is known as the gateway to the Picos de Europa, one of the most impressive mountain ranges in Spain. Nature and hiking lovers will find a true paradise in this area, with routes of all levels of difficulty and breathtaking landscapes. In addition, the Picos de Europa are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, including the Iberian wolf and the brown bear.

Gastronomy is another of the great attractions of Cangas de Onís. Typical dishes of the area include Asturian fabada, Cabrales cheese, and cider, the traditional drink of Asturias. In addition, the city has several restaurants and cider houses where you can taste these and other dishes of Asturian cuisine.

Outdoor Activities

In addition to its rich history and culture, Cangas de Onís offers a wide variety of outdoor activities. From hiking and climbing in the Picos de Europa to canoeing on the Sella River, there are options for all tastes and skill levels. Moreover, the city is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes that can be explored on foot, by bike, or on horseback.

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Gastronomic Products of Cangas de Onís

Cabrales cheese.

Cabrales cheese is one of the most famous products from the region of Cangas de Onís. This blue cheese is made with raw cow, sheep, and goat milk, and is cured in natural caves in the mountains for several months. The result is a strong and spicy cheese with a unique flavor and aroma.

Asturian Fabada

Asturian fabada is a traditional dish from the region that is made with fabes (white beans), chorizo, blood sausage, shoulder bacon, and sometimes pork ribs. It is a hearty and tasty dish that is served hot, ideal for cold winter days.

Asturian Cider

Cider is a traditional alcoholic beverage from Asturias that is made from the fermentation of apple juice. In Cangas de Onís, you can enjoy cider in numerous cider houses, where it is served in a special way: it is poured from a height to aerate the drink and improve its flavor.

Cured Meats

Cangas de Onís is famous for its cured meats, especially chorizo and blood sausage. These sausages are made in a traditional way and are air-cured, which gives them a unique flavor and texture. They are the perfect complement to Asturian fabada or to enjoy on their own, accompanied by a glass of cider.

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Outstanding Gastronomic Places in Cangas de Onís

From charming taverns to restaurants with panoramic views, Cangas de Onís offers a wide variety of places to enjoy the rich Asturian cuisine. Below, we present some of the most outstanding:

El Molín de la Pedrera Restaurant

Located in an old water mill, the El Molín de la Pedrera Restaurant is known for its excellent Asturian cuisine. Here you can taste traditional dishes such as fabada, cachopo and Cantabrian fish. In addition, the rustic atmosphere and friendly service make this place a perfect option to enjoy an unforgettable meal.

El Campanu Tavern

If you are looking for a charming place with good prices, the El Campanu Tavern is an excellent option. This cozy establishment offers a wide variety of tapas and typical Asturian dishes, such as cider, local cheeses and roxa meat. In addition, its extensive wine list will allow you to pair your favorite dishes with the best selection of Asturian wines.

Los Arcos Restaurant

With panoramic views of the Sella River, the Los Arcos Restaurant is an ideal place to enjoy Asturian cuisine. Its menu offers a variety of local dishes, including fresh seafood, grilled meats and homemade desserts. The restaurant also has a wide selection of wines and ciders to accompany your meal.

Casa Marcial

For a high-end culinary experience, Casa Marcial is a must-visit. This two-Michelin-starred restaurant offers a modern reinterpretation of Asturian cuisine, with innovative dishes and artistic presentations. Although the prices are higher, the culinary experience that Casa Marcial offers is worth every euro.

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Sporting Activities in Cangas de Onís

With its impressive mountainous landscape, Cangas de Onís is an ideal destination for hiking lovers. You can explore routes such as the Cares or the Dobra river, both with spectacular views.

Escalada y Montañismo

The Sella river, which crosses Cangas de Onís, is famous for its canoe descent. This activity is suitable for all ages and does not require previous experience, making it a perfect option to enjoy the natural environment of the area in a fun and exciting way.

Práctica de Kayak y Canotaje

For the more adventurous, climbing is a very popular option in Cangas de Onís. There are several climbing schools in the area that offer courses for all levels, from beginners to experienced climbers.

Escalada y Montañismo

Mountain Biking

Cycling enthusiasts will find in Cangas de Onís a paradise for practicing this sport. There are numerous mountain routes that offer challenges for all levels, from gentle trails to steep slopes.

Ciclismo, bicicleta de montaña

Places near Cangas de Onís

If you are in Cangas de Onís and wish to explore a bit more, here we present some nearby cities and towns that offer unique tourist and gastronomic experiences:


The Picturesque Town of Cangas de Onis: A Must-Visit Destination

  • Travel destinations
  • Mónica Rodrigues Alves
  • January 25, 2024
  • No Comments

Ponte de Cangas de Onis.

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Cangas de Onis is a small town located in the heart of the Picos de Europa mountain range in northern Spain. It is known for its picturesque setting, with the Sella River running through the town and the rugged peaks of the mountain range serving as a backdrop.

The town is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, with a range of activities available including hiking, rock climbing, and mountain biking.

It is also home to a number of cultural and historical attractions, such as the Puente Romano (Roman Bridge), which dates back to the 1st century AD, and the Monasterio de San Pedro de Villanueva, a 10th-century monastery that is now a museum.

Cangas de Onis is a great destination for anyone looking to experience the natural beauty and cultural richness of the Picos de Europa.

Its charming streets, delicious cuisine, and friendly locals make it a must-visit destination for travelers. So, it is a perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of nature.

Best things to see and do in Cangas de Onis Spain

Cangas de Onis.

Some of the top things to do and see in Cangas de Onis include:

Hike in the Picos de Europa

Hiking in the Picos de Europa from Cangas de Onis is an experience that is sure to inspire and delight. The mountain range is home to a range of trails, from easy walks to more challenging routes, offering something for hikers of all abilities.

As you set out on your hike, the crisp, clean air fills your lungs, invigorating you and making you feel alive. The rugged peaks of the mountain range tower above you, providing a sense of awe and wonder. And as you make your way through the stunning landscape, you can’t help but be moved by the natural beauty that surrounds you.

Whether you are tackling a challenging route or simply taking a leisurely walk, the Picos de Europa from Cangas de Onis is a place that will inspire and delight. The sense of accomplishment you feel as you reach the summit is unmatched, and the memories you create will stay with you for a lifetime.

Visit the Puente Romano (Roman Bridge)

Ponte de Cangas de Onis.

The Puente Romano (Roman Bridge) is an ancient bridge located in Cangas de Onis, a small town in the heart of the Picos de Europa mountain range in northern Spain. It is one of the oldest bridges in Spain, dating back to the 1st century AD.

The bridge is a popular attraction in Cangas de Onis and is a great place to learn about the history and culture of the region. It is made of stone and is more than 80 meters long, with a single arch spanning the Sella River. It was originally built by the Romans to connect the towns of Cangas de Onis and Ponga, and has been in continuous use since its construction.

Visitors can walk across the bridge and take in the beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. There is also a small museum located nearby, which offers more information about the bridge and its history.

The Puente Romano is a must-visit attraction for anyone interested in history or architecture, and is a great way to learn more about the rich cultural heritage of Cangas de Onis and the Picos de Europa.

Explore the Monasterio de San Pedro de Villanueva

The Monastery of San Pedro de Villanueva is a 10th-century monastery located in Cangas de Onis, a small town in the heart of the Picos de Europa mountain range in northern Spain. It is now a museum and is a great place to learn about the history and culture of the region.

The monastery was founded in the 10th century by the King of León, Alfonso III, and was originally built as a Benedictine monastery. It was later converted into a Cistercian monastery in the 12th century. The monastery is located on a hill overlooking the town and is surrounded by beautiful gardens.

Visitors can explore the monastery’s cloisters, chapel, and other buildings, which have been beautifully preserved and contain a number of interesting exhibits. There is also a museum on the grounds, which houses a collection of art and artifacts from the region.

The Monastery of San Pedro de Villanueva is a must-visit attraction for anyone interested in history or architecture, and is a great way to learn more about the rich cultural heritage of Cangas de Onis and the Picos de Europa.

Go rock climbing

Cangas de Onis is a great destination for rock climbing, with a range of routes suitable for climbers of all abilities. The Picos de Europa mountain range, which is located in northern Spain and is home to Cangas de Onis, offers a range of climbing opportunities, with both sport and traditional routes available.

If you are planning to go rock climbing in Cangas de Onis, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

Choose a suitable route: Picos de Europa is home to a range of climbing routes, from easy to more challenging. Make sure to choose a route that is appropriate for your ability level and experience.

Hire a guide: If you are not familiar with the area or are planning to tackle a more challenging route, it is a good idea to hire a local guide. They can provide valuable advice and help ensure your safety.

Pack appropriately: Make sure to bring all the necessary equipment, including a climbing harness, helmet, and climbing shoes. You should also bring plenty of water and snacks, as well as appropriate clothing and sunscreen.

Follow safety guidelines: Rock climbing can be a dangerous activity, so it is important to follow all safety guidelines and use proper techniques.

Enjoy the local cuisine

Cangas de Onis is a great destination for foodies, with a range of delicious local dishes on offer. The town is located in the region of Asturias, which is known for its rich culinary traditions. Some of the top dishes to try in Cangas de Onis include:

Fabada: This hearty bean stew is a traditional dish in Asturias and is made with beans, sausage, and other meats.

Cachopo: This breaded and fried stuffed veal or pork cutlet is a popular dish in Cangas de Onis and is often served with chips (fries) and a salad.

Tortilla de patatas: This Spanish potato omelette is a staple of Asturian cuisine and is often served as a tapa (small snack).

Queso de Cabrales: This blue cheese is a specialty of Asturias and is made from cow’s, sheep’s, and goat’s milk. It is often served with bread or crackers.

Asturian cider: Asturias is known for its cider, which is made from apples and is often served in traditional “txotx” style, with the cider being poured from a height into small glasses.

Visit the Parque Nacional de los Picos de Europa

There is so much to see and do in Los Picos de Europa National Park that I have dedicated a whole article to it (see at the end of this article).

In any case, you probably arrived at Cangas de Onis while exploring the Picos de Europa, right?

Go mountain biking

Cangas de Onis is a great destination for mountain biking, with a range of trails suitable for riders of all abilities. The Picos de Europa mountain range, which is located in northern Spain and is home to Cangas de Onis, offers a range of biking opportunities, with both cross-country and downhill trails available.

If you are planning to go mountain biking in Cangas de Onis, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Choose a suitable trail: The Picos de Europa is home to a range of mountain biking trails, from easy to more challenging. Make sure to choose a trail that is appropriate for your ability level and experience.
  • Rent a bike: If you don’t have your own mountain bike, you can rent one in Cangas de Onis. There are a number of rental shops in the town that offer bikes for hire.
  • Pack appropriately: Make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks, as well as appropriate clothing and a helmet. You should also bring a repair kit in case of any mechanical issues.
  • Follow safety guidelines: Mountain biking can be a dangerous activity, so it is important to follow all safety guidelines and use proper techniques.

Explore the local markets

The Sunday market in Cangas de Onis is particularly interesting, as it is the time when neighbors get together to go shopping.

Did you know that this market has been in the same place for about 200 years? Every Sunday people head to Palaciu Pintu, next to the church, to buy produce from the gardens and meadow.

In other words, it is a good place to buy cheese directly from the producers, sausages and seasonal vegetables.

Accomodation in Cangas de Onis Spain

Hotel & Spa Villa de Mestas.

We chose to stay at the Hotel & Spa Villa de Mestas , which is located about 11 km from Cangas de Onis, and we recommend it.

The hotel is very comfortable, has a large fireplace which is great in winter and is surrounded by farmland and mountains. In addition, it has a SPA… It really is a paradise!

But if you want to see other options for hotels in Cangas de Onis, see below.

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What to see in Cangas de Onís

What to see in Cangas de Onís one day? What to see in the surroundings of Cangas de Onís? Here we give you the information: Roman Bridge, Chapel of Santa Cruz, Real Sitio de Covadonga, Picos de Europa Natural Park ...

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Top 14 things to do and attractions in Cangas de Onis

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cangas de onis tourist information

1 Puente Romano

cangas de onis tourist information

2 Roman bridge in Cangas de Onis

cangas de onis tourist information

3 Senda de la Olla de San Vicente

4 mirador de la reina, 5 dolmen and church of the true cross of cangas de onís, 6 astursella aventura | descenso del sella, 7 mirador de següencu, 8 statue of king pelayo, 9 escultura moto de piedra, 10 tirolinas y canoas del sella, 11 palacio pintu, 12 church of santa eulalia, 13 museo del real sitio de covadonga, 14 iglesia de san andrés, popular road trips from cangas de onis, what's the weather like in cangas de onis.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Cangas de Onis for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in January
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in February
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in March
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in April
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in May
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in June
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in July
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in August
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in September
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in October
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in November
  • Weather in Cangas de Onis in December

All road trips from Cangas de Onis

  • Cangas de Onis to Barcelona drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Madrid drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Paris drive
  • Cangas de Onis to London drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Rome drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Lisbon drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Amsterdam drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Seville drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Porto drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Florence drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Bilbao drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Berlin drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Prague drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Valencia drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Milan drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Venice drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Edinburgh drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Dublin drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Budapest drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Granada drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Vienna drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Marrakech drive
  • Cangas de Onis to San Sebastian - Donostia drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Brussels drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Turin drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Cordoba drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Santander drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Bordeaux drive
  • Cangas de Onis to Salamanca drive

Explore nearby places

  • Cangas de Onis
  • Soto de Cangas
  • Soto de las Duenas
  • Ribadesella
  • Caravia Municipality
  • Nueva de Llanes
  • Poo de Cabrales
  • Santa Eulalia de Cabranes
  • Oseja de Sajambre

All related maps of Cangas de Onis

  • Map of Cangas de Onis
  • Map of Cardes
  • Map of Soto de Cangas
  • Map of Arriondas
  • Map of Covadonga
  • Map of Soto de las Duenas
  • Map of Sevares
  • Map of Amieva
  • Map of Ribadesella
  • Map of Caravia Municipality
  • Map of Avin
  • Map of Gobiendes
  • Map of Nueva de Llanes
  • Map of Beleno
  • Map of Ortiguero
  • Map of Biedes
  • Map of Ovio
  • Map of Colunga
  • Map of Infiesto
  • Map of Ponga
  • Map of Riofabar
  • Map of Berodia
  • Map of Naves
  • Map of Inguanzo
  • Map of Luces
  • Map of Carrena
  • Map of Poo de Cabrales
  • Map of Priesca
  • Map of Santa Eulalia de Cabranes
  • Map of Niembro
  • Map of Oseja de Sajambre

Cangas de Onis throughout the year

  • Cangas de Onis in January
  • Cangas de Onis in February
  • Cangas de Onis in March
  • Cangas de Onis in April
  • Cangas de Onis in May
  • Cangas de Onis in June
  • Cangas de Onis in July
  • Cangas de Onis in August
  • Cangas de Onis in September
  • Cangas de Onis in October
  • Cangas de Onis in November
  • Cangas de Onis in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Cangas de Onis?

Get inspired for your trip to Cangas de Onis with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Cangas de Onis Itinerary
  • 2-Day Cangas de Onis Itinerary
  • 3-Day Cangas de Onis Itinerary

Best attractions in nearby cities

  • Top things to do and attractions in Madrid
  • Top things to do and attractions in Porto
  • Top things to do and attractions in Bilbao
  • Top things to do and attractions in San Sebastian - Donostia
  • Top things to do and attractions in Gijon
  • Top things to do and attractions in Santiago de Compostela
  • Top things to do and attractions in Toledo
  • Top things to do and attractions in Oviedo
  • Top things to do and attractions in Santander
  • Top things to do and attractions in Leon
  • Top things to do and attractions in Burgos
  • Top things to do and attractions in Segovia
  • Top things to do and attractions in Santillana del Mar
  • Top things to do and attractions in Comillas
  • Top things to do and attractions in Colunga
  • Top things to do and attractions in Ribadesella
  • Top things to do and attractions in Cabrales Municipality

Best restaurants in nearby cities

  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Madrid
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Porto
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Bilbao
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in San Sebastian - Donostia
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Gijon
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Santiago de Compostela
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Toledo
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Oviedo
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Santander
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Leon
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Burgos
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Segovia
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Villaviciosa
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Santillana del Mar
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Ribadesella
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Cabrales Municipality
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Cabezon de la Sal

cangas de onis tourist information

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Cangas De Onis Travel Stories


  1. Cangas de Onís

    Everything You Need to Know to Travel Smart and Stay Safe. Find the Perfect Place to Stay. Hotels, Motels, Resorts & More.

  2. THE 5 BEST Cangas de Onis Tours & Excursions for 2024

    Find the best tours, tickets, trips & more. Compare prices and book online on Tripadvisor. Full refund available up to 24 hours before your tour date. Quick & easy purchase process.

  3. Tourism in Cangas de Onís. What to see. Tourist information

    Cangas de Onís, capital of the area of the same name, sits in the valley formed by the rivers Sella and Güeña. The most representative feature of the town is its Roman Bridge, declared to be a Historic-Artistic Site in 1931.It has five arches, three of them pointed, and from the centre hangs a reproduction of the Victoria Cross.The hermitage of Santa Cruz also stands out due to the age of ...

  4. Things to Do in Cangas de Onis

    Things to Do in Cangas de Onis, Spain: See Tripadvisor's 52,104 traveler reviews and photos of Cangas de Onis tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in July. We have reviews of the best places to see in Cangas de Onis. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  5. Portal oficial de turismo de Cangas de Onís, Asturias

    Bienvenidos al portalde Turismode Cangas de Onís. Enclavado a los pies de los Picos de Europa y en el valle que forman los ríos Sella y su afluente el Güeña, el municipio de Cangas de Onís es una puerta abierta a la naturaleza y a la historia. Un lugar de paso desde tiempos prehistóricos hasta nuestros días, en el que han tenido lugar ...

  6. Visit Cangas de Onis, Spain; a travel guide to the town of Cangas de Onis

    The Cueva del Buxu cave is 5km east of Cangas de Onis. Covadonga, a popular tourist village, is 11km south-east of Cangas de Onis and has both a military and religious significance. It is at Covadonga that Pelayo and a small Visigoth force overcame the Moorish armies and started the Reconquest.

  7. Cangas de Onís: basic information

    Cangas de Onís is an emblematic place of the Principality. It is famous for its perfectly preserved Roman bridge and for hosting the Battle of Covadonga in 722, which emerged as the first focus of resistance to the Muslim invasion. This battle, won by Pelayo, initiates the Reconquest and enables the establishment of the Asturian kingdom, based ...

  8. What to see in Cangas de Onís

    The Chapel of San Antonio, in Cangas de Arriba, was built in the sixteenth century and reformed in the XIX. In this small temple of unique nave is celebrated the festival of Cangas de Onís (13 June) each year. Market in Cangas de Onís. Another point of interest to see in Cangas de Onis is the Market Square. In Cangas, the liveliest day of the ...

  9. Cangas de Onis, Spain: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. 2024. Parador de Cangas de Onís. 1,976. from $105/night. Apartamentos Spa Cueto.

  10. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Cangas de Onis (UPDATED 2024)

    Walk up from the restaurant Puente Dobra on the N625 south of Cangas de Onis. Pass the medieval bridge and continue to the beautiful pool (Olla de San Vicente). It's a popular swimming spot, but worth the walk and braving the freezing water temperatures, especially to jump into the smaller pool under the waterfall.

  11. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Cangas de Onis

    Things to Do in Cangas de Onis, Spain: See Tripadvisor's 51,361 traveller reviews and photos of Cangas de Onis tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Cangas de Onis. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  12. Discovering Cangas de Onís: The Gateway to the Picos de Europa

    Cangas de Onís, located in the heart of Asturias, is a historical and natural gem of Spain. Known as the gateway to the Picos de Europa, this city offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From its famous Roman bridge to the stunning mountains that surround it, Cangas de Onís is a tourist destination that should not be ...

  13. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Cangas de Onis (Updated 2024)

    The most popular things to do in Cangas de Onis with children according to Tripadvisor travellers are: Basilica de Santa Maria la Real de Covadonga; Puente Romano; Lagos de Covadonga; Rio Dobra; Mirador de la Reina; See all kid friendly things to do in Cangas de Onis on Tripadvisor

  14. Cangas de Onis Travel Guide

    Get information on Cangas de Onis Travel Guide - Expert Picks for your Vacation hotels, restaurants, entertainment, shopping, sightseeing, and activities. Read the Fodor's reviews, or post your own.

  15. The Picturesque Town of Cangas de Onis: A Must-Visit Destination

    2024-01-25. Cangas de Onis is a small town located in the heart of the Picos de Europa mountain range in northern Spain. It is known for its picturesque setting, with the Sella River running through the town and the rugged peaks of the mountain range serving as a backdrop. The town is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, with a range ...

  16. THE 10 BEST Cangas de Onis Sights & Landmarks

    1. Basilica de Santa Maria la Real de Covadonga. 3,649. Churches & Cathedrals. By 877amandau. Beautiful buildings and setting …. despite the crowds this is a very quiet and spacious place. See tours. 2024. 2.

  17. What to see in Cangas de Onis

    Guide to hotels, apartments and rural houses in Asturias. Enjoy rural tourism and rural nature as a family. Search for rural houses, restaurants, shops and active tourism companies in Asturias. Routes, excursions, museums and everything you need to know to do tourism in the Principality.

  18. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Cangas de Onis

    Top Things to Do in Cangas de Onis, Asturias: See Tripadvisor's 52,063 traveller reviews and photos of 42 things to do when in Cangas de Onis.

  19. THE 10 BEST Cangas de Onis Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2024)

    Top Cangas de Onis Landmarks: See reviews and photos of sights to see in Cangas de Onis, Spain on Tripadvisor.

  20. The Best Things to Do in Cangas de Onis

    Things to Do in Cangas de Onis, Spain: See Tripadvisor's 52,074 traveller reviews and photos of Cangas de Onis tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in July. We have reviews of the best places to see in Cangas de Onis. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  21. Cangas de Onis Tourism (2024): All You Need to Know Before You Go

    Cangas de Onis Tourism: Tripadvisor has 52,089 reviews of Cangas de Onis Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Cangas de Onis Tourism resource.

  22. Cangas de Onís

    The main economic activities of this region are agriculture and cattle rearing along with rural tourism. The nearby Covadonga Sanctuary and its surrounding lakes are one of the main tourist destinations in Asturias. ... The capital of the municipality is the parish of Cangas de Onís. It is 27.22 km 2 (10.51 sq mi) in size with a population of ...

  23. Top 14 things to do and attractions in Cangas de Onis

    Una panorámica de 360 grados en la que podemos deleitarnos con imágenes únicas de Los Picos de Europa, la Basílica de Covadonga, el valle de Cangas de Onís y el mar Cantábrico. Para acceder al mirador tomaremos la carretera AS 144 dirección Covadonga en Cangas de Onís.

  24. Things to Do in Cangas de Onis

    Things to Do in Cangas de Onis, Spain: See Tripadvisor's 52,104 traveller reviews and photos of Cangas de Onis tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in July. We have reviews of the best places to see in Cangas de Onis. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  25. Cangas De Onis Travel Stories

    Discover amazing travel experiences in Cangas De Onis with Lonely Planet's insider tips, inspirational traveler stories and expert guidance from around the world. Lonely Planet. Destinations. Planning. Inspiration. Shop. Search. Saves. Open main menu. Cangas De Onis Travel Stories | No results found.